2016 Neighborhood Directory

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Neighborhood Directory

Compliments of:

Gena White

Harry Norman, REALTORS®

Dear Neighbors and Friends: This is a long overdue update to our neighborhood directory. We have many new faces among us, and our neighborhood security and patrol has been most effective. Please give Audrey Grant your e-mail to alert you of all the neighborhood information! - grants4@comcast.net It’s a pleasure to be your neighbor, and I look forward to helping you with any of your real estate needs. Many thanks,

Gena White July 2016

Gena White 404-261-2700 Office • 404-255-0514 Residence gena.white@harrynorman.com

Directory Mark & Kim Agah 4610 Brook Hollow Drive NW Atlanta, GA 30327 C: Kim 404-641-1190 C: Mark 917-717-1738 Chris & Lesley Baradel 4715 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:Chris 404-217-8829 C:Lesley 404-664-4344 leskent2002@yahoo.com chrisbaradel@yahoo.com Richard & Sarah Bayman 4590 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-843-1033 C:Sarah 404-354-0115 C:Rich 404-784-3744 SarahBayman@gmail.com David & Andra Brown 4700 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-256-7952 C:404-226-4028 andrabrown@bellsouth.net Dr. Charlie & Kathryn Brown 4665 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-256-9901 O:404-355-6562 C:404-408-2982 kbfromno@bellsouth.net

Clarke & Debbie Brown 4520 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-250-9494 O:404-965-4419 C:Debbie 404-314-2892 C:Clark 404-702-0790 dbrown@atlantahomesmag.com clarkebrown@bellsouth.net John & Anne Brown 4685 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-3197 Eric & Carrie Brune 4472 E. Conway Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C: Eric 678-458-7517 Carrie 678-984-7059 ebbrune@gmail.com carriebrune@gmail.com Tommy & Mimi Brunson 4545 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:04-474-3983 C:Tommy 205-541-3654 C:Mimi 205-914-5252 mimihbrunson@gmail.com Rosemary Bryant 4570 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:404-401-9150 merebryant@mindspring.com Alan & Cindy Bullock 4408 Jett Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-1273 C:404-374-1494

Jon & Remie Callaghan 511 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-1449 C:Jon 404-725-1982 C:Remie 404-281-9419 Jon_Callaghan@Yahoo.com RemieCallaghan@Yahoo.com Val & Ann Carolin 4600 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-8694 O:404-786-7471 C:404-786-7471 vmcarolin@comcast.net acarolin@comcast.net Scott & Susan Cole 560 Twin Springs Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C: Susan 404-502-0083 C: Scott 404-502-0082 Suewilsoncole@gmail.com SCole6774@gmail.com Ron & Laurie Coleman 4590 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-705-8493 C:404-276-0680 RCLCATL@aol.com Gayle & Ian Crocker 4565 Jett Road NW Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-303-7053 C:Gayle: 404-403-2536 C:Ian: 404-831-3633 crocker.gayle@gmail.com icrocke@emory.edu

Terry & April Cullen 4590 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-7984 alcullen@attbi.com Todd & Kristin Davis 4645 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-303-7383 O:404-572-3589 C:Kristan: 404-784-3433 C:Todd: 770-335-4160 ktd@bellsouth.net Bill & Susan Dabney 4565 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C: 404-308-7303 susanpdabney@aol.com Stephen & Maureen Demko 530 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-257-1738 O:404-257-1738 Jere & Sarah Dodd 520 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-6955 C:404-626-8137 doddyard@aol.com Tom & Kate Dolan 4580 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-3670 O:404-229-1219 C:Kate 404-271-4352 kate.dolan@comcast.net

Loren & Clarissa Eckart 4675 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:Clarissa 404-964-8099 clarissa.eckart@gmail.com Mark & Kathleen Eidson 4710 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-9066 O:404-229-1240 C:404-822-6665 kathleen_eidson@mac.com Harry & Leslee Evans 4730 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-257-9435 O:770-998-8936 C:Leslee 404-403-4481 C:Harry 404-536-3427 evansclan@bellsouth.net Hank & Pam Fellows 4615 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-843-2318 O:404-586-2050 C:404-213-2002 pnfellows@bellsouth.net Bruce & Ann Fort 4535 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:Ann 404-213-4335 C:Bruce 404-277-4051 ann.fort@sutherland.com bfort@mac.com

Robert & Laura Fox 4600 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:404-822-5188 Jamie & Kelley Gambrell 4640 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-6545 O:678-514-4436 C:Jamie 770-289-2587 C:Kelley 678-642-9419 kelmoor76@gmail.com Lyn Glenn 4423 Jett Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-3647 C:404-432-5170 LOGL4423@aol.com George & Audrey Grant 4705 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-2111 O:404-875-6622 C:404-579-9480 grants4@comcast.net Doug & Lyda Griest 565 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-851-9257 O:404-237-6808 griest@bellsouth.net

David & Mary Haddow 4755 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-3452 O:404-577-7222 C:678-772-9216 maryhaddow4@gmail.com Stefanie Halperin 4645 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-0155 C:404-295-6224 Jack & Laura Harris 4762 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-8055 C:Laura 678-592-9021 C:Jack 404-234-3318 leffing@gmail.com Tommy & Tami Hiles 4640 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-1663 C:404-406-4343 thiles@bellsouth.net Marion & Jeff Hindman 4625 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-907-4481 O:404-849-2541 C:404-849-2541 marion@hindman.com jeff@hindman.com

