DOES SHERLOCK HOLMES NEED THERAPY? Alysha Wong, Year 12, Keller Created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle over one
certainly is the most concentrated example of
hundred years ago, fictional private detective
deception. A bolder example of his deception was
Sherlock Holmes rose to fame and became the
when he faked his own death for two years in the
most portrayed literary human figure in film and
last episode of Season Two, after being threatened
television history. A significant part of why his
by his eternal nemesis, Moriaty, to jump down the
character is so engrossing owes to his eccentric
roof or both Watson and Mrs Hudson, their
personality: who knew a recipe for a crime-
housekeeper, would be shot. After a series of
solving protagonist would be a cocaine-user with
events, Sherlock has no choice but to leap to his
numerous arrests and legal involvements?
death—or so it seems. The camera pans to Watson racing towards his body, then his visiting of
Before proceeding to answer the question at hand,
Sherlock’s grave. He weeps, “Don’t be dead.” This
we must first remind ourselves that he is a
long was followed immediately by focusing on a
fictional character, and naturally, each element of
tall mysterious figure watching Watson from afar:
his personality would have been attentively
it’s Sherlock, with a mischievous grin on his face.
designed by the author. It is therefore impossible —despite the convincing writing of Sir Arthur
Let’s examine the end scene: it is evident Sherlock
Conan Doyle—to fully analyse Holmes as a fully-
took pleasure in knowing he fooled Watson. Many
functioning person. The focus of this article is on
fans and critics have used this specific scene as
the BBC television adaptation.
evidence for their “diagnosis” of Sherlock as a high-functioning sociopath. Indeed, it is highly
Psychopathy, Sociopath, Or Neither?
unusual to smile at the sight of a mourning friend;
The most frequently associated traits with this
however, a mere expression is insufficient to
character are sociopathy and psychopathy, often
diagnose him. It would be reductionist and
referred to as Antisocial Personality Disorder.
inaccurate to analyse a person based on one
Watchers of the show may agree that Holmes
coldness, narcissism, disinterest…
One of the most famous to have come out of the show is Holmes’ quote, “I’m not psychopath, I’m a
The most significant way in which Holmes
high-functioning sociopath. Do your research!”
obtains his evidence to draw accurate conclusions
Holmes himself believes he has an antisocial
is through successful deception. Although not the
personality disorder who lacks understanding of
first example of this habit, the episode The Lying
social norms. While he certainly is eccentric,
Detective, as the title suggests,
would that point to such a daring diagnosis?
Issue 1 | 12