My Herbs – Issue 21 – August 2022

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ear readers, herbal enthusiasts, “Dig within. Within is the wellspring of Good; and it is always ready to bubble up, if you just dig,” said Marcus Aurelius, the ancient Roman philosopher and emperor. This piece of old Stoic wisdom can be – albeit in a simplified way – transferred to the garden as well.

Eudaimonia! Digging, spading, watering, growing, caring for our little plant-baby – all that is almost like regular meditation to us gardeners, helping us to manage the stress of everyday life with grace and without unnecessary worries for our future. Life feels great and unique. Make yourself some good tea or pour yourself a glass of good wine and relax with My Herbs magazine. Replenish your energy and enjoy moments of calm. Don’t forget also to devote a few moments to acknowledging the successes you’ve achieved – in your garden or wherever else. Live well. Ales Vodicka and the My Herbs editorial board. 1, 2022

Dig into the ground in spring, plant a seedling and be rewarded with a new gift of nature in summer. Savor the planting experience appropriately, from putting on your gardening gloves and feeling the soil in your hand to planting the young plant in the soil. Then comes the everyday watering and checking if our little plant-baby is growing. I believe I needn’t describe to you the joy that every grower feels when their little plant-baby blossoms or finally bears fruits after a long wait.

Next issue: November



> Contents The Healing Power of Red Beet Healthy Weight Loss Sea-Buckthorn Contains More Vitamin C than an Orange Excess Body Water Ten Herbs for Getting Rid of Excess Water Weight Naturally Wild Strawberry How to Grow: Lemon Balm Herbal Paper – a Beautiful and Original Gift How Arabian Medicine Influenced Europe 12 20 26 36 42 52 60 70 76 MYHERBS-STORE.COM 7



Calcium is a mineral most often associated with healthy bones and teeth, although it also plays an important role in blood clotting, helping muscles to contract, and regulating normal heart rhythms and nerve functions.



Unit Conversion Chart WEIGHT 1Pound lb. 454Grams/0.5Kilograms 1Ounce oz. 28Grams 1Dram(Pinch) dr. 2Grams 1Grain gr. 65Milligrams VOLUME 1Quart qt. 1000ml/1Liter 1Pint pt. 0.5Liter/2Cups 1Cup 0.25Liter 1Fluidounce floz. 30ml/0.03Liter 1Tablespoon tbsp. 15ml 1/2Tablespoon 7.5ml 1Teaspoon tsp. 5ml 1/2Teaspoon 2.5ml MYHERBS-STORE.COM 11


THE HEALING POWER OF Red Beet (Beta vulgaris) –AN UNDEMANDING BUT VEGETABLEDELIGHTFUL Whenever we hear about red beets, what often comes to mind is a not-particularly-tasty bowl of little red cubes served to us for lunch at school along with some meat and mashed potatoes. In reality, though, the red beet can offer so many tasty culinary options! And what‘s more, it contains a huge amount of beneficial substances which gives it almost miraculous healing properties. How to grow red beets Use red beets to strengthen your immunity! Healing AND tasty recipes with red beets MYHERBS-STORE.COM 13

The red beet is an undemanding vegetable which anyone can grow in their garden. It‘s a biennial plant – in the first year, it produces edible bulbs, and in the second it blooms and produces seeds. While the bulbs are most often eaten, the young leaves are edible as well. Young, juicy bulbs are the tastiest and have a very mild flavor. Every part of the plant contains red dye. Some varieties‘ flesh is colored flat red while others have concentric circles with lighter and darker shades of red.


Red beet is easy to grow. It needs enough humus and nutrients, and regular watering, or else the bulbs will be tough and less tasty. The compost shouldn‘t, however, be too muddy or too wet and needs loosening from time to time. The red beet is sown from April to June when the danger of cold mornings has already passed – red beet plants which don‘t get enough heat won‘t produce the bulb. The seeds should be planted about 1 foot apart from each other and about 1 inch deep. Red beet should be harvested in fall before it starts freezing, and one


The soil shouldn‘t lack potassium, phosphorus, or boron––without enough of the latter in the soil, the beets would be prone to mold.Don‘t fertilize the soil with nitrogen; the red beet can extract it on its own from the nitrates in soil. The amount of sun it gets is also important, since thanks to sunlight the absorbed nitrates will be transformed into healthy substances.


The antioxidants contained are important as well – betacyanin, which is what gives the beet its typical red coloring, along with resveratrol. The latter of these is also found in red wine and is considered an extraordinarily effective compound in protecting the heart.


should also take care not to damage it during the harvest because it could otherwise start rotting. It is best to store it in a cellar at a temperature around 35°F/2°C in slightly humid sand.

It has been known since time immemorial that red beet can strengthen the immune system and that it contains a high number of materials that prevent cancer; some healers even claim beet can cure it. It also contains plenty of fiber, which improves bowel functioning, which in turn cleanses the organism.Its relatively high iron content helps with anemia and stimulates the formation of red blood cells. It also contains a wide variety of alkalic elements––such as magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium––thanks to which the formation of alkalic compounds in the body increases, helping prevent hyperacidity in the organism. Red beet also helps a body ill with gout, because it flushes away excess uric acid.


In recent times, the importance of a newly discovered compound called oleanolic acid is being emphasized as well. As well as in beets, it can also be found in olive tree leaves, calendula and basil. It also has antioxidative effects, antibacterial properties, and helps with diabetes and against mutations. It even protects livers damaged by cirrhosis while also combatting other liver diseases.


But that is far from everything. Since red beets contain rutin, it also improves the health of the blood vessels. Thanks to the good amount of copper, manganese, zinc and selenium, B1, B2, B3 and B6 vitamins, beta-carotene, choline, biotin and folic acid, there is an overall positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.


• And on the fourth week, 8.5 fl. oz./250 ml a day. Repeat this procedure twice a year.

• During the first week, drink 22 fl. oz./650 ml juice

EATEN BOTH RAW AND COOKED, GOOD FOR BOTH COOKING AND HEALING Red beet has proven itself in treating various health issues and as a means of prevention. Beet detoxification is a process when one sips on beet juice or a drink containing it. The plant is also used for the making of wines and other treats. And, of course, beet is a part of many tasty meals that are prepared not only for the health benefits, but because beet is truly delicious.

Both the root and the leaves are edible. Beetroot leaves used to be consumed regularly, cooked in a similar way to spinach. In fact, in ancient times it was the leaves which were primarily eaten, while the root was used for medicinal purposes. Today, it is the root which is generally eaten, whether that be raw juice, or the cooked, pickled or canned root itself. It is very tasty and has a high sugar content – higher than most other vegetables. The reason for that is that it is a relative of the sugar cane, which is mainly grown for the making of sugar. Even after a great deal of processing, red beet retains its characteristic flavor, and when pickled it becomes even spicier and more interesting.

