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Est. 1966

Harp Strings

The Official Newsletter of the Harp & Shamrock Society of Texas Volume 44

December 2009- January 2010

Issue 2

Patricia Peak 2010 Grand Marshal

The Harp and Shamrock Society of Texas has selected Patricia

Peak as the Grand Marshal for the 42nd St. Patrick’s Day Parade and River Parade. Pat is a long time member of the society and a person who exemplifies what it means to lead by example and by deed. She has proudly served the Irish American community in San Antonio as a member of the Harp and Shamrock society board of directors, as membership chairman and as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade chairman. She is a past Irishman of the year and a past Cusack Award winner. She volunteers yearly for the United Way Days of Caring project and the H.E.B. Feast of Sharing dinner at Christmas. Patricia always finds opportunities to celebrate her Irish American Heritage. Her maiden name, Pat Dowd, didn’t hurt when she first joined the society many years ago. Pat is also very active with local community groups including Sisters Care and the Fiesta Commission events. She is also very active Patricia Peak has been a longtime member and non- with her church at St. Mark the Evangelist. stop volunteer for our society as well as working for In this troubled world it is refreshing to find someone, like Pat Peak many other groups and organizations. who still has the time to be kind. Who still has the faith to believe that the more you give the more you receive. She is someone who is ready by thought, word or deed to reach out a hand in the hour of need. She leads by example. Thank you Pat. It is for these reasons and many more too numerous to mention that the Harp and Shamrock Society of Texas proudly announces Patricia Peak as our 2010 Grand Marshal. Please come and join us for a great day for the Irish Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 11a.m. Then stick around for the river parade at 3p.m.

Two Parades One Day!

Texas always does things big. So Irish Texans have to live up to that. No problem! There is going to be our

street parade again this year as well as the revival of the river parade. We will step off on the street at 11 a.m. and take the same route as last year past the Alamo and end at La Villita. The best news for this year is that the new folks at Paseo del Rio are working with us. We are back on the river! Walk down the avenue in the street parade, we’ll have a reception at Pat O’Brien’s and regroup for the next parade which will start at 3p.m. Entertainment on the Arneson River Theatre starting at 1p.m. Details on web site. Isn’t this exciting? Stay tuned. www.harpandshamrock.org








Est. 1966


PRESIDENT Joan Moody 210-656-2666 VICE PRESIDENT Terence Peak 210-829-3920 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Kevin P. Dowd 210-845-4424 TREASURER Patricia Lopez 210-778-446 SECRETARY Dana Goodman 20-219-7356 CHAPLAIN Fr. McNamara 210-635-8539 BOARD of DIRECTORS George Tracy 210-493-0818 Victor Villegas 830-885-2096 Bill Merriman 210-259-3482 Shirley Donohue 210-344-9057 Melissa Schulz 210-445-2777 Melinda Britten 210-699-8632 Carolyn Dowd 210-896-1598 Darryl Britten 210-215-9952 Diana Jordan 210-872-7092 Bob Burke 210-534-6648 Elissa O’Brien 210-348-6877 Steve Mattick 210-212-7800 IRISHMAN OF THE YEAR George Tracy- 2009 Editor in Chief Kevin Patrick Dowd


The Best Staff: Joan Moody Terry Peak John McCarthy Pat Peak Eileen Faught Carolyn Dowd Taz Stanfill Mariee Pilkington Melissa Schulz ©2010 Dowd Ranch Publishing


The Golf Ball Drop is Back!

Wayne Faught had such a good time last year he has decided to bring back the golf ball drop. We had a windy day that kept threatening to lift his kilt. But Wayne braved the ride up in the lift along with his daughter Shannon who did a great job as assistant. We had Judge Marcia Weiner there to call the winner. Closest golf ball to the shamrock wins. It is tons of fun and gives our members a chance to win some money. And who can’t use a little extra these days. $20 gives you a chance to win $500! Help suport your society. More information will be on line and here next issue. The board members will have the lists to sign you up and will also be able to help with any information you need.

The Fun Run On.

Saturday March 20, Brackenridge Park, 8:30a.m. Come on out and do the Shamrock Shuffle! Run, walk, stroll or even mosey along . Whatever works for you as long as you all come out and join us. It is guaranteed to be a good time. Terry Peak has hit the ground running and is working out the details. Check the web site for further information.

