The Torbitt Document & the Kennedy Assassination
© 1996 Adventures Unlimited Press Introduction© 1996 by Kenn Thomas Commentary © 1996 by David Hatcher Childress ISBN 0-932813-39-9
Nomenclature an Assassination Cabal first appeared in manuscript form in 1970 Printed in the United States of America Published by Adventures Unlimited Press One Adventure Place Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA
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Top: Area 51, Satellite view, 1968. Bottom: Highway exit sign for Mercury, Nevada, outside the secret airbase Area 51. Apollo Astronauts were trained at Mercury.
1~1 Rill] SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 11163
I GOVERNOR Of TEXAS I WOUNDED; MARXIST ACCUSED Of MURDER President Shot Sniper Fires 3 in Head; Wife Times from 6th by His Side
FORWARD: NASA, NAZIS & JFK by David Hatcher Childress New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison once said, "President Kennedy was murdered by elements of the industrial warfare complex working in concert with individuals in the United States Government. At the time of his murder, President Kennedy was working to end the Cold War. The annual income of the defense industry was well over twenty billion dollars a year, and there were forces in that industry and in the U.S. Government which opposed the ending of the Cold War. " In 1970 a photocopied manuscript began circulating among conspiracy researchers entitled "Nomenclature of an Assassination William Torbitt (a pseudonym). The Torbitt Document was a damning expose of]. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, John Connally and Werner von Braun, among many others, for their role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This first published edition of the Torbitt Document emphasizes what the manuscript says about the link between Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists working for NASA, the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC), the assassination of]FK, and the secret Nevada air base known as Area 51. The Torbitt Document reveals the roles in the assassination played by NASA and munitions police the little-known DISC: Defense Industrial Security Command, an organization headed by Werner von Braun. The Torbitt Document tells how the assassination was carried out by ]. Edgar Hoover's elite Division Five. The FBI's Division Five investigated both the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations, finding only evidence for "lone-nut" assassins. The Torbitt Document tells how the Las Vegas mob and the
shadow corporate entities Permindex and Centro-Mondiale Commerciale were involved and how the FBI cooperated with the Mafia to create the crime and later cover it up. The Torbitt Document links the same "assassination cabal" to the failed 1962 assassination attempt on French President Charles DeGaulle. Torbitt tells how DeGaulle traced the assassination from right-wing French Algerians to Permindex in Switzerland and NATO headquarters in Brussels. Other damning accusations in the Torbitt Document are on how Lyndon Johnson, John Connally, Clay Shaw, Werner von Braun and British Intelligence were tied to the assassination plot and how the "Assassination Cabal" planned to blame anti-Castro groups or Castro himself, if the "lone-nut" version failed. Indeed, the Torbitt Document paints a dark picture of NASA, the military industrial complex, and the connections to Mercury, Nevada and the Area 51 complex which headquarters the "secret space program." The role of the FBI and the military industrial complex in the assassination of JFK has long been underestimated while the role that the CIA played in the assassination may have been overestimated. There seems to be no doubt that the CIA played an important role in the cover-up and planning of JFK's murder. Consider this: How could the many murders, bits of evidence, and glaring inconsistencies have been kept from the public for such a long time without the full cooperation of the FBI's investigative team? It was the FBI's Division Five that not only investigated the assassination of JFK (and of RFK and Martin Luther King) but planned these assassinations as well. When the FBI or CIA investigates its own criminal activities, does it seem surprising that they can find no evidence of such activities? Despite the fact that nearly all Americans are aware that both the FBI and the CIA have been involved in "extra-legal" activities, the FBI and CIA have continued to deny any wrongdoing. It's like the boy holding a can of spray paint behind his back and insisting that "he didn't do it"
and doesn't know who did! Consider this: The head of the FBI's Division Five at the time of the assassination was William Sullivan. Sullivan was one of Hoover's top aides and personally handled the FBI investigations into the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK. He found no wrongdoing on the part of any government agency and firmly announced that each assassination was the doing of a lone nut assassin. Sullivan was also deeply involved in the infamous COINTELPRO Operation which Hoover used to infiltrate and smear the political left. In 197 5 Sullivan was called before a Congressional committee about Oswald. When asked whether he had seen anything in the files to indicate a relationship between Oswald and the CIA, Sullivan replied, "No ... I think there may be something on that, but you asked me if I had seen anything. I don't recall having seen anything like that, but I think there is something on that point ... It rings a bell in my head." In 1977 the Assassinations Committee was to question William Sullivan to be more specific about the source of that bell in his head, but before he could testify he was shot to death at dawn in November, 1977, the apparent victim of a "hunting accident." The man who shot Sullivan said, "I thought he was a deer. " Sullivan, like many witnesses, never testified before the Congressional Assassinations Committee. If he did not perjure himself, he might have told them some very interesting things. What little we can piece together of Sullivan's activities for Division Five of the FBI are damning evidence that he was part of a massive cover-up, at the very least. Sullivan was in Washington D.C. the day of the assassination. By 6:00 P.M. of that day, Sullivan was in charge of im:estigating the internal security aspects and background of Oswald. H.R. Haldeman, President Nixon's chief of staff who went down with the Watergate scandal, wrote in his book The Ends of Power about the Watergate tapes: "In all of those Nixon references
to the Bay of Pigs, [Nixon] was actually referring to the Kennedy assassination ... The CIA literally erased any connection between Kennedy's assassination and the CIA... in fact, Counter Intelligence Chief James Angleton of the CIA called Bill Sullivan of the FBI and rehearsed the questions and answers they would give to the Warren Commission investigators." Another FBI agent, Dallas resident James P. Hosty Jr., was the agent in charge of Oswald's case at the time of the assassination. According to the Warren Commission, on November 6, 1963, Oswald wrote a note to Hosty, which Hosty later ripped up and flushed down the toilet, under the orders of FBI office chief J. Gordon Shanklin. On the 1988 British television documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Hosty said, "I feel there was, based on what I know now, a benign cover-up. [The government] was concerned about Oswald's connections to the Soviet Union and to Castro. They were fearful that, if public were to find this out, they would become so incensed that it could possibly have led to an atomic war." Hosty also said in that documentary that he was told by an FBI counterintelligence agent, not long after the assassination, that he was to halt all FBI investigations of Oswald and all cooperation with the Dallas Police Department regarding Oswald's background. Hosty said, "I have since determined that those orders came directly from Assistant Director William Sullivan, who was in charge of foreign counterintelligence and direct liaison to the National Security Council." As "William Torbitt" will remind us over and over again, William Sullivan was also head of Division Five. Another key FBI agent in the cover-up was New Orleans senior agent Regis Kennedy. It was Regis Kennedy who gave David Ferrie his much needed alibi of being in a courtroom with crime boss Carlos Marcello, supposedly witnessed by the FBI agent. Says British author Anthony Summers in his bestselling book Conspiracy: Who Killed President Kennedy?, "His attitude to organized crime was
wholly inconsistent with his post. When David Ferrie needed an alibi after the assassination, it was Regis Kennedy who lined up with Carlos Marcello himself, and with Marcello's lawyer, to provide the inconsistent alibi. If Regis Kennedy did see Ferrie that fateful noontime, it was right to say so. However, this FBI officer's attitude to the Mafia, and to Marcello in particular, seems indefensible. Contrary to all other authorities, he insisted to the Assassinations Committee that Marcello was indeed a mere 'tomato salesman and real estate investor.' Regis Kennedy declared blithely that he 'did not believe Marcello was a significant organized-crime figure' and singled out the 1963 period as one of Marcello's innocent years. A report by the chief counsel of the Assassinations Committee found that the FBI's 'limited work on the Marcello case may have been attributable to a disturbing attitude on the part of the senior agent who supervised the case, Regis Kennedy.' Regis Kennedy directed much of the New Orleans inquiry after the assassination and was one of those assigned to investigate the original allegation that Marcello had uttered threats against the President's life." Regis Kennedy refused to testify before the New Orleans grand jury investigation into the assassination, citing "executive privilege." The "executive privilege" was from LBJ who gave Kennedy permission not to testify. Regis Kennedy was identified by Beverly Oliver as one of two men who took from her the super8 movie film she had taken of the assassination. This valuable movie footage of the assassination may be more important than the Zapruder footage. The film was never seen again, probably turned over to William Sullivan and Division Five. Other FBI agents that are curiously involved in the JFK assassination and its aftermath include Robert Maheu, a former FBI agent who became the CIA emissary first charged with recruiting the Mafia to kill Castro, a man who is also quite familiar to readers of The Gemstone File. Maheu controlled the entire Howard Hughes empire after Hughes was "kidnapped" in 1958. The list of FBI
misdeeds and suspicious characters is a long and familiar one, but it is the other side of the Torbitt Document that is more carefully hidden by the conspirators: the role of NASA, DISC, and Permindex in Switzerland. One of the most curious episodes in the JFK "thing" was that of Canadian businessman Richard Giesbrecht who overheard David Ferrie discussing his role in the assassination with another man at the Winnipeg Airport on February 13, 1964. Giesbrecht overheard Ferrie talking several times about a package coming from Nevada. Later the other man mentioned Mercury as the location where various contacts of one sort or another had taken place. Mercury, Nevada, is not known to most Americans, but it should be: it is part of NASA and is where the astronauts were trained for the Apollo moon m1ss10ns. Giesbrecht talked to FBI agent Merryl Nelson whom he contacted through the U.S. consulate in Winnipeg. Giesbrecht said that the FBI agent at first told him, "This looks like the break we've been waiting for" - only to tell him a few months later to forget the whole thing. FBI agent Nelson is supposed to have said to Giesbrecht, "It's too big. We can't protect you in Canada." Giesbrecht told the Canadian press that he believed that the FBI was ignoring his evidence and went to Jim Garrison in New Orleans. Garrison confirmed that Ferrie had been in Winnipeg that day. Garrison, however, may not have realized that Giesbrecht's greatest clue was that of Mercury, Nevada. In the '90s, the past looks back at us larger than life. The manipulation of all aspects of our lives becomes more and more apparent and the theories that Oswald was implanted and controlled as a 'mind-control' victim are no longer so impossible. The aerospace and rocket industry of Nazi Germany became the American space program. Take a look at the James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever, released in 1972. In one scene, James Bond, while on assignment in Las Vegas, sneaks into a secret facility in the Nevada desert outside of
Las Vegas. This facility is Mercury. Once inside the facility Bond pretends to be a worker in a lab coat and walks into a room where a German engineer is in charge. The man is clearly meant to be Werner von Braun. After witnessing the faking of the Apollo moon missions, Bond steals the lunar-rover and escapes into the desert. Does Diamonds Are Forever mirror the truth about NASA being part of a secret conspiracy? While Werner von Braun saw his own pet rocket projects come to fruition, did he know of the secret anti-gravity projects, the crashed flying saucers, the secret mind-control and genetic research? He must have. With concepts like ALTERNATIVE 3, underground bases full of genetically created "aliens" or secret trips to the Moon and Mars, today's informed public cannot help but wonder, WHAT IS NASA? Perhaps the greatest secret of the JFK assassination is the role played by von Braun, DISC and NASA. Perhaps the Kennedy space program and the von Braun/military industrial complex space program (commonly known as NASA) just didn't mesh. Electric spacecraft, magnetic spacecraft, gyro spacecraft and other alternative propulsion means were simply not an acceptable alternative to the oil companies and their defense department associates.
David Ferrie. "Carlos Marcello gave David Ferrie final instructions at about 1:00 P.M., November 22, 1963 at the New Orleans Federal Court House." William Sullivan, former director of the FBI's Division Five. He died in a dawn shooting incident before he could testify to the Assassinations Committee.
Douglas MacArthur reviews Corps of Cadets at West Point in May 1962 after his speech announcing the possibility of "attack by people from other planets." The Torbitt Document mentions "Harold Isaacs," a man connected to the network of MacArthur's intelligence chief, Charles Willoughby. Giesbrecht told the FBI that Ferrie mentioned the name "Isaacs."
New Orleans FBI agent Guy Bannister.
V1P visit to Peenemlinde on 26 May 1943. At the extreme left is Dr. Walter Thiel, von Braun's propulsion chief, and next to him is Councillor Plendel. The officer behind him is Colonel and staff officer Claus Count Schenk von Stauffenberg who two years later would make an unsuccessful attempt on Hitler's life. Further to the right walks Infantry General Herbert Olbricht, an unidentified officer, and then Grand Admiral Karl DOnitz in the naval greatcoat. Behind Donitz in civilian hat is Paul Storch. General Heinz Brandt is seen in front of the A-4, hands behind his back. Colonel Walter Damberger has turned to talk to the officer behind him while Wernher von Braun in dark suit follows to his left. Officer at extreme right is unidentified.
Nazi Germany's wartime rocket chief Walter Dornberger (left), seen here with Wernher von Braun in 1944. Dornberger set the schedule by which 20,000 inmates at the Nordhausen concentration camp were worked to death. BOTTOM LEFT: Nordhausen. camp shortly after liberation by U.S. troops in April 1945. BOTTOM RIGHT: Dorn berger entered the United States under Project Paperclip and eventually emerged as a senior executive of the Bell Aerosystems Division of Textron. The photo here is from 1954.
Willi Mrazek, Friedrich Dhom, Emil Hellebrand, Walter Jacobi, Hermann Weidner, Helmut Zoike, Wernher von Braun, Robert Paetz, and Oscar Bauschinger. Note the Nazi Swastika on the sign. Von Braun had made the complete switch from the German Military Industrial machine to the American Military Industrial Complex.
Left: Von Braun's 1948 book on the Mars Project. Right: A converted V-2 rocket by von Braun and his rocket scientists ready for launching at the White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico in April, 1946.
President Kennedy and his entourage arrive at Redstone Arsenal on September 11, 1962 to tour the Marshall Space Center and discuss propulsion methods for going to the Moon. From left to right: Army Ordnance Missile Command commander Major General Francis J. McMorrow, von Braun, JFK, LBJ, NASA Administrator James E. Webb, Army Materiel Command commander Lietenant General F. S. Besson, and Marshall deputy director Eberhard Rees.
President Kennedy, von Braun, NASA Administrator James E. Webb, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, Kennedy's special assistant for Science and Technology Dr. Jerome B. Wiesner, and director of Defense Research Engineering Dr. Harold Brown tour the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center on September 11, 1962. An impassioned discussion of the best method to travel to the Moon occurred just after this photo was made. Von Braun insisted that the gigantic Saturn V rocket was the only method by which a voyage to the Moon was possible. Kennedy and Wiesner apparently were arguing with von Braun about other methods of travel to the Moon.
The "wink" photograph. Congressman Albert Thomas, responsible for funding NASA, gives Lyndon Johnson a wink shortly after the swearing-in cermony on Air Force One following JFK's assassination. This print was taken from a copy negative held by the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas. The original negative is missing. Photo by Cecil Stoughton.
Von Braun stands with his Mercedes automobile in front of Building 4488 at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, in 1961. There, both the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and the new NASA-George C. Marshall Space Flight Center shared quarters while the latter's facility was under construction about a mile away. DISC was commanded by von Braun from this building.
2 Contents Introduction, page 4 Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, page 23 Chapter 1:
Permindex and Its Five Subsidiaries, page 24
Chapter 2:
J. Edgar Hoover, Ferenc Nagy, Clay Shaw, L. M. Bloomfield, Permindex, page 47
Chapter 3:
,Roy Cohn, General John Medaris, )oe Bonanno, L. M. Bloomfield, The Syndicate and the Mafia, page 56
Chapter 4:
The Assassination DeGaulle, page 74
Chapter 5:
In 1961 European and U. S. Publications Revealed the Defense Intelligence Agency's Support of The Revolting French Generals, page 79
Chapter 6:
Permindex and Double-Chek Agents And Their Activities, page 95
Chapter 7:
[untitled], page 106
Chapter 8:
Jean DeMenil, Oswald, Gordon Novel and Their Activities and Associates, page 124
Chapter 9:
Hungarian Prime Minister, Ferenc Nagy's, Chronological Activities, and Werner Von Braun, page 137
Chapter 10:
The Yale Club in Jamaica and World Commerce Corporation Successor to the German Munitions Cartels, page 149
Chapter 11:
Clay Shaw, Permindex Director, Plans A Murder, page 158
Chapter 12:
William Seymour, Agent For The Defense Industrial Security Command, Participates in a Murder, page 167
Chapter 13:
Conclusion, page 186
About the Author, William Torbitt [as originally appearing in the 1970 document], page 195
INTRODUCTION: "Furtive Winks, Flying DISCs and the Torbitt Document" Albert Thomas winks at Lyndon Johnson Johnson's swearing-in as president after murder in a famous photo, but he also at all who come to this unsettled bit of documentation about the assassination. David includes it almost gratuitously in his book, Best Evidence(l). Richard Trask's Pictures of the Pain (2) reproduces the photographic negatives of swearing-in sequence without any concern that ¡ photo is the only one missing. When Steamshovel Press pointed this out (3), and contacted the LBJ Library in Austin to verify that the negative--only that one from the sequence--is missing, Trask responded that it could "easily be interpreted as a making of contact with another as a gesture of good luck, or as a sign of empathy, or other such non-conspiracy possibility. I suspect, but cannot prove, that someone saw in this negative what they thought might be construed by others as an inappropriate gesture given the morbid nature of the circumstances surrounding the swearing-in, and an attempt was made to get rid of the negative."(4) Trask' s susp1c10n 1s not one of non-conspiracy, of course, but of lesser conspiracy. He offers Albert Thomas the benefit of the doubt, that the congressman or a simpatico attempted to purge the historic record of a social faux pas, not
5 an incnmmating bit of circumstantial evidence. Any pro-conspiracy researcher of the JFK assassination could do the same without challenging the certainty of his or her conclusions. Certainly the opinions of those with a casual interest in the topic do not stand or fall on the Albert Thomas connection. While many people no doubt shrug their shoulders at what the "wink photo" might suggest, most people know that JFK's assassination involved a conspiracy. As recently as May 1996, even the curmudgeon Walter Cronkite, paid for thirty years to hold CBS' view for non-conspiracy, allowed in his Cronkite Remembers special that Oswald "may have had an accomplice" .(5) And so it is with the T orbitt Document. The gamut of opinion about this curious piece of samizdat runs from Lobster editor Robin Ramsay's conclusion that it's "typical smart-ass CIA stuff to muddy the pool," (6) to John Judge's view that it represents a kind of Rosetta stone to understanding the event. It's 157 pages of mixed type-script, scribbled marginalia and good but horridly formatted sourcing has circulated since its 1970 creation by William T orbitt, the pseudonym of a lawyer in the American southwest. The mismatched, awkward and missing references, the odd capitalizing and punctuation make the reader wonder how T orbitt got through his undergraduate education, let alone law school. As he explains in the afterward, the purpose of the
6 work is to defend "honest right-wing conservatives" from being pinned with the crime of Kennedy's murder by a fascist cabal. It makes connections to such then-unknown governmental spy agencies as Defense Industrial Security Command and Division Five of the FBI; it suggests that a former prime minister of Hungary was the infamous "umbrella man" seen in the Zapruder film; it introduces to the assassination lore such personalities as Fred Crisman (spelled "Chrismon" by T orbitt) as one of the railroad tramps behind the grassy knoll. The T orbitt Document contains a lot to tempt a reader into dismissing it as lunacy. Yet, it has a real air of authenticity. It ties together indisputable parts of the Warren Commission and testimony Jim Garrison's case. Few now doubt the existence of DISC or the FBI's Division Five; Crisman and the umbrella man are seriously studied topics among JFK researchers. Every major study of the assassination cites the T orbitt Document; some support and expand upon its conclusions (7); even studies of the files released since the establishment of the government's Assassinations Material Review Board. (8) It is clearly the pivotal document of JFK assassination research. As with the "wink" photo, readers are invited to take it or leave it. One way or another, if they give the assassination literature more than a passing glance, they will encounter it. Copies of the original T orbitt manuscript were extant as late
as 1992, when the editor of the current volume received it from an anonymous researcher at a symposium in Chicago. Scrubbed up and even annotated and indexed versions of the Torbitt Document were available before and since on a per-order basis, most notably from that one-stop resource for much conspiracy research, Prevailing Winds (send for a catalog: POB 23511, Santa Barbara, CA 93121). This is the first published edition of the manuscript and with luck will increase its availability and encourage researchers to further expand Torbitt' s web of connections. Treading on that web, readers will discover that the "wink" photograph and the Torbitt document have another thing in common: NASA. Torbitt includes among his threads the role of Werner Von Braun, deputy administrator at NASA head from 1970-1972, in obtaining the Apollo contract for North American Aviation in 1961. Von Braun was a Paperclip Nazi rocket scientist who, as one of the spoils of World War II, became a top NASA bureaucrat. Under his work orders and those of his colleague Walter Dornberger, mentioned in the Torbitt as a directing officer of Bell Aerospace, POWs slaved and starved at the Nordhausen underground rocket works in Nazi Germany. Von Braun later claimed that his only interest in the Nazi rocket program was its potential for space travel. (9) He was preoccupied with the topic. According to UFO authors Brad Steiger and Joan
Whritenour, Von Braun told West German newspapers that a 1958 malfunction of a US Juno rocket had been "deflected" off-course by an unnamed and presumably extraterrestrial source. The following year he elaborated to Neues Europa that "we find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed, and whose base of operations is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into closer contact with these powers and in six or nine months' time it may be possible to speak with more precision on this matter." (10) The Von Braun Astronomical founded in 1954 by high schooler Sam Pruitt under Von Braun's direction, still maintains a 13.5 acre tract of land atop Monte Sano Mountain, near where the Torbitt identifies a DISC field office in Huntsville, Alabama. Von Braun's interest in space ran parallel with that of Albert Thomas in his later career. Elected in 1936 to the U.S. House of Representatives from the Eighth Texas District, (comprised of Harris County, where the city of Houston is located), Thomas since 1941 had served on the powerful House Appropriations Committee. Over the years he had voted to prevent workers from striking during the war and to increase Navy pay, but for the most part he was a loyal, liberal New Dealer whose electoral support came from organized labor and minorities. By JFK's day his Appropriations Committee
position exerted an enormous influence on how federal budget was spent. Despite the fact than voted in support of the Kennedy Administration in nearly 90% of the roll call votes from 1961 to 1963, he helped direct the committee on a course to trim the budget and stop Treasury bureaucratic measures to fund social welfare programs. He had a strong interest in funding the fledgling space program, however. (11) Thomas chaired the Independent Offices Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee, which controlled funds for the Atomic Energy Commission as well as NASA. His efforts funded space agency to its September 1961 decision to build its Manned Spacecraft Center near Houston, so far from the Cape Canaveral launch site in Florida. As the man with NASA's purse strings, he became a favorite of JFK's. The president's third-to-last speech was a testimonial to Thomas. Those final speeches and intended speeches have Kennedy the public hawk trumpeting the successes of the US' s military build-up, citing the hike in the Polaris submarine count, hyping the Tactical Fighter Experimenatal (TFX) planes, but focussing repeatedly and particularly on his ambitions for America in space. After making a dig at Thomas over the NASA payroll money being directed at Houston, Kennedy said of Thomas, "In 1990 the age of space will be entering its second phase, and our hopes in it to preserve the peace, to make sure that in this
great new sea, as on earth, the United States is second to none. And that is why I salute Albert Thomas and those Texans whom you sent to Washington in his time and since then, who recognize the needs and the trends today in the sixties so that when some meet here in 1990 they will look back on what we did and say that we made the right and wise decisions." (12) In Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye, a book published at the time the Torbitt Document began to circulate, Dave Powers and co-authors Kenneth O'Donnell and Joe McCarthy, summarized their perspective of Kennedy's behind-the-scenes relationship with Thomas at the time of the assass1nat1 on: "President Kennedy also timed the trip to Texas so that he could appear on Thursday night at a testimonial dinner for Representative Albert Thomas in Houston, the Congressman's hometown. The elderly Thomas was one of the President's favorite congressmen and had done important fiscal favors for Kennedy in his capacity as chairman of the subcommittee that approved supplementary appropriations. Thomas had raised the money for the launching of the space program. The President initiated the costly drive to put astronauts on the moon not only for national prestige, but equally because he thought that large government spending on the space project was urgently needed to stimulate the national economy. He felt deeply indebted to Thomas for
his support of the program and raised no objection when NASA located its Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, instead of somewhere in the Midwest or near Boston, where the President would have liked to have seen its huge payroll spent. "The President knew, of course, that NASA picked Houston for only one reason -- Albert Thomas. It was always entertaining to watch the President listening impatiently to a visitor who was beating a long-winded path around the bush and then interrupting with one quick question which immediately brought the heart of the matter into suddenly clear focus. When James E. Webb, the director of NASA, came to the President to explain the choice of the Manned Spacecraft Center's site, he began with a lengthy technical discussion about national geography. The President's eyes strayed to a written proposal that Webb had placed on his desk, and when he saw halfway down the page the first mention of Houston, he looked up at Webb and said, 'How is Albert Thomas feeling these days?' "Appearing at the Albert Thomas dinner was especially important to the President because Thomas was thinking of retiring due to poor health and the President had been urging him to stay on in Congress for at least another term. We paid no attention to it at the time, but later we remembered that the President said in his speech about Thomas, "I asked him to stay as long as I stayed -- I didn't know how long that would be."
(13) (In the same book, incidentally, readers discover that JFK shared a favorite movie with psychologist/space scientist Wilhelm Reich, Bad Day At Black Rock, the 1955 movie starring Spencer Tracy.) That Thomas also served on the Congressional subcommittee which funded the Atomic Energy Commission provides another gossamer strand in the web that spins out from the T orbitt. Researcher Peter Whitmey notes that the AEC' s proving grounds are located near a town in Nevada called Mercury, a town apparently JI.,,..., ....... by Harvey Oswald's albino-pilot comrade, David Ferrie, in a conversation overheard by Canadian businessman Richard Giesbrecht at a Winnipeg airport. (14) Oddly, authors Bill Kaysing and Randy Reid, claimed in their 1976 book, We Never Went To the Moon that NASA faked the moon landings at a secret soundstage in Mercury, Nevada. (15) If so, the soundstage recreated a non-secret reproduction of the lunar landscape built for the Apollo missions on a cow pasture outside the Manned Spacecraft Center that Albert Thomas had assured was built in Houston (16). Treading further on the Torbitt web to the present, "JANET" commuter flights flying workers into Area 51, the mysterious secret airbase north of Las Vegas so often in today's news, take a circuitous northwest route from Las Vegas to nearby Mercury. (17) Area 51 watchers Jl.Jl..11. ............. , ........
13 report difficulty tracking flight broadcasts beyond the radio beacon at Mercury. Area 51, of course, is today the center of much speculation about UFOs and has been historically linked to the development of the U2 spy plane. JFK assassination personalities such as Gordon Novel-mentioned in the T orbitt and a competing "umbrella man" to its Ferenc Nagy according to some researchers--have been attracted to the desert base. President Bill Clinton, an aspirant to the Camelot legacy, recently declared it exempt from environmental regulations in order to protect its secrets from a job hazards lawsuit. (Interesting, too, that JFK himself offered help to Twilight Zone's Rod Serling in 1963 on the film Seven Days In May, which warns of a fascist takeover of the US run from a desert base.)(18) Oswald's connections to the U2 remain infamous, of course, even if his link to NASA is lesser-known. His military service overseas began at Atsugi, Japan, out of which the U2s flew. He lived in the Soviet Union when it shot down Gary Powers' U2--some suggest Oswald gave the Soviets top secret info on the plane--and in Dallas he worked at J aggar-Chiles-Stovall, which did photographic work for the U2 project. The word "microdots" appeared under the address and phone number for Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall in Oswald's address book, another clear indication that Oswald did spy work. Another indication: photographs of foreign military bases taken from the Minox spy
14 camera found among Oswald's possessions reflected similarities to the work of George de Mohrenschildt, whose relationship with Oswald and the White Russian community is examined in the T orbitt. Oswald left the photography job for one with Reilly Coffee, which lasted two and a half months before he was fired. Oswald told the manager of a garage neighboring the coffee company that he had "found his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow" with an expected new job at NASA in New Orleans. Although he instead went to work at the School Book Depository, four coworkers at Reilly who specifically knew and worked with Oswald, got jobs at New Orleans NASA within weeks of his departure. Another Reilly worker who moved over to NASA knew David Ferrie, and a friend of his, Melvin Coffee, spelled "Coffey" in the Torbitt Document; eventually found employment at Cape Kennedy. (19) (Remember, too, that Michael Paine, whose wife rented a room to Oswald, worked for Bell Aerospace, where Dornburger served as an officer.) Paris Flammonde suggests that one of the people Richard Geisbrecht overheard David Ferrie talking to at that Winnipeg airport was L. M. Bloomfield, a banker in Montreal with ties to the OSS and possibly the CIA, who sat on the board of the Centro Mondiale Commerciale in Rome along with Clay Shaw. (20) The Torbitt Document details the Bloomfield-Shaw relationship. Flammonde documented Bloomfield's various
15 interests in Le Credit Suisse of Canada, Heineken's Breweries, Canscot Realty, the Israel Continental Company, etc., in footnotes to Italian and Canadian newspapers. Bloomfield's links to the Meyer Lansky crime syndicate and his controlling interest in the Permindex corporation have been the subject of further recent study. (21) More intriguing, however, is yet another name overheard by Geisbrecht, "Isaacs." The T orbitt Document describes a Harold R. Isaacs as an ex-editor for Newsweek who was the subject of a suppressed Warren Commission document. By 1976 Bernard Fensterwald reported that the suppressed document, an FBI report dated May 22, 1964, contained information on Marilyn Dorothea Murret, a cousin to Lee Harvey Oswald. The FBI claimed that "Murret was linked in some manner with the ... apparatus of Professor Harold Isaacs." According to Fensterwald, Oswald and his family moved in with Murret when he first returned from the Soviet Union and she lived in Japan at the same time Oswald was working with the U2 program at Atsugi. Isaacs was a specialist on Asia and who began work at the Center for International Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1953. (22) In the mid-1970s a researcher at the National Archives discovered another file labeled with Marilyn Murret's name that contained only background information on Harold Isaacs. Turns out that Isaacs worked as a journalist in Shanghai in the 1930s and had an
16 indirect link to the Richard Sorge spy ring, the topic of a book written by Charles Willoughby (23), the intelligence chief that Douglas MacArthur used to refer to as his "little fascist". As early as 1948, Isaacs can be found raising money for the Viet Nam American Friendship Association as "a way of making the best kind of American influence felt there." (24) The Canadian businessman Geisbrecht also overheard reference to a Kansas City hotel later learned to be the meeting place for members of the right-wing Minutemen group (25), a group whose California branch was headed by another Willoughby associate, a man named William Gale. (26) Two final threads on this Torbitt-related web: Douglas MacArthur made reference to an interplanetary threat in comments bracketing the time Werner Von Braun made his statements to the press. The first came in October 1955 when Mayor Achille Lauro of Naples reported that the general told him that "he believes that because of the developments of science all the countries on earth will have to unite to survive and to make a common front against attack by people from other planets." (27) By May 1962, MacArthur was including the remarks, plus other comments on the mastery of "cosmic power" that suggest he had also been reading Wilhelm Reich, in a public speech he gave before West Point.(28) (Reich had acknowledged MacArthur's previous speech in another notable suppressed text, Contact With
Space.) Secondly, at the time Richard Geisbrecht made his attempt to convey to Jim Garrison what he had overheard at the Winnipeg airport a great UFO flap happened in the area. (29) Could all this be behind that mysterious wink Albert Thomas gave to LBJ? The pieces of the true history of JFK's assassination may be as scattered as his brain matter was on that day. The T orbitt Document helps make them discernible, however, and after that they are hard to forget. The web may be convoluted, complex and perhaps no¡ real causal links between any of these associations in the historic record can be made, but a study of this manuscript will certainly advance reader understanding not only of the events of November 22, 1963 beyond the media dumb show that maybe allows for the possibility of an Oswald accomplice. It reflects a dialectic of spies, international fascism, multi-national corporate conspiracy, bank malfeasance, Mafia crime and space-age cover-up that is still at work. Kenn Thomas May 31, 1996 The day Timothy Leary died.
18 Notes: 1. Lifton, David S., Best Evidence, New York: Carroll & Graf, Inc., 1980. 2. Trask, Richard, Pictures of the Pain, Danvers, Massachusetts, 1994. 3. "Book Reviews, "Steamshovel Press #12, 1995, p. 48. 4. "Caries, Cabals and Correspondence," Steamshovel Press #14, Fall 1995, p. 35. (Steamshovel Press is available for $5.50 per issue and $22.50 for a four issue subscription. POB 23715, St. Louis, M 0 63121. An anthology of back issues, Popular Alienation, is available for $21.95.) 5. Cronkite Remembers, CBS, May 26, 1996. 6. Personal Correspondence, May 16, 1996. Lobster is the most interesting zine devoted to political conspiracy in England. $6 from 214 Westbourne Avenue, Hull HUS 3JB, UK. 7. DiEugenio, James, Destiny Betrayed, New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1992. 8. Scott, Peter Dale, Deep Politics II: The New Revelations In U.S. Government Files, 1994-1995, Skokie, Illinois: Green Archive Publications, 1995.
19 9. Simpson, Christopher, Blowback, New York:
Collier Books (Macmillan Publishing Company), 1988, pp. 30-38. 10. Steiger, Brad and Whritenour, Joan, Flying Saucers Are Hostile, New York: Universal
Publishing and Distributing (Tandem), 1967, p 68.
11. Political Profiles: The Kennedy Years, New York: Facts on File, 1976; Rothe, Anna, ed., Current Biography 1950, New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1950. 12. "Remarks at the Coliseum in Houston at a
Dinner Honoring Representative Albert Thomas, November 21, 1963" Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States 1963, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1964, pp. 884886. 13. O'Donnell, Kenneth P., and Powers, David F., Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye, Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1972, pp. 11-14. 14. Whitmey, Peter, "The Man Who Heard Too Much," Third Decade, November 1990, pp. 12-31. 15. Kaysing, Bill, and Reid, Randy, We Never Went To the Moon, Fountain Valley, CA: Eden Press, 1976. Also: Brandon, Jim, Weird America, New
York: E. P. Dutton, 1978, p. 133. 16. "And Now ... Over To Houston," Newsweek, June 14, 1965, pp. 34-35.
17. Campbell, Glenn, Area 51 Viewers Guide, Rachel, NV: Glenn Campbell, 1994, p. 69. 18. Kimsey, John, "A Spy the House of History:
Literary Transactions with the Kennedy Assassination," Steamshovel Press Occasional Paper #1, 1995. 19. Melanson, Philip H., Spy Saga: Lee Harvey Oswald and U. S. Intelligence, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1990, pp. 82-87. 20. Flammonde, Paris, The Kennedy Conspiracy: An Uncommissioned Report on the Jim Garrison Investigation, New York: Meredith Press, 1969, p. 31. 21. Piper, Michael Collins, Final judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, Washington, DC: The Wolfe Press, 1995.
22. Fensterwald, Jr., Bernard, Coincidence or Conspiracy?, New York: Kensington Publishing Corporation (Zebra Books), 1976, pp. 217-218. 23. Willoughby, Charles A., Shanghai Conspiracy:
21 The Sorge Spy Ring, New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1952. 24. "Help For Viet Nam," Letters To The Editor, The Nation, July 10, 1948. 25. Ruddy, Jon, "Did This Man Happen Upon John Kennedy's Assassins?", Maclean 's Reports, November 1967. pp. 2-3. Also: "Probe of Kennedy Death here," Winnipeg Free Press, May 2, 1964; "Conspiracy Probers May Hear Winnipegger," Winnipeg Free Press, March 17, 1967; "Garrison Claims Oswald Was Decoy," Winnipeg Free Press, July 1, 1967. 26. Russell, Dick, The Man Who Knew Too Much, New York: Carol & Graf, 1992, p. 194. 27. "M'Arthur Greets Mayor of Naples," New York Times, Octo her 8, 19 55. 28. "West Point Rites Honor M'Arthur," New York Times, May 13, 1962. Also: "Duty, Honor, Country, Address at the U. S. Academy, West Point, on the presentation of the Thayer A ward by the Association of Graduates to General MacArthur, May 12, 1962," A Soldier Speaks, Public Papers and Speeches of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1965 pp. 352-358.
22 29. "Two See 'High' UFOs Over City For Two Hours," Winnipeg Free Press, July 1, 1967;"UFOs: At Least Cause For Concern," Winnipeg Free Press, July 3, 1967; "Eyes In Space Suspected," Winnipeg Free Press, July 6, 1967; "Government Bid To Attract UFOs To Landing Site Scores Zero," Winnipeg Free Press, July 20, 1967; "UFO Probe Due," Winnipeg Free Press, July 21, 1967; "Schreyer Dogs Government on UFOs," Winnipeg Free Press, November 8, 1967; "Dept. Has Prints, Slides on UFO," Winnipeg Free Press, November 9, 1967; "US Expert To Check UFO Sighting," Winnipeg Free Press, November 25, 1967.
Chapter 1 PERMINDEX AND ITS FIVE SUBSIDIARIES When Jim Garrison, the New Orleans District Attorney, began to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy, he took the position that regardless of who was behind the assassination, the American people could take the truth, should have the facts, and that the right of the American people to know superseded any damage that might be done to the image of the United States by the revelation of respected government leaders' involvement in the crime. Chief Justice Warren and other members of the Commission charged to investigate the assassination scheme would do great harm and damage to the image of the United States in the eyes of the world, and therefore, it would be to the best interests of the Nation that their findings be as were reported by them. Enough evidence has now been uncovered by the Warren Commission, other investigative agencies here and in Europe, and Jim Garrison to reveal an almost total working knowledge of how the assassination was carried out and by whom. The killing of President Kennedy was planned and supervised by Division Five of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a relatively small department within the FBI whose usual duties are espionage and counter-espionage activities.
25 Actually, Division Five acted dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency which was acting on behalf of the Joints Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon. Directly under the two-pronged leadership of Division Five and the DIA was the Control Group, their highly secret police agency-the Defense Industrial Security Command. The Defense Industrial Security Command has always been kept secret because it acts, in addition to its two official control organizations, on behalf of NASA, the Atomic Energy Commission, U. S. Information Agency, and the arms, equipment, ammunition, munitions and related miscellaneous supply manufacturing corporations contracting with NASA, the AEC, USIA, and the Pentagon. One can readily observe that DISC is not compatible with an open Democracy and the U.S. Constitution. Consequently, the top secret arms manufacturers' police agency has been kept from the knowledge of even most U.S. officials and Congressmen. The Defense Industrial Security Command had its beginnings when J. Edgar Hoover in the early 1930's organized the police force of the fledgling Tennessee Valley Authority at the request of David Lilienthal. The police force covered the entire TVA from Knoxville, Tennessee through Huntsville and Florence, Alabama and into Kentucky and back through the eastern portion of Tennessee into southern Kentucky. This was one of the first federal agencies with a separate police
force. This force grew and Lilienthal took it forward to cover the Atomic Energy Commission, thus tying it into the army intelligence service. L. M. Bloomfield, a Montreal, CANADA lawyer bearing the reputation as a sex deviate, the direct supervisor of all contractual agents with J. Edgar Hoover's Division Five, was the top coordinator for the network planning the execution. A Swiss corporation, Permindex, was used to head five front organizations responsible for furnishing personnel and supervisors to carry out assigned duties. The five groups under Permindex and their supervisors were: 1. The Czarist Russian, eastern European and Middle East exile organization called SOLIDARISTS, headed by Ferenc Nagy, exHungarian premier, and John De Menil, Russian exile from Houston, Texas, a close friend and supporter of Lyndon Johnson for over thirty years. A section of the AMERICAN COUNCIL OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES headed by H. L. Hunt of Dallas, Texas. 2.
3. A Cuban exile group called FREE
CUBA COMMITTEE headed by Carlos Prio Socarras, ex-Cuban president.
