Case Study No. 10-Construction of Box Culverts in the Philippines

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CASE STUDY NO. 10 CONSTRUCTION OF BOX CULVERTS IN THE PHILIPPINES Presentation for CE428 : Water Resources Engineering (500008)

Section: 50123 Adamson University - College of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Presented to : Dr. Tomas U. Ganiron, Jr




BAUTISTA, Sanderson S.



MAGALIT, Carlo Miguel D.



ROSARIO, Joseph Samuel N.



CONTENTS Part 1 : Short Background


Part 2 : Why Construct Box Culvert? -------------------------------------------Abubacar Part 3 : Problems Encountered On Box Culvert Construction ----- Magalit Part 4 : How Are TheProblems Resolved

----------------------------- Bautista

SHORT BACKGROUND Presented by: ROSARIO, Joseph Samuel N.


- It is a tunnel which carries a stream of water under a road or a railway. It may act as a bridge to allow vehicles to pass on it. Culvert is commonly used to relieve drainage of ditches alongside of a road or to where a natural stream of water is owing which cannot be blocked by a passage of traďŹƒc [1].

Figure 1: Box culvert transverse under a road [2].

CULVERT VS DRAINAGE Culvert is the material that is used to construct a drainage wherein there is also a passage of water whether artificial or natural water [3]. Typically, culverts can be called as drainage when it is constructed alongside (ditch) / parallel on a road. Culverts can be called just “culvert” when it is constructed crossing / perpendicular on the road.

Figure 2


Figure 3: Box Culvert as drainage[4].

Figure 4: Declogging of Box Culvert drainage under sidewalk [5].

CULVERT VS BRIDGE A culvert is considered as a kind of bridge. Considering the analysis of Span Length Bridges, a Culvert is a bridge having a span length less than 6 meters [6].

Figure 6: A box culvert bridge [6].


WHY CONSTRUCT BOX CULVERT? Being one of the fastest growing country in the world, the government need to adapt and keep up on the fast changing way of living of every Filipinos. As part of development, industrialization and modernization of roads, structures, food transport and way of living is evolving. These are some of the government’s plan which involves Box Culvert to resolve such problems encountered along the modernization of this country.

WHY CONSTRUCT BOX CULVERT? Flooding Since population is growing, especially in dense cities like Manila, flooding becomes an issue since canals and storm waterways become more narrow due to developments and reclamations. In addition to that, small canals cannot accomodate a large volume of water. Box culverts are used to allow large volume of water to pass through and make its way to rivers to minimize the chance of having flood especially during heavy rain storms.

Figure 7: Box Culvert Construction along West Bound of Quezon Avenue from Elliptical Road to Agham Road for flood control project [7].

WHY CONSTRUCT BOX CULVERT? Traffic Together with the development of a country, more volume of vehicles are occupying the road. Narrow road, results to low capacity and therefore long line of traffic is produced. Road widening is one solution but in some cases, it could result to narrowing of canals beside a road. Box culvert allows the widening of a road and at the same time, improving the storm canals or drainage.

Figure 8: Box Culvert Construction along West Bound of Quezon Avenue from Elliptical Road to Agham Road for flood control project [7].


Since a culvert, whether if it is a box or not, is considered as a bridge. But in remote areas such as in provinces, there are a lot of roads crossing streams of water. To avoid accidents on vehicles that will pass through the stream and to prevent disruption of the stream, culverts are built to allow passage of vehicles and therefore linking roads.

Figure 9: Construction of Box Culver t along Tubi - Ala - Lambuntong R oad Surallah, South Cotabato [8].

WHY CONSTRUCT BOX CULVERT? Irrigation Philippines has a lot of area for agricultural farming. Similar with the bridge system, to provide a good irrigation system without disrupting crossing traďŹƒc, Box Culverts are used to allow passage of traďŹƒc above an irrigation system. Figure 10: A Box Culvert Bridge along National Road Pansul, Candaba, Pampanga [9].


PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED ON BOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION Dirty Work In places where the construction site is located along a creekside or a canal, especially to those project related for flood control, construction of Box Culvert could be a big mess since all of the sediments, grease and even sewer particles need to be cleaned up first before beginning the construction. This could affect the time of construction and even the health of the workers. In addition to that, pollution also add up in water and even on the air since it is a concrete.

Figure 11: Box Culvert Construction along West Bound of Quezon Avenue from Elliptical Road to Agham Road for flood controlproject [7].

PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED ON BOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION Clogging In the Philippines, especially in Manila, even though the government is exerting it’s full effort to avoid oods, lack of discipline of the citizens will destroy the whole project. Most Filipinos just throw their trash anywhere, and even households don't have their own sewer tank, insted, their sewer is directly connected to the drainage which are mostly made of box culvert.

PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED ON BOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION Those trash thrown anywhere, if it rains, will be pushed on drainage and those sewer solid waste will just accumulate inside the box culverts therefore allowing them to settle at the bottom of the drainage. When these things accumulate further, it will eat the space of the culvert making it narrow. When this happens, the capacity of the Box Culvert to hold water will be reduced and therefore resulting to ood.

PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED ON BOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION In rural areas, culvert can be clogged due to the accumulation of the soil sediments pushed by the water stream. If they accumulate inside the culvert, it will result to clogging as well.

Figure 12: A culvert clogged by soil particles [10].

PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED ON BOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION Declogging Will be a Challenge It is unbearable for a worker to enter inside a box culvert which are full of clogged materials. It could result to certain diseases or even death of the worker. Therefore declogging a Box Culvert will take extra work and challenge since it has to be done outside of it.


Since constructing a Box Culvert is within the road premises, it will result to a traffic. For example, the Drainage improvement project along Legarda Street in Sampaloc, Manila. Since the construction took up a lot of road portion, it result to a very heavy traffic that it will take 1 hour for a vehicle to travel from LRT Line 2 Pureza Station to Mendiola.

Figure 13: A long line of traffic along Ramon Magsaysay Legarda Flyover Road Sampaloc, Manila [11].

PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED ON BOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION Can Collapse Box culvert is within the road premises especially when it is used as a drainage. In this case, different types of vehicles passes above it. But those vehicles are sometimes not aware about their surroundings and even on the amount of load that they carry. One example of collapsed Box Culvert is in Manila wherein a 10 wheeler truck passes above it and the Box Culvert can’t hold the massive amount of force due to the weight of the truck. Therefore it collapsed.


Figure 13: Box culvert collapsed along road perpendicular to Roxas Boulevard [12].

Figure 14: Box culvert collapsed along road perpendicular to Roxas Boulevard [12].


HOW ARE THE PROBLEMS RESOLVED? Dirty Work Problem Resolution Concrete nowadays are being analyzed by specialist in order to come up a solution that will have a less impact on the pollution to the environment. For the workers safety, machines are being used in order to avoid the workers to have a more frequent direct contact to the particles accumulated on the cleaning of the canals. Certain permits and inspections are done for a particular construction site in order for it to comply with the requirements of a safe, environmental friendly and organized place of work.

HOW ARE THE PROBLEMS RESOLVED? Clogging Problem Resolution As per the constitution and the law and the code, every structure must have their own sewer tank or a treatment area wherein their waste water will be cleaned first before releasing it to the drainage. Establishments that are not complying to this law are forced to beclosed. For littering, the Local Government Units exert their effort to prohibit citizens on their jurisdiction on littering.

Though these rules and regulations somehow is not being prioritized, but at least it’s good that it’s in the constitution.

HOW ARE THE PROBLEMS RESOLVED? Declogging Problem Resolution The Metro Manila Development Authority conducts their declogging measures of certain drainage to avoid ooding. These are done by the use of their machines and tools to recover the particles clogging a certain box culvert. Figure 15: MMDA conducting declogging [13].

HOW ARE THE PROBLEMS RESOLVED? Traffic Problem Resolution Vehicles are informed to where they should pass to avoid the construction ahead. This is called traffic rerouting or providing alternate routes. Collapse Problem Resolution

Heavy vehicles are being notified not to pass a certain road by posting signs on streets but instead take an alternate route wherein those roads are capable of holding heavy loads.

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Culvert - › wiki › Culvert

2 3

Drainage vs Culvert - What's the difference? | › drainage › culvert

4 5 pal oc-manila-enters-third-phase

REFERENCES 6 7 [8] bi-ala-lambuntong-road/ [9]ďŹ rmary_N ational_Road_Pasig_Pansul_Box_Culvert_Pampangafvf_37.jpg

REFERENCES [10] oject-coming-soon/ [11] dbd [12] Manila Bulletin

REFERENCES [13] etro-manila/declogging-ops-mmda-3/

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