27 minute read
Class Notes
To submit a note or share your Harvey memories,
please contact your class agent or the alumni office at alumni@harveyschool.org.
Lute Thompson turned 98 in April and got together with his family members far and wide to celebrate via Zoom.
1941 // 80th Reunion
Class Agent: Jim Wood, (914) 922-1559, jimandtwink@gmail.com
Jim Wood, longtime Class Agent, is retired and having a great time with his great-grandchildren. His favorite Harvey memory was watching Archie Coolidge with his snakes. What he learned from Harvey was “study hard/play hard.”
John Loeb welcomed a new grandchild, Jackson Loeb, born to his son Nicholas and his girlfriend, Ilaria. He also has a granddaughter, Penelope.
1951 // 70th Reunion 1957
Class Agent: Alex McKown, (718) 392-1373, alexander.mckown@gmail.com
James Hanrahan still sees classmates Al and Dick Willard. Al and his wife moved to a nearby farm in Rutherfordton, North Carolina, and have been helping James restore his 1939 Century Runabout for cruises on Lake Lure. Dick comes to Asheville several times a year to visit from his home in Maine. James enjoys living with his two golden retrievers, boating, cooking, watching movies, reading, travel, and collecting classic cars and motorcycles.
1961 // 60th Reunion
Class Agent: Sandy Gabel, (919) 693-8099, sandy.gabel@icloud.com
Carey Rodd works in a very large nursing home, donning masks and PPE, as well as dealing with emails from the State Department of Health, CDC, and the long-term care association.
Class Agent: Alex Edwards-Bourdrez, (631) 754-1041, alexb2@gmail.com
Class Agent: Phil Eifert, (914) 232-6489, peifert@yahoo.com
Kent Guernsey was promoted to branch manager for Morgan Stanley in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
Class Agent: Patrick Peterkin, (203) 655-9917, p_peterkin@yahoo.com
Class Agents: Melinda Frey Arkin, bentleyshop@aol.com; Joshua Rosenthal, (970) 385-4723, weplay@bresnan.net
Class Agent: Herbert Sloan, (203) 438-0051, hjs1988@yahoo.com
1956 // 65th Reunion
Class Agent: John Crawford, (540) 247-8810, celect@comcast.net
John Crawford is retired and spending summers in Bath, Maine, and winters at the old homestead in Virginia. He said he is married to “a woman who must have had a nomad in her ancestry” because they travel incessantly. They recently traveled to Botswana, Thailand, and St. John but had to cancel trips to Morocco and Spain due to COVID-19. John is still flying at the young age of 80, playing tennis, pickleball, and racketball. He has two children and two grandchildren who all live in Charleston, South Carolina.
Class Agent: Rev. Malcolm Starring, (603) 444-6016, mfstarring@gmail.com
Gregory Kriser welcomed his first grandchild in August, a granddaughter born to his son, Ryan, and his wife, Heather.
Malcolm “Mac” Starring
Mac retired in September 2019 as the Pastor of Faith Bible Church in Littleton, New Hampshire after 33 years. His favorite Harvey memories include playing Josephine, the heroine, in “HMS Pinafore,” and playing Capture the Flag on the side field to the right of the road leading up to the school.
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Class Agents: Charles Collin, (860) 263-7972, chascolin@gmail.com; Laurel E. Meredith, (917) 280-5233, laurel.meredith@gmail.com
Charles Collin has four children, works for ESPN, and lives in West Hartford, Connecticut.
Adam Donofrio is a Bronx, New York, detective, has four children, and lives in Brewster, New York.
David Hammer is CEO of a large consumer products business and is based in Florida. He has three boys, the eldest, 18.