27 4. An organization of United States, Caribbean, and Havana, Cuba gamblers called the Syndicate headed by Clifford Jones, ex-lieutenant governor of Nevada and Democratic National Committeeman, and Bobby Baker of Washington, DC. This group worked closely with a Mafia family headed by Joe Bonanno. 5. The SECURITY DIVISION of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) headed by Werner Von Braun, head of the German Nazi rocket program from 1932 through 1945. Headquarters for this group was the DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL SECURITY COMMAND at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio. The Defense Industrial Security Command is the police and espionage agency for the U. S. munitions makers. DISC was organized by J. Edgar Hoover; William Sullivan, his chief assistant, is in direct command. We shall later examine the involvement of a large number of the DISC agents including Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby and others with Permindex's Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada in charge. As it must be, all of the preceding facts are established and documented by overwhelming evidence beyond a reasonable doubt on the
28 following pages. Gordon Novel obtained the aid of the Columbus office in 1967 when Jim garrison was attempting to get him back to Louisiana from Ohio. Personnel of the Defense Industrial Agency were subject to assignment with the Defense Industrial Security Command. The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was in charge of NASA's Security Division and the Defense Industrial Security Command in his position as head of counterespionage activities in the United States. his agents investigated every employee of the space agency as well as the employees of the pertinent contractors doing business with NASA and also prospective employees of every arms and mun1t10ns manufacturer. The Defense Intelligence Agency is headed by Lt. General Joseph F. Carroll, a former assistant Director of the FBI. Carroll worked closely with Sullivan, Hoover, and L. M. Bloomfield in directing activities of the munitionsmakers' police agency, the Defense Industrial Security Command. Walter Sheridan, whose activities are covered later, was the direct liaison man between Carroll and Robert F. Kennedy during the pertinent period. The address for DISC is 3990 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. The Field office for the Command was located at the old Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville and Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Von Braun had been decorated more than
any other Nazi during World War II. Hoover had worked directly with Von Braun in connection with NASA's security since his arrival in the United States in December 1945. Lyndon Johnson, as Vice-President, was Chairman of NASA, and he, Von Braun, Bobby Baker, Fred Black had worked diligently to obtain the nine billion dollar Apollo contract for North American Aviation in 1961. NASA awarded this contract to North American despite the fact that it went against the recommendation of its own source evaluation board (Appointment on the Moon. Richard Lewis, Viking Press, 1969, p. 377 et seq; New Orleans District Attorney Records.) Each of the NASA security personnel who were assigned duties in connection with the assassination were employees or contractees for Division Five of the FBI and many were connected with the other four groups. It must be borne in mind that this was a relatively small group within all of these agencies. It was not official, and it was not an American operation, but was simply the independent action taken by these men, some of whom happened to hold official positions. J. Edgar Hoover was named first Director of the FBI in 1924, and he immediately organized the anti-communist Division Five for espionage and counter-espionage work which President Roosevelt made official in 1936. Actually, Division Five was in existence as the General Intelligence Division of the Justice Department since 1919.
30 Hoover, an assistant Attorney General and the head of the GID, had used the Czarist Russians in tracing the Bolsheviks during the Red Scare and Palmer raids of that period (The FBI Nobody Knows, Fred J. Cook). 1924 was the year the Communists finally took complete control of Russia after five years of resistance by the imperial Czarists. From 1918 to 1923, the leaders of the Czarists were leaving Russia with vast fortunes by the tens of thousands. One of those escaping RussiC'.C~vas John DeMenil, presently of Houston, Texas, who fled to France, married into the Schlumberger family, moved to Caracas, Venezuela and then to Houston, Texas before World War IL He is presently the Chairman of the Board of Schlumberger Corporation, a world-wide oil well service company. The forerunners of the Solidarists have been described by James Wechsler of the New York Post and other writers, before and during World War II, as the Ukrainian Fascists. The Solidarists expanded this group to include all East European exiles, including those of various religious denominations. Of course, these Russian exiles in all countries of the world were violently anticommumst and considered themselves as a government in exile with headquarters in Munich, Germany (CH IX, 266; Encyclopedia of Organizations, Tolstoy Foundation, Gale). One has
only to glance at Czarist Russian history to learn that these people are the most proficient dealers in assassination the world has ever known. George DeMohrenschildt, a Russian emigre who refused to join the Solidarists and who was familiar with the working of espionage groups and had worked with them in the past, testified that J. Edgar Hoover, using Division Five of the FBI, was the planner of the assassination of President Kennedy. Through DeMohrenschildt's testimony before the Commission and his documentation, the connection of the espionage section of the FBI with the Assassination had been established (CH IX, 47 et seq, 77 et seq, Russian exiles testimony to the Commission). The public records of the Corporate Records Department of Italy and Switzerland, U7ho's U7ho in the South and Southwest, 1963, 1964, The Invisible Government, The Espionage Establishment by Wise and Ross, Buddy Floyd murder files, Alice, Texas, Warren Commission 26 volumes, the Grand Jury records of New Orleans Parish, New Orleans, Louisiana, all further substantiate, bolster, and corroborate the testimony of DeMorenschildt concerning the FBI' s Division Five's involvement. Many examiners of the case have concluded that George DeMorenschildt was a part of the conspiracy because of his close association with Oswald during the fall of 1962, and winter and early spring of 1963, but a close reading of the
Russian exile's testimony before the Warren Commission shows that DeMorenschildt was being used by the Solidarists the same as Oswald was being used, and was to have been tied with Oswald in connection with the assassination. However, DeMorenschildt, a highly polished professional geologist, saved himself by moving to Haiti in April of 1963 in connection with a contract with the government of Haiti, where he still resided on the day of the assassination of President Kennedy. DeMohrenschildt, in retrospect, knew that Division Five of the FBI and the Solidarists had intended to use him as a scapegoat along with Oswald, and he did not hesitate to name the small group within the Federal Bureau of Investigation as the instigators of the assassination of President Kennedy (New Orleans District Attorney Records). Concerning the Solidarists, Jack Ruby was a second generation immigrant from the White Russian area of Poland and his brother, Hyman Rubenstein, was born there. Ralph Paul, Ruby's Dallas partner in the Carousel Club, was a Russian immigrant having been born in Kiev, Russia (CH XXI, Ralph Paul and Hyman Rubinstein exhibits.) While in confinement, Jack Ruby said in letters later authenticated by Hamilton Autographs, New York City, that pogroms against the Jews in this country were a real threat. He repeated over and over the words "pogroms against the Jews" in these letters and in a number of
habeas corpus hearings in Federal District Court in Dallas, and at the same time, he testified that Lyndon Johnson was the head of the organization carrying out the assassination plans. Ruby's testimony is acceptable in every court as an accomplice witness needing only corroboration in so far as his naming Lyndon Johnson as one of the accomplices. This has been done. Ruby's constant use of the words "pogroms against the Jews" reveal his close affiliation with and his deeply engrained awareness of his family's Russian Czarist background. Everyone even slightly conversant with Russian history knows that the words "pogroms against the Jews" are exclusively descriptive of the Czarist Russian Cossacks pillaging and killing of Jews in their villages and neighborhoods in Russia during the centuries under the Czars. But to return to J. Edgar Hoover's connection with the Czarist Russians in exile. With the Solidarists' vast number of agents within Russia and the common anti-communist objectives with J. Edgar Hoover. These two groups immediately merged and have continually worked almost as one since that time. In 1960, when it was determined that Castro was a Communist, he too was considered an occupying force, and the Cuban exiles with the common cause worked quite naturally into the Solidarist and Division Five orgarnzat1ons. Another organization participating with
Division Five was a religious group called the American Council of Christian Churches. A.C.C.C.'s West Coast representative, E. E. Bradley, was indicted by the New Orleans Grand Jury for complicity in the assassination. A.C.C.C. launched a campaign in 1964, at J. Edgar Hoover's request, to elect him President of the United States (1964 Campaign Records, American Council of Churches records, N.Y.C.). In 1941, J. Edgar Hoover had his good friend, Carl Mcintire, organize the espionage and intelligence unit under the cover name "American Council of Christian Churches" with the headquarters in New York City. This group was able to take in many innocent religious groups who did not know they were connected with a spy and propaganda agency. However, Hoover and Mcintire through this guise were able to place agents posing as ministers and missionaries throughout the United States and most LatinAmerican countries. We will examine the involvement of this group's agents later (Religious Bodies of America, 1961, revised; New Orleans District Attorney Records). Hoover was joined in the cabal to murder President Kennedy by LYNDON JOHNSON, WALTER JENKINS, Johnson's assistant, FRED KOR TH (whom Kennedy had fired as Secretary of Navy some two weeks before November 22), H. L. HUNT of A.C.C.C., JEAN DE MENIL, Houston multi-millionaire, head of Schlumberger,
and a director of the Russian exile Solidarists, CARLOS PRIO SOCARRAS, ex-Cuban President and long time gambling partner of Jack Ruby and director of the anti-Castro Cubans, BOBBY BAKER, ex-Senate Secretary, ROY M. COHN, New York attorney and head of the Jewish League Against Communism, CLIFFORD JONES, exLieutenant Governor of Nevada, Democratic National Committeeman, and business partner with Bobby Baker and L. J. McWillie, L. ]. MCWILLIE of Las Vegas, Nevada, a partner in Havana gambling with Ruby and Jones, L. M. BLOOMFIELD of Montreal, a long time friend and agent of]. Edgar Hoover, FERENCE NAGY, ex-Premier of Hungary, WERNER VON BRAUN, German Nazi rocket engineer whom Hitler personally decorated for his work slaughtering over 7,000 allies during World War II, JOHN CONNALLY and CLINT MURCHISON, SR. Qack Ruby's letters, Hamilton Autographs, N.Y.C.; CH XXIII, 157 et seq; CH XXVI, 634 & 650; Basel, Switzerland Publication A-Z, August 1961; Canadian LeDevoir Publication, March 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March & April 1967, also 1959 thru 1969 files; II Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; New Orleans District Attorney Records, Swiss Intelligence,]. F. Kennedy files). L. J. McWillie, who earlier had been a partner in the Havana, Cuba gambling casino with Jack Ruby, Clifford Jones and ex-Cuban President, Carlos Prio Socarras, in 1962 enters a new business
36 arrangement with Clifford Jones and Bobby Baker at the Thunderbird Hotel Casino in Las Vegas (CH XXIII, 36 et seq, 161 et seq; New Orleans Attorney records). The Warren District Commission uncovered incontrovertible evidence that Ruby and McWillie were the closest friends and business associates for over fifteen years. Ruby and Ray Brantly of Dallas, the Warren Commission discovered, had sent a number of cobra guns to McWillie in Havana in 1958, but Ruby and McWillie had been gun runners for years (CH V, 181 et seq, XIV, 542, XXVI, 499). The complicity of Carlos Prio Socarras, President of Cuba from 1948 to 19 52, with the assassination group was documented and authenticated in the official volumes of the Warren Commission Hearings in volume XXVI at page 634: "December 1, 1963 AT T-2 advised on November 29, 1963, .... stated that in the ... 19 50' s, Jack Ruby held interest in the Colonial Inn, a nightclub and gambling house in Hollandale, Florida. He stated that Jack Ruby, known then as Rubinstein, was active in arranging illegal flights of weapons from Miami to the Castro organization in Cuba. According to T2, Ruby was reportedly part owner of two planes used for these purposes. T-2 further stated that Ruby subsequently
37 left Miami and purchased a substantial share in a Havana gambling house in which one Carlos Prio .... was principal owner. T-2 stated that Carlos Prio was within favor of former Cuban leader Batista, but was instrumental in financing and managing accumulation of arms by pro-Castro f orces ... " On page 650 of the same volume, a revealing document is found connecting Prio, Ruby, and Robert McKeown, the gun-runner who was to work with Ruby in shipping the surplus jeeps to Cuba in 1959, T. Gonzales, who rode the bus to Mexico City with Oswald. The document follows: "Information concerning reported contact between Jack L. Ruby and Robert Ray McKeown was furnished the President's Commission on March 2, 1964 .... Files reveal that McKeown was one of the subjects in an extensive investigation ... concerning the activities of Carlos Prio ... Prio, a former President of Cuba ... was engaged with others, including McKeown, in attempting to assist Castro in his revolutionary action against the Batista regime in Cuba ... Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit, Bureau of Internal Revenue, continued the investigation in
this matter and charged various individuals, including McKeown, with conspiracy to smuggle guns and related equipment to Cuba. The defendants in this action were as follows: Dr. Carlos Prio Socarras, also known as Carlos Prio, age unknown, male, resident of Miami, Florida, citizen of Cuba ... Olando Garcia Vasquez, also known as Orlando Vasquez, F. Valdez, Ramos, age unknown, male, resident of Miami, Florida, citizen of Cuba (Guest list Commercio, CH XXIV, 595). Angel Banos, age unknown, male, resident of Miami, Florida, citizen of the United States. Robert R. McKeown, also known as Dick McKeown, Max, J. T. Brown, H.J. McAllister, age 47, male, resident of Galena Park, Texas, citizen of the United States .... Manuel Arques, also known as Manny, age 23, male, resident of Miami, Florida, citizen of the United States. Evelyn Eleanor Archer, also known as Mrs. Manuel Arques, Ruby, age 36, female, resident of Keyport, New Jersey, citizen of the United States. Pedro Luis Chaviano Reyes, also known as Luis Chaviano, F. Castillo, Gilbert Pawtoja, age
39 44, male, resident of Miami, Florida, citizen of Cuba.
Abelardo Pujol Barrera, also known as Joe Sanco, Jose Sauco, Jose Alonzo, age 42, male, resident of Miami, Florida, Citizen of Cuba. Francisco Gonzales Obregon, also known as T. Gonzales (bus list, CH XXV, p. 627). Mrs. Ethel Jane McKeown, age unknown, female, resident of Galena Park, Texas, citizen of the United States." The arms and ammunitions being smuggled to Castro at the time and later to anti-Castro Cubans by McKeown, Ruby, Prio, and their New Orleans associates were obtained principally from the Redstone Arsenal in the Florence, Muscle Shoals, and Huntsville area of Alabama, and to a lesser extent from the Pine Bluff, Arkansas arsenal. The orders for these men and direction for their activities came from the office of the Defense Industrial Security Command, the munitions makers' secret police agency at Redstone (District Attorney records, Southern District of Texas in U.S. vs. McKeown). McKeown, Ruby, Prio, and their New Orleans associates, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Guy Bannister, Sergio Arcacha Smith, and the others all followed the
orders of Jean DeMenil in Houston and Werner Von Braun of Redstone. Clay Shaw and Walter Jenkins, only two of the large number of sex deviates at command and lower level in the cabal, were together almost constantly, pushing L.B.J. during the 1960 Democratic Convention in Los Angeles according to delegates presented there. Shaw and Jenkins will be covered later and their close relationship established. Prio had met with John DeMenil and Fidel Castro in Houston, Texas in 1956 and furnished Castro with the funds to purchase the ship which transported Castro and his men back to Cuba after their Mexican stay. This is documented in all accounts of Castro's rise to power. Prio, DeMenil and their group all turned violently against Castro in 1960 when Castro made public his Communist connections. After this time, DeMenil and Prio, through Schlumberger, furnished agents, arms, transportation and organization for the overthrow of Castro. As a matter of fact, Artime, who was in charge of the Bay of Pigs Cuban Revolutionary Council, had been Cuba's premier under Prio's rule. Jack Ruby's complicity with ex-President Prio in the running of guns to Cuba, both before and after Castro took charge in January 1959, is documented by well over 150 credible witnesses in the twenty-six volumes of evidence taken before the Warren Commission. A large group of these
41 witnesses testified concerning Jack Ruby's presence and gun running activities in Islamorada, Florida in 1958. Islamorada is located on the Florida Keys, which DeMenil and Schlumberger have for a long time used as a shipping point for arms due to its proximity to Cuba. We quote from the testimony of the witnesses: "MRS. MARY THOMPSON, 1155 Dupont, Kalamazoo, Michigan, stated as follows: On about May 30, 1958, she traveled to Islamorada, Florida, accompanied by her daughter and son-in-law, DOLORES and RICHARD RHOADS. They visited her brother and sister-inlaw, JAMES and MARY LOU 'BUTCH' WOODARD, who resided in a cottage, address not known, which was located behind the cottage of TED WILLIAMS, well-known professional baseball player. While there, they met JACK and ISABEL (last name unknown), acquaintances of the WOODARDS. There was not sufficient room in the WOODARD cottage and JACK and ISABEL suggested that DOLORES and RICHARD spend the night at their home. The offer was accepted and it was determined that JACK and ISABEL lived in a small motel situated on a white coral pier, which was reached by crossing an old bridge . ... MARY LOU said that JACK was
42 originally from Chicago, Illinois, and reportedly had killed a couple of men. He later ran a drinking place in Dallas, Texas, where he became acquainted with JAMES WOODARD, who was a member of the Dallas, TEXAS Police Department for a short time about 1954 ... MARY LOU said that JACK had a trunk full of guns and ... that JACK was going to supply then to the Cubans. Mrs. THOMPSON stated that she was told that there were more supplies of guns hidden in the marshes ... " (CH, XXVI, 644) Mary Thompson and six members of her family identified Jack Ruby as being the person involved in the gun running in Florida in 1958. But the Warren Commission had already uncovered one hundred fifty unimpeached witnesses who put Jack Ruby in the Cuban gun running business for over twelve years preceding 1963. Let us return to the involvement of Carlos Prio Socarras. On November 20, 1963 Salvador Diaz Verson proceeded to Mexico City at the direction of Carlos Prio. In Mexico City, Diaz immediately after the assassination fed the following story to the world news media:
Dr. Angel Fernandez Varela stated that when Diaz Verson returned to Miami from Mexico City in the latter part of November 1963, Diaz Verson advised him that while in Mexico City he had had contact with other newspapermen there and had learned that the Mexican Federal Police had arrested a Mexican citizen, Sylvia Duran, an employee of the Cuban embassy in Mexico City, because of her connection between Oswald and the Cuban Embassy. (CH, XXVI, 413) Dr. Fernandez said Diaz Verson also told him that Oswald had stayed in the home of Duran, and subsequently met with the Cuban Ambassador in Mexico City at a restaurant called Caballo Bayo, accompanied by Sylvia Duran. Dr. Fernandez said he understood from Diaz Verson that Duran, the Cuban Ambassador to Mexico, whose name Fernandez did not know, and Oswald, reportedly went for a ride together in a car. Dr. Fernandez said that the federal police in Mexico City reportedly had turned over the information concerning these incidents involving Oswald to the United States Embassy in Mexico City. (Ibid.) Salvador Diaz Verson had been Prio' s Chief of Military Intelligence Service during the Cuban presidency of Prio from 1948 through 1952. Diaz and Prio together had worked for the Defense Industrial Security Command since coming to the U.S. after Castro embraced Communism. (CH, XXVI, 411)
44 The anti-Castro Cuban part of the plan was to tie the Castro regime into the murder of Kennedy and thus have the U. S. military give all service to the overthrow of Castro. Another connection of Carlos Prio Socarros and the assassination unit was uncovered by the Warren Commission. This evidence concerned Dr. Julio Cesar Fernandez, Prio's Minister of Information during his presidency of Cuba. Prio and Fernandez in addition had been close lifetime friends and Prio obtained Fernandez employment with the Defense Industrial Security Command. The following was confirmed by the daughter of the witness in all respects, she having been shown the documents of Mrs. Hoover in October, 1963. Here is the story of Prio's friend, Fernandez. On November 27, 1963, Corporal Theodore La Zar, Pennsylvania State Police, Hollidaysburg, Pa., advised that at approximately 10:00 p.m. on November 27, 1963, Robert Steele, 316 Brayton Avenue, Altoona, Pa., stopped at the Pennsylvania State Police Barracks and advised that he was the brother of Margaret Kathryn Hoover, 105 S. Walnut St., Martinsburg, Pa., and had the following information to offer concerning the assassination of President Kennedy which he had received from her. (CH, XXVI, 652) During the third week in October, 1963, Mrs. Hoover who lives in a second-story apartment, 105 S. Walnut St., Martinsburg, Pa.,
45 located three items in the dry leaves immediately below her upstairs porch. This porch and Mrs. Hoover's residence are located at the rear of a lot containing two homes. The home at the rear is occupied by Mrs. Hoover, is known as 400 E. Allegheny St., Martinsburg, Pa., and for the past two months has been occupied by Dr. Julio Fernandez, a Cuban refugee, who is presently teaching at the Morrison Cove Junior High School, Martinsburg. (Ibid) These items consisted of an envelope used for tickets from the Seaboard Airline railroad Company, Miami, Fla.; a used ticket which was enclosed therein indicating the holder had a coach reservation on the railroad, seat number 48, car number 3E, on a train leaving Miami, Fla., at 12:40 p.m. on September 25, 1963, and arriving in Washington, D. C., the following date. This ticket bore the number, D-214332. Also in the leaves was a throw-away advertisement, commonly used in advertising trailers, which was found by Mrs. Hoover. Pencilled on the back of this throw-away, which contained no handwriting, were the following notations: The upper left hand corner contained the name of a club, unrecalled by Mrs. Hoover, and a six-digit number thereunder which contained either an address or a telephone number. (Ibid) In the top middle of the page was the name, Lee Oswald. (Ibid) On the right top of the page was the word,
46 Rubenstein. (Ibid) In the middle of the page were the words "Jack Ruby". (Ibid) On the bottom of the page, toward the center, were the words, Dallas, Texas. (Ibid.)
47 CHAPTER II J. EDGAR HOOVER, FERENC NAGY, CLAY SHAW, L.M. BLOOMFIELD, AND PERMINDEX Clay Shaw, the defendant in the New Orleans assassination case and L. M. Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada, were the only North American members of both the Board of Directors of Permindex and Centro-Mondiale Commerciale. Shaw had been one of the incorporators of the Swiss corporation, Permindex. (Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1963 and 1964) The other members of the Board include a publisher of the Fascist National-Zeitung in West Germany, an Italian industrialist who married into the family of Adolph Hitler's finance minister, and a woman lawyer, the Secretary of the Fascist Party. (Public Corporation Records office, Berne, Switzerland) Also on the Board of Permindex was Ferenc Nagy, a Solidarist and Prime Minister of Hungary from 1946 to 1947; George Mandel, alias Mantella, a Hungarian fascist who supervised attempts to purchase national monuments for real estate development in Italy, and Munir Chourbagi, an uncle of King F arouk. Chourbagi was the victim in a recent murder in Italy. (Public Corporation Records office, Berne, Switzerland) The ruling clique of Permindex and its two subsidiaries. The Italo American Hotel Corporation and Centro Mondiale Commerciale,
in addition to the sophisticated Nazis and Fascists heretofore named, were Gutierez di Spadafora, who was under-secretary of agriculture in Mussolini's Fascist regime and who was also a ruling lord in the Mafia with Italy and Southern Europe as his land area; Enrico Mantella (Henry Mandel, brother of George Mandel); Guiseppe Zigiotti, the head of the Italian political party, Fascist Nationalist Association for Militia Arms; and Hungarian emigre and former Nazi, H. Simonfay. (The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, Meredith Press, 1969, p. 215) On December 1, 1962, the representative of the publication, Who's Who in the South and Southwest, was told by Clay Shaw in New Orleans that he was a director for the Swiss corporation, Permindex. Shaw was also one of the directors for Centro Mondiale Commerciale of Rome. As we shall see later, one purpose of Permindex was the funding of the 1961 and 1962 assassination attempts on DeGaulle. Both firms being directed by the same men, the stated corporate purpose was to encourage trade between nations. their actual purpose was fourfold: 1. To fund and direct assassinations of European, Mid-East and world leaders considered threats to the Western World and to petroleum interests of the backers. 2. To furnish couners, agents, and management in transporting, depositing and re-
channeling funds through Swiss banks for Las Vegas, Miami, Havana and international gambling syndicate. 3. To co-ordinate the espionage activities of the Solidarists and Division Five of the FBI with groups in sympathy with their objectives and to receive and channel funds and arms from the financiers to the action groups. 4. To build, acquire and operate hotels and gambling casinos in the Caribbean, Italy and at other tourist areas. (Basel Switzerland Publication A-Z, August, 1961; Canadian Le Devoir Publication, March, 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March, April, 1967, also 1959 thru 1960 files: II Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; Il Tempe, Rome, 1967-1968 files; New Orleans District Attorney Records; Swiss Intelligence, J. F. Kennedy files) The principal financiers of Permindex were a number of U.S. oil companies, H. L. Hunt of Dallas, Clint Murchison of Dallas, John DeMenil, Solidarist director of Houston, John Connally as executor of the Sid Richardson estate, Haliburton Oil Co., Senator Robert Kerr of Oklahoma, Troy Post of Dallas, Lloyd Cobb of New Orleans, Dr. Oechner of New Orleans, George and Herman Brown of Brown & Root, Houston, Attorney Roy M. Cohn, Chairman of the Board for Lionel Corporation, New York City, Schemley Industries of New York City, Walter Dornberger, ex-Nazi general and his company, Bell Aerospace, Pan
American World Airways, its subsidiary, Intercontinental Hotel Corporation, Paul Raigorodsky of Dallas through his company, Claiborne Oil of New Orleans, Credit Suisse of Canada, Heineken's Brewery of Canada and a host of other munition makers and NASA contractors directed by the Defense Industrial Security Command. The gambling syndicate and Mafia contracting agents who handled the transactions with Permindex were ex-president Carlos Prio Socarras of Havana, Miami and Houston, Clifford Jones of Las Vegas, Morris Dalitz of Las Vegas, Detroit, Cleveland and Havana, former head of the Cleveland mob and close friend of Hunt, Hoover and Roy Cohn, L. J. McWillie of Las Vegas, a gambling partner with Cliff Jones, Bobby Baker of Washington, DC, Ed Levinson of Las Vegas, Benny Seigelbaum of Miami, Henry Crown of Chicago, associate of the Mafia, Patrick Hoy of the controlling clique in General Dynamics and Joe Bonanno of Lionel Corporation of New York. (Ibid) It should be pointed out here that ]ohn Connally, Paul Raigorodsky and Jean De Menil were close friends and business associates. They were members of an exclusive club in Northern Jamaica. The name of the club was Tryall located on Montego Bay. Bill Stephenson, former head of British Intelligence in the U.S., started the club in 1946. Connally, De Menil and Raigorodsky owned
and still own palatial retreats within the tightly guarded Tryall compound. L. M. Bloomfield met with the three on numerous occasions at T ryall in Jamaica. (CH, IX, 3 and 4; New Orleans District Attorney Records) Among Connally' s assigned duties was the keeping of Texas police agencies in line after the murder. John Connally was an active participant in the assassination plans, but he was one of the agents whose over-all knowledge was limited by the "need to know basis". One of the banks through which the American backers channeled funds to Permindex was Astaldo Vadus in Miami, Florida. As a matter of fact, the Miami bank was owned and controlled by the Permindex financiers and board members. The European banks handling the accounts were De Famaco Vaduz, Liechenstein, Credit Bank of Geneva, Switzerland (Credit Bank and Credit Suisse are one and the same), Banca Nazionale del Lavoro of Italy, De Famaco Astalde Vaduz, Switzerland and Seligman Bank of Basal, Switzerland. The attorney for the transactions through the Miami bank was Alex Carlson, Double-Chek's Miami Springs manager. (Basal Switzerland Publication A-Z, August, 1961; Canadian Le Devoir Publication, March, 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March, April, 1967, also 1959 thru 1969 files; II Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; II Tempe, Rome, 1967-1968 files; New Orleans District Attorney Records; Swiss
Intelligence, J. F. Kennedy files) Alex Carlson turned the entire CIA Double-Chek organization and personnel over to Division Five of the FBI to work for Permindex in executing the assassination thus causing many astute observers to mistakenly believe the CIA carried out the affair. L. M. Bloomfield, a lawyer of Montreal, Canada and a long time friend and confidant of J. Edgar Hoover, has been Hoover's contract supervisor of Division Five since his days in the O.S.S. before World War II. Bloomfield held onehalf of the shares of Permindex and was in total command of its operation in Europe and Africa as well as the North and South American continents. He was the co-ordinator of all activities responsible only to Hoover and Johnson in carrying out the plans for John Kennedy's assassination. (ibid) Bloomfield ordered Permindex's Ferenc Nagy and George Mandel, alias Giorgio Mantello, to the United States in 1962 where they helped to supervise the plans. Mandell was assigned to the Los Angeles, California area. Ferenc Nagy, former premier of Hungary in 1946 and 1947, settled in Dallas, Texas, where he contacted H. L. Hunt, Igor Voshinin, George Boube, Peter Gregory of Fort Worth, Paul Raigorodsky and other members of the Solidarists and took command of actual planning in the Southwest. It should be pointed out that although the White Russians were dominant in the Solidarists, it contained East
53 Europeans, Jewish and Orthodox Christians and even Arabic nationals whose countries had been taken over by Communism. (ibid) Nagy in Dallas over the months before November 22, 1963, worked with Carlos Prio Socarras and Alex Carlson in Miami, Clay Shaw in New Orleans, John DeMenil in Houston, Clifford Jones and L. J. McWillie in Las Vegas, Bobby Baker and Fred Korth in Washington, D.C., Albert Osborne, alias J. H. Bowen, of Laredo, Texas and Mexico, Roy Cohn in New York City, and others all under the direction of L. M. Bloomfield in making the plans and preparations. (Ibid) Albert Osborne, the missionary supervisor of the professional assassins, met Nagy in Laredo, Texas a short time before the November date. The details of the movement of the professionals were worked out and Osborne then traveled to Montreal where he conferred with his direct boss for over twenty years, L. M. Bloomfield. (Ibid; CH, XXV, 75 et seq) On November 22nd, Osborne and about ten of his riflemen were living at 3126 Harlendale in Oak Cliff, a section of Dallas. Three of his professionals were at Tammie True's house in Fort Worth and Leon Oswald, alias William Seymour, had been at the Oak Cliff address about four weeks. Before dark on November 23, 1963, Osborne, Seymour, Gonzales and the other riflemen were out of Dallas. (Ibid)
This is the nomenclature of the assassination team. That is the way John F. Kennedy met his death in Dallas. At the top was JOHNSON, HOOVER, BLOOMFIELD, NAGY, DE MENIL, PRIO, JENKINS, HUNT, BAKER, JONES, McWILLIE, VON BRAUN, COHN, KORTH, CONNALLY and MURCHISON. L. M. Bloomfield was in overall charge responsible only to Hoover and Johnson. The second layer of participants with supervisory and working assignments under Bloomfield and the first group were Walter Dornberger, ex-Nazi General, Guy Bannister, Albert Osborne of A.C.C.C.,, E. E. Bradley of A.C.C.C., Morris Dalitz of Las Vegas, Major General John B. Medaris, Robert McKeown, Igor Voshinin, George Bouhe, Peter Gregory, Maurice Gatlin, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Lee Harvey Oswald, William Seymour, David Ferrie, T. Gonzales, Manuel Garcia Gonzales, Layton Martens, Gordon Novel, Walter Sheridan, William Dalzell, Paul Raigorodsky, Joe Bonanno, Dimitri of A.C.C.C., Alex Carlson, George Mandel, Brock Wall, Clay Shaw, Joe Cody, Jake Kosloff, Mike McLaney, Ruth and Mike Paine, Igor Vagonov, Jack Bowen, Mike Ryan, Tammie True, Max Cherry, Patrick Hoy, David Hoy, James Powell and a number of others with limited assignments informed only enough to carry out the assignments with dispatch. There were others involved also, but the
published evidence up to 1969 is such that it would be unfair to name them. Substantially the same management under Bloomfield of Montreal and J. Edgar Hoover planned and carried out the execution of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. Albert Osborne had his riflemen in Memphis and one of his professionals fired the fatal shot at King. Ray was used as Oswald had earlier been used. The book, "The Strange Case of James Earl Ray", reveals that Ray was a persistent visitor to the International Trade Mart in New Orleans (p. 126) just prior to the killing (p.138) and that the real assassin of King entered the naval base near Memphis, Tennessee, where Division Five maintains a headquarters, only minutes after King's assassination. He was in the white Mustang involved in the mysterious chase described on police radio immediately after the killing. (p. 158) On August 14, 1969, James Earl Ray confirmed that Division Five of the FBI was used in the slaying of Martin Luther King, Jr. He stated on that date that Dr. King was killed by federal agents and that they used him to be a fall guy. (Associated Press Dispatch, August 14, 1969, St. Louis)
Roy M. Cohn, using a representative of Intercontinental Company of Garland, Texas, a subsidiary of Lionel Corporation, provided a Dallas located agent to work with Ferenc Nagy. This agent was Ramon Buenrostro Cortez. Others with Cortez in Texas were Lorenzo Saunders and a Cuban exile, Ignacio Hernandez Garcia, alias Fernandez Feito. (CH, XXVI, 407 et seq; CM, XXV, 103 et seq) In the September 5, 1969 issue of LIFE Magazine, it was reported that J. Edgar Hoover punished three of his FBI agents in New York for cooperating with the United States District Attorney in New York, Robert Morgenthau, in his prosecution against Roy M. Cohn on a number of felony charges. The LIFE report had this to say: "During the McCarthy inquisitions of the early 1950s, Cohn, as Senator McCarthy's chief counsel, had worked closely with (Louis B.) Nichols and the FBI in developing cases against suspected Communists. Agents spent weeks screening FBI security files and extracting them in memos for Cohn during the prolonged hearings. Through these years Cohn's friendship with
57 Director Hoover also developed, and this was further cemented by their mutual regard for the multimillionaire boss of the huge Schenley distillery complex, Lewis Rosenstiel. (Cohn to this day addresses Rosenstiel variously as 'commanderin-chief' or 'supreme commander' and Rosenstiel refers to his younger friend as 'field commander' or 'sergeant major'). "When Nichols decided to retire from the FBI in 1957, Cohn set out to land him a job with Schenley. He had the willing support of another Rosenstiel friend, the late conservative columnist George Sokolsky, for whom Nichols represented 100% anti-Communist Americanism. At a social evening in August 1967, Cohn and Sokolsky agreed to try to sell Nichols to Rosenstiel as prime executive timber. "The next night they made their pitch to Rosenstiel. Nichols, Cohn contended, was a genius, truly 'one of the greatest men in America,' whereupon Rosenstiel dispatched the Schenley private plane to Washington to fly Nichols and his wife to a conference at Rosenstiel's Greenwich, Conn. estate. Under Cohn's continued urging, Rosenstiel agreed to give Nichols a 10-year contract at $100,000 a year, plus stock options, in addition to arranging for Schenley' s to buy and furnish a Manhattan apartment for Nichols. The whole package had to be an impressive introduction to corporate business for a middleaged FBI man who had spent most of his adult life
58 as a modestly paid public servant. Nichols later became executive vice-President in charge of corporate development and public affairs and was elected to the Schenley board. Hoover personally ordered the three agents transferred out of New York. On May 2, each received a letter of censure and was given 30 days to report to his new post - (Donald) Jones to go to St. Louis, (Russell) Sullivan to Louisville, and Gack) Knox to Pittsburgh. "Bureau men are accustomed to being ordered around in a fairly pre-emptory way, but such disciplinary transfers usually have a gloss of logic. this time the men were being moved for doing what in essence they were paid to do-helping a U.S. attorney protect his case. The ensuing rumble of protest was so loud that it could be heard even outside the Bureau, which virtually never happens. Morgenthau was furious. He confronted Assistant FBI Director John F. Malone, the top man in the New York field office, and Malone promptly reported the confrontation to Washington. The next day Hoover personally directed the.New York field office to inform the three wayward agents that they now had until midnight the fallowing day--36 hours in all--to report to their new stations, which they did. LIFE went on to say: "Cohn has cultivated a long friendship with Edwin W eisl, President Johnson's handpicked ambassador to New York's Democratic Party. W eisl.. .. is a frequent Cohn 11
59 luncheon companion." Weisl was a long time friend of Johnson. As a matter of fact, during the 1950s, Weisl was the general counsel to the Senate Space Committee and he and Johnson were constantly together along with General John B. Medaris, then head of the Army Space Program. Among other groups, Medaris, during this program, had been in charge of Werner Von Braun and the other Nazi space scientists at Huntsville, Alabama. (Moody's Industrials, 1960 through 1963) From 1960 to 1963, the ruling hierarchy of Lionel Corporation was General John B. Medaris, Roy Cohn and Joe Bonanno Qoe Banana), a top Mafia man from New York, Las Vegas, Tucson and Montreal, Canada. Lionel Corporation during this period did over ninety percent of their business with the space agency and army ordinance furnishing such items as electronic equipment, rocket parts, chemical warfare agents and flame throwers. Also, during this period, General Medaris, though having retired in 1960, remained on active duty as special advisor to Army Intelligence in the Pentagon. (Encyclopedia of National Biography, John B. Medaris) The Lionel Corporation management was in direct contact with Louis Mortimer Bloomfield who, among other things, was a lawyer with offices in T angiers, Morocco and Paris, F ranee. Bloomfield was also the president of Heinekens Brewers Ltd. Canada. (Martindale-Hubbell, 1963
and Poor's, 1963.) General Medaris was a director of one of the land speculation companies of Bobby Baker and Senator George Smathers in Florida. Joe Bonanno (Joe Bananas) in his capacity as a Mafia leader, was associated in the Havana and Las Vegas gambling with L. J. McWillie, Clifford Jones and others. (The Valachi Papers, 1968; Theft of a Nation by Donald Cressey, 1969) In addition to J. Edgar Hoover's close association with Roy Cohn, he was also a long time friend of General Medaris. Joe Bonanno Qoe Bananas) had been a personal informer for J. Edgar Hoover for over a decade during 1963. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) Grant Stockdale, ex-United States Ambassador to Ireland and former George Smathers administrative assistant and a stock holder and office in Bobby Baker's vending machine and Florida land transactions, knew and was closely associated with almost all of the top figures in the cabal. (The Nation, George Smathers by Robert Sherrill, December 7, 1964) Shortly after President Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963, Grant Stockdale was pushed, shoved or fell from the fourteenth story of a Miami building and was killed immediately in the fall. As an officer in the Bobby Baker enterprises, Grant Stockdale had particular knowledge of a good part of the workings of the cabal and his death was one of a
61 series made necessary to protect the group from public exposure. A number of the conspirators connections in the early 1960' s and the various connections, organizations and financial conduits were revealed in books published in 1969. Donald R. Cressey revealed in his work, Theft Of A Nation, that a "Lelow" was the top guy of the Joseph L. Bonanno group in Montreal, Canada. The name was overheard on a telephone tap and it is believed to be Lazio Nagy, a close relative of Ferenc Nagy. There, it is also revealed, "the Bonanno family has for decades had other interests in Montreal which is a bet taking lay-off center for U.S. bookmakers and lay-off men reinsure their bets." All of the investigators looking into Louis Mortimer Bloomfield's activities in connection with Permindex, the Swiss corporation, reported him as a banker in Montreal, Canada. He is not a banker as such, but a bet lay-off man is always referred to as a banker and this is where the confusion came. In fact, Bloomfield, as has been shown before, was the contract agent in charge of Division Five, the espionage agency of J. Edgar Hoover, and was a Montreal lawyer with offices in Paris, France, Tangiers, Morocco. (MartindaleHubbell, 1962) Among the large number of suppressed Warren Commission Documents were two which are of interest here. Their titles are:
62 1. "Allegation Oswald was m Tangier, Morocco" Document Number 1188 2. "Allegation Oswald in Montreal, Summer 1963" Document number 729
Poor's Register for 1963 lists the corporations and dummy corporations through which Bloomfield funneled the funds into and away from the Swiss banks. They are: Credit Suisse (Canada), Ltd. (a subsidiary of CREDIT SUISSE of Berne, Switzerland) Manoir Industries, Ltd. British Controlled Oil Fields, Ltd. Grimaldi Sioas Lines (Canada), Ltd. Berkeley Property Corp. Ltd. Canscot Realty Investments, Ltd. Canscot Building, Ltd. Beaver Hall Investments, Ltd. Israel Continental Oil Co., Ltd. Leasing Pulp & Paper Corp., Ltd. Leviton Mfg. of Can., Ltd. Mirelis Investments, Ltd. Progress Luminaire, Ltd. Protrade Commericial Devel., Ltd. Heineken's Breweries (Can.) Ltd. Ed Reid, in The Grim Reapers, reveals one of the other subsidiaries of CREDIT SUISSE and conduits through which funds were funneled. There the connection of Bobby Baker, Morris
63 Dalitz, Cliff Jones and others in the conspiracy and their connections with the conduits are shown. The principle funding agency for Permindex was the Credit Bank of Geneva, also known as Credit Suisse. (The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, p. 219) The Syndicate Caribbean money structure is partially represented by the Bank of World Commerce, Ltd., which was incorporated in 1961 under British Law in Nassau, Bahamas, Nevada's Cliff Jones and Ed Levinson were listed as stockholders. Tied into the whole structure was a firm known in 1961 as Allied Empire, Ind., formerly Allied Television Films, Inc., of Beverly Hills, California. At that time Allied Empire was listed as a corporate stockholder with ten thousand shares of Bank of World stock, and was the holding company for the bank. (The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 129) The financial structure has myriad connections. A score of Las Vegas gamblers and state and federal politicians were involved in the setup through Anjon Savings and Loan, account number 804, and Marritt Savings and Loan of Baltimore, Maryland, which was brought out by Anjon Account Number 804. By means of a network of American and British corporate laws, Account Number 804's list of depositorstockholders includes not only the Bank of World Commerce--$23,000--but also a number of Las Vegans. When all the records are put together, we
find that the names of a number of individuals involved show up again and again in the complex web of gambling operations in various places on the North American continent and form compass points which chart a course to the truth of the oppos1t10n. Account Number 804 listed among its stockholders: Irving Devine, Las Vegas gambler whose wife was named by LIFE as a mob courier, Clifford Jones, Edward Levinson, John Pullman, one time President, Bank of World Commerce, M. A. Riddle, B. E. Seigelbaum and Sav-Way Investment Company. The persons holding office and stock in the Bank of World Commerce at the time of its inception were: John Pullman, President and director; Edward Dawson Roberts, vice-president and director; Gerald Nelson Capps, secretary and treasurer; M. Roberts, director; Alvin I. Malnic, director, and Philip J. Mathew, director. Among the stockholders were: Leon S. Bloom, Jr., Clifford A. Jones, John Pullman, Irving Devine, Edward Levinson and Allied Empire, Inc. On September 8, 1967, two of the individuals involved with the Bank of World Commerce and Anjon Savings and Loan, Account Number 804, were named by LIFE as "bagmen" for Meyer Lansky in the syndicate's far-flung gambling kingdom. A third, an alleged bagwoman is the wife of one of the Bank of World Commerce stockholders. Cash was carried 11
65 by these people and others, the article stated, via the Bank of World Commerce into the financial arteries of an organization in the Bahamas known as the Atlas Bank, a working subsidiary of the CREDIT SUISSE in Berne Switzerland. All three of the boards of directors and staffs of these money entities were what LIFE described as "studded with both skimmers and couriers" for the mob. (The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 130) Among the fund couriers listed was Ben Sigelbaum (Seigelbaum), sixty-five years old, political advisor and a long time associate of Ed Levinson in many of his business endeavors. Sigelbaum was also a business associate and confidant of Bobby Baker when the latter was secretary of the Democratic Majority in the U.S. Senate. Also named was John Pullman, sixty-seven years old, original president of the Bank of World Commerce who once served a prison term for violating U.S. liquor laws and gave up his American citizenship in 1954 to become a Canadian. He now lives in Switzerland. Another courier was Sylvain Furdmann, a thirty-three year old Swiss citizen described as an international banker and economist and, by U.S. authorities, as a fugitive accused of interfering with federal inquiries into the skimming racked in Las Vegas and elsewhere. (The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 131) Ida Devine, wife of Las Vegas gambler Irving (Niggy) Devine, traveled with Sigelbaum from Las Vegas to Miami with skimmed money
