Importance of on site emergency planning

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Introduction:By the end of year on 3 December 1984 an serious accident happened in Bhopal (M.P) which causes many death and spotted a black mark of Hazard on Indian Industrialization history,After the gas disaster, the Factories Act came in a super existence and has amended a new chapter (i.e. Chapter IVA – provision relating to hazardous processes) to the Factories Act with addition of new provisions sec 41A:- Constitution of Site Appraisal Committees. 41B:-Compulsory disclosure of information by the occupier. 41C:-Specific responsibility of the occupier in relation to hazardous processes. 41D:-Power of Central Government to appoint Inquiry Committee. 41E:-Emergency standards. 41F:-Permissible limits of exposure of chemical and toxic substances. 41G:-Workers participation in safety management. 41H:- Right of workers to warn about imminent danger. Having all the hazardous processes of industries. Under the provision of factory act

Sec 41B (4):-� every occupier shall,with the approval of the Chief Inspector of Factories draw up an On-site Emergency Plan and detailed disaster control measures for his factory and make known to the workers employed therein and to the general

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public living in the vicinity of the factory the safety measures required to be taken in the event of an accident taking place.� This is the Legal provision laid down in the Act for On-site Emergency Planning document to cure hazardous situation in the factories. Most of the accidents may cause emergency and it may lead to hazardous situation, which may cause heavy damage to Man, Material & Machine which cause adverse effects on production. Many disasters like Bhopal gas tragedy, Chernobyl nuclear disaster,Seveso disaster etc. Had occurred at many places in the world causing heavy loss of life and property. Emergency situation arises all of a sudden and creates HAVOC and damage to company’s production environment and harm to living beings. Therefore such Hazard and risks should be identified,monitor and assessed in advance and it should be planned beforehand to mitigate them immediately and control the condition as it is before within the shortest period of time.

Statutory Provision for on-site emergency planning :After the Bhopal gas tragedy (1984) and Supreme Court direction in case of M/S. Sriram Foods and Fertilizers Vs the Govt. of India has made some important amendments to the Factories Act 1948 in the year 1987 with incorporation of special provisions relating to hazardous process. Under Section 41(B) (4) every occupier is to prepare On-site Emergency Plan and detailed disaster control measures for his factory. Again under provision of Rule Page 2 of 8

13 of the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989, the occupier shall prepare and keep up to date On-site Emergency plan containing details how major accidents will be dealt with on the site on which the industrial activity is carried on and that plan shall include the name of the persons who is responsible for safety on the site and names of those who are authorized to take action in accordance with the plan in case of Emergency. The important features of on-site emergency planning are:-

 Leadership and Administration.  Role and Responsibilities of Key Personnel.  Emergency action.  Light and Power.  Source of energy control.  Protective and rescue equipment.  Communication.  Medical care.  Mutual Aid.  Public relation.  Protection of vital records.  Training.  Periodical revision of plan. Page 3 of 8

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: OSEP could be completely useful if it is followed by a training program and by daily exercises and Mock Drills

TRAINING: The main aim of training for accidents is to prepare the members to follow their duties in the Emergency Response Organization, the tasks related with each position, and the procedures for maintaining direct communications with the other response functions and individuals.

DRILL AND EXERCISES: Drills and exercises comprise the second basic component of On-Site Emergency management. They both refer to a recreation, under the hypothesis of a mock scenario, of the application of the response actions to be taken at the time of an emergency. Drills are more limited in scope than exercises, and are engaged to test a limited aspect of the whole response facility (e.g. a fire drill). Exercises are more absolute, and are proposed at testing the whole response organization, containing communication with, and the action of, off-site response organizations. The periodicity of conducting mock drills will be once in Three months

EVALUATION OF DRILLS AND EXERCISES: After the drill or exercise is completed, the authority should check it to determine the strength of  The complete plan structure.  Communications.  The line of command and direction.  The complete plan of action for an approach to the emergency.  The response people preparation.  Emergency equipment quality, quantity, and effectiveness.  Accurate performing procedures.  Emergency response application.  Co-ordination among the different functions.  Removal or sheltering procedures.  One or more meetings should then be held to analysis the results. A written report should be prepared, mention:  Specific defect and strengths of the plan and its application.  Areas where immediate action is necessary to make sure preparation.  Suggestions for improving the strength of the plan and/or procedures.  Suggestions for the obtaining of additional materials and equipment .Areas where additional training is advised.

The Key Personnel for onsite emergency and their working:1. Site Main Controller:Sr.Vice president and Sr.GM will act as Site Main Controller to shoulder the overall responsibilities of the fire fighting and rescue operations. They shall direct all the operations and call the outside help if required. In the absence of the above, which so ever of the coordinator arrives first at the Emergency Control Center, will take charge as Site Main Controller until the arrival of designated Site Main Controller. The Site Main Controller will report at the Emergency Control Centre & relieve the Page 4 of 8

concerned coordinator from the responsibility of the Site Main Controller.