Laurel (Elkind) Meredith accepted a new position in February with Whip Media Group as VP Sales North America. The company specializes in software and data solutions for media and entertainment. She has three children, Natalie, Gabriel, and Ella. Her husband, Chris, works in finance and also teaches as an adjunct professor at the MBA program at Cornell University. Laurel says: “Harvey was like a second home to me. I found myself there into the evenings thanks to Model UN, drama, yearbook, practices, and student government. I was clearly not a natural athlete, but my coaches pushed me, and I ended up enjoying athletics more than I could have imagined. Lots of great memories of the bus rides to and from those games with a great close-knit and supportive group of girls.”
Class Agent: Chris Abrenica, (914) 556-8344, cabrenica71@outlook.com
Joseph Carilli was promoted to Assistant U.S. Attorney for the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia.
Class Agent: Peter Hall, (518) 369-1991, hallpeter1@gmail.com
Peter Hall is living in Arizona after 20 years in the upstate New York area of Albany and Saratoga Springs and works for a software company called SportsEngine. Recalling his days at Harvey, Peter says, “I entered Harvey as an underdog and left Harvey with a ton of experiences.” He adds, “I love being the underdog.”
Peter Mason announced with “a heavy heart and infinite sadness” that he closed his restaurant, Southbound BBQ, at the end of September due to the effects of COVID-19. Prior to following a passion-point and opening the restaurant, Peter had a successful career in sales and marketing, and is looking to bring more than 25 years of experience, talent, and connections to his next adventure.
Jennifer Neumann started a new position as a clinical systems analyst at MultiCare Health System.
Class Agent: Russell Stamm, (781) 329-3004, rcstamm@rcstammco.com
Looking for Class Agents or Reunion Coordinators
Keys of being a Class Agent:
• Share information about school events, local get-togethers, news from campus and current students
• Write periodic class letters and emails; establish class group on Facebook
• Update class rosters There can be more than one agent per class, so grab a friend and get involved in the Harvey community
There are currently vacancies for class agents in the classes of 1942–1955, 1958–1960, 1962–1964, 1966–1967, 1969–1972, 1974–1977, 1979–1982, 1985–1987, 1991–1993, 2000, 2010. If you cannot take on a class agent post, please consider volunteering to serve your class as a Reunion Coordinator. Classes with an involved Reunion Coordinator have had more successful reunions with a higher turnout.
Jeannette Brandt Stark ’96 Allan Dilone Rodriguez ’20 David Stark ’96
To volunteer or if you have questions, please contact alumni@harveyschool.org.
Class Agents: Lara W. Casano, (347) 539-7301, Gilligan.school@gmail.com; Raphael Miranda, (917) 520-7808, mirandaraphael@hotmail.com
Raphael Miranda, WNBC-TV NY meteorologist, created a short video message for the Class of 2020, offering some words of wisdom and congratulations that were shared at the Commencement ceremony in early June.
Corey Muse married his new bride, Katie, September 4, 2020.
Michael Malloy left the oil industry and accepted a job with the Denver Police Department as a COVID-19 site tester, allowing him to see the real-life effect of the pandemic. Now he is working full time in civil construction management.
1996 // 25th Reunion
Class Agents: Keith Harrigan, (412) 853-9392, kh1843@gmail.com; David Stark, (336) 771-5303, dlstark@kpmg.com; Jeannette Brandt Stark, (336) 771-5303, jeanettemstark@gmail.com
Steve Masiello, in his 10th year as head coach of the Manhattan College men’s basketball team, will go head to head with his longtime mentor, new Iona coach Rick Pitino, when the Jaspers meet the Gaels in back-to-back matchups in New Rochelle March 5 and 6. For a deep dive into the special relationship the two coaches share, read mcquad.org/2020/07/25/rick-pitinosnew-chapter-at-iona-casts-new-light-onhistory-with-steve-masiello.