66 for Lansky; Furdmann is said to have carried the skim from the Bahamas to Lansky; and Lansky counted the money in Miami, took his own cut and dispensed other sums, via different couriers, to a few syndicate chieftains in the United States. At that point, the story went on, Ferdmann and Pullman carried the remainder of the funds to the CREDIT SUISSE in Berne, Switzerland and deposited them in numbered accounts in the Swiss haven for secret-money banking. (The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 131) An active part in the whole affair was carried out by Furdmann, who organized the Atlas Bank as the Bahamas subsidiary of the CREDIT SUISSE of Berne, Switzerland. The foregoing further confirms, Bloomfield, Permindex, Double-Chek and the connections with the same group as was connected earlier in Credit Bank of Geneva which is one and the same as CREDIT SUISSE, Miami Astaldo Vaduz, DoubleChek, Alex Carlson and the other Swiss and Liechtenstein Banks. Fred Black of Washington, D. C. was a lobbyist for North American Aircraft and business associate with Bobby Baker and Clifford Jones. Black has confirmed the connection between Jones, McWillie, Baker, Ruby and ex-Cuban president, Prio. (Senate Rules Committee, Transcript of Testimony, Bobby Baker Case, 1964; U.S. v. Black; New Orleans District Attorney Records) After November 22, 1963, Black publicly
67 told many people in Washington, DC he had informed J. Edgar Hoover that an income tax conviction against him must be reversed or he would blow the lid off Washington with revelations of the assassination conspirators. (The New Republic, December 24, 1966; New Orleans District Records) Lobbyist Black prevailed upon J. Edgar Hoover to admit error before the Supreme Court where his case was reversed in 1965. (Black v. U.S., U. S. Supreme Court Records) Hoover did well to rescue Black from the conviction. Fred Black, while socially drinking with acquaintances in Washington has, on numerous occasions, been reported to have told of J. Edgar Hoover's and Bobby Baker's involvement in the assassination through Las Vegas, Miami and Havana gamblers. He named some of these as the Fox Brothers of Miami, McLaney of Las Vegas, New Orleans, Havana and Bahamas, Cliff Jones of Las Vegas, Carlos Prio Socarras of Havana, Bobby Baker and others. He stated there was also a connection in that some of the gamblers were Russian emigres. (New Orleans District Attorney Records; Jack Ruby's Testimony CH, V) Don Reynolds, Washington, DC businessman and asssociate of Bob by Baker and who had a number of questionable business transactions with Walter Jenkins on behalf of Lyndon Johnson, also gave testimony concerning Bobby Baker's involvement with the principals and
he has stated on numerous public occasions that this group was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. (Senate Rules Committee, Transcript of Testimony, Bobby Baker case, 1964; New Orleans District Attorney records,) Black was a stockholder with Baker in the Waikiki Savings and Loan Association in Honolulu. The other members were Clifford Jones and his law partner, Louis Weiner. There was the Farmers & Merchants State Bank in Tulsa where Jones joined Baker and Black in a stock deal and brought in a Miami pal by the name of Benny Sigelbaum, a courier of funds and documents to the Swiss banks for Permindex and the Syndicates. (Ihe Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris, p. 218.) Of all the enterprises, none could compare with the controversial Serv-U Corp., a Baker-Black controlled vending-machine firm. Ed Levinson, President of the Fremont Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, was also a partner. Grant Stockdale, President of Serv-U and is covered later. (The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris, p. 218) Formed late in 1961, Serv-U Corporation provided vending machines for the automatic dispensing of food and drink in companies working on government contracts. In the next two years, Serv-U was awarded the lion-share of the vending business at three major aerospace firms-North American Aviation, Northrop Corporation and Thompson Ramo Woolridge's Space
Technology Laboratories. (The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris, p. 218) Baker and Black each bought stock in the company for $1 a share, while the others paid approximately $16 a share. Early in 1963 when Baker's Carousel Motel in Ocean City, Md., ran into financial difficulties, it was bought by Serv-U for $1 million. (The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris, p. 218) McWillie, Baker and Jones were involved in numerous transactions together, one of which was the incorporation of Great America, the conglomerate company. The incorporating papers in Carson City, Nevada dated April 27, 1962 lists Abe Fortas as vice-president, general counsel and director. There is not sufficient evidence made public yet to connect Fortas with the assassination conspiracy. One of the incorporators of Great America was Clifford Jones, Nevada lieutenant governor from 1945-54 and a part owner and officer of the Thunderbird Hotel in Las Vegas. The gambling license issued to Jones and a partner in the hotel was revoked by the Nevada Tax Commission in 1955 on grounds that underworld figures had interests in the hotel. The decision was later overturned by the Nevada Supreme court. (Dallas News, May 15, 1969) On January 5, 1966, Clifford Jones was indicted for perjury in connection with the grand jury investigation of Bobby Baker, former
70 secretary to Senate Democrats. (Dallas News, May 15, 1969) Baker was indicted the same day for conspiracy, tax evasion and fraudulently converting to his own use nearly $100,000 from California savings and loan executives who thought they were making political contributions. (Dallas News, May 16, 1969) Clifford Jones was named co-conspirator in the indictment, Baker was later convicted of failing to pay tax on the $100,000. Jones' case had not come to trial as of the summer of 1969. (Dallas News, May 16, 1969) Abe Fortas was Baker's attorney until Johnson became president in 1963. At that time he withdrew from the case. (Dallas News, May 16, 1969) The two other incorporators of Great America were Helen Irving and Katharine Waldman, both of Las Vegas, and both also listed as directors of a Las Vegas concern which got a gambling license in June, 1964. The same three incorporators--J ones and the two women--were listed as incorporators when Great America filed to do business in Texas on January 29, 1963, records in the Texas secretary of state's office in Austin showed. (Dallas News, May 16, 1969) Troy Post of Dallas, Texas was the originator of Great America. It was Troy Post working with Bobby Baker and Clifford Jones who put the conglomerate together. Edward
71 Levinson of the Freemont Hotel in Las Vegas was associated with Bobby Baker, Clifford Jones and L. J. McWillie in the plans for the assassination. Levinson refused to answer any questions before the Senate Committee investigating the Bobby Baker case in 1964. He took the Fifth Amendment seventy-five times. Levinson and Morris Dalitz of the Desert Inn and Stardust in Las Vegas were also connected with Carlos Prio Socarras, ex-Cuban President, and Cliff Jones in all Havana gambling before and after Castro took control. Morris Dalitz, Roy M. Cohn, H. L. Hunt and J. Edgar Hoover had worked together for years in the anti-Communist movement. They had been active as a group for the Joe McCarthy investigations during the early 1950s. (The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris; The Enemy Within, Bobby Kennedy; Farewell America, published only in Europe) Morris Dalitz, for years had been the head of the Cleveland, Ohio underworld and as such had been a business partner of Joe Bonanno of the Mafia and Lionel Corporation. Dalitz and Bonanno had been a constant target of Robert Kennedy in his organized crime fight. We shall later look into Bonanno' s act1v1tles and connect10ns. Ed Reid in his 1969 book, The Grim Reapers, published a picture of Lyndon Johnson at Morris Dalitz' s Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, taken when Johnson and Bobby Baker
met with Dalitz prior to the assassination. Johnson and Dalitz were photographed together a number of times during the important Las Vegas meeting. Also at the meeting with Johnson, Baker and Dalitz, the host, were Ed Levinson, Clifford Jones and Roy Cohn. The great majority of FBI agents knew nothing about Hoover's actions and capable agents made a conspiracy case against Clifford Jones along with Bobby Baker in connection with their various financial transactions. Jones was indicted in 1964 for the conspiracy and a second indictment was made against him for perjury, that is for lying under oath when testifying for Baker. J. Edgar Hoover pressured the Justice Department and Jones has not been brought to trial more than five years after the charges. Hoover and Jones were personally close friends as well as members of the assassination cabal. Because of the wide publicity and public pressure, Hoover could not quash the Baker case without a trial. However, he worked through Abe Fortas on the Supreme Court and Baker's appeals were handled in such a way as to block any final decree and to bring questions on the case lasting into late 1969. Hoover's adroit handling of the Baker case has made it questionable whether Baker will ever serve a day of his sentence. History has recorded at least as early as World War II the definite working together of the Mafia and J. Edgar Hoover through his espionage
73 department. From 1943 to 1946, Lucky Luciano and selected Mafia members throughout the United States worked on the docks of the various ports in the United States and in other areas with J. Edgar Hoover and the military intelligence agencies in preventing sabotage. Lucky Luciano's prison sentence was suspended in 1946 and he was allowed to leave the country to take up residence in Sicily. (The Mafia, 1952, Ed Reid) Veto Genovese and his select Mafia group worked with Mussolini in Italy before and during World War II and were a part of Mussolini's Fascist governing regime. However, in 1943, as the American Forces worked their way up the Italian peninsula, the same Veto Genovese and his group became active agents for the United States intelligence agencies and a number of American officials wrote flowery recommendations for Genovese c1tmg his American patnot1sm, intelligence and ingenuity in carrying out his assigned duties for the U. S. espionage agencies. (The Mafia, op cit; Theft of A Nation, op cit)
A group of Fascist French generals dedicated to keeping Algeria as a French colony were the middle group in the 1961 and 1962 assassmauon attempts on French General DeGaulle. A French colonel, Bastien Thiry, commanded the 1962 group of professional assassins who made the actual assassination attempt on DeGaulle. Colonel Thiry set his group of assassins up at an interaction in the suburbs of Paris in this final attempt in 1962 to kill DeGaulle. the gunmen fired more than one hundred rounds in the 1962 Colonel Thiry assassination attempt. But General DeGaulle, traveling in his bullet proof car, evaded being hit, although all of the tires were shot out. The driver increased his speed and the general was saved. Colonel Bastien Thiry was arrested, tried and executed for the attempt on DeGaulle's life but he was the breaking point between the operating level of that assassination attempt and the people financing and planning it and he went to his death without revealing the connection. General DeGaulle's intelligence, however, traced the financing of his attempted assassination into the FBI's Permindex in Switzerland and Centro
75 Mondiale Commerciale in Rome, and he complained to both the government of Switzerland and Italy causing Permindex to lose its charter and Centro Mondiale Commerciale to be forced to move to Johannesburg, South Africa. General DeGaulle was furious at the assassination plots and attempted assassination upon himself. He called in his most trusted officers with the French Intelligence Agency and they advised him that they were already working on the investigation to ferret out who was behind DeGaulle' s attempted assassination. The French Intelligence Agency in a very short while completely traced the assassination attempt through Permindex, the Swiss corporation, to the Solidarists, the Fascist white Russian emigre intelligence organization and Division Five, the espionage section of the FBI, into the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Brussels, Belgium. French Intelligence thus determined that the attempts on General DeGaulle' s life were being directed from NA TO in Brussels through its various intelligence organizations and specifically, Permindex in Switzerland, basically a NA TO intelligence front using the remnants of Adolph Hitler's intelligence units in West Germany and also, the intelligence unit of the Solidarists headquartered in Munich, Germany. The overall command of the DeGaulle assassination unit was directed by Division Five of the FBI.
76 Upon learning that the intelligence groups controlled by the Division Five of the FBI in the headquarters of the NA TO organization had planned all of the attempts on his life, DeGaulle was inflamed and ordered all NA TO units off of French soils. Under the contract between France and NA TO, General DeGaulle could not force them to move for a period of time somewhat exceeding one year; yet, he told NA TO to get off the soil of F ranee and put the machinery in operation to remove them within the treaty agreement with the organization. The Defense Intelligence Agency, the intelligence arm of all armed forces in the United States and Division Five, the counter-espionage agency for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, were both found to have been the controlling agencies in NATO directing the assassination attempts on DeGaulle's life. DIA and Division Five of the FBI were working hand in glove with the White Russian emigre intelligence arm, the Solidarists and many of the Western European intelligence agencies were not aware of the assassination plan worked directly through NATO headquarters. Even the high echelons of the United States CIA were not aware of the DIA, FBI and Solidarist directed activities. Jerry Milton Brooks, a close associate of Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Sr., testified in new Orleans that Gatlin was a transporter for the CIA and Division Five of the FBI. Gatlin in 1962 left
77 New Orleans on behalf of Permindex with $100,000.00 in cash of the FBI's money and delivered the cash on behalf of Division Five and Permindex to the group of fascist French generals planning the assassination of general DeGaulle. Gatlin flew from New Orleans directly to Paris, France and made the delivery. (New Orleans District Attorney records) Gatlin was the general counsel to the AntiCommunist League of the Caribbean, and he worked directly under Guy Bannister. In 1964 Gatlin was thrown, pushed, or fell from the sixth floor of the El Panama Hotel in Panama during the middle of the night and was killed instantly. Guy Bannister had been in charge of the midwestern FBI Division Five operation with headquarters in Chicago up until 1955. At this time, J. Edgar Hoover shifted Bannister from an official basis with Division Five to a retainer and contractual basis with the espionage section of the agency and moved him to New Orleans where Bannister worked with the New Orleans police department and later from a private office at 544 Camp Street. In his contractual capacity with Division Five, Bannister had close contacts with all of the armed service intelligence agencies and worked closely with them on the espionage section of the FBI' s various projects. Bannister was the officer in charge who dispatched Gatlin with the $100,000.00 cash to Paris for the DeGaulle assassination group.
(New Orleans District Attorney Records) We outline the DeGaulle assassination attempt with President Kennedy's assassination because basically the same organization carried out both operations.
CHAPTER V IN 1961 EUROPEAN AND U.S. PUBLICATIONS REVEALED THE DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY'S SUPPORT OF THE REVOLTING FRENCH GENERALS Before the attempted assassination on DeGaulle by Thiry of Permindex and even before Maurice Gatlin, the New Orleans business associate of Guy Bannister, had acted as courier of assassination funds for Permindex between New Orleans and Europe, a large hassle had developed publicly over the Pentagon and the Defense Intelligence Agency acting in concert with the revolting French generals in Algeria. These were the same French generals who were working with the Defense Intelligence Agency and Division Five of the FBI through Permindex, Centro Mondiale Commerciale (World Trade Center) and ItaloAmerican Hotel Corporation in the attempted assassination of DeGaulle in March of 1962. At the time these facts were put into general circulation, neither Permindex, Centro Mondiale Commerciale (World Trade Center) nor halo-American Hotel Corporation had been brought to public light, although we now know their operations, connections and purposes. The story was considered important enough in May, 1961, to be the subject of the lead editorial in Le Monde, the most respected and influential
newspaper in F ranee: "It now seems established that some American agents more or less encouraged Maurice Challe, whose experience in NA TO should have put him on guard against the dealings of these irresponsible people and their Spanish and German colleagues. Kennedy obviously had nothing to do with this affair. To make this plain he considered it necessary to offer aid to General de Gaulle, well intentioned certainly but inopportune." Columnist Marquis Childs noted that some people at the top were aware of the Defense Intelligence Agency's involvement. Childs wrote: "As one of the highest officials of F ranee put it: 'Of course your government, neither you State Department nor your President, had anything to do with this. But when you have so many hundreds of agents in every part of the world it is not to be wondered at that some of them should have got in touch with the generals in Algiers.'" And l 'Expess devoted two full pages to Challe and the DIA in a report the content of which obviously bore the imprint of high officialdom. Among other things, l 'Express affirmed that "Knowing the sobriety, the prudence and the ambition of general Challe, all of his close friends are convinced today that he was encouraged by his companions (at NATO). In the course of the final conversations which he had in Paris certain American agents have told him 'succeed quickly--
81 in less than forty eight hours--in a technical coup d'etat and we will support you.'" When the first stories of DIA and NA TO involvement in the revolt were being published on April 22, 1961, some of them were launched cautiously "by officials at the Elysee Palace itself," according to Crosby S. Noyes in the Washington Star. "At least a half dozen foreign newsmen were given privately to understand that the generals' plot was backed by strongly anti-Communist elements in the United States Government and military services. The leader of the revolt, general Maurice Challe, was reported to have received assurances that any move to keep Algeria under permanent French domination and out of Algerian hands would be in the interests of the United States. There also was a strong implication that a change in the NA TO policies of General de Gaulle would be welcome as one of the results of a successful coup d'etat." Paul Ghali of the Chicago Daily News reported that "French army circles in the French capital made it known that they had 'irrefutable' documents proving that Pentagon agents in Paris and Algiers promised General Challe full U.S. support of the coup succeeded. Simultaneously, the Polish Ambassador in Paris, Stanislaw Gajewski, volunteered the same information with even more precision to colleagues and social acquaintances." Said II Pense in Rome: "It is not by chance that some people in Paris are accusing the
82 American secret service headed by Allen Dulles of having participated in the plot of the four 'ultra' generals ... Franco, Salazar, Allen Dulles are the figures who hide themselves behind the pronunciamentos of the 'ultras'; they are the pillars of an international conspiracy that, being itself on the Iberian dictatorships, on the residue of the most fierce and blind colonialism, on the intrigues of the CIA ... reacts furiously to the advance of progress and democracy ... " Pravda reported that "Taking part in the war against the Algerian people is not only the France of the arms manufacturers. The war in Algeria is a war of NA TO. This was openly and cynically stated by American General N orstad, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Atlantic Bloc. U.S. reactionary quarters are helping the French colonialists ... The traces of the plotters lead to Madrid and Lisbon, these hotbeds of fascism preserved intact with the money of American reactionaries and with direct assistance of top NA TO circles. The traces from Spain and Portugal lead across the ocean to the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S .... " A version with a new twist appeared in a non-Communist Paris newspaper. It was written by Genevieve T abouis. Madame T abouis assured her readers that "the fact that the effort of Challe was encouraged, if not supported, by the most Atlantic of American services, is from now on a secret everyone k nows. "
83 About this time, General James M. Gavin, United States Ambassador to F ranee, attended a luncheon of the French-American Press Association. Also on hand was Pierre Baraduc. Ambassador Gavin stood up to answer questions from the guests. One of the guests was Sam White, an Australian and Paris correspondent for the irreverant London Evening Standard. White, a man of blunt and simple Anglo-Saxon words, handed Ambassador Gavin a bombshell of a question" Now that the story that the Pentagon played a part in the Algerian mutiny has received the blessing of the Quai d'Orsay, what steps does the American Ambassador propose to take to kill
. )" lt.
By this time, the Defense Intelligence Agency, Division Five of the FBI and the NA TO generals' involvement with the French Algerian generals was so well established that General Gavin declined to make any form of denial. Digressing somewhat but expanding further, it is desirable to document further the connection between the Defense Intelligence Agency, Division Five of the FBI, the Defense Industrial Security Command, the members of the Kennedy assassination cabal, it's employees and their common, connecting links and objectives. The Defense Industrial Security Command is a direct subsidiary of the Defense Intelligence Agency under the command of Lt. Gen. Joseph Carroll, who was along time friend of Hoover and
former assistant director of the FBI. The Defense Industrial Security Command was in operation before the Defense Intelligence Agency was formed in early 1961. However, before that time, it had worked with the separate armed forces intelligence agencies which were all brought together under General Carroll. The DISC was a police, security, investigative, intelligence and employee clearance arm of the sprawling military industrial complex consisting of the Atomic Energy Commission, NASA, the munitions makers and suppliers of the Army, Air Force, navy and Marine Corps and the employees of all of these agencies and those companies who held contracts with them. It is not in the least surprising that the syndicate and the Mafia worked well into the Defense Industrial Security Command because of their members' ownership in many of the huge corporations manufacturing munitions and supplies for the Pentagon, Atomic Energy Commission and NASA. Henry Crown's and Patrick Hoy's ownership of the controlling block in General Dynamics between 1960 and 1966 is well known by the few who bother to keep up with such things. Henry Crown's close association with the Chicago Mafia figures has been well documented in Captive City by Demaris. Joe Bonanno's (the New York, Tucson and Montreal Mafia head) connection with the
85 mun1t1on manufacturing corporation, Lionel, is also well known, Roy Cohn of Lionel, Ed Levinson, Clifford Jones and Cleveland mobster, Morrie Dalitz, and their business connections are also totally established. Joe Bonanno keeps his personal lawyer on retainer (and has for years) in order to handle the intricate high financial legal moves in connection with his ownership of munitions, aerospace and other corporations registered on Wall Street. Bonanno's attorney is William Power Maloney who is also General Counsel for the Securities and Exchange Commission, the regulatory agency over the stock exchanges with headquarters in New York City. And, J. Edgar Hoover until 1959 vehemently denied that the Mafia even existed. He said there was no such organization as the Mafia. The Nazi scientists are on management level also in the munitions and aerospace industry. Walter Dornberger, the Nazi general, left the space agency in the 1950's to become a high official in Bell Aerospace Corporation and he was followed by over thirty of the Nazi scientists to control level in the corporations manufacturing munitions and aerospace material. This still left well over sixty of the scientists at command level in NASA. (Appointment on the Moon, Lewis) The Nazis, Mafia and gambling syndicate members were all brought together under the large umbrella of the Defense Industrial Security Command and the even larger joint umbrella of
86 the Defense Intelligence Agency and Division Five of the FBI. Of course, General Joseph Carroll of DIA could not possibly participate in any venture without the approval of the Joint Chiefs of Staff sitting over him in the Pentagon. The host of munitions and aerospace manufacturing companies with Mafia Members in the leadership positions began to surface during the 1960s and one of such connections surfaced as is shown in the Associated Press Dispatch of October 28, 1969, which reads as follows: "A Pennsylvania manufacturing firm linked to the Mafia by a Senate subcommittee has won millions of dollars in defense contracts from the P entagon. "Medico Industries Inc. of Pittston, Pa., currently is working on a $4 million contract to produce parts for rocket warheads used extensively in Vietnam." "Since 1966, the firm has received about $12 million in Army, Navy and Air Force contracts. Pentagon records indicate it has performed well on all its defense work." "Medico Industries' present contracts do not involve classified material. However, Pentagon spokesmen said the firm and its principal officers had a security clearance from Jan. 28, 1968 to June 20, 1968. It was terminated at the company's request--a request which Pentagon sources said came after security officials asked for additional information about its officers." II
87 "The company's name has cropped up in the organized crime investigations of a Senate subcommittee headed by Sen. John L. McClellan, D. Ark." "In 1964, McClellan's subcommittee listed Medico Electric Motor Co., later to become known as Medico Industries, as a principal hangout of Russell A. Bufalino, whom it described as 'one of the most ruthless and powerful leaders of the Mafia in the United States.'" "William Medico, former president and now general manager of Medico Industries, was listed in the same report as among the 'criminal associates' of Bufalino." "James A. Osticco, the firm's traffic manager, was present in 1957 when New York State Police broke up the Appalachian Conference --a meeting of top Mafia figures from throughout the United States. The participants also included Bufalino and Veto Genovese, once described as 'king of the rackets."' "Bufalino has been battling deportation since 1952. According to the McClellan committee's 1964 report, the Sicilian-born Mafia leader has been active in narcotics trafficking, labor racketeering, and dealing in stolen jewels and furs. Last year, Bufalino was charged with transporting stolen television sets across state lines." "Investigators say Bufalino and Medico have been friends since Bufalino moved to Pittston from Buffalo, N. Y. in 1938."
88 "A confidential report in the files of state and federal law enforcement officials refers to a company listed in the Senate report as being owned by Bufalino and says: 'One of the silent partners in this enterprise is said to be William Medico ... who is believed to have money invested in a number of places where the subject (Bufalino) acts as f ront man. "' "In a telephone interview, Medico said he has no business interests with Bufalino. He said he has known Bufalino all his life." "As for the McClellan committee report that Bufalino frequents the Medico plant, Medico said, 'Sure he comes to see us. We're selling him equipment; he's a customer. I can't tell him to get the hell out.'" "The firm's record of getting government contracts goes back to the 1950s. It has produced such items as maintenance platform for the Air Force and Navy, rebuilt generators for the Signal Corps, rebuilt machine tools and hydraulic wing jacks for the Army, Navy and Air Force. It also has had contracts from the cities of New York and Detroit. In 1963, it compared with eight other firms to take over management of a government-owned ammunition plant in Scranton, Pa., but lost out to a lower bidder." "In 1968 Medico Industries was one of 166 companies from which the Army sought bids to produce parts for 2.75-inch rocket warheads. Ten
89 firms, including Medico, responded and six got contracts. Medico was not among the." "But in the summer of 1968, the Army announced it needed still more warheads to fill Vietnam requirements. The four unsuccessful bidders on the earlier round were invited to bid again. All four, including Medico, got contracts. The Medico contract, awarded September 19, 1968, called for supply of 510,00 parts for $3,090,600." "Then, in December 1968, Medico was among the producers invited to submit proposals for shifting to production of a different and costlier type 2.75-inch warhead. the firm received a contract on Dec. 31 to supply 380,000 parts at a cost of $4,012,800. That contract is still in effect." "Under Defense Department regulations, a company can not be cleared for work on classified projects until its key personnel are given a National Agency check. This includes a search of FBI name and fingerprint files." "If any derogatory information is found, it is up to the Defense Industrial Security Command at Columbus, Ohio, to determines if it is serious enough to warrant further investigation. If such a determination is made the case is referred to a higher level for review. No such reference was made when Medico's application was processed." "In addition to security checks, all prospective defense contractors also undergo a preaward review to determine their ability to produce the personal background of company officials is
not a factor in such reviews." Medico Industries' success in obtaining government contracts has helped it expand from a small electrical company housed in a former mule barn to a large modern plant on the outskirts of Pittston. With a work force of about 400 during peak contract periods, the firm is one of the largest employers in the coal mining area." "William Medico and his four brothers, all officers in the family firm, are often in the news as participants in civic affairs, charity drives and occasionally politics, in the city of 13,000 midway between Scranton and Wilkes-Barre." To return momentarily to some of the employees of the DIA and DISC involved in the DeGaulle assassination attempt, it needs to be pointed out that Jerry Brooks and a number of other witnesses confirmed to District Attorney Jim Garrison that Maurice Gatlin had carried funds to Europe to finance the De Gaulle assassination attempt. It was also confirmed that Jack Ruby was a close associate of Maurice Gatlin and that Gatlin, Robert Ray McKeown of Baycliff, Texas (adjacent to the Houston NASA headquarters), and Jack Ruby were all very closely associated over a period of at least ten years. As a matter of fact, Jerry Brooks told Garrison that Gatlin was the one who called Jack Ruby and Robert Ray McKeown in and ordered them to drop their plans to ship surplus army jeeps to Fidel Castro in the spring of 1959.
91 Ruby, of course, was also very closely connected with L. J. McWillie of Havana and Las Vegas, the business partner of Clifford Jones, Ed Levinson, Morris Dalitz, Bobby Baker and Roy Cohn. When questioned by the Warren Commission, Jack Ruby had this to say about L. J. McWillie: Mr. Ruby: ".... As a matter of fact, on the plane, if I recall, I had an article he sent me, and I wanted to get it published because I idolized McWillie .... " Mr. Ruby: "A Fellow whom I sort of idolized is of the Catholic faith, and a gambler. Naturally in my business you meet people of various backgrounds. And the thought came, we were very close, and I always thought a lot of him, and I knew that Kennedy, being Catholic, I knew how heartbroken he was, and even his picture--of this Mr. McWillie--flashed across me, because I have a great fondness for him." (CH, V, 200 -201) Also buried deep in the twenty-six volumes of the Warren Commission report are the following statements which, of course, show that Ruby had contact with Mc Willie, Jones, Dalitz of the Stardust Motel and others in Las Vegas about two and one half weeks before the assassination time. "GILBERT COSKEY, Casino Cashier, Stardust Hotel, advised that about four weeks ago an individual from Dallas, Texas, believed by the name RUBY approached the casino credit
92 department and attempted to have a check cashed. COSKEY recalled that the man talked about owning the Vegas Club and another night club in Dallas. COSKEY stated he took the check to JOHN TIHISTA, Credit manager, for approval informing TIHISTA that the customer reportedly was from Dallas and owned night clubs in that city. COSKEY stated that if he recalls correctly, TIHISTA refused to cash this check since the customer had no previous credit with the hotel. He could recall nothing more concerning this incident, but after seeing a photo of RUBY in the paper and reading about his background, he was certain that RUBY and the person attempting to cash a check at the Stardust were one and the same." (CH, XXIII, 83) "JOHN TIHISTA, Credit Manager, Stardust Hotel, advised that about one month ago, GILBERT COSKEY, Cashier in the hotel casino cage, came to TIHISTA with a check from a customer to determine whether or not it should be cashed. According to COSKEY, the customer wanting to cash the check had no previous credit; however, COSKEY stated that the man was from Dallas and owned a night dub in that city. He believed COSKEY had stated the man's name was RUBY. TIHISTA stated that apparently this incident occurred on a weekend since they were unable to contact the customer's bank, and therefore, did not accept the check. TIHISTA reviewed hotel reg1strat10n
records for the months of September, October and November (1963) but could not locate a registration for the name RUBY or RUBINSTEIN. TIHISTA stated there was no credit application for the name RUBY or RUBINSTEIN at the Stardust." (CH, XXIII, 82) "JOSEPH STEFAN, Caddymaster, Tropicana Golf Club, .... advised that when the news of RUBY's killing of OSWALD first appeared on television, he had the impression that at one time RUBY might have played golf at that course, since he is sure that at some time during the past year, a player from Texas, had given him a card from the Carousel Club in Dallas and told him to look him up if he ever got to Dallas .... " (CH, XXIII, 75) Ruby was simply being guided and advised by his superiors in the gambling syndicate and Mafia section within the Defense Industrial Security Command. DISC also has within its group the secondary command level of the U.S. Information Agency whose duties are propaganda. Fred Korth, in addition to his close connection with Nazi Walter Dorn berger as fellow board member on Bell Aerospace Corporation, has been active director of U.S.I.A. and its subsidiary, Radio Free Europe. In any event, one may well rest assured that in the fall of 1969 and in 1970, the Defense
94 Industrial Security Command was continuing its activities on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio and at the George Marshall Space Center and Old Redstone Arsenal along the Tennessee River in Northern Alabama. When F. Lee Bailey was called to represent Captain Ernest L. Medina in December of 1969, he was employed by D.I.S.C. and he had never seen Medina until both were flown to Columbus, Ohio. After being together in Columbus a few days and after a number of propaganda stories were ground out from there, Medina and Bailey were flown to the Pentagon where they met the national press. After Ross Perot had flown around the world with food for North Vietnam prisoners of war as a propaganda venture, he flew to Columbus, Ohio where new and effective news releases were issued after several days there in January, 1970. The Columbus group had earlier secured lawyers for James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan and others. The Defense Industrial Security Command, the police agency of the munitions manufacturers successors to the German cartels has many and varied functions.
CHAPTER VI PERMINDEX AND DOUBLE-CHEK AGENTS AND THEIR ACTIVITIES Double-Chek, a Florida corporat10n organized and operated by the CIA as the American counterpart to Permindex and Centro Mondiale Commerciale, was taken over by Division Five of the FBI and was used as one of the principal funding agencies for President Kennedy's death planners. Another was the Tolstoy Foundation, the Russian Solidarist funding source with its principal offices in New York City and Munich in Germany, and the Kentfield Fund in Dallas. (Russian exiles testimony, CH, vols. 2, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14) The Solidarist world network is connected through the old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America and Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia which church connected organization used one of its priests, David Ferrie, in New Orleans as an agent in the planning of the Kennedy assassination. Ferrie became a priest and agent for the Solidarists when he dropped out of the Roman Catholic Seminary in Ohio and joined the Byelorussian Liberation Front at 3308 West 43rd Street, Cleveland, Ohio in 1946. (Membership records, B. L. F ., Cleveland, Ohio; Encyclopedia of Association, Gale)
Donald P. Norton told Jim Garrison he was impressed into the agency's service in 1957 under the threat of exposure as a homosexual. In September, 1962, Norton was dispatched from Atlanta to Mexico with $30,000 for an anti-Castro group. he said he registered in the Yamajel Hotel in Monterrey, Mexico, per instructions, when he was contacted by one Harvey Lee, an exact duplicate of Oswald except that his hair seemed slightly thicker. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) In exchange for the money, Lee gave him a briefcase contammg documents in manila envelopes. According to plan, Norton delivered the briefcase to an employee of an American oil firm in Calgary, Alberta, who repeated the pass phrase, "The weather is very warm in Tulsa." (Ibid) Brock Wall and Joe Peterson were in close contact with a person who called himself Atchison, and Jack Wohl from Calgary. Norton also told of how he met David Ferrie earlier in his career. In early 1958, he was assigned a courier trip to Cuba and told to meet his contact at the Eastern Air Lines counter at the Atlanta airport. The contact was a man who called himself Hugh Ferrie. "Here are your samples," Ferrie remarked, handing Norton a phonograph record. "It is in the jacket." The jacket contained $150,000.00, which Norton duly delivered to a Cuban television performer in Havana. Norton asserts he went to Freeport, Grand Bahama, on an
97 Agency assignment late in 1966, and upon his return to Miami, his contact instructed that "something was happening in New Orleans and that Norton should take a long, quiet vacation." (ibid) He did, and began to worry about the "people who have died in recent months--like Ferrie." Then he contacted Garrison. Norton was given a lie detector test, the result of which was that he was telling the truth (ibid). Jules Rocco Kimble said that on the day after David Ferrie died, he drove a top KKK official, Jack Helm, to Ferrie's apartment. Helm came out with a satchel of papers which he placed in a bank safe deposit box. Kimble said that in 1962, he had flown to Montreal, Canada with Ferrie on business. He promised the District Attorney's investigators that he would gather more information and report back to them. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) Shortly afterward, he phoned his wife from Atlanta, saying he had met an Intelligence contact. "They'll never get me back to New Orleans," he said. A few days after that, he called from Montreal, Canada. Kimble came back to Tampa, Florida, where he was arrested by the city police. Interviewed by Garrison's men, he said that he had once worked special assignments for U.S. Intelligence agencies, and in verification named his Agency contacts and the box number at the Lafayette Street station they assigned him. (Ibid)
He averred he had recontacted the Intelligence agency after Walter Sheridan had counseled him to say nothing to the District Attorney and go to Montreal where he named some contacts. Sheridan was the liaison man with Bobby Kennedy for Joe Carroll of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Sheridan was subsequently indicted by a New Orleans grand jury for public bribery for attempting to induce witnesses to make false statements against Garrison. (Ibid) David Ferrie was in Dallas, Texas on the night of November 24, 1963. Ferrie talked to Bob Mulholland, a NBC news man from the Chicago office, in Dallas the night of the 24th and admitted that he was connected with Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. Ferrie even knew the emcee at the Club and spoke freely exhibiting a friendship with Jack Ruby and a knowledge of a number of Jack Ruby's associates in Dallas. (CH, XIV, 454) We shall return to Ruby, Ferrie and their activities, but now is as good a time as any to add one more piece of evidence to the mountain of such inculpating the Defense Industrial Security Command. Gary Underhill, a CIA agent connected with Walter Rostow and Harold R. Isaacs at the Center for International Studies at M. I. T., told friends in early 1964 in New York that a group within the U. S. Intelligence agencies had planned and brought about the death of John Kennedy and that he was going to expose them. A few days later
he was found dead in his apartment in Washington, D.C., a bullet in his head behind his left ear--but Underhill was right handed. Harold R. Isaacs, ex-Newsweek Magazine editor, was the subject of a suppressed Warren Commission document. David Ferrie, Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Guy Bannister and Mike Mclaney of New Orleans, Robert Ray McKeown of Houston, Jack Ruby of Dallas and L. J. McWillie of Las Vegas began a partnership in 1953 with Carlos Prio Socarras, Cuba's President from 1948 to 1952, before Batista. Prio and his group were working well with Batista in operating all of the Cuban gambling houses until about 1957 when Batista began to shake Prio's group down for more than they felt was reasonable. (CH, XXVI, 650, et seq; CH, XXIII, 157; CH, XXVI, 634, et seq; New Orleans District Attorney records) Ex-president Prio, Ruby. McWillie, McKeown and the gambling partnership in 1957 contacted Castro who was then in the mountains and secretly began supporting him on Castro's promise of a more reasonable government tax on the gambling profits. Prio's partner, Jack Ruby, spent a good part of 1958 directing the smuggling of arms to Cuba from the Keys in Florida with James Woodard, an ex-Dallas policeman. (CH, XVI, 644 et seq) The arms, ammunitions and supplies were furnished until the Castro takeover of Cuba in January, 1959. As had been promised,
Prio, McWillie, Ruby, McKeown and the other partners continued to run the Havana gambling casinos until 1961 when Castro evicted McWillie, the last one to leave. (CH, XXIII, 161, et seq) McKeown, McWillie, Ruby, Prio, McLaney, Gatlin, Bannister and Ferrie immediately began working with other anti-Castro exiles, Division Five of the FBI and the CIA to overthrow Castro (CH, XXIII, 37 et seq; CH, XXIII, 157 et seq; New Orleans District Attorney Records) After the Bay of Pigs disaster, the PrioRuby group under Bannister's direction continued to work with the Cuban exiles toward an invasion of the Cuban mainland. Bannister, as a free agent, worked with Warren DeBrueys, Division Five of the FBI's resident agent in New Orleans. DeBrueys was also a white Russian and a member of the Solidarists. DeBrueys' chief assignment in the summer and fall of 1963 was to maintain dose vigil over Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans and Dallas. This he did, and after Oswald's death, DeBrueys gathered all of Oswald's personal belongings and carried them to J. Edgar Hoover in Washington, D.C. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) On November 22nd, before it was known that Kennedy was dead, Warren DeBrueys walked into Parkland Hospital and tried to force his way into the room where President Kennedy was being attended. Two Secret Service agents had a terrible fight with DeBrueys before he was subdued in the
room just outside of Kennedy's. He was held down by Secret Service agents until help arrived. (CH, XXI, 251; CH, XVIII, 795, 798) L. J. McWillie, one of Jack Ruby's partners in the ex-President Prio-Bannister-Ruby group, was a conservative dressing, highly polished, international socialite who traveled with the professional golfers in the U.S., Britain and western Europe. McWillie entered the partnership with Clifford Jones and Bobby Baker in the Thunderbird gambling casino in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1962. The Dallas and Oklahoma City police who knew McWillie thoroughly had him officially designated as a "murderer and gambler" on his many-page arrest records. (CH, XXIII, 166) As all people of this sort do, McWillie used a number of aliases, some of these were Lewis J. Martin, L. J. Chapman, Lewis Olney and others. (CH, XXIII, 166)
Robert Ray McKeown of Bacliff, Texas, near Houston, another of Ruby's partners in the President Prio-Bannister association, also had a many paged criminal record. McKeown's aliases included J. T. Brown, H.J. McAllister, Max, Dick McKeown and others (CH, XXVI, 651) Jerry Brooks further confirmed the close relation between McKeown, David Ferrie, L. J. McWillie and Ruby when he reported Maurice Gatlin put a stop to their plan to sell jeeps to Castro in 1959. Lee Harvey Oswald was recruited into Division Five of the FBI by David Ferrie in 1956
before 1om1ng the U.S.M.C. Qack Martin testimony to the Warren Commission; New Orleans District Attorney records; CH, XXIII, 455)
Oswald was taken to Memphis, Tennessee, by Division Five of the FBI while in the Marine Corps. There he received the highest level of covert espionage activities training during June, July and August of 1957 at the Naval intelligence school located on the Memphis Naval Base. The school is of such a highly secret nature that Oswald's official Marine Corps records were doctored so as not to reflect his training there. (CH, XXIII, 797 et seq; CH, XXIII, 795 et seq) Lee Harvey Oswald was paid by J. Edgar Hoover through a subterfuge account with the Department of Immigration and Naturalization, a Division of the Justice Department, and consequently, he could testify before the Warren Commission without being technically guilty of perjury that Oswald was not on the FBI payroll. Fred Cook in "The FBI Nobody Knows" reveals this device which Hoover uses in paying covert agents through the Department of Immigration and Naturalization. Oswald's pay slip number, which was revealed by the Dallas Sheriff's office, was the number assigned him out of the San Antonio office of the Department. Oswald was paid at the Dallas office of the Immigration Department and their address in the Rio Grande Building was found in Oswald's notebook.
