Sustainable Building Design

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Sustainable Building Design Hot Arid Zone

New Baris

Sarah Safwat Mohamed Nasr Masters- Design 1/1/2012

Research paper

Sustainable Building Design Hot Arid Zone New Baris

Contents I-Abstract

I Abstract

II-Introduction 1-1- New Baris Analysis

Climate and design in general in the hot arid zones.



In planning any new construction many factors must be considered like the climate changes



orientation of the building, the economical factor, ecological factor and the function of the




SWOT Analysis


Many solutions are used for the hot arid climate starting with the traditional introversion & courtyards, roof using dome and arched roofs instead of flat roofs, the wind catchers , the

1-2- Building Design

thickness of the walls , the building materials and now low energy consumption buildings and the

1-2-1- Site Sustainability

Green Architecture.

Inside story


Green Architecture is a broad term that refers to the creation or restructuring of buildings so they

Inside story


have a minimal impact on the environment. There are a number of different approaches to green

Inside storyInside story


construction, with many of the ideas involving the responsible recycling of existing resources along with the efficient use of environmentally friendly systems to provide water and power services to buildings that are created using a sustainable design. As more people have become concerned about the wise use of the planet's resources, the concept of green architecture has gained in both acceptability and interest. This paper describes and investigates the traditional and modern areas of the desert settlement in order to determine the impact of the external climate on the performance of the buildings and the comfort of its occupants. It attempts to establish the different responses of traditional and modern housing in the hot-dry climate

Research paper


[Principles of Building Design ]

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S II-Introduction u THE GREEN s ARCHITECTURE In general, a green architect will attempt to design or overhaul buildings so they t provide all the necessary functions but do not pose a threat to the surrounding environment. a In many cases, this means using building materials that are composed of organic compounds rather than synthetics. The building materials may be iwood, bricks, or other elements that are harvested from older buildings scheduled for demolition. These harvested materials are joined with newer n to create structures that fit into the surrounding landscape with technology greater ease and make the best use of available resources for heating, cooling, cooking,aand water supply to the edifice. The useb of solar panels is a common element of green architecture. The panels, along with their storage tanks, make it possible to store energy for electrical l as cooking, keeping the temperature in the building at a comfortable needs such level, and running necessary equipment such as computers. In recent years, couplingea solar energy system with a wind system has been experimented with, effectively drawing on two renewable resources to create energy to meet the demands of modern life.

B u i Anotherlimportant aspect of green design is the strategic placement of windows around the facing of the building. Ideally, the windows are placed so that the d most efficient use of sunlight during the day takes place. In addition to decreasing the demand for artificial light during the daytime, the windows can i also serve as a means of allowing the natural sunlight to provide a degree of warmthn to the interior of the building. This in turn makes it possible to utilize less of the stored solar or wind energy to keep the space at an equitable g temperature. Collection vats and other devices are also a common element in green architecture. This makes it possible to collect rainwater and use it for tasks such as watering lawns, growing crops, or operating sewage systems. A system of this type helps to ease the demand on municipal purification systems, reserving purified water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.

Depending on the placement of the building and its intended purpose, other aspects of green architecture may be included. The building may be recessed partially into the side of a hill, providing natural insulation. Composting toilets may be the ideal solution in areas where water is harder to come by.

D e Finding ways to use whatever elements are native to the area also help to keep the structure s in balance with nature, such as creating blocks using local sand rather than shipping in bricks constructed elsewhere. While the process of creatingi green architecture may be more difficult in some areas, there is no doubt that just about any structure can be altered or designed to be more g friendly environmentally n H o t



[Principles of Building Design ]

Table Of Content Principles Of Sustainable Design 1-2- Building Design 1-2-1- Site Sustainability Site Selection and planning