RED BEET DETOX How to do it? For four weeks, make red beet juice in a juicer, and consume it as follows:



• During the second week, lower the dosage to 17 fl. oz./500 ml juice•During the third week, drink 13.5 fl. oz./400 ml a day

Beet, even when cooked, is a brilliant source of nutrients, especially potassium, which harmonizes heart functioning, adjusts blood pressure and improves the functioning of the nervous system. After cooking, it will still contain plenty of vitamins, including vitamin C, along with folic acid, which disappears only in miniscule amounts. The juice contained in red beet is very rich and strong. The betacyanin that is extracted from it is used in the making of food coloring – such as in ice-creams and other foods. However, some people struggle with this coloring as about 15% of the population has a genetic predisposition that prevents its breakdown. This results in pink urine (in both adults and children), which may scare some. However, after consuming red beet this is completely normal and nothing that should unsettle you.

Herbal Blood This mix of raw vegetables and herbs is used by healers to aid in the treatment of oncological and hematological (blood) diseases. Every day, the ailed person sips on the drink made not only of red beet juice, but several other vegetable juices. For a daily dose you will need: • 7 fl. oz. / 200 ml red beet juice • 3½ fl. oz. / 100 ml carrot juice • 3½ fl. oz. / 100 ml cabbage juice • 3½ fl. oz. / 100 ml mulled elderberry juice • 1½ fl. oz. / 50 ml dandelion root juice • 1½ fl. oz. / 50 ml parsley juice (for women) or celery juice (for men) Mix all the juices and drink them every day for four weeks, then take a two-week break. MYHERBS-STORE.COM 17

Red Beet Spread You will need: • 3 red beet roots • 2 large cloves of garlic • 1 tsp. finely cut, fresh dill • 3½ fl. oz. / 100 ml mayonnaise • 3.5 oz. / 100 g cream cheese or pot cheese • Salt Directions Cook the beets soft, or buy them pre-cooked. Peel and grate them into chunks, and crush or finely grate the garlic. Add the mayonnaise, cream cheese or pot cheese, and mix it all well. Finally, add salt to taste. Serve on dark bread or rice cakes. This spread is not only healthy and tasty, but it is so vibrant and colorful that you will impress everyone with your creation! 18 @MYHERBSMAGAZINE

Red Beet Soup Ingredients: • 3 bulbs of red beets • 2 onions • 3 carrotts • 3.5 oz butter • 3 cloves garlic • 2 cups vegetable broth • 1/2 cup sour cream • salt, pepper, 1 bay leaf, 3 balls of allspice Directions Heat up butter on the stove and add lightly chopped onion. Simmer until golden and add sliced carrott and diced red beets. Simmer again for about 15 minutes and then add finely grated garlic. Add in the spices and broth. Cover the pot with a lid and cook until the beets soften – approximately 30 minutes. When the vegetables are soft, take out the bay leaf and allspice and blend the mixture. Add sour cream and cook for a little more. Add salt and pepper according to taste and, if you like, a bit of chili powder. Serve with toasted bread and perhaps add a bit of sour cream on top for decoration. MYHERBS-STORE.COM 19


Healthy Weight Loss

There are many foodstuffs that claim to help us lose weight. However, it is best to choose the natural ones – fruits, vegetables and herbs. They are healthy and delicious, and help us shape our bodies the way we want them.

Citruses contain a lot of valuable fiber, which keeps us feeling full for a longer time and speeds up the burning of fats. Lime essential oils can kickstart lymph circulation and remove cellulitis. They successfully flush toxic compounds from the body, help against acne, and firm the skin.


Lemon is good against indigestion. It keeps the stomach healthy, stimulates digestion and has a positive effect on the skin. It alleviates headaches and decreases blood pressure.

Pineapple The most useful fruit when it comes to burning fats. Of course, you shouldn’t just eat a whole fruit in one sitting, given that there is actually quite a lot of sugar in it. It also contains a hidden enzyme called bromelain, which has an almost miraculous effect on the burning of masses of fat. Thanks to this enzyme, pineapple can also help us remove excess water from the body, alleviate swellings, heal tissue and decrease the risk of thrombosis. Pineapple consists of 90% water, along with dissolvable fiber. This is the reason why it can fill you up for a long time.

Citruses (Oranges, Tangerines, Grapefruits, Lemons, Limes, Pom elos)Citruses contain a high volume of vitamin C and speed up the burning of fats. But that’s not all – their acidic flavor suppresses one’s sweet tooth and prevents overeating. It is ideal to add citruses to one’s diet at the beginning of the day. Drink freshly squeezed lemon with warm water right after waking up. For your snack, have one or two pieces of your favorite fruit. Citruses have the over all lowest amount of calories among fruits, making them the ideal choice when dieting. Apart from C and P-type vitamins, citruses also boast a rich content of B-group vitamins and mineral compounds, most often potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Citruses also clear the blood of fats and prevent their sedimentation. And which one is the best? Grape fruit should be your first choice – it speeds up metabolic transformation, eases fat digestion, stimulates bile excretion and helps you lose weight. Papaya It contains a high amount of vita mins C and A. In fact, it contains so much of the latter that a single portion of papaya easily covers half of the body’s daily needed dose of this vitamin. Moreover, it also contains papain, which makes it easier for digestive juices to dissolve protein. That is why it is good to have at least a small piece of papaya after a filling meal. It will help you with digestion and it will also make it easier for your body to burn fat. Papaya enzymes are apparently effective even against cel lulitis. In this case, however, it is nec essary to eat it on an empty stomach – at least one hour before a meal.


Berries and Cherries (strawberries, sour cherries, blueberries, gooseber ries,Thesecurrants)fruitsare not only a welcome summer snack, but also a source of valuable nutrients. They contain a large volume of beta-carotene, along with B- and C-group vitamins.


Green Tea One of the better-known means of losing weight. If you are not a fan of the taste, it can also be used in its extract form as a food supple ment. And why green tea, exactly? The materials inside can speed up the metabolism. Simply put, fats will burn faster. It is best to drink it from a cup, ideally 3-4 cups a day. Green tea also contains a high vol ume of antioxidants, protecting the body from the negative effects of free radicals. Red Beets In folk medicine these are known as a means of fortifying the body’s defen sive mechanisms, and also as a very effective prevention of tumor formation. Beet contains materials known as pectins, which help digestion. They also decrease bad cholesterol and cleanse the bowels. Red beets even

When it comes to minerals, there is potassium, phosphorus and iron, and trace amounts of copper. Cherries are rich in iodide, and support the formation of blood cells, bones and teeth. All these fruits contain a high amount of vitamin C. Apples They rank among one of the health iest common fruits. Their benefit lies especially in their pectin content, which lowers blood cholesterol levels. Apples are a great remedy for both diarrhea and constipation, though fresh is best as pectin only works when raw. When losing weight, apples are useful primarily for their fiber content, thanks to which they can make you feel happily satiated for several hours. The valuable vitamins are right under the peel, so apples should not be eaten peeled. The old sayings aren’t wrong when they tell us we should eat at least one apple a day!

Cabbage and Salad

improve kidney functioning, which leads to faster fat burning. However, do keep in mind that beets contain a relatively high amount of sugar. This means diabetics should be watchful of their sugar intake when using it. When on a weight-loss diet, it is best to eat red beets around noon, or in the after noon at the latest.

