Seabreeze dispersal

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Dispersal Sale

e z e e r Seab corded e R k il M & e e r Pedig



17th July 2013


11 a.m. Borderway Mart, Carlisle CA1 2RS


FOREWORD This is the first sale to disperse the SEABREEZE herd and comprises thirty four of the most recently calved cows and heifers in milk. The remainder of the herd will be sold later in the year through the monthly dairy sales. Although Ian and Alan have regretfully decided to discontinue milk production they intend to continue farming and are currently exploring a number of interesting new ventures. The SEABREEZE prefix was established shortly after the end of the Second World War by Mr Leak Senior, who developed an outstanding Black & White herd of British Friesians in the south western part of the Lake District in the village of Holmrook. With the introduction of some new Holstein cow families and by only using the best proven sires the herd has excelled into a modern, productive and very appealing group of cows. As we can all remember only too well, last year’s extreme weather conditions brought its challenges to producing milk and to farming in general. Poor quality silage along with high feed costs resulted in a drop in the rolling herd average however the fresh cows and heifers in the sale are currently producing extremely well and are averaging 34.3kgs per day with the rolling herd average at 7601kgs 3.76% butterfat 3.06% protein. 60% of the sale animals have calved in July, June, May & April and the remainder have been PD back in calf. The animals selling are youthful and include 13 fresh heifers, 9 cows in their second, 7 cows in their third, 3 cows in their forth and 2 with five or more calvings. There has always been a strong emphasis on breeding cows with top quality type there is 3 Excellent, 15 Very Good, 8 Good Plus with 15 still to classify selling in part one of the SEABREEZE dispersal. The younger part of the herd is sired by Morningview ASHLAR, E Acres DEREK, ALH DANCER & Karona BONAIR. The older cows are sired by Comestar OUTSIDE, Comestar STORMATIC, Crichel PRINCIPAL , Cedawal SPIRTE and Stardale TAHOE. The cows have been bred to Gillette JORDAN, Pine-Tree SID, Comestar LAVANGUARD, Crackholm FEVER and R-E-W SEAVER.


Some of the most prolific cow families in the herd include LUPIN, JUDYANN, MELIA, LEA and RUMOYA. It is worth mentioning two outstanding heifers in milk that have the potential to be stars no matter what herd they go to. First is SEABREEZE DANCER SABRINA VG87 2YR, she is a special heifer with an amazing udder. She is sired by ALH Dancer and is due again with her second in January to R-E-W Seaver. The other heifer meriting a mention is SEABREEZE DEREK CHERRY 2 VG86 2YR she calved in February and is due again next February to Gillette Jordan, she is currently giving 32kgs. The herd is cubical housed and fed predominately on a grass based TMR with topping up done in the parlour. The herd is vaccinated for BVD and is in four year TB testing area. We highly recommend the SEABREEZE herd to all serious milk producers wanting to purchase high yielding, long lasting cows. If you would like to view the herd prior to the sale please contact Glyn Lucas 07711 610255


Glyn Lucas - 07711 610255 Andrew Templeton - 07778 808464 Edward Brown - 07785 781466 Harrison & Hetherington - 01228 406230


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to ace e d p

in m f o

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LINE. 296


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310300296, PLI -£1, PIN -£11, Born 20.07.04

Sire: STARDALE TAHOE PI ET 0100615354 Seabreeze Norbert Judyann 2 0110304981 Bobetty Mandel Norbert 2 PI ET Seabreeze Leader Judyann 8 0109589856...................................................... by Haldrey Leadership PI Seabreeze Inspiration Judyann 0108403756 VG85 RM................... by Savagedale Inspiration PI ET LC 24.01.13 AI 17.04.13 to Gillette Jordan 640007588022 PD+

SEABREEZE TAHOE JUDYANN 7 EX92 1 02/06 7564 3.94 3.17 305 3 04/07 7571 3.53 3.23 305 5 06/06 8738 3.56 3.06 271 7 08/07 4985 4.40 3.01 147

2 03/07 8086 4.06 3.24 305 4 05/07 9780 3.65 3.06 305 6 07/06 8544 3.99 3.07 305 SM 37.1kg Lcc372 Acc287

Seabreeze Norbert Judyann 2 GP82 1 02/08 9190 4.03 3.22 305 3 05/00 11913 3.13 3.05 305

2 03/10 9041 3.53 3.29 305 4 06/02 7787 3.64 2.92 217

Seabreeze Leader Judyann 8 1 00/00 6051 3.92 3.09 305 2 03/03 6935 4.22 3.09 305 3 05/01 6840 4.93 3.20 305 Seabreeze Inspiration Judyann VG85 RM 1 02/06 5780 4.29 3.29 305 2 03/06 6477 4.60 3.69 305 3 04/05 7247 3.88 3.37 305 4 05/06 8694 4.19 3.24 305 5 06/09 8119 4.06 3.20 305 6 00/00 7115 4.03 3.20 305 7 08/10 7353 4.31 3.26 305 8 10/01 8346 4.68 3.25 305 9 11/02 6699 4.12 3.07 305


LINE. 427

102 SEABREEZE OUTSIDE MELIA 0111110687 VG86 2gensVG/EX

dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310100427, PLI +£23, PIN -£7, Born 01.03.06

Sire: COMESTAR OUTSIDE PI ET 6406026421 Seabreeze Norbert Melia 0110385232 Bobetty Mandel Norbert 2 PI ET Seabreeze Victor Melia 0108621568 Hanoverhill Victor PI Seabreeze Regal Melia 2 Stubbyknowe Regal Pride LC 28.05.13

SEABREEZE OUTSIDE MELIA VG86 2gensVG/EX 1 02/04 7799 3.91 3.27 305 2 04/01 8227 3.82 3.23 305 3 05/01 7719 4.06 3.39 305 4 06/02 7502 4.55 3.15 305 5 07/03 984 4.58 2.93 23 SM 42.8kg Lcc55 Acc55 Seabreeze Norbert Melia EX90 1 02/05 7585 3.56 2.79 305 2 03/10 9429 3.15 2.83 305 3 05/00 9826 3.15 2.78 305 4 06/04 10613 3.09 2.82 305 5 07/07 11130 3.06 2.78 305 Seabreeze Victor Melia GP83 1 02/10 6634 4.10 3.09 277 3 04/11 7223 3.88 3.03 296 5 00/00 6507 4.21 3.15 305

2 03/10 6967 3.88 3.22 304 4 05/11 6390 3.68 2.91 305 6 08/05 4695 3.92 3.28 245

Seabreeze Regal Melia 2 1 02/04 5413 3.38









46 LOT

LINE. 489


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310700489, PLI -£3, PIN -£11, Born 14.11.06

Sire: COMESTAR STORMATIC PI ET 6406947936 Seabreeze Jlg Judyann 0109796050 VG85.................................................... by J-L-G Grandslam PI ET Seabreeze Counselor Judyann 4 0108751753 A Carnation Counselor PI ET Seabreeze Gate Judyann 0107407614 VG81......................................... by Mmb Langstate Marshall PI LC 10.01.13 AI 26.05.13 to Comestar Lavanguard ET 64000103974966

SEABREEZE STORMATIC JUDYANN 3 VG86 2gensVG 1 02/04 7157 3.60 2.98 305 2 03/05 8655 3.46 2.98 305 3 04/11 10032 3.47 2.83 305 4 06/02 5735 3.77 2.83 161 SM 39.5kg Lcc161 Acc545 Seabreeze Jlg Judyann VG85 1 02/06 6256 4.04 3.16 305 3 04/08 9731 3.73 3.18 305 5 07/04 9885 4.07 3.13 305

2 03/07 7126 5.53 3.21 305 4 06/02 10125 4.44 3.12 305 6 08/07 7999 3.53 3.12 296

Seabreeze Counselor Judyann 4 GP84 1 02/10 6556 3.92 3.28 305 2 03/10 7338 3.72 3.30 305 3 04/10 6885 4.30 3.20 305 4 00/00 8667 4.41 3.27 305 5 07/02 9977 5.02 3.08 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Warden Judyann VG86 8867kg 3.73% 3.03% Seabreeze Gate Judyann VG81 1 03/01 6530 3.72 2.84 305 3 04/11 7459 3.82 2.91 305 5 06/11 7410 3.62 2.95 305 7 09/02 9155 3.95 2.74 305

2 04/00 5128 3.89 3.06 305 4 06/00 7688 3.73 3.06 298 6 07/11 7867 4.06 2.90 305 8 10/04 7844 3.43 2.88 305


LINE. 516

104 SEABREEZE SPIRTE MOYA 0111311741 VG85 2gensVG

dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.

UK100310600516, PLI -£1, PIN -£11, Born 12.04.07

Sire: CEDARWAL SPIRTE PI 6410559198 Seabreeze Gordon Moya 2 0110561166 Dellka Juror Gordon-Tw PI Seabreeze Storm Moya 0109638830 GP83..................................................... by Maughlin Storm PI ET Seabreeze Ruler Moya 0109092105 GP80............................................................. by Gillette Ruler PI ET Seabreeze Elevation Moya 5 0107753318 VG85.................................. by Mmb Brownred Elevation PI LC 22.12.12 AI 24.05.13 to Comestar Lavanguard ET 64000103974966

SEABREEZE SPIRTE MOYA VG85 2gensVG 1 02/06 6776 3.38 3.04 299 3 04/06 10388 3.21 2.78 305

2 03/07 7637 3.34 2.92 295 4 05/09 6301 3.43 2.86 180 SM 37.6kg Lcc105 Acc37

Seabreeze Gordon Moya 2 VG88 1 02/09 8014 3.75 3.17 305 3 05/01 8506 3.65 3.10 305

2 04/00 8336 3.46 3.10 305 4 06/02 7333 4.01 3.16 305

Seabreeze Storm Moya GP83 1 00/00 6407 4.28 3.29 305 2 04/05 7838 4.35 3.62 305 3 06/05 8161 3.93 3.56 305 Seabreeze Ruler Moya GP80 1 02/06 6809 3.87 3.22 263 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Prelude Moya VG85 8982kg 4.43% 3.25%

47 LOT

LINE. 524


UK100310 600523 Born 16.06.07

Sire: CEDARWAL SPIRTE 6400010559198

UNREGISTERED 1 02/09 8041 3.78 3.26 304 3 05/08 4287 4.29 2.97 113

2 04/04 9465 4.45 3.12 305 SM 40.4kg Lcc17 Acc27

dam Seabreeze Tahoe Judyann 3 by Stardale Tahoe PI ET 1 02/10 6138 4.55 3.22 279 2 03/09 3 05/03 7475 4.60 3.25 259





g.d. Seabreeze Grand Judyann by A Mark CJ Gilbrook Grand PI ET 1 02/08 5803 5.01 3.63 305 2 04/11 7145 5.56 3.36 305 3.d. Seabreeze Rorae Judyann 2 by Meadolake Rorae Matt PI ET 1 02/10 6187 4.74 3.47 305 2 03/09 7019 3.85 3.45 305 3 05/00 8532 4.03 3.32 305 4 06/04 8521 4.75 3.17 305 5 08/08 8798 5.66 3.37 305 6 09/09 7627 5.49 3.37 305


LINE. 536


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310500536, PLI +£3, PIN +£4, Born 12.07.07

Sire: AQUILA PATRON LUCENTE PI ET 72000912027632 Seabreeze Cl Melia 0110084662 Comestar Leader PI ET Seabreeze Storm Melia 0109442680................................................................. by Maughlin Storm PI ET Seabreeze Victor Melia 0108621568 Hanoverhill Victor PI LC 07.05.13

SEABREEZE LUCENTE MELIA 2 1 02/08 7581 3.73 3.26 305 3 04/09 7064 4.00 3.33 305

2 03/08 8089 4.17 3.20 305 4 05/10 1698 4.99 3.34 44 SM 38.6kg Lcc28 Acc28

Seabreeze Cl Melia EX90 1 02/07 7590 4.65 3.44 305 2 03/09 7615 4.22 3.13 305 3 05/08 9212 5.10 3.48 304 4 06/08 8328 4.46 3.51 305 5 07/09 8945 4.25 3.40 305 Seabreeze Storm Melia 1 00/00 8117 4.23 2.96 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Norbert Melia EX90 11130kg 3.06% 2.78% Seabreeze Victor Melia GP83 1 02/10 6634 4.10 3.09 277 3 04/11 7223 3.88 3.03 296 5 00/00 6507 4.21 3.15 305

2 03/10 6967 3.88 3.22 304 4 05/11 6390 3.68 2.91 305 6 08/05 4695 3.92 3.28 245


49 LOT

LINE. 576


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310300576, PLI +£1, PIN -£7, Born 28.01.08