2. Site Incident Main Controller:He is the next responsible officer after the Site Incident Main Controller. Generally the plant manager is designated as Incident Controller. In case of emergency he will rush to the emergency site and take overall charge and report to the Site Main Controller by personnel communication system like mobile phones or walkie-talkie and inform about the degree/level of emergency. He will assess the situation and considering the magnitude of emergency he will take his decision and inform Communication Officer to communicate the news of emergency to different agencies. He will give direction to stop all operations within the affected area. He will take the charge of Main Controller till the Main Controller arrives.He will order for shutdown and evacuation of workers and staffs from affected area. He will inform all Key Personnel and all outside agency for help. He will inform security and fire officers and State Fire Services. He will ensure that all non-essential workers/staff are evacuated to assembly point and areas searched for casualties. He will report all significant development to Communication Officer. Moreover he will advise to preserve evidence of emergency into the cause of emergency

3. Incident Controller :In case emergency occurs HOD (Prod) will be the Incident Controller. In his absence Shift Incharges of the affected plant who will then assume the responsibility of the Incident Controller till the arrival of the Managers.

4. Safety officer:This is the highest level of duty and often occurs when the risk of injury/loss is very high that the injury/loss is inevitable unless safety precaution are taken, the safety officer shall Maintain a list of compatibility of chemicals & their material safety data sheet and the appropriate fire extinguishing media/safety equipment which should be inspected and tested. he should also aware with the updated safety rules and regulation and safety standard which helps him at the time of emergency.

5. Other Key Officers a. Communication Officer:On hearing the emergency siren/alarm he will proceed to the control center and communicate to Work Incident Controller. He will collect information from the emergency affected area and send correct message to work main controller for declaration of emergency. He will maintain a log book of incident. He will contact all essential departments. He will take stock of the meteorological condition from local meteorological Department. He will communicate all information as directed by Works Main Controller.

b. Security Officer:Chief Security Officer (CSO) will act as Fire & Security Coordinator & in his absence; Security Officer on duty will act as Fire/Security Coordinator. He will report the scene of emergency with fire fighting crew to Site Main Controller.

c. Medical Officer:He shall ensure that the First Aid Centre possesses the antidotes for various chemicals handled at the Plant and first-aid measures that would be necessary for treatment in case of an emergency. Keep ready a List of Blood Groups of all personnel & a list of Blood Banks, which can be provided to the nearby Page 5 of 8

hospitals if necessary, to ensure that adequate treatment could be given at the time of emergency.

d. Essential work team leaders:ElectricalHOD (Elect) will act as Electrical & Automation Coordinator. In his absence, based on hierarchy/shif Incharges will take the charge till arrival of designated Coordinator and perform all the duties and responsibilities of Electrical & Automation Coordinator MaintenanceHOD ( Mech) will act as Maintenance Coordinator. In his absence, Dy. HOD (Mech), shif Incharge will take the charge till arrival of designated Maintenance Coordinator and perform all the duties and responsibility of Maintenance Coordinator.

EMERGENCY CONTROL CENTRE The Security Office is identified as the Emergency Control Centre (ECC), from which the emergency operations will be directed and coordinated. This centre is activated as soon as the “On-Site Emergency” is declared. At the time of emergency this will be managed by the Site Main Controller, assisted by HOD-Production, and his Emergency Management Staff that will take position and perform duties as instructed. The Emergency Control Centre will be the focal point in case of emergency from where the overall operation to handle the emergency is directed and co-coordinated. The ECC is equipped with adequate communication systems in the form of telephones, Walkie-talkies and mobile’s, to allow unhampered communication with the teams involved in bringing the accident under control, other nearby facility personnel and with the external response organizations. Only a limited and prearranged number of people are admitted to the ECC when in use. This eliminates unnecessary interference and reduces confusion.The ECC is provided with the following information, equipment and supplies necessary during the emergency such as safe place far away from the plant should be pre determined as assembly point where in case of emergency personnel evacuated from the affected areas are to be assembled. The plant workers, contract workers and visitors should assemble in assembly point in case of emergency and the time office clerk should take their attendance so as to assess the missing persons during emergency.The escape route from each and every plant should be clearly marked. The escape route is the shortest route to reach out of the plant area to open area, which leads to assembly point. This route should be indicated on the layout plan attached to the On-site Emergency Plan.

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 Updated copies of the On-Site Emergency Plan.  Lay out plan of the complex, indicating all the plants, Incident centre, & location of hazardous chemicals.  Roads, escape routes.  First Aid Centre  Location of fire hydrants,  Location of wind socks.  List of fire fighting and safety equipment  List of telephone numbers of Key Personnel.  Telephone Directories  List of important telephone numbers like local & Head Fire Brigade, Hospitals, Police Station, District Collector Office, Chief Inspector of Factories, Pollution Control Offices, Directorate –Industrial Health and Safety, etc.        

First Aid Kit. Walkie – talkie sets Emergency Lights & Batteries / Torches. PPE like respirators, safety helmets, raincoats, boots, gloves etc. Material safety data sheets for chemicals handled at the facility. Status Boards and Message Board with marker pens The location of sensitive areas (schools, hospitals, residential areas). Transparent plastic sheets superimposed on maps to indicate:  Areas affected by the accident  The position of Response Teams  Evacuation areas

NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY: Any person noticing a fire, explosion or accident etc. Should shout “FIRE” or “HELP” and attempt to control the incident. He should dial 101/100/102 The employee should raise the alarm or at least alert someone who can then raise the alarm. Shift In charge/incident controller should inform security/fire fighting team details of the affected part of plant, giving the location of incident & a brief description of the emergency.

Future Scope:The “On-Site Emergency Plan” describes the facility (Plant), equipment, organization, services and communication necessary to respond to emergency situations. This plan has been prepared for the response to a variety of emergency conditions ranging from minor emergency events that might cause public concern up to major events that may have health and safety consequences to segments of the nearby population.

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