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Dear fellow Old Harrovians

The 2022–23 year has been another busy one for the Harrow Association, with the culmination of the 450th anniversary celebrations, the rousing Churchill Songs at the Royal Albert Hall, numerous Harrow 450 dinners across the globe and much more. How wonderful it has been to see so many of you at these events. Read more on pages 26-37

In September 2022, Perena Shryane retired after 17 years of tireless service with the HA, latterly as our Director. As Nick Shryane, Perena’s husband, retires as the Harrow School Bursar after a tenure of 25 years at the end of August 2023, we thank them both for their unfaltering commitment to Harrow and wish them well as they contemplate life after the Hill. Do read the fascinating interview with Nick Shryane on page 66.

As a consequence, we were thrilled to welcome Will Landale (The Grove 1978³ ) as the HA Director.

I am delighted, and not in the least surprised, that Will has hit the road running and has brought an energy and enthusiasm to the role that you might expect from an OH!

We have also welcomed new members to the HA Board during the last year: Pierre Ali-Noor (West Acre 2001³ ), Harry Melsom (Elmfield 1998³ ), Mumtaz Habib (Bradbys 2003³ ), Philip Gajland (Druries 2010³ ) and Karim Wilkins (The Knoll 1984³ ), who join James Darley (The Park 1984³ ), Treasurer James de Broë-Ferguson (The Grove 1981³ ) Peter Hedley (West Acre 2008³ ) and Will Orr-Ewing (Elmfield 1998³ ).

Our thanks go to Heyrick Bond-Gunning (West Acre 1985 1 ), who retired as a Board member.

May I also thank all members who completed our 2022 survey (part of our ongoing strategy to check periodically that the HA is meeting the expectations of our members). We gleaned a number of useful ideas from you and we are already acting upon some of your suggestions. Highlights from the survey are available on OH Connect.

The HA Board has now created a dedicated group of sub-committees whose membership includes members of the HA executive team and Board members, to lead and develop the five key areas of the HA’s operations: Community and Clubs, Communications and Data, Careers and Employability, Heritage, and Legal and Financial. We are, I believe, already seeing the value of this structure and, I am confident, the benefits will be shortly felt by you too. These focus areas are reflected in the pages that follow and I hope you enjoy reading about the global activities of the HA, including the wide-ranging and impressive achievements of many OHs and, of course, news from the Hill.

Stet Fortuna Domus Adam Hart (West Acre 19771)

Perena Shryane, Harrow Association Administrator, Manager, Director (2006-22)

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