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Meet the new Committee members
Three new Committee members joined us at this year’s AGM at our annual festival. You’ll already be familiar with Dave ‘Dogfish’ Colclough, who has been editing Harmonica World since the Spring 2022 issue. Gene Myers has previously helped out at our events, including our online festivals and the most recent live festival in October; Gene brings a wealth of talent and experience to the committee. Finally, Andrew Hardy is joining us - as a Chartered Accountant he also brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm. I hope you will join me in welcoming them to the Committee.
Dave (Dogfish) Colclough
I have had jobs in the past including working in the building trade, working in a gym and as a DJ, before retraining as a massage therapist and achieving qualifications in counselling. Some of you might know me as the current editor of Harmonica World. I play mostly diatonic in all styles of music, although I play the big one with the button occasionally! I have been told I have a cheeky sense of humour and I love sea fishing, music, and socialising.
Gene Myers
When I was 16, I saw James Cotton perform for the first time in Connecticut at a renowned blues club, and soon after, bought a copy of the classic Folkways instructional album, Blues Harp. Within a few days I learned to bend notes. Throughout my life and careers, I’ve had a close relationship with and keen interest in music. I was a photographer and printmaker during my first 38 years, and during the second half of my life, a software professional. I’ve founded a few companies; the first developed a music festival app. I’m currently the Chief Technical Officer and Director at Wyld Networks, specialising in satellite IoT. In the last couple of years I’ve started playing the harmonica again, and helping out at events for HarmonicaUK.
Andrew Hardy
I am a qualified accountant and have practised as such for the last 30 years. There’s not much opportunity for making music in that profession, although occasionally clients sing for joy when I save them a bit of tax! I have always been interested in music and took up a few courses with Ben Hewlett. From this I developed my interest in the harmonica - it’s such an underrated and expressive instrument. I love all styles but am especially interested in zydeco and classical genres. These past few years I have met some lovely people on Zoom and am really keen to get more involved.
Suzy Colclough Communications Manager Newsdesk Winter 2022
There’s lots to look at in the Newsdesk section of our website, which you can check out here: www.harmonica.uk/pages/ Newsdesk. We have tutorials from well-known tutors, concert and gig announcements and upcoming open mics. You can also find the results of the October Festival competition here www.harmonica.uk/articles/october-festival-2022competition-winners You can view all the entries and the adjudicator’s comments here www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOXx4MA-yqnojU_ GKAKi87vhX5SfSrB2J With the announcement of our two brand-new Ambassadors, Cy Leo and Sarah Saputri, you will be able to read more about them soon, alongside our existing Ambassadors Sam Spranger and Rachelle Plas, here www.harmonica.uk/articles/meet-theambassadors-two-new-ambassadors-announced If you have something for Newsdesk then please send it to newsdesk@harmonica.uk
By Roger Trobridge
This section will contain articles from past issues and is a look back to a time when opinions of the day may not conform to what current acceptability might be. HarmonicaUK does not endorse any controversial opinions relating to the thinking of this period. Harmonica players started young in the 1930s. In the last edition we heard from Larry Adler, and here is news about a promising youngster called Tom Reilly from a 1936 issue of
Accordion Times and Harmonica News. (Roger Trobridge)
Versatile Harmonica Player
Tom Reilly, aged sixteen, was born in Canada and was for some years the soloist in the famous Elmdale Chromatic
Harmonica Band. Now he is over here as soloist with Al
Marshall’s Harmonica Rascals.
A very versatile musician is Tom. He has played violin in a symphony orchestra and was an accordionist in the Elmdale
Accordion Band. The Elmdale activities also included a bugle band. Tom was one of its members and helped it to win prizes. He will shortly be heard on the air from Radio Luxembourg.