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Message from the Parent Association
I had The Rolling Stones’ song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” on repeat during my senior year of high school. Despite thinking I did everything to my fullest potential, I was rejected from my preferred colleges — and my high school boyfriend broke up with me. I still ache thinking about that time. However, at my “safety school,” I met teachers who inspired me to be a writer, a career I loved. I had a ton of fun and became a type A- instead of a stressed-out A+ personality. I also met lifelong friends and bonded with a man I now call my husband. I didn’t get what I wanted my senior year, but I’m pretty certain I got what I needed.
This past year at Harvey, during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, reminded me of that song yet again, and not only because I had a senior there (he got into his preferred colleges). As the president of the Harvey Parent Association, I sometimes heard concerns from parents about how things were different. Some students were eating in the gym. A few traditional trips and educational offerings were canceled yet again. The kids missed having clubs and weekly morning meetings.
However, as PA president, I also heard tons of gratitude. With the incredible support of the Harvey staff, administration, parents, and all of the generous donors like you, Harvey students met for class in person just about all year! They embraced challenging and unique classes, including AP Stats, Japanese, Shakespearience!, and Bioethics. They grew emotionally through Harvey’s advisory program and meetings with our new counselor. And, they had a blast with the return of middle school trips to places like the CT Science Center, Caramoor, and Philadelphia. Students celebrated as junior and senior proms returned. They showed up in record numbers to cheer during numerous championship games and stellar arts performances. Kids enjoyed movie nights on the Quad, food trucks, a senior carnival and more. And, finally, upon graduation, members of the Class of 2022 hugged and high-fived each other in front of their loved ones in a full gymnasium and didn’t let go of each other even as the concluding recessional took place. But it wasn’t just the students who found ways to connect. Parents gathered for socials throughout the year. We hiked trails in Ward’s Pound Ridge Reservation. We participated in workshops focused on gender identity, managing screen time, positive coaching, and how to cook pizzettas. We read half a dozen books together for book club, and even traveled together to New York City to tour the Morgan Library and Museum. (Why should the kids have all the fun?) On a grand scale, the entire extended Harvey community showed up in the hundreds for Homecoming and the Spring Barn Dance and gave generously, exceeding Harvey’s fundraising goals! Community members young and old opened their hearts by supporting Harvey on the Day of Giving, for the Annual Fund, and by participating in Senior and Eighth Grade Class Gifts.
On behalf of the Parent Association, I want to thank you all for contributing to Harvey this year through your donations, innovative ideas, support, and participation. During what many people have called one of the most trying times in our lives, we found community, gratitude, and joy. And it was just what we needed.
With gratitude,
Leslie Caney Berni, Harvey PA President

The 2021–22 school year represented a gradual return to our more traditional Harvey experience, particularly as it relates to the Parent Association.
For the first time in more than 18 months, parents were welcomed back to campus and encouraged to attend games, performances, and events. Although daytime PA meetings, activities, and events were still held on Zoom — which made it easier for more parents to get involved — we began to see and feel the warmth of our parent community again. We are extremely grateful to have our parent partnership, and we wish to recognize all of the PA leadership who helped us to chart new territory over the past two years.
Parent Association Executive Committee
President: Leslie Berni Middle School Liaison: Joi Isley-Collins Treasurer: Mia Egelberg Secretary: Linda Cioffi Facebook Administrator: Cyndi Mallon
Upper School Athletic Boosters:
Ashley Foote, Francine Jaques Middle School Athletic Booster: Kelly Harned
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Co-Chairs:
Sorin Klares, Melissa Alpern Holiday Appreciation Co-Chairs:
Sara Cremins, Jerri-Lynn Galgano, Trustee Harvey Presents: Kat Tambor, Allison Draizin Arts Booster Co-Chairs: Natalie Curro, Danielle Feigenbaum Book Club Co-Chairs: Toby Lazarus, Beth Baer PA DEI Chairs: Kelly Harned, Nia Rhodes Jackson Parent Ambassador Chair: Jenny Rynott
Class Parents
6th Grade: Geraldine Tobias, Hayate Jandar Boujid 7th Grade: Andrea Birch, Melody Brant 8th Grade: Christine Cappelletti, Joi Isley-Collins, Kelly Harned 9th Grade: Carmen Delessio, Claudia Grant, Kat Tambor 10th Grade: Tami McCarthy, Nicola Teixeira 11th Grade: Jessica Gasch, Beth Baer 12th Grade: Toby Lazarus
Parent Ambassadors
Lauren Acampora Beth Baer Tynelle Boothe Dwayne Boothe Hayate Boujid Lara Casano ’95 Allison Draizin Kevin Durkin,
Trustee Meredith Hanson Liz Jones Heather Katzin Linda Kluge Jen Kutai Toby Lazarus Wendy Lederer,
Trustee Robin McCaine Tracy Persaud Michelle Rubin Jenny Rynott Jeanette Sandor Tracy Shepard Lynn Siegel Amy Silverman Laura Treseler Daphne Uviller Dawanna Veneable,
Trustee Jen Winters Betty Zilberstein