Guerrilla Advertising‌
Guerilla advertising is method of advertising which involves using low cost means to promote an idea or product to large amounts of people. The main idea is that by creating a unique advertisement and targeting groups of people in unexpected places, it can help the idea or product to become viral. Guerilla advertisements will often be very low cost, imaginative and if successful-able to grab the attention of many people. Guerilla marketing is done in public areas in order to maximize the audience and effect. A good example would be to put a large, eye-catching advertisement in a city such as London-where everyday thousands of people would see it. This would be good, as although it may not be extremely expensive or difficult to do, a lot of people would be exposed to it. Some other examples of guerilla advertising are flash mobs, holding events in public and putting posters or humorous objects in public places.
Peace one day are a non-profit organization who raise awareness of the International Day of Peace, which is on the 21st of September every year. Peace One Day tries to encourage people to organize their own events and activities within their communities and join their friends and family in action on Peace Day. In 1998 a British documentary filmmaker and actor Jeremy Gilley thought of an idea of a single day when all countries would ceasefire and have a day of non-violence Peace One Day was then founded in 1999. For many years, millions of people all around the world have been working for Peace one day along with many other organizations carrying out many life-saving activities. Peace One Day have saved many lives all around the world such as in 2006 on Peace day the World Food Programme delivered 30 tones of food to Southern Sudan, Star Syringe Ltd. Another example of this was in 2007 when Peace One Day went to Afghanistan to help develop and document preparations for life-saving actives across the country for Peace Day.
This is an example of guerilla advertising which was done by Unicef in order to raise awareness about water sanitation and hygiene and to raise money to help to improve this in less fortunate countries. It was simply a water machine, but rather than offering different types of water it had different diseases to choose from. For example, a person could choose to have Malaria. This advertisement was good as it caught a lot of attention and often people would put money in (which then went to that charity) just to see what would happen and what they would get.
This is a form of Guerilla adverting featured in a supermarket trolley. The company who created this advertisement was ‘Feed SA’ This company was dedicated to feeding disadvantage people throughout South Africa because despite the rapid growing numbers of homeless and hungry people on the street more fortunate citizens just drive past them. In their advertisement they used a pictures of children with their hands stretched out so that it would seem like they were begging for food, So we people placed their shopping into the shopping trolley it would seem as If they were placing the food into the cart for the children. They also used the area on the shopping trolley handle by adding a quote saying ;See how easy feeding the hungry can be?’ with a URL of their site underneath. They also used other areas of the shopping center to help with campaigns by putting collection tins were place at till points and food collections are the exits
This is another example of guerilla advertising which was used to help promote and stop domestic violence caused by alcohol consumption. These unique glasses were used in places where alcohol is sold in order to get the idea across to people who could be affected. When a person picks of the glass to drink, it looked as if they were hitting the woman placed there. This was a good idea as it implied to people who were drinking alcohol that by doing so, it could lead to them being more likely to be involved in domestic violence.
This is advertising everyday rubbish into something that looks more appealing and eye catching. This is another example of guerilla advertising where bin bags have been made to look like more aesthetically pleasing instead of making the streets around the big bags look rough. This campaign was to avoid illegal dumping on New Zealand, in the city of Auckland. The council ambassadors invented Beautify Your City campaign. Thus a lot of streets had green bin bags just like this.
This is also another form of Guerilla advertising, this was done on the streets of New York City and Los Angeles. The company Bounty tissue who is trying to promote that theirs tissues are capable to handle any sized spills. The company used extremely large scale objects such as a coffee cup which has been spilt onto the street and it had a advert of bounty tissues next to the coffee spill stating ‘Makes small work of BIG spill. A similar advert was in LA where a ice-lolly had fallen onto the fall and has a small puddle surrounding it looking like the ice-lolly is melting, and with the same banner it says ‘Makes small work of BIG Spills’
This is a Guerilla advertisement which was in Shanghai, China an Alteco Super Glue and they were trying to prove a pint on how strong the glue was that they were selling. Their advertisement was of the glue which they were advertising which was on a part of a bridge in China and it looks like the glue was being applied to the bridge so it makes it appear as the glue is strong enough to keep a bridge glued together. Another guerilla advert is by a newly launched radio station Rock Radio 96.3 for the launch of the radio they placed guitar stands around Glasgow city and inviting people to help themselves to a ‘air’ guitar and they put a logo of the radio station so that people are able to tune in
Coca Cola viral advert ?feature=watch To raise awareness of Peace One Day, Coca Cola created a video which would be released virally. The video shows the founder of POD discussing a brief history of the company and talking about how important it is that companies such as Coca Cola are involved in spreading the word of POD. Coca Cola also supports POD by placing their logo on their iconic bottles and cans, which can be seen and recognized worldwide.