Sire: ARDS REVELATION 0100615013 Seabreeze Stormatic Judyann 0110719667 EX90................................... by Comestar Stormatic PI ET Seabreeze Astre Judyann 4 0109156772 Duregal Astre Starbuck PI ET Seabreeze Warden Judyann 0108013048 A Hilltopper Warden PI LC 27.05.13

SEABREEZE REVEL JUDYANN GP82 1 03/03 7022 4.22 3.37 305 3 05/04 982 5.54 2.91 24

2 04/04 5454 4.51 3.58 305 S M 40.9kg Lcc30 Acc30

Seabreeze Stormatic Judyann EX90 4gensVG/EX 1 02/08 7074 3.51 3.09 305 2 04/00 8847 3.55 2.97 305 3 05/05 8697 4.01 3.13 305 4 06/06 8466 3.99 3.09 305 Seabreeze Astre Judyann 4 VG89 1 02/10 8143 3.21 3.01 305 3 05/04 10118 4.52 2.93 305 5 07/04 7734 3.48 3.02 305

2 00/00 10190 3.11 2.86 305 4 06/05 10018 4.02 3.08 290 6 08/04 5100 4.15 3.16 277

Seabreeze Warden Judyann VG86 1 02/01 5544 3.70 2.89 305 2 03/02 6406 3.44 2.94 300 3 04/01 7454 3.37 2.86 302 4 05/01 7788 3.75 2.85 280 5 06/00 7789 3.65 3.01 305 6 07/00 8867 3.73 3.03 305 7 08/01 5094 3.72 3.10 274


LINE. 591


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310400591, PLI -£12, PIN -£3, Born 12.04.08

Sire: WILCOXVIEW JASPER PI ET 65000128620869 Seabreeze Lyster Judyann 0110497531 Tcet Lyster PI Seabreeze Jlg Judyann 2 0109796051 VG85................................................. by J-L-G Grandslam PI ET Seabreeze Astre Judyann Duregal Astre Starbuck PI ET LC 03.05.12 Due to calve before sale day

SEABREEZE JASPER JUDYANN 2 GP84 1 02/11 7076 3.89 3.37 305 3 Fresh

2 04/01 6823 3.97 3.24 305

Seabreeze Lyster Judyann GP81 1 03/01 8045 4.60 3.16 305 2 04/04 7066 4.16 3.75 305 3 05/03 8192 3.52 3.22 305 Seabreeze Jlg Judyann 2 VG85 1 02/05 7068 4.74 3.03 292 2 03/05 9380 4.42 3.26 305 3 04/09 7573 4.87 3.05 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Jlg Judyann 3 VG88 8573kg 4.64% 3.09% Seabreeze Astre Judyann 1 02/09 8006 3.77 2.86 305 2 03/09 7658 3.67 2.85 305 3 00/00 8247 3.83 2.76 305 4 05/11 9881 4.83 2.84 305 5 06/11 9214 4.43 3.10 305

50 LOT

LINE. 592

109 SEABREEZE FINAL LUPIN 0111488383 VG87 2gensVG/EX

dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310500592, PLI +£18, PIN -£9, Born 16.04.08

Sire: GILLETTE FINAL CUT PI ET 6407329252 Seabreeze Charles Lupin 0109336880 Boulet Charles PI ET Seabreeze Victor Lupin 0108751762 Hanoverhill Victor PI Seabreeze Salvation Lupin Pendale Salvation PI ET LC 17.03.13 AI 28.06.13 to Comestar Lavanguard 640103974966

SEABREEZE FINAL LUPIN VG87 2gensVG/EX 1 02/07 6861 3.61 2.95 305 3 04/11 3853 3.63 3.10 95

2 03/10 8451 3.87 3.08 305 SM 39kg Lcc35 Acc44

Seabreeze Charles Lupin EX90 1 00/00 6930 3.51 3.09 305 3 05/09 8504 4.00 3.30 305 5 07/11 7205 3.30 3.16 305 7 10/09 6323 3.05 3.22 305

2 04/07 8435 4.13 3.09 305 4 06/10 7516 4.29 3.16 305 6 09/08 7536 3.17 3.21 305 8 11/09 4950 4.20 3.29 305

Seabreeze Victor Lupin GP80 1 02/11 9895 3.48 3.02 305 3 00/00 9254 3.24 2.97 305

2 04/02 11157 3.14 2.90 305 4 07/00 10345 3.96 2.79 305

Seabreeze Salvation Lupin 6 11/04 5373 4.29 3.38 228

7 12/03 7870 4.47 3.25 281



dam g.d. 3.d.

LINE. 596


UK100310200596, PLI -£28, PIN -£11, Born 12.05.08

Sire: CEDARWAL SPIRTE PI 6410559198 Seabreeze Tahoe Golightly 0110699551 GP81................................................. by Stardale Tahoe PI ET Seabreeze Pro Golightly 0109548920 VG87......................................... by Cook-Farm Mr Protein PI ET Seabreeze Ren Golightly 0108478549.............................................................. by Joylan Renaissance PI LC 18.04.13

SEABREEZE SPIRTE GOLIGHTLY VG88 1 02/07 8620 3.05 2.81 305 3 04/12 2762 3.55 3.21 63

2 03/11 9224 2.86 2.77 305 SM 48.1kg Lcc41 Acc324

Seabreeze Tahoe Golightly GP81 1 03/02 8040 3.64 2.84 305

2 04/05 7870 2.97 2.90 305

Seabreeze Pro Golightly VG87 1 00/00 6908 4.28 2.92 305 2 03/07 8305 4.74 3.03 305 3 05/06 9662 4.75 3.06 305 4 06/08 9095 5.12 3.34 305 5 07/09 3096 5.03 3.35 137 Seabreeze Ren Golightly 1 02/06 6638 3.80 3.04 305 2 03/09 8226 3.86 3.06 305 3 04/11 8938 3.90 3.00 305

51 LOT



UK100310100630, PLI +£6, PIN £0, Born 06.08.08

dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.

LINE. 630

Sire: KARONA BONAIR ET 6409324236 Seabreeze Tahoe Spangle 2 0110699554 EX91............................................... by Stardale Tahoe PI ET Seabreeze Lee Spangle 0110124543 Comestar Lee PI ET Seabreeze Astre Spangle 0108906424 Duregal Astre Starbuck PI ET Seabreeze Counselor Spangle 0108036868 VG87 A Carnation Counselor PI ET LC 01.03.13 AI 23.05.13 to Crackholm Fever ET 64000103631566

SEABREEZE BONAIR SPANGLE GP82 1 02/05 7987 3.42 3.01 305 3 04/07 4339 3.81 3.12 111

2 03/07 5643 3.66 3.37 288 SM 44.9kg Lcc28 Acc26

Seabreeze Tahoe Spangle 2 EX91 4gensVG/EX 1 02/07 7646 3.31 3.01 305 2 03/07 10010 3.26 2.78 305 3 04/08 9406 3.22 3.00 305 4 05/11 10796 3.06 2.94 305 5 07/02 9616 3.03 2.97 305 6 08/04 8521 3.09 2.97 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze September Spangle 2 EX91-2E 9119kg 3.88% 3.20% Seabreeze Lee Spangle VG86 1 03/00 8719 4.13 2.94 305

2 04/00 6907 5.00 2.77


Seabreeze Astre Spangle EX90 1 02/05 8235 3.25 3.07 305 2 03/10 9186 3.11 3.03 305 3 00/00 10612 3.97 3.03 305 4 06/10 11273 4.38 3.16 305 5 08/00 8963 4.22 3.15 305




dam g.d. 3.d.

LINE. 638

UK100310200638, PLI -£7, PIN -£6, Born 24.08.08

Sire: BLUE-HAVEN-LTD BRICK ET 65000133906051 Seabreeze Sharpe Lupin Tallent Sharpe PI ET Seabreeze Wade Lupin 0110374127 VG85........................................... by O-Bee Blackstar Wade PI ET Seabreeze Regal Lupin 2 Stubbyknowe Regal Pride LC 12.05.13

SEABREEZE BRICK LUPIN GP82 1 02/10 8106 3.46 2.96 305 3 04/09 1443 4.24 3.24 39

2 03/11 7128 3.43 2.93 284 SM 37kg Lcc114 Acc114

Seabreeze Sharpe Lupin 1 02/10 8136 3.33 3.10 305 2 03/11 7966 3.30 3.15 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Norbert Lupin 9 VG85 9007kg 3.33% 3.21% • Seabreeze September Lupin VG85 10438kg 3.38% 2.98% Seabreeze Wade Lupin VG85 1 02/07 5999 3.20 2.89 275 2 00/00 8478 3.51 2.82 305 3 04/09 7820 4.09 2.92 305 4 06/01 8918 4.42 2.90 305 5 07/04 9897 3.52 2.69 305 6 08/06 10797 4.83 2.77 305 7 09/11 2097 4.31 2.24 69 Seabreeze Regal Lupin 2 1 03/00 5731 3.54 2.83 305 2 04/00 6796 3.31 3.00 305 3 04/11 7146 3.34 2.78 305 4 05/11 6028 3.12 2.87 305 5 07/00 8981 3.14 2.71 305 6 08/01 6623 2.97 2.67 305 7 00/00 8019 3.17 2.53 305


We are pleased to have been We are pleased to thhe ave been associated with Leak associated w ith the Leeak Family a nd w ish t hem We are pleased to have bvery een Family and iw ish them every success n t he f uture. associated with the Leak success in the future. Family and wish them every success in the future.

53 LOT


dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d.

LINE. 662

SEABREEZE DEREK LEA 0111633772 VG86 2gensVG

UK100310500662, PLI +£14, PIN +£3, Born 05.01.09

Sire: EMERALD-ACR-SA T-DEREK PI ET 65000129202882 Seabreeze Lucente Lea PI 0110680376 VG85(2YR) Aquila Patron Lucente PI ET Seabreeze Infinity Lea PI ET Robthom Infinity PI Moet Leadman Lea A PI ET 0108122970 GP80............................. by Rothrock Tradition Leadman PI Fair-Hill Rotate Lea PI ET 6512840288 VG86............................................................. by Arlinda Rotate PI L&J Bova Leah PI 6511670150 VG86.............................................................. by Rockalli Son Of Bova PI LC 18.04.13

SEABREEZE DEREK LEA VG86 2gensVG 1 02/07 7670 3.86 3.17 305

2 04/04 2491 3.83 3.17 63 SM 42.2kg Lcc107 Acc78

Seabreeze Lucente Lea PI VG85(2YR) 1 02/07 7465 3.83 3.36 305 3 05/02 9615 3.79 3.22 305

2 03/08 8220 3.94 3.36 305 4 06/07 6457 3.28 3.05 305

Seabreeze Infinity Lea PI ET 1 02/05 5618 3.67 3.13 305 2 00/00 7093 3.61 3.19 305 3 04/09 7316 4.18 2.99 305 4 05/10 8032 4.35 3.24 305 5 06/09 5904 5.33 3.13 305 Moet Leadman Lea A PI ET GP80 1 02/02 9558 3.19 3.30 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Moet Tesk Lea B PI ET EX91-2E 11961kg 3.62% 3.10% • Moet Leadman Lea D PI ET VG87 9744kg 4.46% 3.27% • Errolston Stuffy Leah PI ET VG86 10235kg 4.18% 3.30% • Moet Leadman Lea H PI ET VG85 13483kg 3.72% 3.19%



dam g.d. 3.d.

LINE. 666


UK100310200666, PLI +£3, PIN -£16, Born 18.01.09

Sire: EMERALD-ACR-SA T-DEREK PI ET 65000129202882 Seabreeze Rubens Lupin 2 0110807143 VG85(2YR)................. by Windy-Knoll-View Rubens Pro PI Seabreeze Cl Lupin 3 0110068567 Comestar Leader PI ET Seabreeze Rudolph Lupin 2 0109517962 VG87....................................... by Startmore Rudolph PI ET LC 27.02.13 AI 30.06.13 to Pine Tree Sid ET 65062175895

SEABREEZE DEREK LUPIN 2 1 02/09 6390 3.23 3.12 305

2 04/02 3475 4.01 3.28 113 SM 31.2kg Lcc87 Acc98

Seabreeze Rubens Lupin 2 VG85(2YR) 3gensVG 1 02/04 6416 3.53 2.91 290 2 03/03 8065 3.43 2.77 305 3 04/05 8485 3.22 2.81 305 4 05/05 7226 4.04 2.86 305 5 06/05 9669 3.31 2.79 275 6 07/04 8363 3.73 2.71 305 Seabreeze Cl Lupin 3 VG86 1 02/08 6093 4.28 3.28 305 2 03/10 7569 4.71 3.05 277 3 04/11 8668 3.70 3.11 290 4 05/10 7607 3.07 3.06 305 5 06/11 8633 3.40 2.89 275 6 08/00 7937 3.06 3.11 299 7 08/11 1996 4.58 3.86 67 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Outside Lupin 2 VG88 9237kg 4.09% 2.91% Seabreeze Rudolph Lupin 2 VG87 1 00/00 7565 3.53 2.89 305 2 03/11 9172 5.04 3.07 305 3 05/02 7576 4.37 3.15 292 4 06/03 8568 3.83 3.04 305 5 07/04 9538 4.05 3.05 305

54 LOT



dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.

