PROOF | August 2015

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THROUGH THE YEARS: PJ Books Mailed Monthly in the United States and Canada

MARCH 2015

142,577 131,178












2007 2006

books have been been distributed in the United States and Canada








zip codes in the United States are eligible for PJ Library



Community Partners in the United States and Canada

decision to build upon or add a Jewish tradition to their home life.



elcome to the first issue of Proof–a new magazine for friends, funders, and partners in the ever-expanding universe of PJ Library. Proof will have the best news you will receive from the Jewish community all year. We have no crisis to wield, no scare tactics to use, and no false, heavy-handed language about the Jewish future. Proof is evidence of how a generation of Jewish parents– from the unaffiliated to the deeply involved–are teaching their children Jewish values, traditions, and culture. Why the name Proof? Proof that the Jewish community can engage the next generation of parents, and proof that parents want to share Judaism with their children. The Millennial generation is a do-ityourself generation, famously resisting institutions and creating identity for themselves. Many lack a structure to teach their children about Judaism. Proof is about the ultimate DIY solution. Books arrive in homes every month and give parents, regardless of their Jewish knowledge, the tools to teach their children about Jewish values and traditions.


PJ Library reaches participants during a critical window: as their journeys as families are just beginning. PJ Library has been at it for nearly ten years, and is now an experience shared monthly by more than 375,000 Jewish children and their families around the world and more than 140,000 Jewish children and their families throughout North America. Ready to be inspired instead of shocked? Excited instead of afraid? See what your partnership does, and check out Proof.

Will Schneider Director of Advancement

The honor of the first Proof cover photo goes to my son, Max Schneider. Max’s favorite PJ Library book is Todah, which my wife and I will be happy to recite by heart to anyone interested.



© Martina Manzini

PJ Library Shabbat dinner and Shavuot themed pastry-making for Russian-speaking families at the JCC of Manhattan

PJ ALLIANCE PARTNERS: Harold Grinspoon Foundation William Davidson Foundation Jim Joseph Foundation William & Audrey Farber Philanthropic Fund Howard and Geraldine Polinger Family Fund Anonymous Walter, Arnee, Sarah, & Aaron Winshall Susser Family Trust

Although the parent-child reading experience remains the heart of PJ Library, the program encompasses much more than just the distribution and reading of books. PJ has become the lynchpin for efforts in many organizations and communities to involve families with young Jewish children in a wide range of activities that will lead to ongoing Jewish engagement as these families mature.

his year PJ Library is dramatically increasing the investment we’ve made “beyond the books.” You may know PJ for the millions of high-quality Jewish books we’ve mailed, but there is incredible work being done in your local PJ community, and in more than 200 communities across United States and Canada to create opportunities for Jewish families to thrive. Engagement beyond the books is hardly a new endeavor for PJ Library. The Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s investment in this area has grown to more than $1 million annually, funding training for PJ Library Program Professionals, supplemental educational materials, community engagement grants, day school and camping programs and scholarships for PJ families, and an annual international conference and ideas marketplace for nearly 200 PJ attendees. PJ is now seeking partners in order to increase the amount of funding available to support engagement programs within the PJ Library network (see PJ Alliance Summit article). We have recently welcomed our first Alliance partners to this effort. Over the next five years, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and Alliance partners will invest an additional $6 million in directto-community engagement funding to establish grants to support programming, and create opportunities for family ambassadors and collaborations with educational partners.

Successful efforts will be measured using several factors including, but not limited to, the ability of the initiatives to:

designed to provide an opportunity for musicians, storytellers, and educators to expand their engagement skills and strengthen their leadership abilities.

• Involve families with low levels of engagement in Jewish life, including those who are hard-to-reach and in underserved areas.

SLBC workshops included:

• Use quality Jewish content, ideally integrating PJ books, music, and themes.

• Adapting the Environment to Make Your Leadership Experiences the Best They Can Be!

• Encourage the integration of Jewish tradition, values, and behaviors in the home and beyond.