Bill & Stephie Huber 4650 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-256-5573 O:404-260-3011 C:404-538-3750 huber.steffi@comcast.net Bryan Johns Melanie Bunting 4628 East Conway Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:Melanie: 678-481-9930 C:Bryan:404-492-6120 melaniebunting@hotmail.com bryanmjohns@gmail.com Amos Jones 4560 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-8516 Bud & Willa Jones 4735 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-7021 O:404-255-5333 C:Willa 678-549-0453 C:Bud 404-255-5333 willafjones@gmail.com hdjones@thesfa.net Vince & Tonia Kenny 500 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-256-5379 C:Vince 404-229-0144 C:Tonia 404-518-1106 toniakenny@aol.com vkenny@perimeteroil.com

Mike & Claire King 4620 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 C:404-723-6082 claire_king@bellsouth.net Kate Konecney 4555 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:205-541-7830 Barry & Carlyn Kriegel 4720 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-256-0406 Stephanie & Jeff Kupor 4550 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-943-0904 O:404-724-4253 C:404-909-1267 sjkupor@aol.com Rob & Sandy Larmore 4650 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-459-8919 O:770-673-2160 C:678-641-6442 sandylarmore@comcast.net Gary & Ruth Levison 4630 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-1469 C:404-423-5658 GLeviso@aol.com

Harris & Nixon Lowe 501 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-851-9196 O:678-362-9968 C:Harris 404-433-5291 C:Nixon 678-362-9968 harrislowe@gmail.com nixonlowe@hotmail.com John & Carla Mabrey 4695 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-4829 O:404-841-4991 C:404-558-1940 carla@mabreyfirm.com Robert & Hipatia Malfetano 496 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 C:404-663-4649 rmalfetano@xeidolon.com Bob & Myra Marsh 4640 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-7696 C:404-213-2613 Bill & Mary Ann Matthews 4491 Jett Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-4240

Richard & Karen McCrea 570 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-1146 O:404-588-8717 C:Karen 404-680-3988 C:Richard 404-702-6086 karen.mccrea@comcast.net Austin & Stephanie McDonald 4615 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-256-9079 O:404-239-0885 C:404-966-7462 Stephaniebmcdonald@hotmail.com Jeff and Michele McKinnis 4690 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-256-2265 shellymckinnis@yahoo.com Bruce & Catherine Mitchell 4630 Jettridge Drive NW Atlanta, GA 30327 C: Catherine 904-535-7370 C: Bruce 904-535-7240 crmitchell40@comcast.net Mike & Hannah Morris 4635 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:Mike 843-860-0984 C:Hannah 843-513-7217 hbmorris225@gmail.com

Jeff & Doris Muir 4660 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-8795 O:770-980-0567 C:404-797-1133 dorismuirint@bellsouth.net Most Honorable Henry Newkirk Lynn Roberson 618 Allen Court Atlanta, GA 30327 O:404-224-0493 C:Henry 404-713-2381 C:Lynn 404-408-7050 henry.newkirk@co.fulton.ga.us Mark & Dawn Newton 4605 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 C:Mark 404-429-5844 C:Dawn 404-429-6993 mnewton@asburynewton.com dnewton1212@gmail.com Patricia O’Driscoll 4540 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:949-244-0204 patriciaodriscoll@mac.com John & Jada O’Neill 4670 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-843-2017 C:404-402-0987 jadaoneill@comcast.net

Dr. Tony & Matty Perez 4655 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-1414 Carol Rowland 4630 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-257-5535 C:404-735-5968 Curt & Alison Rubinas 4620 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C: Allison 404-213-3484 C: Curt 404-536-7256 Margaret & Derek Scott 550 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-841-9610 C:Margaret 404-275-3284 C:Derek 404-217-9477 margaret@alumni.duke.edu derek.scott@ey.com Brian & Patty Short 4635 Brook Hollow Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-303-1673 Jaime & Carolyn Sims 4635 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 C:Jaime 404-358-0077 C:Carolyn 404-444-3442 cmgsims@gmail.com

Greg & Robin Slater 4660 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-845-0043 O:404-584-6397 C:404-281-5080 gregrobinslater@bellsouth.net Rick & Beth Stevens 489 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-843-1881 O:404-303-4165 C:404-579-1815 S_Beth@bellsouth.net Tim & Carol Terry 4725 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-303-1524 C:404-386-7990 carol.terry@att.net Dan & Jennifer Van Horn 4595 Millbrook Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-252-5300 O:770-441-3077 C:404-441-4157 dvanhorn@uskidsgolf.com Tony & Stephanie Walsh 540 Twin Springs Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-250-0506 C:404-625-2287 stephaniewalsh@earthlink.net

Stephen Weinstein Elizabeth Searcy 4625 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-257-8718 O:404-993-9163 C:404-798-4068 esearcy@zyman.com Ray & Lark Wheeler 4584 East Conway Road Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-256-0322 O:404-497-0089 C:404-771-9997 larkew@bellsouth.net Tracy & Gena White 4530 Jettridge Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 H:404-255-0514 O:404-261-2700 C:Gena 404-309-5275 gena.white@harrynorman.com genawhite5275@gmail.com Tim & Kristen Wooten 4665 Brook Hollow Drive NW Atlanta, GA 30327 C: 404-680-2524

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