LINE. 670

UK100310600670, PLI +£28, PIN -£5, Born 10.02.09

Sire: EMERALD-ACR-SA T-DEREK PI ET 65000129202882 Seabreeze Tahoe Judyann 7 0110807134 EX92............................................... by Stardale Tahoe PI ET Seabreeze Norbert Judyann 2 0110304981 Bobetty Mandel Norbert 2 PI ET Seabreeze Leader Judyann 8 0109589856...................................................... by Haldrey Leadership PI Seabreeze Inspiration Judyann 0108403756 VG85 RM................... by Savagedale Inspiration PI ET LC 28.04.13

SEABREEZE DEREK JUDYANN GP83 1 02/09 6515 3.85 3.07 305

2 04/03 1763 3.73 3.16 53 SM 31.7kg Lcc26 Acc23

Seabreeze Tahoe Judyann 7 EX92 1 02/06 7564 3.94 3.17 305 3 04/07 7571 3.53 3.23 305 5 06/06 8738 3.56 3.06 271

2 03/07 8086 4.06 3.24 305 4 05/07 9780 3.65 3.06 305 6 07/06 8544 3.99 3.07 305

Seabreeze Norbert Judyann 2 GP82 1 02/08 9190 4.03 3.22 305 3 05/00 11913 3.13 3.05 305

2 03/10 9041 3.53 3.29 305 4 06/02 7787 3.64 2.92 217

Seabreeze Leader Judyann 8 1 00/00 6051 3.92 3.09 305 2 03/03 6935 4.22 3.09 305 3 05/01 6840 4.93 3.20 305



dam g.d. 3.d.

LINE. 684


UK100310600684, PLI -£24, PIN -£11, Born 21.04.09

Sire: A.L.H. DANCER ET 63000361252443 Seabreeze Igniter Judyann 4 0110773551.............................................. by Summershade Igniter PI ET Seabreeze Progress Judyann Duncan Progress PI ET Seabreeze Hokes Judyann 0108887766 Etazon Hokes PI LC 14.05.13

SEABREEZE DANCER JUDYANN VG85 1 02/11 5563 4.01 3.45 305

2 04/01 1517 3.89 3.20 37 SM 41kg Lcc27 Acc27

Seabreeze Igniter Judyann 4 1 03/00 6337 3.96 3.23 305 Seabreeze Progress Judyann 1 02/11 7480 4.32 2.86 302 2 03/11 6489 3.98 3.19 305 3 05/01 8490 4.43 3.07 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Leader Judyann 6 VG85 11242kg 4.09% 3.12% Seabreeze Hokes Judyann GP81 1 02/09 7202 3.51 3.10 305 3 00/00 10181 3.68 2.99 305

2 03/10 7732 3.52 3.14 305 4 06/02 7559 4.87 3.29 305

55 LOT



UK100310700713, PLI +£31, PIN -£6, Born 04.08.09

dam g.d. 3.d.

Sire: EMERALD-ACR-SA T-DEREK PI ET 65000129202882 Seabreeze September Melia 0110824279 VG85.................................. by Pursuit September Storm PI Seabreeze Cl Melia 0110084662 Comestar Leader PI ET Seabreeze Storm Melia 0109442680................................................................. by Maughlin Storm PI ET LC 08.05.13

SEABREEZE DEREK MELIA GP83 1 02/11 6233 3.58 3.00 279

2 03/10 1453 4.03 3.52 43 SM 33.8kg Lcc28 Acc28

Seabreeze September Melia VG85 2gensVG/EX 1 03/00 6438 4.07 3.10 305 2 04/00 6593 4.17 3.10 305 3 05/00 7597 3.84 3.20 305 4 06/03 8348 3.79 3.20 305 5 07/03 8350 3.62 2.97 305 Seabreeze Cl Melia EX90 1 02/07 7590 4.65 3.44 305 2 03/09 7615 4.22 3.13 305 3 05/08 9212 5.10 3.48 304 4 06/08 8328 4.46 3.51 305 5 07/09 8945 4.25 3.40 305 Seabreeze Storm Melia 1 00/00 8117 4.23 2.96 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Norbert Melia EX90 11130kg 3.06% 2.78%




dam g.d. 3.d.

LINE. 714

UK100310100714, PLI +£32, PIN +£9, Born 04.08.09

Sire: MORNINGVIEW ASHLAR ET 65000133573930 Seabreeze Aw Rumoya 0110910264 G78............................................. by Avenham Westminster PI ET Seabreeze Lee Rumoya 0110241090 Comestar Lee PI ET Seabreeze Counselor Rumoya 0108894971 A Carnation Counselor PI ET LC 22.04.13

SEABREEZE ASHLAR RUMOYA GP81 1 02/05 7813 3.35 2.78 305

2 03/09 2481 3.54 2.95 59 SM 40.5kg Lcc37 Acc27

Seabreeze Aw Rumoya G78 1 03/00 8903 3.75 3.10 305

2 04/06 8903 4.23 3.32 305

Seabreeze Lee Rumoya VG89 1 02/07 6329 4.53 3.19 288 2 03/06 8270 4.48 3.21 305 3 04/07 10099 4.36 3.27 305 4 06/03 10200 4.34 3.01 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Grand Rumoya 3 VG85 8626kg 4.67% 3.10% Seabreeze Counselor Rumoya GP84 1 02/10 5654 3.73 3.22 305 3 00/00 7235 3.81 3.29 305

2 03/10 5961 3.81 3.25 293 4 06/02 7839 5.43 3.21 305

56 LOT



dam g.d. 3.d.

LINE. 715

UK100310200715, PLI +£92, PIN +£9, Born 05.08.09

Sire: REGANCREST DESIGN PI ET 6560540176 Seabreeze Responder Judyann 0110408311 EX90................................... by Bilsrowan Responder PI Seabreeze Prelude Judyann A Ronnybrook Prelude PI ET Seabreeze Joger Judyann 0109046063.................................................. by A Caernarvon Jogger PI ET LC 18.04.13

SEABREEZE DESIGN JUDYANN VG85 2gensVG/EX 1 02/07 6133 4.56 3.27 305 2 03/09 2323 4.37 3.03 63 SM 40kg Lcc14 Acc12 Seabreeze Responder Judyann EX90 1 02/09 7330 5.85 3.09 305 2 03/11 7682 4.53 3.39 305 3 05/01 8816 4.43 3.23 305 4 06/01 7918 4.08 3.29 305 5 07/01 7348 4.41 3.43 305 6 08/04 8715 4.22 3.12 305 7 09/04 8214 3.72 3.04 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze September Judyann VG85(2YR) 9135kg 4.62% 3.27% Seabreeze Prelude Judyann 1 02/00 5756 4.55 3.06 305 2 03/05 7952 4.49 3.02 305 3 04/07 7738 4.78 2.93 289 4 05/06 5294 4.84 2.76 234 5 06/06 7049 4.68 2.94 245 Seabreeze Joger Judyann 1 03/01 6004 3.54 3.20 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Designer Judyann 4 VG85 9009kg 3.40% 3.22%


LINE. 717


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310400717, PLI +£32, PIN -£1, Born 07.08.09

Sire: MORNINGVIEW ASHLAR ET 65000133573930 Seabreeze Tahoe Lupin 7 0110807139 VG87.................................................... by Stardale Tahoe PI ET Seabreeze Norbert Lupin 6 Bobetty Mandel Norbert 2 PI ET Seabreeze Spotter Lupin 2 Tallent Spotter PI LC 09.05.13

SEABREEZE ASHLAR LUPIN 1 02/07 5919 3.25 3.16 305

2 03/10 1600 3.47 2.94 SM 38.1kg Lcc36 Acc36

Seabreeze Tahoe Lupin 7 VG87 1 03/01 8238 4.03 3.17 305 3 05/01 6892 4.25 3.45 305

2 04/00 8915 3.62 3.26 305 4 06/00 8004 4.05 3.23 305


Seabreeze Norbert Lupin 6 1 02/08 8698 4.63 3.15 305 2 04/00 10493 4.58 2.89 305 3 05/11 10131 3.76 3.01 305 4 07/01 9563 3.34 3.05 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Igniter Lupin VG85 8931kg 3.83% 3.11% Seabreeze Spotter Lupin 2 1 03/05 6949 3.81 2.98 305 2 03/09 8141 4.37 3.51 305 3 05/00 7022 4.23 3.14 305

57 LOT

LINE. 751


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310300751, PLI +£14, PIN -£10, Born 13.01.10

Sire: MORNINGVIEW ASHLAR ET 65000133573930 Seabreeze Rubens Lupin 2 0110807143 VG85(2YR)................. by Windy-Knoll-View Rubens Pro PI Seabreeze Cl Lupin 3 0110068567 Comestar Leader PI ET Seabreeze Rudolph Lupin 2 0109517962 VG87....................................... by Startmore Rudolph PI ET LC 01.07.13

SEABREEZE ASHLAR LUPIN 3 1 02/07 6144 4.05 2.92 289

2 Fresh

Seabreeze Rubens Lupin 2 VG85(2YR) 3gensVG 1 02/04 6416 3.53 2.91 290 2 03/03 8065 3.43 2.77 305 3 04/05 8485 3.22 2.81 305 4 05/05 7226 4.04 2.86 305 5 06/05 9669 3.31 2.79 275 6 07/04 8363 3.73 2.71 305 Seabreeze Cl Lupin 3 VG86 1 02/08 6093 4.28 3.28 305 2 03/10 7569 4.71 3.05 277 3 04/11 8668 3.70 3.11 290 4 05/10 7607 3.07 3.06 305 5 06/11 8633 3.40 2.89 275 6 08/00 7937 3.06 3.11 299 7 08/11 1996 4.58 3.86 67 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Outside Lupin 2 VG88 9237kg 4.09% 2.91% Seabreeze Rudolph Lupin 2 VG87 1 00/00 7565 3.53 2.89 305 2 03/11 9172 5.04 3.07 305 3 05/02 7576 4.37 3.15 292 4 06/03 8568 3.83 3.04 305 5 07/04 9538 4.05 3.05 305


LINE. 772

122 SEABREEZE DANCER SABRINA 0111862321 VG87 2gensVG

dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310300772, PLI +£40, PIN +£1, Born 24.03.10

Sire: A.L.H. DANCER ET 63000361252443 Seabreeze Roberto Sabrina 0111063978 VG85................................................. by Stardale Roberto ET Seabreeze Cl Sabrina PI Comestar Leader PI ET Seabreeze Storm Sabrina PI 0109548922 VG86............................................ by Maughlin Storm PI ET LC 25.12.12 AI 13.04.13 to R-E-W Seaver ET 65000137012381 PD+

SEABREEZE DANCER SABRINA VG87 2gensVG 1 02/10 5208 3.92 3.22 177

SM 30.5kg Lcc36 Acc34

Seabreeze Roberto Sabrina VG85 1 02/10 9321 4.43 3.54 305 3 05/08 9408 4.53 3.41 305

2 04/04 9131 4.14 3.30 305 4 06/11 7354 4.46 3.24 234

Seabreeze Cl Sabrina PI 1 03/08 6151 4.21 3.18 305

2 04/11 9590 4.84 3.43 305

Seabreeze Storm Sabrina PI VG86 1 00/00 5766 4.16 3.24 273 2 03/04 7959 4.37 3.30 305 3 04/06 7294 4.40 3.45 270 4 05/06 7364 4.89 3.26 305 5 06/10 6772 3.66 3.50 305

58 LOT

LINE. 786

123 SEABREEZE DEREK CHERRY 2 0111890897 VG86

dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310300786, PLI +£38, PIN +£3, Born 24.05.10

Sire: EMERALD-ACR-SA T-DEREK PI ET 65000129202882 Seabreeze September Cherry 0110824285 G79................................. by Pursuit September Storm PI Seabreeze Leadership Cherry 3 0109802621 VG89..................................... by Haldrey Leadership PI Seabreeze Jogger Cherry 2 0109286935............................................... by A Caernarvon Jogger PI ET LC 26.02.13 AI 19.05.13 to Gillette Jordan 640007588022

SEABREEZE DEREK CHERRY 2 VG86 1 02/10 3165 3.53 3.27


SM 32.7kg Lcc48 Acc35

Seabreeze September Cherry G79 1 03/02 6965 3.98 3.22 305 2 04/03 10135 3.59 3.02 305 3 05/09 9965 3.32 3.09 305 Seabreeze Leadership Cherry 3 VG89 1 02/07 6765 4.92 3.18 305 2 03/08 7433 5.49 2.73 305 3 05/00 8977 4.98 2.93 298 4 06/00 10084 3.78 3.10 305 5 07/01 4733 4.50 2.97 125 Seabreeze Jogger Cherry 2 1 02/05 2247 3.85 3.08 102