• Learning Through Movement: Strategies that Incorporate Kinesthetic Learning

• Promote collaboration across Jewish engagement programs and the involvement of PJ parents and volunteers in the planning and delivery of engagement initiatives.

• How to Work with PJ Library Communities

One recent example of funding at work was a February 2015 grant for attendance at Songleader Boot Camp (SLBC). Thirty-six musicians and professionals in PJ communities were selected from a group of more than 80 applicants and received a grant to participate in the newly created PJ Library Track at Songleader Boot Camp in St. Louis, MO. The grant was

• It’s Alive! Transforming Books into Engaging Presentations

• Strategizing Your Next Steps As PJ Library continues to expand, we look forward to providing more growth opportunities to the partners, PJ Program Professionals, and parents who are working toward building stronger PJ communities every day. To learn more about the PJ Alliance or to join our efforts, contact HGF Senior Advisor Lou Cove. Email:

My time spent with PJ Library at SLBC loaded my teacher’s tool belt with powerful ways to engage families through songs and stories. We learned together that not only do we each have the ability to enhance our programming with PJ books, but we also have the capability to uplift and spread joy to both parents and children attending PJ events in our communities. The PJ Library message brings Jewish values to families in the most engaging and ageappropriate way. As a Jewish song leader and educator attending the PJ Library track techniques that will enhance the delivery of my PJ Library presentations in my own community. It is one thing to read a book, but it is quite another to use the books as a starting point for discussion and celebration.

Julie Zorn Jewish Culture Specialist Tucson Jewish Community Center



id you know that PJ Library has sent nearly 19,000 Jewish books and music CDs to members of the United States military stationed all over the world? Almost 10,000 members of the military identify as Jewish, and many are stationed with their families in far-off places without access to a civilian Jewish community.

Today, more than 400 children in Jewish military families around the world are receiving PJ Library books just like their non-military counterparts.

To thank them for their service and Foundation funds 100 percent of the cost of sending PJ Library books to American Jewish military families. PJ launched a partnership with the JCC Association’s Jewish Welfare Board Jewish Chaplains Council, which provides for the religious, educational, and morale needs of Jewish military personnel and their families, as well as patients in Veterans Affairs hospitals. Today, more than 400 children in Jewish military families all over the world are receiving PJ Library books every month, just like their nonmilitary counterparts. Letters of thanks have poured in from children and their parents in Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia. Some of their duty stations include Germany, Italy, Peru, Japan, South Korea, and 38 states in the United States, plus Washington, D.C., and Guam. PJ Library believes that serving your country should not mean you are cut off from the Jewish community, and we sincerely thank these families for all they do.


the High Holidays. Our children were the only Jewish children in their elementary school and during our time there, we were honored to witness the bar mitzvah to occur in 500 years in Sicily. Needless to say, our children struggled with feeling very different during a crucial time of identity development. The PJ Library books and CDs we received were not only a valuable part of their Jewish education, they were also a much needed source of comfort and connection. Flipping through the pages of the beautiful books, our children formed connections to their Jewish roots while also catching glimpses of diverse Jewish families that mirrored our own: other families with children adopted from Asian countries, other families with extended families who celebrate Christmas, other families who were silly and brave and proud. PJ Library not only helped to prepare experiences, they also helped us to

“We have been PJ Library members ever since our children were babies living on a U.S. military base in Okinawa, Japan. In those early years, the books that came to us in the mail were welcomed little treasures. We all enjoyed the thrill of diving into new books and reading them together by Shabbat candlelight. Over the years as our children grew, we continued to move on a regular basis, and it became clear that PJ Library was much more than just books. This was most apparent when we were stationed in Sicily, Italy. During those three years in Sicily, our family was just one of a handful of Jews living on the sunny Mediterranean island. Without a rabbi or formal Jewish European destinations to celebrate

children not only embrace the idea of returning to camp each summer, they talk about it all year long. As military kids who are routinely uprooted, Jewish summer camp is more than just playing ga-ga and singing camp songs. It forms the foundation for ongoing and meaningful connections with Jewish friends and mentors. That is truly a priceless gift.”


