British Rust Fungi Malcolm Wilson, D. M. Henderson
Publisher : Cambridge University Press Release Date :
ISBN : 0521279267
Author : Malcolm Wilson, D. M. Henderson Download Here
W. B. Grove's British Rust Funghi, first published by Cambridge University Press in 1913, had long been the standard work on the subject. But it had grown increasingly obsolete in the light of the intensive research devoted to the group. As early as 1938, Dr Wilson, who was reader in Mycology at Edinburg University, was encouraged to prepare a new edition. Since then it became clear that what was needed was not a revision but an entirely new book. This was three-quarters complete in 1960, when Dr Wilson's illness and death again brought it to a halt. His colleague Dr Douglas Henderson then undertook full responsibility, completing the text and redrawing all the figures. This book was published in 1966 and is now being reissued. It covers all the species of Uredinales or Rust Fungi known in Britain at the time of publication and takes into account extensive research.
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