21 minute read
Mr Sam Hobbins - English Curriculum Coordinator English is at the heart of education at Harrow as reading, writing and spoken language are major building blocks for learning and communicating ideas to others. One common attribute for the world’s greatest leaders, whether in business or politics, is the ability to communicate. Being able to communicate effectively will help all pupils navigate school life and, more importantly, life and work beyond the school gates. Reading plays an enormous role in expanding knowledge and enabling young people to accept and understand differences and develop their own thoughts. At Harrow, we teach a text-based curriculum. This means that during each half term pupils will have a focus text that acts as the golden thread throughout the school curriculum. Pupils are immersed into high-quality, age-appropriate books, with links to other learning, for the whole half term. They will analyse characters, make predictions based on the text and complete writing linked to their class book. English at Harrow starts with verbal communication so pupils learn key concepts through speech. As pupils’ verbal communication develops we focus on reading to further deepen vocabulary, understanding and inspire creativity. During speaking, listening and reading, each child will learn core concepts, such as phonics and basic grammar. These skills will be thoroughly built upon in writing where more complex concepts are introduced throughout the Lower School to improve each pupil’s written communication. These skills are a core foundation for all subjects across the school. Pupils will be regularly assessed in all English skills to ensure progress is made and each pupil reaches their full potential.
Ms Taylor Wilkinson-Charles - Mathematics Curriculum Coordinator The Mathematics curriculum encourages children to develop a deep and lasting conceptual and procedural mathematical understanding. Pupils are taught within the four key learning areas of Number, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics, ensuring a strong concept of number while also developing depth and breadth across mathematical topics. It is through the approach of teaching for mastery in mathematics that pupils will develop deep thinking and resilience, providing all children with the opportunity to succeed. The teaching of mathematics in the Lower School is underpinned by methodical curriculum design and supported by carefully crafted lessons and resources that foster a deep level of mathematical understanding. Key learning areas are taught using a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract or ‘CPA’ approach. This means pupils learn new concepts with concrete resources so they can understand the mathematics behind the procedures, developing a deeper understanding. Concrete and pictorial representations are taught alongside abstract methods, therefore, pupils are able to understand how concepts are linked to their written methods. Pupils will also apply their secure knowledge of number to mental mathematic skills. We aim to ensure children are secure in their learning as well as encouraging them to apply this understanding to more challenging problems, selecting which method is most efficient. As pupils work towards being able to apply their understanding in abstract form, they are also challenged through rich and sophisticated problems that combine different concepts and strands of the Mathematics curriculum. Seeking to reach mathematical solutions both independently and as a team allows children to challenge their own understanding and become independent learners. This provides them with the mathematical competence to succeed in the Upper School and beyond.
Ms Abi Hiley - Computing Curriculum Coordinator Our Computing curriculum is designed to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. The core of Computing is Computer Science where pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. The Harrow Hong Kong curriculum ensures that our pupils are digitally literate - able to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology - at a level suitable for the workplaces of the future and for the pupils as active participants in a digital world. We have excellent computing facilities including iPads, class laptop computers, a desktop computing suite, wireless networks and interactive smartboards in classrooms. Other resources include digital cameras, mp3 recorders, programmable toys, robotics, data logging, and software to teach our unique and innovative curriculum.
Mr James Rose - Science Curriculum Coordinator Our Science curriculum is designed to inspire our children by giving them the opportunities to pursue their natural curiosity, and by promoting the experience of exploring and investigating scientific phenomena. The teaching of Science in the Lower School is centred around developing an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of scientific enquiries which help pupils to answer questions about the world around them. Lessons and resources support a ‘Working Scientifically’ approach, which fosters a deeper level of scientific understanding, by working as a scientist would. Within this approach, pupils will develop enquiry skills from year to year, including observing over time; pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping; carrying out comparative and fair tests; and researching using secondary sources. Within our unique Science curriculum, pupils at Harrow Hong Kong will be encouraged to ask questions, take risks, experiment, reflect, make and learn from mistakes, in a safe environment whereby they acquire and apply core skills which equip them for an ever-changing world. We believe that these opportunities will ensure that our pupils are confident, life-long learners who will eagerly explore the world around them.
