#Stevenage June 2020

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The unique digital magazine for Stevenage promoted by social media


The unique digital magazine for Stevenage promoted by social media

Giving help and hope

Clair e Au st in (lef t ) w it h Lou ise Yexley

(through) (plans) The unique digit al m agazine f or #St evenage



# St ayal ert savel ives t hrough t he coronavirus crisis Advert ising and not publ ic charit y support s t his publ icat ion

What's on in


Yet another month of lockdown has come and gone and once again we are left to reflect on a month in which this town and its people really have done themselvesproud. Stevenage Community Trust continue to work in tandem to develop the Stevenage Helps programme with Stevenage FC and their food delivery service. The scheme hasnow almost reached an amazing ÂŁ50,000 raised. Stevenage FC took a quite extraordinary step as well by utilising those whom they had provided with sandwichesand care to launch their new first team kit. Three lucky recipientswere the first to be handed a shirt from two first team players, you can go out and order yoursnow at

https://www.stevenagefc.com Covid Cobra is clearly a hit asit windsitsway through the town while other groups are working hard to support people in the town and keep spiritsup. At #Stevenage we continue with our policy of providing free editorial support to all our valued advertisersand local organisations. So if you are a group or a business who would like to promote yourselves through #Stevenage magazine you can do so by simply calling 07539782979 or by emailing hdmdigitalsales@gmail.com


#STEVENAGE - THE UNIQUE DIGITAL M AGAZINE GOT A STORY TO TELL US? St or ies an d f eat u r es: dar r en @spit f irText epr .com WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR EVENT? Sales: h dm digit alsales@gm ail.com Text FIND OUT M ORE ABOUT HASHTAG DIGITAL M EDIA w w w.h ash t agdigit alm edia.co.u k Text Tw it t er w w w.t w it t er .com / h t agst even age/ Facebook w w w.f acebook .com / st even agem agazin e/


Council recommences work on regeneration Stevenage Borough Council has recommenced its

some works in early March, despite construction

scaled back major refurbishment works in

being identified as a permitted activity by the

response to government guidance that it would

government. The council now intends to start a

like to see construction work resume.

phased scaling up of construction work on its MRC

Following the implementation of a lockdown in the UK, the council took the decision to scale back

programmes. Working closely with its contractors Wates and

#Stayalertsavelives Mulalley, the council has reviewed government

and suppliers, many of which employ local

guidance and assessed all site activities to address

Stevenage residents, are facing significant

the changes that need to be made. Operatives

hardship as a result of the pandemic. Not

carrying out work will adhere to the

restarting works would have a huge impact on our

government?sworking safely during coronavirus

local economy; supporting these businesses

(COVID-19) guidance to ensure any such work may

during this crucial time will help to mitigate some

be carried out safely. Internal works will only take

of the economic impact of Covid-19.

place in homes where residents are not shielding or self-isolating, unless it is to remedy a direct risk.

We also understand that under the current climate, some of our leaseholders may be

Councillor Jeannette Thomas, Executive Member

concerned about their financial situation. We have

for Housing, Health and Older People, at

therefore made the decision to delay invoicing

Stevenage Borough Council said:

those who were due final bills in relation to the

?Our first priority is always the health and safety of our residents, employees, subcontractors and suppliers, which is why we took the decision to scale back works. We have since conducted a comprehensive review of our working practices to ensure we can

major refurbishment works carried out in their block. This decision will be re-evaluated in three months?time.? In dividu als w h o n eed f in an cial advice sh ou ld con t act t h e cou n cil on 01438 242666 or em ail Leaseh oldin com e@st even age.gov.u k

confidently comply with government guidance.

To k eep u p-t o-dat e on t h e cou n cil?s plan s t o

Our phased approach to scaling up work will

deal w it h Cor on avir u s, visit

ensure we?re able to make the necessary

w w w.st even age.gov.u k .

adjustments to site safety and provide training on the new requirements. If certain work cannot be undertaken safely due to a lack of suitably qualified personnel being available, or social distancing being implemented, it will not take place. We recognise that our contractors, subcontractors


Is now the time to make cycling work for Stevenage? By Joseph Oliver With the past few months being spent in lockdown, we have all (or at least I have!) been nostalgically yearning for things to return to how they were; wistfully thinking about those halcyon days pre-Covid 19 when we were out and about, doing whatever it was that we liked to do. The pandemic has been life-changing, cruel and relentless. Yet, despite the overall tragedy of the coronavirus, as with all things, there is an unexpected silver lining. As unlikely as it may sound, Covid 19 may have inadvertently inspired a trend ? more and more people are cycling. Listening to the Chancellor?s brief recently, he stated that cycling as a trend looks set to continue, which is good for people?s health and good for the environment. In London and other towns and cities

across the UK, local authorities are carving out separate cycleways that run alongside the existing roads in order to facilitate this. Could the country?s first New Town, tucked away in leafy Hertfordshire, be a step ahead of the curve? As Stevenagers take for granted, and visitors from everywhere else are astonished to see, Stevenage has over 45km of completely separate cycle network permeating throughout the town, a feature which means that no cyclist ever has to come into contact with motor traffic. This is thanks to the brainwave of Eric Claxton, the chief engineer who oversaw the building of Stevenage, who is also the reason why Stevenage has the country?s first fully pedestrianised town centre. Theoretically, the people of Stevenage should be some of the fittest in the country. Unfortunately,

