28 minute read
Class Notes
To submit a note or share your Harvey memories,
please contact your class agent or the alumni office at alumni@harveyschool.org.
Class Agent: Jim Wood, (914) 922-1559, jimandtwink@gmail.com
Richard Montague, despite the young age of 87, still enjoys getting out into the Great Outdoors to pursue one of his hobbies: visiting fascinating topographic points. Remaining physically active, within the last six months, Richard was able to stand on both the northernmost and southernmost geographical points in Germany. (See page 51 for more on this excursion!) Although he was originally born in Madison, Wisconsin, Richard has lived in Germany on a permanent basis for more than 35 years. He is a retired former managing partner of the executive search firm of Carre, Orban & Partners International.
1952 // 70th Reunion
Ross Langhorne was stuck in his cottage in England in January-April 2020 due to the U.K.’s COVID lockdown but made it back to the U.S. in May. Normally, he would have been racing in the cycling senior division this year, but due to the pandemic, he spent most of his time training with an eye on next year’s nationals and Huntsman World Championships. Ross is planning to return to London fairly soon as one of his properties there was severely damaged by a flash flood. Unfortunately, he won’t be at this year’s alumni reunion but sends his best wishes and kindest regards to all.
Class Agent: John Crawford, (540) 247-8810, celect@comcast.net
John Crawford reports, “My wife Polly and I are active, playing racquetball, tennis, and this new thing called pickleball, which is great for these old bones because it does not require you to move around as much as tennis. Still flying, touring the entire East Coast in our little propeller-driven airplane. Age discrimination does come in there, for the insurance people don’t think that I can fly safely and charge me a fortune. The FAA gives me medicals and thinks that I am just fine. At the age of 81, one decides that some things are better than others and maybe three hours in our airplane would be better than driving the 14 hours to our place near Bath, Maine where we spend the summers.”

Never Stop Exploring

Richard Montague ’48 is a world explorer, recently at the northernmost point of Germany August 4, 2021. The location is actually a sand spit known in German as the “Ellenbogen,” which lies at sea level on the north shore of the German island of Sylt. Sylt lies in the North Sea opposite the southern coast of Denmark. On October 1, 2021, Richard trekked to the southernmost point, a mountain pass located along the present German/Austrian national border. Both points are deserted.
“The northernmost point is rather easy to reach since all that is required is a hike of a couple of miles along Sylt’s outer North Sea beach until one reaches the northernmost point of land,” said Richard. “The precise location on the shoreline can be determined with a Garmin GPS instrument since the northernmost point of the sand spit is not marked.” At the northernmost point, there is nothing except sky, the North Sea, and the beach sand and dunes. At 55 degrees 03’ North, this is the location in the northern “end” of the Federal Republic of Germany.
“Reaching the southernmost point of Germany, however, is a different undertaking,” Richard said. “This point lies about 6,335 feet or more than a mile high in elevation, in a remote mountainous region lying along Germany’s present national border with neighboring Austria.” The spot lies in open, deserted country, marked today only by survey cairn #147 at 47 degrees 16’ North.
“It took me more than three and a half hours of climbing upward from the village of Lechleiten in Austria’s Lech Valley to reach the cairn,” shared Richard. “All in all, a daylong trip but well worth the effort.”
Richard shared that the establishment of the political border between the “then” Kingdom of Bavaria and the “then” Austrian Empire dates back to 1842. “It must have been difficult and a challenging undertaking back then for the party of Bavarian and Austrian land surveyors who had to travel by horseback and on foot in order to mark the border and then set up cairns all along the line separating their two countries,” said Richard. “This is not an easy mountain country in which to travel!”
Richard explained that virtually all original border cairns (meter-deep concrete pillars set upright in the ground with the national symbols of Bavaria and Austria affixed) are still in place after almost 180 years, with the exception of cairn #147, which is now in a museum in Germany. The original #147 border cairn was replaced after World War II with a new marble pillar.
“Endeavors to reach the southernmost and the northernmost points of land in Germany, are, of course, totally without practical value,” said Richard. “But I find it rewarding having been able to reach both locations, Shank’s mare style (meaning on foot, with only a GPS instrument and topographic map to guide one) within less than six months time!”
At 87 years of age, rewarding, indeed!
See the spring issue of Harvey Magazine for Richard’s next adventure in “Never Stop Exploring.”
1957 // 65th Reunion
Class Agent: Alex McKown, (718) 392-1373, alexander.mckown@gmail.com
Class Agent: Sandy Gabel, (919) 693-8099, sandy.gabel@icloud.com
Sandy Gabel has some BIG news to share — “calving season is upon us.” He had five calves as of when he shared this news and “only 87 to go!” he says. In addition to the 92 moms, they have 17 replacement heifers, two bills (soon to be three), and some feeders. Their farm also has seven horses, two donkeys, two alpacas, about 20 laying hens, and a lot of guinea hens. Sandy and his wife, Laura, took a quick trip to the Northeast at reunion time to see three grandchildren in Boston and three in Mamaroneck — and, of course, their parents! “I enjoyed being with my pals at the reunion,” says Sandy. “We had a good turnout.”
Harvey Connections

