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Harp Strings The Official Newsletter of the Harp & Shamrock Society.

Keeping Irish history and culture alive in South Texas for 50 years! Volume 49 Issue 3

February- March 2016

Grand Marshal Tim Campion

The Harp and Shamrock Society of Texas, celebrating 50 years in 2016, is holding another incredible Irish festival to honor Irish Culture in South Texas. Our annual Harp & Shamrock Irish Festival is on Saturday, March 19, 2016 from noon to 8 p.m. on the campus of UIW, 4301 Broadway. The festival celebrates Irish traditions in South Texas with a full day of activities including: St. Patrick’s Day parade in the university’s Gayle & Tom Benson Stadium at 12 noon. Parade Grand Marshal for our 50th Anniversary is Tim Campion. Tim was born, raised and educated in San Antonio. He attended Antonian High School and St. Mary’s University. He is Vice President of GLI Distributors. Tim is a longtime friend, supporter and member of the Harp and Shamrock Society and we are so proud to have him as our Grand Marshal. The festival will feature a San Antonio Gaelic Athletic Club Irish football game, a children’s clinic with hurling and football demonstrations and a hurling competition. Headliner Black Irish Texas from Austin, with performances by Inishfree School of Irish Dance, Ravenmoor, San Antonio Pipe & Drums, Kelly Singers, Sean Orr & Celtic Texas. The dedicated Festival Committee is planning and building an all new “Passport to Ireland” area that offers some thing for everyone.

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2016 Irishman of the Year

The Irishman of the Year Melinda Britten surrounded by her family. Alister Smith, Jonathan McGhiey, Melinda, Jacob Sanchez, Darryl, Rachel Roberge, Darryl McGhiey, and Steve Roberge. See page 3 for Melinda’s remarks.

2016 Cusack Award Winners

Dana Goodman, HSS Past President, presents Linda Grosse and Tom Ewing (center) with their 2016 Cusack Awards. Dana and Ked Mullins (right) are the 2014 Cusack winners.


First 1916 Commemoration Event in Austin!

Out with the old, in with the new! In case you didn’t notice the front page, we have a new logo going forward for our 50th Anniversary year. We’ve had a few logos over the years, as seen above, and the time is right for something new. PRESIDENT Melissa Schulz 210-831-2072 VICE PRESIDENT Melinda Britten 210-699-8632 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Elissa O’Brien 210-348-6877 TREASURER J.T. Norris 210-621-3407 SECRETARY Dana Goodman 210-219-7356 CHAPLAIN Bill Merriman 210-259-3482 BOARD of DIRECTORS Carolyn Dowd 210-896-1598 Darryl Britten 210-215-9952 Joan Moody 210-656-2666 Erin O’Brien 210-348-6877 Derek Cossey 210-886-8640 J. Sean Habina 210-523-9267 Allison Mulvey 210-822-1182 Mike Dodd 210-373-7986 Michael O’Brien 210-422-2446 Eileen Faught 210-379-8462 Kevin P. Dowd 210-845-4424 Linda Grosse 720-987-6318 James Gorman 210-954-0713 Elizabeth Hajek 210-861-3813 Jerry Mulvey 210-257-6707 Terence Peak 210-218-8795 IRISHMAN OF THE YEAR Melinda Britten 2016 Editor in Chief

Kevin Patrick Dowd The Staff: Carolyn Dowd • Mariee Pilkington John McCarthy • Eileen Faught Pat Peak • Erin Binkley ©2016 Dowd Ranch Publishing


There was an opportunity to participate in the first event of the 1916 commemoration in Austin. Pictured above, Harp member Joan Moody, P.J. Mathews and me. Mr. Mathews is coeditor of Handbook of the Irish Revival, (review on page 6) and he gave a great talk on the importance of the writings of that time.

