Welcome back to Harmony Public Schools for the 2023-24 school year! We’re glad to have your family join us for another exciting and engaging school year filled with learning, opportunity, and fun.
We continue to monitor conditions surrounding COVID -19 and observe guidance provided by the CDC, the Texas Education Agency, and government health officials, Harmony will continue with faceto- face instruction at all campuses for the 2023-2024 school year. We couldn’t be more excited to see all of our students back to campus to learn together this year.
As always, Harmony is focusing our efforts on providing an excellent educational experience for students that supports their social, emotional, and academic growth. Additionally, to keep members of our Harmony community as safe as possible during on-campus learning, Harmony also will continue to implement a
comprehensive set of COVID-19 safety protocols, which are highlighted in the pages of this guidebook.
To ensure a safe and productive school year for each member of our Harmony community, administrators, staff members, parents and students are expected to follow these guidelines throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
Please note, this guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Harmony will continue to consult available guidance from government agencies and other information deemed relevant to monitor the situation. Harmony will continue to comply with applicable federal and state laws, as well as school safety and accessibility standards to address individual needs.
Because COVID-19 is evolving, we may need to update the playbook as the situation dictates. You can find the latest version at www.HarmonyTX.org/playbook.
Our goal is to provide a clean, safe and healthy environment to all of our staff and students. We will implement the following practices to minimize the risk in all of our school buildings;
Using enhanced air filters to increase the air quality in buildings.
Providing touchless faucets in bathrooms to minimize the risks.
Cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting of facilities.
Encouraging personal hygiene
Providing face masks (wear optional)
Recommending vaccinations – highly recommended and available 6+ months
For families concerned about potential learning losses due to COVID-19, Harmony has developed a comprehensive plan to help identify students who may be struggling and get them back on track.
Students will attend school in person, five days a week Teachers will provide in-person learning
In-person learning will include hands-on activities, small group projects and intervention, station rotations and teacher one-on-one support etc.
HPS anticipates all extracurricular activities to resume for students, including academic clubs, athletics, fine arts, UIL competitions etc
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Because the majority of our students' days are spent inside the classroom, a comprehensive list of classroom safety and sanitation procedures is needed to prevent possible exposure to COVID-19
Cleaning and sanitizing materials will be available in classrooms throughout the 2023-2024 School Year
Teachers will ensure high-touch areas in the classroom are wiped or cleaned when they see necessary They will be provided wipes
Teachers will teach/model expectations for safe student movement such as: how to use hand sanitizing stations, keeping hands to oneself when walking to and from desks, walking the shortest distance to their desk, etc
Harmony's mental health support systems include increased staffing of behavioral counselors, as well as a behavior intervention system that supports and rewards good choices and positive behavior decisions
Harmony will provide mental health support to our students and staff during the 2023-24 school year
Each campus will utilize a Behavioral Counselor and implement support systems to ensure all students and staff receive the help they need
Keeping our students safe from exposure to COVID19 is one of our top priorities.
The following procedures have been implemented in the event a case of COVID-19 occurs on campus.
If a student exhibits or expresses COVID-19 symptoms, teachers will send the student to the Health Aide School health aides will communicate with parents/guardians and students will be sent home Students will be required to wear a mask and remain in the clinic or quarantine area until parent pick up Students will not return to school until clearance given by the school health aide
For a student who is symptomatic, to return to school one of the following must be met and submitted to the individual’s campus health aide:
suppressing medications such as Tylenol or fever reducers ; Symptoms have improved; and at least 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared;
Symptoms have improved; and at least 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
Obtain a negative COVID-19 test, and 24 hours have passed since symptoms resolved;
At least 24 hours have passed since recovery, defined as resolution of fever, diarrhea, or vomiting without the use of symptoms
Families will self-report within 48 hours to the health staff if their child(ren) tested positive.
Families are responsible fo more than 3 days after retu of the student’s absence. Families may do this via a Guardian Absence Request in Skyward or a written note given to the Attendance Specialist upon the student’s return.
For students who test positive, it is encouraged that they follow their doctor’s instructions. The student must be free of fever, vomiting, or diarrhea for 24 hours without use of symptom suppressing medications
p family members, community partners, and the countless volunteers who dedicate their time to our schools and students each year. In limited circumstances, Harmony will return to allowing some of these in-person visits to campus under the following conditions.
At principals’ discretion, volunteers are permitted on campus as needed for school projects, meetings, and events
Volunteers with COVID-19 symptoms should NOT enter school buildings or offices
Volunteers should stay in designated areas and follow all campus protocols
HPS campuses will continue utilization of the doorbell and speaker to keep campuses secure.
Health experts have learned much about the way COVID-19 spreads since the beginning of the pandemic. Among the things they have learned is that the virus poses a relatively low threat for spread in outdoor spaces That's why our recess times at Harmony will look very similar to how they appeared before COVID-19, with just a few enhanced safety rules and recommendations
Face masks will be optional for both students and Harmony team members.
Hand sanitizing rituals and routines will be in place
Because masks aren't always a viable option while eating, Harmony will implement a few additional safety measures during lunch and breakfast times to help prevent the spread of germs and viruses, while still allowing students to eat together and socialize with their school peers
Students will not be allowed to share food or utensils
Students will sanitize their hands before and after eating
Harmony will maintain administration and adult supervision/presence in the cafeteria to reinforce mealtime safety measures
Cafeteria teams will continue to clean and sanitize dining areas to include tables, seats, and floors as time allows in between meal services.
To reduce the potential spread of germs and other contaminants in hallways and other common areas, Harmony is implementing multiple science-based health measures
Teachers will provide supervision in the hallways to remind students of protocols and minimize risk
Transportation may not be provided for all Harmony campuses (Contact your Harmony campus to learn more about transportation options at your school ) However, for those campuses that do offer bus service, Harmony is implementing the following COVID-19 safety measures
Hand sanitizer will be available for students to use before boarding and exiting the bus
Face masks are optional while traveling in a schoolprovided vehicle
To prevent the spread of germs by mouth contact, Harmony is strongly requesting that neither students nor team members drink directly from water fountains, and instead bring reusable water bottles to campus each day
Students are encouraged to bring their own filled reusable clear water bottle to use throughout the day and take water bottles home on a daily basis to be cleaned
The preceding guidelines are based upon recommendations and requirements of the Texas Education Agency (TEA), U.S. Department of Education (USDOE), and Centers for Disease Control (CDC). For