#Stayalertsavelives Stevenage?s cycleways are a dramatically under used resource; less than 2% of the town uses them on a frequent basis. This doesn?t make sense; it is certainly against the spirit of Claxton?s vision. A modern town, with purpose-built infrastructure, plenty of green space? What gives? Here?s where things get difficult. Riding a bike leaves you out of breath. Unless you?re interested in exercise, cycling doesn?t hold much appeal. Maybe when its summer and the weather is gloriously sunny, you can persuade your mates (and yourself) to go on a leisurely bike ride. Try doing that in typical British weather of pouring down rain, or in winter when it gets dark at 4pm. The results may be slightly less enjoyable. And with studies reporting that just one in three adults in the UK are getting an adequate amount of regular exercise, it seems people would much prefer to have a drink on the sofa in front of the telly than going out and doing some exercise. It?s just more convenient. As a mode of transport, the complaints are similar. People much prefer the cover a car provides, the ease and convenience with which you can jump in and out, not to mention protection from the elements. A 5 minute car journey might take 20-25 minutes by bike. In our fast paced lives, where time is already at a premium, people maybe cannot or do not want to

spare that time. The latter I suspect is the crux of the matter; people are creatures of habit and we are also creatures of simple desire. We don?t want to do new things; we are happy doing what we are doing. We don?t like something taking longer when it could be done sooner. We don?t want to have to wait when they could go whenever they want. We don?t want to grab an umbrella, put on a jacket or layer up for a bike journey when we could much more easily jump into a nice warm car. Plus, it just seems cooler. The car comes with a plethora of edgy, cool connotations that the humble pushbike simply does not. With the Covid inspired cycling trend now upon us, is now the time to make a fresh push for cycling here in Stevenage? I certainly think so; it is a waste to have such a facility and to not use it. If not now, then when? I really do hope something can be done, and we can start to make use of all the features Claxton?s envisaged and provided in the town, which really are wonderful and sadly seem to be taken for granted. How fantastic would it be to inspire and cement a positive culture change in the town! What a great thing to be known for across the country; Stevenage would be the town known for roundabouts, green space? and cycling. Video feat ure below on cycle pat hs in St evenage from BBC's The One Show.



Boro underline care work with launch of new first team shirt

Stevenage Football Club has revealed its new Official Home & Away Kits for the 2020/21 Season. In keeping with the recent work that the Football Club has been focused on over the past three months, the shirts were first worn and revealed by First Team Players Arthur Iontton and Terence Vancooten as they helped out with the Community Careline-delivering sandwiches to vulnerable residents in self-isolation. Three lucky residents received a visit from the players, where in addition to getting their daily sandwich, they all received a free home shirt, becoming the very first to do so. The new 2020/21 Replica Home Shirt is now available to purchase in Adult and Junior Sizes. The design has been produced in partnership with Macron after concepts the Club?s new Shareholders voted on three designs, with the winning design being

further developed to create the 2020/21 Home Shirt. Adult shirts are priced at ÂŁ42.99, whilst all junior shirts are priced at ÂŁ29.99. Please note, all 19/20 Season Ticket Holders and SA Members can get 10% off their order by logging into their online account when making their purchase. Speaking about the early release of the shirts and the need for fans to show their support at this time, CEO Alex Tunbridge said, ?it has been a challenging few months financially for the Club and we hope that our supporters and residents of the community can help support us by purchasing a new shirt and wearing it with pride??. Supporters can support their club by purchasing the new shirts from www.stevenagefcshop.com with away shirts and Baby Kits will be available to buy from July.


Choir record a video hit Stevenage Ladies?Choir is celebrating its 60th anniversary with the release of a recording of the choir?s signature song, As Long As I Have Music.

together, as well as raise money for our chosen charities who we?ve sadly not been able to sing for due to coronavirus.

Members of the community choir, which was formed on May 23, 1960, recorded the song in their own homes as a way of celebrating the anniversary, as all concerts and celebrations have had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

?The ladies stepped right out of their comfort zones to record their harmony parts individually and we?ll be releasing the fully-mixed track tomorrow ? the date of our anniversary.?