Dandelion Not only does it bring about an effective cleansing effect on the organism, but it also keeps the liver, gallbladder and pancreas healthy. Furthermore, it works as a natural and incredibly effective fat burner. During the summer, using dandelion is easy – eat a handful of freshly picked dandelion leaves at least once a day, before every meal. However, pick them ideally in the garden, or on a meadow further away from the road. If you have no way of getting your hands on clean dandelion leaves, at least sip on some dandelion root tea during the day. You can get it in an herbal store or healthy foods store.

If you need to speed up your meta bolic exchange, there are two things you should definitely do. First, have a filling breakfast, ideally half an hour at most after waking up. The second is adding onion and garlic into at least one meal a day. It will help you protect yourself from various illness es, as both garlic and onion protect the body from bacteria and viruses. They also destroy them when they start developing. And, as a bonus, they will stimulate your metabolism so much that you will burn fat amaz ingly fast.

Onion and Garlic

The secret to their success as a weight-loss aid is their enormous amount of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to their composition, they are absolutely the best foods for the burning of fats. Just eat them as a side dish with every meal. That is enough for them to help.




balm leaves •

/ 1l hot water •


Broccoli It is one of the strongest fat burners. That is because it contains plenty of vitamins and minerals. Nature has even configured them in a way that helps them burn fat cells. However, it is important to keep in mind that in order to retain the valuable materials, broccoli must be eaten raw or only steamed. Pumpkin Although it is an autumnal veg etable, it is good to remember that pumpkin is very beneficial for the body. It contains a good amount of vitamin A, potassium and fiber. This combination leads to good digestion and a feeling of a nicely filled stom ach. • A large handful of fresh lemon 34 fl. oz. Honey according to taste Lemon juice Directions: Put the lemon balm into a blender with the hot water. Blend for 2-3 minutes, then add the honey and lemon and keep blending for 1 minute. Strain and pour it into glasses or to cool down.

How to Make Healing Remedies Out of Sea-Buckthorn at Home 26 @MYHERBSMAGAZINE


Perhaps that’s one the reasons why it also has one of the longest histories of use in folk medicine.

The species of sea-buckthorn with the most medicinal uses is Hippophae rhamnoides and it’s this species we’re going to be talking about in this article.

Exciting scientific findings about the miraculous sea-buckthorn Helpful against many diseases, including cancer

Sea-buckthorn is a real vitamin bomb. Studies show that it contains almost 25 times the amount of vitamin C as an orange, and some sources claim it even has the highest content of vitamin C out of all fruits.

Ripe sea-buckthorn berries are not only super-healthy, they also look pretty with their vibrant orange color.



The Latin word “Hippophae”, the first word of seabuckthorn’s botanical name, translates literally into “shiny horse” which has its source in an Ancient Greek legend according to which the Greeks noticed that their horses loved to eat sea-buckthorn berries, and that the berries made their hair shinier and their bodies stronger. Some ancient sources claim it was Alexander the Great himself who made this observation, after which he incorporated the berries into his own diet. Throughout history, sea-buckthorn berries also became very popular in Russia where they got names like “Siberian miracle”, “Siberian pineapple”, or “northern lemons”.

The native region of seabuckthorn is northeastern Asia. Initially, it grew mainly in China, the Caucasian region, Insia, Nepal, Mongolia, and Siberia. Today, however, it is spread across all Europe and North America and is grown for both medicinal and aesthetic purposes, since it’s a beautiful shrub. There are many species of it, with some growing in altitudes as high as 10 000 feet / 3 000 meters above sea level.

HARD TO PICK, BUT WORTH IT Believe us when we say that picking sea-buckthorn fruits is no fun – perhaps it’s nature’s tax for the amazing effects sea-buckthorn has on health. The tiny drupes stick to the branches really strongly, they’re protected by sharp thorns and if they’re ripe, they get easily squashed.Because of that, some gatherers prefer to wait for winter when the

DIOECIOUS, WINDPOLLINATING, AND PRICKLY Sea-buckthorn is a really thorny shrub that can grow up to six feet / two meters in height. It has silverish leaves which hide sharp thorns. It blooms from April to May. Since it’s dioecious, one plant grows male flowers and another grows female ones, arranged into little clusters. Pollination is achieved by air spreading pollen between the plants. The fruits are tiny, yellow to orange drupes. They ripen from late summer until October and should be harvested while they’re still redorange and hard. September is ideal, since they contain the most vitamins which is good because our bodies tend to lack vitamins during fall when it rains often and even more so during winter.


fruits freeze and they’re much easier to pick. Freezing is, after all, one of the most practical ways of storing sea-buckthorn fruits, because it preserves most of the vitamins they contain.


SUPPLEMENT FOR CANCER PREVENTION AND TREATMENT Studies have shown that seabuckthorn can aid in combating cancer. It’s


Sea-buckthorn is a real vitamin bomb. Its fruits contain a huge amount of vitamin C (2 lbs / 1 kg of the fruits contains 100 – 200 daily doses for an adult), vitamin A, B, D, E, and K. Apart from that, they contain a lot of organic acids, beta carotene, folic acid, omega fatty acids, tannins, and other substances.

IMPROVES BRAIN FUNCTION AND MOOD Not negligible are also its effects on the brain and overall psychic


hemorrhoidtheirfunctionulcers,greatgallstonesuseorgans,stomach.ofdigestion,femaletumorsandsincesupplementa recommendedduringchemotherapyitmitigatesitsnegativeeffectsit’salsoprovedtohelpwithinthedigestivetractorreproductiveorgans.Ithasoverallpositiveeffectsonsupportingthefunctiongallbladder,liver,pancreas,andSinceitactivatestheseit’snotrecommendedtoifthere’sanyinflammationorinthem.It’s,however,forpreventionofstomachimprovingintestines’(mainlybysupportingperistalsis),andfasteningtreatment.

Thanks to its high vitamin C content, sea-buckthorn greatly stimulates the immune system and helps defend us against stress, infections, and various illnesses. It strengthens the body overall, so it’s also good for any kind of regeneration. It functions as a potent antioxidant and can cleanse the body from toxins. It also does wonders for healing wounds and fastening the growth of tissues, hair, and nails. Acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin problems, including burns and frostbites, can also be healed by sea-buckthorn. It’s also a good cough medicine since it helps with coughing up mucus.

Sea-buckthorn oil is also very effective, both for internal and external use – for example for burns, skin problems, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, or varicose ulcers. Its leaves are, however, also usable and can be used to make tea.If you get your hands on some sea-buckthorn fruits or leaves, you can make your own healing remedies at home. You just need to be careful so that the juice from the fruits doesn’t come into contact with metal, doesn’t stay on air for too long, and doesn’t get exposed to high temperatures for too long.

If you’re comfortable and don’t want to risk getting your hands pricked, you can buy seabuckthorn products. You’ll surely make your choice since the offer on the market is broad.