Building Orientation


Site impacts - Landscaping


S u P R IsN C I P L E S O F S U S T A I N A B L E D E S I G N t Site Sustainability Sustainable a design professionals seek to take advantage of landscape features in their proposed design i strategies. This goal requires a careful assessment and inventory of site drainage patterns, topography, vegetation, ecosystems, soil n microclimate, solar paths, wind patterns, and the site's conditions, connection to surrounding communities. These elements can influence a architectural, mechanical, electrical, and structural designs, and further determine b the planning of the site and the orientation of the building. Taking advantage of the site's natural features not only reduces local impacts, l but also avoids the costs of development and infrastructure otherwise needed to overcome environmental challenges. e The three main components of site sustainability : 1. Site Selection and planning 2. Building Orientation 3. Site impacts – Landscaping

B u Site Selection and planning i 1-Considerations for Remote and Rural l Sites If a building d or a business camps is going to be truly green it cannot be constructed on prime farm land i park land, a historic al land . As you build your garden and home environment, you cann ‘heal’ the landscape. Often the best place to build is a damaged or clearedgsite. do not build near wetlands; avoid land close to the flood plain

2-Services The availability of power, gas, phone, water supply, wastewater treatment and garbage disposal are often overlooked when selecting your site . 3-Access Good road or driveway design and construction will reduce erosion and sedimentation, minimize maintenance costs and guarantee all weather access,  Consider distance from site to public  Transportation 4-Size matters Choosing an appropriate size for your home is the most important step in controlling its economic and environmental cost . 5-Select sites with existing infrastructure Are there options for building occupants to take nonpolluting forms of transportation to the site?

D e s i g n

H o 6- Consider building on brownfields t been developed before, or will construction damage Has the site previously undisturbed land


A r i

[Principles of Building Design ]

Building Orientation 1. Passive Solar and Daylighting: maximize the use of passive solar heating and daylighting.

2. Natural Ventilation: maximize cooling in summer and heating in winter. To achieve cross

ventilation place the building perpendicular to prevailing wind.

3. The design should decide whether the project goals should achieve maximum solar gain,

natural ventilation or a balance of both.

4. The design should achieve the maximum amount of shade and ventulations and sun for

northern facades


[Principles of Building Design ]

Site impacts - Landscaping PassiveTrees and Vegetation: Landscape reduces the urban heat island effect by shading dark surfaces and absorbs solar radiation thus reducing site heating. Vegetation may used to shade the building as well. Local vegetation is a must. 1. How to achieve Sustainable Landscaping ? Sustainable landscaping can be achieved by many ways so potable water can be reduced. • Plant species factor • Irrigation efficiency • Use of recycled gray water • Hard landscape Selection • Appropriate landscaping location 2.

Plant species factor Using Native Species of plant and vegetation can reduce potable water. Especially in hot arid zones since trees and shrubs doesn’t need much irrigation.

3. Irrigation efficiency Low volume irrigation systems are appropriate in most areas as a temporary method to help restore previously disturbed areas or as a means to support local agriculture and native traditions. 4. Hard landscape selection The choice of building materials within the landscape is extensive. Some materials may be reused and others should be avoided due to negative environmental fate. 5. Placing Appropriate landscaping The landscape elements when placed in site we should take in considerations the different environmental factors such as wind and sun. To achieve sustainability these elements can be used as wind buffers, shaded zones to reduce temperatures


[Principles of Building Design ]

Site impacts - Landscaping 6. Detention Pond: Wet detention ponds have a permanent pool of water with additional volume above the water surface for handling runoff storm water and settling pollutants.

7. Bioretention Swales: water is directed across a stone drop and grass filter strip to collect and filter through the mulch, soil, or aggregate mix.

8. Vegetated Swales:

Vegetated channel drainage way to handle runoff storm water.

9. Storm water Planters:

Small contained vegetated area that collects and treats stormwater using bioretention.


[Principles of Building Design ]

10. Permeable Pavement:

Porous pavements that allows water to penetrate the surface and infiltrate to the subsoil.

Proposed Design :

The desert landscape provides inspiration with variety and texture of plants that are also designed to conserve water. Our city will continue to promote the use of regionally appropriate landscape materials .


[Principles of Building Design ]

Sustainable Construction Methodology Why No Sustainable construction Methodology?

The construction professional’s responsibility is to fulfill the project objectives in accordance with the construction contract, construction drawings and specifications, project schedule, and project budget. The contractor’s goal is to build the project for the lowest cost, within the tightest time-frame, and at the highest profit. The contractor is not likely to implement environmental practices unless they involve almost no additional cost, have been required contractually, or are economically beneficial to the contractor.