From the Laptop  of Your Editor

The commemorations of the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising have begun. Every facet of the Irish government seems to have a hand in being part of this. No expense is spared. It seems that the Celtic tiger has been revived. Let’s go Ireland. One very impressive programme is “Mise Éire” or I am Ireland. Culture Ireland is part of the Dept. of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. The programs began with a commemorative re-enactment of the funeral of Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa, which took place on August 1st 2015. It will end on August 3rd 2016 with the centenary commemorations to mark the execution of Roger Casement in Pentonville Prison. March 15th has been declared Proclamation Day in schools in Ireland. Each school will get a new national flag and a copy of the Proclamation. Mise Éire Sine mé ná an Chailleach Bhéarra. Mór mo ghlóir: Mé a rug Cú Chulainn cróga. I am Ireland: I am older than the Old Woman of Beare. Great my glory: I that bore Cuchulainn the valiant. By P.H. Pearse Teacher, Poet, Easter Uprising member and Proclamation signatory.

Kevin Patrick Dowd shamrockeditor@gmail.com 210-845-4424

From Your President

March is here and so are the events that make it our month to shine. I’m proud everyday to be Irish, never more when working long hours, side by side with members to preserve and promote our unique Irish history and culture. Our marketing and web committees, with the help of the Board and members, have dedicated lots of time and energy bringing the focus (sometime reminding us) of our significant (and not so significant) history. Long before the Alamo fell, the Irish were making a difference here. Now, let us celebrate our 50th Anniversary! We have stronger brand recognition than a year ago…people are starting to know our name… but we still have a lot of work to do. The city is looking to us for March events; we shouldn’t let them down. Our March events have been led thus far by few, who are now relying on all of us to make them happen. If volunteering is your thing and it’s your first opportunity to be part of what we do, I can guarantee it won’t be your last. If you can’t volunteer, help us find businesses that would like to sponsor something like a barge, an aspect of the festival or donate a gift card. Every little thing helps.

March activities we are hosting include: • Saturday & Sunday, March 12 & 13, noon - 6p.m. – Annual Murphy’s St. Patrick’s Music Festival –Arneson River Theatre • Sunday, March 13, 3:30 – 5 p.m. – Annual Murphy’s St. Patrick’s River Parade – San Antonio Riverwalk • Thursday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day), 12-12:45 p.m. – St. Patrick’s Day Alamo Wreath Laying, honoring Irish heroes present at the Battle of the Alamo. • Saturday, March 19, 6:30 registration; 8:30 a.m. start time – Donovan’s 5K Run & Fitness Walk – Lady Bird Johnson Park, 10700 Nacogdoches Rd • Saturday, March 19, noon to 8 p.m. – Harp & Shamrock Irish Festival, on the campus of UIW! • Harp & Shamrock Society Fiesta medals commemorating the Society’s Golden anniversary in 2016—will be on sale at all these events and at the Fiesta Commission Store, while supplies last! Information on each event is at www.harpandshamrock. org, Twitter: @harpshamrocktx, and Facebook. Old schoolers can pick up the phone and call me or our extraordinary volunteer guru David Patrick at dwpatrick01@ gmail.com or 210-259-9867. Slán go fóill,

Irishman of the Year

I am very proud and happy to receive Irishman of the Year for 2016. Seems like I have some big shoes to fill and I hope I’m up to the task. Thirty-one years ago Darryl and I joined the Society. The year was 1985 and the occasion was Folklife Festival. I never met such a fun group of people in my life. Everyone was working together, laughing, joking all the while. Some were building an enormous booth; others were decorating or preparing food. I still remember those people, some of the best there’s ever been. And now the society is celebrating Fifty years! The caliber of people remains the same, people willing to give time and energy to our many worthwhile projects and charities; people who think nothing of building a booth or dishing up food or any number of meetings and committees. This is what builds solid friendships and great organizations. I feel extremely lucky to have been part of the Harp and Shamrock these many years and look forward to many more years of volunteering and making new friends. Melinda Britten Irishman of the Year 2016 Consulate Hosts Riverdance!

Feb 18th we found ourselves surrounded by the hard working dancers and crew of the Riverdance touring company. Consul General Farrell hosted a reception to welcome them to Texas. Carolyn and I shamelessly plugged the Harp and made our way around the room with our Irish and Proud and our 100% Irish-ish signs. Everyone seemed in great humor and indulged us old folks. Break a leg!