David Stark lives in North Carolina with his wife and fellow Harvey alum Jeanette (Brandt) Stark, along with their three boys, Chris (13), Gabe (9), and Ben (5). Almost all of their extended family have moved to North Carolina as well, including Matt Stark ’92, and David’s parents, Tim and Char Stark, who worked at Harvey for nearly 40 years before retiring. David’s brother Andrew ’98 lives nearby in Richmond, Virginia, while brother Jonathan ’07 still lives in the New York area. David works for KPMG and for the last two years has led the Southeastern Development and Exempt Organization Tax Practice. He works primarily with large nonprofits including universities, health care systems, charitable endowments, and pension funds. Fun fact: David and Jeanette are still the only NeperanPocantico marriage.
Jeanette (Brandt) Stark started a new position last year as the General Counsel for Piedmont Advantage Credit Union. As part of the executive leadership team, she provides oversight to risk management and compliance, BSA and fraud, collections, human resources, employee training, and legal. Jeanette is also the vice president and a director of the PACU Foundation, which she helped form as a way for Piedmont Advantage Credit Union’s employees and members to give back and foster sustainable financial health in local communities in North Carolina. Jeanette’s sister, Meredith ’96, also lives in North Carolina.
Class Agent: Blayre Farkas, (561) 929-1802, carolynfarkas@gmail.com
Class Agent: Greg Janos, (845) 857-7688, gjanos@harveyschool.org
Class Agent: Amy Albert Morello, papillia@hotmail.com
Heather Soss was married June 13, 2020, to Christopher McKulsky and started a new job at Sisley Paris in September.
Elizabeth Willingham started grad school at Columbia University in fall 2020. She spent a decade as a teacher, recruiter, and member of the leadership team at several charter schools in low-income areas of Harlem and Brooklyn. She now runs workshops all over the country for teachers and student teachers on classroom management and hiring practices, which she loves. She has a 3-year-old daughter, River, who is “a firecracker,” and they live in the Riverdale section of the Bronx.
Jacob Gambaccini welcomed a baby boy, Ronan Thomas, April 15, 2020, joining two sisters born in 2013 and 2016.
Gabriella (Geysel) Schwager lives in Florida with her husband, Eric, and 6-yearold son, Dylan. She has two careers; one as a real estate agent and another as the CEO/ CO-Founder of her own company, Stars Marketing Group, planning events and creating social media campaigns for reality TV stars and social media influencers. Gabriella loves both her jobs, which keep her busy, but she still finds time to coach her son’s soccer team.
2001 // 20th Reunion
Class Agent: Jennifer J. Vogeney, (914) 494-9397, jenn.j.vogeney@gmail.com
Tara (McGarvey) DiCorcia became a high school biology teacher drawn to education because of her positive high school experience at Harvey. She has always loved life science, which was fostered by her own Harvey biology teacher, Marcie (McGowan) Hajem. Tara has been teaching science for 14 years and earned her national board certification in adolescent science in 2013. She lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and 3 ½-year-old daughter.
Class Agent: Tiffany Franqui Hamilton, (845) 612-9858, travelsize84@gmail.com
Tucker Kiessling was hired full time to teach English at Harvey for the 2020–21 school year. He was a substitute teacher during the 2019–20 school year and did some observations at Harvey during 2018, while earning his master’s in teaching from NYU.
Class Agent: Jaclyn Walker, (914) 319-1699, JaclynMarisaWalker@gmail.com
Class Agent: Maria Neri, (845) 279-5234
Nicholas “Nic” Grala started a new position as a managing director at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management after 13 years at JPMorgan Chase.
Class Agent: Brian Ryerson, (914) 329-6863, ryersonb@gmail.com
2006 // 15th Reunion
Class Agents: Gregory Jurschak, (914) 260-8133, gjurschak@gmail.com; Teresa Neri, (914) 462-7440, teresa.neri12@gmail.com
Class Agents: Doniella McKoy, (914) 960-9375, donimckoy@yahoo.com; Alexandra Pugliese, (914) 760-0119, alexandra.m.pugliese@gmail.com
Brandon Brooks moved to San Francisco to join Adobe as a customer success manager after spending two years earning his MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management, focusing on marketing, entrepreneurship, and technology. He also has a B.S. in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University. In his new role, Brandon says, “I’ll combine the love for marketing, technology, and relationship development I pursued in the first stage of my career at a company that shares my values for authenticity, creativity, and inclusivity.”