The choir no longer competes in competitions, instead focusing on singing for charity, and this latest release will raise money for TRACKS Autism - a specialist early years centre in Stevenage for children with an autistic spectrum condition, and React - Rapid Effective Assistance for Children with potentially Terminal illness. Ann-Marie Chessman, the choir?s musical director, said: ?We wanted to find a way to bring the ladies

Concert coordinator Nicole Vaughton said: ?Singing together is a great way to boost mental wellbeing, and with extra stresses placed on our members ? some of whom are shielding, some who are key workers and others who are simply trying to work through the pandemic ? having that taken away has been tough. ?I think that by producing this recording we?ve shown we?re all in this together, even when we?re apart, and we hope people enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it."


Betty-Leigh in bike boost for Garden House Hospice Betty-Leigh is the granddaughter of Arsenal legend Ian Allinson, and is riding her bike a mile every day to raise money for Garden House Hospice Care patients and families. David Beckham has sent her a football shirt from his Miami team, Inter Miami CF and a host of other celebs have back the appeal which has topped ÂŁ14,000 . In a recorded video message, Mr Beckham said: ?Hi Betty, I can?t believe you are still going a mile every day on that bike, you are going to be so fit and raise so much money. Well done and congratulations. Keep going, we?re all so proud of you, you are so, so amazing!? Carla Pilsworth, director of income at Garden House

Hospice Care, said: ?We are so proud of Betty-Leigh and grateful she is dedicating her mile a day to help raise money for our hospice patients and families. She has done an amazing job, having just learnt to ride her bike she is an inspiration to anyone who might be thinking of ways to fundraise. Keep going Betty and we are looking forward to see how your challenge continues to grow!? You can support Betty by visiting her JustGiving page. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/betty leighallinsonamileaday


Have your say on plans for a permanent covid cobra Covid the Cobra has been a remarkable lockdown memory for Stevenage and now it's time to find a permanent home The snake - which is made up of almost 4,000 stones and currently resides on Grace Way - is going to be preserved somewhere in Stevenage. Stevenage Borough Council have had a few suggestions on what to do with him, including:

Placing him in a play cent re Turning t he st ones int o an art inst allat ion in an underpass near Grace Way.

If you have any other ideas, please share them by emailing Community.Development@stevenage.gov.uk. SBC will then look at what the most feasible options are, and put the best two to a public vote so you can decide on Covid the Cobra's fate. The snake on Stevenage?s Grace Way was started on Monday by mum Dawn Parnell and her children Eddie, 10, and Owen, five. She said: ?At the start of lockdown, my sons and I painted stones and began leaving them around on our walks, and on friends?doorsteps, to bring a little smile to people. This soon caught on and friends started to do the same. ?A Covid rock snake elsewhere in Herts gave us the idea to set up Covid the Cobra near our home, so we can see how much he grows. Eddie and Owen are so excited with how much he?s grown already. He started life just 16 stones long and he's spreading a little cheer now.?


Message from Wilkestock A message from t he organisers of W ilkest ock 2020 on t he cancellat ion of t heir event for t his year.

"We are devastated to announce that, due to the uncertainty around events this year, Wilkestock 2020 has been cancelled. "If you have purchased tickets, don?t worry: they will be valid for next year! As a charity festival, we?d be ever so grateful if you could hold on to your tickets for 2021 so that we may continue to operate. "Wilkestock 2021 will take place from 3rd to 5th September. "We have been closely following the government guidance and seeking professional advice since the lockdown began in March 2020. It?s become clearer and clearer that Wilkestock would not be able to deliver the kind of event that we all know and love, and with the current situation still ongoing we feel this is the safest and most responsible action to take. "This news will undoubtedly be disappointing for not only our loyal Wilkestockers, but also the hundreds of bands, DJs, volunteers, security, traders, and of course - our beloved charities. Wilkestock has always been a great supporter of local and national grassroots music, traders and community, and so we?d like to announce that Wilkestock will be taking local musicians on the road in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire to perform in our amazing care homes. "Care homes have been incredibly neglected during this crisis, and many of their residents do not even have the means to contact their loved ones. We hope by giving them the opportunity to gather (safely!) and enjoy some top-notch music, this may help to lift their spirits. In addition to this - we will be streaming this LIVE and giving viewers the opportunity to donate

directly to a fund for providing tablets to care homes, so they too can Zoom and FaceTime their friends and families. More information will be available for this soon via our Facebook page. "We want to take this opportunity to thank all NHS, frontline and key workers across the UK for their magnificent, ongoing work to keep us safe and well. We love you! We apologise for any disappointment caused: we?re truly devastated! If you have any queries or would like to request a refund, please contact: boxoffice@wilkestock.com "We will be back? bigger, better and bolder in 2021: watch this space!" Team Wilkestock x


Hope for Haven with appeal for support Things took a very different turn in March with the outbreak of COVID19 and the government issued lockdown.

