#Stevenage April 2019

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The unique digital magazine for Stevenage promoted by social media

April 2019

The sky's the limit

Clair e Au st in (lef t ) w it h Lou ise Yexley

Once again Family Funeral Director Claire Austin is doing something for charity. This time she and local business woman Louise Yexley are jumping out of a plane at 10,000 feet to raise money for Keech Hospice Care on Saturday April 6. Clare is no newbie to doing something a bit daring for charity. In 2014 she ran the London Marathon for Isabelle Hospice. 2015 she took part in a community project, building a dam in Vietnam and last year was the ?big shave?for Stevenage Community Trust. (Her hair has now grown back and looks fabulous). So when on holiday considering what her challenges for 2019 would be, Clare decided

that she would love to do a tandem skydive. Colleague and friend Louise Yexley, dropped in for a catch up a few months ago and Claire mentioned that she was doing the jump and it was something that had been on Louise?s bucket list for a while after having done the indoor body flying a few years back. So together they are booked in on 6th April and are fundraising for Keech Hospice Care who are based in Luton. The dive is 10,000 feet and Louise has said she needs to go first! Keech Hospice are one of only a few hospices in the country caring

for both adults and children, and our vital support extends to our patients?family and friends, too. As a charity, they provide free, specialist care for adults in Luton and south Bedfordshire, and children from Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Milton Keynes, who have life-limiting and terminal illnesses. Evene post event you can still sponsor on http://www.love2donate.co.uk/ ClaireAustin or Louise https://www.justgiving.com/ fundraising/louiseyexleyskydive at any time. Facebook videos will be available on the day!!!





Boro set to host Billy Joe world boxing title fight Stevenage Football Club has announced that undefeated former World Middleweight Champion Billy Joe Saunders and Shefat Isufi will contest the vacant interim WBO World Super-Middleweight title at The Lamex Stadium on Saturday May 18th 2019, subject to licensing. In one of the biggest sporting events to ever be held in the town, Welwyn Garden City-born star Saunders (27-0, 13 KO?s) will make his highly-anticipated return to action at the home of Stevenage Football Club, as he seeks to become a two-division champion against the WBO #1 ranked challenger Isufi (27-3-2, 20 KO's). Working in partnership with Frank Warren and Queensbury Promotions, tickets for this WBO World Super-Middleweight Title Fight are now on sale priced from ÂŁ40.00 per ticket at www.borotickets.co.uk. Further information regarding ticketing including an exclusive offer for Stevenage FC Season Ticket Holders will be announced during the course of the next week. Stevenage Football Club CEO Alex Tunbridge says, ?The opportunity to bring a World Title Fight to the town and host it at The Lamex Stadium is something

which we are very excited about. It puts the Club and the town on an international platform which will in turn boost profiles and the local economy. The event marks the start of an exciting period of time for the Club and will be followed by the opening of the new North Stand later in the year and several other exciting new ventures during the course of this summer.? Billy Joe Saunders says "I am very, very happy for the fight, more-or-less, to be taking place in my home town. Stevenage and Hatfield is my area and I am excited to be fighting in front of my 'home' fans. This is my real homecoming from the time I turned pro really. I know I have got great support there and I look forward to them all coming out and seeing me put on a brilliant display of boxing.? For tickets click on https://www.venuetoolbox.com/stevenagefc/ ASP/bookTickets.asp?dept=Spectators& TicketsSelectedCostCentreID={84E5AD7D-A2FF4352-8F1A-C7B3C61E0208}

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Wenta wins contract to run the Business Technology Centre Stevenage Borough Council has chosen Wenta to manage its Business Technology Centre (BTC) and Chells Industrial Units (CIU) which provide first rate support services for new and established companies.

business accommodation, as well as attracting new businesses into Stevenage to support our enterprising economy?.

The Business Technology Centre (BTC) has been running since 1986, providing business accommodation and support services for a diverse range of companies. This facility gives real benefits to the town with spaces for new businesses to start up, grow and provide jobs for local people. The aim of the centre is to support businesses to start, up, grow and stay in the area. The centre offers high quality business advice to businesses and supporting key sectors in the town such as aerospace, pharmaceuticals and health & care. Through the Business Technology Centre, Stevenage Borough Council aims to: -


Increase job creation and business start-up success Encourage take up of specialised support and advice to encourage growth and retention of local businesses Support Stevenage?s enterprising and innovative economy Build and accelerate new businesses and creation of new jobs

Sharon Taylor, OBE Leader of the Council said ?Our aim is for Stevenage to be the best place to start and grow a business. The BTC plays a crucial role in encouraging start up and development opportunities for new businesses and creating jobs for local people. The Centre will continue to provide high quality advice, guidance and, training to support sustainable businesses. ?We are delighted that Wenta will be working with us to provide first rate services, manage quality

Simon Holmes (Head of Client Services and Enterprise Partnership Manager at Wenta) said: ?We are delighted to have secured the BTC contract for a further five years and to continue our work in supporting Stevenage Borough Council and the residents of Stevenage and Hertfordshire by delivering attractive business premises as well as high quality business advice and support through our online (live chat), free workshops and 1:1 business advice channels. We continue to help hundreds of people realise their dreams of starting a business each year and thank the Council for this continued opportunity?.

Big thank you back It 's back and it 's going t o be bet t er t han ever before! The BIG t hank you event is now in it s 3rd year and we're invit ing you t o come along and join us and be a part of t his FREE event at t he bt c in St evenage on t he 4t h April (08:30 ? 11:30). This year we've given it a new spin! It will t ake place in t he morning for breakfast and have a 'well-being in t he workplace' (healt h and wellbeing) t heme t ailored t o t he small business communit y. Feat uring a compliment ary breakfast , net working opport unit ies, an exhibit ion of client businesses, plus... 4 fant ast ic guest speakers, t alking on subject s relat ed t o healt h and wellbeing at work / creat ing a healt hy workplace t o improve focus and product ivit y! It 's our way of t hanking all of our loyal cust omers, business client s and t he local St evenage small business communit y for everyt hing t hey do t o support business in t heir communit y and for working wit h us.

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Walking festival plans This year?s Stevenage Walking Festival will take place between 4-12 May 2019 and will include multiple walking events throughout the week.

at the end of every walk, the proceeds to go to our chosen charity TRACKS Autism, an independent local charity and Early Years centre based in Stevenage.

Now in its seventh year, the festival will introduce a new Family Trail on 4 May 10am-4pm which is a wonderful event that aims to get children and families more excited about walking and nature.

Other events taking part throughout the week include, short, medium and long walks as well as a ?Dog Friendly 5 Miles?walk. Visit the Stevenage Borough Council website to see the full list of events and relevant contact details.

The trail will be held at Fairlands Valley Park and will enable children to learn and develop their map reading and orienteering skills. This buggy friendly event is a great activity for the whole family to enjoy. Once children have completed the activity they can collect a Buddie Buggy or Pedometer for taking part. A spokesperson from Stevenage Borough Council said: ?This is a brilliant event which I invite all people in our community to attend. The Geocache style activity is an excellent way to teach children the basics of orienteering and map reading.?

The Mayor of Stevenage will host the official opening of the festival and a representative from TRACKS Autism will also be present. The festival was organised by members of Stevenage Leisure 50, North Herts Ramblers, and Stevenage Health Walks group, and with the support of Stevenage Borough Council. To find out more about the schedule of the week?s events visit: https://swf.nhrg.org.uk/

The festival is free of charge and no registration is required, but organisers invite you to make a donation

Warning for business to be aware of cyber crime Small and medium-sized businesses in Hertfordshire are falling victim to cybercrime which is costing them millions of pounds every year. In 2017 Hertfordshire was one of the most targeted counties in the UK by cyber criminals with over ÂŁ3million being stolen, the single highest loss was for ÂŁ1.3m. Many SMEs feel that there is nothing they can do to protect themselves from cybercrime, that there is no point in reporting it, or even that it is ?not a real crime?.

Business owners frequently cite difficulty in implementing cyber security measures with many saying that they ?don?t know where to start?in order to deal with cyber issues.

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Working with Hertfordshire County Council to raise awareness of the importance of cyber security amongst small business, Herts Police and Crime Commissioner David Lloyd has made funding available for 100 Herts micro businesses to receive a FREE Cyber Basics Review from an accredited Hertfordshire IT provider. For more information and to secure your free consultation visit https://www.hertsgrowthhub. com/cyber-security

What's on in

#Stevenage Easter isjust around the corner and the year isracing ahead at pace.

