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Dr. John “Wes” Tunnell, Jr. Fellowship


Ph.D. Coastal and Marine System Science

HOMETOWN: Ciudad de México, México RESEARCH GROUP: Socio-Economics DISSERTATION: Climate change adaptation and mitigation in cities of the Gulf of Mexico GRADUATION DATE: Fall 2024

The Tunnell Fellowship has allowed me to start my doctoral studies in Fall 2021 and continue through Summer 2022, taking a total of six classes thus far. Regarding the progress of my thesis work, my degree plan has been approved, I have begun writing my proposal, and my thesis committee has been formed, including Dr. James Gibeaut, Dr. Katya Wowk and Dr. Laura Elena Vidal Hernandez. In addition, this Fellowship has enabled me to refine my knowledge of research methodology, particularly in qualitative methods. Likewise, the Fellowship has helped me to cover the registration costs and travel expenses of the Gulf of Mexico Conference 2022, in Baton Rouge, LA, where I presented the poster "Adaptation and mitigation response to climate change in the Gulf of Mexico’s Cities”. The Fellowship covered my airplane fees for my participation in the "Summer Internship Program" organized by the Coastal Ecosystem Design Studio at LSU.

Dr. John “Wes” Tunnell, Jr. Fellowship

In April 2016, a fellowship was funded by the Harte Charitable Foundation to continue the teaching legacy of long-time educator, author, and marine scientist Dr. John “Wes” Tunnell, Jr., HRI Associate Director and Endowed Chair for Biodiversity and Conservation Science. The fellowship supports graduate students from Mexico or the United States who are committed to research in Mexico while pursuing their graduate education at HRI.

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