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Exhibitions Hammering Man Early Learning Intern Feature Korean Art Digitization Harn Amenities About the Cover
The fall semester at the Harn Museum of Art is set to be a lively and transformative experience for visitors and there is an air of excitement and anticipation in our community. The museum has been hard at work this summer preparing for a year of exceptional programs including special exhibitions of Cuban and Himalayan art. These exhibitions and the dynamic public programs we offer throughout the year promise to inspire visitors each and every time they visit. Earlier this year the Harn launched an exciting new program called Art After Dark. This initiative, generously supported by a private foundation, aims to bring together and engage UF students, staff and faculty, as well as the greater Gainesville community. The museum is open until 9 pm every Thursday night for you to enjoy your art collection! Certain Thursday nights, such as Museum Nights and Wine Down Thursdays, also include music, interactive activities and refreshments.
image: Sandra Ramos, Bajo el hechizo de la palma (Under the Spell of the Palm Tree), 1993, Collection of Susie and Mitchell Rice