Before COVID, Rick Kinnaird ’65 was traveling extensively to places like Egypt, Indonesia, India, and the Mayan area. Rick shared that this past summer he visited fellow alums Bill Browning ’65 and Theo (Teddy) Cogdon ’65, who both now live in Maine. Rick’s favorite Harvey memory was being on the first Harvey lacrosse team and using wooden sticks. He went on to play at Johns Hopkins University, and he believes having played lacrosse “had a lot to do with my being accepted there.” “Teddy and I also recorded a Happy Birthday message and sent it to Peter Duncan ’65,” shared Rick. “He pleaded with us never to do that again. Wait until next year!” joked Rick. Rick says Harvey gave him the love of reading. “The reading hour allowed me to read a lot of books — “The Count of Monte Cristo” and “The Three Musketeers” were two I distinctly remember reading,” said Rick.
Two big influences in his life were reading Richard Haliburton’s “Book of Marvels,” and the other was the year he studied India while a student at Harvey. Mr. Perrine was the teacher, and one afternoon a guest speaker told the class about traveling through India on a motorcycle.
Rick has now traveled to many ancient places such as Petra, The Pyramid, Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat, Tikal, Teotihuacan, Machu Picchu, and Chichen Itza. He’s currently working on developing videos and slideshows for young people to spark their interest in traveling and experiencing ancient sites.