STEVENAGE 10K Spon sor ed by #St even age

360 EASTER FUN Big plan s at cen t r e

10% OFFER 10% of f at M r M u lligan s

Inside this month's#Stevenage you'll find all the latest on the regeneration of the town centre and a host of other major storiesin the town. We are also delighted to offer an exclusive 10% off with Mr Mulligans while also announcing our sponsorship of the Stevenage 10k with the Stevenage Striders in September. We are also proud to have joined the Stevenage Old Town Business and Community Partnership - inside thisedition you will find a spread not just on the new SOTBCP map and businessesbut also a feature on the Stevenage Indoor Market. So if you have a story you think that we should tell then don't forget to contact usat the addresses below. And of course if you are a businesswhich islooking to really get your name out there through the powerful medium of digital and social media then make sure that you advertise with usand see uspromote your products and services to the people of #Stevenage. Digital allows people to read about you on the go - on their mobiles for instance, and they are also just a click away. #STEVENAGE - THE UNIQUE DIGITAL M AGAZINE GOT A STORY TO TELL US? St or ies an d f eat u r es: dar r en @spit f irText epr .com WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR EVENT?

Text Sales: h dm digit alsales@gm ail.com FIND OUT M ORE ABOUT HASHTAG DIGITAL M EDIA w w w.h ash t agdigit alm edia.co.u k Text

PROPERTY GUIDE 30 pages of pr oper t y

Tw it t er @h t agst even age Facebook @st even agem agazin e




Wedding and party package

East er is f ast approaching and we?ve been hat ching some f un pl ans f or t he l ong weekend. There wil l be l ot s of egg-cit ing act ivit ies t o join in wit h, al ong wit h al l t he usual 360 Pl ay f un. Make sure you join us on Good Friday or over t he East er weekend f or egg decorat ing, egg rol l ing, egg and spoon races (a great way t o make sure your l it t l e one get s some eggs-ercise) and more! There?s al so l ot s of f un spring act ivit ies t o join in wit h in our messy pl ay area over t he East er hol iday. Wit h sof t pl ay and sl ides, messy pl ay, dodgems, a carousel , rol e pl ay and more, t here?s somet hing every-bunny wil l enjoy t his East er. Visit 360pl ay.co.uk t o f ind out more

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Brilliant businesses in Stevenage are awarded grants for new projects Stevenage Borough Council has chosen the Bike Stop as the winner of its ÂŁ2,500 Stevenage Business Grant. Bike Stop is based in Old Town Stevenage and was purchased in 2012 by Martin and Monica Brown. The business is a motorcycle protective clothing and equipment business and a representative in the UK for the Italian Dainese Brand.

As part of their innovation plans and to future-proof their business, Bike Stop introduced a cafĂŠ instore as part of their offering and hold a number of bike events throughout the year, attracting a wide number of visitors to the area, supporting the economic vibrancy of the area. The business plans to use the grant for investment in a new

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website with additional software capabilities to continue to increase revenues and support marketing. This would support the business to target additional customers, both locally and nationally. The investment would also support the business with the capability to provide videos to demonstrate technical products and therefore help the business



to keep up to date with competitors. Martin Brown said ?we are delighted to have been awarded thisBusinessGrant asit comesat a perfect time to support our new Website and truly advance our Old Town High Street retail experience on-line? Runners-up in the business awards were We Grow Businesses Ltd, a small business consultancy firm that assists small businesses to grow and become successful. They were awarded ÂŁ1,500 to support a technology prototype to provide efficiencies and expand the business further. Stevenage Injury Clinic were also awarded a grant, of ÂŁ800 to expand their business by taking a further unit at the Business Technology Centre and for marketing to support the introduction of new services. Businesses across Stevenage were encouraged to compete for the grants and successful applicants were invited to the council to pitch to a panel on how money would support the

growth in their business. Councillor Ralph Raynor, Executive Member for Economy, Enterprise and Transport, said: ?Congratulations to all our Stevenage Business Grants winners. We were fully committed to supporting our business community to accelerate growth and succeed and are delighted to support the Bike Stop with their plans to develop their website to grow their business and support the High Street.? Wendy Gibbs, Growth Account Manager, Hertfordshire Growth Hub said: ?It wasa pleasure to be part of the judging panel for Stevenage Borough Council grant applicationsand to hear from some interesting businessesabout their plansfor growth, which included creating employment opportunitiesand supporting the local business community, aswell asindividuals. I wish the applicants every success?. Caron Kendall, Development Manager, Bedfordshire,

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Cambridge and Hertfordshire, Federation of Small Businesses, said: "FSB recognisesthe good that Stevenage Borough Council doesby offering thisaward to local small businesses. Bike Stop is a small businesswho istaking on challenges of dealing with the changes of customer behaviour in a proactive way whilst ensuring that they have a presence on the high street and helping to continue to make the Old Town of Stevenage as enjoyable destination to visit. They take their responsibility as local employers very seriously by offering opportunitiesto local young people in termsof employment and work experience, We wish them well".




Regeneration deal now signed but question marks over local plan Stevenage Borough Council and Mace have announced the signing of a major new agreement to work in partnership on the long-term transformation of Stevenage Town Centre. Bu there are still question marks over the local plan despite the announcement that it has been lifted after 16 months. #Stevenage has requested to see the consent order which should be made public as part of this agreement. Despite repeated requests this has not been made available and it is believed to contain restrictions on the actual regenaration plans and who will lead them. Despite this Stevenage Borough Council have been celebrating SG1, the agreement builds on a vision for regeneration developed by the council over several years and seeks to create a whole new quarter of distinct character areas on the western side of the town

centre. With a gross development value of around ÂŁ350 million, SG1 is one of the largest and most ambitious town centre regeneration schemes in the region. It is a clear expression of confidence in the future of Stevenage and its town centre. The mixed-use regeneration scheme includes plans to create a series of new streets within Stevenage, as well as a redesigned, modern Town Square which will complement and enhance the unique architectural heritage of Stevenage. The plans will boost the vibrancy and economic vitality of the town centre, providing new residential, retail, restaurant and leisure uses for the residents of Stevenage. The development will also create inviting new public spaces, alongside a public services hub that will bring together key council services in a single building. The hub will include a new library and

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health facilities, allowing residents easy access to high quality services at one location. Residents and businesses will be invited to have their say through a comprehensive consultation exercise planned for this summer. Work is expected to take place over several phases with the first construction project commencing in 2020. David Grover, Mace?s Chief Operating Officer for Development, said: ?This agreement marks a major step forward for the transformation of Stevenage town centre. With a contract agreed we can now get started in earnest in delivering the regeneration of the town centre - I look forward to seeing our exciting plans come to life.? Cllr Sharon Taylor, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council, commented: ?This is an exciting time for Stevenage and the future of our town centre. Signing this


deal with Mace highlights our ambitious vision for Stevenage as we grow our town and improve the services, environment and facilities we currently offer to residents. We?ve seen a number of projects already completed in our town centre as part of the regeneration programme including Market Place, Vista Tower and updating of our public spaces. SG1 will be transformational,


and drive significant, positive change for our town centre. We?re delighted to have Mace on board and can?t wait for development to get underway.? Andrew Percival, Chairman of the Stevenage First partnership, concluded: ?Today?s contract signing represents a significant milestone in the opportunity to deliver a town centre that?s fit for the 21st century and

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offers modern facilities and amenities for residents and visitors to live, work and play. The scheme that Mace has developed aligns with Stevenage?s heritage as the UK?s first new town and highlights their confidence in its future growth prospects. We?re delighted to announce that the contract is in place and look forward to working in partnership with Mace.?




Wedding and party package Can you af f ord t o miss t he Forum's wedding package? As l ong as booking is made by t he end of t his year wit h deposit paid it can be used f or t he ent ire 2020. For a remarkabl e ÂŁ3,000 you can have excl usive use of t he f ul l suit e upst airs incl uding Fairview suit e. Incl udes: -

Room f rom 10am-midnight Cat ers up t o 500 Ful l use of t he kit chen and abil it y t o bring in booze and f ood. Incl ude securit y 1 hot el room Col our t heme upl ight ers and use of screens f or phot os

For part ies, weddings recept ions, birt hdays and charit y event s we are t he venue f or you. Book by Sept ember 30 2019 and use t his t o t he end of 2019. Part y package incl udes: -

Noon - Midnight Ext ended bar l icence on appl icat ion ÂŁ500 per room, accommodat e 200 peopl e. Can increase capacit y by booking a second room f or a 50% discount . Incl udes dance f l oor, securit y, t abl e l inen and bar st af f , upl ight er and screens.

Cal l us now on 01438 779955

And how about our amazing part y package?

