Open Show & Sale of Native, Traditional, Rare & Minority Breeds of Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Poultry and Waterfowl within Borderway Mart, Carlisle (adjacent to M6 Motorway – Junction 43)
Saturday 21st September 2013 closing date for entries:
Monday 12th August 2013 (late entries will not be accepted under any circumstances)
Head Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS Telephone: 01228 406230 – Fax: 01228 406231 E-mail: Website:
This will be the Twentieth Sale of Rare and Minority Breeds held at Carlisle. This is an RBST APPROVED SALE which will be organised and run strictly in accordance with the Rules for Regional Sales laid down by the RARE BREEDS SURVIVAL TRUST. NB – ALL ENTRIES ARE ACCEPTED AT THE AUCTIONEER’S DISCRETION.
CONDITIONS OF ENTRY & SPECIAL REGULATIONS (Stewards reserve the right to amalgamate/divide classes if appropriate)
All vendors will be deemed to agree with these conditions of entry upon signature of the official Entry Form. Entry forms available from the official Auctioneers.
The Organisers reserve the right to cancel the event, to limit or refuse entries should the number of entries exceed the accommodation available, or to divide or amalgamate classes, at their sole discretion.
Disclaimer: All entries for the sale must be bona-fide the property of the Vendor who will hereby indemnify the Rare Breeds Survival Trust, the Organisers and Sale Managers, against all claims arising from faulty title to the same or from any other cause. The participating Breed Societies, their representatives, judges, inspectors, stewards and Harrison & Hetherington Limited are acting in good faith on behalf of participating vendors and accept no responsibility or liability for any death, accident or injury to people, animals or property at the event. Vendors and purchasers are responsible for their animals at all times.
Entries of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, will be confined strictly to registered animals, or to cross-bred cattle, sheep and goats having a registered rare breed parent. Responsibility for the notification of the transfer of ownership, and for the payment of any Transfer Fees which may be due under individual Breed Society Regulations and Byelaws, rests with the vendors. All vendors are reminded that Breed Societies check all entries and that unregistered stock will not be accepted for sale (except approved cross-bred stock).
Cattle, sheep, goats and pigs may be entered for sale with 2012 born progeny at foot, whether pure or cross-bred, or carrying cross-bred progeny.
6. All livestock entries must be identifiable by eartag, brand or tattoo which must correspond with the catalogue entry. Any animal not so identifiable will be REJECTED from the sale. Under no circumstances will substitute animals be allowed into sale. 7.
All entries must be made on the official entry forms, which must be completed in every particular. Official Entry Forms may be obtained from the Auctioneers.
8. ENTRIES CLOSE on MONDAY 12th AUGUST 2013. Completed Entry forms must be delivered to the Auctioneers office on or prior to that date, together with remittance for the Entry Fees, as appropriate. Late or incomplete entries will not be accepted under any circumstances. Telephoned or faxed entries are not acceptable. 9.
ENTRY FEES are as listed in each section of the schedule and must be submitted to the Auctioneers at the time of entry. Entry Fees are ‘non-returnable’ under any circumstances. There is no separate Entry Fee for progeny entered for sale at foot of there dam. Any stock entered for sale and refused by breed groups for being unregistered will only have half monies returned.