Class Agent: Rev. Malcolm Starring, (603) 444-6016, mfstarring@gmail.com
Class Agent: Alex Edwards-Bourdrez, (631) 754-1041, alexb2@gmail.com
Class Agent: Phil Eifert, (914) 232-6489, peifert@yahoo.com
Philip Eifert took some COVID-safe family trips recently — one to Arizona to visit his daughter, Helen, who is a graduate student at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff; ski trips in 2021 to Stratton and Sugarbush in Vermont, and Alta and Snowbird in Utah; summer kickoff visit to North Carolina to see his 92-year-old dad including a detour to the Outer Banks for a few days; 2020 Thanksgiving in Mill Creek Canyon between Flagstaff and Sedona; a trip to Germany for his nephew’s wedding rescheduled from 2020 and then to a visit with relatives in Italy. “So nice to be able to travel again — and look forward to even more travel in the near future!” said Philip, who owns an insurance agency in Katonah.
Carl “Ruby” Rubenstein has been hired to be a Stratton Mt. Ski ambassador for the upcoming winter season. He was supposed to do this last year but New Yorkers were not allowed to work in Vermont last season, due to the pandemic. He’s looking forward to skiing more this year than in past years. Carl reports that his father passed away last March. He postponed his retirement until the end of COVID, but if that date doesn’t happen soon, he says he might retire anyway!
Class Agent: Patrick Peterkin, (203) 655-9917, p_peterkin@yahoo.com
Class Agents: Melinda Frey Arkin, bentleyshop@aol.com; Joshua Rosenthal, (970) 385-4723, weplay@bresnan.net
Class Agent: Herbert Sloan, (203) 438-0051, hjs1988@yahoo.com
JONATHAN WELLS ’68 Poet and Author
Jonathan Wells ’68, an accomplished poet, has come out with his first full-length prose work, “The Skinny,” a memoir that covers just under 10 years of his life between early adolescence (including his time at The Harvey School) and early adulthood. A review in the digital weekly Air Mail calls the book “a poetic remembrance of pain and forgiveness that rivals Tobias Wolff’s “This Boy’s Life.” Vogue praises it as “lushly rendered and touchingly intimate, a critique that is loving and unsparing at the same time.”
Jonathan chronicles his experiences growing up underweight and under heavy scrutiny and judgment from his father (and others), who saw his son’s prolonged skinniness (and associated diminished masculinity) as something to be redressed. Through tribulations of forced weight-gain diets, exercise regimens, and being shunted off to boarding school in Switzerland, Jonathan evokes the solace he found in the golden age of rock music (late 60s, early 70s), as well as oases offered by literary figures like Dylan Thomas. The book culminates in a redemptive coming-of-age episode in Jonathan’s later college years.
Jonathan’s writing draws the reader in with him as he traces the journey of his unique yet relatable story. His volumes of poetry (“Train Dance,” “The Man with Many Pens,” and “Debris”) are equally engrossing and evocative. — Contributed by classmate Alex Edwards-Bourdrez ’68
1987 // 35th Reunion
Stephanie Jones McCaine was re-elected to the Bedford (N.Y.) Town Board in November 2021. “I’m incredibly proud to have the opportunity to serve the residents of this town that has given me so much throughout my lifetime — including the Harvey School!” said Stephanie.
Class Agents: Charles Collin, (860) 263-7972, chascolin@gmail.com; Laurel E. Meredith, (917) 280-5233, laurel.meredith@gmail.com
Class agent and alumni executive council member Laurel (Elkind) Meredith lives in Westchester, and her son Gabriel started at Harvey this year, Class of ’25. He is enjoying Harvey’s world-class robotics program. Her oldest child, Natalie, just started her freshman year at Cornell University, College of Arts & Sciences; her youngest daughter is in seventh grade. Laurel recently launched a start-up focused on applying machine learning to improving media and entertainment content acquisitions and distribution. She and her husband Chris enjoy downtime in the Adirondacks, skiing and snowshoeing with their golden retriever Moose. Laurel would love to hear from her ’80s classmates.
David Hammer sends his best from South Florida. David and his wife Megan and their three sons moved out of the Northeast to Boca Raton seven years ago for a great job opportunity, in addition to the chance to escape cold winters. David is currently the chief financial officer of Orangetheory Fitness, a leading boutique fitness chain with 1,500 locations in 25 countries. After spending most of his career working in large consumer products companies like PepsiCo and Newell Brands, he is thrilled to be part of a rapidly growing health and wellness company.
With one child in college (Ty, age 19) and the other two in high school (Max, age 16 and Sam, age 14), David reports that his time at Harvey is top of mind these days and that he often bores his kids with “when I was your age” stories.
Class Agent: Chris Abrenica, (914) 556-8344, cabrenica71@outlook.com
Class Agent: Peter Hall, (518) 369-1991, hallpeter1@gmail.com
Jennifer Weinstein is a self-employed pharmaceutical marketing consultant.