NATURAL REMEDIES WHICH ALSO TASTE GOOD In short, sea-buckthorn is a versatile remedy. For medicinal purposes, its fruits are used the most often to make not only healthy, but also tasty products –syrups, marmalades, juices, dried fruits, wines, and many other.

condition. It stimulates the production of serotonin which has anti-stress and anti-tumor effects, lowers the risk of depression, and improves overall cognitive capability. Thanks to its ability to prevent blood clots and optimize the openness of blood vessels, it also helps lower the risk of stroke.


HealingMarmaladeSea-Buckthorn Ingredients: • 2 lbs / 1kg sea-buckthorn fruits • 1 packet of jelly powder • 1 lb / 0.5kg sugar Directions: Squash the fruits and mix with two tablespoons of sugar and jelly powder. Cook for several minutes, add the remaining sugar and cook until the mixture starts to get dense. Pour the still-hot marmalade into clean jars, seal them, and turn the bottom up.

Sea-Buckthorn 2 lbs 1kg 3 tbs maple syrup or cane sugar 2 cups / 0.5l water Directions: Wash the fruits and blend them in a blender or a food processor. Add sugar and blend some more. Strain the juice through a sieve and set the pulp aside. Dilute the juice with water and serve cold.

Juice Ingredients: •


sea-buckthorn fruits •



Sea-Buckthorn Oil AgainstDigestive Problems andImmunity


• 17 fl oz / 0.5 l good quality virgin olive oil Directions: Crush the fruits in a mortar or blend them in a blender and put them in the oil. Stir well and leave to stand for 4 weeks at a warm spot. Stir and shake the mixture every day. Then strain it through a piece of cloth and pour it into a dark glass jar. Store the oil in a cold place and use it 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon before eating. The last dose should never be less than 3 hours before going to sleep. The oil can also be used externally if you wet a piece of gauze in it and apply it as a poultice.


Ingredients: • 1 lb / 0.5 kg dried sea-buckthorn fruits (they should be orange and smell like fresh)

Be patient and don’t heat the syrup up even if it would make the sugar dissolve faster, since you would damage the precious healing substances that way. When the liquid is smooth and the sugar dissolved, pour the syrup into bottles and store in a cold place. It’s delicious even as a home-made lemonade, since it’s a tasty and rich source of natural vitamins. Other than that it also helps against all the things we talked about.

Sea-BuckthornHome-MadeSyrup Ingredients: • 4.5 lbs / 2kg sea-buckthorn fruits • 3 lbs / 1.5kg cane sugar • 1 tsp citric acid Directinos: Extract the juice from the fruits with a juice extractor or blend them and use them along with the pits – you’ll support your digestion that way. Add cane sugar and citric acid into the cold juice. Let it dissolve and stir regularly.


What is excessive water weight and how do we spot it Why does the body retain excess water? Seven tips on how to reduce water weight Excess Water Weight A COMMON CAUSE OF BEING OVERWEIGHT AND MANY OTHER AILMENTS Water is vital to our body but sometimes the body can retain too much water. Excess water weight causes a number of unpleasant problems, such as excessive weight, swells, heart and kidney disease. How do we spot excessive water weight and what can we do with it? 36 @MYHERBSMAGAZINE

Water is vital for us but when there‘s too much of it, it doesn‘t do any good.


It is best explained as a situation when the body, its tissues and cavities accumulate water that should not be there. Some reasons that lead to it are diseases, medications or pregnancy – few pregnant women are spared swollen ankles or hands. However, excessive water retention can be also caused by an unhealthy lifestyle – if one has too little exercise, is generally sedentary or eats improperly. Pregnant women often suffer from excessive body water retention.



What are the specific causes of excess water stored in the body? It most often affects people who are overweight, use too much salt in cooking, who don’t drink enough liquids, people with a potassium deficiency or those who do not exercise enough. In women, it can be caused not only by pregnancy and other hormonal imbalances, but also hormonal contraception –this is typically expressed in sudden weight gain. Another cause may be hyper-acidification of the organism, which is today very common; excessive water retention may also signal kidney, heart or digestive system diseases. When everything is working well in the body, the equation should be that we discharge the same volume of liquids that we intake, so body weight should be stable. However, this balance can get thrown off and more water is retained than it should be. This issue usually affects women – in terms of the numbers, almost three quarters of those who suffer from it are female. Apart from pregnant women, excessive water retention also ails women during menopause, and it can also happen before menstruation.


THE TYPES OF EXCESSIVE WATER RETENTION (EDEMA) If water is stored in the entire body, it is called generalized edema; when it affects a specific part of the body, it is called localized edema. If the swelling happens because of damaged lymph nodes, the condition is called lymphedema, which is when water accumulates in one area because it cannot pass through. HOW CAN YOU TELL YOUR BODY IS RETAINING TOO MUCH WATER? • You may have noticed sudden weight gain that cannot be explained by improper eating habits • You struggle with losing weight even after adjusting your diet • Your joints, fingers, ankles or abdomen are swollen • You suffer from cellulitis • You sweat a lot, your blood pressure fluctuates and you have difficulties breathing Adding cucumber to your diet can definitely help with water retention. MYHERBS-STORE.COM 39

• Try a sauna. If you can handle the heat, go sit in one for thirty minutes and you’ll see for yourself how quickly the body gets rid of excess water, while also flushing out toxic materials!

• Avoid white flour and refined white sugar. It is better to use honey, natural syrups or cane sugar instead.•Start exercising. This doesn’t mean you have to take up weightlifting at the gym, but just start going on regular walks to allow the lymph system to start pumping, which will in turn lower the amount of water in the organism. A lymphatic drainage or lymphatic massage can have a similar effect.

If you want to check whether you suffer from excessive water retention, press your thumb against the swollen area and hold it there for a while. If the cause is edema, your finger will leave a dent in the skin.

• Drink herbal teas. Herbs are a simple and natural means of boosting redundant water drainage from the body in a healthy manner. Nettle, dandelion or horsetail, among many others, have been observed to work brilliantly in thisregard.Ifyou feel uncomfortable in connection with excessive water retention, it is definitely a good idea to visit your doctor, as they can identify the severity of the problems and advise you with proper treatment. You can help your body by changing your lifestyle.


• Eat less salt. Excessive salting should be avoided, but it is also necessary to keep an eye on the amounts of consumed salts in processed cheese or smoked meats.

• Eat draining foods. Some types of fruits and vegetables can naturally drain the body of excess water while also being delicious. What are they? Blueberries, apricots or watermelons, for example, and some vegetables with the same effect include cucumbers, parsley, tomatoes, red beets and asparagus, among others.


• Drink enough water! It is quite possible that your body is accumulating water because you don’t drink enough of it, so the organism has started hoarding it. A person should drink 34–68 fluid ounces / 1.5–2 liters of liquids a day, mainly pure uncarbonated water or fruit teas, and most of which should be drunk throughout the day. Evening drinking puts an unnecessary strain on the kidneys and disturbs sleep, because it makes you go to the bathroom at night.