103 Oswald was tutored by the Solidarists on the Russian language and his duties as an FBI espionage agent. The Russian newspapers and literature which Oswald received were of Solidarist origin. Just prior to going to Russia in 1959, Oswald received a Solidarist agent in a long visit at Santa Ana, California. In 1959 Oswald admitted his connections were "White Russians". (CH, VIII, 315; CH, VIII, 242) The agent came from the San Francisco office of the Solidarists. The San Francisco office went under the cover name "Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations", 376 Twentieth Avenue. (CH, VIII, 315 et seq; New Orleans District Attorney Records) Oswald had always been a Solidarist and Division Five of the FBI agent. He had never been employed by the CIA. (Encyclopedia of Associations, Gale) Dallas Chief Deputy Allan Sweatt said in a Secret Service document that Oswald was being paid $200.00 per month by the FBI and he even furnished Oswald's informant number, S-172. (National Archives Commission Control No. 767) Dallas District Attorney, Henry Wade, and Texas Attorney General, Waggoner Carr, in a secret meeting with the Commission on January 24, 1964, gave absolute confirmation of this. (Portrait of the Assassin, Ford & Stilus, p. 14) George DeMohrenschildt with his long years of experience in intelligence roles, testified to facts connecting Lee Oswald and Max Clark and
his wife, Gali, to Division Five of the FBI and the Defense Industrial Security Command through the Henry Crown, Patrick Hoy dominated General Dynamics. he further revealed the name of the Division Five agent in charge in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Here is what DeMohrenschildt said: Mr. DeMohrenschildt: "... in my mind Max Clark was in some way connected with the FBI, because he was chief ofsecurity at Convair (General Dynamics) he had been a chief of security. And either George Boune or someone else told me that he is with the FBI to some extent .... " Mr. Jenner: "Who is Walter Moore?" Mr. DeMohrenschildt: "Walter Moore is the man who interviewed me on behalf of the Government after I came back from Yugoslavia G. Walter Moore. He is a Government man FBI. .. A very nice fellow, exceedingly intelligent who is, as far as I know - was some sort of an FBI man in Dallas. Many people consider him head of FBI in Dallas .... " It should be pointed out here that Albert Jenner, one of the top lawyers on the Warren Commission staff, had been the personal and corporate lawyer for Henry Crown, Mafiaconnected head of General Dynamics, for a long number of years. Both live in Chicago. (Captive City, Demaris)
Gali Clark is a White Russian who was born of royal blood in exile in F ranee. She was Princess Sherbatov. She and her husband, Max, both Solidarists and close friends of John Connally, were the first Defense Industrial Security Command contacts with Lee and Marina Oswald when they got back from Russia in 1962. They visited in each others homes and were very closely connected until after the assassination. The Director of Security at General Dynamics, Max Clark and his wife were also members of the Tryall Compound in Jamaica.
106 CHAPTER VII [untitled] The actual assassination was done by a team of highly trained professional assassins from Mexico. These men blended in well with some of the anti-Castro Cubans under the direction of the Free Cuba Committee with members in Mexico City, Dallas, New Orleans, Montreal, Miami, Chicago, Kansas City and Los Angeles. (New Orleans District Attorney Records). The highly trained expert professional riflemen from Mexico were selected from 25 or 30 of the most proficient firing experts in the world. The group of 25 to 30 professional executioners have been based in Mexico and have been used by espionage agencies of the U.S. and various countries all over the world for political killings for the past 25 years. (New Orleans District Attorney Records; Private files of Bill Allcorn, Buddy Floyd assassination case, Alice, Texas, 1952). The Free Cuba Committee, anti-communist Russian Solidarists, American Council of Christian Churches, and Division Five of the FBI obtained the team of world's best Mexican riflemen through the offices of Double-Chek Corporation, an American based subsidiary of Permindex, the FBI and CIA-funded Swiss corporation, and Centro Mondiale Commerciale, also known as
107 World Trade Center Corporation, another FBI and CIA-funded corporation which moved from Rome to Johannesberg, South Africa in 1962. Both of these corporations had been used by J. Edgar Hoover to fund the 1961 and 1962 assassination attempts on General DeGaulle. The existence of the espionage section of the FBI' s nest of professional assassins in Mexico began under the supervision of Albert Osborne in 1943. It was Hoover's brain child :-nd he has kept a close management on the unit of twenty-five to thirty expert riflemen and continues to do so in 1969. He has allowed the Defense Intelligence Agency to use these men but they remain as his charges. (Buddy Floyd case file) In 1952 two of the professionals, Mario (El Turko) Sapet and Alfredo Cervantes, took a private contract to assassinate Jake Floyd, a District Judge in Alice, Texas, and a bitter enemy of George Parr of Duval County. These men were allowed to take such private employment but Division Five never knew anything concerning such unauthorized killings. (Sapet v. State, 256 SW2nd 154) At about dusk on September 8, 1952, Sapet and Cervantes positioned themselves in a field adjacent to the rear of Floyd's house and when Buddy Floyd, Jake's 19 year old son who resembled his father, started out of the house to the garage, Cervantes mistakenly shot Buddy through the head, killing him.
108 Cervantes, Sapet and Nago Alaniz, George Parr's personal lawyer, were indicted for the assassination and for conspiracy to murder. Sapet was caught before he could cross the Mexican border and was given a 99 year sentence. Cervantes crossed back into Mexico where he found his Division Five assassination group and although Mexican authorities arrested him, political pressure was brought to bear and Alfredo has remained a jree man in Mexico despite sixteen years of constant effort to extradite him by Sam Burris, the Alice District Attorney. Burris and Bill Allcorn, special assistant Attorney General of Texas, were unable to convict N ago Alaniz but one of the conspirators gave Bill Allcorn pertinent information. The accomplice told Allcorn that there were twenty-five to thirty professional assassins kept in Mexico by the espionage section of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation; that these men were used to commit political assassinations all over North, South and Central America, the east European countries and in Russia; that these men were the absolute world's most accurate riflemen; that they sometimes took private contracts to kill in the United States; that the contact man for employment of the riflemen was a man named Bowen posing as an American Council of Christian Churches' missionary in Mexico; that you could reach Bowen through the owner of the St. Anthony Hotel in Laredo, Texas.
(Bill Allcorn private file on Buddy Floyd assassination case, Alice, Texas, 1952) Albert Alexander Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen, alias J. H. Owen, a charter number and employee of the A. C. C. C., met Lee Harvey Oswald and accompanied him to Mexico City in late September of 1963. Osborne or Bowen in 1942 organized and operated a Nazi black shirt group called the "Campfire Council" in the country near Knoxville, Tennessee. The "Campfire Council" was sponsored by the espionage cover group, the "American Council of Christian Churches". Osborne so vehemently opposed the United States war with Nazi Germany that during 1942, he tore down an American flag and stomped it into the ground. The neighbors complained of the pro-Nazi activities of Bowen and his young Fascists even though the rural area in Tennessee where they were located was very sparsely populated. (CH, XXV, 24 et seq) More than six witnesses on the bus trip from Laredo to Mexico City placed Osborne with Lee Oswald in his company as a definite traveling companion. The two stayed together during the entire trip and sat together on the bus. (CH, XXV, 24 et seq) On February 8, 1964, Osborne was interviewed by the FBI and lied to them about his name among other things. He gave them the name John Howard Bowen and gave them the following
statement: "Bowen advised that he has been in the Russellville Alabama area, speaking at various rural Baptist Churches, and has been residing at the residence of Wylie Uptain, Rural Route, Russellville, Alabama. He stated that he intended leaving the Russellville, Alabama area, February 11, 1964, enroute back to Laredo, Texas by way of New Orleans, Louisiana. Bowen stated to the best of his knowledge he was born at Chester, Pennsylvania on January 12, 1885, and his father's name was James A. Bowen, and his mother was Emily Brown. He did not know his parents, but he was reared in an orphanage in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His grandmother, Sarah Hall, participated to a limited extent in giving guidance and shelter during the early years of his life. His grandmother and relatives are all deceased, and he has no known relatives of any kind ... Bowen stated he considers himself an itinerant gardener and preacher. He was formerly a member of the First Baptist Church at Knoxville, Tennessee, and more recently was a member of the First Baptist Church at Laredo, Texas. He has visited and worshipped at the latter church intermittently for the past twenty years ... .. .He considers his home to be the St. Anthony Hotel, Laredo, Texas, and he is well known there by the manager, Oscar Ferrina. He
111 has been residing at the hotel intermittently for the past twenty years, and has made trips to Mexico for the past twenty years as an itinerant preacher ... " (CH, XXV, 35 et seq) On February 20, 1964, Osborne was interviewed by FBI agents in Laredo, Texas, and repeated the falsehoods told in the earlier statement. Then on March 5, 1964, he told FBI agents in Nashville, Tennessee the amazing story which follows. Please remember that this is the man who was such a dedicated Nazi that during World War II, he tore down the American flag and stomped it into the ground in protest against the United States war with Hitler's Nazi Germany. A part of the amazing statement follows: "Albert Osborne, whose permanent address is 920 Salinas, Box 308, Laredo, Texas, was interviewed at his temporary place of residence at the Central YMCA, Nashville, Tennessee, where is registered under the name of John H. Bowen. (Box 306 is the address of the St. Anthony Hotel in Laredo). "At the outset of the interview, Osborne denied his true identity and claimed that his name was John H. Bowen; however, he later admitted that his correct name is Albert Osborne and he furnished the following background information
concerning himself. "Osborne indicated that he was born November 12, 1888 at Grimsby, England, to James Osborne and Emily Cole Osborne, both of whom are deceased. He identified his brothers as Walter Osborne, Grimsby, England; Arthur Osborne, Grimsby, England; William Osborne, deceased, and Frank Osborne, deceased .... "... Osborne admitted he had been untruthful in three previous interviews concerning his own identity and had furnished' false information concerning John H. Bowen, whom he had previously indicated was an acquaintance for whom he, Osborne, had been frequently mistaken. "Osborne was advised that his photograph had been positively identified by other English speaking people on the Red Arrow Bus from Laredo, Texas to Mexico City on September 26, 27, 1963. Osborne again denied that he was on a bus with any other English speaking people and that he himself spoke no English to anyone on the bus." (CH, XXV, 45 et seq) Osborne's associates said he had lived in Central Mexico since about 1942. One close associate said Osborne had a m1ss10n in Texmelucan, State of Pueblo, Mexico, and "his mission consisted of a large home where he gathered in young men who appeared to have no home or ties." (CH, XXV, 51)
Rev. Walter Laddie Hluchan of Eagle Pass, Texas, said, "Osborne has for many years given religious instruction to Mexican boys who resided at his residence." (CH, XV, 53) Oscar Ferrino, owner of the St. Anthony Hotel, Laredo, Texas, said Osborne "is operating a school for approximately 25 to 30 boys" in Pueblo, Mexico. Ferrino has known and taken mail and messages for Osborne since 1942. (CH, XXV, 48 et seq) When not in Mexico supervising his "missionaries", Osborne traveled regularly to Austin, Dallas and Tyler, Texas. In Dallas he visited one Cortez and H. L. Hunt. Cortez was reported to be one of the assassins in the 26 volumes published by the Warren Commissi@n. (CH, XXV, 45 et seq; CH, XXIV, 650 et seq; CH, XXVI, 407 et seq) The same volumes connect a Saunders from Tyler, Texas in the plot with Cortez. Albert Osborne was in Clay Shaw's office at 124 Camp Street, New Orleans on October 10, 1963. Later the same day he was in the office of Maurice Brooks Gatlin, the FBI transporter and Guy Bannister, the FBI Section Five Southern Manager, at their office at 544 Camp Street, New Orleans. From there, Osborne went directly into Mexico City where on the 17th or 18th of September, 1963, he was seen by a Mexican detective with the man posing as Oswald. A Cuban Negro delivered a large sum of money to
the man posing as Oswald as a partial payment for his part in the assassination operation. (CH, XXVI, 857; New Orleans District Attorney Records) Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen, was discovered to have another person working with him who also used the alias John Howard Bowen. This second person also travelling as Bowen was Fred Lee Chrismon, another agent for the munitions makers police agency Defense Industrial Security Command. Chrismon also posed as a missionary and also used other aliases. Among the cognomens for Chrismon were Fred Lee, Jon Gould and Jon Gold. Osborne and Chrismon also bore a marked resemblance and appeared to be about the same age. Chrismon was a Syrian immigrant and had been closely associated with Osborne since the 1920's. Chrismon, Osborne and their riflemen charges in Mexico were based at Clint Murchison's huge ranch when not posing as missionaries in other areas of Mexico. Murchison and]. Edgar Hoover were closer than twin brothers at Del Charro Hotel, adjacent to Murchison's horse race tracks at La Jolla, California over the ten years preceding the 1963 murder. Hoover, fraudulently charged over $40,000.00 of his personal bills at Del Charro to Delhi-Taylor Oil Company, a Murchison corporation. (Del Charro Hotel records, 1953-1963,
La Jolla, California) Penn Jones reports in Forgive My Grief, Vol. III that Clint Murchison, J. Edgar Hoover, Paul Raigorodsky and other top members of the Cabal, met at Clint Murchison's house in Dallas the night of November 21, 1963 to go over the final plans for the murder. But back to Del Charro and the race tracks in California. From 1953 through 1963, ]. Edgar Hoover and Clint Murchison met constantly at Del Charro with Johnny Drew, John Connally, Joe Bonanno, Carlos Marcello and other Mafia officers. As a matter of fact, the Mafia was in partnership Murchison, John Connally and Hoover in Boys Inc., the front organized to avoid taxes in operating Del Mar horse race tracks. (Ibid) (Connally, as governor of Texas in 1967, refused to extradite Sergio Arcacha Smith to New Orleans and was thus carrying out his principal role in the plan.) Carlos Marcello, Mafia boss of Louisiana and Texas, worked with his fellow Mafia commissioner, Joe Bonanno, in carrying out the assassination. Bonanno and Marcello met at Del Charro and other points to personally discuss and make decisions of middle responsibility. David Ferrie was an employee of Carlos Marcello before and after the assassination. Carlos Marcello gave David Ferrie final instructions at about 1:00 p.m., November 22, 1963 at the New Orleans Federal Court House.
116 Marcello had just been discharged from a deportation order issued by Bobby Kennedy. Ferrie, Alvin Beauboeuf and Melvin Coffey immediately went to the Alamotel in Houston. The motel was owned by Marcello and the Mafia. (The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, p. 28) Beauboeuf and Ferrie made at least three phone calls from the Texas gulf coast on November 22nd and 23rd to the Town House Motel in New Orleans. The Town House is also owned by Marcello and the mob. (Ibid) Bonanno, Marcello and the Mafia were all working directly under the Defense Industrial Security Command through their ownership of controlling interests in the large number of companies engaged in manufacturing munitions, hardware and supplies for the Pentagon, Space Agency, A. E. C. and U. S. I. A. (The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid) Jack Ruby was one of Marcello's men in Dallas for a number of years. In June of 1963, Ruby spent about a week in New Orleans conferring with Marcello and other members of DISC. The Warren Commission investigators uncovered the Ruby New Orleans trip and revealed his constant visits to the Sho Bar in the French Quarter. The Sho Bar was owned by Marcello and the Mafia. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) Jada Conforto, a stripper at the Sho Bar, was sent by Marcello to Jack Ruby's place in
117 Dallas about one month before the assassination. Jada left Dallas on November 23, 1963 but returned after Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. (CH, XVI, 119 et seq) Joe Bonanno and Carlos Marcello were both on the ruling commission of the Mafia and were in constant business contact. They were very close friends as well. However, their actions covered here were in relationship to their connection with the Defense Industrial Security Command. Joining Hoover, Carroll, Murchison, the Chiefs of Staff and the Mafioso, along with others, on the ruling committee of DISC, was the Nazi, Werner Von Braun, in his capacity as head of the space agency. John Connally had served with the ruling group of the munition makers police agency during his term as Secretary of the Navy, Connally had been over the Office of Navy Intelligence. If one feels the need for further proof of Carlos Marcello and Joe Bonanno's close association with the assassination group, it is a simple matter to trace their membership in the international Mafia to the Swiss corporation, Permindex, and Rome's Centro Mondiale Commerciale and its Italian Mafia director, Gutierez di Spadafora. Spadafora, Marcello and Bonanno were long time associates as ruling members of the international MAFIA. Through Permindex and Centro Mondiale
118 Commerciale and its functions, Marcello and Bonanno are easily connected with Clay Shaw, J. Edgar Hoover, the D. I. A., the Defense Industrial Security Command, the gambling syndicate and its Miami, Bahama and Swiss financial conduits, the assassination attempt on De Gaulle and the entire personnel of the Kennedy death planners. Fram the evidence gathered by the Warren Commission, it is reasonable to believe that one of these highly trained Mexican professional assassins fired the fatal head shot from behind the fence at Dealy Plaza. This was the last bullet fired at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy and it is one which struck him from the right front blowing off a large portion of his right front temple and constituting the coup de grace. However, at least seven of the Mexican professionals were in firing position in Dallas on November 22nd. Three of the Mexican assassins stayed at Tammie True's house in Fort Worth while waiting their assignment. Tammie, one of Jack Ruby's strippers, allowed them to stay at Ruby's request and they left for the return trip to Mexico on Saturday, November 23rd. (CH, XV, 417 et seq) Early during the New Orleans investigation, Jim Garrison questioned one of Osborne's professionals who was one of the three who had stayed with Tammie True. Emilio Santana was the assassin firing from the Dal-Tex Building across Houston Street from the
119 depository and behind the President's car. Santana confirmed many of the facts herein. He went on to admit his close acquaintance with Jack Ruby, Clay Shaw, Gordon Novel, William Seymour and the others. As a matter of fact, Santana told of a close relationship between Ruby and Shaw. This and other facts gathered by Garrison were corroborated by a host of other witnesses closely associated with the principals. Santana confirmed that he had been employed by Clay Shaw. He further related that Jack Ruby and Shaw made a number of long trips together and one of these trips took the travelling companions to Cuba in 1959 where they visited Mc Willie and the gambling casinos to work out details in their arms smuggling assignment. Santana admitted that while he was an employee of Double-Chek, he was an agent for the Central Intelligence Agency. This was the professional assassin and burglar who spent the nights of November 21st and 22nd, 1963, with Jack Ruby's most loyal, long-term stripper, Tammie True. While Oswald was entering Mexico at Laredo on Septe1nber 26, two persons going under the names George DeMen and Florence Parson DeMen, as did a person using the name Anthony W. Oswald were entering Mexico 100 miles to the South of Laredo at Ciudad Miguel Aleman. Also entering at Ciudad Miguel Aleman with the above three were Samuel Thomas North and Judith
120 Marie Muth North. All five of the people were Russian exiled Solidarists and entered by auto at Ciudad Miguel Aleman. They applied for and were issued their tourist cards in New Orleans on September 17, 1963, simultaneously with Lee Harvey Oswald, their card numbers from New Orleans being for the six people, 24082, 24083, 24084, 24085, 24086 and 24087. (CH, XXV, 16; CH, XXIV, 737 et seq) On October 3rd, when Lee Harvey Oswald was re-entering the United States at Laredo, Texas, Anthony W. Oswald made his re-entry at Ciudad Miguel Aleman, one hundred miles to the South. (CH, XXV, 737) The various Solidarists and American Council of Christian Churches' agents were moving in and out of Mexico, Texas and New Orleans as the date of their most important assignment approached. On the bus to Mexico City with Oswald and Bowen, the agent for American Council of Christian Churches cover name for the espionage and propaganda unit, was T. Gonzales. (CH, XXV, 627) T. Gonzales was an active agent with the Jack Ruby, President Carlos Prio Socarras, Richard Ray McKeown, David Ferrie and L. J. McWillie anti-Castro group which had originally run guns to Castro. Gonzales, Prio and McKeown were indicted for conspiracy to violate neutrality laws in Houston, Texas in 1958. (CH, XXV, 627; CH, XXIV, 574; CH, XXVI, 651) Fred Korth, Lyndon Johnson's protege
from Forth Worth, Texas, was revealed by the Warren Commission to have been sending money orders and instructions to one of the men impersonating Oswald in Dallas over a period of a few weeks immediately prior to the assassination. The manager of the Western Union office in Dallas and one of the assistant managers definitely tied Korth to the cabal. (CH, XXI, 735 et seq; CH, XI, 318 et seq) There was other and compelling testimony implicating Korth in the planning cabal with HOOVER, ex-Cuban president CARLOS PRIO SOCARRAS, H. L. HUNT, JEAN DE MENIL, WALTER JENKINS, LYNDON JOHNSON, CLIFFORD JONES, BOBBY BAKER, L. J. McWILLIE, L. M. BLOOMFIELD, ROY M. COHN, WERNER VON BRAUN, FERENC NAGY, JOHN CONNALLY and CLINT MURCHISON, SR. Korth's wife remained in Fort Worth after the assassination and divorced him later, never returning to Washington, D.C. (CH, I, 178, 251-252 et seq; CH, VII, 475 et seq) There were at least three other members of the cabal but documentation is difficult and it would not be fair to attempt to name them without further proof. It is fair to point out that LYNDON JOHNSON, with a compelling motive, was in contact with HOOVER, DE MENIL, PRIO, JENKINS, COHN, HUNT, BAKER, JONES, McWILLIE, KORTH, BLOOMFIELD, VON BRAUN, CONNALLY, NAGY and
MURCHISON for the year immediately before the act and it was Johnson who insisted that Kennedy come to Texas thus placing him directly under the rifles of the cabal. Another planning member of the cabal working for Lyndon Johnson was H. L. Hunt, the Dallas oilman and functioning director of the American Council of Christian Churches. Hoover had his agents take H. L. Hunt and his family to New York City at 12:30 p.m., November 22, 1963. For protective reasons, the Division Five FBI men kept the Hunts at a hotel in New York three weeks until it was determined Hunt's part in the assassination could be kept from public knowledge. (New Orleans District Attorney Records; Warren Commission testimony) To recapitulate, the planning members of the cabal under the direction of LYNDON JOHNSON were WALTER JENKINS, H. L. HUNT, L. M. BLOOMFIELD, FERENC NAGY, FRED KORTH, JEAN DE MENIL, CARLOS PRIO SOCARRAS, L. J. McWILLIE, JOHN CONNALLY, CLINT MURCHISON, SR., WERNER VON BRAUN, ROY M. COHN, BOBBY BAKER, CLIFFORD JONES and J. EDGAR HOOVER as chairman. Of course, there were a number of other wealthy financiers and lower echelon people working on this assignment, most of whom did not know the object of their duties in connection with the assassination plan; some of them did, however. As in all espionage
123 and intelligence work, the large number of employees knew only what they needed to know in order to carry out their particular assignment and the overall plan was on a "need to know" basis.
CHAPTER VIII JEAN DE MENIL, OSWALD, GORDON NOVEL, AND THEIR ACTIVITIES AND ASSOCIATES Jean DeMenil, the Russian Czarist exile and President of Schlumberger, had used the company organization in 1960 and 1961 to smuggle the rifle grenades, land mines, missiles and other arms for Double-Chek to the forces invading Cuba. (Ne-w Orleans States-Item, 4-25-67) DeMenil had these arms boxed and transported by Schlumberger with the company name and false labeling on the huge number of containers. Gordon Novel, a Double-Chek agent, Guy Bannister, David Ferrie, Sergio Arcacha Smith and others worked closely with Schlumberger in transporting and distributing these arms and ammunition. (New Orleans States-Item, 4-25-67 through 5-25-67; New Orleans District Attorney Records) Some of the others working for DeMenil on the arms smuggling were Layton Martens, a second generation Russian exile Solidarist agent, Alvin Beauboeuf, a Solidarist agent and William Dalzell, a New Orleans based geologist, Russian exile Solidarist and direct associate of Jean DeMenil. (New Orleans District Attorney records) Jean DeMenil worked with the same group in New Orleans in planning the assassination using
Dalzell as his liaison in New Orleans. However, W. Guy was in over-all command of the New Orleans phase of the operation since he was area man for Division Five of the FBI. DeMenil brought Sergio Arcacha Smith to Houston in March of 1963 to work with ex-President Carlos Prio Socarras, Robert Ray McKeown and the Free Cuba Committee there. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) In Dallas, DeMenil had Paul Raigorodsky, a multi-millionaire geologist and Russian exile Solidarist director who oversaw the assignments of George Alexandrovitch Bouhe, Dimitri Royster and Peter Paul Gregory. These people, like DeMenil, were popularly called White Russians. They were exiled from Russia after the Communist revolution but many were East Europeans whose countries became Communist controlled some twenty-five years after Russia. (CH, IX, 23 et seq) This conglomerate kept tight control and contact through the intelligence and espionage arm, the Solidarists and the Orthodox Eastern Church. Gregory and Bouhe picked Lee Harvey Oswald and his Russian wife up when they arrived in Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas, in June of 1962 from Minsk, the capital of White Russia. Bouhe furnished money and other necessities to the Oswalds until they moved from Dallas to New Orleans in April and May of 1963. (CH, VIII, 355 et seq) George Bouhe met with Robert Tay
126 McKeown and other participants in Bacliff, Texas, for several weeks after the assassination. (CH, XXIII, 159, 627) Warren DeBreuys took over George Bouhe's assignment with Oswald when he arrived in New Orleans and continued as Oswald's contact until Nov. 22, 1963. In the meantime, Guy Bannister, FBI Division Five's Southern Director, employed a long term employee of Double-Chek by the name of William Seymour from Phoenix, Arizona. Seymour was the same size and weight as Lee Harvey Oswald and, more important, by his resemblance to Oswald was as that of an identical twin. Seymour was given the name Leon Oswald and false identification papers in such name as well as the name Lee Harvey Oswald and others. (CH, XXVI, 834 et seq; New Orleans District Attorney Records) David L. Lewis, a New Orleans private investigator, was employed by Guy Bannister in 1962 and 1963. In late 1962 or early 1963, Lewis first met Leon Oswald. Lewis was in Manchuso's Restaurant drinking coffee with Bannister's secretary when Carlos Quirega, an anti-Castro Cuban, came into the restaurant and introduced a person resembling Lee Harvey Oswald as Leon Oswald to Lewis and Bannister's secretary. The secretary confirms this meeting and says that Leon, Carlos, Lewis and she all had coffee together. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) About a week later when Lewis was leaving
127 Bannister's office on assignment, he saw Leon Oswald, alias William Seymour, a second time as he passed Quirega, David Ferrie and Leon Oswald in the hall of Bannister's building. The three men were proceeding to Bannister's office. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) On a third occasion about ten days later, Lewis entered Bannister's office and there was a meeting taking place between Bannister, Quirega, David Ferrie, Leon Oswald and Robert Ray McKeown of Bacliff, Texas. Lewis was not sure who the fourth person was but McKeown was identified by another source. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) At about the same time as the Leon Oswald appearances as related by Lewis, Sergio Arcacha Smith, leader of the anti-Castro Cuban Democratic revolutionary front in New Orleans, was closely associated with David Ferrie; and Ferrie was in Arcacha' s office, and they were seen together on numerous occasions in New Orleans. Arcacha admitted that David Ferrie often came to his office in New Orleans to offer his help in recruiting and training men and to use Ferrie' s plane in antiCastro work. Arcacha returned to Houston with McKeown after the meetings and worked there with McKeown until the assassination date. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) William Seymour, alias Leon Oswald, then proceeded to impersonate Lee Oswald at a number of places in New Orleans, Florida, Austin, Alice,
Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas right down to November 22, 1963. As per his assignment through Bannister from the cabal, Seymour made incriminating statements on behalf of Oswald which were to be used as evidence against Oswald after the murder. Seymour also went to Florida posing as Oswald and carried the Fair Play for Cuba part down there in the summer of 1963. (New Orleans District Attorney Records; Warren Commission, 26 volumes) Seymour, in his masquerade, bought ammunition in Fort Worth, made pro-Castro remarks in an Irving barber shop and other shops around Dallas and fired a rifle similar to the Italian one a large number of times and at a number of rifle ranges in the Dallas area over a month's period immediately before the cabal's murder occurred. Two weeks before the assassination, Seymour, alias Lee Harvey Oswald, alias Leon Oswald, told a car salesman he would soon come into a large sum of money. (Warren Commission, 26 volumes) As Leon Oswald, Seymour in September, 1963, discussed the planned assassination of Kennedy in New Orleans with Clay Shaw, David Ferrie and two Mexican appearing men. (State vs. Shaw, New Orleans District Court) Seymour was introduced to Mrs. Sylvia Odio by two Mexican appearing men in Dallas on September the as Leon Oswald. At this time, he was said to have made remarks which would incriminate Oswald in the
murder two months away. (CH, XI, 367, et seq) But Seymour was not the only one impersonating and incriminating Oswald with statements and acts prior to the assassination. Gordon Novel's wife testified to Jim Garrison that Novel was the clean shaved person impersonating Oswald and fabricating evidence against him in advance of the murder. Novel was an absolute dead ringer for Oswald and was in Dallas, Texas, as well as in Mexico and Fort Worth, in the six weeks prior to November 22nd, doing his part in the conspiracy. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) Oswald himself, Novel and Seymour, impersonating him, were following instructions from the cabal of professional anti-Communists which would blame the killing on proCommunists and offset the detente Kennedy was reaching between the two political worlds. On November 22nd, William Seymour fired a rifle from the sixth floor of the School Book Depository Building at President Kennedy striking him only once in the back. Two of his shots missed and the one that hit John Connally came from the building across Houston Street from the Depository Building. Seymour left the building and was picked up by a Nash Rambler. The driver took Seymour to the vicinity of the Abundant Life Temple and let him out to walk the balance of about two blocks to the Temple, an affiliate of the A.C.C.C. which was provided as a
safehouse for Seymour. He killed Police Officer J. D. Tippet and then proceeded to his safehouse, the Abundant Life Temple, about a block from the Tippet murder scene. there he remained until it was safe to leave town. (CH, XXIII, 925; New Orleans District Attorney Records) Meanwhile, the Dallas Police were arresting a goodly number of Permindex agents at the assassination site. An important figure, James Powell of Army Intelligence on assignment through the D .I.A. to the Defense Industrial Security Command of Columbus, Ohio and Muscle Shoals, Alabama, was trapped and arrested in the School Book Depository Building shortly after 12:30 p.m. He was later released along with the others by Captain Will Fritz in charge of Homicide for the Dallas Police Department. (National Archives, Commission Document #354; New Orleans District Attorney Records) Immediately across Houston Street, Jim Braden of Los Angeles was arrested in the Dal-Tex Building. Braden was also an agent of the Defense Industrial Security Command of Redstone, Muscle Shoals and Columbus. The chain of evidence connecting Albert Osborne, Fred Lee Chrismon, alias John H. Bowen, Permindex, and his co-workers became iron-clad when a Black Star photographer snapped a picture a few minutes after the assassination of Chrismon, alias Bowen, and two of his charges in the process of being arrested by two young Dallas
police officers at Dealey Plaza. Fritz later released all three. the Chrismon, alias Bowen, arrest picture received limited public distribution in 1969 when it was published in the Midlothian Mirror by Penn Jones, the Texas editor. One of Chrismon's Mexican professionals, Manuel Gonzales, firing from the fence to Kennedy's right side. [tramps photo] Co-Director of the Mexico based assassins, John H. Bowen, alias Fred Lee Chrismon, alias Fred Lee, alias Jon Gould, alias Jon Gold, and Thomas Beckham, front, and another assassin in the process of being arrested at Dealey Plaza immediately after the assassination. Clifford Jones, Ed Levinson and L. J. Mc Willie later brought Wall and Peterson to Las Vegas where they took up residence at the Castaway Club. (CH, XIV, 515 et seq and 599 et seq; New Orleans District Attorney Records) Gordon Novel, a Double-Chek employee and Bannister agent, when called before a New Orleans Grand Jury in 1967, decided to write the man who succeeded Guy Bannister after his death in 1964, Seymour Weiss. Novel told Weiss of Division Five of the FBI that Garrison was on to Double-Chek's involvement, warned Division Five not to kill him and suggested the DIA be used to
subdue Garrison. (New Orleans States Item, May 23, 1967) The suggestion in Gordon Novel's letter to Seymour Weiss of the FBI Division Five that the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) be used to stop Garrison's investigation was immediately followed by furious activity on the part of a former DIA liaison man in the Attorney General's office. Walter Sheridan, who had served the DIA as liaison man in the Attorney General's office, immediately contacted Novel and took him to a Division Five, FBI polygraph operator in McLean, Virginia, and Sheridan prepared news releases to the effect that Novel had passed the lie detector test. The gist of the Sheridan news releases were that Jim Garrison's investigation in New Orleans was a fraud and amounted to nothing. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) Then Sheridan, the DIA liaison man, was employed by the National Broadcasting Company at the behest of the DIA office where he traveled the length and breadth of the United States interviewing Garrison witnesses and attempting to get them to change their testimony, offering them money and other inducements to appear on the NBC program which was broadcast in June of 1967. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) Walter Sheridan himself appeared on the program as an investigator and correspondent for NBC. The program was so designed as to attempt to show that Jim Garrison had absolutely no
evidence of a conspiracy and it, in fact, was a completely one-sided attempt to libel and defame Jim Garrison personally. Jim Garrison continued his investigation. After the June, 1967 appearance on the one hour NBC documentary, Walter Sheridan was not heard or seen by the viewers of NBC's programs which proves that Walter Sheridan was on special assignment from his DIA position to pursue the suggestions made in the letter from Gordon Novel to Hoover's Mr. Weiss that the DIA be used to get Mr. Garrison off the track. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) The Warren Commission did not find that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy. They simply found there was not enough evidence to find a conspiracy in the murder and the evidence was weighed against Oswald. Consequently, the Commission left open the question with an implied instruction to J. Edgar Hoover and the other agencies to continue the search for a conspiracy. Hoover not only failed to continue in the investigation, he has blocked every effort to uncover the assassins and has ridiculed and harassed everyone who dares question the subject. He has purposely protected his unsavory secret. Hoover's very actions in covering the evidence of the crime constitute admissable evidence corroborating the evidence of his guilt. This is a correct rule of evidence recognized in every State
134 and Federal Court in the land. The night dispatcher for the New Orleans FBI office revealed that a warning of the assassination plan was wired to J. Edgar Hoover five days before November 22, 1963. (New Orleans District Attorney Records) The iron clad evidence of warning to Hoover was widely published and Hoover, of course, never denied it because of his involvement. The Division Five agent who reported the pending November 22nd Dallas assassination attempt on November 17, 1963, was Lee Harvey Oswald. (New Orleans States Item files) What clearer evidence of J. Edgar Hoover's part in the assassination scheme would any responsible person need? Well, there is much more. FBI agent Hosty' s name, office address, car license and telephone number were in Oswald's notebook in Oswald's handwriting. Hoover furnished the Warren Commission with what he told them was a true copy of the notebook. The staff discovered that Hoover had left the page out with Hosty' s name. They had to call this to Hoover's attention twice before he corrected the fraudulent exhibit. Called upon to explain, Hoover could, of course, make no legitimate excuse. And More. Richard Case Nagell, a CIA agent who in connection with an official assignment learned of the plan, sent a registered letter to Hoover advising of the assassination plans
against Kennedy. Although this was mailed in August, 1963, Hoover never acted on the warning, but instead arrested N agell on another charge. (Ex Parte Nagell, Missouri District Court) Still More. Frame 313 through 319 of the Zapruder film depict Kennedy in the process of being slammed violently backward and against the back of the seat at the time of the fatal shot. Kennedy's body is rapidly driven about three feet to the rear and left and the blood and brain is clearly shown flying to the left rear and on to the motorcycle policeman to the rear of Kennedy's car. The result is clear and unequivocal proof that Kennedy was shot from the front to the right. Oswald was to the rear. Result: a conspiracy. The Commission and Harold Weisberg discovered, after the Warren group dissolved, that Hoover had reversed frame 313 and 314. Hoover admitted this. He said it was a printing error. The result reversed the violent backward movement of Kennedy, fabricated a forward movement and further proved Hoover's inculpatory action. (Photographic Whitewash, Harold Weisberg, p. 24.) In Esquire Magazine in December, 1966, Don Reynolds was quoted as revealing that Lyndon Johnson and John Connally were two of the people involved in the assassination cabal. Reynolds detailed a telephone call that John Connally made from Washington, D. C. to someone posing as Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas about two weeks before November 22, 1963.
136 Reynolds got more specific and said the call was to the Y.M.C.A. in Dallas and that John Connally initiated the call. In the same publication, J. Edgar Hoover was quoted as the only source who specifically investigated and cleared both Johnson and Connally.
CHAPTER IX HUNGARIAN PRIME MINISTER, FERENC NAGY'S, CHRONOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES, AND WERNER VON BRAUN 1. June 1946. As Hungarian Prime Minister, Nagy visits the United States and receives permission for the U. S. Army in Germany to return fifty-two million dollars in gold reserves (taken from Hungary by Hitler) to Hungary. At the same time, Nagy spends one full week in Knoxville, Tennessee, Hunstville, Alabama and Muscle Shoals, Alabama, where he meets and visits with Nazi scientists working at American Redstone Arsenal and with Tennessee Valley Authority management and security agents under the direction of the FBI at Knoxville, Tennessee and Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Albert Osbourne, the A. C. C. C. missionary from Mississippi, worked for the security division of the Tennessee Valley Authority since 1933, and he constantly reported to the Muscle Shoals, Huntsville, and Knoxville offices of TVA since 1942, the time he moved to Mexico. (In Silence I Speak, George N. Shuster, Cudahy Publishing Co.) 2. May 28, 1947. Prime Minister Nagy
resigns his post from Basal, Switzerland, on the German-Swiss border (Saturday Evening Post,
138 August 23, 30, September 6, 1947, 3. Fall of 1947. Ex-Prime Minister Nagy and family settle on 120 acre farm on outskirts of Herndon, Virginia, twenty-five miles from Washington, D.C., and Nagy becomes agent for any Communist speaking engagements for Division Five of the FBI (ibid; neighbors testimony, Herndon, Virginia. 4. Fall of 1947 to 1951. l\fagy covers United States and becomes closely associated with H. L. Hunt of Dallas, Texas. (Dallas Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions Club records, Dallas, Texas. Dallas, Texas; Colliers Encyclopedia) 5. 1951. Nagy becomes president of Central Eastern European Committee of Refugee Exiles
(Colliers Encyclopedia) 6. 1956 to 1962. Nagy is president and on the board of Directors at Permindex, a Swiss Corporation, and CMC, Rome, Italy, and commutes between Dallas, Washington, D.C., Herndon, Virginia, Switzerland and Italy. (op cit). 7. Spring 1963. Nagy settles in Dallas, Texas with offices in the 600 block of Fort Worth A venue, ten blocks west of Dallas School Book Depository Building. He is associated in the 600 block of Fort Worth A venue in Dallas with Ralph
Paul, C. A. "Pappy" Dolsen, Jack Ruby, and Sergio Arcacha Smith, the first two named being close business associates of Jack Ruby. Nagy's relatives make their residence at 1024 Magellan Circle, Apartment D, right next door to Sylvia Odio's abode who was visited by the two Cubans and William Seymour on or about September 28, 1963. The 600 block address of Ferenc Nagy is three blocks from the Fort Worth A venue address of Dal-Land Memorials, where Penn Jones reports the person impersonating Lee Oswald left clothing shortly prior to the assassination. The 600 block address of Fort Worth Avenue is seven blocks west of the City Lincoln Mercury plant where a person impersonating Oswald tried to buy an automobile and made statements which could later be used to incnmmate Oswald some few days before November 22, 1963 (Dallas City Directory, 1962 through 1968; Dallas Telephone Book, 1962 through 1968; recollections, business and residential neighbors surrounding the vicinity of 600 block of Fort Worth Avenue, Dallas: Forgive My Grief II, Penn Jones, Jr., p. 36).