Kevin Conboy ’94 welcomes son Hunter Corey Muse ’95, along with his wife Kate, add to their family with son Emmett
Jarrod Brown lives in Port St. Lucie, Florida, and is in school to become a first responder while also working for an addiction recovery treatment center. He has also partnered to open a car wash and detailing business. His son is now 20 and doing very well, starting college in spring 2022. Jarrod still plays hockey in a men’s league.
Class Agent: Russell Stamm, (781) 329-3004, rcstamm@rcstammco.com
Kevin Conboy welcomed son Hunter Robert Conboy, born August 28 at Greenwich Hospital, weighing 7.3 pounds and measuring 20 inches long.
Class Agents: Lara W. Casano, (347) 539-7301, Gilligan.school@gmail.com; Raphael Miranda, (917) 520-7808, mirandaraphael@hotmail.com
Lara Casano remains active in the Harvey community in numerous ways and is so glad to still be connected. She lives in New Rochelle with her husband, Sean, and three children, Cade, Mallon, and Rylan. Cade is a ninth grader at Harvey and very involved in various sports and the Harvey community as a whole. Mallon and Rylan are in the seventh grade and hope to attend Harvey in the near future. As current president of the alumni association, Lara would welcome hearing how her classmates and all alums are doing.
Corey Muse welcomed baby boy Emmett James September 11, 2021 weighing 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and measuring 20 inches long. Emmett joins big brother Hank who has been waiting a long time for a little brother, reports Corey. Corey and his growing family are living in Peekskill, New York, and he is a locomotive engineer for Metro-North Railroad.
Class Agents: Keith Harrigan, (412) 853-9392, kh1843@gmail.com; David Stark, (336) 771-5303, dlstark@kpmg.com; Jeannette Brandt Stark, (336) 771-5303, jeanettemstark@gmail.com
1997 // 25th Reunion
Class Agent: Blayre Farkas, (561) 929-1802, carolynfarkas@gmail.com
Class Agent: Greg Janos, (845) 857-7688, gjanos@harveyschool.org
Class Agent: Amy Albert Morello, papillia@hotmail.com
Heather Soss received her MBA from Fitchburg State University in August 2021.
Sean Sasso is a real estate broker with Compass and founder of Coast, a real estate firm with offices in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. He recently appeared on the first episode of season 9 of “Million Dollar Listing New York” on Bravo. Fellow Harvey alum Alex Compton ’03 recently referred Sean’s firm to handle leading and marketing for The Lighthouse, a 50-unit building in Port Chester, New York, for one of the largest developers in the country.
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(top) Sean Sasso ’00; (above) Sean with wife Tabitha and daughters Cecilia (9) and Josephine (7) enjoying a vacation.

Class Agent: Jennifer J. Vogeney, (914) 494-9397, jenn.j.vogeney@gmail.com
Jeanne Porcelli welcomed son Hudson Ryan Meyer July 2, 2021, weighing 6 pounds, 1 ounce,and measuring 19 inches long. Jeanne reports, “Mom life is going great with three kids!” She was a bit nervous about how the older two would adjust “but it’s been as if Hudson was here the whole time.” She says her older kids love holding him, playing with him, and singing to him. Jeanne says, “Hudson is a happy baby, always smiling, and he hardly makes a noise, so he has made it very easy for us, me especially, getting back into the rhythm of life after having a newborn. I’m so thankful and blessed for my family.”
2002 // 20th Reunion
Class Agent: Tiffany Franqui Hamilton, (845) 612-9858, travelsize84@gmail.com
Harvey Pride
Greg Janos coordinated and ran two Try Hockey For Free events sponsored by the NY Rangers at Harvey’s Evarts Rink in 2021 with more than 300 local kids registered to try hockey for their very first time. In addition to settling into his new position as Harvey’s associate alumni director, Greg is also coaching with the Learn to Play program with the NY Rangers working alongside former Rangers legend Adam Graves, (pictured above).
As Greg settles into his second year in the Harvey alumni office, he is focused on reconnecting and engaging with as many Harvey alums as possible. Greg strongly believes in the strength of a Harvey education and enjoys highlighting our alums’ accomplishments and life milestones in the Alumni Newsletter and Harvey Magazine. He encourages his fellow alums to share their achievements and keep Harvey in the know! Greg is also looking forward to assisting all alums who would like to put together a mini class reunion of their own. Whether you would like to host a small gathering, a dinner party, happy hour, golf outing, or any other type of event, please reach out to Greg. The alumni office looks forward to hearing from all of you! gjanos@harveyschool.org

