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Alumni News

Dear Harvey Alumni,
At some point in each of our lives, we have all reflected on what our “True North” is — our inner sense, or calling, of what we want to accomplish in our lives. It’s a combination of our values, beliefs, and our purpose. As a compass points toward a magnetic field, our personal “True North” directs and pulls us forward, keeping us on track or aligned with what is true for each of us.
The pull created by our “True North” and the sense of clarity of purpose are critical ingredients of success. In other words, you must know where you’re headed and why you’re headed there. Our values play a large role in finding our inner sense or calling. They come from our individual life stories; our upbringings; what we believe; as well as our time at Harvey, the formative years of our lives.
As I reflect on my time as a student at Harvey, I am grateful for the foundation that was laid, which helped me to find my “True North.” Harvey provided, and continues to provide, an environment that fosters exploration, creativity, and opportunity for each and every student, laying a framework that enables individuals to find their inner sense or calling.
In this issue, we profile fellow alums who have found their “True North” within the medical field. My hope is that each of you continue to seek your “True North’’ in all aspects of your life and that you never stop following your internal compass.
Warm regards,
Lara Casano ’95, Alumni Association, President
Upcoming Alumni Events
The Alumni Reunion and luncheon at Homecoming 2022 in October was amazing! Check out page 16 for the recap. Keep updated on all alumni events and happenings by reading the email Alumni Newsletter and visiting harveyschool.org/alumni.
Save the Dates
• Spring Alumni Day: April 15, 2023
Enjoy varsity games, campus tours, and lunch under the alumni tent on the Harvey campus.
• New York City Alumni Networking: May 4, 2023
This annual event is one of our most popular and highly anticipated dates of the year, when Harvey alums across many decades come together to network. Harvey alums love helping other Harvey alums. Share your business knowledge and advice, or just catch up with old friends.
Location to be decided.

Scan the code to update your contact information so that you stay connected to receive all things Harvey Alumni related!


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Alumni Happy Hour
We had a nice turnout for our Alumni Happy Hour at the Crab Shell Restaurant in Stamford, Connecticut, August 25, 2022. With first drinks and food on Harvey, alums from several decades who live within the tristate area enjoyed a beautiful evening by the water, catching up with old friends and reminiscing about all things Harvey.
1. Benjamin Shapiro ’09 and Tim Carpenter ’09 enjoy this summer get-together. // 2. Seth Morton ’57 chats with Director of the Harvey Fund Isabelle Correa. // 3. Director of Development Susie Danziger catches up with Jackie Walker ’03.
Imagine the Possibilities
At the heart of a Harvey education are the connections that are created among the members of the community. It is not merely academics, athletics or arts that are the cornerstone of a Harvey education. We are most fully defined by the people who are part of this dynamic community, where students are encouraged to find their passions and become their best selves.
Harvey students have created a community where they support each other’s quest for excellence rather than compete against one another to prevail. Harvey students focus on how to improve their own performance and do better every day, which has created a culture that fosters growth, risktaking, and exploring outside one’s comfort zone in pursuit of lifelong learning.
The relationships between students and teachers often grow into friendships that last a lifetime. Our alums stay connected to their teachers, coaches, and advisors, seeking advice in every aspect of their lives from school, to work, to family, and beyond.
When you join the ever-growing group of people who have chosen to make provisions for Harvey in their estate plans — including bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance, real estate, or other tangible property — you are making an investment in the future by giving our students opportunities to create connections today that will lead to unlimited possibilities in the future.
Depending on your circumstances, a planned gift may not only greatly benefit The Harvey School but also may provide some significant tax advantages for you and your family. Thank you in advance for considering to include Harvey in your estate planning.

// For more information on making a planned gift please contact Susie Danziger sdanziger@harveyschool.org.
Herbert Carter Legacy Society
Laurance Baschkin ’77 Pieter A. Catlow ’73 Daniel K. Chapman ’73,
Trustee Emeritus John G. Davis ’50 Peter S. Duncan ’65 Ronald W. Duncan Rowena and Barry Fenstermacher,
Headmaster Emeritus John French III ’47 Richard Hermmann Paul Hollos ’52 Gene S. Lasdon Jeanette and Jeffrey Lasdon,
Trustee Emeritus Patrick O. Peterkin ’78 Linda and Gerald Pollack Dawn Stuttig Robert West ’60 Christopher Wise ’62