The Fresh Eggs Daily Cookbook (FULL PREVIEW)

Page 19

K NOW YOU R EG G S Of course, not everyone is lucky enough (or wants) to raise their own chickens. And I do recognize the irony in that statement, because it wasn’t too many generations ago that nearly everyone did raise their own flock. At least in rural areas. But it was considered a poor man’s venture, while the urban wealthy had the “luxury” of purchasing their eggs from the supermarket. Then times changed, and raising chickens declined once supermarkets became more popular and accessible to everyone and egg prices dropped. But raising chickens has become popular again, whether it’s to experience the simplicity of rural life, to know where your food comes from, or to enjoy the convenience and luxury of fresh eggs.

ARE FRE SH EG GS RE ALLY B E T TER? But are fresh eggs really better? Is it worth getting up at the crack of dawn to brave the elements and pilfer eggs from broody chickens? I can verify firsthand that it’s all worth it, and I highly recommend always cooking with and eating the freshest eggs possible. It does make a difference. After your first bite of egg from a happy, healthy backyard chicken who fills up on weeds and grasses, bugs, and edible flowers and herbs, you’ll immediately understand the difference. But that doesn’t mean you need chickens of your own. I’m going to share with you how to ensure that you’re buying the freshest eggs you can. But first, I need to explain exactly why fresh eggs really are better. Know Your Eggs 1

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9/8/21 11:25 AM

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