Mike Keerdoja ’03 with wife Melissa and their two daughters
Class Agent: Jaclyn Walker, (914) 319-1699, JaclynMarisaWalker@gmail.com
Mike Keerdoja is married to his beautiful wife, Melissa, and together they share two daughters. He enjoys his career as a union ironworker in Manhattan. Mike enjoyed playing hockey at Harvey and still plays whenever he gets some free time. He also played rugby at Harvey, sharing, “Being a part of the team was a real pleasure and good life training experience for me,” he said. “I enjoyed the friends I made while in school at Harvey.”
Class Agent: Maria Neri, (845) 279-5234
Alex Kosbob is now head of Human Resources for the Department of Justice’s United States Attorney’s Office for the State of Connecticut. He shares, “Harvey is always on my mind!”
Class Agent: Brian Ryerson, (914) 329-6863, ryersonb@gmail.com
Class Agents: Gregory Jurschak, (914) 260-8133, gjurschak@gmail.com; Teresa Neri, (914) 462-7440, teresa.neri12@gmail.com Scott Oltman welcomed a new baby girl, Charlotte Elizabeth May 15, 2021, weighing 5 pounds, 15 ounces, and measuring 18 ¼ inches long.
After teaching elementary-aged students for six years, Gretel Coleman decided to expand her horizons and take her career in a new direction. She joined The Harvey School faculty in September as

Dylan Hackley ’08 with new wife Jenny on their wedding day
Sean Brofman welcomed daughter Felicity Lauren Brofman May 6, 2021, weighing 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and measuring 21 inches long. “Words cannot explain the love I feel already,” shares Sean.
2007 // 15th Reunion
Class Agents: Doniella McKoy, (914) 960-9375, donimckoy@yahoo.com; Alexandra Pugliese, (914) 760-0119, alexandra.m.pugliese@gmail.com
Class Agents: Gretel Coleman, (914) 234-0907, gretelcoleman@gmail.com; Dylan Hackley, (914) 482-5318, dhack@me.com
Dylan Hackley finally married Jenny Travis in Newport, Rhode Island, September 5, 2021. He reports that all went according to plan and they were able to celebrate with their friends and family by their side.
Miranda Larsen is living in New Orleans, Louisiana, and working as a cook at Alon Shaya’s restaurant, Saba.

2008 classmates Brooke Stager, Dylan Hackley, Sam Lavin, and Joe Lombardi celebrate Dylan’s wedding.

Miranda Larsen ’08

Scott Oltman ’08 welcomes daughter Charlotte
the associate learning specialist, a new position at Harvey. It was created with the intention of having a faculty member work closely with the ninth grade students on study skills, executive functioning, and social awareness. Collaborating closely with the other ninth grade teachers and pushing into various classes continue to serve as the backbone of this position. Gretel shares: “I have gained a stronger understanding of how to best support each child on an individual basis. I feel very grateful that a place as nurturing, supportive, and dedicated to helping young people become the best version of themselves has been there to guide me in this pivotal moment of my life. Returning to work sideby-side with many of my former teachers has been incredibly grounding as I know I always have someone to turn to.”
Class Agents: Andrew Jamieson, (203) 273-3884, andrewjamieson91@icloud.com; Erika Osborne, osborne7937@gmail.com; Peter Sorenson, (914) 438-7486, psorenson68@gmail.com; Megan Taylor, (914) 234-6205, meg.kerrytaylor@gmail.com

Rachel Dewar ’10 with her fiancé.
Rachel Dewar got engaged!
Class Agents: Amelia Slater, (914) 874-7436, ameliajslater1@gmail.com; Nicolette A. St. Lawrence, (914) 707-0414, ns669@cornell.edu; Konrad Testwuide, (914) 953-9006, ktestwuide@gmail.com
Molly Orell married Tim McGavock October 7, 2021 at Winvian Farm in Litchfield, Connecticut. She also started a new job at ViacomCBS.

Justice Koonce ’11, who is currently in the Air Force, poses for a nice family photo with brother Sharif Koonce ’13, his mom, and brother Malcolm, who is a Harvey rugby alum.