Then on November 22, 1963, Ferenc Nagy appears in more than thirty-five photographs at the site of the assassination. He is shown with an open umbrella at a point to the right of President Kennedy's car at Dealey Plaza. After the President's car passed within a few feet of Nagy,
140 he suddenly closed his umbrella and the last and fatal shots were fired. He is depicted in pictures after the shots with his umbrella folded and then departing the area (Six Seconds in Dallas. Josiah Thompson, pp. 227-8). Nagy is easily recognizable in a number of the photos taken by bystanders. Nagy's forward area of cranium is fully bald while the back onefourth portion is covered and the hair is combed across the back section of his head. Nagy, the former Prime Minister of Hungary, President of Permindex, and upper echelon boss of Division Five of the FBI, along with Clay Shaw of New Orleans and L. M. Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada carried out his assignment in Dallas with dispatch, but he had his picture taken in the process. From 1932 until 1945 Werner Von Braun was Adolph Hitler's most dedicated Nazi rocket scientist. As a matter of fact, given a few more months time, Von Braun's "buzz bomb" and V-2 rocket in 1945 could have turned the tide and forced the allies to seek something less than total victory over the Third Reich. The enthusiastic Nazi, Von Braun's V-2 rocket had killed thousands and thousands of British Isle residents, and the sound of the approach of the V-2 was terrorizing the entire English countryside. In 1945, as the Russians were approaching Von Braun's rocket headquarters, he and one hundred and fifteen other of his Nazi rocket
141 scientists escaped with valuable papers and traveled west in Germany until they could turn themselves in to the allied armies of the West. Later the same year, Von Braun and the others were moved on to the old Redstone Arsenal in Hunstville, Alabama, where they remain to this date. Von Braun, immediately upon arriving in the United States, made close personal friends with J. Edgar Hoover and Lyndon B. Johnson; and the relationship remained close with Von Braun working with Hoover in security in the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Redstone Arsenal; and later, beginning in 1958, they worked together in the security of the National Space Agency. 1958 was the year that Lyndon Johnson, as Majority leader of the Senate, helped push through the National Space Act and later, when he became Vice-President, he was made chairman of the National Space Committee. Ference Nagy, ex-Hungarian Prime Minister, and Albert Alexander Osborne, alias John H. Bowen, the overseer of the assassins in Mexico, both reported consistently to the Muscle Shoals, Huntsville, Alabama area; and there is substantial evidence their contact in this area was Werner Von Braun (New Orleans District Attorney Records; CH XXV, 35 et seq; Collier's Encyclopedia; Statements of A. D. Mueller, Memphis, Tennessee). Another Nazi space scientist who worked with the Cabal was Walter Dornberger. He had
been the commanding officer of Werner Von Braun while both were working for Adolph Hitler's rocket program. During the time period involved, Walter Dornberger was a directing officer in the Bell Aerospace Corporation along with Fred Korth. The former Nazi rocket officer was directly in charge of the assignment of Michael Paine to Bell Helicopter Corporation, a subsidiary in Fort Worth, Texas. Paine's assignment was to provide a place for Marina Oswald during the approximate eight months prior to November 22, 1963. He provided for Marina to live with his wife, Ruth, in Irving, Texas. Ray Krystinik testified to the Warren Commission that Michael Paine, immediately after Lee Oswald was captured at the theatre said "The stupid --------- he was not ' ' ' even supposed to have a gun." Von Braun first met Clay Shaw in 1945 when he, Walter Dornberger and about 150 other Nazi rocket scientists abandoned Peenemunde and traveled south to join the American forces in Germany close to the French border. The Nazis were brought to the Deputy Chief of Staff's headquarters where Major Clay Shaw was aide-decamp to General Charles 0. Thrasher, Deputy Chief, European Theatre of Operations. Von Braun, Dornberger, and Shaw maintained the relationship over the years through their mutual connection with the Defense Industrial Security Command, an operational arm of the counterespionage division of the FBI (Appointment on the
Moon, Richard Lewis, U7ho's Who in the South and Southwest, 1963, 1964, New Orleans District Attorney Files, General Staff Files, U. S. Army European Command, OUISE Section). Ordnance Colonel Holgar N. Toftoy was in charge of the Nazi scientists, and Clay Shaw in the European Command section gave firm assistance to the transfer of 127 of them to the United States after they spent about five months with the Command in Europe (ibid). In the transfer of the Nazi rocket scientists, the services of Adolph Hitler's intelligence agency was used extensively, and Shaw, Von Braun, Dornberger and the others began a very close association with the Nazi agency and its commander. The Bundesnachrichtendienst, better known as the Federal Intelligence Agency, or FIA, is largely dependent on the CIA, which subsidizes and controls it. The director in 1963 was Reinhard Gehlen, a former ex-Nazi Colonel "recuperated" in August 1945 by Allen Dulles, who at the time headed the OSS in Switzerland and was in charge of American intelligence activities in occupied Germany. The Solidarists and Gehlen had conceived the idea of the "Vlassov Army", which were Russian anti-communist troops, and Gehlen was given the responsibility for the underground that continued to operate behind Communist lines until 1950. In Poland, Gehlen's guerrillas on
144 March 28, 1947 murdered general Karol Swierczenski, Vice-Minister of Defense, who, under the name Walter, had commanded the 14th International Brigade in Spain, and who served as the model for one of the characters 1n Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls. Gehlen developed his network under the cover of a firm known as the "Economic Association for the Development of South Germany". He employed former members of the Gestapo such as Boemel-Burg, his intelligence chief in Berlin, and Franz Alfred Six, former SS General and one of Eichmann's subordinates, who was put in charge of Gehlen's contacts in Western Europe. With the aid of other highly-qualified specialists, Gehlen successfully infiltrated East Germany and the Eastern European states, uncovered Soviet intelligence rings, planted agents among groups of expatriate workers, and took charge of the refugee organizations. He worked for the CIA, Solidarists, and J. Edgar Hoover. After two years of intense and extensive investigation, Jim Garrison made a well-recorded public statement showing beyond doubt that he had traced the Nazi rocket scientists, the World Trade Center and Permindex, the Fascist Solidarists, American Council of Christian Churches, Free Cuba Committee, the gambling syndicate and Mafia, and NASA's Security Division into its umbrella controlling organization, the Defense Industrial Security Command of
Columbus, Ohio and Huntsville, Alabama. Garrison had traced DISC into its larger umbrella, Division Five of the FBI and the Defense Intelligence Agency supervised by the Joint Chief's of Staff in the Pentagon. Here is how Garrison's statement came about. On October 31, 1968, Jim Garrison subpoenaed a Tacoma, Washington man for questioning in his continuing investigation of the John F. Kennedy assassination. Fred Lee Chrismon, a "bishop" of the Universal Life Church, was called to appear before the Orleans Parish Grand Jury on November 21, 1968. Garrison's office said that Chrismon "has been engaged in undercover activity for a part of the industrial warfare complex for years. His cover is that of 'preacher' and a 'person engaged in work to help the gypsies.'" Garrison's statement continued: "Our information indicates that since the early sixties, Chrismon has made many trips to the New Orleans and Dallas areas in connection with his undercover work. He is a 'former' employee of the Boeing Aircraft Company in the sense that one defendant in the case is a 'former' employee of Lockheed Aircraft Company in Los Angeles. In intelligence terminology, this ordinarily means that the connection still exists, but that the 'former employee' has moved into an underground operat10n. Garrison said that evidence had been developed indicating a relationship between •
146 Chrismon and "persons involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy." Garrison further reiterated the general findings of his controversial investigation. "President Kennedy was murdered by elements of the industrial warfare complex working in concert with individuals in the United States Government. At the time of his murder, President Kennedy was working to end the Cold War. The annual income of the defense industry was well over twenty billion dollars a year, and there were forces in that industry and in the U.S. Government which opposed the ending of the Cold War." As has been pointed out earlier, Fred Lee Chrismon used the alias John Howard Bowen and travelled and worked with the Mexico based assassins, Albert Osborne, Thomas Beckham and others. Bowen, alias Chrismon, and Beckham are shown in photographs taken November 22, 1963. In the picture they are being taken after arrest by Dallas police across Dealey Plaza immediately after the President's murder. Fred Lee Chisman, alias John H. Bowen, alias Dr. Jon Gold, and his partner, Thomas Edward Beckham, and Albert Osborne were all working for the Defense Industrial Security Command through the American Council of Christian Churches. Garrison also revealed that the Grand Jury records confirmed Johnson's part when he said, "Who had the most to gain from the murder?
147 Answer--Lyndon Johnson." Chrismon, alias John H. Bowen, and Beckham played only small roles in the big picture, but not Jack Ruby and Ferenc Nagy. Jack Ruby agent for DISC through the Mafia and Syndicate, had to be in the basement of Dallas City Hall two days after the assassination to dispose of a dangerous witness. Ferenc Nagy, fellow director of Permindex and the World Trade Center, with Clay Shaw under L. M. Bloomfield, was also in the Dallas City Hall basement the morning of November 24, 1963. Buford Lee Beaty, a city detective, said Captain Tabbert "requested him to watch a man of obvious Hungarian origin who allegedly was in the basement to secure the release of two of his employees." (CH XIX, 152). Beaty and other policemen have confided to friends that the Hungarian was a former high official and was highly suspect on the morning of the 24th. About five years after that memorable morning, a few American publications uncovered the fact that the Defense Industrial Security Command was employing "agents provocateur." These are the historic agents used over the centuries by despots to foment division among the population in order to give the government the people's support in suppressing an unpopular segment of the country involved. Provoking agents are also used effectively in creating a mumt10ns market.
The New York Times reported in 1968 that Stokely Carmichael and Rap Brown were Federal "agents provocateur". Other media named Eldridge Cleaver and a number of other trouble makers as provocative agents of the FBI. Such reports are not confirmed, but they do make interesting food for thought.
CHAPTER X THE YALE CLUB IN JAMAICA AND WORLD COMMERCE CORPORATION SUCCESSOR TO THE GERMAN MUNITIONS CARTELS The genesis of the mun1t10ns cartels is found in the following quotation from H. Montgomery Hyde's book, "Room 3603". Hyde's book is a biography of the experience of Sir William Stephenson during and after World War II. Stephenson was head of British Intelligence in the United States during World War II. Here is what Hyde had to say (p. 263-4). "(In 1946) Stephenson had gone to live in Jamaica, where he had bought a property at Hillowton, overlooking Montego Bay--'the finest house in the island', he called it. (Incidentally, it was his wife's choice.) His example was followed by several of his friends, including Lord Beaver Brook, Sir William Wiseman, Noel Coward and Ian Fleming, all of whom acquired estates on Jamaica's beautiful north shore at this time. For a Year or so he showed little interest in the outside world and was content to enjoy life on this island in the sun. Only gradually did he recover his interest in commerce and industry. With some of his war-time associates, such as financiers Sir Rex Benson and Sir Charles Hambro in London, General Donovan in Washington, and a number of
Canadian and American industrialists like Edward Stettinius, former chairman of the U. S. Steel Corporation, he farmed the British-AmericanCanadian Corporation, which rapidly developed into the World Commerce Corporation, originally designed to fill the void left by the break-up of the big German cartels which Stephenson himself had done much to destroy. Thus he and his colleagues on the board raised an initial $1,000,000 to help 'bridge over the breakdown in foreign exchange and provide the tools, machinery and "know how" to develop untapped resources in different parts of the world'." "The World Commerce Corporation also played a useful part in the development and rehabilitation of economically backward countries. As one American newspaper editorial put it at the time, 'if there were several World Commerce Corporation, there would be no need for a Marshall Plan'. Barter trade was facilitated on a massive scale. A typical transaction took place in the Balkans in 19 51. Yugoslavia and Bulgaria were short of dollars and also short of medicinal drugs. But each country had about $300,000 worth of paprika on its farms. World Commerce accordingly exchanged a year's supply of penicillin and sulfa for the paprika, which they then sold on other markets. While normally working on a comm1ss10n basis, the Corporation would sometimes forgo its profit if it felt it could help as impoverished or economically backward country
by givmg 1t the facilities of its international connections." The North Jamaican Hillowton property was later transformed to Tryall, the exclusive club of John Connally, Paul Raigorodsky and many others of the Cabal. World Commerce Corporation received funds from the U.S. International Cooperation Agency and worked closely with Clay Shaw's World Trade Development Commission and Permindex's various World Trade Centers. George DeMohrenschildt, William Dalzell and a number of the White Russians had worked for I. C.A. for a number of years. This increased DeMohrenschildt' s knowledge of the subject of who was behind the conspiracy. The following from Volume XXIV, page 642 of the official Commission evidence is especially interesting since Albert Osborne and Gordon Novel had been reported at Tryall, Jamaica on a number of occasions. "Ylario Rojas continued as follows: The latter part of December, 1962, the Cuban visited him in Guadalajara, gave him 900 pesos ($72 U.S.), and on the instructions of the Cuban, he proceeded to Cozumel by bus, arriving there shortly after Christmas, 1962. In Cozumel, ROJAS was met by two Cubans, whose names he could not recall, and also by a Cuban woman whose first name was CRISTINA. Although he could not recall the name of the Cubans, he
claimed to have them written in a notebook which he left with DANIEL SOLIS, a municipal policeman in Cozumel, and he affirmed SOLIS would not deliver to anyone but him. About December 20, 1962, OSWALD arrived in Cozumel, having proceeded there from Jamaica via Compania Mexicana de Aviation (CMA) Airlines. OSWALD, the three Cubans, and ROJAS discussed the introduction of Cuban propaganda into Mexico. During the time of these discussions, OSWALD and the three Cubans stayed at the Hotel Playa in Cozumel and ROJAS resided at the home of DANIEL SOLIS. OSWALD remained in Cozumel for two or three days and returned to Jamaica by air, and ROJAS and the three Cubans remained in Cozumel until about February 15, 1963, when OSWALD's again appeared in Cozumel from Jamaica and on this occasion stayed three days. The day following OSWALD's arrival, an American by the name of ALBERT arrived in Jamaica. ROJAS claimed the Cuban woman, CRISTINA, told him that she, the other two Cubans, OSWALD and ALBERT had discussed the elimination of President KENNEDY. According to ROJAS, she stated OSWALD was in favor of killing President KENNEDY, but ALBERT and the Cubans did not agree with OSWALD. ROJAS was told by CRISTINA that OSWALD had stated to the Cubans that he and ALBERT had stayed at the Hotel Islano in
Cozumel and returned to the United States via Jamaica the day after his arrival in Cozumel. ROJAS claimed to have stayed in Cozumel until early March, 1963, when he returned by bus to Guadalajara." The officials investigating for the Commission pressured Rojas until he recanted his story. However this action on the part of the investigators is not reliable in that a large amount of hanky panky was going on in the Mexican part of the inquiry. Some of this is reflected in Volume XIV beginning at page 621. "On March 31, 1964, GILBERTO LOZANO GUIZAR, manager of the Mexico City terminal of. the Transportes Frontera bus company, Calle Buenavista No. 7, Mexico, D. F., emphatically advised that the original passenger list or manifest relating to departure No. 2 of bus No. 340 on October 2, 1963, of the Transportes Frontera bus company, is an authentic record of data pertaining to that particular trip ... He advised that officers of the Presidential Staff appeared at the bus terminal shortly after the assassination of President KENNEDY, seeking to review passenger lists of the bus company for early October, 1963, and it was found at that time that the completed block of forms for most of the month of October, 1963, which included the above described passenger list, was still in the baggage room at the terminal prior to being discarded. He stated he had torn the October 2, 1963 manifest
154 from the block of forms and furnished it to one of the officers. LOZANO advised that one Lieutenant ARTURO BOSCH, an investigator of the Presidential Staff, had reviewed the above described manifest. LOZANO expressed the opinion that ARTURO BOSCH had filled in the blanks in ink at the top of the form as to the time, destination, trip number, bus number, and date, and had crossed out the date November 1," replacing it with the notation 'October 2' which appeared on the manifest ..... LOZANO stated the handprinted notation appearing at the bottom of the manifest, 'Driver, DIONISIO RAYMA, FCO. SAUCEDO,' was filled in by BOSCH. LOZANO advised that there definitely was only one section of bus No. 340 which departed Mexico City at 1:00 p.m. on October 2, 1963, en route Monterrey, Mexico, and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. He explained that the notation 'Departure 2' appearing on the top of the manifest, which he believed BOSCH had filled out, merely indicates the second departure of a Transportes Frontera bus on that particular day, October 2, 1963. The first departure of one of their buses on that day from the Mexico City terminal occurred at 9:00 a.m. with the terminal point being Monterrey, Mexico. He stated the second departure of a T ransportes Frontera bus from the Mexico City terminal on October 2, 1963, was the departure at 1:00 p.m.
155 with the terminal point being Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, and the passengers on this bus were recorded on the above-mentioned manifest of October 2, 1963. He stated there were three other departures on that day from the Mexico City terminal, the third departure having occurred at 2:30 p.m. with the terminal point being Matamoros, T amaulipas, Mexico; the fourth departure having occurred at 9:00 p.m. With terminal point at Nuevo Laredo; and the fifth departure at 10:00 p.m. with terminal point being Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. LOZANO advised the only bus operating on their line which would have arrived at Nuevo Laredo between the hours of 12:00 a. m. and 8:00 a.m. on October 3, 1963, is bus No. 340, which departed from the Mexico City terminal at 1:00 p.m. on October 2, 1963. At another point the report goes on: "He (ALEJANDRO SAUCEDO) recalled that shortly after the assassination of President JOHN F. KENNEDY two investigators, whom he described as being with the 'Policia Federal Judicial' (Federal Judicial Police), appeared at the Flecha Roja terminal, Mexico, D. F ., and requested the original passenger list of bus No. 516 of September 26, 1963, for review. SAUCEDO remembered that the two investigators examined the passenger lists, filed by dates, in a storeroom at the offices of the Flecha Roja bus terminal and found the original copy for the pertinent date and
156 borrowed same. He could not recall the names of the investigators or the exact date they appeared at the office. SAUCEDO now recalled clearly that these two investigators, whom he could only describe as being 'in their thirties', had the duplicate copy of the passenger list which apparently had been at the Flecha Roja bus terminal office in Nuevo Laredo when the trip for September 26, 1963, began. The investigators stated they wanted the original list because the duplicate copy was not completely legible. SAUCEDO stated they had the original and duplicate copy of the passenger manifest for Flecha Roja bus No. 516 for September 26, 1963, when they left. SAUCEDO stated the investigators did exhibit to him government credentials, agency not recalled, and advised they were interested only in finding the passenger list for the incoming trip of bus No. 516 on September 26, 1963. When SAUCEDO asked them if they were interested in locating a departure trip, they stated they were not, explaining they had just been at the bus terminal of Transportes Frontera in Mexico, D. F., where they had located the passenger list for OSWALD's departure from Mexico ... During this search and review, an untied, loose bundle dated October, 1963, was located thrown aside in a cardboard box on the floor of the storage room outside the bin area. This bundle was reviewed and found to include passenger lists
157 for dates September 21, 1963 to October 5, 1963, but no passenger list for bus No. 516 for September 26, 1963 was found. The information hereunder was furnished by T-13: On March 24, 1963, Captain FERNANDO GUTIERRE! BARRIOS, Assistant Director of the Mexican Federal Security Police (DFS), advised that his agency had conducted no investigation in connection with the travel in Mexico of LEE HARVEY OSWALD and did not have in its possess10n any passenger lists from any bus • ..... Imes (CH, XXIV, 623-624) II
Clay Shaw, under the name Clay or Clem Bertrand, was overheard planning the assassination of President Kennedy with David Ferrie and Bettit, alias Leon Oswald, during the middle of September, 1963, in New Orleans. New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, produced a witness who told a threejudge criminal district court panel March 14, 1967, he heard Lee Harvey Oswald, Clay Shaw and David Ferrie plotting to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. (State vs. Shaw, New Orleans District Court Records) Perry Raymond Russo, 25, an insurance salesman from Baton Rouge, testified he was in Ferrie's apartment in New Orleans in September, 1963 and listened to a discussion of how to kill Kennedy and make a getaway. Russo said the plot involved "triangulation of crossfire," diversionary shooting and the sacrificing of one man as a scapegoat to allow the others to escape. (ibid) Russo, a part-time college student who lives with a younger cousin near the campus of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, was described as "a nice young kid" by a neighbor. A fell ow student at LSU said he was "a quiet type who is interested in politics." (3)
Under questioning by Garrison, Russo said Oswald was introduced to him as "Leon Oswald" and Shaw as "Clem Bertrand." Shown a photograph by Garrison, Russo identified Leon as Lee Harvey Oswald. Asked if Clem Bertrand was in the courtroom, Russo pointed to Shaw. At Garrison's direction, he stepped from the witness chair, walked around the defense table and held his hand over Shaw's silvery white hair. Shaw, 54, calmly smoking a cigarette, didn't move. He is the former managing director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans. (ibid) Russo said he first met Oswald at a party and the next time he saw him was in Ferrie's apartment where Oswald was "wiping or cleaning a bolt action rifle. It had a sight on it for hunting." Garrison showed Russo a rifle and asked if it had similarities to the one Oswald held in Ferrie's apartment. Russo said: "The difference to my mind is that this end (front) was not nearly so bubble shaped." He said the weapon had the same bolt action, but a shinier stock, and its telescopic sight was larger than the one on the rifle Oswald had. (ibid) Russo said he had seen Clay Shaw, alias Bertrand, in May, 1963, when Kennedy dedicated a new wharf in New Orleans. "I was in school," Russo said. "The President was coming down to make a speech. At that time I saw Bertrand. While the President was speaking, I was looking around. Bertrand was one of the few not looking at the
President." Police estimated 20,000 persons attended the dedication. (ibid) Russo said that after he contacted Garrison following Ferrie's death,¡ the district attorney took him to "a house on Dauphine Street." Shaw lives at 1313 Dauphine Street. "He stuck his head out the door and I said, 'That's the man'," Russo said, referring to Bertrand. Garrison asked, "Do you recall anything unusual happening at Ferrie's apartment in 1963?" Russo replied,"Sometime around the middle of September I went to the house and at that time there was some sort of party in progress. There were eight or nine people there. As the party dissipated, it narrowed down to three people besides myself because I had no ride home." (ibid) Russo testified that Ferrie, 49, a free-lance pilot who was under investigation by Garrison at the time of his death, did most of the talking about the proposed assassination. Ferrie, pacing the floor, said the attempt should have three gunners in order to provide "a triangulation of cross-fire," Russo testified. He quoted Ferrie as saying that one man would have to be sacrificed as scapegoat. Ferrie, Russo added, was to be the get-away pilot flying into Mexico to refuel for a flight to Brazil. (ibid) Objections were raised by Bertrand, Russo said. He said Bertrand argued that as soon as the shots were fired "the world would know about it" and once the plane landed in Mexico there would
be no way to get out. (ibid) Under cross-examination by Shaw's Attorneys, Russo said that when he saw Oswald in news pictures and on television after the assassination, he "could not be sure" he was Leon Oswald, the man he knew as one of the conspirators. (ibid) Russo was asked if he thought Oswald as "Leon Oswald" when he first saw the assassin's picture. "I gave it thought, but I couldn't be positive of the man," he said. "I was not definite. It was probably the same man. It crossed my mind they were one and the same but I could not be definite." (ibid) "I knew Leon Oswald, who had whiskers," Russo said. "He was dirty. His hair was ruffled up." A second witness said he saw two men-whom he now can identify as Oswald and Shaw-in conversation near Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans in 1963. Vernon Bundy, 29, who said he was a former heroin addict, walked over to Shaw in court, put his hand over Shaw's head, and identified him as the man he saw with Oswald at the lakefront. Bundy said one of the men he said was young, the other much older. He said he heard the "young guy" ask the older man, "What am I going to tell her?" (ibid) The witness then said the older man handed over "a roll of money or it appeared to be. The young guy put his hand in his right pocket where
162 he had a bunch of pamphlets." (ibid) District Attorney Garrison asked Bundy to identify two pictures. Bundy said one was of Lee Harvey Oswald, the other of "the Shaw who has been in the papers lately." Bundy said the pictures were of the same men he saw at the lakefront in 1963. Then he pointed out Shaw in the courtroom as one of them. Under questioning by Garrison, Bundy described the "Older man" he saw as "about 6-foot-1 or 6-foot-2 but I'm not sure because I'm squatting down. He was distinguished dress, gray hair." He said the younger man was "a junkie or beatnik guy. He was nasty. He needed a haircut and a shave. In fact he needed everything." (ibid) Asked if a man named Layton Martens was Ferrie' s roommate at the time, Russo answered, "No, sir." Asked what was the name of the roommate, Russo replied, "The roommate at the Louisiana A venue Parkway apartment was Leon Oswald." (ibid) Layton Martens' name as David Ferrie's roommate was supplied by Clay Shaw, alias Clay Bertrand, through his attorneys at the hearing. Layton Martens bore a resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald according to the evidence developed in the Clay Shaw proceedings. (ibid). Russo said he saw Oswald at the apartment three of four times. Asked the last time he saw him there, Russo said, "In the middle of October or late September, 1963." (ibid)
163 There are two compelling reasons to believe that Seymour and not Lee Harvey Oswald was the participant in the conspiracy conversation overheard by Russo. First, Russo testified that the Leon Oswald involved in the conversation with Ferrie and Bertrand was the roommate of David Ferrie. It is unquestionable at the time in question, Lee Harvey Oswald was living with his wife and daughter on Magazine Street in New Orleans. Secondly, Lee Harvey Oswald was rather neat and usually clean and cleanshaven, whereas the Leon Oswald at Ferrie's apartment was dirty, unshaven and at least, poorly groomed. The State of Louisiana during Shaw's trial produced over fourteen witnesses who said that in the latter part of August or the early part of September, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, Clay Shaw and David Ferrie went to Jackson, Louisiana. While in Jackson, he (Oswald) talked to witnesses in reference to his getting a job at the east Louisiana State Hospital in Jackson, Louisiana, and registering to vote in that parish so as to get a job. Witnesses were produced who talked to Lee Harvey Oswald or someone masquerading as him. The State proved that shortly thereafter, still in late August or early September, 1963, the defendant, Clay L. Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and David W. Ferrie drove into Clinton, Louisiana, which is very close to Jackson, in a black Cadillac, parking the Cadillac near the voter registrar's office on St. Helena Street. While the defendant,
Clay L. Shaw and David W. Ferrie remained in the car, Lee Harvey Oswald got out of the car and got in line with a group of people who were waiting to register. (ibid) The witnesses testified that they saw the black Cadillac parked in front of the registrar's office and identified the defendant, Clay L. Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and David W. Ferrie as the individuals in that car. Garrison introduced documentary evidence that during the year 1966, the U. S. Post Office letter carrier for that route delivered at least five letters to Clay Shaw's address which were addressed to "Clem Bertrand," the name used by the defendant at the meeting between himself, David Ferrie and William Seymour in Ferrie's apartment in mid-September 1963. None of the letters addressed to "Clem Bertrand" were ever returned to the postal authorities for any reason. (Ibid). On cross-examination, testimony of Clay Shaw at his trial in New Orleans on February 27, 1969 connected Walter Jenkins and tied the Rome and Swiss corporations into American subsidiaries and showed them active during the murder. The pertinent testimony follows. "Do you know Tommy Cox of Dallas, Tex.? A. Yes. I met him in New Orleans around Mardi Gras some 10 years ago. He was an occasional visitor here and we corresponded.
Have you ever visited Dallas? A. Yes. th.e last time in 1966 .... " Tommy Cox had previously told investigators that Clay Shaw and Walter Jenkins were close personal friends and he furnished pictures of the two of them together. "The witness Clay Shaw, said he decided to take a two-week vacation at that time and was scheduled to speak at the San Francisco World Trade Building and 'needless to say, on the morning of Nov. 22, no speech was given'. Q. How were these arrangements made, Mr. Shaw? A. By Telephone. Q. Who did you make the arrangements with? A. A Mr. J. Monroe Sullivan. May I refresh my memory? It was Mr. J. Monroe Sullivan, managing director of the San Francisco World Trade Center.... " The World Trade Center is the English language translation of Centro Mondiale Commerciale, the Rome alter ego of Permindex and of course, the World Trade Centers visited by Shaw on the dates of and surrounding the assassination were subsidiaries of Centro Mondiale Comerciale and Permindex. Shaw also testified that he met World Trade Center official, Fred Vanderhurst in Los Angeles, Jim Dondson and Charles Walton of San Francisco and a few days later, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Rourke in Chicago.
During the two years in which the Shaw case was pending and at the ancillary proceedings and final trial, J. Edgar Hoover furnished Shaw's defense with witnesses, investigators and propaganda. Without the immense effort by J. Edgar Hoover on Shaw's behalf, there is little question that the prosecution would have succeeded. History has recorded the first instance of the head of a major federal law enforcement agency manning the defense in a State criminal case. Hoover's actions in providing the Shaw defense is cogent evidence of his own guilt and this evidence is recognized in all courts of law as proof.
CHAPTER XII WILLIAM SEYMOUR, AGENT FOR THE DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL SECURITY COMMAND PARTICIPATES IN A MURDER William Seymour came out of the rear of the Depository Building about fifteen minutes after the assassination, ran around the building and across Dealy Plaza to enter a car and take flight. Gordon Novel, the other fabricated Oswald, has been shown to have been elsewhere at the times in question. All of the following is taken from the Warren Commission evidence. A witness, J. R. Worrel, at the time of the shooting was in the general area across Elm Street from the Depository Building. He saw the gun being fired from the sixth floor window but did not get a look at him while he was firing. After the shooting, Worrel remained in the vicinity for a while and then proceeded across Elm Street continuing straight ahead and traversed the east side of the Depository Building along Houston Street. Shortly after he arrived at the rear of the Depository Building, a man Worrel identified as Lee Harvey Oswald hurried out of the rear door to the first floor of the Depository Building, ran to the west corner of the building and turned to the south disappearing behind the west side of the Depository Building in the direction of the Dealy Plaza Lawn and Elm Street.
Dallas County Officer, Roger Craig saw Seymour coming from the west side of the Depository and across the Dealy Plaza Lawn to enter a car on Elm Street. Officer Craig heard Seymour whistle loudly as he came across the lawn. Officer Craig was the last person to see Seymour and he testified before the Commission as follows: Mr. Belin: "Now, about how many minutes was this after the time that you had turned that young couple over to Lummie Lewis that you heard this whistle? Deputy Sheriff Roger D. Craig: Fourteen or fifteen minutes. Craig: Yes. Belin: Was this you mean after the shooting? Craig: After the--from the time I heard the first shot. Belin: All right. Craig: Yes. So I turned and - uh - saw a man start to run down the hill on the north side of Elm Street, running down toward Elm Street. Belin: And, about where was he with relation to the School Book Depository Building? Craig: Uh--directly across that little side street that runs in front of it. He was on the south side of it. Belin: And he was on the south side of what would be an extension of Elm Street, if Elm Street didn't curve down into the underpass?
Craig: Right, right. Belin: And where was he with relation to the west side of the School Book Depository Building? Craig: Right by the--uh--well, actually, directly in line with the west corner, the southwest corner. Belin: He was directly in line with the southwest corner of the building? Craig: Yes. Belin: And he was on the south curve of that street that runs right in front of the building there? Craig: Yes. Belin: And he started to run toward Elm Street as it curves under the underpass? Craig: Yes, directly down the grassy portion of the park. Belin: All right. And then what did you see happen? Craig: I saw a light-colored station wagon driving real slow, coming west on Elm Street from Houston. Uh--actually, it was nearly in line with him. And the driver was leaning to his right looking up the hill at the man running down. Belin: Uh-huh. Craig: And the station wagon stopped almost directly across from me. An - uh - the man continued down the hill and got in the station wagon. And I attempted to cross the street. I wanted to talk to both of them. But the - uh -
170 traffic was so heavy I couldn't get across the street. And - uh - they were gone before I could - - Belin: Where did the station wagon head? Craig: West on Elm St. Belin: Under the triple underpass? Craig: Yes. Belin: Could you describe the man you saw running down toward the station wagon? Craig: Oh, he was a white male in his twenties, five nine, five eight, something like that; about 140 to 150; had kind of medium brown sandy hair--you know, it was like it'd been blown-you know, he'd been in the wind or something-it was all wild looking; had on--ju--blue trousers. Belin: What shade of blue? Dark blue, medium or light? Craig: No; medium, probably; I'd say medium. And, a--uh--light tan shirt, as I remember lt.
Belin: Anything else about him? Craig: No, nothing except that he looked like he was in an awful hurry. Belin: What about the man who was driving the car? Craig: Now, he struck me, as being a colored male. He was very dark complected, had real dark short hair, and was wearing a thin whitelooking jacket--uh, it looked like the short windbreaker type, you know, because it was real thin and had the collar that came out over the shoulder (indicating with hands) like that--just a short
171 jacket. Belin: You say that he first struck you that way. Do you think that he was a Negro? Craig: Well, I don't--I didn't get a real good look at him. But my first glance at him I was more interested in the man coming down the hill but my first glance at him he struck me as a Negro. Belin: Is that what your opinion is today? Craig: Well, I--I couldn't say, because I didn't get a good enough look at him. Belin: What kind and what color station wagon was it? Craig: It was light colored - almost - uh - it looked white to me. Belin: What model was it? Craig: I thought it was a Nash. Belin: Why would you think it was a Nash? Craig: Because it had a built-in luggage rack on the top. And--uh--at that time, this was the only type car I could fit with that type luggage rack. Belin: A Nash Rambler--is that what you're referring to? Craig: Yes; with a rack on the back portion of the car, you know. Belin: Did it have a Texas license plate or not? Craig: It had the same color. I couldn't see the--uh--name with the numbers on it. I could just barely make them out. They were at an angle
where I couldn't make the numbers of the--uh-any of the writing on it. But--uh--I'm sure it was a Texas plate ... Belin: Anything else about the assassination that you think might be important that we haven't discussed here? Craig: No; except--uh--except for the fact that it came out later that Mrs. Paine does own a station wagon and--uh--it has a luggage rack on top. And this came out, of course, later, after I got back to the office. I didn't know about this. Buddy Walthers brought it up. I believe they went by the house and the car was parked in the driveway." Seymour and the dark complected driver vanished under the same underpass the stricken President passed through and Seymour remains at large. At 5:30 p.m. the same day, Craig went to City Hall where Lee Harvey Oswald was being questioned and identified Oswald as the man running across the lawn and who entered the Nash automobile. While at City Hall, Craig or Fritz asked Oswald who owned the Nash (which Seymour had entered), Oswald inadvertently revealed that he was aware of Seymour's impersonation when Oswald replied, "That station wagon belongs to Mrs. Paine. Don't try to tie her into this. She had nothing to do with it." At the time Craig saw the person whom he thought to be Oswald and who, in fact, was
Seymour, leaving the scene of the assassination Oswald was taking a bus and cab to his room in Oak Cliff. The Commission found this to be so and the evidence sustaining the whereabouts of Lee Harvey Oswald at this time is substantial. Seymour and the dark complected driver had gone to his rendezvous as had Emilio Santana and Manuel Gonzales, the other gunmen who had fired from the stockade fence on Dealy Plaza and the Dal-Tex Building. Oswald, himself, was calm and unhurried in his trip from the Depository Building to his room but after a police car honked in front of his rooming house, his actions changed to indicate some type of involvement. After knowing of the assassination, Oswald was calm and unhurried. According to the reconstruction of time and events which the Commission found most credible, Lee Harvey Oswald left the building approximately three minutes after the assassination. He walked east on Elm Street for seven blocks to the corner of Elm and Murphy where he boarded a bus which was heading back in the direction of the Depository Building, on its way to the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. When Oswald was apprehended, a bus transfer marked for the Lakewood-Marsalis route was found in his shirt pocket. The transfer was dated "Fri. Nov. 22, '63" and was punched in two places by the bus driver. McWatters, a bus driver,
174 was able to testify that the transfer had been issued by him on a trip which passed a checkpoint at St. Paul and Elm Streets at 12:36 p.m. McWatters was sure that he left the checkpoint on time and he estimated that it took him three to four minutes to drive three blocks west from the checkpoint to Field Street, which he reached at about 12:40 pm. McWatters' recollection is that he issued this transfer to a man who entered his bus just beyond Field Street. About two blocks later, he got off the bus. The man was on the bus approximately four minutes. Riding on the bus was an elderly woman, Mary Bledsoe, who confirmed the evidence of the transfer. Oswald had rented a room from Mrs. Bledsoe about six weeks before, on October 7th. On November 22nd, Mrs. Bledsoe came downtown to watch the Presidential motorcade. She boarded the Marsalis bus at St. Paul and Elm Streets to return home. Mrs. Bledsoe stated that she was certain it was Oswald who boarded the bus. William Whaley, a taxicab driver, told his employer on Saturday morning, November 23rd, that he recognized Oswald from a newspaper photograph as a man whom he had driven to the Oak Cliff area the day before. The man asked, "May I have the cab?", and got into the front seat. Whaley described the ensuing events as follows: "And about that time, an old lady, I think she was an old lady, I don't remember nothing but her
175 sticking her head down past him in the door and said, 'Driver, will you call me a cab down here?' She had seen him get this cab and she wanted one, too, and he opened the door a little bit like he was going to get out and he said, 'I will let you have this one,' and she said, "No, the driver can call me one. On November 22nd, Oswald told Captain Fritz that he rode a bus to a stop near his home and then walked to his rooming house. When queried the following morning concerning a bus transfer found in his possession at the time of his arrest, he admitted receiving it. And when interrogated about a cab ride, Oswald also admitted that he left the slow-moving bus and took a cab to his rooming house. The Greyhound Bus Station at Lamar and Jackson Streets, where Oswald entered Whaley' s cab, is three to four blocks south of Lamar and Elm. If he was discharged at Neely and Beckley and walked directly to his rooming house, he would have arrived there about 12:50 to 1 p. m. From the 500 block of North Beckley, the walk should be a few minutes longer, but in either event he would have been in the rooming house at about 1 p. m. This is the approximate time he entered the rooming house, according to Earlene Roberts, the housekeeper there. While Donald was in the house, Mrs. Earlene Roberts, his housekeeper, testified that a police car containing two men drove up and '
176 honked. Ball: "When was that? (The police car honking) Mrs. Roberts: He came in the house. (Oswald) Ball: When he came in the house? Mrs. Roberts: When he came in the house and went to his room ... Ball: Yes. Mrs. Roberts: Right direct in front of that door--there was_ a police car stopped and honked ... Ball: You mean, it was not the car of the policemen you knew? Mrs. Roberts: It wasn't the police car I knew, because their number was 170 and it wasn't 170 ... Ball: Where was it parked? Mrs. Roberts: It was parked in front of the house ... Dr. Goldberg: Which way was the car facing? Mrs. Roberts: It was facing north. Goldberg: Towards Zangs? Mrs. Roberts: Towards Zangs ... Ball: Did this police car stop directly in front of your house? Mrs. Robert: Yes -- it stopped directly in front of my house ... Ball: Where was Oswald when this happened? Mrs. Roberts: In his room.