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Wedding vow to Cromwell Hotel Cromwell Old Stevenage is the perfect wedding venue to host your special day. The remodelled 16th century farm house offers a mix of character and contemporary style in the heart of the historic Stevenage Old Town. With a peaceful gazebo garden area and intimate or larger function rooms licensed for civil ceremonies, there?s a variety of romantic choices so you can say ?I do?in picturesque surroundings. The talented wedding and events team will assist in creating you an unforgettable and magical day with attention to every detail so you can stay calm, relaxed and enjoy every moment before spending your first evening as a married couple in one of their luxurious suites. Close to the motorway, public transport and with 77 bedrooms, your guests can make the most of the

celebrations with no need to worry about where everyone will stay or travel home. They are currently offering 25% off the ?Romeo and Juliet?package on selected dates remaining in 2019. To see why the hotel is the perfect place to celebrate your marriage, visit their wedding preview evening on Wednesday 13th March from 6pm and visit the website www.cromwellsteveange.co.uk for more details. You can also email wedding Manager, Liz at events@cromwellsteveange.co.uk

Sands support in Herts Many parents come to Sands wanting to receive support from other parents who have experienced the death of a baby as they can offer real understanding. All of our local support groups like North Herts Sands are run by trained Befrienders who are bereaved parents and offer regular meetings and can be contacted by telephone and/or email. However all Groups are run by a Committee who also need additional help and support. These include a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary as the core committee members but also other posts such as Hospital Liaison, MSLC Rep{Maternity Services Liaison Committee Rep}, Fundraising Coordinator and others. Whilst many are bereaved parents, and some are long-ago bereaved parents, not everyone has to be to offer help to the Committee. In order to continue to help local

parents and hospitals with emotional, practical support and information including memory boxes, literature, training, funds for equipment including cold cots and our support meetings North Herts Sands needs people like yourself to come forward to help run the Committee. Also if you know anyone who has administrative, financial, or fundraising skills who would be interested in helping please do ask them to consider becoming involved. None of the roles are particularly onerous, meetings are held 3 to 6 times a year, and there is huge amount of guidance, support and resources from UK-Sands and your Network Coordinator to make your role as easy as possible. We hope that you feel that the support you received from Sands helped you, and were wondering if you would now consider whether

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you are able to help others going through the trauma of losing their baby. If you would like to discuss this please call our Network Coordinator Rose Abrehart on 07707480020 or North Herts Sands Committee: northhertssands@gmail.co.uk North Herts Sands Committee Sands support s anyone affect ed by t he deat h of a baby; works in part nership wit h healt h professionals t o improve t he qualit y of care and services offered t o bereaved families; and promot es and funds research and changes in pract ice t hat could help t o reduce t he loss of babies? lives. Sands is a nat ional organisat ion, wit h around 100 regional support groups across t he UK. Furt her informat ion can be found at www.uk-sands.org.



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Stevenage Leisure Limited wins third Quality Award St evenage Leisure Lt d (SLL) has received nat ional recognit ion for t he t hird t ime for t he high qualit y of it s operat ions wit h t he award of ?Top Performing Organisat ion wit h 11-30 Quest Regist ered Cent res?. The award was present ed at t he Quest NBS and CIMSPA Conference Evening Event held on 28 February 2019 in Kenilwort h. SLL delivers a wide range of leisure, healt h and cult ural act ivit ies across 24 cent res t o around 5 million visit ors each

year. The cent res reach across St evenage, Nort h Hert fordshire, Cent ral Bedfordshire and Rut land. Quest is Sport England?s leading nat ional qualit y scheme for leisure cent res across t he UK. The Quest scheme set s t he st andards for t he indust ry and encourages t he ongoing success and development of leisure facilit ies by focussing on t he people using t hem. It s rigorous assessment s challenge t he very best cent res

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in t he nat ion. Furt hermore, The SLL managed St evenage Golf & Conference Cent re achieved first place in t he Top Performing Myst ery Visit s cat egory. Ian Mort on, SLL?s Managing Direct or, said: ?SLL being present ed wit h t he Top Performing Organisat ion award for t he t hird t ime showcases t he const ant commit ment of our employees. I am ext remely proud t hat SLL has been recognised for our hard work.?


It may seem as if we are in a state of total confusion but there are resources and advice to support businesses preparing for the possibility of Brexit and providing support for businesseson the possibility of leaving the EU The UK was due to leave the EU on 29 March 2019 but what would leaving the EU mean to your business and what may need to do to prepare for change. What does Brexit mean for your business?



What should a #Stevenage business do to prepare for Brexit

Are you prepared? The government is planning every possible outcome including a no deal. Without a deal, businesses may need to take action before any final decision is made. The Herts Growth Hub have pulled together useful links and resources to help you understand how leaving the EU may affect your business and what measures you can put in place to prepare. Hertfordshire Growth Hub has been asked to conduct this survey for the UK Government in relation to their preparations for Brexit.

to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. For further information please visit https://email-hertsgrowthhub.com/p/4OQI-4T4/ prepare-your-business-for-the-uk-leaving-the-eu For further guidance on EU exit guidance for your business visit https://www.gov.uk/find-eu-exitguidance-business?keywords=&order=topic https://email-hertsgrowthhub.com/p/4OQI-4T4/ prepare-your-business-for-the-uk-leaving-the-eu

As a Business operating in Hertfordshire, it would be extremely helpful if you could answer this very short survey which will be collated and fed back

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Ex cl u si Text Text v e !!! 1 0 % of f o Si m p l y f FOOD qu ot e o r GOL # STEVE F N AGE w h en b o ok i n

A meal at Mr Mulligan's At Mr Mulligan's Lost World of Golf you celebrat e any special occasion by playing a round. And along wit h a great game, you can also have a great meal t hanks t o a new cafĂŠ upgrade. They are now serving hot dogs, paninis, wraps, sharing plat es and kids meals.

You can also creat e your own sundae and creat e your milkshake. W het her it 's our 11 Thursday night Dat e Night s or a family day out for big and lit t le kids of all ages, you know t he answer, make it Mr Mulligans! For full updat ed informat ion on t his and all event s which are coming up at Mr Mulligan's Lost World of Golf head t o our Facebook page ht t ps:// www.facebook.com/

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The latest Stevnage Arts Forum networking session involved interactive stalls to provide updates on ongoing projects, including: -




The Stevenage Festival and Cultural Strategy launch event 1 Jun 2019 Battle of the Bands as an extension of Rock in the Park and Stevenage Festival Arts and Health project, led by Mind in Mid Herts Round 2 of Stories from the Gordon Craig, led by Stevenage Museum Art in Architecture, led by Woolenwick School Branding of Stevenage Re-Imagined

Our local net work as part of t he Hert fordshire Cult ural Educat ion Part nership -


Have secured ÂŁ10-12K for the network Had our first meeting in Feb and aim to continue developing the meetings We would like to host a meeting for the Forum to meet the Network

Museum?s t ransit ion-



Funding bid to the Heritage Fund led by the Museum to test new approaches and develop new audiences as we explore a new location for the Museum. To include: A celebration of the 60th anniversary of the New Town?s unveiling A new model of the New Town with hologram images of actor interpreters located in the

Stevenage Arts Forum update Visitors Centre Cycle Fest ival-





Heritage Fund bid for 2 years of the Cycle Festival led by SBC and the Cycle Hub Looking to recognise the cycleways as a heritage asset and increase engagement May include: Interpretation panels and artwork located on the cycle network Exhibition in the cycle hub School packs and workshops about cycle network Oral histories Led bike rides Suggestion made to integrate the walking festival


Public Sculpt ure Project -



Led by Herts & Beds Cinema Club First screening at Springfield House was successful (nearly 60

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Arts Council funding bid to highlight public sculpture Led by the Museum and North Herts District Council Part of the Year of Culture 2020 Focusing on Harry Bates in Stevenage

Open Mic Night -

Old Town Cinema-

tickets sold) There are further screenings planned Looking to expand and make it a more permanent programme with arts and heritage films and community engagement


Initiative discussed by John Prebble Interest in open mic night, including Stevenage Writers and working with schools Poetry exchange projects have been successful in the past



Sponsored by #Stevenage

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Reach out and talk You may have seen the 'Talk to Us' cards arond Stevenage. They are the brainchild of local woman Hayley Long who, after suffering a breakdown , wanted to turn it around & help others who feel vulnerable & struggling. She designed the cards & wrote a poem to encourage residents to reach out & talk. In 2017 6213 people sadly took their own lives and 75% were men.

Hayley said: "You are not weak if you are struggling you are not weak if you cry (only human) They are being sent all over the country to community centres, doctors surgeries, schools & university's. They have saved lives already and I have received hundreds of heart-warming, touching messages from strangers & friends. My message is simple, you are never alone, we care, help is out there. "

Stevenage Festival 2019 is the 25th anniversary of the Stevenage Festival and it?s going to be bigger and better than ever. The whole thing kicks off on Saturday 1 June with a parade of drummers invading the town centre to celebrate the launch of the Festival. More fun follows the following weekend with the ever popular Stevenage Day, including Rock in the Park, taking place at the King George V Playing Fields. Full details of the festival programme can be found on the website www.stevenagefestival.co.uk or follow us on Facebook for the latest information.

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Clair e Au st in (lef t ) w it h Lou ise Yexley

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Book the best conference facilities for your business

Do you want t he very best f or your business? The Forum Conf erence and Banquet ing Suit es in St evenage of f er t he f inest f acil it ies and t he best rat es - and we now have a special booking of f er which wil l al l ow you t o book f rom now unt il April 30 2020.