Molly Orell ’11 with her husband Tim

Refer a friend to Harvey!
Small classes, inspiring teachers, rigorous academics, and an array of extracurriculars instill in students a passion for lifelong learning and the confidence to pursue individual passions.
2012 // 10th Reunion
Class Agents: Brandon Hickey, (845) 270-8670, hickbg05@gmail.com; Brett Marks, (914) 815-1686, brettmarks94@gmail.com; Nicole Pugliese, (914) 760-7148, npug@umich.edu; Julian Rissetto, (914) 539-1175, j.rissetto@icloud.com; Maya Sank, (203) 803-5850, mayasank7@gmail.com; Daniel Schonning, (203) 788-6811, danny.schonning@yahoo.com; Natalia R. St. Lawrence, (914) 707-0406; Mikhyle Stein, (914) 419-4615, mick909@gmail.com
Dan Schonning just started work as a Trias Postgraduate Teaching Fellow at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. In this position, he will be teaching undergraduate students creative writing in a variety of forms and will be able to devote lots of time to his own projects. Dan has published poems in the latest issues of Orion Magazine, West Branch Magazine, and the Yale Review.
Class Agents: Sharif Koonce, (914) 356-1553, skoonce29@gmail.com; Karina K. Lambert, (914) 844-9123, karina.k.lambert@gmail.com; Ben Walant, (203) 947-4541, bwalant@gmail.com
In addition to walking in New York Fashion Week this fall for the first time, Annelise Cepero made her film debut in the new “West Side Story” and had guest appearances in three separate major TV network dramas.
Gabrielle Kahn got engaged June 5, 2021 to Spencer Scalzitti, sharing, “It was the best surprise of my life!”
Class Agents: Christian Artuso, (914) 462-0302, cjartuso@aol.com; Erica Cheyne, (914) 708-9482, ericacheyne@outlook.com
Christian Artuso is a rugby champion again, helping the Chicago Lions capture the 2021 USA 7’s Club National Championship

Annelise Cepero ’13 (Credit: Nesta Photography)

Christian Artuso ’14
Gabrielle Kahn ’13 with her fiancé Spencer

Robby VanRaamsdonk ’14 and
Isobel Quinsee ’14
August 22, 2021 near Seattle, Washington. He was also the Chicago Lions Men’s Player Spotlight feature October 18, 2021. Christian captained the Harvey rugby team that won a New York State championship in his senior year. He is a graduate of St. Bonaventure for whom he also played rugby. When he’s not playing rugby, Christian works for an investment bank supporting clients in managing their portfolios and trading fixed-income securities.
Isobel Quinsee and Robby VanRaamsdonk got engaged May 13, 2021. They both shared, “We could not be more excited to spend our lives together.”
Class Agents: Julia Chatzky, (914) 420-6876, jbc310@gmail.com; Richard Hicks, (914) 233-6825, hicks.ricky1@gmail.com; Brendan Kneitz, bkneitz24@gmail.com; Ariana Weaver, (914) 703-0008, arianaweaver@gmail.com
Tom Gattuso got engaged to Jenny Pritikin October 31, 2021.
Mark Siegel graduated from Anna Maria College in December 2021. He recently returned to Harvey to skate with Coach Janos and a few other alums.