LINE. 791

124 SEABREEZE DANCER LUPIN 3 0111890899 VG85

dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310100791, PLI +£12, PIN -£4, Born 06.06.10

Sire: A.L.H. DANCER ET 63000361252443 Seabreeze Principal Lupin Crichel Principal PI Seabreeze Jogger Lupin 5 0109672637................................................. by A Caernarvon Jogger PI ET Seabreeze Park Lupin 0108948045 Juniper Park PI ET LC 24.02.13 AI 26.05.13 to Comestar Lavanguard ET 64000103974966

SEABREEZE DANCER LUPIN 3 VG85 1 02/09 3117 4.88 3.06


Seabreeze Principal Lupin 1 02/09 7727 3.78 3.22 305 3 05/00 8106 4.13 3.35 305

SM 33kg Lcc74 Acc55 2 03/10 8406 4.17 3.18 305 4 07/00 7847 4.39 2.99 295

Seabreeze Jogger Lupin 5 1 03/02 6702 4.07 2.95 305 2 03/09 8717 4.38 3.07 305 3 05/01 8948 3.77 2.87 305 4 06/06 9760 4.13 2.94 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Ridge Lupin VG86 9879kg 4.66% 3.24% Seabreeze Park Lupin VG86 1 02/04 7091 3.99 3.10 305 2 03/04 7585 4.11 3.19 297 3 04/04 8421 3.82 3.09 305 4 05/05 8624 4.59 2.88 305 5 06/05 9958 4.18 3.11 305 6 07/08 9375 4.27 3.18 296 7 08/07 5849 4.28 2.91 171

59 LOT

LINE. 794

125 SEABREEZE ASHLAR LEA 0111894222 VG85 2gensVG

UK100310400794, PLI +£26, PIN +£3, Born 14.06.10

Sire: MORNINGVIEW ASHLAR ET 65000133573930

dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d.

Seabreeze Lucente Lea PI 0110680376 VG85(2YR) Aquila Patron Lucente PI ET Seabreeze Infinity Lea PI ET Robthom Infinity PI Moet Leadman Lea A PI ET 0108122970 GP80............................. by Rothrock Tradition Leadman PI Fair-Hill Rotate Lea PI ET 6512840288 VG86............................................................. by Arlinda Rotate PI L&J Bova Leah PI 6511670150 VG86.............................................................. by Rockalli Son Of Bova PI LC 20.03.13

SEABREEZE ASHLAR LEA VG85 2gensVG 1 02/10 3190 3.62 3.28 92

SM 35.6kg Lcc26 Acc26

Seabreeze Lucente Lea PI VG85(2YR) 1 02/07 7465 3.83 3.36 305 3 05/02 9615 3.79 3.22 305

2 03/08 8220 3.94 3.36 305 4 06/07 6457 3.28 3.05 305

Seabreeze Infinity Lea PI ET 1 02/05 5618 3.67 3.13 305 2 00/00 7093 3.61 3.19 305 3 04/09 7316 4.18 2.99 305 4 05/10 8032 4.35 3.24 305 5 06/09 5904 5.33 3.13 305 Moet Leadman Lea A PI ET GP80 1 02/02 9558 3.19 3.30 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Moet Tesk Lea B PI ET EX91-2E 11961kg 3.62% 3.10% • Moet Leadman Lea D PI ET VG87 9744kg 4.46% 3.27% • Errolston Stuffy Leah PI ET VG86 10235kg 4.18% 3.30% • Moet Leadman Lea H PI ET VG85 13483kg 3.72% 3.19%

Innovation for the Dairy Industry JPA have revolutionised their feeds Optigen increases energy and reduces cost Total Replacement organic minerals support milk production and animal health No other feed produced in Cumbria contains these innovations Further price reductions for collection from Brayton Mill, Aspatria or Sandysike Mill, Longtown.

For Nutritional Advice please contact Andrew Hodsman on 07825 615597

Tel. 01768 881881

60 LOT


dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.

UK100310400815, PLI -£21, PIN -£10, Born 05.10.10

Sire: FAR-O-LA DEBBIE-JO DRAKE PI ET 65000130498623 Seabreeze Artist Judyann 0111207790.............................................................. by Ridgefield Artist PI ET Seabreeze Responder Judyann 2 0110433872........................................... by Bilsrowan Responder PI Seabreeze Cl Judyann Comestar Leader PI ET Seabreeze Warden Judyann 0108013048 A Hilltopper Warden PI Due to calve before sale day

Seabreeze Artist Judyann 1 02/10 6362 4.46 3.27 305

2 04/01 8531 4.04 3.20 305

Seabreeze Responder Judyann 2 1 03/00 6923 4.04 3.11 305

2 04/01 6452 3.73 3.23 305

Seabreeze Cl Judyann 1 00/00 6275 3.78 3.16 305 2 03/10 8684 4.02 2.97 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Astre Judyann 4 VG89 10190kg 3.11% 2.86%



dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.

UK100310500816, PLI +£64, PIN +£17, Born 21.10.10

Sire: REGANCREST BALTIMOR ET 6561898426 Seabreeze Spirte Judyann 2 0111291769 VG87.................................................... by Cedarwal Spirte PI Seabreeze Principal Judyann 0110408309 Crichel Principal PI Seabreeze Designer Judyann 0108382733 Hanoverhill Designer PI Seabreeze Bear Judyann 0107970307 VG85 RM.......................................... by Bear Path Fantastic PI Due to calve before sale day

Seabreeze Spirte Judyann 2 VG87 1 02/06 8037 4.42 3.27 305 3 04/08 9374 4.54 3.11 305

2 03/08 8966 4.50 3.44 305 4 05/09 98 5.14 3.57 7

Seabreeze Principal Judyann GP83 1 02/06 8063 5.25 3.00 305 3 04/08 10194 3.81 3.37 305

2 03/07 10789 4.06 3.28 305 4 05/09 9353 3.62 3.27 305

Seabreeze Designer Judyann GP83 1 02/03 5957 3.79 3.19 305 2 04/01 6981 3.70 3.12 305 3 05/01 8917 3.57 3.23 305 4 06/01 8024 3.51 3.10 302 5 07/02 8223 3.42 3.00 305 6 08/01 7857 4.03 3.25 305 7 09/07 8027 4.11 2.85 305

61 LOT


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310200820, PLI +£32, PIN +£8, Born 01.11.10

Sire: MORNINGVIEW ASHLAR ET 65000133573930 Seabreeze Aw Rumoya 0110910264 G78............................................. by Avenham Westminster PI ET Seabreeze Lee Rumoya 0110241090 Comestar Lee PI ET Seabreeze Counselor Rumoya 0108894971 A Carnation Counselor PI ET Due to calve before sale day

Seabreeze Aw Rumoya G78 1 03/00 8903 3.75 3.10 305

2 04/06 8903 4.23 3.32 305

Seabreeze Lee Rumoya VG89 1 02/07 6329 4.53 3.19 288 2 03/06 8270 4.48 3.21 305 3 04/07 10099 4.36 3.27 305 4 06/03 10200 4.34 3.01 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Grand Rumoya 3 VG85 8626kg 4.67% 3.10% Seabreeze Counselor Rumoya GP84 1 02/10 5654 3.73 3.22 305 3 00/00 7235 3.81 3.29 305

2 03/10 5961 3.81 3.25 293 4 06/02 7839 5.43 3.21 305



dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310300821, PLI +£28, PIN +£9, Born 02.11.10

Sire: MAGOR BAROQUE ALLEN ET 64003250510837 Seabreeze Lucente Spangle 2 Aquila Patron Lucente PI ET Seabreeze Coni Spangle 2 0110497512 Meadowstream Ebony Coni PI ET Seabreeze Regal Spangle 0108260344 GP81 Stubbyknowe Regal Pride LC 25.06.13

Seabreeze Lucente Spangle 2 1 03/02 9055 3.91 3.29 305 Seabreeze Coni Spangle 2 EX90 1 02/09 8990 3.71 3.21 305 2 03/08 8502 4.05 3.46 305 3 04/10 10020 3.70 3.11 288 4 05/10 9925 3.72 3.31 305 5 06/11 9397 4.14 3.01 295 6 08/01 9814 3.71 3.00 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Prelude Spangle VG85 7295kg 4.33% 3.09% Seabreeze Regal Spangle GP81 RM 1 02/06 6215 4.09 3.11 305 3 04/06 6494 4.33 3.37 305 5 06/08 8016 3.77 3.23 294 7 00/00 8291 3.81 3.05 305 9 11/00 6435 4.16 3.11 305

2 03/07 7091 3.98 3.20 303 4 05/07 7519 4.06 3.18 305 6 07/07 6551 3.80 3.19 305 8 09/10 6308 4.49 3.23 305 10 12/00 6196 4.78 2.94 305

62 LOT


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310500823, PLI +£63, PIN +£12, Born 09.11.10

Sire: REGANCREST BALTIMOR ET 6561898426 Seabreeze Responder Judyann 0110408311 EX90................................... by Bilsrowan Responder PI Seabreeze Prelude Judyann A Ronnybrook Prelude PI ET Seabreeze Joger Judyann 0109046063.................................................. by A Caernarvon Jogger PI ET Due to calve before sale day

Seabreeze Responder Judyann EX90 1 02/09 7330 5.85 3.09 305 2 03/11 7682 4.53 3.39 305 3 05/01 8816 4.43 3.23 305 4 06/01 7918 4.08 3.29 305 5 07/01 7348 4.41 3.43 305 6 08/04 8715 4.22 3.12 305 7 09/04 8214 3.72 3.04 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze September Judyann VG85(2YR) 9135kg 4.62% 3.27% Seabreeze Prelude Judyann 1 02/00 5756 4.55 3.06 305 2 03/05 7952 4.49 3.02 305 3 04/07 7738 4.78 2.93 289 4 05/06 5294 4.84 2.76 234 5 06/06 7049 4.68 2.94 245 Seabreeze Joger Judyann 1 03/01 6004 3.54 3.20 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Designer Judyann 4 VG85 9009kg 3.40% 3.22% LOT


dam g.d. 3.d.


UK100310700818, PLI +£48, PIN-£7, Born 31.10.10

Sire: MAGOR BAROQUE ALLEN ET 64003250510837 Seabreeze Final Melia Gillette Final Cut Seabreeze Tahoe Melia EX90 0110614110.......................................................... by Stardale Tohoe PI ET Seabreeze Skylight Melia 0110124542..................................................................... by Jolibois Skylight PI Due to calve before sale day

Seabreeze Final Melia 1 02/05 8131 3.59 3.05 305 Seabreeze Tahoe Melia EX90 1 02/06 7137 3.80 3.31 305 3 04/09 9413 3.65 3.21 305 5 08/01 9741 3.85 2.98 305

2 03/06 9550 4.06 3.29 305 4 06/08 10404 3.78 3.23 305 6 09/06 4728 3.48 2.95 127

Seabreeze Skylight Melia 1 02/07 6275 4.46 3.54 305 2 03/09 7713 4.53 3.31 305 3 04/11 8157 4.44 3.17 275

63 LOT


dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.

UK100310200827, PLI +£33, PIN +£11, Born 02.12.10

Sire: MAGOR BAROQUE ALLEN ET 64003250510837 Seabreeze Jasper Judyann 0111468751........................................................ by Wilcoxview Jasper PI ET Seabreeze Principal Judyann 0110408309 Crichel Principal PI Seabreeze Designer Judyann 0108382733 Hanoverhill Designer PI Seabreeze Bear Judyann 0107970307 VG85 RM.......................................... by Bear Path Fantastic PI Due to calve before sale day

Seabreeze Jasper Judyann 1 02/09 8657 3.95 3.10 305 2 04/02 8324 4.34 3.05 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Spirte Judyann 2 VG87 9374kg 4.54% 3.11% Seabreeze Principal Judyann GP83 1 02/06 8063 5.25 3.00 305 3 04/08 10194 3.81 3.37 305

2 03/07 10789 4.06 3.28 305 4 05/09 9353 3.62 3.27 305

Seabreeze Designer Judyann GP83 1 02/03 5957 3.79 3.19 305 2 04/01 6981 3.70 3.12 305 3 05/01 8917 3.57 3.23 305 4 06/01 8024 3.51 3.10 302 5 07/02 8223 3.42 3.00 305 6 08/01 7857 4.03 3.25 305 7 09/07 8027 4.11 2.85 305


133 SEABREEZE DEREK LUPIN 3 0112012104

dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310700832, PLI +£25, PIN -£7, Born 27.12.10

Sire: EMERALD-ACR-SA T-DEREK PI ET 65000129202882 Seabreeze Tahoe Lupin 5 0110798230 VG86................................................... by Stardale Tahoe PI ET Seabreeze Nobel Lupin 0110249542.................................................................. by Markwell Nobel PI ET Seabreeze Park Lupin 2 0109249020 Juniper Park PI ET Due to calve before sale day

Seabreeze Tahoe Lupin 5 VG86 1 02/11 7842 3.79 2.98 305 3 05/00 7980 4.12 3.16 305

2 03/10 6636 3.82 3.36 288 4 06/05 7674 3.52 2.76 225

Seabreeze Nobel Lupin • No records available Seabreeze Park Lupin 2 GP84 1 02/09 4878 4.10 3.10 305 2 03/11 6699 3.73 3.00 279 3 04/10 7209 4.27 3.36 305 4 05/10 8416 4.07 3.35 305 5 07/03 5801 3.91 3.31 253 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Storm Lupin EX90 9693kg 4.01% 3.07%

64 LOT


dam g.d. 3.d.

