ABout our ministry CHURCH OF THE HARVEST: In 1989, Pastors Kirk and Nancy Pankratz began Church of the Harvest. Since that time, Harvest has provided a strong model of leadership, family, reaching the next generation and serving the community. Now at 3,000+ members strong, Church of the Harvest has six major campuses, located in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Midwest City, Norman, Stillwater and Cordell, Oklahoma. Also, noted for its music and songwriting, Harvest and Youth America have produced multiple albums, having original songs debut on music projects produced by Hillsong Australia and London, Christ For The Nations and others.
YOUTH AMERICA: Youth America is a major outreach of Church of the Harvest. Since its start in 1987 our nationallyacclaimed Youth America Summer Camps have served over 90,000 students in week-long camp experiences. Youth America Pastors, Grant & Monica Pankratz, are leading a new wave of influence, impacting middle-school, high-school and college-and-career aged young adults.
The greatest challenge of young adults today is not that they are lost in sin, but they are lost in purposelessness. Trying to figure out what God wants you to do with your life can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Make the choice to take the one-year leap into an internship program that will change your world. In one year’s time you could discover your purpose in life, get on the path to become a worldchanger and be a force in changing the young adult culture of today.
Church of the Harvest and Youth America present the Next Generation Internship: A one-year commitment filled with an array of life experiences, high impact relationships, learning environments and serving opportunities. Our team of leaders is passionate about investing in your future. Our mandate is to build nextgeneration leaders and churches. The Next Generation Internship is designed for the young adult (ages 18 – 29) who wants to pursue that next step in life. Maybe you are called to full-time ministry. Maybe you are taking a break from a university path. Maybe you want to improve your leadership skills, knowledge and capacity
THE MISSION to make a difference in your community and local church. Whatever your situation might be, the Next Generation Internship provides you with an incredible growth setting on many levels at a strategic, crossroads time of your life. A Note to Pastors: Pastors everywhere are waking up to the harsh reality: “Where is the NEXT GENERATION?” The statistics are even more shocking: 99% of churches are not reaching the 18 – 30 age group 80% of churched highschool students intend to leave after graduation 80% of twenty-somethings are leaving church each year
Two of the greatest needs of every local church are connecting with the next generation and creating a culture where people are actually bringing new people to church. During this one-year program, interns will learn the ropes, push past their fears and reach people in ways they never thought possible. Send us one, two or three of your young adults with potential and we will return them to you ready to serve with passion.
THE ELEMENTS CLASSES: Senior Leaders and key team members of Church of the Harvest and Youth America who specialize in a ministry field teach weekly classes in Ministry, Leadership, Culture and Biblical Foundations. Relevant and proven ministry methods are taught and modeled. STREAMS: Every intern can select a primary stream to focus on during the year. Worship & Creative -Worship Pastors -Worship Leading -Vocalists -Musicians -Songwriters -Song Charting -Live Media -Camera Operators -Video Editing -Graphics
-Website -Sound -Lighting -Staging -Production
(Kids, Youth, Young Adult, Adult) -Kids Pastors -Youth Pastors -Young Adults Pastor -Campus Pastor -Volunteer Coordinator -Community Outreach -Social Justice Programs -Global Missions
Administrator & Executive Assistant
-Administration -Organization -Budget & Financial Planning -Event Management -Project Management -Research -Campus Operations -Computer Skills
INVOLVEMENT IN CHURCH OF THE HARVEST: Services are a handson learning experience for interns. Harvest is one church with multiple locations. With campuses ranging in size from 150 – 2000+, interns are exposed to all different types of church sizes and family dynamics to help them broaden their view. INVOLVEMENT IN YOUTH AMERICA: Next Generation Interns function as the leadership team and staff for Youth America Summer Camps. With thousands of teens and young adults attending, interns are immersed in a summer of ministry that serves as their crowning achievement of the year.
Bringing the gospel to the young people in a city is an inspiring and motivating learning experience for all interns. There is no better place to encounter this than at our Youth America Clubs. Interns will take an active role in these life changing group settings.
THE details ACCOMMODATIONS & CAMPUS LIFE: The Next Generation Internship Campus is located on our Church of the Harvest OKC property. Interns are housed in a dormitory with showers and bathrooms located in an adjoining room. On the campus, interns have access to our gym, juniorOlympic-sized pool, kitchen facilities, free laundry and more. Resident Advisers live on campus to assist with student life, provide oversight and spiritual support. CONFERENCES & SPECIAL EVENTS: Throughout the year Church of the Harvest has many conferences and special events that take place on and off the church grounds. All Next Generation Interns attend these conferences for free and are used in some level of leadership, planning,
and serving. MINISTRY RESUMÉ & LICENSE: Upon completion of the one-year program, interns will have accumulated an active ministry resumé and will be ready to serve the local church. Harvest can then provide the intern with a License of Ministry with your sponsoring pastor’s endorsement. LOCAL JOBS/INCOME OPPORTUNITIES: The Youth America campus is located just 10 minutes from several malls, restaurants and major business areas. Between the many businesses and the Oklahoma City economy, job possibilities are readily available. Within the interns’ schedule they have time slots for part-time employment to help them meet their financial obligations.
THE cost The Next Generation Internship costs exactly $5000 – that’s $417/month. The tuition covers lodging, classes, books, various activities and events and conference registrations. Additional costs you will be responsible for are food, transportation, health insurance and personal necessities. FUNDRAISING: Our interns have been very creative in raising their money to attend. Garage sales, sponsorship letters to family and friends, car washes and many other ideas have paid the way for many. Contact our office and ask for a list of the wide range of ideas.
Partnership with Your Local Church: We also recommend that students ask their local church to partner with them by helping them with up to a 50% sponsorship. We encourage you to offer to go back to your local church as a productive volunteer for a period of time after completion of your internship as a means of demonstrating your appreciation. It’s our heart to build up your church!
what now? Internship space is limited and available on a firstcome, first-serve basis. If you are interested in visiting our campus prior to the start date of a session ask about campus tour dates. Applications are available online at internship/ngi.
For further information please contact us at 405-478-7373 or email
Twitter: @YouthAmerica Instagram: @YouthAmerica Facebook: youth.america
Internship Location: Church of the Harvest 6800 N Bryant Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73121 Youth America PO BOX 20000 Oklahoma City, OK 73156