Tom Gattuso ’15 with his fiancée Jenny
Ryan Park ’17

Matthew Tuckner is a writer in New York City and currently an MFA candidate at NYU and assistant poetry editor of Washington Square Review. Matthew was interviewed by The Massachusetts Review September 20, 2021 about his work, his process, and inspiration. He is currently working on his first collection, “Zoo,” while finishing up a sequence of poems called the “Figurative Language” series in which he “seeks to dissect the human capacity for description and the distance that is inherent to comparison in different contexts such as addiction, religion, my grandfather’s struggles with dementia, etc.”
Read the complete interview at massreview.org/node/9882
Class Agents: Hannah Herrera, (914) 714-5407, Hannahv_herrera@yahoo.com; Tyler Levy, (914) 572-3020, bbhockey22@gmail.com
Tyler Levy graduated from Bentley College and is currently working for NYC start-up company Halo Hydration. He also stays involved in hockey, recently coaching with Ice Hockey in Harlem and fellow alum
Malik Garvin ’11.
After Lauren Suna graduated from Ithaca College in 2020 with a B.S. in Emerging Media, she worked as an instructional design associate for Cornell’s Online Certificate program, eCornell. Lauren worked at eCornell for a year and has now become an ALT on the JET Programme. She will be based in Fukui, Japan. “Model UN at Harvey helped me realize how much I love researching and learning about the world,” shares Lauren. “The skills I learned in MUN, such as researching and public speaking, served as a great foundation for presenting in academic conferences in college.”
2017 // 5th Reunion
Class Agents: Joseph Bakas, (914) 708-6131, bakasjoe@gmail.com; Alexandra Barber, (914) 414-7353, lgbarber1999@gmail.com; Jewel Li, (914) 920-1409, lijewel1117@gmail.com; John Wise, (203) 637-7876
Jared Ellis was named to the spring 2021 dean’s list at Muhlenberg College and graduated in May 2021 with a degree in psychology and business administration.
Sage Myers was named an Ella Fitzgerald Scholar at Purchase Jazz Studies. The Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation “supports gifted and hardworking young singers who are carrying on Ella’s legacy.”
Ryan Park graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in May 2021.
Sara Steinberg graduated from Ithaca College in May 2021.

Sara Steinberg ’17

Claudia Ziser ’17
Claudia Ziser graduated from Emerson College in December 2020 with a BFA in Theater and Performance.
Class Agents: Marissa Annechiarico, (845) 546-2011, marissa.annechiarico@yahoo.com; Yulanda Huang, (203) 947-2885, hjuewei@163.com; Chloe Savitch, (914) 393-9432, cbsavitch@aol.com; John Sullivan, (914) 217-6364, johns2388@aol.com
Marissa Annechiarico continues to walk in fashion week and was featured in Yahoo News about her career as a petite fashion model. Read the article at sg.news. yahoo.com/meet-411-petite-fashionmodel-133559054.html
After completing an “amazing summer internship” with Bloomberg LP as a financial products analytics and sales intern, Heidi Lee accepted a full-time position as a financial products analyst next fall.
Julia Mallon was named to the spring 2021 dean’s list at Emerson College. Julia was also named to the New England Women’s and Men’s Athletic Conference Academic All-Conference Team for the spring season as a member of the women’s lacrosse team. Julia is majoring in journalism and is a member of Emerson’s class of 2022.