Dail y Del egat e rat e - f rom just ÂŁ25 f or a minimum of 10 peopl e Every 10t h person is f ree and a bot t l e of f izz f or t he booker. Ideal meet ing space f or 20 peopl e, af t ernoon t ea cof f ee and cakes and l unch

Arrival t ea cof f ee and f resh baked past ries avail abl e Take a break wit h mid-morning t ea, cof f ee and biscuit s Af t ernoon hot and col d working buf f et l unch avail abl e Af t ernoon t ea, cof f ee and a sweet t reat f or al l del egat es Al l bookings incl ude f ul l use of st at ionery, room hire and equipment hire

Quot e Code: Forumbiz19 Cal l 01438 779955 and book now

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PAUL FRY on # St evenage

New Zealand tragedy is in our thoughts I had the privilege of living and working in New Zealand for five years from 2005 and it was proof positive to me that travel and a taste of life in another country and different culture truly broadens the mind. It undoubtedly lengthened my professional career, while it shone a whole new light on my life here, both before and since. It was one of the best things I have ever done and, through that experience, I share very tangibly some of the pain and shock that Kiwis have been feeling since the truly horrific Christchurch shootings. I worked for the New Zealand Herald, whose coverage has portrayed the shootings vividly and chillingly and reflected the scale and importance of the tragedy. I was only in Christchurch once ? about three years before the February 2011 earthquake that killed 185 and injured thousands. The South island?s garden city, named after our Dorset town of the same name, has a population of 400,000 and a very British feel. In many ways the city had not fully recovered from the quake when this despicable, racially motivated atrocity unfolded. As a son of Stevenage, I was proud to see the town?s response in holding a vigil to the victims, as a mark of respect for those affected and a show of solidarity for the Muslim community. Events like this can help to bind communities ? and show the extremists that they will not be allowed to thrust a

wedge in any supposed ethnic divide. I was also proud, as a part-time Kiwi who still has many friends there, that their prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, showed strong leadership and immense empathy. She quickly toughened New Zealand?s gun laws after the deaths of 50 people (something that is no nearer in the United States, even after the slaughter of 20 children at Sandy Hook school in 2012 and a litany of other shootings). Mrs Ardern, daughter of a school dinner lady, is a former policy advisor to Tony Blair and, only last year gave birth while serving as the country?s leader ? just the second time that has happened anywhere in the world. The line she uttered in the immediate aftermath that resonated with me most was: ?This isn?t us.? I?d agree. In my time there, I never once felt threatened or unsafe. New Zealand is not without its problems, despite constant efforts to offer redress to the Maori, whose lands were traduced from them in exchange for blankets and guns. Maori ?whanau?? extended family tribes ? are now richer in land and rights in ways Australia?s Aborigines can only dream. There are serious issues there with drugs and gangs, particularly among South Pacific folk, congregated largely in South Auckland, close to the city airport, and all-too-high levels of domestic violence in all communities (which have been proven to spike after

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every All Blacks rugby defeat. Just as well that seldom happens). Poverty, often related to equality in housing and job opportunities, is a common thread but, of course, not an excuse. It is not a rich country and I was shocked to see there were well-established food banks. The year I went to the Land of the Long White Cloud, Britain had barely a handful of them, so I was unaware of the concept ? and, if I am honest, the need. Sadly, food banks have proliferated as both states have divested themselves of the responsibility to look after the poorest in society as they should. I recall the captain on our flight to Auckland saying we should put our watches forward 13 hours on arrival, but I should have put mine back 25 or 30 years. Supporters of Brexit would have been envious. I was soon struck by three things: one of the first cars I noticed was a Ford Consul, like the one my uncle, now in his 70s, drove as a young man; teenagers walked with their heads up, no headphones ? and even said ?good morning?as you passed them (Kevin and Perry had clearly not left the UK). Then there were very old men ? lots of them, like you don?t really see here. It took me only a couple of weeks to work out why. The constant headaches from stress that I had been getting in the UK had gone. It was two years before my next one, triggered by the threat of redundancy. Our wonderful neighbour, a former market gardener who often brought us gifts of fresh fruit

Text and veg he had grown, was in his late 90s and had all kinds of small growths on his body. He had been among the first troops involved the post-Hiroshima atomic bomb clean-up in Japan at the end of World War Two. It was really noticeable that there were many more men of advanced age than I had been used to seeing in the UK. It seemed that Kiwi men had not worked themselves into an early grave and enjoyed a more relaxed and healthy ? and far less consumerist ? lifestyle. Couples were enjoying their golden years together for longer, although not always in comfort. One day I called in on Jack, our neighbour, to find him in bed, with coats piled on top to keep out the cold. It was not even below zero outside and while it got cold in Auckland, I seldom saw a frost. There was condensation on the windows and it could often feel warmer outside than indoors. I guessed he had likely outlived his pension in a country where you pay tax on every dollar earned and even pay tax on your council tax bill; where you make a $100 or more (ÂŁ52) annual ?voluntary? donation per child to your kids? school budget, and there is GST (like our VAT) even on food. Adults pay $10 to visit the GP and pay again for the frequent blood tests you seem to have to endure to enable a diagnosis. But hospital treatment is covered by your taxes, as generally the country functions on a ?user pays? system. Like many Brits who move there, I could not help but feel some sense of isolation, with Brisbane more than three hours away by air. The time difference made it difficult to maintain contact with friends and family in the UK. We met Brits who yo-yo?d between ?home?and NZ, unsure of where they settled best. One couple we knew even sent all their stuff back by ship, intending on a UK return, only to turn it round at Southampton for the journey to Auckland, where they had not long sold up. The global economic downturn which hit New Zealand ahead of the UK, likely contributed to their confusion. Luckily, Chinese and

Text Australian money insulated NZ from the worst ravages of recession ? although house prices dipped before rising again exponentially ? and the country emerged from the financial crisis sooner than Britain. Living there, you could still feel like you were a pioneer in an emancipated country that gave women the vote in 1893 - long before Britain - and had the first woman Mayor in the British Empire that same year. Get out of the few big cities and you could drive gravel roads, explore farm shops and beaches where you felt like Man Friday - with not a footstep to be found in the sand. I played golf courses where you dropped your green fees in an honesty box, where the putting surfaces were surrounded by low electric fences to keep the sheep off them, though there were extra fairway ?hazards'. And then there was the scenery and sub-Tropical climate, with barely a frost to trouble the lemon and banana trees in our garden. You took the rough with the smooth, in all senses. And now the redoubtable Mrs Ardern has the task of bringing together a country that someone with extremist views has tried but failed to divide. Where have we heard that scenario before? The scales are different in many respects, but you cannot see the approaches of either Donald Trump or Theresa May uniting anyone but their enemies against them. As the Brexit madness goes on yet longer with panto season extended in parliament, you long for someone like Ardern to bring some sanity and leadership to right the old ship UK as she steams like Titanic towards the iceberg ? perhaps unknowingly already fatally holed below the waterline. Ardern?s lectern moments have been measured, assured and calming, coolly laying out the challenge ahead for New Zealand. Contrast with May?s scattergun speech blaming of everyone but herself and her failure to defend the indefensible and to deliver the undeliverable while prioritising party before country. Whatever way things pan out with Brexit, you can only see divisions

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Text and anger continuing for many years, as the ?divorce?is supposedly the easy part. We will still have to map a future relationship with the EU, come what may, and Switzerland, for example, is in constant talks to define theirs. The result will redefine the UK?s identity, just as any individual has to do after a divorce. But New Zealand will not flinch from maintaining its identity as a country that has a proud history and welcomes incomers ? even if there are strict criteria they must meet so as not to be a burden on society. They won?t produce knee-jerk responses for the purpose of media sound bites; the tougher gun rules were perhaps long overdue, in a country where hunting is a common pursuit. Some hunters and farmers were quick to voluntarily hand in their semi-automatic weapons after Christchurch. And I don?t believe they will now routinely arm their police. Too often, our politicians, in cosy harmony with media barons who slip unnoticed through the back door at No.10, react to events in a way that plays to different audiences with very different agendas. Britain?s empire is done and dusted ? despite the unavowed wishes of a few of our politicians such as the half man, half golden retriever Boris Johnson. We urgently need to revisit and reassess at the arrogant view that Britain has given so much to the world, when it has clearly taken far more and in many ways is now picking up the tab for times when most of the map was pink. We could actually learn much from New Zealand, its democracy, its voting system and its proliferation of smaller parties that govern in coalition ? as well as its compassionate yet decisive and very human prime minister. So let us applaud those who organised and attended that Stevenage vigil for Christchurch. It was a small, yet visibly symbolic gesture of unity and fellowship that we should all get behind.



