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The University of She eld

Bachelor of Arts, with Classs Two Division One Honours in Architecture.


Sep 2021- Jun 2024

Relevant courseworks: Environment and Techology, Architerctural Design, Humanities, Management and Practice Law.


Languages: Native Mandarin speaker; uent in English.

Design skills: Revit 2024, Sketchup, Enscape, Adobe Suite (Illurstator, Photoshop, Indesign, Lightroom), Microsoft o ce.

University of She eld

Sep 2022- May 2023

Taiwan Society- Inculsive officer She eld, United Kingdom

Coordinated team e orts by facilitating communication, resolving con icts, and ensuring alignment to achieve events goals e ciently.

Led the Christmas ball initiative, collaborating with 20 colleagues from di erent backgrounds to organize inclusive events.

J.M Lin Architect/ The observer Design Group

Architecture Intern

Jul 2024- Aug 2024

Taipei City, Taiwan

Assisted with the development of 3D visualizations (Enscape & Photoshop)and rendering processes for various projects, including national museum, social housing and university accomdation.

Conducted site analysis, large-scale site modeling, and user research during the competition phase of national museum, providing insights to inform design concepts and strategies.

Engaged in multidisciplinary workshops and seminars, collaborating with various departments to integrate diverse professional perspectives into the project.

Change Life Church Jan 2019- present

Audio-Visual Team

New Taipei City, Taiwan

Managed live audio-visual broadcasting for large conference in ZAAP Taipei, ensuring seamless video and audio quality, operating lming equipment, and providing on-site technical support.

Doncaster, United Kingdom

#Adaptive reuse #Community #Research lab

All works were completed in 2024. All project and illustrations comprises personal and groups, in regards to copy right.

Istanbul, Turkey

#Sustainable #Indigenous #Hammam

Turkish Bathhouse


Site- Doncaster, United Kingdom

Academic work

The retro t project in Doncaster city center will house the Fungi-plastic Innovation Centre, which aims to reduce plastic waste by using fungi to break down plastic. In addition to its environmental mission, the center will serve as a vibrant community hub, providing Doncaster residents with valuable insights into fungi and plastic through an interactive museum and public engagement spaces.

Each year, approximately 13 billion plastic products are produced in the UK, yet only 7.5 billion are recycled. The remaining plastic waste is either sent to landfills in rural areas or shipped overseas. Additionally, waste collection sites are oſten located on the outskirts of cities, leading to increased carbon emissions from transportation.

Polypropylene, one of the most common plastic materials, is rarely recycled due to its short lifespan as packaging and its tendency to become contaminated by other materials. However, recent research has shown that fungi have the potential to break down this type of plastic.

This project aims to reintegrate recycling into the city center, fostering community engagement in the recycling process. Local residents are encouraged to bring their household plastic waste to designated collection points, where it can either be repurposed as material for laboratory research or used in community workshops. Beyond its contributions to the local community, the center will also serve as the northern research hub for the British Mycological Society, advancing the study of fungi-based plastic degradation.

The existing archives building is a three-stories building, including basement and two stories superstructure. The building was serve for Doncaster museum in 1896 and then it repurposed into archives building in 1960s.

Aligned with the design concept, a primary focus is placed on accentuating the local circular economy and fostering community cohesion. Thus, the abstract fibreglass sculpture, erected in the 1960s at the entrance point, will be preserved as a symbol of collective memory for the local community. In the initial proposal, the main laboratory and fruiting room are designated for the east wing of the building. This section of the structure lacks sufficient insulation and acoustic proofing. Considering the poor thermal performance of the east wing and the spatial requirements, the basic aluminum structure will be retained while additional insulation, acoustic structures, and timber framing will be introduced to enhance the workspace conditions.

On the east side of the building, the aluminium framing structure will be replaced by timber framing. As the linear space will be used as primary laboratory and fungi fruiting room, timber framing have better thermal performance. And the two-stories linear space is connected to lobby hall, wood structure has better aacoustic absorbance than aluminium framing, providing a more comfortable workspace.


The load bearing structure will be retain as the main support structure. But structural improvement will be expected. Including enhaning insulation to reduce indoor heat loss and windows will be installed for natural daylighting. The instalment of acoustic panel between ceiling and wall is also essential as it can reduces the impact of the noise from social space (ground floor) to worksapce (1st floor). (See lighting strategy and acoustic page)

New purposed wall

Apart from serving as a research center, this building also contributes to community development. The newly built community hub, with its transparent glass, creates a closer connection with local residents and users, emphasizing a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for everyone. On the existing building, the sculpture stands still, acting as a beacon for the community.

Facade inspiration

The continuous aluminum framing across the west wing facade of the existing building is a key visual feature of the site. Therefore, the retained this facade element and reinterpreted it through a di erent arrangement in my design. Along with the statue at the main entrance, it serves as another element that re ects the collective memory of the community

Turkish Hammam

#Indigenous #Sustainable

Site- Istanbul, Turkey

2023 Academic work

This spa center is designed for the local community in Istanbul, integrating with nearby yoga facilities and primarily catering to the elderly and housewives in the area. The building o ers a journey of exploration, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in nature and the hammam. The design aims to create a serene environment where guests can unwind and relieve stress.

The Sequences

As visitors arrive, the sloped pathway and low ceiling create a sense of mystery, o ering only a limited view from the third oor. However, as they follow the terrain downward, a breathtaking sea view gradually unfolds. This carefully designed sequence enhances the experience, evoking a sense of exploration as visitors navigate the building.

View from 1F (Female hammam)
View from 2F (Male hammam)
View from 3F (Reception)


The light well will be constructed using locally sourced Turkish limestone, chosen to reduce the carbon footprint of the building process. Turkey has a rich history of using limestone in construction, with notable examples such as the Theatre of Hierapolis, built in the early 2nd century BC.

The tower element serves as a community focal point, attracting visitors to the hammam center. Additionally, the limestone light well draws inspiration from Islamic architecture, particularly the minaret, the slender tower commonly found in mosques.

In keeping with traditional hammam customs, the facility will have separate areas for male and female visitors, ensuring a culturally respectful and comfortable experience for all.

From the street-facing entrance, the building follows the terrain, reducing its volume along the streetscape. This approach ensures that the three-story tower does not create a signi cant visual impact on the surrounding street view.


Email: Harryshiue@gmail.com

Phone: +886 958353038

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/hong-yun-shiue-ab688a278

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/harryshiue/home?authuser=0

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