Horsetail tea helps against edema. MYHERBS-STORE.COM 41


If you need to get rid of excess water weight or want to prevent yourself from gaining it, the easiest and most accessible way is to drink herbal teas which can cleanse the body of excess water along with all sorts of toxins. Herbal tea treatments not only bring a lot of beneficial substances into the body, they also harmonize our metabolism of liquids. Need to get rid of excess water weight? Try herbs! Which herbs regulate the amount of liquids in the body? Recipes for herbal teas against excess water weight




Parsley Parsley is truly a number one herb when it comes to getting rid of excess water weight. Furthermore, it supplies us with many different minerals and vitamins. You can use both its fragrant leaves and its root - the result will be the same. The most natural way is to include parsley in your cookingin soups, salads, or sauces. Its effects can be strengthened by adding garlic, which has disinfecting properties. But you can also approach parsley as a remedial herb and brew it into a tea, using either its leaves or root. Lovage also has similar effects.

similarhasLovage culinary and remedial uses as parsley, but has a stronger aroma.

After all, nettle

and red

Nettle Nettle has especially strong cleansing properties, so it‘s no surprise it‘s great for rid excess water weight, too. cleansing very popular, since reliable blood cleansing blood cell also helps reduce swellings, heals urinary bladder inflamrheumatism, is often recommended as a supplement in diabetes treatment.




treatments are

CLEANSING NETTLE TEA Ingredients: • 1 tablespoon of nettle leaves • 1 cup of water Directions: Pour boiling water over the nettle leaves, cover, and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Strain and enjoy! The recommended dose is three times a day. MYHERBS-STORE.COM 45

they have

getting us

production supporting effects. Nettle

DIURETIC DANDELION TEA You will need: • 1 spoonful of cut dandelion root or root with stems • A cup of water Directions: Pour boiling water over the dandelion roots and let it infuse for 10 minutes. Then decant and drink 2 times a day on an empty stomach. Not only does the tea help drain excess water, but it also helps treat digestive tract illnesses.

Dandelion Dandelion isn’t just chicken fodder or a material for the making of wreaths; it can do magic when one needs to rid the body of excess water. It also has a beneficial effect on kidney and liver functioning, stimulates the gallbladder and heals inflammation in the stomach’s mucous membranes.

Elderberry Elderberry is another plant that people often walk past without realizing its enormous importance in natural healing and draining excess water. It is picked for its blooms, leaves and fruits. The fruits contain materials that have mild laxative effects and can alleviate pain. A tea from the leaves and blooms is diuretic and helps reduce excessive water retention. It is prepared in the same way as dandelion tea and should be drunk three times a day.


For gardeners, horsetail is an annoying weed that is hard to get rid of; you will come across it in any garden with a humid corner. Its green stems, which resemble a small tree, are picked for use, as they contain a high volume of silicic acid, saponins, organic acids and other materials. Thanks to these, it has intensive diuretic effects which makes it an important part of diuretic teas. As well as that, it also has disinfectant properties and helps fight off infections in the body, stimulates kidney functioning and helps treat varicose veins. When used externally (in compressions and baths) it can cure ulcers and poorly healing wounds.



• 2



Horsetail tea drains redundant water from the body.

Directions: Pour cold water over the horsetail stems and bring it to boil. Cover the pot and let the stems cook for 4-5 minutes. Then, remove the pot from the heat and let it infuse for another 10 minutes. The tea should be drunk for three weeks at most, as the body will need a week-long break afterwards. will need: 4 spoonfuls cut horsetail stems cups

CLEAVERS TEA AGAINST EDEMA You will need: • 2 Tbsp. cleavers stems • 34 fl. oz. / 1 l water Directions: Pour boiling water over the cleavers and let it infuse for 10 minutes, then strain it. Sip on it throughout the day. 48 @MYHERBSMAGAZINE

Cleavers You cannot miss this plant in the garden or in a meadow as it very easily sticks to your clothes, following you all day. That is why it is also sometimes called “sticky willy”. It contains a high amount of glycosides and has strong diuretic effects, while also helping with cramps.

Cleavers tea is used when the body is retaining excess water, while suffering from urinary tract infections, and when suffering cramps of smooth muscles, especially in the digestive tract. Its stems are picked and cut when the plant starts blooming.

You will need: • 1 spoonful of crushed juniper berries • 1 cup of water Directions: Crush the juniper berries or grind them with a pestle and mortar. Put them into a cup and pour boiling water over them. Let it infuse for 10 minutes, strain the mix and drink one cup twice a day.

Juniper helps cleanse the body, but it should not be used during acute kidney disease as it may cause damage. It also increases appetite and prevents gaseousness.




One can often encounter juniper bushes in the forest, and its fruits have a noticeable blue color. It is the fruits that can harmonize the body’s water balance and speed up the healing of the urinary tract. The fruits also have disinfectant properties and have been observed to help treat gout and rheumatism.




This mysterious root from the Far East is considered an elixir of life, so it comes as no surprise that it can – among many other healing matters – drain the organism of redundant water and harmonize the balance of liquids in the body. It is primarily consumed through commercially available preparations, such as pills, syrups and teas.

Beautiful hibiscus leaves decorate many a window and window sill – but that tends to be the Chinese hibiscus. Its West-African cousin has a use beyond decoration. Its fleshy bells are red and carry a sour flavor, for which they are used in cooking and medicine. The famous red carcade tea, which one may encounter when traveling in Arabic countries, is prepared from this very type of hibiscus. Furthermore, not only is it absolutely delicious, but it also has antioxidative, disinfectant and draining properties.

Cranberries Because it’s such a tiresome process, few people actually pick these tiny fruits, even though they are delicious and found in various traditional meals. Cranberry leaves are well-known for the beneficial effects they have on the urinary tract. Cranberry tea is often recommended as a supplemental treatment against urinary tract infections. As it can help treat these conditions, it also increases the body’s capacity to drain water. As such, cranberries rank among the best plants for helping with excess water in the organism. Cranberry teas are sold in many variations, but you can prepare your own, home-made cranberry tea.

CRANBERRY TEA AGAINST EDEMA AND URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS You will need: • 2 Tbsp. cranberry leaves • 17 fl. oz. / 0.5 l water Directions: Cook the leaves in boiling water and let it infuse for 15 minutes, then decant. This is a daily dose, and the tea is to be sipped on throughout the day. MYHERBS-STORE.COM 51


A forest slope warm from the summer sun, with lots of little red strawberries and their lovely aroma hanging in the air. Surely you have seen such a sight before and no doubt remember how amazing these wild strawberries taste.

The strawberry plant does not only have tasty little strawberries, but also medicinal leaves It helps with digestion, kidney functioning and works great in compressions Strawberry recipes – tea, infusion and even a cleansing strawberry diet Strawberry (Fragaria vesca)


However, it is not just a delicious taste that the strawberry plant can offer; it is also a healing plant that has been traditionally used for centuries.




