1 minute read
Neil Warren
SPAH Convention: 10–14 August 2021. Charlotte, USA. Currently planned to be a virtual festival: https://www.spah.org/content.asp?contentid=138 HarmonicaUK Annual Festival: 15–17 October 2021, UK. Confirmed as a virtual festival Wisconsin Annual Blues Harmonica Festival: 19 November, 2021, USA. Currently planned to be a physical festival: www.eventbrite.com/e/wisconsin–annual–blues–harmonica–festival–2021–tickets–84058736945 HarmonicaUK Lockdown Sessions: typically run weekly, virtually: www.harmonicauk.com/lockdown–sessions/ Mundharmonika Live, 14–19 September, Germany: https://mundharmonika–live.de/
SPAH Week 2021
Join us for SPAH Week 2021, 58th Annual SPAH Convention, online 10–14 August 2021, featuring OVER 60 hours of live and recorded, world-class performances, seminars, and technical sessions, including: • The Blues Blowoff - a live show, hosted by Mark Hummel, with several great blues artists • The Music-City All-Stars, with PT Gazell, Buddy Greene, Charlie
McCoy and more • Jason Ricci w/Joe Krown • Featuring: Billy Boy Arnold w/Eric Noden, Christelle Berthon, Cy
Leo, The Haymakers, International Youth Show, and many, many more • 25 seminars on chromatic, diatonic, and MIDI harmonicas, as well as repairs • A Sponsor & Vendor room • 8 hours of Joe Filisko’s Teach-in • Plus: time to visit with friends Brought to your home by SPAH and its sponsors Registration/details: www.SPAH.org Blues Blowoff: $15 Convention: SPAH Members only $100 Annual SPAH Membership: $50/year Registration proceeds go to our artists Please note: performers and teachers are subject to change.