The Fresh Eggs Daily Cookbook (FULL PREVIEW)

Page 139

SIP S A N D N IBBL ES Enjoy while the chickens scratch in the yard

There’s no place I’d rather spend my time on a warm summer afternoon after chores are done than sitting in the shade, sipping a cold beverage, and nibbling finger foods with my husband while the chickens frolic in the grass. Eggs are the ultimate bite-­size snack all by themselves, but let’s get creative. In this chapter, eggs are front and center in a handful of snacks, as well as some thirst-­q uenching beverages, to enjoy from sunrise to sunset. “Happy hours” are truly that: hours whiled away winding down and relaxing at the end of the day watching the chickens wander. If you keep the glasses full and serve enough nibbles, cocktail hour may end up negating the need for dinner.

Sips and Nibbles 121

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9/8/21 11:26 AM

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