UK100310300835, PLI +£39, PIN +£5, Born 14.01.11

Sire: MAGOR BAROQUE ALLEN ET 64003250510837 Seabreeze Spirte Lupin 0111303032 EX90............................................................ by Cedarwal Spirte PI Seabreeze Charles Lupin 0109336880 Boulet Charles PI ET Seabreeze Victor Lupin 0108751762 Hanoverhill Victor PI Due to calve before sale day

Seabreeze Spirte Lupin EX90 2gensEX 1 02/08 7328 4.16 3.17 305 2 03/10 7989 4.06 3.40 305 3 05/00 9120 4.11 3.16 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Seabreeze Stormer Lupin EX91 8430kg 4.12% 3.10% • Seabreeze Final Lupin VG87 8451kg 3.87% 3.08% Seabreeze Charles Lupin EX90 1 00/00 6930 3.51 3.09 305 3 05/09 8504 4.00 3.30 305 5 07/11 7205 3.30 3.16 305 7 10/09 6323 3.05 3.22 305

2 04/07 8435 4.13 3.09 305 4 06/10 7516 4.29 3.16 305 6 09/08 7536 3.17 3.21 305 8 11/09 4950 4.20 3.29 305

Seabreeze Victor Lupin GP80 1 02/11 9895 3.48 3.02 305 3 00/00 9254 3.24 2.97 305

2 04/02 11157 3.14 2.90 305 4 07/00 10345 3.96 2.79 305


ALPHABETICAL BULL INDEX A.L.H. DANCER ET 63000361252443 PTA2013 Apr13 +360M -2.5BF (-0.20%) +1.7P (-0.12%) 98% Rel PIN -£9 PLI +£13 PTAT 1.99. He is by Regancrest Elton Durham PI ET EX90 and out of the 17971kg 4.20% 3.10% Regancrest Debbie-Jo PI ET EX92 ANNAN BAXTER ET 0100638263 PTA2013 Apr13 +663M +26.5BF ( 0.00%) +11.9P (-0.11%) 50% Rel PIN +£24 PLI +£87 PTAT 1.22. He is by Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter Blf Br Byf Cvf Dpf Hh1t Hh2t Hh3t and out of the 12280kg 4.21% 3.20% Annan Dombinator Kimo PI ET EX93 AQUILA PATRON LUCENTE PI ET 72000912027632 PTA2013 Apr13 +500M +10.2BF (-0.11%) +8.9P (-0.09%) 99% Rel PIN +£10 PLI -£31 PTAT 0.98. He is by Brabant Star Patron PI ET EX92 and out of the 13343kg 3.30% 3.10% Aquila Luke Galizia PI ET Cvf EX90 ARDS REVELATION 0100615013 PTA2013 Apr13 +365M +3.6BF (-0.13%) +6.7P (-0.06%) 99% Rel PIN +£4 PLI +£11 PTAT 1.12. He is by Comestar Outside PI ET BLF HH1T HH2C HH3T EX95 and out of the 15207kg 5.10% 3.05% Ards Juror I Ruth 3 ET EX94 BLUE-HAVEN-LTD BRICK ET HH1T HH2C HH3T 65000133906051 PTA2013 Apr13 +423M +18.1BF (+0.02%) +7.6P (-0.07%) 98% Rel PIN +£16 PLI +£38 PTAT 1.77. He is by Comestar Outside PI ET BLF HH1T HH2C HH3T EX95 and out of the 12211kg 3.50% 3.40% Wilcoxview Patron Brooke ET EX91 BOSSIDE ALTAROSS ET HH1T HH2T HH3C 6562085114 PTA2013 Apr13 +312M +15.6BF (+0.04%) +12.6P (+0.03%) 85% Rel PIN +£26 PLI+£152 PTAT 1.32. He is by O-Bee Manfred Justice PI ET DPF HH1T HH2T HH3C RDF EX94 and out of the 11925kg 4.20% 3.50% Bosside Boss Rosie VG86 BRAEDALE BAMBAM PI 6410793761 PTA2013 Apr13 +165M +23.9BF (+0.22%) +3.0P (-0.03%) 99% Rel PIN +£20 PLI+£112 PTAT 1.81. He is by Summershade Igniter PI ET BYF HH1T HH2T HH3T EX and out of the 12096kg 4.90% 3.30% Braedale Baler Twine PI VG86 CARNEWELL BRIAN PI 0100632729 PTA2013 Apr13 +410M +4.8BF (-0.14%) +6.4P (-0.08%) 78% Rel PIN +£4 PLI +£14 PTAT 0.55. He is by Silverpost Sinatra PI VG88 and out of the 12395kg 2.65% 2.69% Carnewell Knightingale Brianne PI ET VG87 CEDARWAL SPIRTE PI 6410559198 PTA2013 Apr13 +456M +13.9BF (-0.05%) +6.1P (-0.10%) 99% Rel PIN +£9 PLI +£42 PTAT 1.09. He is by Comestar Lee PI ET EX and out of the 13483kg 3.30% 2.90% Cedarwal Halo Mason PI VG85 CHAPELHOUSE FRENZY 0100639000 Pedigree Index Apr13 -46M +0.1BF (+0.03%) -3.3P (-0.03%) 40% Rel PIN -£4 PLI +£22 PTAT 0.60. He is by Berryholme Flo Emense PI ET and out of the 14171kg 3.81% 3.12% Threelimes Gordon Flo 8 PI EX90 CHARPENTIER MAGOT ET 64000101515123 PTA2013 Apr13 +499M +5.7BF (-0.17%) +0.3P (-0.19%) 99% Rel PIN -£8 PLI -£13 PTAT 1.22. He is by Stouder Morty PI ET HH1C HH2T HH3T and out of the 20678kg 4.20% 3.20% Comestar C Madona Igniter ET VG87 COGENT LOADER ET HH1C HH2T HH3T 0100623777 PTA2013 Apr13 +821M +11.5BF (-0.24%) +12.6P (-0.16%) 99% Rel PIN +£9 PLI +£15 PTAT 2.31. He is by Stouder Morty PI ET HH1C HH2T HH3T and out of the 14413kg 3.99% 3.18% Cogent Tugolo Looking 2 ET VG88 COMESTAR LAVANGUARD ET 64000103974966 PTA2013 Apr13 +525M +27.2BF (+0.08%) +13.7P (-0.04%) 91% Rel PIN +£31 PLI+£119 PTAT 2.65. He is by Braedale Goldwyn PI BYF CVF HH1T HH2T HH3T GP84 and out of the 18192kg 4.60% 3.40% Comestar Lautamie Titanic ET VG89 COMESTAR OUTSIDE PI ET BLF HH1T HH2C HH3T 6406026421 PTA2013 Apr13 +318M +12.0BF (-0.01%) 0.0P (-0.13%) 99% Rel PIN +£1 PLI +£66 PTAT 1.64. He is by A Ronnybrook Prelude PI ET DPF GP81 and out of the 14025kg 3.70% 3.10% Comestar L Or Black PI ET VG87

66 COMESTAR STORMATIC PI ET 6406947936 PTA2013 Apr13 +346M +1.1BF (-0.15%) +0.8P (-0.13%) 99% Rel PIN -£7 PLI +£18 PTAT 1.60. He is by Maughlin Storm PI ET EX and out of the 14844kg 4.20% 3.50% Comestar Lausan Black PI ET VG87 COOPON TORMENT PI ET 0100631470 PTA2013 Apr13 +217M +16.5BF (+0.10%) +8.0P (+0.01%) 90% Rel PIN +£21 PLI +£91 PTAT 0.18. He is by Ladino Park Talent PI ET *RC EX and out of the 11644kg 4.25% 3.17% Coopon Rudolph Pietje PI VG88 CRICHEL PRINCIPAL PI 0100574334 PTA2013 Apr13 +436M +13.2BF (-0.05%) +15.9P (+0.02%) 99% Rel PIN +£26 PLI +£65 PTAT 0.73. He is by Etazon Celsius PI ET BYF EX90 and out of the 12860kg 3.57% 2.94% Crichel Inspiration Pamela 13 PI ET VG89 CROCKETT-ACRES OTTO ET 65000135556252 PTA2013 Apr13 +389M +15.6BF ( 0.00%) +15.5P (+0.04%) 97% Rel PIN +£28 PLI+£170 PTAT 0.90. He is by O-Bee Manfred Justice PI ET DPF HH1T HH2T HH3C RDF EX94 and out of the 17618kg 3.30% 3.40% Crockett-Acres Mtot Elly ET BYF EX90 DANSIRE DAHL DUNDEE BYF 6100248526 PTA2013 Apr13 +539M +20.8BF (-0.01%) +19.3P (+0.02%) 81% Rel PIN +£35 PLI+£140 PTAT 0.40. He is by V Dahl DEN-K MARSHALL LL LAURIN 65000132480026 PTA2013 Apr13 +569M +22.2BF ( 0.00%) +11.6P (-0.08%) 99% Rel PIN +£22 PLI +£68 PTAT 0.51. He is by Mara-Thon Bw Marshall PI ET VG86 and out of the 17917kg 3.20% 3.30% Ms Sunnyhome Lil-Lee EX90 DENMIRE GOLD MEDAL ET 0100629830 PTA2013 Apr13 +236M +29.6BF (+0.25%) +4.3P (-0.04%) 96% Rel PIN +£25 PLI+£161 PTAT 1.97. He is by Braedale Goldwyn PI BYF CVF HH1T HH2T HH3T GP84 and out of the 15470kg 4.76% 3.24% Denmire Storm Marie 12 EX94 DENMIRE LANCE 0100640853 PTA2013 Apr13 +573M +15.7BF (-0.08%) +12.7P (-0.07%) 70% Rel PIN +£19 PLI +£70 PTAT 1.78. He is by Karona Bonair ET VG88 and out of the 15688kg 3.55% 3.09% Denmire Morty Lana 5 PI ET EX92 DENMIRE LOUIS 0100640261 Pedigree Index Apr13 +471M +10.0BF (-0.13%) +13.5P (-0.03%) 42% Rel PIN +£18 PLI +£72 PTAT 1.41. He is by Roumare and out of the 13129kg 3.29% 2.87% Denmire Morty Lana 6 PI ET EX92 DENMIRE MURPHY 0100627974 PTA2013 Apr13 +262M +1.8BF (-0.10%) +5.6P (-0.04%) 93% Rel PIN +£4 PLI +£37 PTAT 1.69. He is by Ladino Park Talent PI ET *RC EX and out of the 12770kg 4.09% 3.30% Denmire Gibson Marie 24 EX92 EMERALD-ACR-SA T-BAXTER BLF BR BYF CVF DPF HH1T HH2T HH3T 65000132973942 PTA2013 Apr13 +916M +31.2BF (-0.06%) +17.5P (-0.14%) 99% Rel PIN +£30 PLI+£107 PTAT 0.93. He is by Fustead Emory Blitz PI ET EX95 and out of the 12433kg 4.30% 3.50% Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Mallory ET VG87 EMERALD-ACR-SA T-DEREK PI ET 65000129202882 PTA2013 Apr13 +241M +1.5BF (-0.10%) +5.5P (-0.03%) 99% Rel PIN +£4 PLI +£64 PTAT 1.88. He is by Regancrest Elton Durham PI ET RDF EX90 and out of the 12433kg 4.20% 3.30% Emerald-Acr-Sa Toot PI ET VG87 FAR-O-LA DEBBIE-JO DRAKE PI ET 65000130498623 PTA2013 Apr13 +81M -7.9BF (-0.14%) -4.7P (-0.09%) 99% Rel PIN -£17 PLI -£47 PTAT 2.01. He is by Regancrest Elton Durham PI ET RDF EX90 and out of the 17971kg 4.20% 3.10% Regancrest Debbie-Jo PI ET EX92 GEN-I-BEQ BRAWLER ET 64000104854291 PTA2013 Apr13 +667M +27.3BF (+0.01%) +21.8P ( 0.00%) 84% Rel PIN +£41 PLI+£177 PTAT 2.26. He is by EmeraldAcr-Sa T-Baxter Blf Br Byf Cvf Dpf Hh1t Hh2t Hh3t and out of the 11602kg 4.30% 3.40% Gen-I-Beq Shottle Barbi ET VG87 GILLETTE FINAL CUT PI ET CVF 6407329252 PTA2013 Apr13 +203M +14.6BF (+0.08%) +0.6P (-0.07%) 99% Rel PIN +£7 PLI +£59 PTAT 1.44. He is by Summershade Inquirer PI ET EX and out of the 16501kg 4.90% 3.20% Braedale Second Cut PI VG86