Mrs Rebecca Shepherd - Geography Curriculum Coordinator Mr Sam Blake - History Curriculum Coordinator Our Humanities curriculum aims to inspire curiosity, awe and wonder in each pupil. The curriculum is knowledge rich, with meaningful and purposeful opportunities for the development and application of core skills. In History, pupils are given the opportunity to think about the past and to compare and contrast different time periods. We aim to provide a stimulating curriculum based on enquiry, where children are asked to argue, debate and justify their viewpoint based on the historical evidence that remains. To help develop this historical enquiry focus, pupils will study a range of sources, including artefacts, photographs, written documents and artistic impressions. When presenting their ideas, pupils are challenged to respond in a variety of ways, ranging from producing videos to participating in whole-class arguments and debates. In Geography, we aim to equip our children with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. The pupils will develop their contextual knowledge of the location of significant places and will understand and will appreciate the interaction between physical and human processes, so that they will better understand the need to conserve and protect our environment and resources. Through a range of geographical sources and teaching methods, we aim to inspire in our pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Mrs Emma Oakes - Art & Design Coordinator Our Art and Design curriculum aims to engage, inspire and challenge pupils providing them with the skills, freedom and confidence to express themselves through a variety of art forms and creative purposes. The curriculum is designed to stimulate creativity and a love of the subject through a broad range of experiences. By studying the work of creative masters and by taking inspiration from the world around us, we aim to provide pupils with the knowledge and opportunities to invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. The curriculum aims to ensure that all children are inspired and motivated to create ambitious artworks. The pupils will have ample opportunities to explore their ideas and record their experiences, becoming proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and various other art, craft and design techniques such as digital art and textiles. At Harrow Hong Kong we believe that an appreciation and love of art is vital in understanding and valuing the cultures, histories and philosophies of peoples around the world and across time. It is also a way to develop our appreciation and engagement with the natural world. Children are innately creative; it is our duty to ensure this creativity is nurtured from an early age.
Miss Hannah Minty - Head of Lower School Sport “Sport is friendship, sport is health, sport is education, sport is life, sport brings the
world together!” - Juan Antonio Samaranch, 1966 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony
Each week in Harrow Hong Kong, Lower School pupils take part in one Physical Education and Health (PEH) lesson, one swimming lesson and one games lesson, in addition to any sporting SCAs or CCAs that they may choose. Pupils may also be selected for fixtures and competitions based on their attitude, application and performance within all the various elements of our sporting programme. Below please see a breakdown with further explanation of each area of our sport programme.
Physical Education and Health (P.E.H.)
“Our vision through Physical Education and Health is to give every pupil a wide variety of opportunities to develop and strengthen their values, competence and confidence. This will ensure our pupils have the tools to lead a long and healthy lifestyle in a complex world.” We have changed our department’s name to Physical Education and Health as we have added a Health unit to our curriculum to ensure pupils understand themselves and their bodies better and appreciate what a balanced lifestyle truly is. Our curriculum focuses on developing pupils’ physical literacy through fundamental movements, developing teamwork and decision-making through individual challenges and collaborative team games. Through this we will create well-rounded athletes who are prepared for their future sporting endeavours whether it be at participant or performance level.
Being able to swim is a skill for life that is vitally important in Hong Kong, where we are always close to open waters, often travel by ferry and recreational boat trips are commonplace. Swimming is a continuous and progressive programme throughout the Lower School. Our aim is that children should be confident and competent swimmers by the end of their learning journey from Year 1 to Year 5. Pre-Prep swimming lessons will include water confidence, fun, play, aquatic breathing, floating, rotating and water safety as well as learning and refining all of the swimming strokes. All pupils will have a ‘Star Card’ to track their progress and achievements and this will be shared with parents periodically.