10. Arrival of Stock. All livestock (cattle, sheep, goats and pigs) must be delivered to Borderway Mart and penned, under the supervision of the stewards at a time to be advised by the Auctioneers. 1
11. Inspection. All entries will be inspected for general health, soundness and freedom from defects. Some Breed Societies may appoint officials to inspect entries for breed types and/or genetic or other defects or deformities, or card grading. In all cases the right is reserved to reject any animal which does not confirm to the accepted standards and the decision of the Inspector(s) is final. Animals so rejected must be removed from the sale area forthwith, at the Vendor’s expense, and will not be permitted to be sold. Please contact your Breed Society for details. 12. Participating breeds will be responsible for any breed inspections, weighing, NSP bolus reading, card grading and showing for their breed. Each Society will provide their own stewards, inspectors, judges, cards, rosettes where applicable. 13. Commission. Cattle, sheep, goats and pigs will be sold in pounds sterling (£’s) and the auctioneers will charge a commission of 5% on the sale price realised. Poultry and waterfowl will be sold in pounds sterling (£’s) and auctioneers will charge a commission of 10% on the sale price realised with a minimum commission of £1 per lot. 14. A buyers premium of 5% will be levied on the purchaser. 15. Minimum Selling Price. Certain animals will be sold subject to a “minimum selling price” imposed by the breed society concerned. All such “ minimum selling prices” will be notified and published in the sale catalogue. 16. Upset prices for poultry and waterfowl. All birds will be offered for sale subject to an “Upset Price” of £8 per bird. If the “upset price” is not bid, the Auctioneer will pass to the next lot and the bird(s) concerned will be unsold. 17. Reserve Prices. Vendors shall have the right to fix a Reserve Price for any or all of their entries. Such Reserve Prices must be completed on the entry form or handed to the Auctioneers, in writing, not later than the time the animal/bird concerned enters the sale ring or is otherwise offered for the sale by auction. 18. In the event of any animal(s) or bird(s) failing to reach the minimum selling price, upset price or reserve price (if any) fixed by the vendor, half commission will be charged on the said price. 19. No animal or bird may be sold privately prior to the sale and all animals/birds must be passed through the sale ring. Animals/birds may be sold by private treaty after the auction but all such transactions must be passed through the Auctioneers office and full commission will be charged. 20. Conditions of sale are referred to under the appropriate sections of this schedule. 21. The sale is licensed and authorised by the appropriate local authority and by DEFRA and will be organised and conducted strictly in accordance with the regulations and special requirements of those bodies 22. All stock is to be removed from the sale premises on the day of sale, unless prior arrangement is made with the Auctioneers. 23. A limited amount of straw for bedding will be provided by the Auctioneers free of charge. Additional straw may be purchased, if required. Poultry/waterfowl cages will be provided with wood shavings. All vendors must provide their own feedingstuffs and drinking utensils. 24. Order of sale. All animals/birds will be sold strictly in catalogue order, unless any alteration is authorised and announced by the Auctioneers.
SECTION I - CATTLE QUALIFYING BREEDS: Shorthorn (Northern Dairy) Shorthorn (Coates Register) Sussex Vaynol White Park
Kerry Lincoln Red Longhorn Highland Red Poll Shetland
Belted Galloway British White Devon (Ruby Red) Dexter Gloucester Irish Moiled
CROSS-BRED CATTLE, having a registered rare breed parent (details of parents registration to be included in the catalogue entry) may be entered for this sale. SALE CLASSES (for each Breed) Cow in Calf Cow in Milk (with or without calf at foot) Heifer in Calf Heifer in Milk (with or without calf at foot) Heifer, unserved Bull (any age) DEXTER CATTLE GROUP – show and sale Show classes available for – bull, cow and heifer Prize Money – 1st £20, 2nd £10, 3rd £5 Champion - £30 Reserve Champion - £25 All cattle will be breed inspected, full details available on separate breed schedule. ENTRY FEES:
Bulls and Females - £10.00 + VAT Crossbreds - £6.00 + VAT