The strawberry plant is a perennial plant that can grow up to 8 inches / 20 centimeters tall and has branching roots. The stems crawl as they grow and often root in the earth. The leaf crown stays at ground level, but the individual stems and leaves grow from it vertically. The leaves are trifoliolate and hairy.

We know the typical, large strawberries well from the garden or grocery store aisles, but medicinal effects are only found in the wild strawberry plants that grow out in the open and have tiny, uncultivated fruits.

Wild strawberry leaves contain a high volume of tanning agents. Furthermore, they contain essential oils that have a citrus aroma, along with slimes, alkaloids and salic and malic acids. The fruits contain plenty of vitamin C, calcium salts, essential oils and sugars.

Wild strawberry is primarily used in the form of tea – be it a purely strawberry tea, or one combined with other fruits. If you are preparing a drink, the leaves should not be cooked, but only submerged in boiling water. The leaves should be only cooked when making a preparation for disinfecting the bowels.

The wild strawberry (also known as the woodland strawberry) can be found across entire Europe and Asia, and in Central Europe it grows in great volumes – on every clearing, slope or garden from the mountains to the lowlands. The leaves are picked for their medicinal purposes from spring, once the young leaves start growing, and when the plant is blooming. It is dried in the shade or at an artificial temperature which should not exceed 113°F / 45°C. As has been already mentioned, only wild strawberry leaves should be picked.


The gentle blooms have white petals, a yellow center and are pentamerous. After blooming, the flowerbed turns into a sweet little red fruit that can be up to about ½ inch / 2 centimeters long, covered in tiny seeds. The strawberry plant grows from June until September, so the strawberries can be picked all summer.



It has complex beneficial effects on the entire body and can be drunk long-term without any negative side effects, making it a great form of prevention. Sipping on wild strawberry tea regularly is very healthy and is certainly a better option than constantly drinking coffee or black tea. Even better, it is very tasty and we can improve its flavor further by creating a tea mix with other herbs. Leaves of raspberry, blackberry or blueberry plants go great with it. It is also delicious when mixed with briar. Wild strawberry can be also used externally – when used in a compression, it can treat oozing and badly healing wounds, and even bleeding hemorrhoids. If you struggle with bad breath or inflammation of the oral cavity, gargle some strawberry infusion.

The tea works as a disinfectant and fortifying preparation, supporting digestion and improving the inflammation of bowel mucous membranes often accompanied by diarrhea. It also harmonizes stool consistency – it helps with both diarrhea and constipation. Wild strawberry is a good drink ingredient when dealing with kidney issues and stones. It has a diuretic effect, and as such helps cleanse the organism. It even cleanses the blood, which is why in the past it was also used to treat gout. It can also be a supplemental treatment of blood vessel diseases and hemorrhoids, and it is recommended to anemics.


Wild Strawberry Infusion Against Diarrhea You will need: • 2 spoonfuls of dried ground wild strawberry leaves • 17 fl. oz. / 0.5l water Directions: Pour the wild strawberry leaves into boiling water and cook them for one minute. Then strain and sip on the lukewarm infusion 3 times a day. 56 @MYHERBSMAGAZINE

Delicious Regenerating WildStrawberry Tea You will need: • 3 parts wild strawberry leaves • 1 part blueberry leaves • 1 part raspberry leaves • 1 part blackberry leaves • 1 part briar leaves Directions: Prepare the mixture and store it in a well-sealed container. When making one portion, pour 17 fluid ounces / 0.5 liters water over two spoonfuls of the herbal mixture, cover the cup and let it infuse for 15 minutes before straining it. Add honey or brown sugar according to taste. This tea can be drunk in any amount as a source of liquid. Rose hips enrich the tea with lots of vitamin C and add a pleasant taste. MYHERBS-STORE.COM 57

This diet is appropriate whenever you need to cleanse the organism, though most ideally during the spring months when detoxifying after the winter. This isn’t about consuming the leaves, but the fruits. These can provide the body with plenty of liquids and vitamins, especially C, A and B-types, which cleanse the body and adjust kidney and bowel functioning, along with providing the necessary hydration.Oneortwo strawberry days can pleasantly mix up your diet. How should you do it?

• LATE MORNING SNACK: a handful of strawberries and a cup of fruit tea

• LUNCH: 3 handfuls of strawberries and a cup of fruit tea (if you need something more filling, switch out one handful of strawberries with a slice of chicken meat)

• AFTERNOON SNACK: a handful of strawberries and a cup of fruit tea

Cleansing Strawberry Diet

• BREAKFAST: a handful of strawberries and a cup of fruit tea (if that isn’t enough, add some strawberries or some quality yogurt)


• DINNER: 2 handfuls of strawberries and a cup of fruit tea, optionally with some yogurt.




GROW YOUR OWN Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) –

Lemon balm – an inconspicuous plant that has many uses What is lemon balm good for How to grow a big harvest Lemon balm recipes Although it grows up to 24 inches or more, lemon balm is an inconspicuous and very aromatic herb. As one of the most widely used healing herbs, it has been known since the Middle Ages, when it was grown primarily in monastery gardens. The French Catholic order of Carmelites, for example, considered it to be one of the most important healing herbs.

It came to us from the Eastern Mediterranean and made the entirety of Europe its home. It is a relatively undemanding perennial herb that can please those who grow it without requiring extra attention, as long as some basic rules are observed. Its widespread presence and use is proven by a wide variety of cute local names such as dropsy, melissa, cure-all, sweet Mary or even heart’s delight

We are of course talking about lemon balm. The lemon balm stem is leafy and very branchy; the plant’s shape resembles that of a nettle or peppermint. However, it is different in its specific aroma, which resembles lemons and honey. The tiny blooms that appear in June and July grow from the leaves’ folds, like deadnettles. They are purple or pinkish in color, and some strains are also white or yellowish. But no matter their color, you can bet that bees from the entire area will be paying a visit to these aromatic blooms.




Lemon balm has a distinctly characteristic and unforgettable aroma. It comes from its high content of essential oils, tanning agents and plant acids. Lemon balm essential oil is very intensive, like peppermint or bergamot essential oils. It has a variety of well-docu-


THE LEAVES AND STEMS ARE PICKED AND USED DRIED OR FRESH Lemon balm can be used when fresh, but the raw leaves are hard to store and often lose their medicinal effects. That is why when used for medicinal purposes, usually it is the leaves and stems that are picked and dried. The picking should be done in July and June during dry and cool weather in the afternoon hours. When you are growing your own lemon balm, you can pick it up to three times a year, because it grows back quickly. Should you pick lemon balm when it is already blooming, its aroma won’t be as intense and pleasant. The leaves and stems are dried in the shade and ideally quickly, but the temperature should not exceed 104 °F/40 °C. Fluff the layer of lemon balm and make sure it is not taller than 4 inches / 10 centimeters, and that the drying area is well ventilated so that the leaves don’t get too steamy.

Moreover,gaseousness.italsohas a positive and calming effect on other parts of the body. It relieves headaches (sometimes even migraines), alleviates abdominal cramps and coughing fits, harmonizes heart functioning and stops light arrhythmias.