Your Gaelic lesson: Is é an t-am a dheisiú ar an díon nuair a bhíonn an ghrian shining. The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. John F Kennedy


From the Laptop  of Your Editor

We are back on the river! That is the best news I have heard all year. Anyone who saw the sad one last year knows we needed an upgrade. Well we’ve got the chance now. We received comments last year and folks were pretty upset that there wasn’t anything at the Arenson River Theatre. We have the stage this year. Now we’ll need some help. There are always jobs that need to get done and plenty of room for volunteers. I received an encouraging note from the author Richard Demeter. He sent the second volume of the Irish America, The Historic Travel Guide (Vol.2). He recently completed expanded editions of both guides and added more photographs and additional sites. He mentioned my review and said the two sites I noted missing from the New York section will be in there. They were the Famine Memorial in Manhattan and Annie Moore’s grave site in Queens. It is good to know that our newsletter is getting read all around this great nation. We need volunteers! I can not make that point clearer or stress the importance. Contact Carolyn Dowd for your oppourtunity to shine. Kevin Patrick Dowd shamrockeditor@aol.com www.harpandshamrock.org

From your President HAPPY NEW YEAR! I do trust all had an enjoyable holiday season. As usual our marching season comes up in March and the planning has begun. The Board meeting will be January 14 at Casbeers at 7:30 and I hope to get the bulk of the meeting over rather quickly so that the rest of the meeting can be given over to the parade details. One of our members Deacon Patrick Higgins, soon to be ordained for the Corpus Christi Diocese and a native of Galway, is planning a tour of Ireland July 8-17 and he can be reached at 361-877-7808 or contact him through Assumption Seminary here. The Scottish Society of San Antonio is hosting their annual Burns Night in memory of the poet Robert Burns on January 23, 2010 at the Sam Houston Club at Ft. Sam Houston and for information please contact Lea Buchanan at 437-2608. Tickets are $25.00 per person and the program will consist of a silent auction, dinner and program. All this will begin at 6:30 pm. The San Antonio Highland Games Association will hold their Highland Games and Celtic Music Festival the last weekend in March this year due to the annual event falling during Holy Week. Harp and Shamrock will have their usual booth and members please contact me if you would like to volunteer. It would be nice if some of the new members would volunteer and meet with some of the older members who volunteer. I will make a list of those who would like to volunteer for this and please let me know when you would like to work. The event is Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday it starts at 9:00, which means a set up around 8:00 am, and Sunday it is around Noon. Finally it is my intention to renew the calling committee and as we have a board position to fill that person will develop that committee. I will be working with Terry Peak on this issue. Project Santa Clause was a huge success and thanks to Pat Clarke for his skills in this endeavor. The Society, through its treasurer Trish Lopez, presented St. Philip of Jesus Church with a check for $1,065.00. If there are any suggestions members might like to make please let me know at your convenience. Joan Moody

Awards Banquet and Meeting The Harp & Shamrock Society of Texas invites you to the Awards Banquet General Membership Meeting Friday, February 19, 2010 Texas Land & Cattle 9911 IH 10 West (IH 10 West & Wurzbach) 6:00-9:00 pm $25 per person RSVP by Tuesday, February 16th Use PayPal online or send check to: The Harp & Shamrock P.O.BOX 15306 San Antonio, TX 78212 Dinner Options are: #1 – 10 oz. Smoked Sirloin (pepper-crusted and slow cooked) #2 – Margarita Chicken (grilled topped with southwestern sauce) #3 – 8 oz. Salmon (marinated, lightly smoked then mesquite grilled) #4 – 10 oz. TXLC Sirlion (mesquite grilled center cut) All entrees come with choice of iced tea or soft drink, side salad (Spicy Caesar or House), one side item from the menu and dessert. Cash Bar will be available For additional information: Check out our new and improved website! Or contact Melissa Schulz @ (210) 445-2777 Please bring a quality item for door prizes. Thank You



The Veteran’s Day Parade 2009!

The Irish are ready to represent our veterans. Pictures from left to right. Carolyn Dowd and Shannon Faught, the best banner holders, with Kevin Dowd lending a hand in front. Behind them in the bug are Bob Burke and John Donohue sitting high and proud, with Margaret Burke and Eileen Faught behind the windshield in the front seat. The middle is Carolyn Dowd, Joan Moody and Shannon Faught march past the Heroes monument in front of the Alamo. On the right we have Bob Burke, John Donohue, Margaret Burke and Eileen Faught in front of the Alamo.

A Very Merry Irish Christmas

Joan Moody

Bob Burke

Peggy Obringer, Jim & Judith Egan with Dr. Bernard and Judge Marcia Weiner in back.


Penny LaFlam, Brian and Trish Lopez.

We filled the room and everyone had a great time.

The Harp & Holly Irish Christmas Party! @Crumpets Restaurant crumpetsa.com


Regina Tracy

The Kelly Singers! Joy to the world!

Carolyn Dowd, Irene Aguilera and Virgina Dowd

Feast of Sharing 2009

The Irish were proud to do their part to make the day a success.

If there is a tray of food ready to go our very To all members: It is time to renew your membership! own Mary Jo Quinn is first to grab it and go. You can do it online with PayPal and make a donation to our Scholarship! Thanks!

And if a tray needs to be prepared for the next bunch of meals Bob Burke is there to lend a hand. You can always tell who runs the show. Carolyn Dowd has the yellow vest to identify team capCan you imagine putting an Irishman tains and stands at the ready in her section. in charge of potatoes? Sheer madness! One scoop for the plate and one for ?