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Indoor Market feature Text

Have you been t o St evenage Indoor Market recent ly? If you haven't been for some t ime you must make t he t rip - and go t o support an incredible number of St evenage based independent s.


There are new businesses opening each day here we t ake a look at just a few. Click on t he image and follow t he link t o find out more. We will be feat uring more in coming edit ions

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Boro highlights Text

Is t h e play-of f dr eam n ow over - M ar ch h as been a disappoin t in g m on t h f or Bor o - h er e w e pr esen t t h e m on t h's m at ch h igh ligh t s Sat u r day M ar ch 16 EFL Lge 2 Bor o 0 Not t s Cou n t y 3

Sat u r day M ar ch 23 EFL Lge 2 M acclesf ield 2 Bor o 2

Sat u r day M ar ch 16 EFL Lge 2 M K 1 Bor o 1

Sat u r day M ar ch 12 EFL Lge 2 Bor o 2 Sw in don 0

Sat u r day M ar ch 9 EFL Lge 2 Bor o 0 Bu r y 1

Sat u r day M ar ch 2 EFL Lge 2 Oldh am 1 Bor o 1


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Tips to personalise your funeral plans Personal ising your own f uneral There are lots of initiatives around to help people start talking about death, and part of that conversation is funerals. Most people know whether they want to be buried or cremated, but some have whole sections of their funeral planned out; from the music they want played to what they want people to wear. Who remembers the scene from Love Actually where Liam Neeson?s character is talking about his late wife?s funeral requests, one of which was he should take Claudia Schiffer as his date?! She also chose photos of herself to be shown on screen while ?Bye bye baby?by the Bay City Rollers played out as her coffin left the church. Your wishes We fully support people wanting to have a say in their own funeral. It?s a way to let your loved ones know how you want to be remembered on the day; perhaps by planning things they wouldn?t think to do in their time of grief. Personalising a funeral doesn?t have to cost the earth ? there are lots of little things you can do, even just having your photo displayed on top of the coffin. Just remember, while a bit of pre-planning can take a lot of pressure off your loved ones when the time comes, it?s nice for them to be able to add their own touches to express how much you meant to them, so perhaps don?t try and plan every last detail. Our Little Green Book could be a good starting point for you to think

about the various decisions that need to be made. You can find it at: https:/ / www.austins.co.uk/ austins-funeral-guide.html

First t hings f irst Typically you would put big decisions about your death in your will. When it comes to your funeral, the most important questions your loved ones should know the answers to are: -


Do you wish to be buried or cremated? Where do you want to be buried or your ashes scattered? Do you want a religious ceremony, or one at a crematorium or woodland site etc.?

Personal t ouches Flowers or donations: Do you want a particular type of flower, or perhaps a special arrangement for your coffin? If you have been in a trade, you might want an arrangement made out of tools instead. Coffin: There are many different types of coffin from traditional wood to wicker, but it?s not all about the material. Did you see in the news recently that one dedicated primary teacher from Bath had her coffin decorated in her pupils?drawings? Transport: While it can sometimes be overlooked, the transport you choose can be hugely symbolic of your life. For instance, the families

of bikers often ask for fellow bikers to accompany the coffin in a motorcycle procession. Other symbolic modes of transport include VW campervans, vintage lorries and traditional horse and carriage. Eulogy: You can write your own eulogy in a traditional style, or perhaps as a poem. You could also select your own readings and even ask someone close to you to read them, if they are comfortable doing so. Music: For some people, music is a huge influencer in their lives. If you have a special song, or an artist you love, or have come across something that sums up you and your life, then the music you choose can add a very special touch. Photos: You may want to choose some photos of yourself for the order of service, or to be on display at the church or crematorium. We are the only funeral director in the UK to create unique films and photo slideshows that can be played during a service and kept by friends and family afterwards. https:/ / www.austins.co.uk/ austins-tribute-services.html Funeral pl ans Of course, we can?t overlook cost. The average funeral costs around ÂŁ4,000 and there are many funeral plans available to pre pay for your funeral. Our Hertfordshire Funeral Plan is exclusive to us and, unlike many other plans available, customised specifically to your requirements. Find out more at: https:/ / www.austins.co.uk/ funeral-plan.html

Have you considered how your family will deal with a digital legacy? Your Digit al Legacy

someone to access your hardware, due to their privacy agreements and in some instances they are unable to assist as they only provide the network for your hardware to run on.

The use of social media platforms has become a common part of life, but have you made plans regarding what will happen to your social media accounts should something happen to you?

Digit al Legacy Advice

Over 3.5 billion people today have social media accounts where they store photos, videos and memories and this number is growing year on year, but what happens to a person?s social accounts when they die? Unless someone else has the passwords for their digital accounts then these cannot be accessed and will remain active. The Digital Legacy Association, launched in 2015, has recognised that this issue needs to be addressed when planning for end of life and has a website that is designed to help people deal with making arrangements for account information and passwords to be passed to family or friends after their death. For some it is important that their accounts are closed and for others it is their wish that their social accounts are maintained and regularly updated and treated as an online memorial for people to visit and post their own memories.

?People should leave clear instructions about what should happen to their social media, computer games and other online accounts after their death?? The Law Society Digit al Asset s It is not only social media that needs to be considered. What about online bank accounts, online shopping accounts, email accounts and downloaded music? Without disclosing passwords to someone that you trust, these cannot be accessed easily. Most mobile phones can only be accessed with a passcode. Is this where you store your contacts telephone numbers and addresses rather than the traditional address book? Without the passcode, your family would be unable to advise your friends and other contacts of any funeral arrangements. Manufacturers and network providers will not provide assistance to enable

We have all been advised that we should not disclose passwords to anyone or write them down but with the use of digital technology becoming more and more a part of our lives, we all now need to reconsider this advice and make the necessary arrangements for this information to be passed on to someone that we trust. For some, the realisation that their memory can be carried on is of some comfort in addressing the difficult subject of death. Tollers Solicitors Stevenage office has a dedicated team who are able to help you with all of your estate planning, including planning for your digital estate. To find out how ?Talk t o Tollers? Trust and Estates Team on 01438 901095.

Brilliant businesses in High Street need you After our amazingly successful piece in our last edition on Middle Row and the independent shops in that area, we have turned our focus on other shops in Stevenage High Street. The shares and likes we have gained by putting these businesses in the spotlight has been amazing, so don't forget make sure if you need a product or a service which they offer head down to them and keep them in business in #Stevenage


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Chance to help Jordan's trek Jordan Dutt is currently studying at the University of Lincoln and working with the charity ?Future Sense Foundation?which is an international development charity that works to better the lives of disadvantaged people living abroad. In June, he is heading over to Thailand for three weeks to actively volunteer for the charity in an Elephant Sanctuary and within the Local Hill tribes. As part of his trip, he is required to raise a large sum of money to aid the work the charity are doing now and will continue to do in the future. For this reason, in April, he is completing a sponsored walk from Lincoln to Stevenage - 100 miles in just 4 days! Eager to find a challenging way to raise the money as well as increase the awareness of the charity, the route will pass through different

communities of the places we pass through. Commenting on the walk Jordan said: "I am very excited to be doing this fundraiser for the charity, as I know it is going to be physically and mentally tough but I can?t wait for the challenge! "It is a true privilege to be able to work with this charity, considering the amazing work they do abroad, and an even greater privilege that I have the opportunity to actively get involved in Thailand! places across the country which he hopes to get involved and intrigued in the work this wonderful charity do. All preparation for the walk is well underway, with routes and plans gradually getting finalised with lots of help from the local

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"I will be very grateful for any donations you can make, the best way to do so is via my online fundraising page https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com /JordanDutt Alternatively, you can check out his Facebook page ?Jordan?s Thailand Fundraising?or send an email."