177 Mrs. Roberts: I think it was--106, it seems to be like it was 106 ... Ball: Did you report that number to anyone, did you report this incident to anyone? Mrs. Roberts: Yes, I told the FBI and the Secret Service both when they was out there ... Ball: And you say that there were two uniformed policemen in the car? Mrs. Roberts: Yes, and it was in a black car. It wasn't an accident squad car at all. Ball: Were there two uniformed policemen in the car? Mrs. Roberts: Oh, yes. Ball: And one of the officers sounded the horn? .... " Oswald then left the house and the Commission found he killed Dallas Police Officer Tippit about a mile from the room. Although there is compelling evidence that someone else killed Tippit, the Commission cited sufficient evidence to sustain their conclusion. At approximately 1: 15 p.m., Tippit, who was cruising east on 1Oth Street, passed the intersection of 10th and Patton about eight blocks from where he had reported at 12:54 p.m. About one hundred feet past the intersection, Tippit stopped a man walking east along the south side of Patton. The man was bushy headed and stocky built. Tippit stopped the man and called him to his car. The bushy headed and stocky man approached the car and apparently exchanged
178 words with Tippit through the right front or vent window. Tippit got out and started to walk around the front of the car. As Tippit reached the left front wheel, the man pulled out a revolver and fired several shots. The bullets hit Tippit and killed him instantly. The gunman started back toward Patton A venue, ejecting the empty cartridge cases and leaving them to later inculpate Oswald. About twelve persons saw the man with the revolver in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene at or immediately after the shooting. By the evening of November 22nd, seven of them had refused to identify Lee Harvey Oswald in police lineups as the man they saw. Several said the murderer was short and squat--Oswald was thin and medium height--and another said that two men were involved. The Warren Commission's own chronology of Oswald's movements fails to allow him sufficient time to reach the scene of Tippit's murder from the Book Depository Building. Four cartridges were found at the scene of the slaying. Revolvers do not eject cartridges, so when someone is shot, you don't later find gratuitous cartridges strewn over the sidewalk unless the murderer deliberately takes the trouble to eject them. Of the four cartridges found at the scene, two were Winchesters and two were Remingtons -
179 Of the four cartridges found at the scene, two were Winchesters and two were Remingtons but of the four bullets found in Officer Tippit' s body, three were Winchesters and one was a Remington. The real killer of Tippit hid in a cavernous building at the corner of Tenth and Crawford which in 1963 was known as the Abundant Life Temple. In an aerial view of the area, the Commission traced the killer's escape path from the scene near Tenth and Patton to Jefferson Boulevard one block south, thence to the Texaco service station one block west at Jefferson and Crawford. A "white jacket" was found at the rear of the station, which the Commission said was Oswald's. Consequently, it had to have the killer reverse his path so as to bring him back onto Jefferson. The killer proceeded straight ahead from the rear of the Texaco station, across an alley and into the rear door of the Abundant Life temple. This view is corroborated by police radio logs. Shortly after 1:40 p.m., Sergeant Hill came on the air: "A witness reports that he last was seen in the Abundant Life Temple about the 400 block. We are fixing to go in and shake it down." On an alternate channel, Car 95 ordered, "Send me another squad over here to tenth and Crawford to check out this church basement. The Texas Theatre is on the north side of
Jefferson Boulevard, approximately fourteen blocks from the scene of the Tippit shooting and twelve blocks from where several witnesses last saw Tippit' s killer running toward the Abundant Life Church one block north of Jefferson. At 1:45 p.m., patrol cars bearing at least fifteen officers converged on the Texas Theatre. Patrolman M. N. McDonald, with Patrolman R. Hawkins, T. A. Hutson and C. T. Walker, entered the theatre from the rear. Other policemen entered the front door and searched the balcony. The man arrested was Oswald. He was sitting alone in the rear of the main floor of the theatre near the right center aisle. About six or seven people were seated on the theatre's main floor and an equal number in the balcony. McDonald gave the binding proof that Oswald could not have murdered Tippit. Oswald snapped the trigger and his gun could not fire because the firing pin was broken. Oswald's pistol could not fire so he could not have killed Tippit a few minutes before his arrest in possession of the useless pistol which could not be fired under any circumstances. There is a rule of evidence in American jurisprudence concerning pattern of events showing a design or plan. "A design, plan or intention may be evidence circumstantially by conduct showing it. The kinds of conduct usable for this purpose are infinite in variety. In general, however, it may be said that any act which under
181 the circumstances and in the light of experience would indicate a probable design is admissable." Every experienced trial lawyer and criminal investigator is well versed on the doctrine of "the Red Herring". The oldest and most common of tactics is the employment of a device or artifice in leading the minds of pursuers of the true facts, whoever they might be, from the trail of logic leading to the perpetration of an unlawful act. Such arts and wiles have been with the human race since there has been one. The devices may vary but their pattern never does. It appears that the first and principle red herring in the present case was Lee Harvey Oswald. The various actions of Oswald, Seymour and Novel were designed to lead anyone looking at them to take the actions as all being the actions of Oswald and thus, lead the investigators to believe Oswald was the perpetrator in the assassination of President Kennedy and that he was acting alone. It further appears that the second and substitute red herring was to go into effect only in the event it should be discovered that a conspiracy existed. The various connections of Oswald with the pro-Castro organization and Seymour with the anti-Castro Cubans and others was likely designed to lead a false trail of evidence to suspects other than the person or persons responsible. In any event, it is not necessary that the theory of the secondary red herring be correct in
182 order to convict Seymour for the murder of President Kennedy. Seymour was weaving a web of culpatory evidence tying Oswald to the assassination for at least five months before it occurred. Seymour first appeared in the evidence of Attorney Dean Andrews in New Orleans during June and July of 1963. On June 5th, President Kennedy at a meeting with the Vice President and the Governor of Texas agreed to come to Texas during the latter part of November, 1963. After June 5th, the planned trip became known in many quarters. Andrews said Seymour was asking about getting his wife's citizenship papers and changing Marine Corps discharge papers. He was accompanied by two Mexican Americans who were apparent homosexuals. Andrews said Seymour was the "real guy" who killed the President. Seymour visited Pena's Bar in New Orleans in company with a Latin man and became ill after drinking too much. This occurred around the middle of August, 1963. On September 17th or 18th, he appeared in Mexico City in the company of a Negro and Latin man and the discussed killing of someone was heard and a large sum of money was passed to Seymour. On September 25th, he was seen in Austin, Texas by three witnesses and Seymour told one of them he had been to Governor John Connally's
183 Socialist Labor Party in Houston. On the night of September 26th or 27th, Seymour was a visitor under the name Leon Oswald to anti-Castroite, Mrs. Sylvia Odio and her sister in Dallas. He was accompanied by Leopoldo again and a third man called Angelo. Leopoldo told the two women "Leon Oswald" had spoke of the possibility of assassinating Kennedy and that Leon had been in the Marine Corps and was a crack shot. This evidence standing alone is sufficient enough to convict all three of a conspiracy. Seymour and Novel were seen with Jack Ruby in the Carousel Club and other places in Dallas in October and November by such a large number of witnesses, the investigators could not locate and list them all. However, a large number testified to seeing them together and a Dallas attorney overheard them discussing Seymour's assassination of another person. Seymour impersonated Oswald in an attempt to connect Oswald to a rifle by using his name at a gun shop in Irving. He tried to show Oswald was expecting a large sum of money by saying he was while trying out a car in Dallas. He appeared at a grocery store as Oswald and at a barber shop he made leftist remarks. During the barber shop, furniture store and grocery store appearances in Irving, Texas, he was accompanied
by Marina or a woman impersonating her. Seymour gave the name Oswald and attempted to cash a large check at the grocery store. Seymour, as was necessary, kept his rifle practice dates to sharpen his precision for the assignment. As the date for President Kennedy's visit drew near, Seymour's rifle practice sessions increased and two a day were not unusual. The number of disinterested witnesses to his practice sessions were overwhelming. A "sporterized mauser" was used by Seymour in many of the target practice appearances. A mauser was brought to the School Book Depository Building, and Truly and two employees were seen with it two days before the assassination. The five police officers who first discovered the rifle on the sixth floor of the Depository Building after the murder described it as a 7.65 mauser. Eyewitnesses described an assassin firing from the sixth floor of the Depository Building at the moment President Kennedy was killed as resembling Lee Harvey Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald was shown in a picture taken as the shots were being fired to be standing at the entrance to the Depository Building. Witnesses further prove that Oswald did not come downstairs past the fifth floor before Baker and Truly met him on the second floor. Then the cheek and hand paraffin test was fired a given Oswald and it proved he had not
185 rifle. The check test was negative. After the assassination, a witness sees a man resembling Oswald come out the rear of the Depository Building and run around the Building towards Dealey Plaza. Deputy Sheriff Craig sees the man coming from behind the building, crossing Dealey Plaza and entering an automobile which drove under the triple underpass and disappeared from view. Craig identified the person as Lee Harvey Oswald but Oswald was definitely established to have been well into his bus trip to the room on Beckley and away from the scene of the assassination at the time. There are many rules of evidentiary law which apply, especially to the facts in Seymour's case. First, the rule which provides that if a party fabricates evidence, the act of fabrication may be used against him to show a consciousness of guilt. Next, the guilty actions or conduct of a party may be shown as evidence of guilty knowledge. Also, when circumstances are shown which lead to no other conclusion but the guilt of the party, no direct evidence is necessary. However, in Seymour's case the direct evidence of eyewitnesses who saw him in the act of shooting the President of the United States had been documented.
CHAPTER XIII CONCLUSION Suppressed in the Archives are two Commission Documents which corroborate the large portion of the facts contained herein. They are: 1. "Fascists and Nazis today, Albin Michel,
Paris" Document No. 1096 2. "Bundesnachrichtendienst file" Document No. 597 In letters smuggled from jail, Jack Ruby constantly said the Nazis and Fascists were behind the Kennedy murder. Ruby was much more knowledgeable about the conspiracy than most. On September 9, 1965, in Judge Louis Holland's court, Ruby disregarded his lawyers who were telling him to be quiet and declared that there was a conspiracy in high places behind Kennedy's assassination. Various news reports related that he said "people in high places" had suppressed information about Oswald and about Ruby; said, as his lawyers tried to push TV microphones away from his face, "The world has the right to hear the truth"; said that Oswald knew Kennedy was coming to Dallas even before Kennedy knew it and that newsmen should search
187 "in the high source of our political government" to find out how Oswald got a job at the depository on the motorcade route; said that the full story of the assassination would not come out because "unfortunately some people in high places had so much to gain by putting me in this position, and when asked to elaborate on this, said that the results of the lie detector test had not been divulged, and said that there was a "terrible conspiracy" behind Kennedy's death and he, Ruby, "happened to be a scapegoat to walk into a trap and make that possible." Ruby's lawyer Sam Houston Clinton says that during a routine hearing he believes was on March 31, 1966, he was seated beside Ruby, and that a reporter stuck a mike in front of Ruby, whereupon Ruby said that people just didn't understand and that if he ever got a chance to tell his story, they would know that "if Adlai Stevenson had been vice president, Kennedy would still be alive today." After Ruby died, the Associated Press' Bernard Gayzer reported his accusations against the Nazis and Fascists and added, "Jack Ruby also complained that his cancer was induced secretly in jail.. .. (He) was certain it had been injected into him." New fragments of the story were published elsewhere. "The St. Paul (Minn.) Dispatch reported that one of its columnists, Bill Diehl, had bought a letter Ruby had written from his jail cell. The seller: Charles Hamilton Autographs, Inc., in 11
New York, which in turn reportedly bought it and four or five others like it, from a jail trusty, Thomas E. Miller. In Diehl's letter, the paper said, Ruby wrote that Johnson "found me as the perfect setup for a frame. Remember they had the President killed, and now with me in the picture, they'll make it look as though Castro or the Russians had it done. Remember the only one who had all to gain was Johnson himself. Figure that out." This report is not to criticize actions on the part of anyone. It is simply a report of the facts with full documentation. The actions of the participants stand as criticism enough for their various roles in the illegal and immoral affair, and James Earl Ray's report that federal agents killed Dr. King is compelling evidence that the organization was still going about its objective in 1969 in the same ruthless manner and using the same modis operandi as is revealed in this document. It should be pointed out, that during a few years following John Kennedy's murder, the crime rate in the United States had more than doubled. Public opinion surveys during the time reflected about 80% of the people did not believe the Warren Commission Report. The general public felt someone or some group had been behind the murder of John F. Kennedy and the guilty ones had not been punished. Such an attitude on the part of the public leads to a gradual breakdown of
law, order and morals of the society. All Penal Codes in the history of nations have set out a twofold purpose. The number one and cardinal purpose of a Penal Code is to deter crime. The secondary purpose is to reform the offender. There is a basic reason for deterrence of crime to be the principle purpose of a criminal code. that is, those who are inclined to commit crime view the prosecution of all criminal acts of others and they are not willing to face the consequences when their own prosecution seems certain. Therefore, crime is reduced and thus deterred. However, when the head of the National Police Agency joins with a handful of other government leaders and they both in turn throw in with crime to murder a president, (and the people have an uneasy feeling that something of this nature has taken place) it is only natural that crime and violence increase. The basic deterrent to crime has broken down. Also, the national morals by way of osmosis are gradually lowered and a hardness and cynicism develops among the people which allows lower and lower moral standards in the society affected. Thus the United States has had reports of murder by the Southeastern Asian Command of the Green Berets of hundreds of agents employed by them. These murders were carried out in violation of all codes of moral conduct only on the whims or suspicions of the Green Berets that the
murdered Beret agents did not measure up to what the command felt was proper behavior. The reports included that Mafia type weighting of the murdered bodies and dumping them into the South China Sea occurred. No punishment was afforded the guilty U.S. personnel for their acts. The reports on the regular news media of a Mafia type operation by the generals and Master Sergeants in the Pentagon on a world wide basis involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and rakeoffs drew very little interest or criticism. During the last years of the Johnson administration, crime after crime among officials was reported across the land. Jack Kennedy's last executive order stated that 1,000 troops would be brought home from Viet Nam by Christmas, 1963. The dispatch reported this would leave 11,000 non-combatants in Viet Nam, all of which would be removed by the end of 1964. Thus, in his last official act, the slain President evidenced his opposition to involving ourselves in the Southeastern Asia civil wars. (AP Dispatch, November 20, 1963) Less than one year after Kennedy's death, responsible senators reported the Johnson administration staged a false incident in the Tonkin Gulf. The U.S. went to war. The munitions makers and their police force, the Defense Industrial Security Command, were well paid. Then, in 1969, there came to light that,
191 during the last year of Johnson's Commander-InChief status, in March of 1968 to be exact, a Viet Nam order to destroy certain villages and to kill the inhabitants. An Army photographer who observed one of the massacres was Sergeant Ronald L. Haeberle. He said: "At about 5:30 in the morning of March 16, I left where I was stationed, Due Pho, by helicopter for Task Force Barker. That is an outlying area from the base camp. I was supposed to hook up here with C Company. I hooked up with C Company at 5 or 5:30 .. around sunrise. No one really explained the mission, but from what I heard from the men, it was suspected that these villagers were Viet Cong sympathizers and it was thought there were Viet Cong there .. .I was going in with the second group of men ... We landed in the rice paddies and I heard gunfire from the village itself, but we were still on the outside of the village. There were some South Vietnamese people, maybe 15 of them, women and children included, walking on a dirt road maybe 100 yards away. All of a sudden the GI's just opened up with M16s. Besides the M 16 fire, they were shooting at the people with M79 grenade launchers. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. As they moved in, closer to the village, they just kept shooting at people. I remember this man distinctly, holding a small child in one arm and another child in the other, walking toward us.
They saw us and were pleading. The little girl was saying 'no no' in English. Then all of a sudden a burst of fire and they were cut down. They were about 20 feet away. One machine gunner did it. He'd opened up ... I had been on the ground maybe 45 minutes at this point. Off to the left, a group of people, women, children and babies, were standing around. The machine gunner was standing in front of them with the ammo bearer and all of a sudden I heard this fire and here the machine gunner had opened up on all these people in the big circle and they were trying to run. I don't know how many got out ... Then some GI's went over to a pile where there were four people and one GI leaned over a guy who was still alive and finished him. There were two small children, a very young boy and a smaller boy, maybe 4 or 5 years old. A guy with an M16 fired at them, at the first boy, and the older boy fell over to protect the smaller boy. Then they fired six more shots and just let them lie. I left the village around 11 o'clock that morning. I saw clumps of bodies and I must have seen as many as 100 killed. It was done very businesslike." Haeberle said he later saw a news story of C Company's operation in the hamlet, listing a large number of Viet Cong killed. Horrible pictures kept coming: of American
193 boys with belching machine guns killing over 560 human beings in just one village; of burning homes in Viet Nam; of a five year old putting his arm around his little brother as the bullets struck; of innocent dead babies and small children and more dead babies held by their dead mothers; the grotesque stacks of human bodies of civilians, women and children totally reminiscent of the Nazi massacres and atrocities of World War II; and of a mother begging for the lives of her five children and in the next instant, the bullets slamming into the entire family group; and of U.S. soldiers dropping prisoners of war from airplanes to their deaths in order to obtain confessions from their fellow prisoners. (A. P. News Dispatch, November 20, 1969) Reports kept coming in of one atrocity after another being committed by American boys under command level orders. The Pentagon had brutalized our young men but the Pentagon would try a scape goat or two and salve the American conscience. This was not sufficient. A purgative from within will be needed to restore moral balance to the Nation. The arrest, trial and punishment of the individuals guilty of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are the only steps which would provide that purgative. Aristotle the Greek said "Tragedy moves from pity--to terror--to cleansing catharsis." Pity was all evident immediately after the President's death. Terror in the late 1960' s followed. Only
194 cleansing catharsis by laws to the high and restore the former conscience. Law and order
application of the criminal low alike in the cabal will high collective national return after the catharsis.
About the Author, William Torbitt The author is a lawyer in the southwestern part of the United States with twenty years trial experience. For two years, he served as a prosecuting attorney in criminal cases during 1949, 1950, and part of 1951. He has engaged in both civil and criminal practices and is licensed in all state and federal courts in his areas and the court of tax appeals. The author is a typically conservative and successful attorney belonging to the American Trial Lawyers Association, all of his area bar associations, Kiwanis and local civic clubs. He is a family man and is highly respected in the courts before which he practices. He is not critical of the Warren Commission or of any other national agency in connection with the assassination. The author has participated in cases in the southwest where professional Mexican assassins have been used to commit political murder. He has also participated in the trial of cases in the southwest involving gunrunning activities through Mexico to Cuba, both before Castro was successful and after Castro succeeded and became the subject of overthrow by gunrunners from the southwest. Close relatives of the gambling syndicate members have used the legal services of T orbitt in complicated cases involving tracing of financial dealings of organized crime in Texas and their foreign connecting links.
196 More important, William T orbitt has been a member of the strong supporters of Lyndon Johnson since 1948. He supported John Connally in the gubernatorial race on 1962 and earlier was closely associated in the successful congressional race of Lloyd Bentsen in the Texas Valley adjacent to the Mexican border. Torbitt was also a key political backer of Texas Governor, Allen Shivers. The author remained close to the conservative Connally-Johnson political organization and was personally acquainted with most of the people he writes about until he left them in 1963. Torbitt remains active in Texas ValleyMexico border politics but at a subdued pace. During his term as prosecutor, he was deeply involved in the investigations and prosecutions of the gambling syndicate and Mafia operations in Texas. He holds his law degree from the University of Texas at Austin. The author says "The Fascist cabal who assassinated John Kennedy planned to lay the blame on honest right-wing conservatives, if their first ploy, to lay the blame on Oswald and the Communists was not bought." The author set out in his work simply to analyze, bring together and present his personal knowledge and the evidence which has been gathered by the Warren Commission, Jim Garrison and all other investigative agencies connected with the case. As is the office of a
197 lawyer, he makes legal deductions from the evidence gathered but consistently refuses to speculate on the evidence even when some speculation is warranted. He says that speculation is a close kin to rumor and, consequently, he resorts only to those legal deductions which courts allow a lawyer to make from the court approved and documented evidence. This work is an enlargement of a working paper furnished to Torbitt by two agents - one with the Customs Department and the other with the Narcotics Bureau. For obvious reasons, their identities must be protected, but the author gives highest credit to the investigative work of the two well-informed officers. The author especially credits the working paper of the two agents with revealing the heretofore highly secret Defense Industrial Security Command and its intelligence assignments on behalf of the mumt10ns and aerospace manufacturers. The fascistic totalitarian secret police agency is even stronger and more devious in 1970 and threatens our democracy, he says.
BIBLIOGRAPHY compiled by Kenn Thomas The Torbitt Document cites the following sources. Date and publication information for which it does not provide sufficient attribution and could not otherwise be located has been noted.
Books Blair, Jr., Clay. The Strange Case offames Earl Ray. New York: Bantam Books, 1969. Cook, Fred J. The FBI Nobody Knows. New York: Harper & Row, 1969. Cressey, Donald. Theft of a Nation. New York: Harper & Row, 1969. Demaris, Ovid. Captive City. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1969. Flammonde, Paris. The Kennedy Conspiracy: An Uncommissioned Report on the Jim Garrison Investigation. New York: Meredith Press, 1968. Ford, Gerald, with Stiles, Charles .. Portrait of the Assassin. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1965.
Hemingway, Ernest. For Whom the Bell Tolls. New York: Scribner's, 1940. Hepburn, John [pseud.] Farewell America. Vaduz, Liechenstein: Frontiers Publishing, 1968. Jones, Penn. Forgive My Grief, Vol. Ill Midlothian, TX: Midlothian Press, 1966. Kennedy, Robert. The Enemy Within. New York: Harper & Row, 1960. Lewis, Richard. Appointment on the Moon. New York: Viking Press, 1969. Maas, Peter. The Valachi Papers. Bantam Books, 1968. Reid, Ed. The Grim Reapers. Regnery Co., 1969.
New York:
Chicago: Henry
Reid, Ed. The Mafia. NY: Random House, 1952. Reid, Ed and DeMaris, Ovid. The Green Felt Jungle. New York: Trident Press, 1963. Shuster, George N. In Silence I Speak. New York: Farrar, Strauss & Cudahy, 1956.
Thompson, Josiah. Six Seconds in Dallas. New York: Bernard Geis Associates, 1967. Weisberg, Harold. Photographic Whitewash: Suppressed Kennedy Assassination Pictures. Hyattstown, MD: Harold Weisberg, 1967. Wise, David and Ross, Thomas. The Espionage Establishment. New York: Random House, 1964.
Wise, David and Ross, Thomas B. The Invisible Government. New York: Random House, 1964.
Court Records and Public Documents Allcorn, Bill. Private files on Buddy Floyd assassination case, Alice, Texas, 19 52. American Council of Churches, Campaign records, New York City, 1964. Byelorussian Liberation Front. Membership Records. Cleveland, Ohio. [no date] Dallas City Directory, 1962-1968. Dallas Telephone Book, 1962-1968. Del Charro Hotel Records. La Jolla, CA, 1953-
201 1963.
Flecha Roja Bus Terminal, Mexico. Passenger Manifest, Bus No. 516. September 26, 1963. General Staff Files. U. S. European Command OUISE Section. [no date] New Orleans District Attorney Records. c. late 1960s. Public Corporation Records, Berne, Switzerland. [no date] Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy [Warren Commission Report and 26 volumes of testimony and exhibits]. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1964.
Ruby, Jack. Letters. Hamilton Autographs. [no date] Sapet v. State. 256 SW2nd 154. [no date]
Senate Rules Committee. Transcript of Testimony. Bobby Baker Case, 1964. State vs. Shaw. New Orleans District Attorney Records. c. late 1960s.
Swiss Intelligence.
F. Kennedy files. [no date]
U. S. v. Black. U. S. Supreme Court Records. [no date] U. S. vs. McKeown. District Attorney Records. Southern District of Texas. [no date]
¡ Periodicals "Aftermath of November 22, 1963." Esquire, Vol. LXVI, No. 397, December 1966. Associated Press Dispatch. St. Louis, August 14, 1969. Associated Press Dispatch. November 20, 1963. Associated Press Dispatch. November 20, 1969. Basel Switzerland Publication A-Z. August 1961. Canadien Le Devoir Publication. March 1967. Chicago Daily News. [no date]
Cipes, Robert M., "The Wiretap War: Kennedy, Johnson and the FBI," New Republic, Volume 155, Issue 2718, December 24, 1966, pp. 16-22.
203 "Dispatch New Novel Extradition Papers," New Orleans States-Item, May 23, 1967, p. 1, 16. The Torbitt Document mentions New Orleans States-Item reportage on the Jim Garrison investigation from April 25, 1967 through May 25, 1967, but singles out articles on April 25, May 23 and May 25. "Fortas' Letter Raises New Questions", "Fortas Quits Under Fire, Disclaims Wrongdoing", "The Other Fortas Lawyer", "Fortas Declares 'I Feel No Ill Will"', "Fortas Development Termed First Such", "Prior to Court Job, Fortas Had Ties With Las Vegas", "Text of Fortas Explanation to Warren", "Fortas' Decision Came As Pressure Rose in Congress", Dallas Morning News, May 16, 1969, pp. 1, 4A, SA and 6A. "Fortas Probe Demanded by Congressman," Dallas Morning News, May 15, 1969, p. 1. Il Gornia. Milan, Italy, 1967-1968. Il Pense. [no date] fl Tempe. Rome, 1967-1968.
Lambert, William, "The One-Man Roy Cohn Lobby," Life Magazine, Vol. 67, No. 10,
September 5, 1969, pp. 26-31. Le Monde. May 1961. !'Express. [no date] London Daily Standard. [no date]
"Mounting Evidence Links CIA to 'Plot' Probe," New Orleans States-Item, April 25, 1967, pp. 1, 6B. Nagy, Ference, as told to Beverly Smith, "How the Russians Grabbed My Government," Saturday Evening Post, Vol. 220, No. 8, August 23 (pp. 30-31, 76-78), No. 9, August 30, 1947 (pp. 24-25, 83-105), and No. 10, September 6, 1947, pp. 28, 137-161. New York Times, 1968.
"Novel Admitted Bunker Theft, Rhodes Is Told," New Orleans States-Item, May 25, 1967, p. 23.
Pravda. [no date J
Rome Paesa Sera Publication. 1959-1960, March and April, 1967. Sherrill, Robert G., "George Smathers, the Golden
205 Senator from Florida," The Nation, Volume 199, No. 18, December 7, 1964, 426-437. This article explores Senator George Smathers' position in "a small clique--'the Senate establishment'--which in secret agreement assigns members to .committees, has absolute say over what legislation passes and what does not, controls ¡ the political careers of less powerful Senators, and even dictates to some extent the choice of Presidential nominees." A JFK ally, Senator Smathers is another link between the assassinated president and the secret space program. In the 19 50s, Smather' s law firm hired guards from a subsidiary of Wackenhut, which still supplies security services to Area 51, to work nuclear bomb test-sites in Nevada and Cape Canaveral. By working for Smathers, they side-stepped federal law forbidding private detectives from working for the government, and set the stage for the peculiar arrangement of the privately-run Wackenhut policing a US government-owned airbase.
Washington Star. [no date]
Reference Works Collier's Encyclopedia. New York: P. F. Collier & Son Corp. [no yearJ Encyclopedia of Associations. Detroit: Gale. [no
year] Encyclopedia of National Biography. [publishing information unknown] Encyclopedia of Organizations. Detroit: Gale. [no year]
Mayer, Frederick Emanuel. Religious Bodies of America. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1961. Moody's Industrials. New York: Moody's Investor Service, 1960-1963. Poor's Register. New York: Standard & Poor's Corp., 1963. Who's Who in the South and Southwest. Chicago: Marquis Who's Who, 1963, 1964.
207 INDEX Abundant Life Temple, 129, 130, 179, 180 Account Number 804, 63, 64 Alaniz, Nago, 108 Albert, 152 Alcohol and Tobacco Unit, Bureau of Internal Revenue, 37 Algeria, 74, 79-82 Alice, TX, 31 Allcorn, Bill, 108, 109 Allied Empire, 63, 64, 65 American Council of Christian Churches (ACCC), 26, 34, 54, 106, 108, 109, 120, 122, 129, 137, 144, 146 American Hotel Corporation, 79 American Trial Lawyers Association, 195 Andrews, Dean, 182 Angelo, 183 Anjon Savings and loan, 63, 64 Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean, 77 Archer, Evelyn Eleanor, 38 Army Space Program, 59 Arques, Manuel, 38 Atlas Bank, 65, 66 Atomic Energy Commission, 25, 26, 84, 116 Bacliff, TX, 126, 127 Bailey, F. Lee, 94 Baker, Bobby, 27, 29,35, 36, 50, 53, 54, 60, 62,65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 91, 101 Banca Nationale del Lavoro, 51
Bank of World Commerce, 63, 64 Bannister, Guy, 27, 39, 54, 77, 99, 100, 101, 113, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131 Banos, Angel, 38 Baraduc, Pierre, 83 Barrera, Abelardo Pujol, 39 Barrios, Fernando Gutierrei, 157 Batista, Fulgencio, 99 Baton Rouge, LA, 158 Bay of Pigs, 100 Bay of Pigs Cuban Revolutionary Council, 40 Beatnik, 162 Beaty, Buford Lee, 147 Beaubouef, Alvin, 116, 124 Beaver Hall Investments, 62 Beckham, Thomas, 131, 146 Belin, David, 168-172 Bell Aerospace, 49, 85, 93, 142 Benson, Sir Rex, 149 Bentsen, Lloyd, 196 Berkeley Property Corp., Ltd., 62 Bertrand, Clay or Clem, 158, 159, 160, 164 (see also Shaw, Clay) Bettit, 158 Black, Fred, 29, 66, 67, 68, 69 Bledsoe, Mary, 174 Bloom, Leon S., 64 Bloomfield, L. M., 26, 27, 28, 35, 47-73, 121, 122~ 147 Boeing Aircraft, 145 Boemel-Burg, 144
209 Bonanno, Joe, 27, 50, 54, 56-73, 84, 85, 115, 116, 117, 118 Bosche, Arturo, 154 Bouhe, George Alexandrovitch, 52, 54, 125, 126 Bowen, James A., 110 Bowen, John H., 53, 54, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 120, 130, 131, 146, 146, 147 Boys, Inc, 115 Braden Jim, 130 Bradley, E. E., 34, 54 Brantley, Ray, 36 British-American-Canadian Corporation, 150 British Controlled Oil Fields, Ltd, 62 Brook, Lord Beaver, 149 Brooks, Jerry Milton, 76, 90, 101 Brown, Emily, 110 Brown, George and Herman, 49 Brown, J. T., 101 Brown, Rap, 148 Brussels, Belgium, 75 Bulgaria, 150 Bundesnachrichtendienst, 143, 186 Bundy, Vernon, 161, 162 Bufalino, Russell A., 87, 88 Burris, Sam, 108 Byelorussian Liberation Front, 95 Campfire Council, 109 Cans cot Building, Ltd., 62 Canscot Realty Investments, Ltd., 62 Capps, Gerald Nelson, 64 Carmichael, Stokely, 148
Carlson, Alex, 51, 52, 53, 54, 66 Carousel Club, 93, 98, 183 Carousel Motel, 69 Carr, Waggoner, 103 Carroll, Lt. Gen., Joseph, 83, 84, 98, 117 Carson City, NV, 69 Carroll, Joseph F., 28 Castaway Club, 131 Castro, Fidel, 33, 40, 43, 90, 99, 100, 101, 188 Center for International Studies at MIT, 98 Central Intelligence Agency, 82, 100, 103, 106, 107, 143, 144 Centro-Mondiale Commerciale, 47-55, 74-78, 79, 95-105, 106, 117, 118, 138 Cervantes, Alfredo, 107, 108 Challe, Maurice, 80, 81 Chapman, L. J., 101 Charles Hamilton Autographs, Inc., 187, 188 Cherry, Max, 54 Chester, PA, 110 Childs, Maurice, 80 Chourbagi, Munir, 47 Chrismon, Fred Lee, 114, 130, 131, 145, 146, 147 City Lincoln Mercury, 139 Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, 155 Ciudad Miguel Aleman, 119, 120 Claiborne Oil, 50 Clark, Gali, 104, 105 Clark, Max, 103, 104, 105 Clinton, LA, 163 Clinton, Sam Houston, 187
Cobb, Lloyd, 49 Cody, Joe, 54 Coffey, Melvin, 116 Cohn, Roy M., 35, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56-73, 85, 91, 121, 122 Compania Mexicana de Aviation (CMA) Airlines, 152 Conforto, Jada, 116, 117 Connally, John, 35, 49, 50, 54, 105, 115, 117, 121, 122, 129, 135, 136, 151, 182, 196 Convair, 104 Cortez, Ramon Buenrostro, 56, 113 Coskey, Gilbert, 91, 92 Coward, Noel, 149 Cox, Tommy, 164, 165 Cozumel, 151, 152, 153 Craig, Roger, 168-172, 185 Credit Bank of Geneva, Switzerland, 51, 63, 65, 66 Credit Suisse of Canada, 50, 62, 63 Cristina, 151, 152 Crown, Henry, 50, 84, 104 Dal-Land Memorials, 139 Dal Tex Building, 118, 119, 130, 173 Dalitz, Morris, 50, 54, 64, 65, 71, 72, 85, 91 Dalzell, William, 54, 124, 125, 151 Dauphine Street, 160 De Famaco Vaduz, 51 Dealey Plaza, 131, 139, 167, 168, 173, 185 DeBrueys, Warren, 100, 126 Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC), 27, 28, 39, 43, 44, 50, 84, 85, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98,
212 104, 105, 114, 116, 117, 118, 130, 142, 145, 147, 167-185, 190, 196 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 25, 28, 76, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 90, 107, 118, 130, 131, 13 2' 144' 14 5' 147 DeGaulle, Charles, 48, 74-78, 79, 80, 90, 107, 118 Del Charro Hotel, 114, 115 Delhi-Taylor Oil Company, 114 DeMen, Florence, 119 DeMen, George, 119 DeMenil, John Qean), 30, 34, 40, 41, 49, 50, 53, 54, 121, 122, 124-136 DeMohrenschildt, George, 31, 32, 103, 104, 151 Desert Inn, 71 Devine, Irving, 64, 65 di Spadafora, Gutierez, 48 Diehl, Bill, 187, 188 Dimitri of ACCC, 54 Division Five of the FBI, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 34, 47-55, 75, 76, 77, 83, 86, 95, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 108, 125, 126, 131, 132, 134, 138, 145 Dolsen, C. A. "Pappy", 139 Dondson, Jim, 165 Donovan, General, 149 Dornburger, Walter, 49, 54, 85, 93, 141, 142 Double-Chek, 51, 52, 66, 95-105, 106, 119, 124, 126, 131 Drew, Johnny, 115 Due Pho, 191 Dulles, Allen, 82, 143
213 Duran, Sylvia, 43 Eagle Pass, TX, 113 Economic Association for the Development of South Germany, 144 Eichmann, Adolf, 144 El Panama Hotel, 77 Elm Street, 167, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 128 Farmers & Merchants State bank, 68 Farouk, King, 47 Fascist National-Zeitung, 47, 48 Federal Intelligence Agency, 143 Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations, 103 Field Street, 174 Fernandez, Faito, 56 Fernandez, Julio Cesar, 44, 45 Ferrie, David, 39, 54, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 115, 116, 120, 124, 127, 128, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164 Ferrie, Hugh, 96 Ferrina, Oscar, 110, 113 First Baptist Church, 110 Flecha Roja, 155, 156 Fleming, Ian, 149 Florida Keys, 41 Floyd, Buddy, 107, 108 Floyd, Jake, 107 Fourteenth International Brigade, 144 French Intelligence Agency, 75 Fortas, Abe, 69, 70, 72
214 Fox Brothers, 67 Free Cuba Committee, 26, 106, 125, 144 Fremont Hotel, 68, 71 Fritz, Captain Will, 130, 131, 172, 175 Furdmann, Sylvain, 65, 66 Gajewski, Stanislaw, 81 Garcia, Ignacio Hernandez, 56 Garrison, Jim, 24, 118, 129, 132, 133, 144, 145, 146, 158, 159, 160, 162, 164, 196 Gatlin, Maurice Brooks, 39, 54, 76, 77, 79, 90, 99, 101, 113 Gavin, General James M., 83 Gayzer, Bernard, 187 Gehlen, Reinhard, 143, 144 General Dynamics, 50, 84, 104 Genovese, Veto, 73, 87 Gold, Jon, 114, 131 Goldberg, Dr., 176 Gonzales, Manuel Garcia, 54, 131, 173 Gonzales, T., 37, 54, 120 Gould, Jon, 114, 131 Great America, 69, 70 Green Berets, 189, 190 Gregory, Peter, 52, 54, 125 Greyhound Bus Station, 175 Grimaldi, Sioas Lines, Ltd., 62 Guadalajara, 151, 153 Guizar, Gilberto Lozano, 153, 154, 155 Haeberle, Ronald L., 191, 192 Haliburton Oil Company, 49 Hall, Sarah, 110
Hambro, Sir Charles, 149 Hawkins, R., 180 Heineken's Brewery, 50, 59, 62 Helm, Jack, 97 Herndon, VA, 138 Hill, Sergeant, 179 Hillowton, 149, 151 Hitler, Adolph, 75, 111, 137, 142, 143 Hluchan, Walter Laddie, 113 Holland, Judge Louis, 186 Hoover, J. Edgar, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34, 47-55, 56, 57, 58, 67, 71, 72, 77, 83, 85, 100, 102, 107, 114, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 133, 134, 135, 136, 141, 144, 166 Hoover, Margaret Kathryn, 44, 45 Hasty, James, P., 134 Hotel Playa, 152 Hoy, David, 54 Hoy, Patrick, 50, 54, 84, 104 Hunt, H. L., 26, 34, 49, 50, 51, 54, 71, 113, 121, 122, 138 Huntsville, AL, 39, 59, 137, 141, 145 Hutson, T. A., 180 Immigration and Naturalization Department, 102 Intercontinental Company, 56 Intercontinental Hotel Corporation, 50 International Trade Mart of New Orleans, 55, 159 Irving, Helen, 70 Irving, TX, 142, 183 Islamorda, FL, 41 Israel Continental Oil Co., Ltd., 62
216 Isaacs, Harold R., 98, 99 Italo American Hotel Corporation, 47, 79 Jackson, LA, 163 Jada, see Conforto, Jada Jamaica, 50, 51, 105, 149-157 Jenkins, Walter, 34, 40, 54, 67, 121, 122, 164, 165 Jenner, Albert, 104 Johannesberg, South Africa, 75, 107 Johnson, Lyndon, 26, 29, 34, 40, 54, 59, 67, 71, 121, 122, 135, 141, 147, 188, 190, 191, 196 Jones, Clifford, 27, 35, 36, 50, 53, 54, 60, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 85, 91, 101, 121, 122, 131 Jones, Donald, 58 Jones, Penn, 115, 131, 139 Kennedy, Robert F., 28, 55, 71, 98, 116 Kentfield Fund, 95 Kerr, Robert, 49 Kimble, Jules Rocco, 97 King, Martin Luther, 55, 188 Knox, Jack, 58 Knoxville, TN, 109 ,110, 137 Korth, Fred, 34, 53, 54, 93, 120, 121, 142 Kosloff, Jake, 54 Krystinik, Ray Ku Klux Klan, 97 La Zar, Theodore, 44 La Jolla, CA, 114, 115 Lake Pontchartrain, 161 Lakewood-Marsalis route, 173, 174 Lansky, Meyer, 64, 66
217 Laredo, TX, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 119 Las Vegas, NV, 47-55, 131 Leasing Pulp & Paper Corp., Ltd, 62 Lee, Harvey, 96 Leopoldo, 183 Levinson, Ed, 50, 63, 64, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72, 85, 91, 131 Leviton Manufacturing of Canada, Ltd., 62 Lewis, David L., 126, 127 Lewis, Lummie, 168 Liechenstein Banks, 66 Life Magazine, 56, 58, 64, 65 Lilenthal, David, 25 Lionel Corporation, 49, 50, 56, 59, 71, 85 Lockheed Aircraft, 145 Louisiana State Hospital, 163 Louisiana State University, 158 Louisville, KY, 58 Luciano, Lucky, 73 Mafia (see also individual names), 47-73, 84, 85, 86, 87' 115' 117' 144' 147' 19 0' 19 6 Magazine Street, 163 Malnick, Alvin I., 64 Malone, John F., 58 Maloney, William Power, 85 Manchuso's Restaurant, 126 Mandel (Mantella), George, 47, 52, 54 Mandel (Mantella), Henry (Enrico), 48 Manoir Industries, 62 Marcello, Carlos, 115, 116, 117, 118 Mardis Gras, 164
218 Marrit Savings and Loan, 63 Marshall Plan, 150 Marshall Space Center, 94 Martens, Layton, 54, 124, 162 Martin, Jack, 102 Martin, Lewis J., 101 Martinsburg, PA, 44, 45 Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, 155 Mathew, Philip J., 64 McAllister, H. J., 101 McCarthy, Joseph, 56, 71 McClellan, John L., 87, 88 McDonald, M. N., 180 Mcintire, Carl, 34 McKeown, Robert Tay, 37, 38, 39, 54, 90, 99, 100, 101, 120, 125, 126, 127 McLaney, Mike, 54, 67, 99 Mclean, VA, 132 McWaters (bus driver), 173, 174 McWillie, L. J., 35, 36, 50, 53, 54, 60, 66, 69, 71, 91, 99, 100, 101, 119, 120, 121, 122, 131 Medaris, General John B., 54, 56-73 Medico Industries, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 Medico, William, 87, 88, 89, 90 Medina, Captain Ernest, 94 Memphis, TN, 55 Mexico City, 109, 112, 113, 120, 154, 155 Mexico Federal Security Police (DFS), 157 Miami, FL, 45, 47-55 Miller, Thomas, E., 188 Minsk, 125
Mirelis Investments, Lyd., 62 Montego Bay, Jamaica, SO Monterrey, 1S4 Montreal, Canada, S3, S9 Moore, Walter, 104 Morgenthau, Robert, S6, S8 Morrison Cove Junior High School, 4S Mullholland, Bob, 98 Munich, Germany, 7S Murchison, Clint, 3S, 49, S4, 114, 117, 121, 122 Muscle Shoals, AL, 39, 130, 137 Mussolini, 47, 48, 73 Nagell, Richard Case, 134, 13S Nagy, Ferenc, 26, 3S, 47-SS, 121, 122, 137-148 Nagy, Lazlo, 61 Nash Rambler, 129, 171, 172 Nashville, TX, 111 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 27, 28, 29, SO, 84, 8S, 90, 144 National Broadcasting Company, 132, 133 National Police Agency, 189 National Space Act, 141 National Space Agency, 141 Nazis (see also individual names), 8S, 109, 111, 137, 143' 144' 18 6' 18 6' 18 7 Nevada Tax Commission, 69 New Orleans, LA, 31, 110, 1 lS, 116, 120, 12S, 126, 131, 132, 134, 1S8-166, 161, 163, 182 Nichols, Louis B., S6, S7, S8 Norstad, General, 82 North, Judith Marie Muth, 120
220 North, Samuel Thomas, 119 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 75, 76, 80, 81, 82 North American Aircraft, 66, 68 Northrop Corporation, 68 Norton, Donald P ., 96, 97 Novel, Gordon, 28, 54, 124-136, 151, 167, 181 Nuevo Laredo, 154, 155, 156 Obregon, Francisco Gonzales, 39 Ocean City, NJ, 69 Odio, Sylvia, 139, 183 Oechner, Dr., 49 Office of Navy Intelligence, 117 Olney, Lewis, 101 O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick, 165 Orthodox Catholic Church of North America, 95 Orthodox Eastern Church, 125 oss, 52, 143 Osborne, Albert, 53, 54, 55, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 130, 137, 141, 146, 151 Osborne, Emily Cole, 112 Osborne, Frank, 112 Osborne, James, 112 Osborne, Walter, 112 Osborne, William, 112 Osticco, James A., 87 Oswald, Anthony W., 119, 120 Oswald, Leo Harvey, 27, 45, 54, 62, 93, 96, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 109, 117, 120, 121, 124136, 139, 152, 157, 159, 161, 162, 163, 167185, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176-179' 181-185,
221 186, 187 Oswald, Leon, 53, 126, 127, 128, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 183 Oswald, Marina, 142, 184 Owen, J. H., 109 Paine, Ruth and Mike, 54, 142, 172 Pan American World Airways, 49, 50 Parkland Hospital, 100 Parr, George, 107, 108 Paul, Ralph, 138, 139 Peenemude, 142 Penal Codes, 189 Pena's Bar, 182 Pentagon, 25, 59, 79, 81, 84, 86, 94, 116, 145, 190, 193 Permindex, 26, 27, 47-55, 66, 68, 74-78, 79, 95-105, 106, 117, 118, 130, 138, 144, 147, 151, 158166 Perot, Ross, 94 Peterson, Joe, 96, 131 Phoenix, AZ, 126 Philadelphia, PA, 110 Pine Bluff, AK, 39 Pittsburgh, PA, 58 Poland, 143 Policia Federal Judicial, 155 Post, Troy, 49, 70 Powell, James, 54, 130 Prio, see Socarras, Carlos Prio Progress Luminaire, 62 Protrade Commercial Development, Ltd., 62
Pullman, John, 64, 65, 66 Quai d' Orsay, 83 Quirega, Carlos, 126, 127 Radio Free Europe, 93 Raigorodsky, Paul, 50, 52, 54, 115, 125, 151 Ray, James Earl, 55, 94, 188 Red Arrow Bus, 112 Red Herring, 181, 181 Redstone Arsenal, 39, 40, 94, 130, 137, 141 Remington, 179 Reyes, Pedro Luis Chaviano, 38 Reynolds, Don, 67, 135 Rhoads, Richard and Dolores, 41 Richardson, Sid, 49 Riddle, M. A., 64 Roberts, Earlene, 175-177 Roberts, Edward Dawson, 64 Roberts, M., 64 Rojas, Ylario, 151, 152, 153 Roman Catholic Seminary, 95 Rosenstiel, Lewis, 57 Rostow, Walter, 98 Royster, Dimitri, 125 Ruby, Jack, 27, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 66, 83, 91, 92, 93, 98, 99, 100, 101, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 139, 147, 183, 186, 187 Russian Orthodox Church, 95 Russellville, AL, 110 Russo, Perry Raymond, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163 Ryan, Mike, 54
223 St. Anthony Hotel, 108, 110, 111, 113 St. Helena Street, 163 St. Louis, MO, 58 Santana, Emilio, 118, 119, 173 Sapet, Mario (El Turko), 107, 108 Saucedo, Dionisio Rayma, 154, 155, 156 Saunders, Lorenzo, 56 Sav-Way Investment Company, 64 Schemley Industries, 49, 57, 58 Schlumberger, 30, 34, 40, 41, 124 School Book Depository, 129, 130, 138, 167, 168, 169, 173, 178, 184, 185 Seaboard Airlines, 45 Securities and Exchange Commission, 85 Seligman Bank of Basal, Switzerland, 51 Senate Space Committee, 59 Serv-U Corporation, 68 Seymour, William, 53, 54, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 139, 163, 164, 167-185 Seigelman, B. E., 64, 65 Shaw, Clay, 27, 39, 40, 47-55, 113, 118, 119, 128, 142, 143, 147, 158-166 Sherbatov, Princess, 105 Sheridan, Walter, 28, 54, 98, 132 Shivers, Allen, 196 Sho Bar, 116 Siegelbaum, Benny, 50, 68 Signal Corps, 88 Simonfay, H., 48 Sirhan Sirhan, 94 Six, Franz Alfred, 144
224 Smathers, George, 60 Smith, Sergio Arcacha, 39, 54, 115, 124, 125, 127, 139 Socarras, Carlos Prio, 26, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, 54, 66, 71, 99, 100, 101, 120, 121, 122, 125 Socialist Labor Party, 183 Sokolsky, George, 57 Solidarists, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 49, 52, 75, 76, 95, 100, 103, 105, 106, 120, 124, 125, 143, 144 Solis, Daniel, 152 South China Sea, 190 South Vietnam, 191 Southeastern Asian Command of Green Berets, 189, 190 Spadafora, Gutierez, 117 Space Technology Laboratories, 69 Stardust Hotel, 71, 91, 93 Steele, Robert, 44 Stefan, Joseph, 93 Stephenson, William, 149, 150 Stettinius, Edward, 150 Stevendon, Adlai, 187 Stockdale, Grant, 60, 68 Sullivan, J. Monroe, 165 Sullivan, Russell, 58 Sullivan, William, 27, 28 Sweatt, Allan, 103 Swierczenski, Karol, 144 Syndicate (see also individual names), 47-73, 147, 196
Synod of Bishops of Russian Orthodox Church, 95 Tabbert, Captain, 147 Tacoma, WA, 145 T abouis, Genevieve, 82 Task Force Barker, 191 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 25, 137, 141 Texaco, 179 Texas Theatre, 179, 180 T exmelucan, Mexico, 112 Thiry, Bastien, 74, 79 Thompson, Mary, 41, 42 Thrasher, Charles 0., 142 Thunderbird Hotel, 69, 101 · John, 92, 93 Tippet, J. D., 130, 177-180 Toftoy, Holgar N., 143 Tolstoy Foundation, 95 Tonkin Gulf, 190 T orbitt, William, 19 5-197 Town House Motel, 116 Transportes Frontera, 153, 154, 156 Triple Underpass, 170 True, Tammie, 53, 54, 118, 119 Tryall, 50, 51, 105, 149-157 Tucson, AZ, 59 Tyler, TX, 113 Underhill, Gary, 98, 99 U. S. Information Agency, 25, 93, 116 U. S. International Cooperation Agency, 151 U. S. Post Office, 164 U. S. Steel Corporation, 150
Universal Life Church, 145 Uptain, Wylie, 110 Vadus, Astaldo, 51, 66 Vagonov, 54 Vanderhurst, Fred, 165 Varela, Angel Fernandez, 4 3 Vasquez, 0 lando Garcia, 38 Vlassov Army, 143 Verson, Salvador Diaz, 42, 43 Viet Cong, 191, 192 Vietnam, 86, 89, 94, 190, 191 Von Braun, Werner, 27, 28, 29, 35, 40, 54, 59, 121, 122, 137-148 Voshinin, Igor, 52, 54 Wade, I-Ienry, 103 Waikiki Savings and Loan, 68 Waldman, Katharine, 70 Wall, Brock, 54, 96, 131 Walker, C. T., 180 Walthers, Buddy, 172 Walton, Charles, 165 Warren Commission (see also individual names), 24, 44, 61, 91, 99, 102, 112, 116, 118, 121, 133, 134, 142, 151, 167, 168-185, 186, 188, 196 Weisberg, I-Iarold, 135 W eisl, Edwin, 58, 59 Weiss, Seymour, 131, 132, 133 Western Union, 121 Whaley, William, 174, 175 White, Sam, 83
White Russians (see also: Solidarists), 52, 75, 76, 100, 103, 105, 125, 151 Williams, Ted, 41 Winchesters, 179 Wiseman, Sir William, 149 Wohl, Jack, 96
Woolridge, Thompson Ramo, 68 Woodard, James and Mary Lou "Butch", 41, 42, 99 World Commerce Corporation, 150, 151 World Trade Centers, see Centro-Mondiale Commerciale World Trade Development Commission, 151 Worrel, J. R., 167 Yale Club, 149-15 7 Y amajel Hotel, 96 Yugoslavia, 150 Zangs, 176 Zapruder Film, 135 Zigiotti, Guiseppe, 48
Top: Werner von Braun with JFK in 1962 at the Marshall Space Travel Center. "From 1932 until 1945 Werner von Braun was Adolph Hitler's most dedicated Nazi rocket scientist." Bottom: Reunion of the von Braun brothers with their father in Oberaudorf, Bavaria, in February 1968. Left to right are Magnus, Baron von Braun, Sigismund, and Werner.