LEMON BALM LEAVES ALSO HELP EXTERNALLY Lemon balm can be even used externally, especially if you struggle with rheumatism or neurological infections. In that case, grind the leaves and apply them to your temples (you can spread some lemon balm tincture on your temples). There have even been cases of great results when it is used as supplemental treatment against herpes or insect bites – by applying the tincture or ground leaves. An evening lemon balm bath will soothe the body, bringing about a relaxed, sleepy state of mind.

The importance of lemon balm is growing in the modern world full of stress and high demands on one’s mental state. Nonetheless, the herb has been known for many centuries. Its beneficial effects made a great impression on the renowned healer Paracelsus, who considered it a true elixir of life. He was well aware that lemon balm can stop cramps caused by anxiety.

mented beneficial effects on the human organism, especially calming ones – it helps soothe the digestive tract, stimulates gall formation and reduces


IT SOOTHES THE BODY AND SOUL Its greatest benefit, however, is the calming of a troubled psyche. That is because lemon balm does away with restlessness, anxiety and stress, and helps with insomnia and waking up in the middle of the night. Simply put, if you have some worries that prevent you from falling asleep or that wake you up, nothing beats having some lemon balm tea before going to sleep in the evening. It may even help you more than taking sleeping pills.

As such, lemon balm has an efA few drops of lemon balm essential oils or aromatic lemon balm salts in a bath will induce the calmness your body needs to sleep well.

Should you opt for growing lemon balm from seeds, plant it in March or April in a covered seedbed. Add a thin layer of sound – around 2-3 millimeters – and compress it a little. After about a month (or sooner, depending on the temperature) it will start budding; after two months move the seedlings into their final spot. An easier method is to use cuttings from larger, already grown plants. Choose plants that are at least two years old, and cut them with a sharp knife in the spring or autumn. Plant them in the soil immediately, about 4 inches / 10 centimeters deep. Since it should be expected that lemon balm will spread, plant the herbs about 20 inches / 50 centimeters away from one another.

fect on practically every part of the body, because such anxiety cramps can affect many of its parts – it calms a fast heartbeat, and eases abdominal cramps or coughing fits, should these issues be caused by stress.

HOW TO GROW YOUR OWN QUALITY LEMON BALM? Since it is an undemanding herb, there is no need to do anything special when growing it – just follow a few simple rules. You can grow it in the garden where it will bring you joy for 8-10 years, or in a flowerpot. Just keep in mind that it has relatively long roots, sometimes reaching even 12 inches / 30 centimeters. So do make sure your pot is large enough. The soil should be full of nutrients and airy – ideally earthy and sandy. Lemon balm will do well in a light, sunny spot, but it will manage in half-shade as well. It will not enjoy being in a drafty or windy place. If you are considering which soil to use, the best results will come if placed in soil where legumes or potatoes were previously grown. YOU CAN USE SEEDS, BUT CUTTINGS ARE EASIER


Lemon balm loves being watered – if it doesn’t have enough, it won’t do well. That is why you should water it regularly, and remember to hoe the soil, remove weeds and add fertilizer once a month, ideally compost. If you regularly cut and form the plants, you will always have plenty of young leaves, which is the point of growing the herb.



The ideal age of this herb when growing it for its leaves is about five years. If you grow lemon balm in a pot, you can leave it outside from April, and when the first frosts arrive in the colder months, move it back inside. The best space for wintering lemon balm is a light, cold room where the plant can keep its leaves. If you have a larger plant, it is a good idea to cut a lot of the leaves off and place it in a dark, cold room for the winter, as they will grow back quickly in the spring.


tiles, leaves or a layer of evergreen branches. The older plants will especially need this, because the older a lemon balm is, the higher the risk it will freeze during winter. On the other hand, if the lemon balm is planted in a spot that receives too much sunlight during the summer, it is a good idea to provide it with some shade, otherwise you run the risk that the sun will burn it and turn its leaves yellow.

This herb is not only useful as a healer, but also as an aromatic cooking ingredient. However, it should only be added to finished meals, or those you don’t cook, because when processed by heat, it loses its aroma. It is amazing in spreads or herbal butters, or it can spice up mushroom meals, and the fresh leaves are a great decoration for desserts, puddings or cocktails. It can also be added to fruit salads, vinegar or honey. The smell will be more intense if you first cut or rub the leaves.


Lemon Balm Syrupfor Home-Made Lemonade You will need: • 6½ fl. oz. / 200 ml cleaned and chopped fresh lemon balm leaves • 7 oz. / 200 g crystal sugar • 10 fl. oz. / 300 ml water Directions: Pour the sugar into the water and warm it until it has dissolved. Then add the lemon balm leaves and cook it all for two minutes. Remove the pot from the stove, cover it and let it infuse for an hour. Finally, strain the mixture and store the syrup in the fridge. It can be used when making a delicious homemade lemonade, or you can pour it on top of a dessert. MYHERBS-STORE.COM 67

Lemon Balm Tea for a Good, Calming Sleep Ingredients: • 1 tsp. chopped lemon balm leaves • 1 cup of water Directions: Pour hot water over the leaves and let them steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink. Drink either before going to sleep, or 3 times a day if you feel stressed. 68 @MYHERBSMAGAZINE

Refreshing Lemon Balm Smoothie Ingredients: • 1 pear • 1 green apple • A piece of zucchini • ½ lime or lemon • A handful of lemon balm leaves • 1 cup of coconut water Directions: Peel, seed, and cube the pear and apple. Chop the zucchini, put aside some of the lemon balm leaves for final decoration, and coarsely chop the rest. Put everything in a blender, add coconut water, and blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and garnish with a fresh lemon balm leaf. Throw in a bunch of ice cubes on a hot day to make it extra refreshing. MYHERBS-STORE.COM 69


Herbal Paper –A BEAUTIFUL AND ORIGINAL GIFT We often spend time thinking of things that could make our close ones happy, looking for that genuinely original idea. The best gift is one we make ourselves – and homemade herbal paper is exactly that. What can be used to make herbal paper? How to prepare herbal paste Directions on making your own sheet of paper MYHERBS-STORE.COM 71

• A blender • A 340 fl. oz. / 10 l bucket • A 340 fl. oz. / 10 l pot (stainless or enamel) • A large spoon or a cooking spoon • A small sieve • A large metal colander • An oven baking tin • 2 nets the size of the baking tin – you can use mosquito window nets • 4 absorptive kitchen towels • 1 absorptive towel • Rubber gloves (if you plan on using lye) First, we prepare the paper paste, either from herbs or recycled paper, or alternatively a combination of both. 72 @MYHERBSMAGAZINE

substance will gain some mass

These days, you can either use some of these plants, or you can add old paper to the paper paste. It will make the job somewhat easier, as the and won’t plants. newspaper scraps (without ink) paper wallpaper.