“We began our journey with PJ Library when we were stationed overseas at Naval Air Station Sigonella. There was no active Jewish community on the island of Sicily. We were a handful of Jews. For my daughter’s simchat bat [baby naming] on the island, our friend gifted Mylin a book. He said, ‘This is a PJ Library book, have you heard of it?’ Being new Jewish parents, we had not. He explained the program to us and the years ago! Today we are part of a Jewish community in Oklahoma City, and the kids sing PJ songs and talk about the books they get in the mail. The PJ books have been a great resource to teach my daughter about Judaism in a way that is appropriate for her age. She loves getting them in the mail. They make her feel special and have been a great way to teach her about Jewish life and culture. Thank you for this great resource.” The Klein Family Oklahoma City, OK Father serving in the U.S. Navy

The Saperstein Family Bethesda, Maryland

PJ Goes to Camp, an initiative created in partnership with the Foundation for Jewish Camp, offers incentive grants towards first-time camp tuition for PJ Library participants, siblings, and alumni. More than 465 camperships were awarded for the summer of 2015!

To learn more about PJ Goes to Camp visit




ne of the grand visions for PJ Library is to transcend national boundaries and reach Jewish families around the world as one community. PJ Library took a big step in that direction with its recent launch in the United Kingdom. Up until a few months ago, families raising Jewish children in the United Kingdom had few to no Jewish children’s books available to them. The solution for many parents was to supplement their home libraries with Jewish-themed books purchased while abroad in Israel or America. PJ Library had to take action. In February 2015, after months of preparation, the United Kingdom

PJ Library family. The occasion was marked with a sold-out launch party attended by more than 250 parents and children. In true PJ style, the event showcased just how meaningful a PJ Library book can be with theatrical performances, story times, and family book readings. As the initial 1,400 subscribers began receiving their books, the PJ Library in the U.K. Facebook page was bombarded with photos and messages of delight and gratitude. Within one week of the mailing, the program grew to 2,300 subscribers. Two 2,500th child registered, and the U.K.

TOURING THE U.K. WITH PJ LIBRARY PJ books actually reached U.K. shores months cial launch! A custom Pop-Up PJ Library has been visiting families, schools, and synagogues across the U.K. since February of this year, bringing awareness and story times to the far corners of the country.

QUICK FACTS LOCATION TEAM Lauren Hamburger, Director Lisa Culligan, Customer Services Manager ADVISORY BOARD Elliott Goldstein Anita Lowenstein Dent Lana Saffrin Betesh Laura Weller

“ ”

Esther and Ariella haven’t stopped reading their books, and Sammy Spider even went to bed with Esther this evening!

program reached its maximum planned subscription capacity for the year. A waiting list of eligible children has been created and is steadily growing each week. With approximately 15,000 eligible children in the United Kingdom, the U.K. team is now carrying out additional fundraising to support a revised fastgrowth plan that would enable the program to reach even more families. Just like their American counterparts, children in London can now jump with excitement when their very own PJ Library books arrive. PJ Library is connecting the Jewish experience across the oceans and we would love to have you join us.


We may speak the same language, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have our differences! Some PJ books have needed a few changes before they were ready for both North American and U.K. audiences. Shanghai Sukkah, a new PJ title, uses the word “color” several times throughout the story. Instead of leaving the book misspelled in one country, we decided to adapt the book’s language. In one instance, when the main character attends a Moon Festival the original sentence read, “The streets of Shanghai exploded with color.” The new version is, “The streets of Shanghai exploded with wonder.” In Hare and Tortoise Race Across Israel, a line previously referred to a “soccer game,” but we changed it to a “ball game” because soccer is called football in the U.K. Let’s go on a holiday? In the U.K. a holiday is a vacation, so we changed “holiday” to “special day” in the Shh… Shh… Shabbat Reading Guide.

