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This time of year is extremely busy for those who do canning and food preservation. Here are two of my favorite jam recipes, both of which combine the sweetness of fresh fruit with the kick of peppers: Strawberry Jalapeño Jam and Peach Habanero Jam.


A few recipe notes: Use a larger pot than you think you will need. When your jelly boils, it will expand greatly in size, and you don’t want to make the mistake of using too small a pot, resulting in a boil-over. Trust me. Don’t ask me how I know. Also, if your jars want to tip over because there is space in your rack, lay an empty canning jar down to fill in that space. Then your jars won’t tip over. Finally, always use gloves when cutting up a hot pepper!


You’ll decide very quickly that this Strawberry Jalapeño Jam is the best jam you have ever tasted. Seriously. Don’t let the word jalapeño scare you; this jam is all flavor and zero heat – and I say this as a complete “heat wimp.”


• 4 cups crushed strawberries (approximately 2 quarts of strawberries, washed and stems removed) • 1 cup minced jalapeño peppers (approximately 4-5 peppers, cores and seeds removed) • 1/4 cup lemon juice • 1 package (1.75 oz) powdered pectin (not liquid pectin) • 7 cup sugar


1. To begin, prepare eight half-pint canning jars and lids. Have these prepped and ready to go, along with your hot water bath canner and canning supplies. 2. Combine the crushed strawberries, minced jalapeño peppers, lemon juice and pectin in a large stock pot. 3. Bring this mixture to a simmer, stirring continually. When it begins to bubble, add in the sugar. 4. Bring the entire mixture to a rolling boil, stirring vigorously with a long-handled spoon or spatula made of non-reactive metal. Boil it for one minute and reduce the heat all the way down to low. Continue stirring until it settles down and is still. 5. Once the jam has settled, use a ladle to scrape off the foam from the top of the jam. Discard the foam. 6. Carefully ladle the hot jam into the prepared hot jars. Give the jam in the pot a stir each time you fill a jar. 7. Use a damp cloth to wipe the rim of the jar, making certain it is clean. Place a lid and ring on the jar, and place it into your canner. 8. Process your jars in the hot water bath for 10 minutes: Lower the jar rack down into the boiling water. The water should be at least on inch above the tops of the jars. Let the water come to a rolling boil, then start your timer. 9. After the 10-minute processing time, carefully remove your jars to a surface covered with a folded towel. This should be a draft-free location, out of the way, where the jars can sit undisturbed for 24 hours. In a short time, you will begin to hear the “Ping!” of success – the sound of the lids suctioning down and vacuum sealing. 10. After 24 hours, you can remove the rings if you like and store the sealed jars in your pantry. Jars must be refrigerated once opened.

This jam, unlike the strawberry jalapeño jam, does have a little heat. It is fantastic served with cream cheese and crackers or as a topping on a grilled burger. Enjoy this “peach with a punch” jam!


• 4 cups skinned, crushed peaches. This is approximately 4 lbs.; however, your volume measurement is what you will need to go by. I crush mine with a potato masher. If you want chunky jam, leave some slightly larger pieces in there. • 1/2 cup minced habanero peppers, seeds and pith removed • 1 cup white grape juice, no sugar added • 1/2 cup bottled lemon juice • 1 tsp. ground turmeric • 1/4 tsp. Butter. The butter helps prevent the jam from getting foamy on top. This can be used in the strawberry jalapeño jam recipe as well. • 1.75 oz. packet of low or no sugar powdered fruit pectin • 3 1/2 cup sugar • 2 Tb. vanilla extract