CATTLE PASSPORTS: All cattle must be accompanied by a Passport which must be handed over to the auctioneers or stewards on arrival. All cattle including calves must be accompanied with a relevant cattle movement document duly completed and signed. Cattle arriving without a Passport or signed cattle movement document will not be permitted on to the market premises. All cattle must be double tagged in accordance with the current DEFRA regulations regarding primary and secondary ear tags. TB PRE-MOVEMENT TESTING: All cattle over the age of 42 days moving out of yearly tested herds must be pre-movement tested within 60 days prior to sale. A completed veterinary TB Test Report (TB52) or a veterinary certificate must also accompany the animals to the market as confirmation of test. BULLS: All bulls over the age of 10 months must have been rung and, with the exception of yearling bulls shall, if required by the stewards, be led with a leading stick. All bulls must be haltered. WEANING: Any calf which is to be sold apart from its dam, and any cow or heifer which is to be sold apart from its calf, must have been weaned at least two weeks before the sale. CONDITIONS OF SALE: All registered cattle will be offered for sale subject to the special terms and conditions of sale recommended by the National Beef Association. A copy of these terms and conditions will be displayed at the sale premises and will be available in booklet form for vendors or purchasers who may require them at the sale. Every animal must be provided with a serviceable halter, which will become the property of the purchaser. 3
SECTION II – SHEEP QUALIFYING BREEDS: Balwen Boreray Castlemilk Moorit Cotswold Dorset Down Galway Greyfaced Dartmoor Hebridean Hill Radnor Kerry Hill Clun Forest Black Welsh British Coloured SBA
Leicester Longwool Shetland Lincoln Longwool Shropshire Llanwenog Soay Manx Loaghtan Southdown Norfolk Horn Teeswater North Ronaldsay Wensleydale Oxford Down Whiteface Dartmoor Portland Whitefaced Woodland Ryeland Wiltshire Horn Devon & Cornwall Longwool Hampshire Down Dorset Horn & Poll Beulah Speckled Face Exmoor Horn Badgerfaced Welsh Devon Closewool
CROSS-BRED SHEEP, having a registered rare breed parent (details of parent’s registrations must be included in the catalogue entry) may be entered for this sale. SALE CLASSES (for each breed) Ewe
Shearling Ewe
Ewe Lamb
Aged Ram
Shearling Ram
Ram Lamb
Rams - £8.00 + VAT Ewes - £5.00 + VAT Crossbreds - £5.00 + VAT
TAGGING: All sheep sold for breeding born after 1st January 2008 must have two ear tags. All lambs born after 1st January 2010 must be electronically identified. Animals which are not correctly tagged according to the current legislation will not be permitted into the market. MOVEMENT: All sheep must be accompanied by AML1 form, which is obtainable from your Local Trading Standards office. Animals which arrive without form AML1 will not be permitted into the market. Up to date information regarding all sheep and goat tagging and movements can be obtained from the DEFRA website M.V. ACCREDITED FLOCKS: Facilities will be available for the separate reception, segregation and sale sheep from MV Accredited Flocks. Vendors must clearly indicate MV Accredited status (if applicable) on the official entry form and all such sheep, upon delivery to the sale premises, must be accompanied by the official DEFRA Movement Permit. GROUPING OF SHEEP FOR SALE: Whilst all sheep will be entered and catalogued individually, vendors shall have the option to offer female sheep in matching groups, the selected groups to be notified to the Auctioneers 30 minutes before the commencement of the sale. All rams and ram lambs will be catalogued and sold as singles. WARRANTY OF SOUNDNESS: All sheep will be presumed to carry a Warranty of Soundness in respect of mouth, testicles and udder, such Warranty being expressly given and declared by each Vendor upon signature of the entry form. BREEDING EWES: All ewes over two years old must be warranted as having bred a lamb or lambs. CONDITIONS OF SALE: All registered sheep will be offered for sale subject to the Conditions of Sale (1987 edition) for Sheep recommended by the Association of British Livestock Auctioneers. A copy of these conditions will be displayed in the Auctioneer’s office on the day of sale. 4
SPECIFIC BREED CONDITIONS: SHETLAND SHEEP – Show and Sale Entry allowance: One male per vendor plus one extra male for every three females entered. Vendors may enter up to two animals per show class. Please inform SSS steward of your show entries on arrival (no entry form required). KERRY HILL SHEEP – Show and Sale. Breed Inspection will be carried out. All sheep must have been registered with the society before 1st July 2013. RYELAND SHEEP – Show and Sale. Ryeland Flock Book Society Northern Show Sale, see separate breed schedule and entry form HEBRIDEAN SHEEP - Show and Sale.
Bagot and Golden Guernsey Cross-bred Goats having a registered rare breed parent (details of parent’s registrations must be included in the catalogue entry) may be entered for this sale. Does - £5.00 + VAT Buck - £5.00 + VAT
C.A.E. ACCREDITED STATUS: Entry to the sale will be limited to goats from CAE Accredited flocks or goats that have been individually tested negative for CAE within 30 days of the sale. Vendors must supply the appropriate DEFRA Movement Permit or individual Test Certificate upon delivery of their animals to the sale premises. BREEDING DOES: All does over two years old must have bred a kid or kids or be in kid. CONDITIONS OF SALE: All registered goats will be offered for sale subject to the Conditions of Sale (1987 edition) for Sheep recommended by the Association of British Livestock Auctioneers.