Richard Geisbrecht, at the table in the Winnipeg airport where he overheard David Ferrie discuss his role in the JFK assassination, mentioning "Mercury."
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Top: The Cover page of the Torbitt Document as it was originally circulated in 1970. Bottom: Two pages from the Torbitt Document with a portion of the text redacted. Researchers are not sure why Torbitt, or someone else blacked out portions of the text.
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O~ 2/13/64, t:hilc b (:l bar at \'linnipe~ In~cr;:atic~c::.l Airport, sou:rcc ovcrhcnrd convc:::-sa"tion bct·:1c.:;::-i ttrn unsubs app2;.·cntly discussin~ OSWALD. In co:T1.rcrsat!on rcicrcncc \"12.S n2dc to "hc~1 r.:::cn did OS:'IALD !~~c·:1 11 a:r!d to 11 ISAACS," 2:)pc.:,.·cntly an acq~ni:l· o: OS~'.'/.. LD' S \'/ho \~'.:ls 11 seen Eenr KEKNL'.:DY 11 in a ii l:J.. ::.;:<'ei· als0 r:2dc to p~.pcrs o~· !:.~::..·chc.:.:disc cc::ii~)~ i::, fro::i Ncvr.da, and that anhik tk!rc h~d bc=cn no sa:L.:> r.::!::::tfo::; since Novcr::bc::.. one uiz~:-c ~c schedul;~d on 2/:.!.3/6..:~ in Y:..2.nso.s C:.-~y, Missr···.~i." So"..!-·cc v1hi:!.c r.1:.".~:.h.J notes of cu. · .::1·satio;i c..-.· .i1subs r:o..:iccd a t::.i;:cl ir:.dividual a.::;:)2:· tly scruti:·. · ::.r..:f so:.:.:·..::c' s actio:;:. rne scrt!\.....y of the thi::.:1 rndi··idual \1.ho r~<.:y :~~vc the Th"1Si.1bs that t?;.ci:.- conversati :>n r1.:i.s be1nz ovcrhcc..rd, caused source to lcnYe l:r a::d the airport. Dcscriptio_;<; of i.;.:;;.';ubs
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On fob:-unry 27,. 1964, 1.;p T-1, ,.,hos~ !\:liz...ui1it~' tll:!mcrm, e.CivJ..s'?d "l:;L:;:c_c.1 FcbAt:;;iry_13? ·1%t~ 1 \"l~ile ::·c th~ W1n:11pcg Ir.te:rnc..t1or.~-- A:rport, Wrnm. peg~ M~~1to.Ja, C<:;i.::da, he overheard a convc:c::. ::tiori between tr/O ir.divid~afa 1mki1c-:-rn to hira, which convers~:.:iori .sce~cd to hira to pe:-·i:ain to OSWALD .. i~
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MP 1'05-25G4 J.~ T-1 advised thnt on the above d:ite he had to visit the b:ir situated in the Winnipe~ Intern:ition::i.l /,irport :md s::i.t ne:-tr ::l. t:i.ble ::i.t \':hich tv:o persons \·1ere alrc::i.dy sc::i.tcd. These individt.:nls were convcrsinr; ii~ norw::i.l tones and conscquently~he paid little attention to then until he he:.xd the n:une of OSi'lf.LD mentioned. ~iP T-1 st::i.tcd that one of the individuals, herein referred to ns Nu~~cr Ono, st::i.ted several tir.1es, "Ho·:1 much did OS\'l/:.LD ImoY1. How much did she know." It was MP T-1 •s ioprqssion th::i.t the t\\'O individuals ,-,ere spccul:iting as to whether there arc people othel· than OSW.ALD who knew. liP T-1 explained th:it the bac!~:;round r.msic in the bar and the nor1!ial ncti vi ty within the pl:icc made it difficult for him to hear the entire conversii.tion between these two individuals but that he did to. overhear pn.rts of th~ ensuing· conversation.
UP T-1 stated that after the query ~:is made ns to how much OS\'T,iLD knew Nurabcr One the stater.lent, 11 We have :i. film tha.t I seen where ISll.1'\.CS is seen nc::.r Iilll\'1rEDY after the l:rndin~." Number T-.·10 then rer.i:lrkcd something to the effect about ISA:.c.s ~ ~'·:~'i !I:; in ::i. query, "l'/hy should a person with such n. c;.:>oci ~ o.:-..:l ·.c·C:: :is ISA.:\CS' becm:ic mixed up with n. psy': ;10." 'fh.::: inprt:ssion rccci vcd by MP T-1 w:i.s that the t·;10 un!;:4·,uwn subjects were still referring to ISAf,CS. Numbei· One thl":!l :nade the st:i.tement that !.'~'-77~.LI\..'{ or HiiUCHTulliN (phonetic) is or was sc::i.rchin:; for ISiL·.c.s :rnd there \'/:O..S mention of a ca.r, a 1958 Dodge, w! snot1ld ')e lool~ed a.ftcr whC!! ISAACS is found. It appeare:d to LIP 'l'-1 th::i.t the gist of this conversation appeared to be th::i.t the c:i.r \'1as to be disposed of and if ISM.CS Y1:is fc1_•!.d he apparently could cle~r the matter up. Number One then ._- _.. tcd th::.t even if ISM1CS (?) is found i;uil ty the Bureau w:i.l. .o-.: s~op their · invcstig-ation. At this juncture Number T\•:o -· ..1 tiOri· i'i :;1e.rci.J.::mdisc or papers cor.iint; in fro::l Nev:id::. •. Number On'- :·:;:ilisC: ::;oncthing to the effect that ?.~ercury would be closed a;:; .' ·: h..t:S i:Jcen too risky in the p~t r.\Onths. LiP T-1 cxplainecl tr. .:i..; ire,,::. ~he conver::;o.tion he could not determine whether Mercury ruierrcd to a town of Mercury, Nevad:i, o. business, or possibly ::.n automobile, but th::i.t he did receive the· impression th;.t when they oentioncd closing they were ref erring to closing a house or shop.
- 2 FBI report on Richard Giesbrecht, who overheard the conversation of JFK assassination conspirators at the airport in Winnipeg in 1964. Among other things, Giesbrecht heard the words "Isaacs" and Mercury." Harold Isaacs is mentioned in the Torbitt Document and was an early agitator for American involvement in Vietnam. The FBI determined that Lee Harvey Oswald's cousin, Marilyn Dorothea Murret, "was linked in some manner with the apparatus of Harold Isaacs." This report speculates that reference to "Mercury" might have meant the town of Mercury, Nevada, also named in a 1976 book as the place where NASA allegedly faked the moon missions. Presently, workers at Nevada's mysterious Area 51 take commuter flights into Mercury.
fhe two famous "Tramps" photos. Are these men Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis?
Directions to Area 51 From Las Vegas, Nevada, travel in a north-easterly direction on Interstate 1-15 (heading for Salt Lake City, Utah) for a distance of about 22 miles, then tum left onto U.S. Hwy 93 for about 85 miles, then tum left again onto Nevada State Hwy 375 for about 14 miles, then left once more at the bottom of Hancock Summit onto a two-land gravel road that is well-maintained for about 13 miles, follow this until you reach the first guard post that is located on top of the Groom Mountain area. See map below. Remember, the U.S. Government, and possibly extraterrestrial intelligences, do not want you there. Approach with caution, do not break the law. Dead UFO researchers are not terrifically useful!
"... on the cutting edge--and a strange place that is." --New Yorker The Torbitt Document is but one of the topics explored regularly in Steamshovel Press. Each issue of Steamshovel includes theories that are farther out with writing more comprehensive and research better documented than virtually anything coming down the conspiracy pipeline. Not available in bookstores where the
conspiracy prevails!
"Research that the mainstream press does not have the cajones to publish." --Adam Parfrey in Utne Reader "Damn good little mag!" --Robert Anton Wilson Single issue: $5.50/ 4 issue subscription: $22 STEAMSHOVEL PRESS, POB 23715, St. Louis MO 63121 On the web: http:/ -skthoma
Afterward by Len Bracken Like Bruce "Gemstone" Roberts' letters, Torbitt's Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal was one of those texts that I'd heard a great deal about among marginals, but had never read. Evidently even well-informed researchers hadn't gotten to this psuedononymous document until now because of its limited availability. Jim Martin of Flatland read it for the first time and suggested that it could be Soviet disinformation, which immediately reminded me of my problems with the title. I had always understood "nomenclature" to be the system of names used in a specialized field. For example, in the nomenclature of a biologist, many species of fish are referred to as "fishes." I may be wrong, but in my study of the Russian language and the USSR, I always thought that "nomenclature" in American English and "nomenclatura" in Soviet Russia were false cognates: Nomenclatura being the key positions in the state bureaucracies of administration, the judiciary, industry, agriculture and education that the apparatchiks - the full-time, senior party officials of the apparat (state bureaucracy) - used to control the country. One of Gorbachev's so-called "democratic" reforms, for example, was to open up lower nomenklatura positions to the grass-roots. Torbitt, whom we're lead to believe was a Texas lawyer, uses the Soviet meaning to name the
229 names of the cabal that assassinated Kennedy: Hoover, Johnson, Connally and others, even foreigners such as Ferenc Nagy, ex-Premier of Hungary, and Werner Von Braun "whom Hitler personally decorated for his work slaughtering of 7,000 allies during World War II." I don't know if this is Soviet disinformation, and I would rather believe that it is not, but some of Torbitt's syntax and the anti-Nazi, anti-White Russian content lend support to this reading. . But just as there is disinformation in all information, there is information in good disinformation. And if the Torbitt document is disinformation, it's the best I've seen. I say this because it puts the conspiracy into such stark terms - the Kennedy assassination as a Nazi coup d'etat - that if proven, might compel citizens to act against conspirators. Jim Keith, whom I refer to below for his compelling expansion of Torbitt's Nazi-fascist theme in Casebook on Alternative 3, doesn't think the T orbitt text is Soviet disinformation because of the way it was originally distributed (by photocopy among conspiracy researchers in 1970 - what could be called American samizdat). To my mind, it is conceivable that the Soviets would submerge a document like this knowing that its argument would be taken up by others and eventually float to the surface. Bear in mind that Torbitt might be Soviet disinformation - with accurate information in it as we look at what T orbitt says.
T orbitt' s main indictment 1s agamst Division Five of the FBI, a small department "whose duties are espionage and counter-espionage" and the Defense Intelligence Agency. These two entities, Division Five and the DIA, were the official controllers of their own "secret police the Defense Industrial Security agency," Command. DISC grew out of Hoover's Tennessee Valley Authority police force that went on to work for the Atomic Energy Commission and later, as DISC, it would be the unofficial police agency for NASA, USIA and the corporations of the military industrial complex. Shaw, Bannister, Ferrie, Oswald and Ruby - according to Torbitt, they were all DISC agents. Using Swiss-based corporate cover, DISC controlled entities such as the Solidarists, a group of powerful, purportedly anti-Semitic White Russians who took Oswald in when he returned from the USSR. In light of the questionable authorship, the fact that White Russians, such as the Solidarists or their agent George DeMohrenschildt, turn up throughout Torbitt is noteworthy. Stalinists in Moscow share a mutual hatred with White Russians, hence Moscow might want to cast dispersion on fascist White Russians and other Eastern European anti-communists. Or the CIA or whoever authored the text might've included this element to throw researchers off the trail. The theory that the man standing on the north side of Elm street opening and closing his
umbrella shot Kennedy was purportedly debunked when Louis Witt stated that he'd wanted to show the umbrella to protest Joe Kennedy's support for appeasement. Torbitt claims that the man with the umbrella is Ferenc Nagy, ex-Premier of Hungary from 1946 to 1947, who was in power when Hungary experienced the worst inflation in world history. ~i- But even if the T orbitt document happens to be Moscow playing its last-bastion-ofanti-fascism card in a slightly underhanded way, we can't dismiss the information or theory out of hand. Given the Russian history of anti-semitism and the highly nationalist White Russian hatred of communism, we have to acknowledge that a Russian or Eastern European face of fascism exists and keep our minds open to the possibility that it exists in the USA. *~i- Ruby was Solidarist, and we should recall his prison claims that there would be pogroms against Jews and that fascists and Nazis killed JFK. That these White Russians and other Eastern Europeans with fascist tendencies were beholden to Hoover, and vice versa, should come of little surprise. As anyone who has taken the tour of the Scottish Rite Temple on 16th Street in WDC knows, Hoover made no secret of his masonic ties - his office at the FBI is in the basement of this temple serving "the southern states and NA TO." The masonic ties to fascism are nowhere more apparent than in Italy with the infamous P2 Lodge, an anti-communist security organization
232 that funded right-wing regimes in Latin America with the help of the Vatican bank and linked the far right in Europe and Latin America. The Lodge is considered to be a touchstone of NATO allegiance for Italians, which is strange if one considers that the entire upper echelon of the Italian secret services is P2. The "Worshipful" master of P2, Licio Gelli, was once a wanted wartime fascist in the service of Peron in Argentina, and the guest of US Presidents. He has operational ties to the Black Orchestra, or Nazi International. his daughter was once searched coming into Italy and found to have incriminating P2 documents about the formation of a military government with heavy implications for the US military bases in Italy. Many P2 members were involved in right-wing coup plots and right-wing terrorism in the Seventies. In Italy, right-wing and left wing terrorists were often the same and linked, in corroborating testimony, to Gelli. It is often assumed that Gelli has been a CIA asset since WWII, but the FBI was allegedly in contact with him and it is surmised that he also sent a US Army Field Manual into the country with his daughter deliberately to signal that the DIA played a destabilizing role in the country. In this light, bear in mind that according to T orbitt, Degaulle' s assassination attempt was traceable to Division 5 of the FBI working with NA TO in Brussels. As Philip Whalen points out in Puppetmasters, the Italian example is important because it shows how
high the stakes are when the forces of international fascism come together to control a country (through coup attempts and their role in the assassination of Aldo Moro), and because it reminds us of the possibility that the CIA could actually be more dovish than the FBI and DIA. Recall that the FBI and DIA-Joint Chiefs were the controllers of DISC. Through its corporations, DISC controlled the Syndicate, a political-mob nexus, and the anti-Castro Cubans in the Free Cuba Committee. But the prize possession of DISC was the Security Division of NASA, although ownership may have been reversed if one considers that fact that Werner Von Braun was the head of the Security Division of NASA, headquartered at DISC HQ. This is troubling given who Werner Von Braun was and the disgraceful lack of de-N azification carried out by the United States. The Soviets were irate when, at the end of the war, scientists and rocketry experts who were under arrest were quickly integrated into the US military after Hitler fell. In Blowback, Christopher Simpson points out that many of these people once accused of brutality to slave laborers and murderous medical experiments on humans later said to have had nominal or . opportunistic motives to join the Nazi party - no longer "ardent Nazis." Von Braun became an SS Sturmbannfuhrer in 1937 and clearly had some responsibility for rocket works such as Nordhausen where 20,000 died from starvat10n, 11
disease or execution. Von Braun's emigration was first held up with a denazification hearing because he was thought to be a "security threat to the United States" and it was assumed that the State Department and Justice would balk at his application. He was cleared when a sanitized dossier was presented. To give you an idea where old Nazis end up in the US, the cover of this volume sports a photo of Von Braun riding in a parade car with JFK. It is beyond the scope of this afterward to go into the role of Allen Dulles in recruiting SS General Reinhard Gehlen into the OSS (subsequently CIA) and the grafting of the NAZI intelligence operation onto the USS, but it suffices to say that this facilitated the recuperation of Nazi scientists in the US, enabled the creation of the Nazi International and possibly even allowed Gehlen to set up Nazi Werewolf groups in Germany. After all, by 1951, Nazi administrators were reinstated by German legislation, and by the Seventies 176 West German generals had served under Hitler. Americans scoff at the suggestion that there could have been Nazis and fascists in every department of the US government, but in this atmosphere it's hard not to agree with the European intellectuals who considered Truman a fascist. This is not the place to name many names but many more high-ranking political and military officials are said to have been members of the Nazi International, or members of the SS, than simply
those mentioned in Russ Bellant's Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party. Note, at least, that there were six fascists on 33rd degree Mason and former CIA director George Bush's campaign staff in 1988. As Governor of California, Ronald "Knight of Malta" Reagan had a German secretary with a SS-tainted past, and back in the Forties he was the roommate of gestapo agent Erol Flynn. Jim Keith puts this scenario in a broader context in "The Fourth Reich" chapter of Casebook on Alternative 3: "In retrospect, it would be a mistake to see the grafting of german spydom and the Nazi International onto the American establishment. As can be seen by the activities of U. S. and British business, statecraft, occult groups, and 'aristocracy' in their role in promoting Hitler to power, and the orientation and alliances of such men as the Dulles brothers and the world-spanning banking and industrialist alliances they represented, the Nazis were no isolated phenomenon, only one expression of a multi-faceted and murderous worldwide game." It's hard for us to know the degree to which these organizations - the FBI and the CIA were comprised of, or intimately tied to, Nazifascist elements. We know they were at odds with each other in their little adventures at home and abroad, competing on each other's turf like mastiff's fighting over the corpse of a dead duck. FBI, CIA, DIA, Nazi, Ally - who's on whose side? T orbitt claims that Gehlen worked for the FBI
and the Solidarists as well as the CIA, and he puts JFK's head on the FBI-DIA alliance, adding that when Garrison got too close to discovering Division 5 of the FBI, the DIA was sent in to handle the job of confusing and disrupting everyone. Soviet disinformation?? According to T orbitt, whose prose is sometimes stilted as though it might've been written by a non-native, Von Braun became friends with Hoover and Johnson as soon as he moved to the US. Von Braun worked on the TV A security project with Hoover that eventually became DISC. As the controller of Nagy and the head of the assassination team assembled in Mexico, Torbitt makes it seem as if Von Braun practically pulled the trigger himself. Was it domestic fascism or the original import behind the crime of the century? Is Torbitt Soviet . dat (UJU bl.1s __h ed "tam ", or "over t h ere ") , or tamiz native - even CIA - samizdat? Do the facts check out? This document begs many, many questions about the fate of the country; naive questions to many about the "demise of democracy" that echo Garrison. An important aspect of strategic thinking is to plan for the worst case scenario. Let's say Torbitt has it right and so do the Collier brothers. What would it mean to the defenders of democracy to know that shortly after Johnson's fascist coup d'etat, their votes were systematically stolen in the Votescam collaboration between the media and government? Kennedy was ready to pull
out of Vietnam an4 warm relations with Moscow, but the fascists of DISC wanted to keep their war machine running and anti-communism on the airwaves. the way I see it, these theories are either absolutely right or wrong, or somewhere in between, which is the most likely scenario. And even if half of this is true, it's already much more fascism than we should endure. WWII never really ended, it was obscured by the masquerade with Moscow. The fight against fascism continues. )i-Not to be confused with Imre Nagy, who occupies a significant place in Hungarian history and in the history of the XXth Century. But he doesn't merit the hero's honors and martyr status now bestowed on him by the post-communist regime. As Minister of Agriculture and later as Minister of Interior, he survived the purges and became Prime Minister in 1953. Implementing reforms decided on in Moscow, thus letting up on the toll extracted from the population to meet increased production goals, he went so far as to call for the abolition of special police tribunals - in other words, he went too far. He was relieved of his post in 1955. He would later be expelled from the party for being "an incorrigible right-wing deviationist." In February 1956, Krushchev gave his famous speech to the XXth Congress of the Russian Communist Party, and later that year significant protests broke out first in Poland, then in Hungary. Amidst calls for "genuine workers'
self-government" Nagy was given a new Party card. In the wake of the October 23 demonstration and massacre, the crowds occupied Budapest city streets. Nagy was invited to take over as Prime Minister and he quickly allowed Russian tanks to come and attempt to restore order. He may have been betrayed into appeasing Moscow, but he certainly didn't stand his ground as the workers and students staged a country-wide general strike with revolutionary councils in permanent session. Nagy gave a "quit your strike or else" speech before sending the Russian tanks into full battle with the population. Amazingly, the barricades held and the councils grew stronger as land was being redistributed and peasants were supplying the rebels with food. The councils were prepared to give Nagy their support if he had supported them, but despite his denials not to have called in the Russians, it soon became apparent that he sold out to the USSR - the defense mounted by the workers' councils of Hungary against the Second Russian Intervention is one of the most glorious defeats in history, akin to Spartacus in 73 BC. Nagy was executed in Romania and workers' councils were outlawed in Hungary. Nagy was no martyr, or hero. ~i-~i-
Of course, not all White Russians are fascists.
The Torbitt Document & the JFK Assassination Introduction by Kenn Thomas & Forward by David Hatcher Childress From JFK to Today! In 1970 a photocopied manuscript began circulating among conspiracy researchers entitled "Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal" by William Torbitt (a pseudonym). The Torbitt Document was a damning expose of J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, John Connally and Werner von Braun, among many others, for their role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This first published edition of the Torbitt Document emphasizes what the manuscript says about the link between Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists working for NASA, the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC), the assassination of JFK, and the secret Nevada air base known as Area 5 l. ·
THE ToRBrrr DocuMENr's REVELATIONS INCLUDE: •The roles in the assassination played by NASA and the little known DISC: Defense Industrial Security Command, headed by Werner von Braun. •How the assassination was carried out by J. Edgar Hoover's elite Division 5. The FBI's Division 5 investigated both the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations, finding only evidence for "lone-nuf' assassins. •How the Las Vegas mob and the shadow corporate entities Permindex and Centro-Mondiale Commerciale were involved. •The same "assassination cabal" J?lanned the 1962 failed assassination of Charles DeGaulle. •How DeGaulle traced the assassmation from right-wing French Algerians to Permindex in Switzerland and NAJD headquarters in Brussels. · •How LBJ, John Connally, day Shaw and Werner von Braun relate to the assassination plot • How the "Assassination Cabal" planned to blame Castro if the "lone-nuf' version failed. The Torbitt Document illuminates the darker side of NASA, the Military Industrial Complex, and the connections to Mercury, Nevada, and the Area 51 complex which headquarters the "secret space program." "President Kennedy was murdered by elements of the industrial warfare complex working in concert with individuals in the United States Government. At the time of his murder, President Kennedy was working to end the Cold War. The annual income of the defense industry was well over twenty billion dollars a year, and there were forces in that industry and in the U.S. Government which opposed the ending of the Cold War."-New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in the Torbitt Document. 224 PAGES, 6x9 PAPERBACK. PHoro SECTION. INDEX & BIBLIOGRAPHY. $16.00. CODE: NNJ
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A Steamshovel Press Reader Edited by Kenn Thomas · This thick, oversized book is a compilation of Kenn Thomas' conspriacy magazine Steamshovel Press. This book has everything in it from the role of Nixon and Bush in the JFK assasination, Lee Harvey Oswald weirdness, a critque and follow-up on The Gemstone File by Jim Keith, Wilhelm Reich, Timothy Leary, Mae Brussell, Philip K. Dick and the Illuminati, Shroud of Turin, Nazi UFOs and the CIA, JFK's LSD trips, Carlos Castenada, Project Bluebook, Mothmen, Danny Casolaro and The Octopus, much, mucli more. This amazing book is so packed with articles and far-out information, I couldn't possibly list it all here. Plenty of UFO, anti-gravity and secret technology stuff as well. Don't miss it 1• 288 PAGES, 9x12 PAPERBACK. PHOTO SECTION. $19.95. CODE: PAL
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PSYCHIC DICTATORSHIP IN THE USA by Alex Constantine Bombing minds rather than bodies the warfare of the new millennium. Alex Constantine's explosive book uncovers the terrifying extent of electromagnetic and biotelemetric mind control experimentation on involuntary human subjects in America today. Funded under the euphemism of "Non-Lethal Technology," the Pentagon has developed the ability to transmit voices, and inflict pain, madness, even death, at the push of a button. This book investigates the use of cults by intelligence operatives for arms sales, mind control and even child abuse to create assassins with multiple personality syndrome. Also covered, the role of the artificial Nutrasweet in "mind control" experiments, False Memory, mind control and UFO encounters, the technology involved, more. 221 PAGES, 6X9 PAPERBACK, ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTOS & NEWSCLIPPINGS. $12.95 CODE:PSU
SECRET AND SUPPRESSED Banned Ideas & Hidden History edited by Jim Keith Veteran conspiracy researcher Jim Keith takes us into the bizarre and dark world of conspiracies to control the world and suppress history. Chapters on Jonestown in Guyana as a CIA mind control effort, the "invitation to war" to Saddam Hussein, silent weapons for quiet wars, Danny CasoLaro's "Octopus" manuscript, Why Waco?, AIDS: An Act of the Pentagon, Secrets From the Vatican Library, Brain Implants, exposing Nazi International, more. 309 PAGES, 6X9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED. $12.95. CODE: SSUP
PAN AM 103 The Lockerbie Cover-Up by William C. Chasey According to Foreign Agent William Chasey, there is a cover-up occuring over the Lockerbie disaster that makes "Watergate, lrangate and Whitewater pale by comparison." According to Casey, who was sent by the State Department to Libya, the United States, Great Britain and Scotland have conspired to keep the real perpatraitors from being exposed while they falsly accuse Libya. Chasey discloses information that was previously covered-up and names the real parties responsible. Demonstrates a credible case, as have other books such as On The Trail of the Octopus, that Pam Am 103 has a deeper story to tell then the mainstream media has led us to believe. 372 PAGES, 6X9 TRADEPAPER. ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTOS. INDEX. $17.95. CODE: PAM
DISVOW A CIA Saga of Betrayal by Rodney Stich and T. Conan Russell Defrauding America author Rodney Stich brings us this twisted tale of CIA money laundering, the CIA's Australian Nugan Hand Bank and its various officers (some of them murdered), This book reads like an exciting detective story but is actually a highly detailed and documented book revealing the innermost secrets of a large CIA operation headquartered in Hawaii, how deep-cover CIA functions are funded, how these covert operations are sometimes exposed, how plausible denial works and how CIA officials avoid responsibility for their acts )Vhile shifting the blame to innocent parties. "A fantastic story," said Peter Jennings on ABC World News Tonight. For all those interested in recent banking controversies such as the BCCI Bank, CIA drug running, money laundering and covert funding. 392 PAGES, 6X9 PAPERBACK. PHOTO SECTION. INDEX AND DOCUMENT SECTION. $22.00. CODE: DIS
The Myth of the Pole in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival Joscelyn Godwin. Arktos begins with accounts of an Golden Age, and then proceeds to investigate the tilt of the earth's axis, and the causes of catastrophes. Explored are the many tales of an ancient race said to have lived in the Arctic regions, such as Thule and Hyperborea. Progressing onward, the book looks at modern polar legends: including the survival of Hitler, German bases in Antarctica, UFOs, the Hollow Earth, and the hidden kingdoms of Agartha and Shambala This scholarly treatment of a controversial subject also uses extensive foriegn-language sources. 220 PAGES, 6X9 TRADEPAPER, HIGHLY ILLUSTRATED. $16.95. CODE:
EMERALD CUP-ARK OF GOLD The Voyages of Jesus & Joseph of Arimatea to England & the Quest of SS Lt. Otto Rahn of the Third Reich Col. Howard Buechner· This book chronicles the voyages of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea to England, and of the Emerald Cup, the Holy Grail of legend. In this book, Buechner traces the legend of the Holy Grail, including exactly what it is and where it came from, King Arthur, King Solomon's treasure, Rennes-le-Chateau, and the strange quest of a German SS officer to a remote castle in the Pyrenees Mountains of France. 253 PAGES,7X9 TRADEPAPER, ILLUSTRATED. $15.95 CODE: EMC
ADOLF HITLER & THE SECRETS OF THE HOLY LANCE Col. Howard Buechner & Capt. Wilhelm Bernhart One of the most incredible books on lost treasure, secret societies, ancient relics and WW II ever written. Taking up where THE SPEAR OF DESTINY by Trevor Ravenscroft leaves off, this book relates that the Holy Lance was secretly taken to a base in Antarctica, while a replica was returned to the Vienna Museum. A book packed with strange information on Nazi bases in Antarctica, Himmler and the SS, U-boats carrying important Nazis to South America and Hitler's secret treasure. 223 PAGES, 7x9 TRADEPAPER, 86 PHOTOS, MAPS & ILLUSTRATIONS. $15.95. CODE: SHL
HITLER ASHES Col. Howard Buechner & Capt. Wilhelm Bernhart The sequel to SECRETS OF THE HOLY LANCE. Contains information on the death of Hitler, escape routes used by the Nazis, U-boat convoys after the war, Nazi bases in Antarctica, and the secret mission to recover the Lance and Hitler's secret treasure. 290 PAGES, 7X9 TRADEPAPER, 86 PHOTOS, MAPS & ILLUSTRATIONS. $15.95. CODE: HITA
CHAOS IN AMERICA John L. King This book provides a historical background for the coming depression and collapse of the America economy. Chapters are on Industrial Capitalism and Financial Capitalism; the Practice of Usury; National Bankruptcy; a new kind of debt free money; Last-ditch survival guide; more. 237 PAGES, 6X9 TRADEPAPER. ILLUSTRATED WITH CHARTS & DIAGRAMS. $11.95. CODE: CIA
THE IMMACULATE DECEPTION The Bush Crime Family Exposed Russell S. Bowen This book is perhaps the most shocking book written this century about treason committed by the highest leaders within the U.S. Government. The author tells of his "drug running" activities in behalf of the "secret government." Learn about the unsavory past of George Bush and his family. The book explores these serious questions. Where was George Bush: when the Bay of Pigs fiasco was planned and executed?; when John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated'l; when Ronald Reagan was nearly assassinated in Washington by a known Bush family associate?; Says the author, "Don't ask George Bush to answer the above questions. He's more acquainted with deniability than telling the truth." 210 PAGES, 5X8 TRADEPAPER, $12.95. CODE: TID
DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION An Account of the Treasonous Conduct by the Governments of Britain & the United States by Dr. John Coleman British conspiracy writer Dr. John Coleman follows up his Committee of 300 book with this expose on the secret machinations of the secret British and American alliances and how their citizens are deceived by the detrimental policies of these governments. Coleman gives fascinating accounts and sheds new light on such diverse operations as the Gulf War; the Bolshevik Revolution; the murder of Martin Luther King; the creation of an artificial Saudi Arabian client state for the oil industry; the rape of Mexico by British and American oil barons; the invasion of Panama; how the U.N. is used as a war making body; more. 267 PAGES, 6X9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED. $20.00. CODE: DBD
The Shocking Truth About America's Favorite Conspiracy Theories by The National Insecurity Council A great rundown of over 60 conspiracy theories. Included are chapters on World War II conspiracies, including the SS and the CIA, Rheinhard Gellen, Operation Paperclip, how the Allies created a false Cold War and arms race against the Soviets, Bush's early CIA years, and more. Discussed in detail are the assasinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Oswald and others. Nazi-CIA-banking connections, banking conspiracies, media cover-ups, Saddam Hussein and the Gulf War, the story behind the Red Menace, and more shocking information. 252 PAGES, 6x9 TRADEPAPER. $9.95. CODE: IAC
BLACK HELICOPTERS OVER AMERICA Strikeforce for the New World Order by Jim Keith Veteran UFO investigator and conspiracy buff Keith's book on the rash of "black helicopter" incidents in America. Keith starts with an overview of "black helicopter" incidents starting in 1971. Many of these incidents are curiously related to cattle mutilations in the same area at the same time. Delves into such topical subjects as black choppers and UFOs; the building of network of concentration camps by the U.S. government; U.N. troop movements reported across America; FEMA as the cover for a police-state; more. 155 PAGES, 6x9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, PHOTOS AND DIAGRAMS. $12.95. CODE: BHOA
OKBOMB! Conspiracy and Cover-up Jim Keith The Oklahoma City Bombing stands as the worst act of political terrorism ever committed on American soil. This thoroughly researched books brings up many questions and interesting facts including: Was the bomb a simple fertilizer explosive?, Why was there more than one explosion?, How was it that the BATF was warned in advance and did not show up for work that day? Timothy McVeigh was discovered to have a confession note written to his girlfriend, but he did not have a girlfriend and was pathologically shy of women, McVeigh previously worked as a night watchman at the Calspan facility in Buffalo, NY, a company which specializes in electronic warfare and "implants." McVeigh claims he has an implant-is he a mind-control subject asks Keith? Thoroughly documented. 240 PAGES, 6X9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED. APPENDICES & INDEX. $14.95. CODE: OKB
CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: The Story of the Committee of 300 Dr. John Coleman. This documented book is about a powerful group of International Bankers, Industrialists and Oil Magnates trying to control the world. Chapters include information on past and present institutions involved with the so-called Committee of 300 as well as Legal Associations and banks that were or are now under their control. Includes an index and a table of the Committe of 300 in the back. 288 PAGES, 6X9 TRADEPAPER, ILLUSTRATED, WITH INDEX. $16.95. CODE: CHR
THE GEMSTONE FILE edited by Jim Keith with commentaries by Robert Anton Wilson, Kerry Thornley, Len Bracken and more! Since 1975, conspiracy researchers have circulated A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File, a document detailing sinister connections and murderous international plotting since the turn of the century. The Skeleton Key links some of the most famous figures and institutions of our time, including Howard Hughes, the Kennedys, the Mafia and the CIA. It also sheds new light on pivotal historical events like the Kennedy assassination and Watergate. With commentaries from a dozen famous conspiratologists and information from the editor of the original Skeleton Key. 224 PAGES, 6x9 TRADEPAPER.