Learn more about PJ Library in the U.K. or become a partner for the U.K. program by visiting



Library Program Professionals represent PJ in more than 200 communities around the world. They engage Jewish families in meaningful ways by organizing community events, furthering PJ’s reach by maintaining local PJ social media pages and marketing efforts, and strengthening the Jewish community by collaborating with local organizations. Their work is invaluable to the hundreds of thousands of families who have participated in PJ Library. Every year we invite the professionals who support PJ Library’s growth to share successful

of PJ at the PJ Library International Conference. Workshops offered cover a range of skill-building topics. Every attendee is able to expand his or her capabilities–from fundraising and networking to programming and data management–and leave as stronger PJ Library leaders. This year attendees DATES included PJ Library April 26-28, 2015 Program Professionals, PJ team members, lay LOCATION leaders, volunteers, and Pearlstone Center, Reisterstown, MD donors from more than COUNTRIES REPRESENTED 90 communities and United States eight countries. United Kingdom Mexico Russia Canada Israel Singapore Australia


Keynote Speaker Dr. Kathy Hirsch-Pasek

“What an exceptional conference. It was transformative for me personally, both deeply nurturing and powerful. I learned a great deal about the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, and PJ Library’s incredible reach. It was deeply inspiring of this program, and how it is educating millions of Jewish children, an entire generation. I felt part of a global kehilah kedoshah [holy community]. Truly, we are able to be one people with the help of PJ Library.” Sara Koplik, New Mexico “The PJ Library conference enhances skills, strengthens personal and professional networks, nourishes souls . . . and empowers PJ Library professionals to return to their communities willing and able to build a stronger Jewish future.” Kelly Rubanenko Cleveland, Ohio “The PJ Conference has revolutionized how I will approach my role at PJL in the future. I have made vital connections with other PJ Professionals who have communities similar to mine, and this is going to be central to how we grow our community in the future.” Justine Saidman Sydney, Australia




he PJ Alliance is a national philanthropic partnership formed last year to underwrite our new expansion effort. biannual gatherings, the Alliance met in Detroit in May. Participants, each of whom committed a minimum of $1 million to the Alliance initiative, were briefed on early developments and discussed fundamental strategic questions central to the continued success of what is fast becoming one of the most recognized “brands” in the Jewish world. Alliance partners heard from brand leaders at MTV, Quicken Loans, and the Cleveland Cavaliers, with a special visit from the Governor of Michigan.

serve four key strategic areas: • Increasing subscriptions through challenge grants to communities • Targeting underserved and hard-to-reach families • Deepening engagement for families • Continuing to innovate and evaluate The highlight of this summit was the deep conversation and ambitious planning around connecting young families to their Jewish heritage, their local communities, and to one another. If that had been the only result of our three days in Detroit, dayenu, it would have been enough.

As a funder, I felt privileged to have an opportunity to meet with my partners of the PJ in Detroit. I was once again impressed by the depth and scope of the work of PJ Library in engaging parents and young children in the joy, education, and experience of Jewish life. Being part of a funding collaborative allows all of us to bring together our best thinking and creativity. As we imagined how to take PJ Library “beyond the books,” our funding Alliance was able to explore the most innovative, impactful, and fun strategies to reach even more PJ families. Funding partnerships are proving to be a successful model for initiating and achieving change.

Lorre Polinger Howard and Geraldine Polinger Family Fund

To learn more about the PJ Alliance, contact Lou Cove email: | phone: 413-276-0736



We were looking for ways to make the Mankoff Learning Center space at the Dallas JCC a more meaningful facility, and asked for ideas from Meyer Denn, Executive Director of the Center for Jewish Education. When we heard about PJ Library, we were both struck by its obvious value and potential at the Learning Center. At the time, the program was in 145 other communities in the U.S. but not Dallas, a fact we found remarkable for a city of our size. Upon hearing testimonials from parents, it was an easy choice. Our program has grown by leaps and bounds and now serves approximately 1,800 children. It gives great pleasure to the children, their families, and to us. Joy and Ron Mankoff, Dallas,Texas

