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How To Scale Advertising Online (PPC and Solo Ad 'Grass Roots' Tactics) Paid advertising is QUICK results and includes MORE than just PPC. The upside of paid advertising is that it’s the quickest way to get into profit in your business without having to talk to people that you know, and it doesn’t have to be as expensive as you think. The downside is, as soon as you shut off the funds and the advertising campaign the leads also stop. This is not a long term marketing method that is virally sustaining. Also, the leads are not familiar with who you are, therefore it requires building a relationship through your email autoresponder. So you MUST have a long-term strong sales funnel in place to be able to convert the leads into sales, or better yet, leverage someone else’s sales funnel, such as the Empower Network sales funnel, to increase your sales. Sophia Rashkin – Direct Sales Paid Advertising Conversion Ratio Expectations – Conversion Ratio simply means what percentage out of those that view your site actually optin. Out of every 100 people that view your site, the highest expectation for optin would be 40 people, or a 40% optin rate. 40% is extremely above average and NOT to be expected when you are first starting with paid advertising. When just starting with paid advertising you can expect to have a much lower conversion rate of anywhere from 1-3% By testing different ads and tracking the results you will be able to improve the ads that get higher conversion rates and continue to improve them and increase their conversion rate.
There are 4 primary factors to conversion rates. The ad itself (adcopy) and where the ad is placed (traffic). Even the best converting ad will get a low conversion rate if no one sees it that is interested in it. The other two factors are the Landing Page and the Sales page/follow-up.
Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC Traffic Conversions – Traffic depends upon the niche you are focusing on. Don’t “fake it” you have to “make it”. Use your experiences as the reference of who you are going to focus on targeting. How To Find A Site To Advertise On: Use Google Keyword Tool to find a targeted website. http://adwords.google.com/select/keywordtoolexternal To locate a site that is relevant, first find out what people are searching for online. Use a relevant and frequently searched Keyword. Once you have found the keyword that is relevant to your capture page and sales funnel type it into Google to locate a site that you can advertise on. Choose a site that has authority and gets a LOT of visitors. The more visitors, the more opportunities for you ad to be viewed by potential customers.
Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC Look for existing ads on the site. If there are ads on the site, you know that there is a way to place your ad as well. In general the link for advertising on a site can be found by scrolling to the bottom. If you do not see a link for advertising, look for contact information for the site. Understanding Paid Advertising Terms Views/Impressions are the amount of times your ad is shown.
CTR/Click Through Rate is the amount of times somoene clicks on your ad and sees your landing page. Generating a Lead is when a propsect puts in their name and email address on your landing page. Sale/Acquisition is when the lead makes a purchase from you. If you are NOT receiving any views/impressions, then your ad is not in the appropriate market. Your entire paid advertising content and campaign must be congruent. Deliver what they want all the way through from ad placement through to product sale. If you are NOT receiving any clicks on your ad, but it is getting viewed, then your adcopy is not interesting to the viewers of your ad. You will need to change the adcopy (what your ad says). If you are receiving clicks, but not getting leads, this means your landing page is not congruent with your adcopy. You will need to change the landing page to be more congruent with the ad or vice versa.
Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC If you are receiving leads but not getting any sales then you need to change your sales/thank you page to make sure it is congruent all the way through. Goals For Your Paid Ads Impressions – This is how many times your ad is appearing. This should be in the Thousands. CTR – Click Thru Rate. This should be 1-3% Lead Conversion – 15% of your clicks should convert to leads when starting and increase as you fine tune your advertising campaign. Acquisition – The amount of sales you get from the leads you generate should begin at 3% and increase as your advertising campaign improves. Tips and Expectations For Beginners:
Make one small change at a time in order to track the conversion rates.
Price of leads will start out higher at the beginning.
Begin with 1 site for advertising. Once you have fine tuned the ad on this site you can
expand the same advertising campaign to similar sites.