Thomas Theurkauf and his wife welcomed a baby girl named Edith in October 2020.
Class Agents: Gretel Coleman, (914) 234-0907, gretelcoleman@gmail.com; Dylan Hackley, (914) 482-5318, dhack@me.com
Allison (Zakre) Tabor is the associate director of admissions at Stevens Cooperative School in Hoboken, New Jersey, where she and her husband live. Having completed a dual master’s degree in science in teaching adolescents grades 7–12 with a focus in teaching social studies and special education at Fordham University, Allison credits Harvey with developing and fostering her love of studying history and politics both as a student and later as a teacher at Harvey. “I had the opportunity to learn from teachers who had a true passion for their subject, and I was then able to teach alongside many of my former mentors,” Allison said. In her leisure

Allison Tabor ’08 and her Matilda share a cuddly car ride together.
time, Allison enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, and taking short walks with her English bulldog, Matilda.
Class Agents: Andrew Jamieson, (203) 273-3884, andrewjamieson91@icloud.com; Erika Osborne, osborne7937@gmail.com; Peter Sorenson, (914) 438-7486, psorenson68@gmail.com; Megan Taylor, (914) 234-6205, meg.kerrytaylor@gmail.com
Jason O’Brien moved to sunny St. Augustine, Florida, and works at a vitamin and supplement company.
Megan Taylor, now in her sixth year teaching English at Harvey, married Pete Scholes December 20, 2020. Meg said of the wedding, “We figured why not? We will celebrate with everyone over the summer. Let’s end this crazy year on the best note possible!” She added, “Mother Nature even threw in a little snowy surprise!”

2011 // 10th Reunion
Class Agents: Amelia Slater, (914) 874-7436, ameliajslater1@gmail.com; Nicolette A. St. Lawrence, (914) 707-0414, ns669@cornell.edu; Konrad Testwuide, (914) 953-9006, ktestwuide@gmail.com
Rachel Dimowitz joined LISC as its new office manager, responsible for the operations of its new 60,000-square foot national headquarters based in New York City.
Malik Garvin was named Director of Ice Hockey in Harlem (IHIH) in August 2020. Malik has been involved with IHIH since he was 4 years old, when he learned how to skate and participated in after-school programs and summer camps throughout his youth. He graduated from Western New England University in Springfield, Massachusetts, with a B.S. in Accounting and Finance and also played D3 hockey. He spent two years working with Bronx Lacrosse. Malik considers his new directorship his “dream job” and is happy to be with an organization “that has done so much for my family and generations of Harlem youth.”
Class Agents: Brandon Hickey, (845) 270-8670, hickbg05@gmail.com; Brett Marks, (914) 815-1686, brettmarks94@gmail.com; Nicole Pugliese, (914) 760-7148, npug@umich.edu; Julian Rissetto, (914) 539-1175, j.rissetto@icloud.com; Maya Sank, (203) 803-5850, mayasank7@gmail.com; Daniel Schonning, (203) 788-6811, danny.schonning@yahoo.com; Natalia R. St Lawrence, (914) 707-0406; Mikhyle Stein, (914) 419-4615, mick909@gmail.com
Brandon Hickey recently graduated from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection Police Academy, and was assigned to a station in Yonkers, where he is helping protect the city’s critical infrastructure for the water system that channels water from the Catskills through aqueducts leading to the city. In summer 2019, Brandon went to Ireland and won a world championship event in hurling, a traditional Irish sport he was introduced to while in college.
Brett Marks has been working at Columbia Records in Los Angeles as part of the touring and business development team. He has worked on events with major gaming corporations like Fortnite, Roblox, and Riot Games.
