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The House’s primary function is to provide a secure, happy and nurturing environment, in which all pupils thrive. Under the House Master’s/ House Mistress’s (HMs) leadership and with the support of other pastoral specialists, the House underpins a pupil’s personal and academic development, so that they are prepared to enjoy life and contribute to their community. They keep a watchful eye over the welfare, personal and academic development of every pupil in their care. For parents, their child’s HM is their main point of contact, and their child’s development is very much a partnership between pupil, parent and School. We encourage regular communication via phone and email, and parents receive a weekly House newsletter every fortnight with an update of recent events and forthcoming dates.
At Harrow Hong Kong, pupils in Years 6-8 are allocated to one of the six Prep School Houses. Alongside the House Master/House Mistress and Assistant HMs, we also have a resident Gap Tutor and a Matron to help boarding pupils. The Prep School Houses contain a mix of day pupils and boarders so they all have an opportunity to strengthen relationships regardless of their boarding status. SENIOR HOUSES YEAR 9-13