Non Sustainable Construction Impacts: In many cases, construction clears and disturbs the site’s existing natural resources— native vegetation and wildlife, natural drainage systems, and other natural features—and replaces them with artificial systems such as non-native vegetation and artificial drainage. Waste generated from construction and demolition accounts for about 28 percent of landfill volume. In addition, most construction projects today require the use of new virgin materials (adding to the depletion of limited natural raw materials if such materials are not renewable) Sustainable Construction Methodology benefits: The construction process can have a significant impact on environmental resources. Environmentally conscious construction practices can markedly  reduce site disturbance.  reduce the quantity of waste sent to landfills and the use of natural resources during construction.  It can also minimize the prospect of adverse indoor air quality in the finished building. In addition to yielding environmental benefits all of these actions can lower project costs.


[Principles of Building Design ]

How to achieve sustainable construction Methodology 1. Site Managment Develop specific site-protection requirements that the contractor should follow, and require the contractor to submit plans for meeting them.  Where contractors and trades will locate their trailers;  Which areas of the site will be protected, and which areas used for storage and staging;  How waste will be handled and removed; and  How the site will be isolated from public entry.  E.Designate specific vegetation for protection throughout the construction process. Specifications must indicate not only the types and locations of vegetation to be protected but also the methodology for protection.

2.Site access Specify requirements for site access. Issues to consider include:  Access requirements of the different trades, for deliveries, installation, and other needs;  How workers access the site and enter the building during the construction process;  How access will change over the course of construction; and  Vehicle-parking accommodations available to workers.

3.Site cleaning Specify requirements for site clearing and grading. Issues to consider include:  How the site is to be cleared and graded;  The environmental impacts that may ensue;  How to minimize the square footage areas to be cleared and disturbed and still  meet construction, design, and economic needs and requirements; and  Whether the removed topsoil and/or excavated material can be stockpiled for reuse 5. Energy efficiency during construction      


Install motion sensors for security lighting. Sensors can activate security lighting only as necessary, eliminating the energy waste of round-the-clock lighting. Use energy-efficient lamps and equipment for temporary lighting Reuse captured stormwater and/or construction wastewater on the project site. Use the building’s new or existing HVAC system to provide temporary ventilation or conditioning (heating and/or cooling).

[Principles of Building Design ]

4. Reduce Resource Consumption  

      

Is the process of Eliminating the generation of waste Energy consumption has a major impact on the environment . As a major industrial sector, the built environment industry must reduce the consumption of natural resources – energy, water, material and land – in existing and new buildings and through embodied energy and running energy costs. How to Reduce Construction waste? Get involved in the design process Ensure that correct quantities of materials are ordered. Make sure that the material is stored correctly until use. Use on site materials if possible. Salvage material from demolition sites, which may be reused at a later stage. Have a management plan to help reduce surplus material.

5. Reuse Resources Is the process of managing surplus or salvaged materials can be used again for the same or a new purpose Many materials can be salvaged from demolition and renovation sites and sold, donated, stored for later use, or reused on the current project. Typical materials suitable for reuse include plumbing fixtures, doors, cabinets , windows, carpet, brick, light fixtures , ceiling and floor tiles, wood, HVAC equipment, and decorative items (including fireplaces and stonework). How to Reuse Construction waste? Design structures to make disassembly and reuse easier.Use fasteners and connection techniques that are easy to remove. For example, build retaining walls from interlocking block, so no mortar is used. Use metal fasteners, rather than adhesives or welding.  Return, sell or donate unused and salvaged materials.  Repair items (e.g. pallets) so they can be reused or returned to the supplier.


[Principles of Building Design ]

Sustainable Materials Problems we face today:  

Construction activities worldwide consumes 3 billion tons of raw materials Resource extraction, manufacture and transportation of building materials result to degradation of ecosystems Some building materials release pollutants into air land and water even after installation

What are sustainable materials     

Salvaged Recycled content Rapidly renewable Certified wood Low emitting materials.