Danielle Oddo ’18 working at Harvey. Danielle Oddo returned to Harvey as a summer 2021 intern in the Development Office. “I’m so grateful for the opportunity to gain valuable experience while helping Harvey develop deep connections with alumni, not only locally, but across the country. The experience has only reinforced and focused my career path. Not only is Harvey a wonderful place to go to school but also it is an incredible place to work. Dani is a senior at Salve Regina University majoring in psychology and minoring in sports management. She is also a member of the Salve Regina women’s basketball team.
Chloe Savitch was named to the 2021 dean’s list at Union College. She is a member of the class of 2022, majoring in psychology and theater.
Class Agents: Treshawn Felder, (347) 792-7458, joel@harlemlacrosse.org; Charlotte Levy, (914) 238-1099, charlottehailey16@gmail.com; Sebastian Wallach, (914) 763-2579, sebski01@gmail.com; Courtney Warren, (914) 755-6960, courtrw1@gmail.com
Ethan Frey was named to the spring 2021 dean’s list at the University of Vermont. Ethan is studying in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, majoring in community and international development. He is a member of the class of 2023.
Katie Ketner was named to the spring 2021 dean’s list at SUNY New Paltz. She is majoring in visual arts.
Elizabeth Mahony is majoring in psychology and minoring in creative writing at Muhlenberg College. She is a member of the class of 2023.
A Message from Class Agent John Crawford ’56
Being a class agent has been fun. I get to keep up with the school happenings and communicate with some of my old classmates. I don’t have a lot of email addresses from my former classmates but, while trying to bring attention to the homecoming and alumni reunion on the 30th, I contacted the ones I do have and we had a Zoom meeting. I was happy to talk to Howard Baldwin, Nick Firth, Eric Fris, Henry Smith Miller, and Jonathan Choate. I also heard from others who couldn’t make it at the time: Kirk Waldron in Florida, Terry Haig in Canada who until recently was a lost alumni, and others.
Since I don’t have email addresses for the rest of our class, I wrote letters to everyone inviting them to this year’s alumni reunion in October. Some of these letters went to our class in Texas, Minnesota, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Florida, Michigan, Tennessee, Arizona, and California. We have certainly spread out. This class agent remembers the 50th reunion, when many of us attended and sat in a restaurant reminiscing over old times.
Keys of being a Class Agent
• Share information about school events, local get-togethers, news from campus, and current students • Write periodic class letters and emails; establish class group on Facebook • Update class rosters • Locate “lost” classmates
There can be more than one agent per class, so grab a friend and get involved in the Harvey community. There are currently vacancies for class agents in the classes of 1942-55, 1958-60, 1962-64, 1966-67, 1969-72, 1974-77, 1979-82, 1985-87, 1991-93, 2000, 2010.
If you cannot take on a class agent post, please consider volunteering to serve your class as a Reunion Coordinator. Classes with an involved Reunion Coordinator have had more successful reunions with a higher turnout.
To volunteer or if you have questions, please contact alumni@harveyschool.org.
Class Agents: Allan Dilone Rodriguez, (914) 393-3642, allanedilone@gmail.com; Daniel Galgano, (914) 763-0461, dpgalgano@gmail.com; Ryan Piken, (914) 628-4166, rypenguin57@gmail.com; Cameron Thomas, (914) 736-6565, cameronthomas155@hotmail.com
Aidan Cammisa and Harley Cohen recently returned to the Harvey ice to skate with Coach Janos and some other alums. Harley shared that he is excited to return for the alumni game this winter, after winning the FAA Championship in 2020.
Daniel Galgano finished his first year at The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs entirely remotely, but he still got involved with both the University’s Model United Nations team, one of the highest-awarded organizations of its kind, and The GW Hatchet, the independent student-run campus newspaper. “It has certainly been an interesting experience, and I’m expanding on the skills and early involvement that I had in Model UN at Harvey that has made it all the more rewarding,” says Daniel.
Densley Blake and Syrreal Watson are roommates at Howard University, and they report they are settling in nicely to college life.
Lucas Chirico volunteered alongside his teammates at The Warming House at St. Bonaventure University where he is a student and member of the Bonnie’s D-I rugby team. The Warming House is the oldest student-run soup kitchen in the nation.
Aaron Shyer is loving Elon University as a freshman. He is fully engaged in his business and psychology courses and has joined the club baseball team. Aaron is roommates with fellow Harvey graduate Spencer Hellinger and has definitely found a home at Elon University. Jeannie “Jiji” Fink interned in the Harvey Development Office during the summer 2021 before heading off to college at American University in Washington, D.C.
NOTES FROM Faculty & Friends
Harvey nurse Kerby Lewis welcomed her second son, Nicholas Stephen Cabrey, October 29, 2021, making his debut at 8 pounds, 4 ounces and 19.5 inches long. Nicholas joins his dad, Andrew, big brother Vincent, and his mom, Kerby. “We are loving every second with this little guy,” shared Kerby. “He is doing great!” Kerby is currently on maternity leave and settling in as a mom of two!

Harley Cohen ’20, Mark Siegel ’15, Aidan Cammisa ’20, Greg Janos ’98

New With You!
To submit Class Notes: Send notes, images, or both to alumni@harveyschool.org. For short milestone info (weddings, engagements, births), please include full name and dates.
Photo tips: • Set your camera to best setting. • Photo size 4 x 6, in 300 dpi. • Save files as .jpg or .tiff. • Identify people in the picture. • Attach file to email.

Lucas Chirico ’21 volunteers with the St. Bonaventure rugby team

Aaron Shyer ’21 and Spencer Hellinger ’21