Learn more about supporting PJ Library initiatives by visiting

As funders, we were also deeply motivated by the fact that, thanks to the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the PJ Library program was already wellestablished and highly respected around the country. Thanks to their expertise and financial and infrastructure support, bringing PJ to Charlotte was easy– almost turnkey! By partnering with our local Federation we were ensured a successful launch and sustainability. Brad and Liz Winer

We chose to support PJ Library because it gives us the opportunity to share our love of Jewish literature with other families. As grandparents, we know how wonderful it is to read to children. Children who are raised with a connection to their roots tend to retain that as they grow older. Judaism isn’t something that is grafted onto who they are; it is an integral part of their character, how they see themselves, and how they view the world.

The joys of Judaism. How do you convey this to a large segment of your Jewish community? Easy, you sponsor or support the PJ Library program. Children, parents, grandparents, single parents, intermarried, and Jews of all denominations can, and are, learning about their Judaism in such a joyful way. The best philanthropic dollars we’ve ever spent.

We became involved with PJ due to our friendship with Diane [Troderman] and Harold [Grinspoon]. But, more importantly, we believed it was the easiest way for families to truly engage with one another and new friendships to be made. What a golden opportunity for interfaith parents to learn about the holidays with their children while learning themselves. Reading has always been a part of the nighttime ritual, so why not make it a more interactive family event? Over the years since its inception, the PJ Library has touched not only families in North America but in Israel, Russia, and the former Soviet Union. We are thrilled to have participated in the program by bringing PJ to a synagogue unknown to us and to our own synagogue. The letters of thank you over the years have validated the importance of having PJ Library come into these homes and the difference it has made in their lives. Diane and Howard Wohl

Photo: Cleveland Jewish News

Mort and I are so grateful to be a part of PJ Library. I get goosebumps when I think of the many children who receive these books and how they share them with their parents and their grandparents. We also gift these books to many diverse communities in our city because the messages of universal ethics and values in these beautiful books resonate with all children. We consider Harold Grinspoon a gift to our world!

Note: Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the loss of Mort November, who passed away on July 12, 2015. May his memory be a blessing.

We were inspired to become donors when our five-year-old grandson in New Jersey showed us a fantastic new book that he had just received in the mail. His excitement for Bagels from Benny won us over instantly as our daughter explained PJ Library to us. We had never heard of the program but by the end of that day we knew we wanted it in our Lehigh Valley community. It’s been a win-win ever since it began. All the parents, grandparents, and clergy love PJ. We’re so thrilled to be a part of this incredible Jewish teaching experience.

I believe that children and their families should read books to learn what Judaism is all about. I am proud that I Library in Denver and Boulder. Bob Sturm Colorado



PJ Library’s initial collection of fewer than 50 titles has grown to include more than 400 Jewish and values-based children’s books.





n May 8th of this year I signed the Giving Pledge, an effort by Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates to encourage wealthy families around the world to commit the majority of their wealth to philanthropy. Among the reasons I signed the

we have supported together, from PJ Library to the many other successful initiatives of my foundation. When we launched PJ Library I knew that a key part of its success would be partnering with local Jewish organizations as well as the community members who support them. Nearly ten years and more than seven million books later, PJ Library is an international program with unprecedented impact and reach. Would you believe that this is still only the beginning? As partners, we are giving young Jewish families around the world a reason to connect to their heritage on their own terms. We are creating communities that thrive on shared values. Just this year we’ve expanded into the United Kingdom. PJ Library books are now available in seven countries and have been translated into four languages. I think this incredible program has even more potential to change the future of Jewish life around the world and I am committed to seeing that happen. Let’s keep going. Together.


A Program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation

67 Hunt Street, Suite 100 Agawam, MA 01001 413-276-0800

/pjlibrary @pjlibrary @pjlibrary

End waiting lists. Reach new communities. Support a strong Jewish future. Every dollar you give is matched by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to give the gift of PJ Library to a child each month for a full year.

WHERE TO GIVE Local Community







$80 SUPPORTS United Kingdom

A Program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation





Local Partner To learn more about the needs in your community contact

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