The weekly Games lesson is where pupils from a whole year group come together at the same time. In Games, pupils will have a chance to learn about House spirit, work as a team and participate against one another in a series of skill-based games and sports where they will train towards an inter-House Competition at the end of each unit. There are six units in the year. Through these competitions, points are awarded depending on their House ranking. The points are added up across all Houses, year groups and units and are combined with points from inter-House Swimming and sports days to find the winning house. The winning House Sports Captain will lift the ‘Victoria Reznik’ Trophy on Speech Day.
Super Curricular Activities (SCA) / Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)
SCAs take place during Period 5 of the School day (Wednesdays and Thursdays) while CCAs take place after the Lower School day has finished at 3.30pm. In these activities, pupils learn more about the specific skills of a wide range of our sports in Harrow. Pupils should come away from these activities with the knowledge to equip them to participate in a game of their chosen sport with friends or in a competitive environment. A full list of all these activities can be found in the Lower School Harrow Horizons brochure.
Through their sporting education pupils will hopefully develop the skills to represent the School in Hong Kong Primary School Sports Association (HKPSSA) events. This association hosts fixtures and competitions in a variety of sports throughout the year. Pupils will be selected by the relevant Heads of Sport for these fixtures based on their attitude, application and performance in all aspects of our sports programme. There are other non-HKPSSA fixtures and tournaments running sporadically throughout the year and invites will again be decided on the same basis as HKPSSA events. All information for sports fixtures can be found on our Sports Website www.sport. harrowshool.hk For our policy explaining more practical and logistical elements of fixtures please visit:
* All fixtures and competitions will be dependent on EDB guidelines being updated.
Mr Graham Simms - Director of Languages At Harrow Hong Kong, we love languages and our mission is to develop excellent linguists and confident communicators who are passionate about learning languages. Our pupils will be able to express themselves effectively both orally and in writing, and reach their potential in the target language. They will cultivate the necessary skills to grow as linguists and have an excellent understanding and appreciation of the culture and customs of the language pupils are learning. Our Lower School Languages programme is as follows;
Year 1 Chinese
Year 2 Chinese 8 hours per fortnight
8 hours per fortnight
Year 3 Chinese and French or Spanish 6 hours Chinese and 3 hours French or Spanish per fortnight
Year 4 Chinese and French or Spanish 6 hours Chinese and 3 hours French or Spanish per fortnight
Year 5 Chinese and French or Spanish 6 hours Chinese and 3 hours French or Spanish per fortnight
Ms Yuchen Li-Bell - Chinese Curriculum Coordinator In the Lower School all pupils study Chinese. Our Chinese programme is as follows for 2022-2023.
Year 1 Chinese 8 hours per fortnight Simplified characters
Year 2 Chinese 8 hours per fortnight Simplified characters
Year 3 Chinese 6 hours per fortnight Simplified characters
Year 4 Chinese 6 hours per fortnight Simplified characters
Year 5 Chinese 6 hours per fortnight Simplified or Traditional characters
The Lower School Chinese programme aims to cover a wide range of vocabulary and structures and pupils will have many opportunities to practise the essential skills required to develop in their Chinese learning. In addition, pupils have an opportunity to read a wide selection of reading books recommended by their Chinese teachers in the School library.
Mrs Yolanda Homs - Head of Spanish Ms Lucy White - Head of French From Year 3, all pupils in the Lower School will study both Chinese and a European Language (either French or Spanish). Our European language programmes are foreign language courses and native speakers of French or Spanish are required to take the alternative language. We cater for complete beginners in French or Spanish and those who may have been learning French or Spanish as a foreign language either in school or at home. We combine a range of approaches in teaching our younger learners and seek to lay the foundations of successful foreign language acquisition. We use a mixture of AIM (Accelerative Integrated Methodology) and more thematic approaches.