Phot ography by Brendan Fal vey

If you have enjoyed t hese images of #St evenage by Brendan Falvey and would like t o find out how t o order t hem cont act on t he det ails supplied here

Email: bjpfalvey@gmail.com Search for Bren's Phot o's on Facebook


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Join the SportScene team There is a new radio show on the circuit that any sports fan in the area would be mad to miss. SportScene started broadcasting their weekly show earlier in August on SG1 radio, the online radio station broadcasting live from their studio in Stevenage Town Centre. Presented by Steve Watkins, Jay Drackford and Dean Thompson, there is a wealth of local sporting knowledge that has been tapped into, with the trio aiming to showcase any sport local to the area. Steve Watkins said ?It was an idea that was dreamed up by Jay, who quickly shared his thoughts with myself and Dean, and we were hooked. We went to station owner Ray Medwynter and he loved the idea, and two weeks later we were live on air! ?In the first show we were honoured to have former Arsenal goalkeeper Bob Wilson as a guest, speaking about his charity, the Welwyn Garden City based

?Willow Foundation?, and his golf tournament recently held at Hanbury Manor. ?The response has been phenomenal in the early days. We have had local clubs represented, with sports including Football, Netball, Running, Iron-Man, Cricket Rugby and Cylcling, and have even included the great work being done with the Aqualina Synchronised Swimming club. ?It has so far been a case of building relationships with the clubs, so that we can follow their fortunes in the future. But we are also keen to get involved ourselves, with Jay already running the local Park Run, and Dean is lined up to have an evening of Synchronised Swimming, which of course will be covered on the show! ?We still need to hear from any new clubs with a story to tell, whether it be news, results, fixtures or events, and we are happy to speak on the phone, get guests into the studio , or simply

read out any news from a club. The aim is to cover ANY local sport, without prejudice or bias. Where at all possible of course!? The show can be contacted at any time via email at sportscene@sg1radio.co.uk, via twitter @sg1sportscene, or on the SG1 Radio Facebook Page. The show is broadcast every Wednesday evening between 9-10pm, and can be accessed at www. sg1radio.co.uk, on mobile phones by downloading the SG1 Radio app, via tune-in radio on a smart device such as sonos or alexa, and is also now being broadcast live with video on Facebook, which has added an extra dimension, and encouraged interaction from the sportspeople of the area. Previous shows can also be played again, with links on Facebook and Twitter. For further details, contact the team at sportscene@sg1radio.co.uk

What 's on in # STEVENAGE INS: Every Friday afternoon, So Healthy, a gentle exercise class takes place from 1.30pm to 2.30pm at Bedwell Community Centre. Please contact the INS for more information on 01438 725400 or emailinfo@irishnetworkstevenage.org.ukor follow the group on Facebook or Twitter. St evenage Fl oral Art Societ y: Call Margaret 01438 880086 for more details. St evenage Liberal Synagogue: For further information phone 01438 300222 or visitstevenageliberalsynagogue@gmail.com St evenage Fibromyal gia Support Group:Meet on the second Wednesday evening, 7.30 to 9.30pm, and last Tuesday of the month, 12.30pm to 2.30pm, at Poplars Community Hall. A weekly coffee drop in from 1pm to 3pm takes place on Wednesdays at Encore Coffee House, in the foyer of the Gordon Craig Theatre. Call the helpline 0844 8872 373 or 355 for more info. All welcome. St Andrew and St George:Parish Mass on Sunday at 10am. A toddler group takes place on Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm. All welcome. For further details please email Kimcuttylanegroups@gmail.com.Morning Prayer Monday to Thursday at 9.30 am. Weekday Masses on Monday at 10am, Tuesday at 12.30pm and Thursday at 10am. Compline at 8:30 pm on Thursdays. For more information visitwww.stevenagechurch.org. Debt ors Anonymous:Meetings are held every

Tuesday evening at 8pm at The Living Room, No 15 The Glebe, Chells Way. For more information visit:www.debtorsanonymous.org.uk St evenage Corey?s Mil l Lions Cl ub:Lion are part of the world's largest community based Service Organisation and are looking for more members to assist with the work in the community as volunteers. Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month in Symonds Green starting at 7.45pm. Membership fee is nominal. To find out more call 01438 489247 or 07903 444052 or visit the group on Facebook. St arl ight Dance Academy:Adult tap dance classes, for all ages, with a fully qualified teacher take place from 1.15pm every Friday at the Community and Arts Pavilion, Roaring Meg Retail Park, Stevenage. Age Concern, St evenage:Pop in for a cuppa every Monday, 10am to 12pm, at Swingate House. Age Concerns provides bookings for Britannia Coaches,a hire service for mobility scooters and wheelchairs during opening hours. Free 20-minute appointments for benefits and legal advice, and a footcare clinic are held every Tuesday and Thursday (fee payable). Age Concern's offices are open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 3pm and Thursday 9.30am to 1.30pm, ground floor, Swingate House, Stevenage town centre.Call01438 314164 for more. St evenage Museum:St George?s Way, Stevenage, hosts a wide range of events throughout the year for families, children and adults. Open 10am to 4.30pm Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 5pm Saturday. Call 01438 218881 or emailmuseum@stevenage.gov.ukfor more. Cycl e UK St evenage:Starter cycle rides will set off from Costello?s Cafe by the Sailing Centre in Fairlands Valley Park at 10.30am every Saturday. Evening rides from the green by Springfield House Community Centre take place every Wednesday at 7.15pm. For more information go towww.stevenagectc.org.ukor call Jim on 07939 687509 or Jill on 07816 625901.

What 's on in # STEVENAGE St evenage Writ ers:Meet every Wednesday from 5.30pm to 7pm in The Snug Bar at The Dun Cow, Letchmore Road, Stevenage. Mutual support for writers at all levels, something for everyone. Next two months the group is working on getting their Annual together. For more details contact Tony Burtonponytailpoet@gmail.com. Pl ay Go:Takes place every Tuesday from 7.30pm in Letchworth or Stevenage on alternate weeks. Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. For more information, visithttp:/ / www.letchworth-go.org.uk/ letchgo St Hugh and St John's Church: Blaze Youth Club for anyone aged 7 to 14 takes place every Thursday during term-time from 5.45pm to 7.15pm. Have fun playing games, sports, making crafts, baking, cooking, and art, The first Thursday of the month is family night where families are invited to come for a meal and a short service. ÂŁ1.50 per week. Roundabout ers Count ry Dance Cl ub:English country dancing every Thursday, 8pm to 10pm, at Friends Meeting House, Cuttys Lane SG1 1UP. Newcomers are always welcome, both beginners and experienced dancers. To find out more call 01438 727239, visitwww.roundabouters.org.ukor just come along. St evenage Bridge Cl ub:New players are needed at Stevenage Bridge Club and Springfield House Friday Bridge Club. Stevenage Bridge Club meets at 7.30pm to play Duplicate Bridge at the Priory Nursery, Stanmore Road, Old Stevenage. Contact Phil Cooper on 0795 7813434. Springfield House Friday Bridge Club meet on Friday afternoons at 1.30pm to play cut-in Chicago Bridge at Springfield House. Contact Richard Bean on 01438 221517. Mol l y Vickers School of Dance:Lessons in Ballet, Tap, Freestyle and Contemporary at Bedwell Community Centre, Stevenage. For children (18 months+) and adults, first trial class is free! For more details call Lisa Holt on (01438) 723450 or Stacey Hurst on (01438) 315580. Oval Communit y Circl e:Come along to a free social

group held on the first Thursday of the month anytime between 9:30am and 11am at the Oval Community Centre, Vardon Road. For more information contactenquiries@ovalcommunity.comor 01438 359404. Love t o Dance:Fun and friendly sessions for anyone aged 50 and over take place every Friday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm at Hampson Park Community Centre, Webb Rise, Stevenage, SG1 5QU. Just ÂŁ5.50 per session. For more information call 0203 675 7215 or emailclarebellchambers@saracens.net St evenage Spirit ual Group:Meet every Sunday (except Bank Holidays) at Springfield House, Stevenage Old Town. Sunday meetings take place from 7.30pm till 9pm with a different Medium each week. All welcome. Just Sing Communit y Choir:Come along and sing every Thursday during term time from 7pm to 9pm, at Grace Community Church. Hydean Way, Stevenage. First taster session free and no auditions are required. Contact 07785568463 or visit the websitewww.justsingcc.org.uk Pil at es:Sessions take place at Datchworth Village Hall on Thursdays from 1.30pm to 2.30pm/ Beginners are recommended to attend an introductory class. Call 07732897404 for more information.

Wou ld you lik e t o pr om ot e you r gr ou p or even t f or f r ee? Do you w an t t o sh ow t h e people of #St even age you r gr ou p in act ion ? Sen d you r copy an d pict u r es t o dar r en @spit f ir epr .com an d w e w ill do ou r best t o pu blish t h em in Wh at 's on in #St even age

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Ashr idge Est at e

# St evenage April 2019


The unique guide to property news in #Stevenage



# PROPERTY STEVENAGE Let 's f ace it - w e live in a digit al w or ld - w h en

t h e agen t s w h o ar e act in g on beh alf of bu yer s,

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Tel 01438 870673 en qu ir ies@agen t h ybr id .co.u k


Agent Hybrid falls bet ween t radit ional and online est at e agency. Our aim is t o deliver a personal, one-t o-one est at e agency experience, whilst delivering a service of excellence.

ht t ps://my.mat t erport .com/show/ ?m=GCbcjmCyYn

Click on t he image of our Monument Court propert y (above) and t ake a walk t hrough using t he lat est Agent Hybrid Technology

w w w.agen t h ybr id.co.u k



Our marketing packages are inclusive of: - Professional photography - Extensive Online Advertisement - 3D Floor plans - Local High Street Office - Accompanied Viewings and Open House Agent Hybrid offer two fee options and both include a full estate agency service. OPTION 1: £1150 upfront, nothing to pay on completion. Add £150 for a walk through tour. OPTION 2: 0.95% of the sale price, payable on sale completion, no sale no fee. Walk through tour included.



