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Singapore hosts ICAO Air Navigation Commission on familiarisation visit
The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore hosted the ICAO Air Navigation Commission for a 3-day familiarisation visit in Singapore from 26 to 28 June 2023. During the visit to Singapore, the CAAS shared plans to rebuild the Singapore air hub, raise safety standards and transform the provision of air navigation services.
The visit is part of ICAO’s programme to familiarise members with civil aviation developments in member states. The ANC, composed of commissioners qualified in the science and practice of aeronautics, serves as an independent advisory body of the ICAO Council on air navigation technical matters, playing an important role in advancing safety and efficiency in aviation.
CAAS also hosted technical visits to the Singapore Air Traffic Control Centre, which houses the Air Traffic Management Research Institute, one of the research institutes funded by CAAS to build future air navigation services (ANS) capabilities. Representatives from Singapore have held commissioner positions in the ANC since 2006, including being selected as president in 2010 and 2011.