Materials Assessment

 Cost effectiveness: life cycle costs, quantity used in a project, durability  Efficiency: resource efficiency, future reuse and disassembly, recyclability  Environmental impacts: where the material is from, embodied energy of a product, impact on indoor air quality, minimal use of chemical finishes

Salvaged Materials  

Recovered materials from buildings that are being deconstructed Examples: framing lumber, timber beams, tongue and groove flooring, electrical conduits, wiring, architectural detailing, doors, windows, toilets, on site materials recovered from previous structure and reused

Salvage Materials Advantages:    

Resource efficiency: Conserving natural resources Reducing the embodied energy Cost less than new materials Using it on site avoids disposal costs, demolition wastes

 

Quality: Offer aesthetics and historical qualities Reclaimed wood is same or better quality than new wood

Considerations for Salvaged Materials :    


Clients may not want to use salvaged materials. May require verification for structural integrity if its used in a load bearing application. May need refinishing Salvaged and new materials should be compared in efficiency and effectiveness

[Principles of Building Design ]

Sustainable Materials Recycled Content/Recyclable: Recycling diverts waste to the creation of new products through reprocessing plants

Rapidly Renewable Materials • Fast growing materials and can replenish themselves rapidly • Benefits: – Less land to grow, saving land for green spaces – Don’t cause significant biodiversity loss – Quicker payback periods, which is an economic benefit

Rapidly Renewable Materials Considerations – Costs more than conventional materials sometimes – Designers should evaluate their durability – may contain adhesives or sealants emitting volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) – protect the environment from the impact of global warming and increase the amount of waste

Certified Wood – Standards have been put to protect and maintain forests and ensure wood products are not derived from endangered forests.

Low emitting Materials • Low emitting materials protect indoor air quality especially VOC


[Principles of Building Design ]

Energy consumption 1. Solar energy 2. Wind power 3. Hydropower 4. Geothermal energy 5. Biomass 6. Biofuel

Solar energy There are two kind of solar energy : thermal energy , electricity .. the source of energy is quite similar in the shape but differs in there specifications . Thermal energy is produced by solar panels sheets , as the electricity energy is produced by the photovoltaic panels .


[Principles of Building Design ]

Photovoltaic Cells: Solar Power Generation (Voltaic): The direct conversion of devices convert sunlight into electrical energy. Sunlight comes in many colours, combining low-energy (1.1 electronVolts (eV)) infrared photons with high-energy (3.5 eV) ultraviolet photons and all the rainbow of visible-light photons in between. Solar cells, also called photovoltaic or PV cells, are semiconductor devices designed to capture these photons and convert their energy directly into electrical energy. The energy of the absorbed light is transferred to electrons in the atoms of the PV cell semiconductor material these electrons escape from their normal positions in the atoms and become part of the electrical flow in an electrical circuit Photovoltaic Electrical Contacts and Cell Coatings The outermost layers of photovoltaic (PV) cell, or solar cell, are the electrical contacts and antireflective coating. Electrical Contacts: Electrical contacts are essential to PV cells because they bridge the connection between the semiconductor material and the external electrical load.. Cell Coatings: Silicon is a shiny gray material that can act as a mirror by reflecting more than 30% of the light that shines on it. To reduce reflections 1. Thin layer of silicon monoxide(SiO) 2. Texture the top surface

 Solar PV Collectors:

number of cells arranged in series or parallel to provide convenient or commonly used voltages and power ratings.  Concentrators As with thermal collectors, concentration of the incident energy on to a smaller surface is possible. For very small applications, optical mirrors and lenses are used.


[Principles of Building Design ]

Photovoltaic Cells: Amount of electricity :

The basic PV or solar cell produces only a small amount of power 1-2watt . To produce more power, cells can be interconnected to form modules, which can in turn be connected into arrays to produce yet more power. Because of this modularity, PV systems can be designed to meet any electrical requirement, no matter how large or how small.