International Peace quilt Project The Peace Quilt project invites young people from all over the world to send in a drawing of what peace means to them. The designs and drawings are then made into a quilt. This is meant to unite schools of the world in peace. In August 2012, 200 nations were represented in the quilt. The quilt then travels to different galleries for people to visit. There is also a video on the history of the project. 7Ew&noredirect=1
Peace One Day’s Education Initiatives
Peace One Day have given the ideas below as something schools could do to get involved with POD. The ideas below support and raise awareness of Global Truce 2013 in different ways.
This was one of our alternative ideas for the project. Public transport is something most of the public use daily therefore we thought that we could use public transport s a method to advertise and bring awareness to the campaign. Using a bus we thought of adding a white flag which symbolizes peace and the white flag will also catch people attention when it passes them. Not only that we would use the sides of the bus to advertise the campaign by adding the data, logo and peace one day. The example is shown on the next slide.
Here is how the bus would look, with the description given from the previous slide, with a white flag on the top of the bus, and using the sides of the bus we then would use it to advertise the campaign and the other details that need to be known.
This is our second idea which was also an alternative idea. Most of the public use the transport daily, and living within the London area we would use an oyster to help us get around therefore we thought of using a oyster cover to help promote the campaign. Firstly we got photos from the internet and using Photoshop we then edited the images by changing the colour of the outline and then edited the foot back into the photo as shown on the examples above. The final product is shown on the next slide.
Here is the finished piece for idea 2. As mentioned before we used an oyster card holder to advertise the campaign. The oyster card holder is a great way to advertise Peace One Day as it will be available for many people to see. The reason as to why this is not the main idea is because not everyone will have an oyster card. However we still think that Peace One Day will still be promoted through the main idea. The words ‘Are you apart of it?’ questions the buyer on if they are doing their part for peace one day.
This shows how the pen works.
This idea is our third idea which also contributes to our final idea. Using the idea of a pen which the public use daily we thought that we could give out pens to the public, but what makes our pens special is that it has a scroll which can be pulled out which all the information about the Peace One Day campaign. We included a QR code which links directly to the Peace One Day website as well a the famous social networking hash tag in order to promote the campaign.
The above photos are expressing the idea of selling coke cans and jam doughnuts. The idea is to sell these items and then the buyer can write their name inside a chalk drawing of an individual. If the public don’t want to buy the doughnut they can buy a coke drink. The coke company has already done a peace one day coke can. Therefore we can use the coke can to help us with the idea.
This was a similar idea we had. The idea is to have a giant, chalk outline in a pubic area such as a shopping mall so people can have the opportunity to add their name and become part of the cause. As the figure appears like the outline of a dead body, it adds to the idea that for Peace One Day we are working to end violence. This would also attract a lot of attention-therefore promoting Peace One Day to many.
This trolley token idea was also an alternative idea. Shopping is a chore which needs to be done and shopping tokens are now becoming more popular than using a pound coin, By using a white coloured coin to represent peace we then added a logo to how what the campaign is about and we also added a date so that they know what day Peace One Day actually is by adding the website URL it allows people to search up more information on their website. Every time they go to shop by using the trolley token they will be reminded of the campaign
For our final idea we decided to combine parts of our initial ideas together. We decided to combine the doughnut/drink selling idea with the giant figure idea. This means if a person bought a product, they could add their name. Also, we decided the person would able be given a free pen, which would help them to remember the cause in the future.
Weaknesses: 1. The idea can be seen as being completed this is because sometimes people may not have time to listen or explain the campaign 2. Limited stock or stock may not sell 3. May cost a lot on a whole because of the amount of equipment.
Strengths: 1. Everyone can get involved 2. It can be easily noticed because it will be on the floor and people will be curious. 3. The idea is suitable for everyone
Improvements: 1. We should try to think of a way that we can get the idea to reach a wider range of people rather than just the people who visit the mall that the outline is printed on.- A suggestion could be that we have it in more than one mall. 2. We could perhaps provide other drinks- not just coke even though they've already done a peace on day can. 3. Could maybe think of other food products to sell not just doughnuts. 4. To keep an eye on our costs- the idea is quite expensive 5. In order to keep our costs we should think about pricing it. For example ÂŁ1 for a coke or 45p for a doughnut. That allows one drink or doughnut a name in the outline and maybe keep the pen.