Wordpress trending feature docx

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WordPress trending feature: Auto Upgrade and Support

WordPress developers are disgusted by the fact that they need to regularly update plugins and themes. You wake up trying to do with ​Wordpress ​development tasks then you find there is a new update you need to install. It consumes time and sometimes the technical requirements may be complicated to basic developers. WordPress released the auto upgrade and support to make it a smooth process for people to update their WordPress features.

Image source:​https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NrfVCilLkU8/Wn2L8nyaZPI/AAAAAAAAvwM/taCvXZKY KYc2g0d2EHaDDOj1xSEKw0TUgCLcBGAs/s728-e20/wordpress-update.png

When to Automatically Update Plugins and Themes

First of all, this auto upgrade feature allows you to choose which updates you would like to be automatically updated and which ones you would like to monitor. Not all updates are necessary and some are not even from trusted sources. You can choose which ones to update automatically and which ones not to. Some themes and plugins keep updating almost every week and you may

not even need these upgrades so you can control them on your ​WordPress Development site. The good thing about auto upgrade is that you need to initiate every major theme and plugin update. Also read:​Which WordPress plugin provides you with live shipping rates?

Setting up Automatic Upgrade

It is very simple to make your WordPress automatically update its features. All You need is install a link to your functions.php file or a site-specific plugin and all updates will happen quick and easy. This auto update link you need to install is add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_true' );. This is for plugins so if any updates emerge, your filter will tell WordPress to automatically install them on your site. For Themes, you can add the add_filter( 'auto_update_theme', '__return_true' ); and all themes will automatically update itself. visit here:​http://www.elsner.com/wix-to-wordpress-why-migrating/

Making Specific Updates

If there are specific updates you would like to avoid on your site, there is a way you can do that and if there are some specific update you would to update automatic, here is what you need to do. First, install your Automatic Plugin Updates plugin, it is just the same process as installing any kind of plugin. Proceed to Settings » Automatic Plugin Updates and then select what plugins you would to update automatically and which ones you would like not to. That is the best way to make sure you update automatically only what.

Restoring or Rolling Back to a Previous Theme

Before updating any kind of a plugin or feature, first make sure you have a backup solution. This is because incompatibilities can occur and data may be lost as well as your website might

become malfunctioning. To restore your WordPress previous feature, install and activate the WP Rollback plugin. This will mark every plugin or feature with a roll back icon that you simply need to click to return back to normal.

It is important to keep your WordPress Site up to date because of functionality advantages and security issues. ​WordPress Development services keep on getting better because new upgrades are released that make websites to match with the current technology and perform better than before. Know what is new in the market for you to make perfect website development. http://www.elsner.com/services/wordpress-development/

Author bio: Author -​Harshal shah Website -​ ​http://www.elsner.com/ Address-​305,306 Iscon Center,

Shivranjani Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad, India. Phone number- ​+91 79 4006 2525

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