ht t ps://my.mat t erport .com/show/ ?m=GCbcjmCyYn



74 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 870673 w w w.agen t h ybr id.co.u k


Placing the focus our customers Text

Hom e an d M or t gages St even age, 86 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 728444

em ail st even age@h om esan dm or t gages.co.u k

Homes and Mortgages Estate Agents are ready and waiting to help the Stevenage community with all its property needs, be it buying, selling or renting, Homes and Mortgages are committed to providing great value customer service for all our clients. Situated in the heart of the historic Old Town and set over three floors, each department provides a professional, welcoming and comfortable environment for all of our customers. We have a team of 9 full time, experienced Sales and Lettings staff on hand to deal with any property enquiry. W hat 's new? The rebranded branch and heavy investment in IT has set Homes and Mortgages up to stand out in 2017 and for the future. Our experienced and dedicated staff all share the same view in providing a fantastic customer experience and are heavily focused on the importance of transparency between ourselves and our customers. The IT software is excellent at allowing vendors and Landlords 24/7 access to information regarding their property. At the click of a button, vendors can see feedback, current interest from web portals and can track the progress of a sale online. Likewise, Landlords have the option to view property maintenance schedules and access statements. mailt o:st evenage@homesand mort gages.co.uk

Click on t h e im ages an d lin k dir ect ly t o t h eir det ails on lin e

Dealing with all property needs


Hom e an d M or t gages St even age, 86 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 728444

em ail st even age@h om esan dm or t gages.co.u k



Click on t h e im ages an d lin k dir ect ly t o t h eir det ails on lin e

Placing the focus on our customers Text

Hom e an d M or t gages St even age, 86 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 728444

em ail st even age@h om esan dm or t gages.co.u k



Click on t h e im ages an d lin k dir ect ly t o t h eir det ails on lin e

For a top service Text

rely on A-TOP A-Top Pr oper t y Let t in gs, 1 Dr aper s Way, St even age Tel 01438 369173

em ail con t act @a-t oplet t in g.co.u k

If you are looking for a team that you can trust to deliver time after time then A-Top Property Lettings in Drapers Way, Stevenage is the one for you. A-Top, which is owned by founder Mervyn Terrett, has gained an impressive reputation as the go-to agent for all your property needs whether you are looking to rent or are a landlord seeking tenants. With a combined market experience of more than 60 years, the staff at A-Top are the most knowledgeable in the business and along with advice on the rental market, they can also provide information which allows customers to make the most informed choice possible. Over the past 33 years the team lead by Mervyn has seen the local market undergo a wide number of changes, but through them all A-Top and its experienced staff have always given the very best and most informed service. There have been plenty of changes which have altered the lettings landscape in Stevenage. Through them all however the reliability of A-Top Property Lettings has remained a constant and their portfolio of excellent landlords has increased dramatically. Commenting on the team Mervyn said: ?What once was a rarity in the UK i.e. renting, is now so common as a source of income/investment for landlords and of mobility for professional working tenants. We are delighted to be able to use our expertise to help both tenants and landlords.? For further details contact 01438 369173 or email contact@a-topletting.co.uk

For a top service Text

rely on A-TOP A-Top Pr oper t y Let t in gs, 1 Dr aper s Way, St even age Tel 01438 369173

em ail con t act @a-t oplet t in g.co.u k



For a top service Text

rely on A-TOP A-Top Pr oper t y Let t in gs, 1 Dr aper s Way, St even age Tel 01438 369173

em ail con t act @a-t oplet t in g.co.u k



Putterills Stevenage - talk to the professionals Text

61-63 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 316846

Founded by Tony Putterill in 1992, with our first office in Welwyn Garden City, Putterills are now celebrating 26 years of serving the Hertfordshire community. We have grown from our original branch in Welwyn Garden City to having offices in Knebworth, Hitchin, Stevenage Old Town and St Albans, as well as a partner office in London?s Mayfair. Each of our sales offices are overseen by a Director who is actively involved in the day to day running; this helps to ensure that we are providing the highest possible levels of advice and service. All of these offices are prominently located to ensure all properties receive the best possible exposure. In addition to our network of sales offices, we have an award winning Land and New Homes department. Our specialists help landowners maximise the development opportunities for usually previously

w w w.pu t t er ills.co.u k

used land known as Brownfield, as the country struggles for space for new homes. We have always believed that our task is to provide our clients with the best, up to the minute, expert advice when dealing with what is usually their greatest asset. Our clients have a wide range of emotions and circumstances and we help guide less experienced first time buyers, provide yield information and advice to investment buyers, schooling information to families, hold the hands of those who have not moved for many years and deal sensitively and professionally with those. Over the last few years, we are proud to have won a number of national awards which we believe underline our philosophy of being Trusted Property Experts. 2017 saw Tony Putterill retire and hand the reins of the company over to Mark Shearing. Mark has been in agency in Hertfordshire since 1982

and joined Putterills in 1993. As the company moves into a new era with changing markets, advances in property marketing and the use of technology, our aim is simple - to keep at the absolute forefront of full service Estate Agency and to continue the exceptional levels of service and advice that our clients have been able to rely on over the last 26 years. Our primary purpose has always been to provide an outstanding customer experience and our core values continue to represent this: EXCEPTIONAL ? we are passionate about delivering excellence. RESPECT ? we respect and value those we work with, both our colleagues and our customers. EXPERTISE ? we deliver outstanding skills and knowledge in all we do. TRUST ? we act with honesty and integrity at all times.

Wal kern Road, Ol d Town, St evenage

Put t eril l s virt ual t ours - cl ick here t o st art t he t our


Church Lane, Ol d Town, St evenage

Put t eril l s virt ual t ours - cl ick here t o st art t he t our



Portfolio - for serviced apartments in #Herts Text

Tel 0800 0248 914

Booking a holiday is possibly one of the greatest feelings and counting down the days when you?re having an awful day at work or are just desperate to get away from home can seem like a joy, but there can be a downside. Hotels. While some people may see staying in a hotel like a dream, it can actually be a nightmare if you?ll be staying there for a long time, especially if on a business trip or secondment. With that said, here are the top reasons to stop staying in hotels for your business travel trips. Limit ed Wardrobe Space Packing for a holiday or for a business trip puts you on one of two teams, you?re either naturally gifted and find it a breeze or it?s the worst part of the trip for you, but one thing unites these two camps ? limited hotel space. If you love to pack an outfit for every possible occasion you will know how difficult it can be to cram your clothes into tiny hotel wardrobes, or even worse live out of a case. Staying in a serviced apartment fixes this and means you have a home away from home and all the storage you could need. You feel like you?re t rapped Walking into a hotel room can at first glance feel wonderful, everything is conveniently within arm?s reach and for the first day you love it. Then the second day comes and the third day and by the fourth you feel like you almost can?t breathe. Hotels just aren?t feasible for long periods of time or for anyone who likes a sense of space, after all, who wants to feel trapped by the same four walls for the entire of their trip? Privacy? W hat privacy?

w w w.por t f olio-apar t m en t s.co.u k

Hotels may seem like a good idea for a romantic night away, but if you?re travelling with family or small children or even colleagues, then all sense of privacy goes straight out of the window when you?re all sharing a room just feet away from each other. Forget staring dreamily into each other?s eyes when you wake up, you?ll probably be staring at a toddler who immediately wants to play or be woken by another family member?s snoring and that?s not even mentioning the housekeeper who always turns up at the most inconvenient times! Serviced apartments let you have time to yourself no matter how many you have brought along for the trip, so you can sleep well and feel like you have privacy if you are all loved up. Money money money! Straight to the point hotels aren?t cheap. Even for the savviest of spenders and the keenest bargin hunters, you may think booking your hotel means it?s all done, dusted and paid for but you will undoubtedly end up incurring extra fees. Whether you give in to the lure of room-service with its extortionate service charges, or buy a film to keep energetic youngsters occupied, your bill when you check out can hit you like a smack in the face and leave you wanting a more affordable option. Meals on wheels Speaking of room-service, while this may seem like a decadent treat on the first night, by the time you come back from a long day of exploring and are tired, it is so easy to have a burger brought straight to door along with its crazily hiked-up price and extra delivery charges. This can not only wreak havoc on your bank account,

but also on your waist-line and by the time you leave, the only thing that will be thinner is your wallet. Serviced apartments absolutely win here, as having a fully equipped kitchen at your fingertips means it?s easy to rustle up something quick and delicious that will probably be healthier for you and will also save you money! If you want some tips on how to eat well when working away from home check out next weeks blog post, or check out our apartments to find out why it?s time to say goodbye to hotel hell and wake up to apartment heaven! Though staying in a hotel may seem like the obvious option at first, there?s no denying that a serviced apartment brings with it a number of benefits that a hotel just can?t offer. At Portfolio Serviced Apartments we specialise in providing luxury serviced apartments and temporary homes for corporate and business travellers. We offer a secure spacious base which can become a home from home for longer staying guests. Portfolio Apartments are located throughout all of Hertfordshire including Stevenage, Welwyn Garden City, St. Albans and Hatfield, whilst through our partners we have access to over 90,000 luxury apartments across the globe. So whether it?s a placement in St Albans or a secondment in San Francisco, Portfolio is consistently the favoured choice for travelling professionals. For more information,get in touch. Our team at Portfolio looks forward to helping you soon. Give our friendly team a call on 0800 024 8914 (Mon ? Fri 9-6pm) or visit our website to view our modern serviced apartments.