Ms Caitlin Sherring - Head of Lower School Music Harrow Hong Kong offers a comprehensive classroom music programme for all pupils in the Lower School which aims to develop the ‘whole musician’. Additionally, all K1 to Year 5 class groups receive lessons from specialist music teachers with an extensive SCA and CCA programme to provide additional opportunities for our youngest Harrow pupils to participate in collaborative music-making opportunities and perform within a wide range of ensembles. The Lower School Music programme offers a breadth of meaningful opportunities for pupils to thrive as well-rounded musicians: performers, composers and musicologists. Central to the philosophy of teaching is the view of ‘pupil as a musician’ and that learning music occurs best via active involvement in musicianship processes. A carefully planned progression of vocal, instrumental, and theoretical (with practical application) units provide pupils with first-hand experiences, where accurate technique and musicianship are carefully nurtured. Through meaningful encounters, pupils develop an appreciation for different musical genres and cultural diversity within the wondrous world of music. Pupils consider multiple viewpoints and interpretations, making meaningful personal connections as well as connections with other art forms and other curriculum areas.
Mrs Lauren Berner - Deputy Head of Lower School (Pupil Wellbeing) Facing Challenges is an essential part of the Harrow Hong Kong Curriculum. It is a whole-school approach to teaching Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education (PSHE) which begins in K1 and runs through the school all the way to Year 13. The School’s Values are at the centre of our Facing Challenges curriculum: Courage, Honour, Humility, Fellowship. The aim of the programme is to develop resilient individuals, who are motivated and show aptitude and determination to make a difference in their world. Through the mindfulness approach, we support pupils’ wellbeing and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to manage and flourish in their lives both now and in the future. It is through Facing Challenges that we promote our vision statement: ‘A caring, respectful, community in which everyone thrives’. Each half term, the pupils will take part in Facing Challenges session from one of the six themes.
• Being Me in My World (Global Citizenship) • Celebrating Differences • Dreams and Goals
• Healthy Me • Relationships • Changing Me We will also focus on one of the Leadership Attributes each half term and deliver practical, interactive sessions in which pupils are encouraged to ask questions, tackle issues, discover resolutions and respond to world events. The Harrow Leadership Attributes are below: • Making a positive contribution to community • Applying knowledge with compassion • Solving problems collaboratively • Solving problems creatively • Making just and responsible choices • Facing challenges with determination
Ms Marina Elwes - Year Leader The Pre-Prep School at Harrow Hong Kong begins with a focus on creating a seamless transition for both the children who are new to the school, as well as those joining from our own Early Years setting. Attending specialist lessons and managing a longer school day will be some of the hurdles that the new Year 1 children will meet; however, our experienced class teachers are devoted to helping the children settle effectively. We understand that happy children make successful learners and are committed to ensuring adequate time is set aside for the children to become fully familiar with their new setting, routines, peers and teachers. At the start of the year, the children are taught in a familiar way continuing with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) play-based approach. Our learning objectives are met through both focused play activities and small teacher-led group work. We are lucky enough to have a dedicated large indoor shared area in which to play and be creative, and these areas are always decorated imaginatively to bring learning to life. This year sees a significant leap in the cognitive skills, motor skills, and social and emotional development of a Year 1 child and so we adjust the teaching style to fit with this, gradually introducing longer and more structured classroom-based learning sessions to deliver our exciting curriculum. By the end of this year, we hope to ensure that every child has developed the skills and attributes needed to confidently continue their journey into Year 2 and beyond. We prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life, forming firm foundations which are crucial for navigating the challenges and opportunities of our modern world.
