Why Patients Suffer from Severe Finger, Hand or Wrist Pain? We may encounter a slight pain in the finger, hand or wrist. The pain usually subsides with the passage of time. If the pain in your finger, hand or wrist persists, you need to get yourself checked by a qualified orthopedic doctor near you in Sioux Falls. Body movements are not usually responsible for the pain. The everyday wear and tear is mostly the problem behind the finger, hand or wrist pain. Sometimes the injury to the finger, hand, or wrist can cause pain. Aging is one other common cause behind the continuous hand and wrist pain.
Symptoms of Problems
Some of the hand and wrist pain symptoms include the following.
The fingers, hands, or wrists are having stinging, hurting, or burning pain. Patient’s inability to move the hand, finger or wrist. When a patient’s hand turns into a different color like blue, pale, or red. The appearance of a bump on the hand, wrist, or finger is a symptom of the pain.
Overuse and Other Problems of Fingers, Hands or Wrists Here are some of the finger, hand or wrist problems causing severe pain and other issues. Tendon Pain The tendon pain usually refers to tendonitis. The tears within the tissue or tendon are causing pain and tenderness. The tendon pain results in reduced movement and decreased strength. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome The pressure on the nerve (median) causes carpal tunnel syndrome. Common symptoms related to carpal tunnel syndrome include weakness, the pain of the fingers, tingling, and numbness.
De Quervain’s Disease The swelling of the tendons covering thumb side of the wrist cause De Quervain’s Disease. This disease causes swelling and inflammation, resulting in increased pain. Repetitive Motion Syndrome Symptoms like tenderness, pain, or swelling usually occur due to the same movement time and again. Writer’s Cramps The repeated typing or writing can cause writer’s cramps. Trigger Finger or Trigger Thumb The swelling or thickening of flexor tendon and its sheath cause trigger finger.
Ganglion Cysts When the small sacs get filled with jellylike fluid, they are called ganglion cysts. Ganglion cysts may appear on different parts of the human body including knees, ankles, shoulders, and feet. Medical Conditions Responsible for Finger, Hand or Wrist Pain Patients often think that carpal tunnel is the only reason behind finger, hand or wrist pain. In fact, hand, wrist or finger pain is not always carpal tunnel syndrome. There are so many reasons which may be behind the pain. Here are some of the medical conditions which may lead to finger, hand or wrist pain. Infection Infection is one reason for the hand, wrist or finger pain. Symptoms include Raynaud’s Phenomenon Raynaud’s Phenomenon is a medical condition in which fingers or toes incredibly respond to cold temperatures. A Raynaud’s Phenomenon results in tightening of the blood vessels. The decreased blood results in swelling, pain, tingling, or pale color. Gout Gout causes swelling and acute pain. Gout is an inflammatory arthritis disease forming uric acid crystals in around and the joints. Lupus Lupus is an autoimmune disease attacking the immune system, affecting the normal body tissues and leading to joint pain. Diabetes Diabetes causes loss of touch or sensation in the hands. Decreased blood flow causes reduced sensation to fingers and other parts of the hands. Heart Attack Sigs in Some Rare Cases
In very rare cases, tingling or pain in hand or fingers may be signs of a heart attack, especially in the left hand. Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis can cause the pain and stiffness with movement. Sometimes, rheumatoid arthritis may lead to deformity of fingers. Osteoarthritis The gradual breakdown of the tissue which protects the joints by providing a cushion, resulting in stiffness and breakdown. Pregnancy Sometimes the stiffness, tingling, or swelling of the hand or wrist is caused by pregnancy, which goes away after delivery.
Originally posted at: http://siouxfallsorthopedics.com/hand-and-wrist/