67 GILLETTE JORDAN BLF BYC CVF DPF HH1T HH2T HH3T 6407588022 PTA2013 Apr13 +634M +20.9BF (-0.05%) +12.9P (-0.09%) 95% Rel PIN +£22 PLI+£131 PTAT 2.15. He is by Braedale Goldwyn PI BYF CVF HH1T HH2T HH3T GP84 and out of the 22887kg 4.10% 2.80% Gillette-I Durham Jericho EX GRAN-J OMAN MCCORMICK BLF BYF CNF CVF HH1T HH2T HH3T 65000135778023 PTA2013 Apr13 +205M +23.9BF (+0.20%) +9.1P (+0.03%) 99% Rel PIN +£29 PLI+£197 PTAT 1.97. He is by O-Bee Manfred Justice PI ET DPF HH1T HH2T HH3C RDF EX94 and out of the 11108kg 4.10% 3.40% Grag-J Durham Margo VG87 HOLMLAND GOLDFINGER ET 0100636387 PTA2013 Apr13 +282M +17.0BF (+0.07%) +11.2P (+0.03%) 66% Rel PIN +£25 PLI+£119 PTAT 1.55. He is by Braedale Goldwyn PI BYF CVF HH1T HH2T HH3T GP84 and out of the 13824kg 4.59% 3.27% Brynhyfryd Jolt Irene PI EX92 JUWEL ET 60000661715492 PTA2013 Apr13 +552M +1.9BF (-0.24%) +11.7P (-0.07%) 95% Rel PIN +£7 PLI +£45 PTAT 0.58. He is by Jesther PI and out of the 13419kg 4.77% 3.44% Tirsvad Lily Congo PI EX90 KARONA BONAIR ET 6409324236 PTA2013 Apr13 +611M +17.3BF (-0.08%) +15.9P (-0.05%) 99% Rel PIN +£25 PLI +£91 PTAT 1.95. He is by Comestar Lheros PI ET HH1C HH2T HH3T RDF EX and out of the 14087kg 3.80% 3.30% Karona Emerson Bonnie PI ET EX93 KELLYWELL STORMATIC ECLIPSE ET 0100634420 Pedigree Index Jun13 +219M -0.5BF (-0.12%) +1.3P (-0.08%) 46% Rel PIN -£4 PLI +£31 PTAT 0.54. He is by Comestar Stormatic PI ET EX and out of the 17486kg 3.60% 3.15% Budjon-Jk Linjet Eileen PI ET EX96 KINGS-RANSOM DONAIRO ET BLF CVF 6561488652 PTA2013 Apr13 +1015M +13.7BF (-0.30%) +17.2P (-0.18%) 95% Rel PIN +£13 PLI +£64 PTAT 1.56. He is by Moet Lookout PI ET and out of the 61993kg 3.60% 3.00% Pen-Col Mtoto Dima ET VG88 LADINO PARK TALENT PI ET *RC 47000H00930377 PTA2013 Apr13 +345M -2.8BF (-0.20%) +7.9P (-0.04%) 99% Rel PIN +£2 PLI +£36 PTAT 2.10. He is by Maughlin Storm PI ET *BR *RF EX and out of the 12063kg 4.05% 3.32% Markwell Leader Rose PI ET *RC EX91 LUTZ-BROOKVIEW BURT PI ET 65000129901651 PTA2013 Apr13 +124M +19.6BF (+0.18%) +10.4P (+0.08%) 99% Rel PIN +£30 PLI +£92 PTAT 2.06. He is by Dixie-Lee Aaron PI BLF HH1C HH2T HH3T and out of the 133312kg 4.40% 3.36% Lutz-Brookview Fawn PI ET EX90 MAGOR BAROQUE ALLEN ET 64003250510837 PTA2013 Apr13 +290M +15.8BF (+0.05%) +4.8P (-0.06%) 99% Rel PIN +£13 PLI +£58 PTAT 1.26. He is by Canyon-Breeze Allen PI ET GP and out of the 12096kg 4.90% 3.30% Braedale Baler Twine PI VG86 MARIO XACOBEO ET 60000579539135 PTA2013 Apr13 +631M +12.8BF (-0.14%) +13.9P (-0.08%) 99% Rel PIN +£17 PLI+£113 PTAT 2.84. He is by Mara-Thon Bw Marshall PI ET VG86 and out of the 14520kg 3.80% 3.20% Dirigo-Leblanc Juno PI ET EX94 MORNINGVIEW ASHLAR ET 65000133573930 PTA2013 Apr13 +393M +11.2BF (-0.05%) +8.2P (-0.06%) 99% Rel PIN +£12 PLI +£92 PTAT 1.01. He is by Benner Aerowood PI ET EX and out of Morningview Form Ashley ET VG88 NETHERVALE TABWYN ET 0100640813 Pedigree Index Jun13 +78M +6.6BF (+0.04%) +3.4P (+0.01%) 42% Rel PIN +£9 PLI +£88 PTAT 1.30. He is by Braedale Goldwyn PI BYF CVF HH1T HH2T HH3T GP84 and out of the 12179kg 3.30% 3.10% Veazland-R Bstar Tabby PI EX PLAIN-O DURHAM ROSS 331 ET *TD HH1C HH2T HH3T 6560549654 PTA2013 Apr13 +255M +4.0BF (-0.07%) +7.7P (-0.01%) 99% Rel PIN +£9 PLI +£89 PTAT 2.73. He is by Regancrest Elton Durham PI ET RDF EX90 and out of the 13313kg 3.60% 3.30% Sollien Hero Roslyn EX93 R-E-W BUCKEYE PI ET DPF 65000130588960 PTA2013 Apr13 +748M +17.7BF (-0.14%) +15.1P (-0.11%) 99% Rel PIN +£20 PLI +£93 PTAT 1.68. He is by Mara-Thon Bw Marshall PI ET VG86 and out of the 13957kg 3.70% 2.90% Mayerlane Rud Bubble PI ET Cvf VG86

68 REGANCREST BALTIMOR ET BLF CVF 6561898426 PTA2013 Apr13 +720M +18.3BF (-0.12%) +14.6P (-0.10%) 89% Rel PIN +£20 PLI +£79 PTAT 2.85. He is by Picston Shottle PI ET BYF HH1T HH2T HH3T MFF EX96 and out of the 12120kg 3.90% 3.30% Regancrest-Pr Barbie PI ET EX92 REGANCREST DESIGN PI ET HH1T HH2T HH3C 6560540176 PTA2013 Apr13 +617M +17.6BF (-0.08%) +6.5P (-0.16%) 99% Rel PIN +£9 PLI+£120 PTAT 1.61. He is by Four-Of-A-Kind Eland PI ET BLF HH1T HH2T HH3C EX94 and out of the 14238kg 3.10% 3.10% Regancrest Encore Darel PI ET EX91 SCHILLVIEW OMAN GERARD ET BLF BYF CVF DPF HH1T HH2T HH3T 6552805723 PTA2013 Apr13 +712M +18.4BF (-0.11%) +24.2P (+0.01%) 88% Rel PIN +£37 PLI+£154 PTAT 1.98. He is by O-Bee Manfred Justice PI ET DPF HH1T HH2T HH3C RDF EX94 and out of the 11653kg 4.50% 3.50% Schillview Marsh Glash ET Blf Cvf VG89 SICY KNOWLEDGE ET BLF CVF 64000102459760 PTA2013 Apr13 +269M +22.2BF (+0.14%) +8.6P ( 0.00%) 98% Rel PIN +£25 PLI +£69 PTAT 1.92. He is by Braedale Freelance PI ET and out of the 14769kg 3.70% 3.20% Ferre James Kelly ET VG88 STARDALE TAHOE PI ET 0100615354 PTA2013 Apr13 -188M -14.3BF (-0.09%) -7.6P (-0.02%) 86% Rel PIN -£19 PLI -£45 PTAT 0.81. He is by Four-Of-A-Kind Eland PI ET BLF HH1T HH2T HH3C EX94 and out of the 10414kg 3.30% 3.00% Vikingdale Form Torpedo PI ET VG86 STOWBECK LIONEL 0100641057 Pedigree Index Apr13 +313M +18.0BF (+0.09%) +7.9P (-0.02%) 44% Rel PIN +£19 PLI +£80 PTAT 1.05. He is by Cedarwal Spirte PI and out of the 12303kg 4.45% 3.30% Stowbeck Principal Lillibet EX91 STRAIDNAHANNA BARMAN 0100638592 Pedigree Index Apr13 -420M -3.9BF (+0.19%) -8.3P (+0.08%) 40% Rel PIN -£6 PLI +£27 PTAT 0.03. He is by Howcommon Outside 2 and out of the 10945kg 4.16% 3.20% Straidnahanna Wil Barbara 5 EX90 TALLENT GALAHAD PI 0100630982 PTA2013 Apr13 +343M +26.0BF (+0.15%) +13.8P (+0.03%) 79% Rel PIN +£35 PLI+£151 PTAT 1.59. He is by RegancrestMr Drham Sam PI ET and out of the 10540kg 4.50% 3.41% Tallent Roy Gaye PI VG87 WA-DEL HAYDEN ET BYF HH1T HH2T HH3C 65000135695137 PTA2013 Apr13 +458M +19.7BF (+0.02%) +8.3P (-0.08%) 99% Rel PIN +£18 PLI+£119 PTAT 1.90. He is by O-Bee Manfred Justice PI ET DPF HH1T HH2T HH3C RDF EX94 and out of the 15054kg 4.20% 3.10% Darlawn Mtoto Honibea PI VG85 WILCOXVIEW JASPER PI ET 65000128620869 PTA2013 Apr13 +148M +12.8BF (+0.09%) -3.3P (-0.10%) 99% Rel PIN +£1 PLI -£16 PTAT 1.69. He is by Comestar Lee PI ET EX and out of the 10723kg 3.90% 3.30% Wilcoxview Bellwood Jasmine PI VG87 WINDY-KNOLL-VIEW PRIMETIME PI ET 65000129611183 PTA2013 Apr13 -478M -9.3BF (+0.13%) -11.5P (+0.05%) 97% Rel PIN -£14 PLI -£22 PTAT 1.09. He is by Regancrest Elton Durham PI ET RDF EX90 and out of the 13526kg 3.80% 3.00% Windy-Knoll-View Peggy PI ET EX94



71 AUCTION SALE RULES (July 2009) PRELIMINARY The following Rules are for the use of members of Holstein UK (the "Society") who may wish to adopt them and are applicable to Sales of Holstein Friesian Cattle by Auction. It is a condition of the authority given by the Society for the use of these Rules by any Member for any Sale, that the Member shall before the sale deliver to the Secretary for the time being of the Society or to the Auctioneer on behalf of the Society, an Agreement in writing signed by the Member in the form prescribed by the Society. The Agreement may be obtained on application to the Secretary or to the Auctioneer. Auctioneers committing or wilfully permitting a breach of the Rules shall be disqualified from holding Auctions under the Rules, unless and until the Trustees of the Society shall determine otherwise. Certain of the Rules and/or conditions cannot be applied to sales or transfers of cattle out of England, Scotland and Wales. For any sales out of these countries to Northern Ireland, or any other country the export conditions printed at the end of these Rules shall apply. These Rules may also be used by members in Northern Ireland for sale or transfer within such country but subject to any other conditions that may arise from animals being sold to a buyer outside the borders of either of these countries. In these Rules, "HFS" shall mean The Holstein Friesian Society of Great Britain and Ireland and "BHS" shall mean The British Holstein Society. RULES These Rules shall form the basis of the contract between the Vendor and the Purchaser and from the said contract all conditions and warranties implied under the Sale of Goods Act l979 or any other statutory enactment or implied by any law or custom are expressly excluded subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act l977 or any statutory re-enactment or modification thereof. These terms may not be varied in any way except by an announcement by the Auctioneers before or at the time of the sale. Apart from such announcement, no servant or agent of the Vendor has authority to make any representation waiver or variation of or inconsistent with any of the terms herein contained nor is such person authorised to make any collateral contract or other arrangement to which these terms may not apply. Any such announcements made by the Auctioneers shall be conspicuously displayed in writing at the place of action pursuant to condition 25 hereof. 1. The Advertisements and Catalogues of Sale shall state plainly that the sale is to be held under the Auction Sale Rules of the Society which shall be printed in full in the catalogue of sale or follow all the options:


To prominently draw attention to the application of the rules (referring to the correct current edition) in the sale catalogue by a printed notice to this effect on the catalogue itself;


To display copies of the rules prominently around the auction mart;


To have copies available for persons attending auction; and


For Auctioneers to expressly refer to the rules as governing the auction and the terms of the sale at the commencement of the auction

These guidelines are cumulative - they should all be complied with.