Treat your initial advertising campaigns as an Experiment that you are going to test and
Focus on generating the Traffic (Impressions and Clicks) to your ad. From there you can
slowly start tweaking your Ad Copy of your ad, your Landing (capture) page, and then your Sales Funnel. (Work from the starting point that your customers will see and work your way deeper) Every Master Was Once A Disaster Give yourself time to learn and become the expert.
Jamie Soriano – Solo Ad Success
What are solo ads and how you can leverage them to build your list using 6 simple steps.
How you can get your offer in front of thousands of people even if you don’t have a list yet.
Simple no fuss way to create a solo ad
Monetize your leads, even if they don’t join your MLM or purchase any products from you.
What Is A Solo Ad? Paying someone else in order to email their existing list. It is called a “Solo Ad” because your ad is the only one that the lead will see in the email that is sent to them.
Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC Run Solo Ads With Relevant Providers Use solo ad providers that are niche-specific. (For example, don’t send a solo ad for Empower Network to a list that was created for leads that are looking for Health & Wellness information.) Contact The Solo Ad Provider Prior To Purchase Only do business with solo ad providers that respond back to you. If they don’t communicate with you prior to purchasing from them, then they most likely won’t talk with you after the purchase is made. You can ask them what niche is their list specific to. Ask them if your solo ad copy is acceptable for their list.
Ask if they have run a similar ad to their list already and if they know what the response rate. Create Good Ad Copy Write a brief compelling offer that will get people to click on your link in the email. Tell people what they will get and how it will benefit them to click on your link. Make your email ad copy relevant to your Capture/Landing page. Capture All The Leads Send the leads directly to your Capture page, do NOT send them to a page that doesn’t allow you to capture their email address. Monetize Your List Not all leads that you generate will buy the product you are initially offering. (See below for an example of how to monetize your list.) Start Small, Test & Track, Scale Up Purchase a small solo ad first. Run your ad and track your results. If you receive a good response from the solo ad provider’s list, run your ad with them again and purchase a larger ad size. Simple No Fuss Way To Create An Ad Keep your ad congruent with the capture page. The easy way is to pull your adcopy directly from the capture page.
Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC *Get a domain that “Forwards” to your capture page. Using the capture page link is ugly and less likely to get “clicks” Keep In Mind The example above doesn’t take into account the other ways you can profit from the 200-300 leads you generate from a solo ad. You can….
Follow up with and continue to drip info on them
Sell other products to them
Sponsor them into your primary
Monetize (see example below)
Once You Find A Profitable Solo Ad “Wash rinse and repeat” the process. Once you receive results you will know that every time you purchase a solo ad it will result in signups and sales. Most “sign ups” will not happen on the first exposure to your product you are offering. It can take several exposures to your offer, therefore it is CRUCIAL to followup with your leads.
Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC Bonus Tip #1 – Automation Once you have found a profitable solo ad provider you can ask if they are willing to offer a discount to run a recurring monthly order. Now your ad can run on “auto pilot” month after month and generate you a profit each time it is run. Repeat this process with several solo ad providers to automate your leads and sales. Bonus Tip #2 – Monetization Once you have promoted Empower Network, your other affiliate offers, and your primary MLM to your leads. You can still further monetize your list of leads. Offer a “Paid” webinar teaching basic strategies of online marketing that people on your list need. EXAMPLE: Hold a 30 minute webinar teaching “how to” do something and include a 30 minute Q&A. Topic Suggestions:
How to create a followup series in Aweber
How to write good email copy
How to write a lead generating blog post
How to use a specific piece of software
Out of 500 leads: 15 people pay $27 for the webinar = $405 You can scale your business and re-invest that money back into your marketing. Money received from hosting your own paid webinar is 100% commission to you. NOTE: ALEX ZUBAREV’S SOUND CUTS OUT. HE RETURNS LATER TO CONTINUE HIS TRAINING.