ISBN 0-9626534-5-4, $14.9. CODE: TGF
PROJECT SEEK Onassis, Kennedy and the Gemstone Thesis Gerald A. Carroll This thick new volume on the famous Gemstone Files is complete with additional research and photos! With the passing of Jackie Onassis-Kennedy, the Gemstone Thesis on the Mafia & the CIA, the formely "Hughes" controlled Defense Industry, and the violent string of murders that have plagued American politics since the 50s. The last chapters contain important new information on the Nugan Hand Bank, the BCCI scandal, "the Octopus," and the Wilcher Transcripts. 388 PAGES, 6x9 TRADEPAPER. ILLUSTRATED WITH DIAGRAMS AND PHOTOS. $16.95. CODE:
DEFRAUDING AMERICA Dirty Secrets of the CIA and other Government Operations Rodney Stich Defrauding America is the latest thick expose on the CIA and the Secret Government. With solid evidence Stich details the underhanded operations of the Nugan Hand Bank, the BCCI, CIA and DEA drug trafficking, the October Surprise Cover-up, lnslaw and the Promis Software for Big Brother, Israel and the Mossad, the Clinton "gang" and more. Lengthy portions of the book go into details of Gunther Russbacher's Blackbird SR7l Spyplane flight with George Bush to Paris, the Wilshire Documents, more. 654 PAGES. 6x9 TRADEPAPER. ILLUSTRATED WITH INDEX. $25.00. CODE: DFA
compiled by Albert Sindlinger For virtually hundreds of thousands of people, Common Sense Survival Guides will serve as a valuable tool in dealing with many of life's challenges. Collected from a wide range of resources and based on years of experience, Common Sense Survival Guides will assist the reader in working out a plan to deal with personal survival in areas such as health, emergencies, natural disasters and victimhood. This handy, user-friendly compilation offers tried and true suggestions that tie in with humankind's innate common sense and the need to become more self-reliant in today's ever-changing world. Includes Natural Disaster guides, First Aid Guides, Preparedness and Prevention guides, Social and Spiritual guides, checklists where necessary, plus sources, bibliography and where to get further information. The appendix includes all of the latest government and IRS forms relating to disaster and injury claims. 135 PAGES, 9xl2 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATIONS AND CHECKLISTS. BIBLIOGRAPHY & APPENDIX. $17 .95. CODE:CSSG
& Why HIV Does Not Cause It by Peter Duesberg, Ph.D. & John Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D. According to this book, HIV does not cause AIDS but rather the immune system is destroyed by recreational drugs, poor diet and medical treatments like AZT. This well-documented book by two top AIDS researchers shows the predicted epidemic explosion of AIDS deaths has not occurred. Chapters on Can HIV cause AIDS, AIDS in Africa, What causes AIDS in babies, how AZT works, more. 194 PAGES. 6X9 PAPERBACK. EXTENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY & INDEX. $15.00. CODE: AIDS
INFECTIOUS AIDS Have We Been Misled? by Peter H. Duesberg A volume of 13 papers originally published in scientific and medical journals from 1987-1995 by Dr. Peter Duesberg, professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley. The author argues that no conclusive link has been proved to exist between the HIV retro-virus and the series of opportunistic diseases that have been labeled as AIDS, and he proposes a hypothesis that these diseases may be brought on by long-term consumption of recreational drugs, unhealthy living conditions, and the most frequently prescribed drug for AIDS, AZT. Duesberg claims that AZT is a severely toxic drug which will eventually kill the user. "AIDS 'science' has one clear thinker. His name is Peter Duesberg."-Harvey Bialy, editor of Bio!Technology. 582 PAGES. 6X9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED. $18.95. CODE: IFA
MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD The Earth That Heals by Ray Pendergraft Pascalite is a unique clay with amazing healing properties. Known to the American Indians as EE-WAH-KEE, The Earth that Heals, Pascalite was named after Emile Pascal, a French trapper who first introduced it to European settlers. The amazing clay is only found in the Big Hom Mountains of Wyoming, and this healing clay is super-rich in organically assimilable minerals and trace elements. This book is the history of Pascalite and the various uses that The Earth That Heals has for plants, animals and man. 336 PAGES, 6X9 TRADEPAPER. ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTO SECTION. $13.95. CODE: MPG
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME The Cause & the Cure by Suzann Marie Angelus Therapist and researcher on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Immune Dysfunction Diseases like AIDS tells her own personal struggle with Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) and how she discovered that toxic chemicals and pollution play a major role. This book goes into why traditional medical science has not found a cure; steps that you can follow for self-help if you suffer from a weakened immune system, and organizations that can help you. Angelus, a past-life theapist, also has many interesting chapters on the past-life residue of previous nuclear holocasts, lifetimes of suppressed emotions, drugs & poisons from past lives, spirit entities, more. 222 PAGES. 6X9 PAPERBACK. REFERENCES & INDEX. $15.95. CODE: CFS
THIRD PARTY RAPE The Conspiracy to Rob You of Health Care by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. A lucid, shocking book that tells you why health care costs are so high and what you can do about it. Dr. Shealy hits hard against what he calls the "Evil Empire of the Disease-Exploiting Industry." Shealy raises the problems of conventional health care and lays out the solutions which include alternative health care. 216 PAGES. 6x9 PAPERBACK. WITH CHARTS & BIBLIOGRAPHY. $12.95. CODE: TPR
An Inside Look at UFOs by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon Encounter in the Pleiades is the further claims of Preston B. Nichols of the Montauk books. Nichols interweaves the a new look at Einstein and the history of physics and UFOs into a special insight on the technology of flying saucers. Peter Moon recounts his synchronistic meetings with Nichols and recounts a fascinating account of the "role" of the Pleiades in ancient mythology. The book ends by sheding new light on the current predicament of man and offers hope for the future.
THE PYRAMIDS OF MONTAUK Explorations In Consciousness by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon During WWII was an invisibility attempt called the Philadelphia Experiment. Afterwards was the now famous time travel experiements named after the underground base at Montauk Point on Long Island. Book III in the Montauk series summarizes the events of the first two books and then takes the reader on an even more spectacular journey. The discovery of ancient pyramids at Montauk leads to a connection with ancient Egypt and its position as a gateway into other dimensions. Like a psychic detective story beyond the occult, venture into an unprecedented investigation of the mystery schools of the earth and their connection to Egypt, Atlantis, Mars and the star Sirius. Chapters on new psychotronic weapons, the history of Mars, the strange death of Ian Fleming (of James Bond) in connection with the Philadelphia Experiment, underground at the Montauk Base, more.
MONTAUK REVISITED Adventures in Synchronicity Preston B. Nichols & Peter Moon This sequel to The Montauk Project continues the pursuit of the mystery ofTime Travel; the Philadelphia Experiment; and the Montauk Military Base near New York City. Montauk Revisited goes beyond the original time travel experiments and reveals the mysterious associations of the Cameron Clan with the genesis of American rocketry, the bizarre history of the electronic transistor and the magick of Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons and Ron L. Hubbard; more. 254 PAGES, 6 X9 PAPERBACK. APPENDIX, BIBLIOGRAPHY & INDEX. $19.95. CODE: MRV
THE MONTAUK PROJECT Preston Nichols with Peter Moon. This book chronicles the alleged time-travel experiments of the U.S. Government. Starting with the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943, invisibility experiments were conducted aboard the USS Eldridge that resulted in full-scale teleportation of the ship and crew. Forty years of massive research ensued, culminating in bizarre experiments at Montauk Point that actually manipulated time itself. The controversial lectures by Al Bielek on the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia experiment are similar to the information in this book. This convincing book includes diagrams and photos of the time-travel devices themselves, plus photocopies of documents and schematic diagrams. Highly recommended. If you ever wanted to build a time-travel device, you' II need this book!
CASEBOOK ON ALTERNATIVE 3 Jim Keith UFOs, Secret Societies and World Control Jim Keith Conspiracy and UFO expert, Jim Keith (editor of The Gemstone File) has assembled a powerful and fascinating book into the shadowy world UFO secrets, missing scientists, Cold War collusion between the U.S. and the Soviets, and weird bases on the Moon and Mars. I n 1975 an unusual television documentary called ALTERNATIVE 003 was aired on British television which was later followed by a paperback book. The documentary and book detailed the astonishing story of how top scientists around the world were being abducted to provide personnel for secret underground UFO manufacturing bases; how the rich elite of the world have initiated a secret space program of space migration; how secret joint USA-Russian programs have established bases on the Moon and Mars; how UFOs are actually secret government aircraft manufactured in various underground factories on Earth and elsewhere; info on Nazi Flying Saucers; and more. Whether you have the original paperback book or not, don't miss this amazing book' 21 chapters in all.
by Stan Deyo This amazing book is back in print in a new revised edition with a 40 page new supplement in the back. The Cosmic Conspiracy is a classic in UFO and suppressed technology literature. It was the number one best selling book at one point in Australia, yet most American researchers have never heard of it 1 Deyo's book is well illustrated and contains chapters on top secret flying saucer research, weather warfare, electrogravitic propulsion systems, underground installations in Australia, suppressed works by Nikola Tesla, theories on Biblical prophesy and the "Illuminati." Don't miss this book' Only a limited stock has been imported from Australia. 272 PAGES, 6Xl0 TRADEPAPER, WITH SUPPLEMENT. ILLUSTRATED, $19.95 CODE: TCC
THE VINDICATOR SCROLLS byStan Deyo Stan Deyo's second continues with more technology, conspiracy and Biblical interpretation. In this lavishly illustrated book (mostly in color) Deyo dives into such diverse topics as Atlantis in the Arabian Penninsula; the Ark of the Covenant; UFO technology and other suppressed inventions; unusual material on Nikola Tesla and the secret use of his system of towers; Free Energy research; Government Cover-ups; and more. Only a limited stock has been imported from Australia. Don't miss Stan's videos below. 254 PAGES, 6x10 TRADEPAPER. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED IN COLOR. $19.95. CODE: TVS
THE EYE OF THE STORM Narrated by Stan Deyo This rare documentary, shown only once on Australian television, covers the history of secret US government research into futuristic propulsion and energy systems. The film also discusses the work of Dr. Nikola Tesla, including information on mysterious devices locked away in safes at the time of his death in 1943. Man-made UFOs are also an important feature, which also discusses the Philadelphia Experiment. This made-for-tv documentary should not be missed by students of Nikola Tesla, free-energy and anti-gravity' 90 MINUTES. VHS $29.95. CODE: EOSV
ANTlmGRAVITY ON A DISK Frank Znidarsic Elementary Anti-Gravity author Frank Znidarsic brings us this IBM format computer disk containing over l megabyte of information in 12 chapters, 30 illustration, one sound byte, and two animations. The information is presented in a manner that will be accessible to the novice and is thorough enough to please the most advanced. Discover how Edward P. Tryon's theory about the genesis of the universe may be used to produce free energy. Learn about the far reaching ideas of Harold E. Puthoff, See and hear Frank J. Stenger's ball lightning machine, View a plasma ball in a microwave cavity, more. COMPUTER DISK IN BUBBLEPACK. $15.00. CODE: AGDK
EARTH ENERGIES by Serge Kahlil-King Hawaiin mystic Serge Kahlil-King discusses various forms of alternative energies surrounding the earth. In various chapters are discussed the theory and practice of geomancy, the energy lines known as vivaxis, radionics, pyramid energy, orgone energy, the earth as living crystal with energy lines running around it, more. 250 PAGES 6X9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED. BIBLIOGRAPHY & INDEX. $12.00. CODE: EEN
SPACE ALIENS FROM THE PENTAGON Flying Saucers Are Man-Made Electrical Machines William R. Lyne This large format, tradepaper book goes deep into what the author calls the the "Big Lie" about UFOs. Lyne has produced an excellant and unique book which g delves deep into such subjects as Nazi flying saucers and the New Mexico connection; antigravity; free-energy devices; men-in-black; oil company suppression of technology; and the "space aliens" hoax. A credible book, with some interesting newspaper clippings, photos of Nazi UFO components, and detailed technical diagrams. Dont miss this book! Well illustrated with maps, charts and photos. In stock. 244 PAGES, 8Xll TRADEPAPER. APPENDIX. $24.95. CODE: SAP
TRANSPORTATION AND ENERGY: Strategies for a Sustainable Transportation System edited by Daniel Sparling & Susan Shaheen A technical book from the American Council For an Energy-Efficient Economy, the same group who brought us the book Energy Efficient Motors. This thick collection of technical papers tackles the major problems of modern individual and mass transit systems. Included in this book are chapters on energy and vehicle alternatives, including "super-efficient" cars, alternative fuels and emissions reduction policy; Hypercars: The Next Industrial Revolution; The ZEV Mandate; The Future of the Electric Vehicle; Alternative Fuels and Greenhouse Gas Emission Policy; How Government and Industry Can Cooperate; more. 305 PAGES, 6x9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED. $29.00. CODE: TAE
David Hatcher Childress From the jungles of Central America to the deserts of the southwest. .. down the back roads from coast to coast, maverick archaeologist and adventurer David Hatcher Childress takes the reader deep into unknown America. In this incredible book search for lost Mayan cities and books of gold, discover an ancient canal system in Arizona, climb gigantic pyramids in the Midwest, explore megalithic monuments in New England, and join the astonishing quest for the lost cities throughout North America. From the war-torn jungles of Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras to the deserts, mountains and fields of Mexico, Canada, and the U.S.A. Childress takes the reader in search of sunken ruins; Viking forts, strange tunnel systems, living dinosaurs; early Chinese explorers, and fantastic gold treasure. Packed with both early and current maps, photos and illustrations. An incredible life on the road in search of the ancient mysteries of the past 1
LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF AFRICA & ARABIA David Hatcher Childress Across ancient deserts, dusty plains and steaming jungles, maverick archaeologist David Childress continues his world-wide quest for lost cities and ancient mysteries. Join him as he discovers forbidden cities in the Empty Quarter of Arabia, "Atlantean" ruins in Egypt and the Kalahari desert; a mysterious, ancient empire in the Sahara; and more. This is an extraordinary life on the road: across war-torn countries Childress searches for King Solomon's Mines, living dinosaurs, the Ark of the Covenant and the solutions to the fantastic mysteries of the past. 423 PAGES, 6 X9, PAPERBACK. PHOTOS, MAPS, AND ILLUSTRATIONS WITH FOOTNOTES & BIBLIOGRAPHY $14.95. CODE AFA
LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF SOUTH AMERICA David Hatcher Childress Rogue adventurer and maverick archaeologist, David Hatcher Childress, takes the reader on unforgettable journeys deep into deadly jungles, windswept mountains and scorching deserts in search of lost civilizations and ancient mysteries. Travel with David and explore stone cities high in mountain forests and fantastic tales of Inca treasure, living dinosaurs, and a mysterious tunnel system. Whether he is hopping freight trains, searching for secret cities, or just dealing with the daily problems, of food, money, and romance, the author keeps the reader spellbound. Includes both early and current maps, photos, and illustrations, and plenty of advice for the explorer planning his or her own journey of discovery.
Explorer David Hatcher Childress at the recently discovered Kaimanawa Wall in New Zealand
What is the Government Trying to Hide? by Richard Sauder Ph.D. Working from government documents and corporate records, Sauder has compiled an impressive book that digs below the surface of the military's super-secret underground' Go behind the scenes into little-known corners of the public record and discover how corporate America has worked hand-in-glove with the Pentagon for decades, dreaming about, planning-and actually constructing-secret underground bases. This book includes chapters on the locations of the bases, the tunneling technology, various military designs for underground bases, nuclear testing & underground bases, abductions, needles & implants; Is the U.S. Military Involved in "Alien" Cattle Mutilations?, more. 50 page photo & map insert. 201 PAGES, 6x9 PAPERBACK. WELL ILLUSTRATED. $15.95. CODE: UGB
MAN-MADE UFOS 1944-1994 Fifty Years of Suppression Renato Vesco & David Hatcher Childress A comprehensive and in-depth look at the early "flying saucer technology" of Nazi Germany and the genesis of early man-made UFOs from the captured German scientists, to escaped battalions of Gennans to secret communities in South America and Antarctica to todays state-of-the-art "Dreamland" flying machines 0 Heavily illustrated, this astonishing book blows the lid off the "Government UFO Conspiracy" and explains with technical diagrams the technology involved. Examined in detail are secret underground airfields and factories; Gennan secret weapons; "suction" aircraft; the origin of NASA; gyroscopic stabilizers and engines; the secret Marconi aircraft factory in South America; and more. Not to be missed by students of technology suppression, secret societies, anti-gravity, free energy conspiracy and World War II 1 Introduction by W.A. Harbinson, author of the Dell novels GENESIS and REVELATION. 318 PAGES, 6X9 TRADEPAPER. ILLUSTRATED. INDEX & FOOTNOTES. $16.95. CODE: MMU
THE FREEaENERGY DEVICE HANDBOOK A Compilation of Patents and Reports David Hatcher Childress A large fonnat compilation of various patents, papers, descriptions and diagrams concerning free-energy devices and systems is a visual tool for experimenters and researchers into magnetic motors and other "over-unity" devices. With chapters on the Adams Motor, the Hans Coler Generator, cold fusion, superconductors, "N" machines, space-energy generators Nikola Tesla, T. Townsend Brown, and the latest in free-energy devices. Packed with photos, technical diagrams, patents and fascinating information, this book belongs on every science shelf. With energy and profit being a major political reason for fighting various wars, Free-Energy Devices, if ever allowed to be mass-distributed to consumers, could change the world' Get your copy now before the Department of Energy bans this book' 292 PAGES, 8x10 TRADEPAPER. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. BIBLIOGRAPHY & APPENDIX. $16.95. CODE: FEH
EXTRATERRESTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY David Hatcher Childress With 1OOs of photos and illustrations, Extra-Terrestrial Archaeology takes the reader to the strange and fascinating worlds of Mars, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and other planets for a look at the alien structures that appear there. Using official NASA and Soviet photos, as well as other photos taken via telescope, this book seeks to prove that many of the planets (and moons) of our solar system are in some way inhabited by intelligent life. The book includes many blow-ups of NASA photos and detailed diagrams of structures-particularly on the Moon. •NASA PHOTOS OF PYRAMIDS AND DOMED CITIES ON THE MOON. •PYRAMIDS AND GIANT STATUES ON MARS. •HOLLOW MOONS ON MARS AND OTHER PLANETS. •ROBOT MINING VEHICLES THAT MOVE ABOUT THE MooN PROCESSING VALUABLE METALS. •NASA & RUSSIAN PHOTOS OF SPACE-BASES ON MARS AND ITS MOONS. •A BRITISH SCIENTIST WHO DISCOVERED A TUNNEL ON THE MOON, AND OTHER "BOTTOMLESS CRATERS" •EARLY CLAIMS OF TRIPS TO THE MooN AND MARS. •STRUCTURAL ANOMALIES ON VENUS, SATURN, JUPITER, MERCURY,URANUS & NEPTUNE. •NASA, THE MOON AND ANTI-GRAVITY. PLUS MORE. HIGHLY IL· LUSTRATED WITH PHOTOS, DIAGRAMS AND MAPS!
David Hatcher Childress With 1OOs of photos and illustrations, Extra-Terrestrial Archaeology takes the reader to the strange and fascinating worlds of Mars, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and other planets for a look at the alien structures that appear there. Using official NASA and Soviet photos, as well as other photos taken via telescope, this book seeks to prove that many of the planets (and moons) of our solar system are in some way inhabited by intelligent life. The book includes many blow-ups of NASA photos and detailed diagrams of structures-particularly on the Moon. •NASA PHOTOS OF PYRAMIDS AND DOMED CITIES ON THE MOON. •PYRAMIDS AND GIANT STATUES ON MARS. •HOLLOW MOONS ON MARS AND OTHER PLANETS. •ROBOT MINING VEHICLES THAT MOVE ABOUT THE MooN PROCESSING VALUABLE METALS. •NASA
DARK MATTER, MISSING PLANETS & NEW COMETS Paradoxes Resolved--Origins Illuminated Tom Van Flandern In recent years, astonomy's main theory of cosmology, the Big Bang, has been challenged by many, including Halton Arp (Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies) and Eric Leamer (The Big Bang Never Happened). Astonomer Van Flandemjoins these arguments with a new "Meta Model." The book shows new evidence for the asteroid belt as a "planetary break-up;" argues that comets may develop in a different manner than previously thought. This book gives the latest information about the possible existence of a tenth planet. A scholarly debate on the current issues in astronomy, amongst those presented are; the moons of Mars, Neptune's retrograde moon, the nature of Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
THE MARTIAN ENIGMAS A Closer Look Mark J. Carlotta This large format book is a state-of-the-art digital image processing of the controversial Viking photos of Mars and the many structures that are found on that planet. A literal coffee-table photo book of pyramids, faces, roads and unusual structures on Mars. Packed with illustrations and photographs. 123 PAGES, 10X8 TRADEPAPER, ILLUSTRATED $16.95 CODE: MAR
THE MCDANIEL REPORT On the failure of Executive, Congressional and scientific responsibility in investigating possible evidence of artificial structures on the surface of Mars and in setting mission priorities for NASA's Mars Observer spacecraft Staneiy V. McDaniel This large format, tradepaper book is an analysis of the Cydonia Martian images and a condemnation of NASA and its failure to seriously look into the possible evidence for arificial structures on Mars. Originally prepared as a briefing on the "Martian Hypothesis" for government officials, this scientific document, well illustrated with maps, charts and photos, belongs in every "extraterrestrial archaeology" library. 172 PAGES, 8XL1 TRADEPAPER. ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTOS & DIAGRAMS. APPENDIX. $20.00. CODE: TMR
THE METAL-PLANET RELATIONSHIP A Study of Celestial Influence Nick Kollerstrom Through countless centuries a living connection between the earth and heavens was taken for granted. The metals were considered to have an inherent affinity with their parent planets, and represented a material expression of living cosmic energies. With numerous astrological charts, the reader can witness the role played by Uranus in the birth of atomic energy; Pluto's influence in the discovery of Plutonium; other chapters on the mutations of mercury, alchemists & gold; the red sands of Mars; more. 173 PAGES, 6X9 TRADEPAPER. ILLUSTRATED WITH CHARTS & DIAGRAMS. GLOSSARY, BIBLIOGRAPHY & INDEX. $12.95. CODE: MTR
METAL POWER The Soul Life of the Planets by Alison Davidson It has been known by ancients, alchemists, and magicians that metals are a powerful force influencing our lives. There are deep mysteries within the metals, hidden connections linking the planets and metals to the Earth's physical and spiritual evolution. Beyond alchemy, metallurgy or astrology, this book will transform your universe with a penetrating view of the magnificent metals and their compelling relationship to the planets. 99 PAGES, 6x9 TRADEPAPER, ILLUSTRATED, BIBLIOGRAPHY, $8.95. CODE: MPR
LOST CITIES OF ATLANTIS, ANCIENT EUROPE & THE MEDITERRANEAN David Hatcher Childress Atlantis! The legendary lost continent comes under the close scrutiny of maverick archaeologist David Hatcher Childress in this sixth book in the internationally popular Lost Cities series ta it takes him on his quest the lost continent of Atlantis. Childress takes the reader in search of sunken cities in the Mediterranean; across the Atlas Mountains in search of Atlantean ruins; to remote islands in search of megalithic ruins; living legends and secret societies. From Ireland to Turkey, Morocco to Eastern Europe, or remote islands of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Childress takes the reader on an astonishing quest for mankind's past. Ancient technology, cataclysms, megalithic construction, lost civilizations and devastating wars of the past are all explored in this astonishing book. Childress challenges the skeptics and proves that great civilizations not only existed in the pas~ but the modern world and its problems are reflections of the ancient world of Atlantis. Join David on an unforgettable tale in search of the solutions to the astonishing past. 524 PAGES, 6x9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED WITH lOOs OF MAPS, PHOTOS AND DIAGRAMS. BIBLIOGRAPHY & INDEX. $16.95. CODE: MED
LOST CITIES OF ANCIENT LEMURIA & THE PACIFIC David Hatcher Childress Was there once a continent in the Pacific? Called Lemuria or Pacifica by geologists, and Mu or Pan by the mystics, there is now ample mythological, geological and archaeological evidence to "prove" that an advanced, and ancient civilization once lived in the central Pacific. Maverick archaeologist and explorer David Hatcher Childress combs the Indian Ocean, Australia and the Pacific in search of the astonishing truth about mankind's past. Contains photos of the underwater city on Pohnpei, explanations on how the statues were levitated around Easter Island in a clockwise vortex movement; disappearing islands; Egyptians in Australia; and more. 379 PAGES, 6x9, PAPERBACK. PHOTOS, MAPS, AND ILLUSTRATIONS WITH FOOT¡ NOTES & BIBLIOGRAPHY $14.95. CODE LEM
LOST CITIES OF CHINA, CENTRAL INDIA & ASIA David Hatcher Childress Like a real life "Indiana Jones," maverick archaeologist David Childress takes the reader on an incredible adventure across some of the world's oldest and most remote countries in search of lost cities and ancient mysteries. Discover ancient cities in the Gobi Desert; hear fantastic tales of lost continents, vanished civilizations and secret societies bent on ruling the world. Visit forgotten monasteries in forbidding snow-capped mountains with strange tunnels to mysterious subterranean cities' A unique combination of far-out exploration and practical travel advice; it will astound and delight the experienced traveler or the armchair voyager. 429 PAGES, 6 X9, PAPERBACK. PHOTOS, MAPS, AND ILLUSTRATIONS WITH FOOTNOTES & BIBLIOGRAPHY $14.95. CODE CHI
DAVID HATCHER CHILDRESS RADIO INTERVIEW On the Lost Cities of North & Central America In December of 1992, popular Lost Cities Series author, David Hatcher Childress, was interviewed live for six hours on the Laura Lee Radio Show, broadcast out of Seattle, Washington. The subject of the interview was David's book, Lost Cities of North and Central America, with special emphasis on the Smithsonian Institution's cover-up of American history. Other topics that were included in the interview, which also included live call-in questions, were pyramids around the world, the Rama Empire of India and Vimanas, Atlantis and Lemuria, UFOs, an Egyptian City in the Grand Canyon, and more' This audio interview comes on three high-quality 90 minute cassette tapes in boxes. 270 MINUTES ON 3 AUDIO CASSETTES, $12.95 CODE: DHCR
David Hatcher Childress From the jungles of Central America to the deserts of the southwest. .. down the back roads from coast to coast, maverick archaeologist and adventurer David Hatcher Childress takes the reader deep into unknown America. In this incredible book search for lost Mayan cities and books of gold, discover an ancient canal system in Arizona, climb gigantic pyramids in the Midwest, explore megalithic monuments in New England, and join the astonishing quest for the lost cities throughout North America. From the war-torn jungles of Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras to the deserts, mountains and fields of Mexico, Canada, and the U.S.A. Childress takes the reader in search of sunken ruins; Viking forts, strange tunnel systems, living dinosaurs; early Chinese explorers, and fantastic gold treasure. Packed with both early and current maps, photos and illustrations. An incredible life on the road in search of the ancient mysteries of the past!
LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF AFRICA &ARABIA David Hatcher Childress Across ancient deserts, dusty plains and steaming jungles, maverick archaeologist David Childress continues his world-wide quest for lost cities and ancient mysteries. Join him as he discovers forbidden cities in the Empty Quarter of Arabia, "Atlantean" ruins in Egypt and the Kalahari desert; a mysterious, ancient empire in the Sahara; and more. This is an extraordinary life on the road: across war-torn countries Childress searches for King Solomon's Mines, living dinosaurs, the Ark of the Covenant and the solutions to the fantastic mysteries of the past. 423 PAGES, 6 X9, PAPERBACK. PHOTOS, MAPS, AND ILLUSTRATIONS WITH FOOTNOTES & BIBLIOGRAPHY
$14.95. CODE AFA
LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF SOUTH AMERICA David Hatcher Childress Rogue adventurer and maverick archaeologist, David Hatcher Childress, takes the reader on unforgettable journeys deep into deadly jungles, windswept mountains and scorching deserts in search of lost civilizations and ancient mysteries. Travel with David and explore stone cities high in mountain forests and fantastic tales of Inca treasure, living dinosaurs, and a mysterious tunnel system. Whether he is hopping freight trains, searching for secret cities, or just dealing with the daily problems, of food, money, and romance, the author keeps the reader spellbound. Includes both early and current maps, photos, and illustrations, and plenty of advice for the explorer planning his or her own journey of discovery. 381 PAGES, 6x9, PAPERBACK. PHOTOS, MAPS, AND ILLUSTRATIONS WITH FOOTNOTES & BIBLIOGRAPHY
$14.95. CODE SAM
Explorer David Hatcher Childress at the recently discovered Kaimanawa Wall in New Zealand
Exploration and Adventure in Lubaantun & Belize by Thomas Gann First published in 1925, Mystery Cities of the Maya is a classic in Central American archaeology-adventure. Gann was close friends with Mike Mitchell-Hedges, the British adventurer who discovered the famous crystal skull with his adopted daughter Sammy and Lady Richmond Brown, their benefactress. Gann battles pirates along Belize's coast and goes upriver with Mitchell-Hedges to the lost city of Lubaantun where they excavate a strange lost city where the crystal skull was discovered. Lubaantun is a unique city in the Mayan world as it is built out of precisely carved blocks of stone without the usual plaster-cement facing. Lubaantun contained several large pyramids partially destroyed by earthquakes and a large amount of artifacts. Gann was a keen archaeologist, a member of the Mayan society, and shared MichellHedges belief in Atlantis and lost civilizations, preMayan, in Central America and the Caribbean. Lots of good photos, maps and diagrams from the 20s. 252 PAGES,6x9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED. $16.95. CODE: MCOM
DANGER MY ALLY The Amazing Life Story of the Discoverer of the Crystal Skull by "Mike" Michell-Hedges The incredible life story of "Mike" Mitchell-Hedges, the British adventurer who discovered the Crystal Skull in the lost Mayan city of Lubaantun in Belize. Mitchell-Hedges has lived an exciting life: gambling everything on a trip to the Americas as a young man, riding with Pancho Villa, his personal quest for Atlantis, fighting bandits in the Caribbean and discovering the famous Crystal Skull. 374 PAGES, 6X9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, PHOTOS AND DIAGRAMS. BIBLIOGRAPHY & INDEX. $16.95. CODE: DMA
IN SECRET MONGOLIA Sequel to Men & Gods In Mongolia by Henning Haslund
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Danish-Swedish explorer Haslund's first book on his exciting explorations in Mongolia and Central Asia. Haslund takes us via camel caravan to the medieval world of Mongolia, a country still barely known today. First published by Kegan Paul of London in 1934, this rare travel adventure back in print after 50 years. Haslund and his camel caravan journey across the Gobi Desert. He meets with renegade generals and warlords, god-kings and shamans. Haslund is captured, held for ransom, thrown into prison, battles black magic and portrays in vivid detail the birth of new nation. Haslund's second book Men & Gods In Mongolia is also available from Adventures Unlimited Press. 374 PAGES, 6X9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, PHOTOS AND DIAGRAMS. BIBLIOGRAPHY & INDEX. $16.95. CODE: ISM
MEN &GODS IN MONGOLIA by Henning Haslund First published in 1935 by Kegan Paul of London, Haslund takes us to the lost city of Karakota in the Gobi desert. We meet the Bodgo Gegen, a God-king in Mongolia similar to the Dalai Lama of Tibet. We meet Dambin Jansang, the dreaded warlord of the "Black Gobi." There is even material in this incredible book on the Hi-mori, an "airhorse" that flies through the air (similar to a Vimana) and carries with it the sacred stone of Chintamani. Aside from the esoteric and mystical material, there is plenty of just plain adventure: caravans across the Gobi desert, kidnapped and held for ransom, initiation into Shamanic societies, warlords, and the violent birth of a new nation. 358 PAGES, 6X9 PAPERBACK. 57 PHOTOS, ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS. $15.95. CODE: MGM
IN SECRET TIBET by Theodore lllion. Reprint of a rare 30's travel book. Illion was a German traveller who not only spoke fluent Tibetan, but travelled in disguise through forbidden Tibet when it was off-limits to all outsiders. His incredible adventures make this one of the most exciting travel books ever published. Includes illustrations of Tibetan monks levitating stones by acoustics. 210 PAGES. 6X9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED. $15.95. CODE: IST
DARKNESS OVER TIBET by Theodore lllion. In this second reprint of the rare 30's travel books by Illion, the German traveller continues his travels through Tibet and is given the directions to a strange underground city. As the original publisher's remarks said, this is a rare account of an underground city in Tibet by the only Westerner ever to enter it and escape alive' 210 PAGES. 6X9 PAPERBACK. ILLUSTRATED. $15.95. CODE: DOT
The Echoes of Atlantean Civilization Tracked through Space & Time by Colonel Alexander Braghine First published in 1940, The Shadow of Atlantis is one of the great classics of Atlantis research. The Shadow of Atlantis amasses a great deal of archaeological, anthropological, historical and scientific evidence in support of a lost continent in the Atlantic Ocean. Braghine covers such diverse topics as Egyptians in Central America, the myth of Quetzalcoatl, the Basque language and its connection with Atlantis, the connections with the ancient pyramids of Mexico, Egypt and Atlantis, the sudden demise of mammoths, legends of giants and much more. Braghine was linguist and spends part of the book tracing ancient languages to Atlantis and studying little-known inscriptions in Brazil, deluge myths and the connections between ancient languages. Braghine takes us on a fascinating journey in search of Atlantis. The myth of the sunken continent is examined in the light of archaeological and scientific evidence and the echoes of Atlantean civilization are tracked through space and time.
RIDDLE OF THE PACIFIC by John Macmillan Brown Oxford scholar Brown's classic work on lost civilizations of the Pacific is now back in print' John Macmillan Brown was a New Zealand-Oxford historian and New Zealand's premier scientist when he wrote about the origins of the Maori and after many years of travel though out the Pacific wrote Riddle of the Pacific in 1924. This book, along with The History of Atlantis (l 926) are the beginning of our Atlantis reprint series. Don't miss Brown's classic study of Easter Island, ancient scripts, megalithic roads and cities, more. Brown was an early believer in a lost continent in the Pacific. Sixteen chapters in all.
THE HISTORY OF ATLANTIS by Lewis Spence Lewis Spence's classic book on Atlantis is now back in print! Lewis Spence was a Scottish historian (1874-1955) who is best known for his volumes on world mythology and his five Atlantis books. The History ofAtlantis ( 1926) is considered his best. Spence does his scholarly best in chapters on the Sources of Atlantean History, the Geography of Atlantis, the Races of Atlantis, the Kings of Atlantis, the Religion of Atlantis, the Colonies of Atlantis, more. Sixteen chapters in all.
STATl.IETT£S f'OUND tN SAN SALVAOO!l H;1tt v.-e ~ ~ m~il:: Egyprilltt lj:ryk !
A Study of the Ancient Sun Kingdoms of Spain E.M. Whishaw First published by Rider & Co. of London in 1928, this classic book is a study of the megaliths of Spain, ancient writing, cyclopean walls, Sun Worshipping Empires, hydraulic engineering, and sunken cities is now back in print after sixty years. An extremely rare book until this reprint, learn about the Biblical Tartessus; an Atlantean city at Niebla; the Temple of Hercules and the Sun Temple of Seville; Libyans and the Copper Age; more. Profusely illustrated with photos, maps and illustrations.
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ConspiracyI Aerospace/NASA
In 1970 a photocopied manuscript began circulating among conspiracy researchers entitled "Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal" by William Torbitt (a pseudonym). The Torbitt Document was a damning expose of J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, John Connally and Werner von Braun, among many others, for their role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This first published edition of the Torbitt Document emphasizes what the manuscript says about the link between Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists working for NASA, the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC), the assassination of JFK, and the secret Nevada air base known as Area 51. THE TORBITT DOCUMENT MAKES REVELATIONS ON:
• The roles in the assassination played by NASA and munitions police the little-known DISC: Defense Industrial Security Command, an organization headed by Werner von Braun. • How the assassination was carried out by J. Edgar Hoover's elite Division Five. The FBl's Division Five investigated both the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations, finding only evidence for "lone-nut" assassins. • How the Las Vegas mob and the shadow corporate entities Permindex and Centro-Mondiale Commerciale were involved. • The same "assassination cabal" planned the 1962 failed assassination of Charles de Gaul. • How Charles de Gaul traced the assassination from rightwing French Algerians to Permindex in Switzerland and NATO headquarters in Brussels. • How Lyndon Johnson, John Connally, Clay Shaw and Werner von Braun were tied to the assassination plot. • How the "Assassination Cabal" planned to blame Anti-Castro groups or Castro himself, if the "lone-nut" version failed. • The Torbitt document paints a dark picture of NASA, the Military Industrial Complex, and the connections to the Area 51 complex which headquarters the "secret space program." 'Cl
"President Kennedy was murdered by elements of the industrial warfare complex working in concert with individuals in the United States Government. At the time of his murder, President Kennedy was working to end the Cold War. The annual income of the defense industry was well over twenty billion dollars a year, and there were forces in that industry and in the U.S. Government which opposed the ending of the Cold War."-New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in the Torbitt Document.
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