10 minute read
Faculty & Staff News
Fond Farewells
Four long-standing members of the Harvey faculty and staff are retiring or moving on to new adventures at the end of the 2021-22 school year. We wish them all that best and know we will miss them!
Amie Phillips
What has Amie Phillips not done at Harvey? She finishes her career as the mathematics department chair, Upper School math teacher, and varsity softball coach. In addition, she’s been the co-coordinator of the Equestrian Riding Program, varsity girls soccer assistant coach, advisor to the Fantasy Sports Club and Cooking Club, new teacher mentor, and a participant on the admissions committee and athletic director hiring committee. On top of all that, she’s a Harvey parent herself!
Mrs. Phillips is not sure of her next chapter, but she will find it in Lexington, Virginia, where she is moving with her husband, Greg Phillips, head of security at Harvey. “I plan to take a few months to decompress and enjoy relaxing by the Maury River,” says Mrs. Phillips. “We hope to have a garden and a few chickens at our house to keep us busy while we decide on our next steps.”
She will definitely miss the relationships that she has made with some of the faculty during the last 17 years. She will also miss teaching students to appreciate math and showing them that they can be a mathematician even when they have not had success in past classes. “I know that the relationships I have made with current students and alumni will continue into the future,” Mrs. Phillips says.
One of her favorite memories at Harvey is one of her first, which she regularly shared with new teachers. While teaching in public school, she often had 30 students per class and didn’t get to know many of them well. On her first day at Harvey, she had the following conversation with one of her students:
Liz: “Mrs. Phillips, where do you live?” Mrs. Phillips: “I live in Dutchess County, which is about an hour north of Harvey.” Liz: “Oh, ok.” Mrs. Phillips: “Why were you asking?” (Thinking she was going to egg my house or something!) Liz: “In case I need extra help at night, I wanted to know how far away you were. But it will be too far.” Mrs. Phillips went home that night and told her husband that “I had no idea where I was now teaching but apparently students come to teachers’ homes for extra help.”
“Amie has been an incredible presence on our campus and in our community since her arrival,” says Head of Upper School Phil Lazzaro. “Her work, both in the classroom and in the softball and equestrian communities, has had an impact beyond words. I appreciate all she has given to the students in our community,” Mr. Lazzaro says.
As she transitions to a more relaxed pace, Mrs. Phillips plans to visit her son Connor ’18 in Georgia, where he was commissioned after graduating in May from the Virginia Military Institute. She also looks forward to daughter Erin ’22 attending Virginia Tech in the fall, where Mrs. Phillips will enjoy attending her horse shows.
Many well wishes on this new chapter in your lives, Amie and Greg!
Rosana Lindoro
During the last 19 years, Rosana Lindoro has taught Spanish; coached Middle School girls soccer, varsity girls lacrosse, and girls soccer; and supervised the Fitness Center after school. In the fall, she plans to work as a Spanish/ESL teacher and also teach adult education at a local community college until she formally retires in a few years.
“My favorite memories are the trips I was fortunate to take with my students where I got to know them as people and not just students,” shared Ms. Lindoro. Another favorite memory is forming the Spanish Honors Society and instituting the yearly induction ceremony. “The students were so proud!”
She will miss the spontaneity of the Harvey students, the small classes, and her fellow teachers who are always friendly and helpful. “I will miss Mrs. Smith as she was the first person who welcomed me to Harvey, and my buddies Ms. Pilar Menacho and Ms. Maria Cal who have been there in my highs and lows,” said Ms. Lindoro.
Languages Chair Tim Cornell will miss having Ms. Lindoro as a colleague and as his friend. “We both started at Harvey in 2003 and soon became friends,” said Mr. Cornell. “I could always rely on Rosana as someone to help out when needed. Her professionalism and organizational skills helped tremendously, and she graciously opened her home a couple of times as a homestay family for a teacher visiting from Japan. I will miss her friendship and dedication to the craft of teaching,” he said. “Harvey won’t be the same without you!”
Ms. Lindoro is looking forward to a nice and restful summer, as well as traveling with her daughter to Colombia. When she finally does retire, she plans to spend time volunteering and gardening.
Best wishes, Rosana!

Chris Romanowicz
For more than 25 years, Chris Romanowicz has given so much to The Harvey School. She served as a dorm parent, which she loved, and supervised faculty and student visits and applications. She has been the school receptionist; taken student attendance; and, with the departure of Char Stark in 2015, multitasked as receptionist, book manager, and attendance. In the past, she has helped with all aspects of planning commencement ceremonies. Mrs. Romanowicz has also beautified the campus by planting flowers at the front entrance and performed other gardening work.
“Need a document spell-checked? Signs laminated? Even a gift wrapped? Chris was there to pitch in and help!” said Michelle Morris, assistant to the head of school. “In addition to taking care of attendance, answering phone calls, and running the bookstore, Chris stepped up to help with any task when needed. She has been my support system at Harvey and will be greatly missed!”
Mrs. Romanowicz’s retirement will take her to Middletown, Maryland, to enjoy being closer to family and find new adventures. It will be much different than Katonah. “The Appalachian Trail is in our backyard, and, across the street you’ll find Washington State Park,” Mrs. Romanowicz says.