Melissa Schulz 210-831-2072



The Annual Awards Dinner

Cusack Award past winners, above, and Irishman of the Year past winners, left, all enjoyed the festivities at the Awards Dinner at the fabulous Petroleum Club. President Melissa Schulz, below, presents Consul General Adrian Farrell with the very first 50th anniversary polo shirt! Jim Stelling gave a poignant toast for all the Irish veterans who fought the good fight, bottom left. Thanks to Barb and Dave Patrick for this special night! I would be remiss not to mention the great idea of Linda Grosse with our Irish signs. They are a huge hit!



Hard Rock Social

The Harp was well represented at the Hard Rock Cafe on the Riverwalk. Special thanks to Michael O’Brien our social director for doing a great job! This was the special night our president Melissa Schulz unveiled our new 50th logo. Contact Michael if you have a favorite spot you’d like to share with all of us.



St Baldrick’s Is Back!

In Memorium Caroline Naomi Eisenhour Pugliese December 23, 1929 - February 1, 2016

Caroline Pugliese, wife of longtime member, volunteer and one of the Last year we raised over $40,000 to fund childhood original Kelly Singers, Gabriel (Flap) cancer research at our Irish Festival! This year we’re Pugliese passed away last month. going to continue to help this great cause. I mean, who They were married 66 years. Flap doesn’t want to conquer childhood cancers? That was always helpful getting Columbus is the motto and driving force behind this wild fundHall when the Harp needed a place for raising event. “Cancers in children are different than after-parade parties, and the memorial service. Carocancers in adults. That’s why we’re funding research line is survived by her husband and two sons, Frank to develop treatments just for them.” (StBaldricks.org) and Joe, and many grandchildren and great-grandchilThat truly noble goal was enough to get me signed up dren. A Memorial Mass was held Saturday, February as the event organizer that will occur as part of our festival on March 19. Plus I’ve also signed up to shave! 13th at San Francesco Di Paola Church. Our thoughts I haven’t been bald since boot camp! So if for no other and prayers go out to Flap and the family. My she rest reason you should donate to see that! What started as a in peace. challenge between three friends in 2000 has turned into a volunteer-powered global lifesaving event! Go to: https://www.stbaldricks.org/events/HarpandShamrock

Book Review

Handbook of the Irish Revival Edited by Declan Kiberd and P.J. Mathews ©2015 This is the first time that an attempt has been made to try and gather all of the writings of the time leading up to the Easter Rising and beyond. That makes this book a must own and an excellent resource. I was lucky to attend P.J. Mathews presentation at the Irish Consulate in Austin. He spoke of the deeper meaning of the poem The Lake Isle of Inishfree, a poem that has always been dear to my heart:

Movie Review

Ireland Birth of a Nation A Film Commemorating the 1916 Rising ©2015 Producer- Gerard McCarthy Editor- Linda Walker Narration- Gary Murphy

This is a great documentary film telling the story of Ireland’s fight to become an independent country. The producer has included the oldest known film footage of Ireland from 1897, taken by the Lumière Brothers. It is film of St. Stephen’s Green and O’Connell I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, St. Included in this documentary is the only known footage And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made: of both James Connolly and Padraig Pearse at the grave Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee, side of Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa in 1915. Many mark And live alone in the bee-loud glade. this funeral as the start of the Easter Rising. The narration W.B. Yeats’ grave in the shadow of Benbulben in Coun- does a great job of describing the situations that unfolded ty Sligo is a must stop on any trip near there. Patrick during that Rising and much more. It covers the negotiaPearse’s remarks at the grave of O’Donovan Rossa (see tions in England and eventual treaty. Also the subsequent last issue) is included here. This book was the first I’d civil war that was the result of that treaty. There is film heard of the riots in Dublin during the run at the Abbey footage of Michael Collins just a week before his assassination, as well as extended footage of his funeral. of J.M. Synge’s Playboy of the Western World. There will be more reviews as I fill more of my time with Irish The DVD contains both an English and Irish language film version. It is available on line at: literature. www.irelandbirthofanation.com Available in paperback at the Abbey Theatre Press.


