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Glosaary of terms
Autism Specturm Disorder - a neurodevelopmental condition of variable severity with lifelong effects that can be recognized from early childhood, chiefly characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour.
AMAB and AFAB1 - Acronyms meaning “assigned female/male at birth” (also designated female/ male at birth or female/male assigned at birth). No one, whether cis or trans, gets to choose what sex they’re assigned at birth.
GNC1 - Gender non-conforming, a person who does not identify with prescribed gender.
Interoception - the collection of senses perceiving the internal state of the body
Intersex - Intersex people have innate sex characteristics that don’t fit medical and social norms for female or male bodies, and that create risks or experiences of stigma, discrimination and harm.
1 “Queer Undefined.” 2020. Queer Undefined. 2020. https://www.queerundefined. com/.
LGBTIQ+ Community1 - the collective of people who have identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or questioning.
Non-Binary1- is used to describe genders that do not fall into binary definitions of male or female.
Proprioception - perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body.
Routine - a sequence of actions regularly followed.
Sensory Hypersensitivty - extreme physical sensitivity to particular substances or conditions.
Transgender1 - Trans is an umbrella term that includes all identities within the gender identity spectrum, including (but not limited to) people who identify as transgender, transsexual, gender queer, gender fluid, non-binary, sistagirl, brotherboy, transman or transwoman.
Vestibular Sense - the movement, gravity and/or balance sense, allows us to move smoothly