Nicole Pugliese is currently in her second year of teaching fifth grade social studies in a Bronx charter school she helped found. This year, Nikki is also participating in Relay Graduate School for Education, pursuing her master’s degree in history/social studies curriculum. She serves as the grade-level chair of the fifth grade and also participates in the KIPP Social Studies District Working Group to discuss pedagogy and develop curriculum for her district.
After graduating from Harvey, Maya Sank founded her own business, Maya Moves. Today, Maya Moves offers an umbrella of ways for people to move their bodies. In addition to teaching several styles of dance to all levels, Maya offers custom private lessons and small-group sessions, grouping together fitness and dance, or two styles in one. Maya holds a BFA in Dance Performance and Choreography from Elon University in North Carolina, and spent a year living in Jerusalem, Israel, dancing and studying with a company. She now lives in NYC. mayamovesofficial.com Ricky Shulman is coaching lacrosse full time for Darien High School and Express North Lacrosse Club. He credits his Harvey coaches (Messrs. Kelly, Hill, Morse, and Halewicz) with inspiring him to have a positive impact on the growth and development of young men as they did for him when he attended Harvey.

Malik Garvin ’11 (right) with Todd Levy (left) and NHL Hall of Famer Rod Gilbert (center) Erica Cheyne ’14 standing outside Coca-Cola corporation

Class Agents: Sharif Koonce, (914) 356-1553, skoonce29@gmail.com; Karina K. Lambert, (914) 844-9123, karina.k.lambert@gmail.com; Ben Walant, (203) 947-4541, bwalant@gmail.com
Class Agents: Christian Artuso, (914) 462-0302, cjartuso@aol.com; Erica Cheyne, (914) 708-9482, ericacheyne@outlook.com
Living in Chicago for nearly a year, Christian Artuso works for a major marketing firm. He has also been studying for his CFA and consulting with a Forex proprietary trading firm. Outside work, Christian is still playing rugby and volunteering at his local animal shelter.
After graduating from Loyola University Maryland in 2018, Julia Peraglia moved to Baltimore and started working in the field of applied behavior analysis. She currently works as a behavioral therapist at The Shafer Center (TSC), a school dedicated to promoting the independence of children with autism. Through individualized applied behavior analysis, speech therapy,
occupational therapy, and special education plans, Julia and her colleagues strive to guide these children to meet their fullest potential.
Class Agents: Julia Chatzky, (914) 420-6876, jbc310@gmail.com; Richard Hicks, (914) 233-6825, hicks.ricky1@gmail.com; Brendan Kneitz, bkneitz24@gmail.com; Ariana Weaver, (914) 703-0008, arianaweaver@gmail.com
Julia Chatzky started a new job in September 2020 as the partnership coordinator with A I R E, a management and consulting company with unique positioning in the wellness, lifestyle, and beauty sector.
Thomas Gattuso graduated in a virtual spring commencement ceremony in May with a B.A. in interactive media studies from Miami University.
Jack Mather graduated from the University of Connecticut in December 2020 with a degree in economics and a minor in human development and family studies. Jack, who has worked as an assistant to Harvey’s boys varsity basketball head coach Denis Arnautovic for the past three years, hopes to continue in that role.
Eamon Murphy graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania in 2019. He recently ended a contract role with the New York State Department of Labor and started a new position with UncommonGoods. He spends his free time hanging out with friends and enjoying the beach in Queens, New York.
After working with the Peace Corps,
Angelique Santiago
is now a dual master’s candidate studying Conflict Resolution and Coexistence and Global Health Policy and Management at The Heller School for Social Policy & Management at Brandeis University in Massachusetts. Jameson Scarsella reports having recently completed another seasonal role with Disney Streaming Services and the National Hockey League as part of NHL.com’s content editorial and production team. In this job, Jameson edited articles written by NHL staff writers, added media such as videos and highlights, and sent club alerts regarding hockey news and promotions. He hopes to be back with the content team at the start of the 2020–21 season.