Tales From the Pitch By Chris A. Hayes


A relatively new SAGAC member followed a circuitous route from his home in Ireland to his new home here in the Alamo City. Keith Breen was born in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary in 1985. Growing up he learned to play hurling, which is the favorite sport of Tipperary and its neighbor Kilkenny. At the age of 24 Keith left his parents, his sisters Sharon and Laura and his job as a plumber to go on an extended workvacation in Australia. Keith was employed for a year in and around Melbourne as a plumber, farmer and miner. He then worked for a year on the nearby Australian island Tasmania. There Keith met and married Laurie Nunnelly—a vacationing San Antonio native. The newlyweds soon moved to Sydney where Keith worked in civil construction, which included carpentry and building bridges. Though they made many friends, Keith and Laurie realized they needed to be around family. So they decided they would go to Laurie’s Texas hometown to live and raise their children Lily Marianne and James Douglas. Due to a paperwork snafu, it took 18 months for Keith to obtain a green card. But he eventually did and became a permanent U.S. resident and started the process of becoming a U.S. citizen. Keith then began working in the plumbing business. When Keith arrived in San Antonio he immediately joined the SAGAC’s Gaelic football team and later its hurling team. He plays several different positions on the field, but says he likes the forward position best. Keith plans to participate in the football and hurling competitions that will be held all around Texas this year. The first one is in Dallas on February 27. The next is here in San Antonio on March 19 at the Harp and Shamrock Irish Festival to be held at the University of the Incarnate Word. Australia’s Working Holiday Maker Program offers young adults of some countries a 12-month visa to work in shortterm jobs as part of a cultural exchange program. Participants may be able to stay an additional 12 months if they work in regional areas (outside the major cities).

Grand Marshal

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Genealogy research, history of early Irish Texans, introduction to Gaelic language, tin whistle demonstration, Kiss the Blarney Stone and much, much more. Thanks to those members and businesses who have made generous donations to support this event, especially Guinness, Pabst Blue Ribbon, the McCombs Foundation, and UIW. There will be free parking on UIW campus and free admission for active military with ID, UIW students with valid ID and children 12 and under. Tickets for adults are $5 at the gates. Food trucks will offer authentic Irish cuisine and “traditional” festival food with an Irish twist.

The main goal of the Harp & Shamrock Irish Festival is to celebrate our rich, spirited Irish heritage and traditions with everyone – Irish or not! It is a bonus that we raise money for HSS’s many educational materials and our scholarship program, which has granted over $60,000 in academic and cultural scholarships. In addition, we are hosting a St. Baldrick’s Foundation Fund-raiser during the festival. Last year the event raised $40,000 for the foundation’s research fund to find cures for childhood cancers. Individuals who participate in the fund-raisers also receive free admission to the festival. Another important Harp & Shamrock event:

•Thursday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day), 12-12:45 p.m. – St. Patrick’s Day Alamo Wreath Laying, honoring Irish heroes present at the Battle of the Alamo. Special guests include Irish Consul General Adrian Farrell, Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos and Mayor Ivy Taylor. Carolyn Dowd Festival Chairman

Harp History

“The Founders’ W’s—graced Joseph’s, Patrick’s and Self’s 25 years of uncommon vision— a wealth of friends, a willingness to work and the wisdom to care, to share and to dare. The founders shared these blessings with all.”

Sean Burke, Ph.D., K.C.S.G. Founder Ed: This is taken from the Harp and Shamrock Silver Anniversary program of 1991.


The Harp & Shamrock Society of Texas Newsletter Editor P.O. Box 15306 San Antonio, TX 78212

Even after all the festival/planning meetings we still can find time to relax! Eileen Faught and Diana Jordan are all smiles as we have a postmeeting at Broadway 50/50 aka “Aristotle’s Watering hole.”



March 2016

10 Board Meeting 12 Paseo del Rio/ Harp &Samrock Irish Music Festival Arneson Theatre 13 St. Patrick’s Day River Parade March 17 St. Patrick’s Day Harp & Shamrock Wreath Laying Alamo Shrine 19 H&S Donovan’s 5k Fun Run Lady Bird Park March19 Harp & Shamrock Irish Festival UIW




Thanks to Our Sponsors

Waxy O’Connor’s Irish Pub McCombs Foundation and Our Amazing Members!

Please check the calendar on our web site for the latest happenings! www.harpandshamrock.org / Twitter: @harpshamrocktx / Facebook & Instagram ©2016 Dowd Ranch Publishing

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