Happy New Year from San Antonio, Texas!

Bob was so quick it was hard to catch him on film.

You can always tell the true workers in the group. Patricia Peak said ‘put me where you need me.’ So she took the head of the food line and started the plate parade down the line.


A true volunteer! George Tracy also said ‘put me where you need me.’ He ended up starting another food line.


Headlines from Ireland

The old sod is still taking a beating from mother nature. The Giant’s Causeway on the north Antrim coast has been closed because of icy weather and treacherous road conditions. Massive areas all over Ireland were effected by flood waters. Environment Minister John Gormley said: “we have been told this is a oncein-800 years event.” The rising flood waters covered tens of thousands of acres of land and are expected to cost in excess of 100m euro($148m). In Cork parts of the city were under three feet of water after the River Lee burst its banks and flooded large parts of the city center. The global recession has shattered the Irish economy and the roar of the Celtic Tiger has turned to a whimper as reported on guardian.co.uk. On the medical front this was reported on BBC.com. Scientists at the National University of Ireland in Galway found that adding increasing amounts of disinfectant to cultures of bacteria, it learned to resist not only the disinfectant but also ciprofloxacin, a common antibiotic, even without be-

Book Reviews

Irish America

The Historical Travel Guide Volume 2 By Richard Demeter

By Kevin P. Dowd

Set Your Compass True

The Wisdom Of John, Robert & Edward Kennedy Compiled By Signe Bergstrom “It is not easy to plant trees when we will not see their flowering. But that way lies greatness. And in search of greatness we will find it—for ourselves as a nation and a people.” Robert F. Kennedy

The passing of Ted Kennedy brings the end of an era and a political dynasty. Like most Irish-Americans I grew up with the portrait of John Kennedy on the wall of our home right next to the pope. He was proof that an Irish Catholic could become president. This book is timely with the ideals and inspirations of the Kennedy brothers’ quotes. Some seem reflected in the speeches of our new president. I’ve always been a fan of books that collect quotes (i.e.: Quotable Quotes, or Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations). I will gladly add this true keepsake to that shelf. 208 pages. Hardcover. Published May 5, 2009. ISBN: 9780061792793 6

ing exposed to it. Other research published this year shows that disinfecting wipes used to protect against MRSA could in fact spread the bug, as the solution contained in the wipes was often not sufficient to kill all the bacteria picked up. Northern Ireland is in uproar over a lawmaker’s secret affair with a teen and possible monetary impropriety. Seems Iris Robinson, 60, an outspoken advocate of traditional family values and wife of First Minister Peter Robinson, carried on a sexual liaison with a 19-year-old. “Here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson,” the Guardian newspaper splashed on its front page Saturday. You’ve got to love the Brit humour. The very serious problem is this scandal threatens to bring down the still new power-sharing government. Stay tuned. The Murphy Report, as it is called, deals with systematic clerical-child sex abuse. Bishops and priests have resigned and even the Irish goverment is blamed. It states that they facilitated the cover-up and allowed the Church to operate beyond the law.

This book will have you from the cover photograph! There is our 1996 Irishman of the Year Judge Sarah Garrahan speaking during our St. Patrick’s Day ceremony at the Alamo. This is the companion piece to Volume 1 which was reviewed here last year. This book is the definitive guide to Irish and Irish-American landmarks in the Southern States, Plains & Rocky Mountain States, and Western & Southwestern States. I opened to the Fort Riley, Kansas section and found a great history lesson. It was named for Major General Bennett Riley who captured John Riley of the San Patricios. Demeter goes on to give a very concise history of that dark time in our history. This is just one of the many extensive biographies about Irish natives and Americans of Irish descent. A must have book to add to any Irish-American library. 648 pages. Paperback. Published 1996. ISBN: 0-9648253-1-7. Available at: http://www.cranfordpress.com/index.html



The Harp & Shamrock Society of Texas Newsletter Editor P.O. Box 15306 San Antonio, TX 78212

Planet Earth thanks you!

www.harpandshamrock.org Email: Shamrockeditor@aol.com

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Membership Renewal Time!







Mark Your Calendar February

Thanks To Our Sponsors

19 Friday, Awards Banquet General Membership Meeting, Page 3 28 Sunday, Irish Heritage Day San Antonio College, Noon


5 Friday

30 Shamrock Scramble, Page 7 th

13 Saturday

42 St. Patrick’s Day Parade 11a.m. 41st St. Patrick’s Day River Parade 3p.m. nd

Arneson River Theatre 1p.m. 17 Wednesday, St. Patrick’s Day The Alamo Wreath Ceremony, Noon 20 Saturday

27 St. Patrick’s Day Fun Run th

Brackenridge Park 8:30a.m.

Would you like to advertise? Contact the editor: Shamrockeditor@aol.com

www.harpandshamrock.org ©2009 Dowd Ranch Publishing

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