1. To begin, prep your jars and hot water bath canning supplies. 2. In a large pot (non-reactive) combine the crushed peaches, minced peppers, juices, turmeric and butter. 3. Slowly stir in the pectin. 4. While stirring constantly, gradually bring the mixture to a boil over medium high heat. 5. Stir in the sugar. 6. Again, while stirring continually, bring the mixture back to a boil over medium high heat. You want the mixture to come to a full, rolling boil. This is very important. If the jam doesn’t boil long enough, it will not thicken. Stir and boil for two minutes. Set a timer for that; don’t estimate. 7. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract. 8. Ladle the mixture into prepared half pint jars, leaving 1/4-inch head space – the space between the top of the jam and the top of the jar.) 9. Wipe the rims of the jars clean with a clean, damp cloth if necessary so the lids will seal well. Place the lids and rings on, snugly, but do not wrench them down. 10. Place them in your hot water bath, making sure they are covered with 2 inches of water over the tops of the jars. Process them (boil) for 10 minutes. 11. Carefully transfer the jars to a draft-free surface that has been covered with a towel. Allow them to sit, cool and rest for 12-24 hours. 12. The next day, test the lids to make sure they all sealed. Remove the rings and label your jars.

Library gets busy with summer programming

HHello again from the William Bradford For our teens and adults, we have planned Huie Library of Hartselle. If it has been a several craft classes and painting classes. bit since you have visited us, I encourage Because of limited space we do require teens you to take time stop in and see us. and adults to pre-register. If necessary, we will

The first thing you will notice is a change schedule additional classes to accommodate in the staff. Patricia Poe, our former assis- popular classes with overflow. tant librarian, is no longer at the desk to This year we have prizes for each age group. greet patrons. She and her husband have Prize drawings are going to be held Aug. 5. moved to South Alabama. We wish them all We have worked hard to offer a couple ways of the best! Although Mrs. Patricia left a big entering the drawings. pair of shoes to fill, Alex VanKoughnett has First, we are excited to have the opportunity taken the assistant librarian position and is BY MICHELLE BLAYLOCK LIBRARY MANAGER to partner with local businesses to offer a “Hartdoing a fantastic job. Our library assistants, WILLIAM BRADFORD HUIE selle Passport” to children in Pre-K through Sarah Laughmiller and Chrissy Tucker, LIBRARY OF HARTSELLE school age as a new way of entering summer round out our fantastic team of librarians who work hard reading prize drawings. After picking up a passport at the to meet our patrons’ and community’s needs. library, visit the participating businesses and ask each one We have a great Summer Reading Program started June to stamp their corresponding square. There is no purchase 3 and will run through Aug. 5. We have something for every necessary at any of the businesses, and it only takes eight age group this year. stamps to equal one prize drawing entry. We have Book Babies for our youngest patrons, ages This great idea is the brainchild of Miss Alex and Miss birth to 24 months, and their caregivers Tuesday mornings Sarah. They did an amazing job putting it together. We are at 10:30 a.m. This is a simple story time with an activity to thankful to our local businesses for participating in this introduce children to the library and the joy of books. This program. story time is led by Miss Sarah. She is also leading Little Another way to enter the summer reading prize drawListeners for our Pre-K children Wednesday mornings at ings is to complete a Book Bingo. We have Book Bingos for 10:30 a.m. This group is geared for 2-5-year-olds. She will Pre-K through adult. The completed bingos can be entered read an engaging story and have a take-home activity ready into the prize drawing of choice. You can complete as many for them. Bingos as you want over the summer. There is no limit to For school age children, we have our Summer Reading how many Bingos you can get! Program Thursday mornings from at 10:30 a.m. This As a reminder, we also have a book sale room. If you year we have planned a variety of guests, books and enjoy reading but really prefer to own the book, this is the activities. Please stop by the library to pick up a Summer place for you. We have two rooms that have books both Reading Schedule or check our OPAC Page at Hartselle. children and adults that are for sale at extremely low prices. org. Click services and then our William Bradford Huie We would love to hear from you. What programs would Library link. you like to see the library provide? Do you have a skill you Information is also available on the City of Hartselle would be willing to share in a club or as a small program? Facebook page and the Huie Library League Facebook page. Hope to see you soon at the library!


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