After playing three years of junior hockey, Mark Siegel was recruited to play NCAA Division III hockey at Anna Maria College in Paxton, Massachusetts, where he is currently a junior.
Laura Spung moved to Jacksonville, North Carolina, to work as an environmental engineer for the Marine Corps at Camp Lejeune and is very excited about this new chapter in her career.
Ariana Weaver is an admissions counselor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, her college alma mater. She is in the process of writing a book and a screenplay. She loves to practice yoga and stay at the beach for as long as possible.
2016 // 5th Reunion
Class Agents: Hannah Herrera, (914) 714-5407, Hannahv_herrera@yahoo.com; Tyler Levy, (914) 572-3020, bbhockey22@gmail.com
Rohan Cassells is currently working as an analyst for JPMorgan Chase in its commercial bank headquarters. In September, Rohan celebrated his 21st birthday following his graduation from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, last May.
Ariel Chiverton was named to the spring 2020 dean’s list at Loyola University Maryland.
After graduating from Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York in May 2020, Samantha Danziger moved to Nantucket Island where she is a DJ at ACK-FM radio and the Communications and Education Coordinator at Congregation Shirat Ha

Ariana Weaver ’15 at her graduation from Wake Forest University

Emily Sirota ’16 receiving a kiss from mom upon graduating from Davidson College
Yam. Samantha also adopted a pup, Ellie, from Incredible Pups Rescue, and is enjoying every minute.
After graduating this past May from Ithaca College with a degree in health and physical education, Julia Frisch worked for the summer as a head counselor at Camp Nabby in Mohegan Lake, New York. She is currently working as a health education teacher at Monroe-Woodbury High School in Central Valley, New York. In April, she adopted an amazing little puppy, Archie, from Incredible Pups Rescue and reports she loves being a “dog mom.”
Shawn Mallon graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania at a virtual undergraduate celebration May 31, 2020.
Aila Prieto was named to the 2020 dean’s list for the University of Delaware.
After graduating from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania in May 2020 with academic honors and departmental honors in political science and sociology and anthropology, Melissa Shaw-Patino is now studying for the LSAT and plans to attend law school.
Emily Sirota recently graduated from Davidson College in North Carolina with a B.A. in Biology, pre-dental track, and a concentration in digital studies. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Translational Medicine at City College before applying to dental schools in summer 2021.
David Solano has accepted an offer from Drink Alchemy as a marketing intern. Drink Alchemy is a startup in the sports beverage industry, and he is excited to utilize what he has learned in marketing in this new position.
Jane Wiesenberg was named to the 2020 dean’s list at Union College in Schenectady, New York. She majored in political science and sociology.
Class Agents: Joseph Bakas, (914) 708-6131, bakasjoe@gmail.com; Alexandra Barber, (914) 414-7353, lgbarber1999@gmail.com; Jewel Li, (914) 920-1409, lijewel1117@gmail.com; John Wise, (203) 637-7876
Alex Appel is in his senior year at the University of Denver, Colorado. During the summer, he had an internship with InMotion Hosting, a company that hosts other websites’ data. He was a development intern for eight months, ending in the summer. He reports that his internship helped him in his job search going forward.
After earning her associate degree May 2020 from Hillyer College at the University of Hartford in Connecticut, where she made both the dean’s list and the president’s list, Maddy Blinderman is now a junior at the University of Hartford. At Hillyer, she was awarded a scholarship based on her academic success and saw one of her poems published in the college literary magazine. Maddy is taking all psychology classes and working toward her goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. She serves as a mentor for first-year students in the Women’s Advancement Initiative and sits on the student board for the University of Hartford Hillel. In her spare time, she enjoys keeping in shape by doing indoor cycling and HIIT workouts.
Jared Ellis received The Dean of Students Award in May from Muhlenberg College in Pennsylvania. This honor is awarded to the fraternal organization that has had the greatest impact on its members, the college, and the larger community.