       


Maximum Power at STC (Pmax): 280 W Solar Cell Polycrystalline: 156 × 156 mm (6 inches) Dimensions :1956 × 992 × 50 mm Weight:27.0 kgs (59.5 lbs.) Front Glass:4.0 mm tempered glass Frame Anodized aluminum alloy Output Cables:TUV (2Pfg1169:2007), UL 4703, UL 444.0 mm, symmetrical lengths (-) 1100mm and (+) 1100 mm Connectors RADOX® SOLAR integrated twist locking connectors Nominal Operating Cell Temperature: 45±2°C

The first curved photovoltaic roofing product, the Soler Power Tile replaces add-on solar panels with a new flexible solar laminate bonded to a polymer base that gives tiles the curved shape of regular terra-cotta. They can also produce 10 to 15 percent more energy than comparable solar panels, by virtue of a thin-film technology that deflects heat and converts lower levels of light—such as during dawn, dusk or very cloudy days—into electricity.

[Principles of Building Design ]

Wind power :  Wind turbine: is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy. If the mechanical energy is used to produce electricity Components:  Blades: 3-2 blades …Blades are generally 30 to 50 long, Blade weights vary, depending on the design and materials : Glasfiber blade for a 1.5 MW turbine weighs 5,780 kg  Controller: The controller monitors the condition of the turbine and controls the turbine movement.30 to 50 meters  Gearbox: that increases the rotational speed of the shaft.  Nacelles: The nacelle housesthe main components of the wind turbine, such as the controller, gearbox, generator, and shafts

Advantages  Wind is free, wind farms need no fuel.  Produces no waste or greenhouse gases.  A good method of supplying energy to remote areas. Disadvantages  The wind is not always predictable  Noise..  Usage field area . Maximum power: 1.760-8570 mega watt Sea Twirl Turbine: Swedish eco-designers, Ehrenberg Solutions AB, their most successful prototype of the floating Sea Twirl vertical wind turbine. The weight of the water makes it easier to utilize and move heavy, cheap material that can spin slowly and still collect wind


[Principles of Building Design ]

Wind power : The New Sanya Sky pump is a Wind and Solar: Electric vehicle charging stations have taken the world by storm lately which harnesses the power of the wind and sun to charge your EV Spiraling Self-Sufficient Eco Skyscraper India: Pawar’s Eco Skyscraper is a self-sufficient vertical city composed of two twisting towers linked by soaring sky bridges

Coriolis Scales Up for the Wind With a name derived from the Coriolis effect – the deflective effect of the earth’s rotation on all free-moving objects, including oceans, the atmosphere and wind – the company’s solution lies in extremely lightweight vertical turbine blades, each only about six and a half feet long. Developed from a lightweight plastic material, the molded turbines are linked together in a “pod” of three, to form a module. Modules can be connected together to scale, as more power is needed.


[Principles of Building Design ]

Hydropower Hydro energy or hydro power is a term used to describe the production of some sort of energy like (electrical or mechanical) from water force. Hydro electric power station produces around 20% of the world’s electricity Categories of hydro power : Conventional hydroelectric : referring to hydroelectric Dams. Run-of-the-river hydroelectricity : which captures the kinetic energy in rivers or streams, without the use of dams. Tidal power : which captures energy from the tides in horizontal direction Wave power: the use ocean surface waves to generate power 1- Dams: A dam is built to trap water, usually in a valley where there is an existing lake. Water is allowed to flow through tunnels in the dam, to turn turbines and thus drive generators. the dam is much thicker at the bottom than at the top, because the pressure of the water increases with depth. Hydro-electric power stations can produce a great deal of power very cheaply. Advantages: -Once the dam is built, the energy is virtually free. No waste or pollution produced. -Water can be stored above the dam ready to cope with peaks in demand. -Hydro-electric power stations can increase to full power very quickly, unlike other power stations. -Electricity can be generated constantly. Disadvantages: -The dams are very expensive to build. -Finding a suitable site can be difficult . -Water quality and quantity downstream can be affected, which can have an impact on plant life. 2-Tidal barrage: The power of the tides can be achieved by placing bi-directional turbines in the path of the tidal water flow in bays and rivers. To be viable, it needs a large tidal range and involves creating a barrier across the bay to funnel the water through the turbines as the tide comes in and goes out. The turbine is connected to a generator which produces electricity.