Dave Sharpe – FB PPC Crash Course Never Buy Another FB PPC Course Tips For An Effective Ad
Always think of how to make your ads different so that you can stand out and set yourself
When doing any paid advertising track your ads by running your landing page link through a
tracking site such as: http://w3roi.com
Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC http://hypertracker.com The Two Types Of Campaigns: Direct ROI Campaign – directly looking for a high return on the money spent for the campaign. You want sales. Branding Campaign – not looking for sales, looking for leads to optin or to get likes on a fanpage. Make An Irresistible Ad: Use A Picture – The picture should be 340X240 pixels, use pictures that YOU own, NEVER a picture of someone else, NEVER use a company logo, use yourself or royalty free photos so you don’t get in trouble. Lower Your Cost – Add in other countries to target to help reduce your cost per click. (This may not always work, you have to test it.)
Increase Clicks – Narrow who you are targeting for the ad for better tracking and higher click through rates. 2 Options For Paying For Ads: CPM (cost per impression) you pay for every 1,000 times your ad shows up. You can be more vague in your adcopy because you aren’t paying for clicks and you don’t care how many times it gets clicked. CPC (cost per click) be more specific with your adcopy and let people know what they are getting before they click so that you don’t pay for wasted clicks.
Alex Zubarev – Solo Ad FollowUp Once you have learned something, put it to use! Knowledge without taking action = big fat zeroes in your bank! Solo Ad Congruency You are always selling the next STEP in the process.
Your subject line sells people on Opening the email.
The Body of the email is selling them to Click on the link within it.
The Capture page sells them on Opting In.
This initial part of the solo ad is NOT about getting the sale, it is about getting the lead on YOUR list. The sales come later.
Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC Scale Out Your Advertising.
Once you are getting leads Opting In to your list you can focus on converting your leads into sales. Once you start making money with paid marketing, spend more. The more you spend, the more you will make.
Steps To Generating Sales:
Copy the Swipe email provided.
Modify the links in the email to have YOUR username on the end.
Continue sending follow up email swipe to your list
Collect the sale.
Bond with your list. Optins generated from solo ads are “cold leads� and they do not know you. Show your leads that you are not hiding behind a website and include ways for them to connect with you. In each email add your:
Phone number
Email Address
Facebook Link
Skype ID
It will take 5-10 exposures before your new leads will trust you enough to make a purchase from you. Give really good VALUE in your emails. Give away gifts mixed in with the swipe emails that you send. These gifts can include ebooks or videos that you have made yourself. Or use the Empower Network bootcamp videos as a gift to your list. (Empower Network bootcamp can be found by Clicking Here.)
Monetize Your List
Other affiliate product offers
Traffic tools
SEO tools
Clickbank offers
Your own offers
NEVER send your list “push button” crap that doesn’t work. You will lose their respect!
Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC Track Your Results! You can use BudURL.com to shorten links and it will also track how many clicks you get from your solo ads. BE The Leader! Start A Co-Op – As soon as you have produced results with solo ads start your team using solo ads as well. Take the pressure off from them having to search for the solo ads themselves and create a Co-Op. Use a link rotator (search Google for the best one to fit what you need for your Co-Op size) so that leads/optins are distributed evenly. NEVER guarantee any particular results, only traffic. Marketing is NEVER an exact science (no matter which form of marketing you are using.) Create A Team Site – Use Facebook groups, Skype chats or a Ning community to create a source for your team to share resources and help each other with creative ideas for producing results. Designate leaders in your team to maintain the team site. As your team grows internationally you will want to choose leaders in all time zones so someone is online 24/7 to assist new members. Create Team Tutorials – You can create a screencast video showing your team the short cuts and tricks you’ve learned to getting started. Post the capture pages and other links on your team site. Include some ad samples that your new members can use on Facebook, Twitter and for solo ads.
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Copyright 2012 by Empower Network LLC Dave Sharpe: The internet is a lot less complicated than people make it.
A generate traffic
B convert to leads
C make a sale
D follow up
E deliver on your promise to give a good product
Empower Network gives you B, C, D & E ,,, you choose how to do A,,, and this series has just given you a variety of ways to generate traffic. So now there is NO excuse to not succeed, because everything works if you give it time, consistency and the attention to test it and tweak it.
100% Commissions & The Best Training In The Industry http://www.secretonlineprofits.com