Drew Reno is a senior at American University in Washington, D.C., majoring in strategic public relations and communications and minoring in marketing. A student-athlete, Drew plays lacrosse for American and earned Patriot League Honor Roll spring 2020. Before attending American, Drew played two years of lacrosse at UMass Amherst where her team went to the Atlantic-10 championship two years in a row. She earned Atlantic-10 Conference Commissioner’s Honor Roll, University of Massachusetts 2018–19 and 2017–18. Drew was also on the UMass Amherst’s dean’s list in 2018 and 2019. Now a senior at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Catalina Ruiz-Jimenez is working toward graduating this spring with a major in economics and a minor in psychology. She received a return offer from her summer internship at Yext and will be joining the data management company next year after graduation. Her role consists of data analytics and configuration, as well as client-facing work with a variety of companies ranging from big banks to McDonald’s and smaller, lesser-known businesses. She studied abroad last spring in Sydney, Australia, and visited places such as Singapore, Thailand, Bali, and the Cook Islands of Rarotonga and Aitutaki. She also recently completed a road trip to school and hiked along the Appalachian Trail.
Class Agents: Marissa Annechiarico, (845) 546-2011, marissa.annechiarico@yahoo.com; Yulanda Huang, (203) 947-2885, hjuewei@163.com; Chloe Savitch, (914) 393-9432, cbsavitch@aol.com; John Sullivan, (914) 217-6364, johns2388@aol.com
Sadie Albert is currently in her third year at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California. Sadie is studying public health and is a part of the club women’s lacrosse team,

Refer a friend to Harvey!
Small classes, inspiring teachers, rigorous academics, and an array of extracurriculars instill in students a passion for lifelong learning and the confidence to pursue individual passions.
public health club, and several local activist groups. She also plays intramural soccer and football throughout the year and has become an avid hiker to stay active. During the pandemic, she has been contact tracing to help slow the spread of COVID-19. She lets people know if they have been exposed to the virus, helps them get tested, and asks people to self-isolate if they have come in close contact with the virus. Sadie hopes to be back on the lacrosse field soon.
After discovering her true passion for the fashion industry, Marissa Annechiarico transferred to FIDM in Los Angeles, California, where she is studying fashion design. After working as a model and traveling the world, including walking in New York Fashion Week five times, Miami Swim Week twice, Paris Fashion Week twice, and in both LA and London Fashion Weeks, Marissa now teaches runway classes and is working on her own fashion brand. She thanks Harvey for harvesting her love for fashion design and instilling in her that with hard work, she will make an impact on the fashion world.
Before COVID-19, Lizzie Kavounas was on a gap year traveling around the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand. Her first excursion was a National Outdoor Leadership School trip in the backcountry, living out of a backpack for three months and coming into town only for occasional one-night stays. She then went to Australia to help with the fire restoration and then to New Zealand to learn about its culture. adjusting to college, as well as touching on matters of justice and Black Lives Matter. Giselle reports getting hundreds of listeners and appreciates the opportunity to be able to have a platform where she can lend her voice to important topics. Season 2 of her show premieres this winter. In other news, Giselle is on the e-board of an Afro-Latinx organization called ALIANZA, at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where she is currently enrolled. As the public relations chair, Giselle collaborates with other organizations on campus to plan events related to uplifting and amplifying the voices of Afro-Latinx women and their experiences. She also finds professional development opportunities for her fellow Afro-Latinx women so they can grow and advance their professional careers.
Carli Levethan is a second-year student at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York double-majoring in management and marketing. She participates in several business clubs, plays club volleyball, and volunteers locally. Once the pandemic is over, she hopes to travel to Europe.
Charlotte Levy is a student at the University of Vermont Middlebury and is still playing soccer.
Elizabeth Mahony was named to the Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania, dean’s list for the spring 2020 semester.