101 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 231200 w w w.m ar k sim on est at es.co.u k pr oper t y@m ar k sim on est at es.co.u k

Partners with vast knowledge of the local area Text

Mark Simon Estates is an established Estate Agency situated at: 101 High Street, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 3HR. Here at MarkSimon Estates, we have over 40 years combined experience of Estate Agency within Stevenage and its surrounds. Our Partners Mark Sollis & Simon Jacob both grew up in Stevenage and therefore have a vast knowledge of the area and its surrounds. This in itself, is proving an invaluable asset to prospective Vendors and Purchasers seeking a property which meets both their needs and expectations in a home.

?To Mark, Many t hanks for all your hard work selling my house for us in Jessop Road. You went t he ext ra mile in so many ways. You always kept me well informed and I knew I could t rust you t o carry out everyt hing you promised.? From H.

?To MarkSimon Est at es & your t eam, Thank you for being t here t o help us. ? Mr K & Miss T

Click here for MarkSimon Twitter

?To Mike and everyone at MarkSimon Est at es, A Big t hank you for all your help selling our house, Best wishes.? The W ?s

Click here for MarkSimon Facebook

The independent local estate agent Text

2 M iddle Row , St even age Tel 01438 367753

w w w.ow n -h om es.com

St ephen Harris and Michael Not schild est ablished Own Homes in 2008, operat ing as a successful, independent local St evenage est at e agent .

Here at Own Homes, we understand that each property and sale is individual and therefore tailor our service to suit your specific requirements.

We have prominent offices ideally situated in the heart of Stevenage Old Town. One in Middle Row covering lettings and mortgages and one on the High Street to deal with sales. Our recent expansion and our double fronted office allows us the scope and ability to serve Stevenage and the surrounding residential areas.

Passionate in all we do, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest level of service. Selling and letting a property can be a stressful time, which is why we go the extra mile to make your involvement with us as enjoyable and professional as possible.

Working in Hertfordshire for the past 10 years has enabled Own Homes to develop a comprehensive understanding of residential property in the local areas of Stevenage, Hitchin and surrounds. We have an established an experienced team, on hand to work with you throughout the selling and buying process, ensuring personal contact is maintained from start to finish.

We use a number of marketing styles to ensure your property, whether you are selling or letting, gains maximum exposure and a smooth efficient sale. This includes advertising in local newspapers and glossy magazines, as well as Internet marketing. Our double fronted office also allows people to see

our properties in both windows. To arrange a free valuation, or to find out more about Own Homes and the services we provide, simply call 01438 367753 or email sales@own-homes.com. You can also visit our office. Awards In recognition of our outstanding service, we've been awarded two gold winner awards by the British Property Awards, one for being the top Estate Agent in Stevenage and another for the top Estate Agent in the South East. We're very proud of these awards as the Own Homes team has worked tirelessly to provide industry leading property services in and around the area.

The agent with more than 18 years experience Text

TLC est at es, 4 Bak er St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 219282

em ail let t in gs@t lcest at es.co.u k

TLC est at es is sit uat ed in t he delight ful set t ing of St evenage Old Town. We pride ourselves on t he personal and professional services we offer t o all landlords and t enant s alike We offer very compet it ive rat es we are one of t he very few let t ing agent s only left in t he t own . W it h over 19 years of experience in t he St evenage market we are sure t o offer you t he best of services from under one roof.

Renowned for our open and honest approach ,TLC will give you t he full informat ion on t he market . Many of our landlords and t enant s have been wit h us since we opened in 2000 and we are known for our close work wit h bot h. Pop int o our Baker St reet off ice or give us a call and find out how TLC can help wit h your let t ings needs.

The Connells team that you can trust Text

8 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 318080

w w w.con n ells.co.u k

Connells Estate Agents in Stevenage are located in the Town Centre along Market Place, and within walking distance of the Train Station. We would love to help you sell or rent your home or find a property to rent or buy in and around the Stevenage area, as well as the villiages Walkern, Knebworth, Little & Great Wymondley, Gravely & Aston. Connells Estate Agents in Stevenage are managed by Gary Young. Gary has had a successful estate agency career over the last 20 years. Gary is supported by Callum Souter who is the Sales Executive with four years experience behind him, Oz Ansari who is the branch valuer, and Melanie Retberg the Branch Administrator. Our in-house Mortgage Consultant Juliet Twining, is fully trained and qualified to advise you on the right mortgage product to suit your needs. Connells Lettings would love to help you rent your property. Lettings Manager Patricia Bowden has 10 year's experience within the Lettings industry and is assisted by Trainee Lettings Negotiator Ben Brooks. With their combined experience and extensive knowledge of the area and rental market, are always happy to offer their assistance to new and experienced buy to let investors and first time landlords

alike. Whether you are looking to sell or rent your property, we offer FREE market appraisals. Please feel free to pop into the branch or call 01438 318080 (Sales) or 01438 318258 (Lettings). We offer a range of property related services all under one roof. In house Mortgage Consultant. Premium Marketing Packages available including Floorplans, Professional Photography, audio tours, and premium listings on Rightmove & Zoopla We have pioneered a dedicated service called The Property Finder

- You tell us what you are looking for and we will find it We know how the Stevenage market moves - our staff are local and extremely knowledgeable. Their in-depth and up to date local experience. Over 10 years?worth of experience and knowledge within the local market. A professional team providing services to suit all your needs including property management, accounts and high quality administration. We accompany all viewings, we believe it is really important, we?ve been trained to do it so you get really good feedback.

Making the Wrights choice


19 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 312312

Wrights is proud to be an independent estate agency with our own unique values and ethos. We have been in business in Hertfordshire for over 30 years and our experience in helping our customers to buy, sell or rent their properties is second to none. Over the years we have built a professional and enthusiastic team and we now have three branches based in the towns of Hatfield, Stevenage and Welwyn Garden City. Wrights was founded in 1983 by Melvin Wright. Melvin was an experienced estate agent who began his career working for W.H.Lee based in the village of Ware and then moved on to their Stevenage office. As he progressed in his career Melvin was asked if he would open another branch of W.H.Lee in Harlow. Whilst pondering this decision Melvin happened to see that a shop unit in Hatfield was for sale and this made up his mind ? he would start his own estate agency! He picked up the phone to the agent and said he wanted to buy the unit, and so

w w w.w r igh t sof .com

Wrights Estate Agency was born on the 15th August 1983. Due to Melvin and his team?s hard work and determination Wrights Estate Agency really took off in Hatfield. Just 10 years after Wrights first opened its doors in Hatfield Melvin made the decision to open another branch in the lovely town of Welwyn Garden City. And so in 1993 Wrights of Welwyn Garden City was founded. As the Wrights team had such a wealth of knowledge about the Hertfordshire housing market it made sense to open another branch, and because Melvin had previously worked in Stevenage he decided to based his next office in this lively town. Wrights were the first independent estate agents based in the town centre and where we led others followed - it soon became a prime location for a number of estate agencies. Independent agency, independent values When asked just what makes Wrights so successful we tell

people that it is our independent values and experience. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, our knowledge and our honesty. We really care about our customers and put them at the heart of everything we do. Our success is also built on great teamwork and our family values extend to the whole of the Wrights team. We make our offices a welcoming place to work and this is evidenced by the fact that we have team members who have been with us for over 20 years! So now you know our history let us help you plan your future in the property market. Whether you are looking to buy, sell or rent get in touch with any of our three branches and we will be happy to help you. 19 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 312312 h t t ps:/ / w w w.w r igh t sof .com / br an ch / st even age/

Geoffrey Matthew property innovators Text

24 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 720100

w w w.geof f r eym at t h ew.co.u k

Geoffrey Mat t hew Est at es are a propert y business wit h offices in Harlow, St evenage and Great Ashby t hat specialise in t he sales and let t ing of resident ial propert y. Over 25 years of experience in propert y and finance give us an unparalleled insight t o t he needs and desires of sellers, purchasers, landlords and t enant s alike. W it h a dedicat ed, hardworking, innovat ive forward-t hinking t eam t hat use modern met hods and good old-fashioned cust omer service, we offer a unique bespoke service t ailored t o you. Tel 01438 720100 w w w.geof f r eym at t h ew.co.u k

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