PAPER HAS BEEN MADE FOR MILLENNIA Papermaking was an art known in China as far back as 3000 BC, and paper then was primarily made from hemp. At the beginning of the first millennium, people began making paper primarily from cellulose fibers, especially flax, hay, nettles and reeds. It was also made from bamboo, chamomile, dandelions, golden-rod, iris, and dill, among others, including cereals. WHAT EQUIPMENT WILL YOU NEED TO MAKE PAPER?

have to process as many

You should use a coarser, absorptive kind without ink, such as blotting paper,


You will need: • Absorptive old paper shredded into small pieces

• Water • Liquid starch Directions: Put the paper into water and let it swell overnight. Then squeeze and blend it, again at a ratio of 1.7 fl. oz. / 50 ml paper mix to 34 fl. oz. / 1 l water. Again, add a tiny drop (1 ml) of liquid starch to keep the paste together.

You will need: • 340 fl. oz. / 10 l herbs • 34 fl. oz. / 1 l water

• Liquid starch Directions: Cut or shred the herbs into fine pieces. Pour the water into the pot, put on your gloves and slowly add the sodium lye. Add the herbs and pour in enough hot water so that the herbs are submerged. Then cook for two hours over a mild heat. Once the plant parts have softened, wash and strain them. Next, blend the mix in water, at a ratio of 1.7 fl. oz. / 50 ml plant mix to 34 fl. oz. / 1 l water. Blend it for about 20 seconds. The longer you blend it, the finer the paper will be. Add a tiny drop of liquid starch to the final mix (about 1 ml) – it will help the mix hold together.




• 2 spoonfuls of sodium lye



You can blend the herbal paste with the recycled paper paste, or alternatively you can make it just from the herbs. To do this, turn the baking tin upside down and place it in your kitchen sink. It is the ideal workspace, as the excess water will run into the sink. Place a straining net of an adequate size on the tin and spread the paper paste across it. Move it using a colander to ensure as much water leaves as possible. Always give the layer a slight squeeze afterwards. Afterwards, spread two kitchen towels on a table and put the net with the paper inside on top, and cover it with the other two kitchen towels. Run the rolling pin across the paper again, the excess water will be absorbed into the kitchen towels. Once the towels are soaked, put the netted paper into the towel so that the fabric wraps around both sides, and run the rolling pin over it several times again. If you can’t get any water out anymore, it is time to dry the paper. Remove the nets from the towel and put some weight on it, for example with a plank, and let it dry on a radiator.

If you have decided on a more decorative variant, you could add some blooms or plant leaves to the paste, as these will be more visible in the texture afterwards. The finished paper can be also decorated with dried leaves using latex glue. Creativity has no limits here – it is all up to you, the maker. Spread the paste around evenly so that the layer is the same height everywhere. Once you have evenly distributed the paste across the tin, put the second straining net on top and run a rolling pin over it. That will eliminate excess water and flatten the layer of paper.


Did you know that European medicine was strongly influenced by that of the Arab world? At the end of the 11th century, when the crusaders conquered Jerusalem, a cultural link between Europeans and the Islamic world was formed. One of the many results of this connection was the impact on European healing and medicine. How did Arabian knowledge reach Europe?

The growth of knowledge kickstarted a cultural connection with the Arab world Medicine took over, but herbalism didn’t disappear


How Arabian Medicine Influenced Europe

Well-read scholars and physicians began translating the writings of educated Arab physicians, such as Avicenna and Ibn al-Baytar, and their experience and wisdom started to make its way into European medical procedures. Many books were translated in Toledo, which was in the area of Spain controlled by the Moors, and which was home to a famous university. Physicians and other scholars from the Western nations greatly welcomed the opportunity to compare their knowledge with that of the Arabian physicians, and medieval science (especially its strands researching nature and its rules) experienced a great leap forward. And with that came the widespread development of medicine.

LESS ABOUT PLANTS, MORE ABOUT MINERALS Arabian medicine very much emphasized the value of minerals, because the Arab lands did not have as many options in terms of medicinal herbs – after all, the environment doesn’t greatly favor plant cultivation. That is why Arabian physicians healed using mineral treatments – primarily ferrous sulfate, chalk, kitchen salt, soda, sulfur, calcium carbonate and manyHowever,others.they did make use of those plants that were available. They considered them the bearers of various properties which could work in medicinal preparations, and made them into syrups, pills, potions and so on.


THE MEDICINE SCHOOL OF SALERNO In the 9th Century, the first ever medical school was founded in Salerno, Italy, where the four physician-founders combined their knowledge of Greek, Hebrew, Arabian and European medicine. It was a very progressive school –women could also study there, and experiments were conducted on pigs, which was a great novelty for theThetime.arts of medicine and pharmacy were professionalized. In order for someone to become a physician or pharmacist, they had to study medicine at university for five years, logic for three years, and then undergo a year of general practice experience. It was also mandatory to have knowledge of anatomy and the writings of the classical authors, Hippocrates and Galen.


THE GROWTH OF ALCHEMY Alchemy, which was pursued by Arabian scholars, greatly impressed healer monks from monasteries. They learned many processes from the Arabs – distillation, sublimation, potion-making and others, and they started using brandy (wine distillate) in many healing preparations.Thatiswhere the roots of European medicine lie, since that is where procedures such as bloodletting, cupping therapy, laxative prescription or urine examination began, and where theriac came into use.


Monks from monasteries were also prohibited from healing, even though they had, up to that point, provided healing services to believers. As such, their only job from then on was to provide care for the souls of women and men, and no longer their bodies. When it came to pharmaceutical practices, they could only make the medicine.

The point of these measures was to protect patients from fraudsters and charlatans, but sadly enough it also had a negative effect on the standing of folk healers and herbalists, who were, until then, very sought-after. They continued healing, but in secret, as they could be persecuted and punished for their activities.



HEALERS HEALED IN SECRET, BUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE WAS PRESERVED Physicians became important and highly respected members of society, even to the point of becoming a sovereign class of their own. Simple healers from the villages had to step back and pursue their craft in secrecy. Nonetheless, for the common people it was still far easier to visit the local herbalist grandma than it was to save money for an expensive city physician. That is why herbalism kept on developing, and why many herbal procedures and knowledge are preserved to this day. And for that, we can be very thankful!

PUBLISHEDISSUEQUARTERLY21 To subscribe to My Herbs magazine, please visit our website or call us: +1 (415) magazine@myherbsmag.com231-3767 Address: ACV Publishing LLC 5348 Vegas Dr., #1423, Las Vegas, NV 89108, USA Publisher: Ales Vodicka ACV Publishing, LLC My Herbs Team: Jonathan Butler Ales MarekVodickaVodickaChauNguyenTomasKovarik © Photo: Shutterstock My Herbs & Bylinky revue archive Advertising: Please visit our website Printed at Sheridan, PA, USA. Note to Readers We pledge that the information and advice presented in My Herbs have been checked carefully for accuracy and are supported by health experts, prominent herbalists, and up-to-date research. However, their purpose is purely educational. Please note that the information and advice do not take into account your own unique medical history and clinical conditions known to your personal physician. Please consult your physician before following any of the suggestions herein. Copyright © 2022 by ACV Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorised reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited. Next issue: November 1, 2022

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