2. An animal at a private sale (as distinct from a collective sale) must be offered for unreserved sale unless it is plainly stated in the catalogue of sale with a capital ‘R’ as being offered subject to a reserve, upset or minimum price or in the opinion of the Auctioneers any unforeseen occurrence may temporarily affect the value of the animal at the time of the sale, in which case the Vendor may fix a reserve, upset or minimum price to be announced by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale. Where an animal is stated in the catalogue as being offered subject to a reserve such reserve shall be handed to the Auctioneers in writing prior to the commencement of the sale. At collective sales (advertised or held out as such) any reserve prices must be handed to the Auctioneers before or at the time the animal to which the reserve applies enters the ring. The fact that there is a reserve is to be announced by the Auctioneers at the time of sale, but the reserve will not be announced. The sale of an animal privately prior to the Auction is not permitted; nor shall a right to bid be reserved expressly by or on behalf of the Vendor, except through the Auctioneers as indicated above. 3.

If at any time within three months following the sale, any animal offered and bid for at the sale and not offered subject to a reserve upset or minimum price, shall be upon the Vendor's premises or exhibited at any show in his name, except for good reasons to be established to the satisfaction of and by the Trustees of the Society, the fact shall be deemed conclusive evidence that the Vendor has committed a breach of these Rules.

4. The Vendor shall not withdraw from sale any animal catalogued for sale, except for good reason to be established to the satisfaction of and approved by the Trustees of the Society or by the Auctioneers acting for the Trustees of the Society. 5. The name and address of the Vendor (or if animals of more than one Vendor are included in the sale, the name and address of each Vendor are included in the sale, the name and address of each Vendor, together with a clear indication of which lots in the catalogue belong to each Vendor) shall in each case be distinctly printed in the catalogue.

72 6. In all particulars of animals to be sold, the date of the previous calving and the date of the last service shall be stated except in the case of a heifer carrying her first calf, when the last service date shall be stated, either in the catalogue or by the Auctioneers at the time of sale. In the event of an animal having been served by two or more bulls or by the same bull at different heat periods, the names of all such bulls and dates of service shall be given. Where a cow or heifer has been running with a bull the dates of commencement and termination of the running periods must be stated. Note:- If there is an interval of less than three weeks between running periods with different bulls or between a running period and an individual service or insemination by different bulls, or between individual services and/ or insemination by different bulls, Vendors should arrange through the Society that all the bulls involved are blood typed at the time of use. This ensures that in the event of any question as to the identity of the sire or any calf being raised after the sale, any necessary DNA check can be arranged by the Society on the Purchaser's behalf but at the expense of the Vendor. 7. In the event of any freshly calved cow or heifer not having satisfactorily cleansed prior to being offered for sale, the fact must be notified to and announced by the Auctioneers. If not so notified and it is found subsequently that an animal has not properly cleansed, the responsibility will rest with the Vendor. Any claim must be accompanied by a Veterinary Surgeon's certificate and must be lodged with the Auctioneers within 72 hours from noon on the day of the sale and the Vendor must be notified immediately.

If a claim is substantiated, the sale of the animal may be cancelled and the Vendors will be responsible for veterinary expenses and transport charges on the return of the animal.

8. If any animal offered had been vaccinated with vaccine S.19 against contagious abortion the date of (or age at) such vaccination must be stated in the catalogue. 9. Breeding Guarantees:

(a) (i) All cows and heifers that are stated in the catalogue of sale to have been served not less than ten weeks before the date of sale, or to have been running with a bull between dates (the later of which is not less than ten weeks before the date of sale) will be guaranteed by the Vendor to be in calf either to the date or one of the dates of service if more than one is stated, or to a service between stated running dates and to the bull stated in the catalogue of sale unless any alteration is announced by the Auctioneers at the time of the sale. Should any animal prove not to be in calf, any claim under this guarantee must be made to the Auctioneer in writing within 7 weeks of the date of sale. Should any animal which is declared to be in calf prove not to be in calf to the date or one of the dates of service or to some date within the running period or periods or to the bull stated as above any claim must similarly be made immediately any evidence in support of such a claim is available and in any case not later than 28 days after the date on which the animal was due to calve according to the date or dates stated in the catalogue of sale. Any cow sold as unserved since last calving; or heifer sold as unserved, shall be so guaranteed by the Vendor and notice of any claim under this last mentioned guarantee must be given to the Auctioneers in writing immediately any evidence is available and in any case not later than fifteen weeks from the date of sale.

The Vendor may withdraw any guarantee under this paragraph concerning any cow or heifer by giving notice in writing to the Auctioneers at least one hour prior to the advertised time of commencement of the sale, and causing an announcement of such withdrawal to be made by the Auctioneers at or before the sale of the animal.

If a disagreement shall arise between a Vendor and a Purchaser as to whether a guarantee under this paragraph has been given or withdrawn or whether any such guarantee so given has been broken or as to the amount which the Purchaser is entitled to recover as a result of a breach of any such guarantee, then failing a settlement by the parties between themselves the dispute may, by mutual consent of the parties, be referred to the Society for determination and the Society may thereupon (but shall not be bound to) arbitrate upon such dispute and if it awards in favour of the Purchaser, the provisions of paragraph (c) hereof shall have effect.

Note: In the above context, "served" and "service" include artificial insemination.

(a) (ii) Purchasers of maiden heifers found to be freemartins (a freemartin being an animal which is incapable of breeding) shall be entitled to a refund of the purchase price thereof plus the cost of keep of the animals, ÂŁ2.00 per day to a maximum of ÂŁ400.00 and other costs incurred, less the slaughter price obtained for the animal (if applicable). Claims by the purchasers of a freemartin must be supported by a certificate confirming the status of the animal as a freemartin issued by a duly qualified veterinary surgeon and the animal must be at least six months of age at the time of examination by the examining veterinarian. The examination should be conducted no later than 9 months from the date of the purchase of the animal. A blood sample and DNA test taken at any age is an alternative to a physical examination and will determine if an animal is a freemartin.


The Vendor guarantees that any bull sold which on the day of sale is twelve months old or over shall within six months of the date of sale if given full and sufficient opportunity to demonstrate that it is capable of getting stock by natural service and any bull aged between eight and twelve months of age on the day of sale shall be similarly guaranteed up to the age of fifteen months. Where a bull is required to undergo a period of isolation under a Brucellosis or other Veterinary Testing Scheme or for export the guarantee period shall not commence until the day following the expiry of the isolation period and shall be of six months duration or until the bull

73 is aged fifteen months whichever period is the longer. Provided that this guarantee shall not be broken if the bull fails to demonstrate his capacity as aforesaid but his failure is due to the fact that the Purchaser's cows and heifers are not in normal breeding state or are otherwise responsible for such failure or if it is owing to some injury sustained or illness contracted by the bull after the sale or if the Purchaser has not applied in respect of it the principles of good husbandry and management. A Purchaser who claims that there is a breach of this guarantee shall within l week after the end of the guarantee period give notice in writing of his claim to the Auctioneers. If such claim is disputed by the Vendor then failing a settlement between themselves the parties may mutually agree upon the appointment of a Veterinary Surgeon to examine the bull and the Purchaser's cows and heifers. If after such examination the Veterinary Surgeon appointed declares the bull to be ineffective he shall state his reasons for such declaration and shall further state (a) whether he has examined the Purchaser's cow and heifers and (if so) that he has found them in normal breeding state and that they are not responsible for the bull's incapacity and (b) whether the bull's incapacity is due to injury or illness contacted since its purchase. Should the parties after receiving the report of a Veterinary Surgeon so appointed still be in disagreement as to the existence of the alleged breach of guarantee or as to the amount which the Purchaser is entitled to recover as the result thereof, or should the parties fail to agree upon the appointment of a Veterinary Surgeon then (provided always that notice of the Purchaser's claim shall have been duly given to the Auctioneer as and within the time hereinbefore specified), the parties may by mutual consent in writing to the Society within 1 month after the end of guarantee period submit the dispute to the Society for arbitration and the Society shall arbitrate upon such dispute and if it awards in favour of the Purchaser the provisions of paragraph (c) hereof shall have effect. For the purpose of any such arbitration the Society may appoint a Veterinary Surgeon to examine the bull, or may institute such other inquiries as it may reasonably think necessary and both parties shall afford all reasonable facilities for such examination and inquiries. If the Purchaser fails within such time as the Society prescribes without reasonable excuse to afford such facilities he shall forfeit all claims of any kind put forward by him in the arbitration and if the Vendor fails within such time and without reasonable excuse to afford such facilities, he shall be taken to arbitration and if the Vendor fails within such time and without reasonable excuse to afford such facilities, he shall be taken to admit the Purchaser's claim in the arbitration and the Society shall award accordingly.

Note: Whilst it is stated that a Purchaser who claims that there is a breach of this guarantee shall within one week after the end of the guarantee period give notice in writing, it is expected that where a Purchaser finds apparent evidence of a bull's incapacity before that date he will communicate with the Vendor either directly or through the Auctioneers. Such earlier notification to the Vendor does not, however, absolve the Purchaser from fulfilling the condition that the bull must be given full and sufficient opportunity within the guarantee period, unless the reasons for incapacity are such as to cause the Vendor to meet the claim without further trial of the bull concerned.


If the Society at an arbitration under paragraph (a) or (b) hereof awards in favour of the Purchaser, the Vendor shall have the option (to be exercised by notice in writing to the Society within 7 days after receipt of written notification of the award from the Society) to require the Purchaser to return the animal (together, in the case of a cow or heifer, with any calf which shall have been dropped by the animal since the date of the sale) and the Purchaser shall in any such case comply with such requirement and shall on so doing be entitled to recover from the Vendor the amount of the purchase money together with a further sum (to be assessed by the Society at the arbitration) as compensation for all costs of keep, carriage charges and insurance incurred by the Purchaser in relation to the animal. If the Vendor does not exercise the option, the Purchaser shall retain the animal (including any such calf as aforesaid) and shall be entitled to recover from the Vendor in full satisfaction of the said claim an amount to be assessed by the Society at the arbitration.


If the breeding guarantee under Rule (b) is withdrawn from a bull, that bull will not be eligible for sale under these Rules.

10. (a)

Udders Warranted - Unless otherwise stated or announced, any cow in calf or in milk or any heifer in milk at the time of sale shall carry a guarantee that she is sound in udder and teats at the time of sale but no claim under such guarantee can be entertained unless made to the Auctioneers by 12.00 noon on the day following the sale for a cow in milk or within two hours following the close of the sale for a dry cow. If the Auctioneers are satisfied that the udder is not sound in all respects, the sale of the animal must be cancelled.

Note: At Herd Dispersal or Breeders' Home Sales, the Vendor must provide adequate facilities for udders to be inspected and for adequate milking facilities to be available for the purchaser in accordance with the warranty.


The most recent cumulative somatic cell count for the current lactation and the total cumulative somatic cell count for the last lactation must be included in the sale catalogue.

11. (a)

Any figures appearing in the catalogue in respect milk or butterfat yields must be official and must be in respect of lactation periods of not more than 365 days for lactations commenced before 1st October 1966 and thereafter of not more than 305 days (except in connection with imported animals or where such figures are not available).



Yields quoted for any female, with the exception of ASR cows, born on or after 1965 and recorded in the UK must include age at calving in years/months.

Note: Only milk records obtained from ICAR (International Committee for Animal Recording) approved milk recording systems will be regarded as official.


Where a lactation is officially recorded in Imperial pounds (lb.) but converted to the kilogram equivalent (kg) for catalogue purposes, the conversion must be at the rate of 1 kg = 2.2046 lb.


The usual milking frequency of the herd, i.e. twice a day or three times a day milking, must be stated in the foreword to the catalogue, except for collective sales when this may be omitted. Details of milking frequency, where appropriate, of all females offered for sale must be announced by the Auctioneer as each animal enters the sale ring.


Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) details or Pedigree Index details appearing in the catalogue in respect of both males and females must state the most recent indices available from the Society. These details must include milk, fat, protein, fat percent, protein percent, percent reliability, month and year of calculation and source and, for bulls only, the percentage of daughters in Herds 1 and 2. For foreign animals appearing without a UK proof and where the latest proof is available from the country of origin, this proof must be converted using the relevant Interbull conversion formula stating month and year of calculation and source.


For animals put forward for sale all completed milk yields over 200 days are to be shown.

12. Any animal entered for sale, which is a twin, or one of a multiple birth must be so described in the catalogue. If it is a twin, this description shall state whether it is twin to a bull or a heifer and if it is one of a multiple birth, this description shall state the sex of the other calves. A female that is twin with a bull or is one of a multiple birth which includes a bull calf, cannot be entered for sale until she has produced a calf except in the case of a dispersal sale, when such animals may be offered for sale providing a full declaration as to the facts hereinbefore referred to is made at the time of sale by the Auctioneers or is inserted in the catalogue. 13. In the event of a female carrying a transferred embryo being offered for sale, the number of embryos collected at the same time, as that carried by the female entered for sale must be stated in the catalogue. If a female offered for sale has been used as an embryo donor, the fact that she has been flushed must be indicated in the catalogue by the word "flushed" and the sale catalogue must also contain a clear statement of the number of embryos collected up to the time of the donor being offered for sale and whether each embryo is being sold separately. 14. If an animal offered for sale has been inspected under any of the Society, HFS, BHS or British Friesian Type Classification schemes then the most recent classification must be stated in the catalogue of sale (provided that if no classification has been undertaken since 1 January 1999, then the higher of the last HFS or BHS classification made before 1 January 1999 must be stated in the catalogue of sale). For other animals in the pedigree the Society, HFS, BHS or British Friesian classification should be included in the catalogue of sale (provided that if no classification has been undertaken since 1 January 1999, then the higher of the last HFS or BHS classification made before 1 January 1999 must be stated in the catalogue of sale), if available. 15. The vendor of an animal shall disclose to the Auctioneers in advance of the sale, except the removal of supernumerary teats, the fact as to whether the animal has been subject to any surgical operations and the nature of such operations. All vaccinations and any known incidents of current clinical disease should be declared. Such disclosure shall in turn be brought to the attention of the bidders at the time of the sale of the animal. If no disclosure is made and upon examination of the animal following its sale, it is discovered that the animal has been the subject of a surgical operation, then subject to the following limitation of time, the Purchaser shall have the right to cancel the sale and obtain repayment of the purchase price plus veterinary examination costs. Any such examination must be made within a period of two weeks of the time of sale of the animal. The Purchaser shall only be entitled to cancel the sale and seek a refund if during that two week period upon ascertaining that the animal was subject to a surgical operation, the Purchaser has informed the Auctioneer and sought such cancellation and also provided a veterinary certificate confirming a surgical operation has been performed.

The following practices or procedures are unacceptable in the Auction of registered dairy cattle:


Misrepresenting the age or ownership of an animal.


Filling an animal’s rumen unnaturally with liquid (tubing).


Balancing the udder by any means other than by leaving naturally produced milk in any or all quarters.


Treating the udder internally with an irritant, counter-irritant, or any other substance to temporarily improve conformation or produce unnatural animation. No unlicensed substance to be entered inside the teat orifice. No setting of teats with any substance.


Treating the udder externally with an irritant, counter-irritant, or any other substance to temporarily improve conformation or produce unnatural animation. (Allowable practices /substances include the use of external anti-inflammatory substances for the well-being of the animal).


Roping udders and the use of objects to physically improve definition of the suspensory center ligament


Administering epidural anaesthesia (blocking tails) and/or applying any irritant either externally or internally to the perineal (rectum and vagina) area.



Inserting foreign material/articles under the skin, into the topline (including hair not attached to its own hair follicle) or on the feet. (Administration of prescribed medications, and false switches and tails is permitted).


Performing surgery of any kind to change the natural contour of appearance of the animal’s body, hide or hair. Not included is the removal of warts, teats and horns, clipping and dressing of hair and trimming of hooves.


Wrapping hocks or draining fluid from hocks.

16. Only animals entered in the Society's Herd Book may be offered for sale under these Rules. 17. (a)

If a bull from which semen has been stored is offered for sale, it must be stated in the sale catalogue whether the semen so stored is to pass with the bull to be sold as part of this or any future sale or whether it is to be retained by the vendor. If semen is retained the transfer certificate of the bull must be marked “semen retained”. Breeder guarantees shall not apply to sales of stored semen.

It should also be clearly stated in the sale catalogue where semen straws of any bull are to be sold as part of this or any future sale whether each straw of semen is being sold separately.


18. If a sale is stated to be a Dispersal Sale, or advertised as such, or to the effect that the entire herd is to be disposed of at the sale, every registered animal in the Vendor's herd is to be disposed of at the sale except under special circumstances which must be stated in detail before the sale and which must be approved by the Trustees of the Society, or by the Auctioneers acting for the Society.

A Dispersal Sale must include all embryos flushed from cows registered as the property of the Vendor, whether frozen or implanted into recipient animals, but the sale of such embryos shall not be held to be subject to these Rules.

19. Where a sale is held under these Rules the Auctioneers may retain five per cent of the sale proceeds as a bond to cover any disputes relating to the Auction Sale Rules, which arise between the Vendor and the Purchaser subsequent to the sale. The bond will be retained on deposit with a national clearing bank by the Auctioneers for four months from the date of the sale, after which in the absence of any dispute, it will be returned to the Vendor together with accrued interest actually earned thereon. The Auctioneers will be under no obligation to maximise interest payments on the deposited amount so long as it is deposited in an interest-bearing account with a national clearing bank. 20. All statements made in the catalogue must be the entire responsibility of the vendor. In particular, the Vendor shall guarantee


The correctness of the pedigrees included in the catalogue of sale in every respect, and


that the Vendor is the sole owner of and has the unencumbered right to sell any animal offered for sale, including that at the time of the auction there are no outstanding loans, hire purchase or other financial arrangements in respect of such animal.

21. (a)

In the case of all registered animals offered for sale, the registration certificate issued by the Society, HFS or BHS must be handed over to the Auctioneers. The Auctioneers are requested to submit a marked catalogue showing the highest bidding for each registered animal sold with the full name and address of the Purchaser and full details of any addition, amendment or correction in connection with details printed in the catalogue. Registration certificates will be endorsed by the Auctioneers and given direct to the Purchaser at the time of sale. All transfers will be effected from the marked catalogue.

In the case of a calf sold under these Rules for which application for registration has been made but for which the registration certificate has not been received by the Vendor prior to the sale, when received the registration certificate must be sent to the Auctioneers for completion of the transfer details and transmission to the Purchaser.


22. If the Vendor shall commit or knowingly suffer any breach of these Rules, he shall be deemed guilty of conduct derogatory to the character and prejudicial to the interest of the Society and shall render himself liable to penalty under the Society's Disciplinary Rules and shall indemnify the Society and the Auctioneers in respect of all and any loss or damage caused by the Vendor’s breach of these Rules. 23. In the question as to the interpretation of any of these Rules, the decision of the Society shall be final and binding. 24. In the case of a dispute arising out of any sale under these Rules between the Vendor and the Purchaser the parties may by mutual agreement select an arbitrator to so arbitrate or may together instruct the Society to appoint an independent arbitrator. The Society may (but subject to Rule 9(b) shall not be obliged to) arbitrate on any dispute arising out of any sale under these Rules, which shall be submitted to the Society for arbitration by the parties thereto and the Society’s award shall be final and binding. 25. Any general announcements made by the Auctioneers in any way affecting these Rules or the animals to be sold shall also be conspicuously displayed in writing.

Any such announcement shall take precedence over statements printed in the catalogue.

26. EXPORT - If any animal is sold to a Purchaser resident in any country whose import regulations require that the animal shall pass certain tests before importation and/or that certain conditions be fulfilled and the Vendor has indicated his agreement to such tests and/or conditions in an undertaking given prior to the sale, then at the fall of the hammer the animal shall be at the Purchaser's risk and expense, including cost of keep by the Vendor at £3 per day, except that

76 if between the date of the sale and the departure from the quarantine station within the country in which the sale was conducted or, if there is no quarantine requirement, between the date of sale and date of shipment from the farm, the animal shall fail to pass any of the required tests, or shall otherwise fail to fulfil any of the conditions of import as covered by the undertaking given prior to the sale, the sale may be cancelled at the Purchaser's option and the sale price refunded. In the event of the Purchaser exercising his option to cancel the sale, the fact must be notified in writing to the Vendor and from the date of receipt of such notice, the risk and expense of the animal shall revert to the Vendor. In the event of the Purchaser exercising his option to cancel the sale, the fact must be notified in writing to the Vendor and from the date of receipt of such notice the risk and expense of the animal shall revert to the Vendor. In any case where an animal is sold under this agreement the Auctioneers shall retain the purchase price until such time as all the conditions of sale are fulfilled and the animal(s) are shipped. No animal(s) shall be shipped until the purchase money has been lodged with the Auctioneers.

Note: In the interpretation of this condition such risks as accident or death attach to the Purchaser but if one of the conditions of the importing country is that there should be a period of quarantine, then the contraction of any disease which becomes apparent during that period and which prevents export will be a Vendor's risk, i.e. the Purchaser may cancel the sale if the disease is such as to prevent the import of the animal according to the regulations of the importing country.

27. (a)

Time shall be of the essence in all conditions in which a time limit is prescribed.

Where the time limit prescribed for some act to be done expires on a Sunday, bank holiday or public holiday, it shall be sufficient if the act is done on the day following such Sunday, bank holiday or public holiday.


28. Upon breach of any Breeding Guarantee contained in these Rules, the Purchaser shall have the right to return the animal, if legally possible, and recover the following expenses from the Vendor:


Purchase money or such part of it as he has paid.


Interest thereon calculated at a daily rate of (2%) above the base rate of (Barclays plc) from time to time from the date of purchase.


Expense of transporting the animal from and to the Vendor's premises.


Reasonable cost of foodstuffs and other expenses necessarily incurred by the Purchaser in the keep of the animal.


Insurance from the date of purchase.


Any reasonable expenses incurred by the Purchasers in investigating the animal's fertility and making a claim under these conditions.

NB. The Purchaser shall have no right to claim damages from the Vendor in respect of (i) any indirect or consequential loss such as (but not limited to) loss of profit, or (ii) any other loss whatsoever.

29. The losing party in any arbitration (unless or except in as far as the Society otherwise decides) shall pay the Society’s costs of the arbitration including the fees and expenses of any person appointed by the Society and the cost of any inquiries which the Society may incur there under.


HEALTH AND SAFETY RULES HARRISON & HETHERINGTON LIMITED NOTICE TO ALL VISITORS AND TRADERS PLEASE READ AND OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING All visitors and traders on site will be responsible for ensuring that they and their employees or sub-contractors engaged by them comply with all legal requirements, including the Health and Safety At Work etc., Act 1974 The Management of Health and Safety At Work Regulations, The Provision And Use of Work Equipment Regulations, etc. All visitors and traders will be responsible for ensuring that their operations in no way affect the integrity of the company or its fire, safety or security arrangements and in no way compromise the health and safety and welfare of other visitors to and or employees of Harrison & Hetherington. Although it is the visitors and traders responsibility to ensure that plant, equipment and systems in work are safe, Harrison & Hetherington Limited reserve the right to ask any visitor or trader to leave the market for any breaches in the Health and Safety Rules and/or Regulations. ●

Vendors must inform Harrison & Hetherington Limited of any livestock due to attend the market whose temperament, behaviour or condition may call for additional precautions for its safe handling. When loading or unloading livestock handlers must ensure that the dock and vehicle gates are securely fixed so as to prevent the escape of animals. Traders are responsible for providing and maintaining suitable livestock handling equipment. They should ensure that livestock handlers are fit, experienced in livestock handling and familiar with the livestock in their charge. Children must not be permitted in any area where they may be at risk from livestock or machinery. In the case of bulls, during the period when the show/sale is open to visitors bulls, in stalls or pens should not be left unattended. If the handler is temporarily absent, arrangements should be made with another vendor, steward or member of Harrison & Hetherington staff to oversee the bull until the handler returns. Handling of Livestock at shows and sales: Harrison & Hetherington Limited recommend that an adult person should accompany any junior person during the showing/sale of livestock in the ring and reserves the right to intervene at any point if, in the company’s opinion, the person showing the livestock is at risk in undertaking that activity. Passageways must be kept clear at all times during the auction sale. PLEASE DO NOT STAND IN THE SALE RING ENTRANCE AND EXIT PASSAGES. The auction ring man escapes and refuges must be kept clear at all times. All portable electrical equipment supplied and/or used by visitors and traders must be safe and fit for the purpose and should have a valid portable appliance test certificate.

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