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Chairman’s message
I do hope that you are all enjoying the summer. Since our last magazine we completed a very successful Chromatic Weekend in Birmingham. One of the highlights for me was co-hosting Jim Hughes’ workshop; his stories and of course his playing was simply incredible, thanks Jim; and thanks to the funny and talented Paddy Byrne for being a great compere. There is a detailed write up about the Chromatic Weekend later on in this magazine. Our lineup for this year’s October Festival is really exciting, plus we are expecting a few special announcements over the weekend. Our AGM will be live on Friday 21st October. Can I encourage you all to attend this important meeting. The committee and helpers are only custodians for this great organisation as we strive to continue the work of our forebears who began our journey in 1935. On a sad note, Davina Brazier is stepping down as our secretary at the AGM. It is hard to find words to describe her contribution over the many years she has served on the committee and more recently within the Executive team, ensuring that we are compliant, inclusive, diverse, and well placed to grow and prosper. Thank you, Davina. Sam Wilkinson is also stepping down at the AGM for personal reasons. In this current administration Sam has worked looking after publicity, he has also been vice-chair, sat on a number of sub-committees bringing in change, and of course the amazing lockdown sessions where he arranged top artists to come and do workshops during the dark days of the pandemic, and finally of course the open mics. Sammy Boy has worked incredibly hard, with dedication and great humour, and we will sorely miss him. Dave Hambley, our Membership Secretary, has announced that he will be retiring at the AGM. Dave has worked tirelessly for 15 years not only in his main role, but as secretary also, and has been at the forefront of the organizing teams for the Chromatic Weekends and of course the main festival. Undoubtedly, he has been our stalwart. Thank you, Dave. Finally, I am stepping down on Sunday 23rd October and I will be leaving the committee. It has been an honour and privilege to be able to go from teenage member in the early eighties to chair of this great organisation. My team have moved mountains, giving us a new identity and look, new IT, new look magazine, an outreach team, newsdesk team, and a robust structure. I would like to thank all who have worked with me over the past 2 ½ years. Barry Elms will step up as chair in October, as you know he has been my vicechair and is well placed to ensure a seamless transition. Barry has all the necessary skills to be a great chair. It is with sadness and a great deal of pride that I sign off for the last time as Chair as I say Happy Harping to you all,