Mrs Hannah Russell - Year Leader Year 2 is an extremely important year for the pupils as they reach the end of Key Stage 1 and begin to prepare for Key Stage 2. Having spent their first year of Pre-Prep becoming familiar with routines and lesson structures, pupils begin Year 2 ready to fully embrace their academic path. In order to assist each pupil to reach their full potential, we provide a dynamic range of skill and knowledge-based investigative learning opportunities through our curriculum subjects. To do this, we offer a curriculum that opens doors both now and in the future, through inspirational experiences coupled with rigorous day-to-day teaching. Each subject is brought to life through an exciting hook, aimed to immerse the pupils fully in their learning and allow them to be at the centre. Learning opportunities in the outdoor classroom are also valued, further extending pupil learning and personal interests. As they mature throughout the year, pupils are encouraged to become more confident and independent, both in their learning and organisational skills. We care for every child, so that every child can have a happy future at Harrow. The Year 1 and 2 Sleepover is a fantastic opportunity for the pupils to demonstrate this: a truly memorable part of the year.
Mr Travis Purnell - Year Leader Year 3 is an exciting time in a pupil’s school life as they make the transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. The move is significant as pupils become more independent, they also begin to take responsibility for their own learning and they make even more connections between their education in school and their learning outside of the classroom. In Year 3, we aim to provide an education that is creative, engaging and inspiring. We follow an enhanced National UK Curriculum whilst also taking into consideration our place as an international school in Hong Kong. Whilst our curriculum presents discrete teaching of subjects, we also present cross-curricular links with an emphasis placed on working together collaboratively to complete a range of investigations and problemsolving activities. As pupils grow and develop, they learn how to look after themselves, both physically and emotionally. Developing a growth mindset is imperative at this stage so that pupils can learn from their mistakes and embrace new challenges in a positive way. Camp helps to cultivate these skills in a fun outdoor environment and is a highlight of the year that pupils remember and look back on most fondly. Year 3 pupils are happy, enthusiastic, resilient and motivated to learn. They develop many key skills throughout the year and achieve a lot of academic success, but they also learn how to be kind and caring towards themselves and others. It is an amazing year, full of exciting opportunities for intellectual development and personal growth.
Mr Theo De Vies - Year Leader The Harrow Values and pastoral care are at the very core of all learning activities in Year 4, coupled with a personalised approach, thus allowing pupils to achieve their very best. Year 4 is an exciting year for pupils as we have many innovative and creative learning opportunities where pupils are taken out of their comfort zones. Challenging stereotypes through the exploration of historical and current affairs, experiential field trips and exciting overnight residentials are snippets of the wide range of activities we plan to complete during the academic year. We believe pupils thrive in a nurturing, stimulating and thought-provoking environment. In classrooms and shared areas, our learning walls have questions asking pupils to draw on their higher order thinking skills. Challenging our pupils is one area of focus as we encourage them to question information gathered. In lessons, we plan opportunities for pupils to provide feedback to one another over the successes and next steps of their learning, alongside small group and class discussions. We want the pupils to feel safe and confident when they come to school. We have many pastoral activities and sessions where the classes have opportunities to discuss many current issues like climate change and online safety. Pupil happiness is paramount in Year 4 and teaching combines a compassionate and caring delivery with high expectations of pupil outcomes for every learner.
Mr Chris Russell - Year Leader The focus in Year 5 is to create a learning environment that is stimulating, engaging and challenging for our pupils. We are driven to ensure that the children continue to question the world around them and also begin to question their own existing thoughts and beliefs as they mature into young adults. A key aim of the year is also to ensure that the pupils are well equipped to face any challenges that they may face with maturity, resilience and positivity. The annual Year 5 Musical Production is a genuinely stand-out highlight, where all children in the year group come together in the Summer Term to put on an incredible show, with singing, dancing and acting being at the forefront of everyone’s minds. The year is a real balance of enjoying being the leaders of the Pre-Prep School and understanding the responsibilities that brings, whilst also looking to the bright future of the Upper School. At the end of Year 5, the pupils will leave behind their familiar Houses based on the animals of the Zodiac and will join a Prep Boys’ or a Prep Girls’ House. The move to Prep School is supported in the Summer Term by a thoroughly planned transition programme which includes tours and visits to the boarding facilities. All of the above allows the children to feel securely prepared to move onto the next stage of their education and also begins to teach them the value of Prep House spirit.