Sebastian Wallach is studying mechanical engineering at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania and is the treasurer of the Lafayette Outdoors Society, the vice president of the Lafayette Ski and Ride team, a Dyer Center (center for entrepreneurship and innovation) fellow, and co-captain of the Lafayette cycling team. In his free time, he enjoys biking, camping out, and spending time in the great outdoors.
Courtney Warren recently joined the National Society of Leadership and Success. She is a student at St. John’s University in Queens, New York. Courtney is very excited to start working with this organization and learn how to become a better leader in society.

Marissa Annechiarico ’18
Tell Us What's
New With You!
To submit Class Notes: Send notes, images, or both to alumni@harveyschool.org. For short milestone info (weddings, engagements, births), please include full name and dates.
Photo tips: • Set your camera to best setting. • Photo size 4 x 6, in 300 dpi. • Save files as .jpg or .tiff. • Identify people in the picture. • Attach file to email. Cian Keohane is a junior at Nichols College in Massachusetts and currently playing lacrosse, looking for another big year after leading the conference in assists last year, and finishing second in the conference in points.
Chloe Savitch is currently a junior at Union College in Schenectady, New York, majoring in theater with a sociology and psychology double minor. She recently became a coach for Girls on the Run, a nonprofit with the goal of building strong girls whom she connected with through her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta. She is also the social chair of Chabad on Campus and a member of the Ultimate Frisbee Club, Planned Parenthood Generation Action Club, and the Environmental Club.
Class Agents: Treshawn Felder, (347) 792-7458, joel@harlemlacrosse.org; Charlotte Levy, (914) 238-1099, charlottehailey16@gmail.com; Sebastian Wallach, (914) 763-2579, sebski01@gmail.com; Courtney Warren, (914) 755-6960, courtrw1@gmail.com
During the summer, Giselle Garcia started a podcast called “Jumping Through Hoops” to bring light to different issues that are uniquely experienced by teenagers, such as body confidence, heartbreak, self-love,

Class Agents: Allan Dilone Rodriguez, (914) 393-3642, allanedilone@gmail.com; Daniel Galgano, (914) 763-0461, dpgalgano@gmail.com; Ryan Piken, (914) 628-4166, rypenguin57@gmail.com; Cameron Thomas, (914) 736-6565, cameronthomas155@hotmail.com

Former Faculty & Friends
Dr. Kathryn Bach
(Harvey faculty 2006–07) Former Harvey science faculty member Dr. Kathryn Bach has joined the teaching faculty of the Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine. Kathryn taught biology at Harvey.
Tom Dodd
(Harvey faculty 1959–61 & 1965–75) Tom Dodd celebrated his 80th birthday this past August. Tom’s family gathered along with his wife of 54 years, Marie Dodd, and presented him with a scrapbook of photos, well-wishes, and fond memories from friends and loved ones. Tom and Marie pored over the book together, reminiscing about their days at Harvey and sharing stories about life with the boarders and starting and raising a family on the Harvey campus. Cheers to a happy 80th, Tom!

Tom Dodd celebrates his 80th birthday as his wife, Marie, celebrates her 75th

Let’s go, Cavaliers! Calling All Past Harvey Athletes
If your playing days continued after Harvey on a collegiate level, varsity or club, your high school alma mater wants to acknowledge your athletic achievement and have it serve as an inspiration to those who might follow in your footsteps.
Harvey’s athletic department is looking for your help to track the college experiences of our alumni athletes and provide our current and future Harvey athletes with worthy goals to aspire to. You are living proof that it’s not just talent that breeds success but dedication, commitment, and character as well. With your help, the young women and men at Harvey will know their passion for competition can go beyond the fields and courts of Katonah.
Please email the following information to athletics@harveyschool.org:
• Name (maiden if you are married) • Year of Harvey graduation • Sports played at Harvey • Name of college or university you attended • Sport(s) played at college or university • Any honors achieved (all-league, all-conference, team captain, etc.)