[Principles of Building Design ]

Hydropower 3-Wave power The concept behind wave power is allowing the waves inside a capture chamber compressing and decompressing air creating a flow which turns the turbine Connected to the generator. Advantages: -no fuel needed, and no waste is produced -can produce great deal of energy. - inexpensive Disadvantages : -Depends on the waves - sometimes you'll get loads of energy, sometimes almost nothing. -Needs a suitable site, where waves are consistently strong. -Must be able to withstand very rough weather. Wave capture systems use a ramp to funnel waves into an elevated reservoir. The water then descends of another ramp to turn the turbine at the end and generate electricity.


[Principles of Building Design ]

Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy is, literally, the heat contained within the Earth that generates geological phenomena on a planetary scale Geothermal energy is often used nowadays, however, to indicate that part of the Earth's heat that can, or could, be recovered and exploited by man.

The Idea of Geothermal Power Plant work: At a geothermal power plant, wells are drilled 1 or 2 miles deep into the Earth to pump steam or hot water to the surface. You're most likely to find one of these power plants in an area that has a lot of hot springs, geysers, or volcanic activity, because these are places where the Earth is particularly hot just below the surface.

Diagram of Geothermal Power Plant

The Idea of Geothermal Heat Pump : The GHP takes heat from the ground in the winter to heat a home, and in the summer, it provides cooling by putting heat back into the ground. So, we are merely borrowing heat from the earth using the same proven technology used in refrigerators.


[Principles of Building Design ]

Geothermal Energy Types of Geothermal Heat Pump Systems Closed-Loop Systems 1. Horizontal •This type of installation is generally most cost-effective for residential installations, particularly for new construction where sufficient land is available •It requires trenches at least 4 feet deep. •The most common layouts either use two pipes, one buried at six feet, and the other at four feet, or two pipes placed side-by-side at five feet in the ground in a two-foot wide trench.

2. Vertical •Large commercial buildings and schools often use vertical systems because the land area required for horizontal loops would be prohibitive. •Vertical loops are also used where the soil is too shallow for trenching •For a vertical system, holes (approximately four inches in diameter) are drilled about 20 feet apart and 100–400 feet deep. Into these holes go two pipes that are connected at the bottom with a U-bend to form a loop. The vertical loops are connected with horizontal pipe (i.e., manifold), placed in trenches, and connected to the heat pump in the building.

3. Pond/Lake •If the site has an adequate water body, this may be the lowest cost option. •A supply line pipe is run underground from the building to the water and coiled into circles at least 8 feet under the surface to prevent freezing. The coils should only be placed in a water source that meets minimum volume, depth, and quality criteria. 4. Open-Loop System This type of system uses well or surface body water as the heat exchange fluid that circulates directly through the GHP system. Once it has circulated through the system, the water returns to the ground through the well, a recharge well, or surface discharge. This option is obviously practical only where there is an adequate supply of relatively clean water, and all local codes and regulations regarding groundwater discharge are met.


[Principles of Building Design ]

Biomass • Biomass (plant material) is a renewable energy source because the energy it contains comes from the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants capture the sun's energy. When the plants are burnt, they release the sun's energy they contain. In this way, biomass functions as a sort of natural battery for storing solar energy. As long as biomass is produced sustainably, with only as much used as is grown, the battery will last indefinitely. • Thermal conversion These are processes in which heat is the dominant mechanism to convert the biomass into another chemical form (mainly controlled by the availability of oxygen and conversion temperature). • Chemical conversion • A range of chemical processes may be used to convert biomass into other forms, such as to produce a fuel that is more conveniently used, transported or stored, or to exploit some property of the process itself.

Biofuelomass Biofuels include a wide range of fuels which are derived from biomass. The term covers solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases Liquid biofuels include bioalcohols, such as bioethanol, and oils, such as biodiesel. Gaseous biofuels include biogas, landfill gas and synthetic gas. Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fermenting the sugar components of plant materials and it is made mostly from sugar and starch crops Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled greases. Biodiesel can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is usually used as a diesel additive to reduce levels of particulates, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons

Biofuels provided 2.7% of the world's transport


[Principles of Building Design ]


[Principles of Building Design ]

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