SECTION IV – PIGS QUALIFYING BREEDS: Berkshire Gloucester Old Spot Tamworth British Lop Large Black Middle White British Saddleback CROSS BRED PIGS, having a registered rare breed parent (details of parent’s registration must be included in the catalogue entry) are eligible for sale. SALE CLASSES (for each breed) Boar – not less than 6 months of age Sow – having bred one or more litters, in pig or with litter Gilt – with litter, in pig or maiden ENTRY FEES:
All breeds – £5.00 + VAT
LICENCES: To keep pigs you must be a registered pig producer with DEFRA and have a holding number and identification mark. All pig movements must now be notified using the on-line eAML2 form through the eAML2 website. This also incorporates the Food Chain Information. All pigs coming into the market must have a slap mark or alternatively an ear tag or tattoo with the holding identification All weaners entered for sale must be at least 10 weeks old and will be sold in suitable lots. 5
SECTION V – POULTRY & WATERFOWL QUALIFYING BREEDS: Ancona Andalusian Appenzeller Spitzhauben Araucana Asil Augsberger Australorp Autosexing Barnevelder Brabanter Braekel Brahma Breda Campine Cochin Creve Coeur Croad Langshan Derbyshire Redcap Dominique Dorking Faverolle
Hamburgh Plymouth Rock Houdan Poland Indian/Jubilee Game Rhode Island Red Jersey Giant Russian Orloff Kraienkoppe Scots Dumpy La Fleche Scots Grey Lakenfelder Shamo Leghorn Sicilian Buttercup Malay Old English Pheasant Fowl Frizzles Silkie (Bantams) Maran Spanish Marsh Daisy Sultan Minorca Sumatra Game Modern Game Sussex Modern Langshan Trans. Naked Neck New Hampshire Red Vorwerk Norfolk Grey Welsummer North Holland Blue Wyandotte Old English Game Yokohama Orpington
NOTE: Entries of any other Large (Standard) or Miniature fowl breed not referred to above will be offered as a separate class, at the discretion of the Organisers. QUALIFYING BREEDS (BANTAMS) Booted Pekin Belgian Sablefoot Japanese Dutch
Nankin Rosecomb Sebright
QUALIFYING BREEDS (TURKEYS) Blue Crollwitzer Bourbon Red Lavender Buff Naranganset
Bronze Norfolk Black Any Other Variety
QUALIFYING BREEDS OF WATERFOWL (ORNAMENTAL AND DOMESTIC) GEESE: Please state breed and variety on entry form African Chinese White Sebastopol American Buff Embden Toulouse Brecon Buff Grey Back West of England Buff Black Pilgrim Any Other Variety Chinese Grey Roman DUCKS: Please state breed and variety on entry form Abacot Ranger Campbell (khaki/white) Pekin Aylesbury Cayuga Rouen Black East Indian Crested Saxony Blue Swedish Indian Runner (state colour) Silver Appleyard (large/min) Buff Orpington Magpie Welsh Harlequin Call (state colour) Muscovy Any Other Variety 6
SALE CLASSES (for each breed or variety): Single Pullet Pairs – one male and one female Trios – one male and two females No cock birds will be sold singly, they can be offered with a hen as a pair or with two hens to form a trio. NO MALE BIRDS WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT FEMALE(S). Wildfowl are not eligible for sale, nor any swan, pheasant or peafowl. ENTRY FEES:
All Breeds - £1.00 per bird + VAT
The organisers reserve the right to amalgamate or vary any section in the event of insufficient entries being received. INSPECTION: All birds will be inspected for general health upon arrival at the sale premises and any that are deformed, unstandardised or unhealthy (eg. lice, scaly legs, etc.) will be rejected from the sale. The decision of the appointed Inspector(s) will be final. Rejected birds must be removed from the sale area forthwith, at the vendors expense and will not be permitted to be sold. CARRIAGE OF BIRDS: All birds must be transported in suitable carrying boxes. Each vendor is responsible for feeding and watering his own stock. Biosecurity ruling must be adhered to at all times whilst the event is taking place. CAGES: All cages are cleaned to ministry specification. Penning used is of high quality galvanised wire with solid dividers. WARRANTIES: None (except that the sex of Breeding Pairs and Trios is guaranteed by the Vendor). Single pullets are guaranteed sexed. CONDITIONS OF SALE: None. SUBSTITUTES: No entries will be accepted after the closing date and no substitutes are permitted. ALL BIRDS WILL BE CARD GRADED.