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News Update
Barry Elms Editor
Welcome to the August issue of Harmonica World. My thanks to all our contributors for writing some great articles for this issue of Harmonica World, and the fantastic editorial team for putting everything together - there wouldn’t be a magazine without them all.
Please note that there was an error with the diagram in the article on page 19 of our June/July magazine. Please refer to the electronic ISSUU magazine for the correct diagram. At Harmonica World we always need volunteers to write articles or reviews, or generally to help out. For articles we need either 300 or 600 words, ideally in Word or Pages format, and some photos or images to go with them if possible. If you’d like to help or submit an article, please get in touch by email. Finally, we are always on the lookout for short news items for this page - please send them in by email. editor@harmonica.co.uk
A message from HarmonicaUK member Jim Davies:
I’ve got a lot of good friends in the lovely, wounded town of Bad Muenstereifel, all made through the Town Twinning Association. The town has been savaged by the floods, roads ripped up, people swept away, bridges destroyed, no power, no water and no phone lines. Three of my friends have had their cellars flooded - they say they’re lucky! https://ashfordtwintowns.uk/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_M%C3%BCnstereifel Ashford Folk has played their Carnival a few times, Morris sides, beekeepers, archers, and choirs have all been out there. I’ve included the crowd-funding appeal set up by Ashford Twinning Association, please give what you can. https://justgiving.com/crowfunding/bm-flood-appeal and will be organising other fundraising events so please keep following this page.