“I’ve always found the Harvey students to be spirited and inquisitive,” says Mrs. Romanowicz. “I will miss their energy and the challenges of what comes next at Harvey, and how I would have helped.”
Mrs. Romanowicz will be missed by many. “Enjoy this new chapter of your life with your family,” says Mrs. Joanne Lombardi, Assistant to Middle School Division Head. “I hope it is filled with good health, happiness, and exciting new adventures.”
It is difficult for Mrs. Romanowicz to name just one favorite memory during her 25 years at Harvey because she says things are always changing, evolving, and improving. “I do feel like I’m leaving Harvey in good hands,” she says.
We will miss you in the book store! Best wishes and happy adventures, Chris!
faculty + staff NEWS
Effie Afentoulides
“Every organization has that person, that one person whom everyone turns to for help, for advice, for a hand, for an idea, for an ear, for a shoulder. It’s that person who steadfastly and quietly, day in and day out, gets the job done. The one who, when someone asks, “Who made this beautiful gift, sent these beautiful flowers, remembered my birthday, knew about my promotion?” The answer is always that one individual. They have all the answers, all the history, and all the time in the world … for you. At Harvey, everyone knows that person is Effie Afentoulides,” shares Director of Development Susie Danziger.
Mrs. Afentoulides has worked in the Development Office at Harvey for 15 years, joining in July 2008 as the database manager. She quickly settled in and before long, she was known for her keen eye for detail, her extraordinary work ethic, her warmth, and her baklava. Mrs. Afentoulides moved on to become the office manager; Annual Fund coordinator; the database manager again; and most recently has been the Director of Parent Programs, Events, and Operations. To each of these roles, Mrs. Afentoulides brought her can-do attitude, her infectious smile, and that twinkle in her eye.
When Maya Angelou said — I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel — she had Mrs. Afentoulides in mind. While her words are always filled with kindness, what truly sets her apart from the rest is the way she makes you feel … noticed, like you’ve made a difference, and loved.
With the conclusion of this school year, Mrs. Afentoulides will have put together her last commencement gift bag, her last wine and cheese basket, her last paperless post invitation, her last PA agenda, her last Zoom link, her last alumni association membership card, her last name tag, and her last logo’ed chapstick. When Mrs. Afentoulides closes her computer, turns off the lights, and drives out of the Harvey parking lot for the last time, she will head off to tend her garden, visit Greece, bake cookies, volunteer at her church, and spend time with her family — especially her two beautiful grandchildren.
What will Mrs. Afentoulides miss most? “I will miss my Harvey family — my co-workers, the students, and the parents,” she said. “I will remember Harvey with a smile on my face due to the many relationships I’ve made over the years.” Mrs. Afentoulides is definitely looking forward to having “the luxury of time” to spend doing all the things she loves and doing that with the ones she loves.
Harvey will be a little quieter and a little sad that day, but the impact of her work and her friendship will long live on.
We will miss you, Effie!
Baby News
Harvey nurse Kerby Lewis and her husband, Andrew, welcomed their second son, Nicholas Stephen Cabry, Oct. 29, 2021 weighing in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and 19.5 inches long. “We are loving every second with this little guy!” shared Nurse Lewis. Nicholas joins his big brother, Vincent. Harvey Business Office Controller Leigh Tillman and her husband welcomed their second child, Daisy Parker Tillman, March 22, 2022. “Her big brother Archer loves to snuggle with her, and we couldn’t be happier!” shared Ms. Tillman.
Nurse Lewis holding baby Nicholas with her husband and son Vincent Baby Nicholas Ms. Tillman with her husband and baby Daisy Baby Daisy
You Can Leave a Legacy That Changes Lives
You have the power to make a lasting impact on the future of The Harvey School by joining The Herbert Carter Legacy Society, named in honor of the school’s founder. The Society comprises alumni and friends of Harvey who have informed the school that they have included a bequest that names Harvey as a beneficiary. Wills, charitable remainder trusts, and life insurance policies allow you to leave a legacy to benefit Harvey students, while meeting your personal financial goals.
Without reducing your income or diminishing your savings and without legal expense, you can transfer assets from bank investments, retirement, insurance, stock or mutual fund accounts to accomplish your charitable goals. Completing a beneficiary designation form takes only a few minutes, and the impact can last a lifetime — providing today’s students the opportunity to find their passions and become their best selves!
If you are considering a planned gift, please consult with your financial advisor. If Harvey is already in your estate plans, please let us know. We would love to add your name to the growing list of The Carter Society members and recognize your extraordinary generosity.

You can make Harvey a gift of a lifetime.
Herbert Carter Legacy Society Members
Laurence Baschkin ’77 Pieter Catlow ’73 Dan Chapman ’73 John G. Davis ’50 Peter Duncan ’65 Rowena & Barry W. Fenstermacher, Headmaster Emeritus John French ’47 Paul A. Hollos ’52 Gene S. Lasdon Jeannette & Jeffrey Lasdon Patrick O. Peterkin ’78 Gerald J. Pollack Dawn Stuttig Kit Wise ’62
// To discuss leaving a legacy gift, contact Susie Danziger at sdanziger@harveyschool.org.