Yet the true and enduring spirit of Stevenage Haven and the irrepressible spirit of Stevenage's people has shone through the hardship.

#Stayalertsavelives With our volunteers being advised to stay away, leaving just a skeleton staff of two at a time on the premises, we were certainly up against it from the off of the Covid19 outbreak. From the beginning, the pressure was on as Stevenage Haven was asked to provide meals for the local homeless people who have been taken from the streets and put up in hotels. This particular initiative is part of a nationwide, government-funded drive to provide a roof over their heads for all those who are currently sleeping rough, since they are amongst the most vulnerable to the affects of Covid19. The Housing Minister reports that an astonishing 5,400 have been put in empty hotel rooms and hostels already. All of this being put into place and actioned in just one weekend, blowing the previous government target to get rough sleepers off the streets by 2025 out of the water. As everyone at Stevenage Haven knows, shelter comes first, but it is of course a massive job to help so many new people who all bring their own issues that as an organisation, Stevenage Haven aims to help tackle as well as providing basic shelter and food. However, as all homelessness charities must now be considering, could this be the first step onto the ladder of proper continued government support for the issue of homelessness in the UK? As always, we manage. Staff member Vicky reports: "I think the clients have been great, considering the circumstances. They have worked so hard to keep the Haven safe and clean ? brilliant. And at dinner time they have been great, too, queuing two metres apart and during service". Donations seemed destined to drop off at the start of the lock down. But Project Manager, Frankie Packard is happy with the response we've seen from the public, "We put out calls [for essential goods] on social media - and they have been with us within hours. We have had fantastic responses, and without these I am not sure how we would have managed. I cannot thank people enough for their love and care during this difficult time. The clients at The Haven have been fantastic. They have been caring to each other and to staff." Housing Support Worker Richard Astill recalls the first Thursday night of the lock down: "Tina [The

Haven?s cook] and I and six of the residents went outside to clap for the carers at 8.00pm. What was really lovely was that the NHS staff at Saffron Ground were hanging out of the window waving atus, and saying thank you. It was really lovely." With a lot more time to fill, the residents and staff have come up with some inventive ways to keep themselves entertained. "Some of the residents have been busy doing jigsaws," says Richard . "I?ve also been putting up a picture quiz each day I am in. One resident, Mark, even managed to build a model boat. "We?ve also got mindful colouring and word searches. I shall be taking in playing cards and dominoes.?" Although the outside space on the projects is limited, Sports Mentor, Marcus Campbell who's sports mentoring programme has been running for over 4-years, provided residents with a punching bag, table tennis table and miniature trampolines. You can donate as little as ÂŁ1 to our two projects in #Stevenage and #Hitchin that provides shelter and support to over 56 homeless adults across North Hertfordshire as well as working closely with the council and government to provide food and support the rough sleepers who have been sheltering in hotels during the Covid19 pandemic. Virgin Giving: https://bit.ly/3bnlvDq Paypal: https://bit.ly/2LeZkF0 Charity Aid Foundation: https://bit.ly/3coXInY


Knebworth House back open for visitors Knebworth House has re-opened the Formal Gardens and Dinosaur Trail daily. Opening times are 11am ? 4pm at ÂŁ7 per person or ÂŁ25 for a family of 4 ticket. Booking online is essential with time-slots of 11am ? 1.30pm and 1.30pm ? 4pm available for access to the Formal Gardens and Dinosaur Trail. Paying ticketed visitors are welcome to use the Parkland for games and picnics outside of their allotted Garden time-slot between 11am ? 4pm. Season Ticket holders must also pre-book online, but will not be charged. During these difficult times the health & safety of visitors and staff will remain of utmost importance to us, we have implemented strict practices to safeguard all on site including: Making hand sanitiser available on site for staff and visitor use. Displaying clear signage throughout the site advising staff and visitorsto wash their handsregularly and

follow the catch it, kill it, bin it guidelines. Enhanced cleaning regimes. Social distancing measures. One-way system around the Formal Gardens. Limited Capacity. Knebworth House will endeavour to offer a safe space for families to enjoy the Summer months ahead. The 28 acres of Gardens including the Dinosaur Trail is a great location to watch the seasonal flowers bloom while children can follow the trail of 72 life-sized dinosaurs through the wilderness garden. The Adventure Playground with Fort Knebworth will remain closed to all visitors at this time. There will be toilets open for all to use. A queuing system will operate with a one in one out system, but they will be allowing people of the same household in at the same time. Organisers would like to reassure all visitors that they are adhering to all guidelines issued by Public Health England and the Government.

#Stevenage here to support business At #St evenage we cont inue wit h our policy of providing free edit orial support t o all our valued advert isers. We want see as many of our groups and businesses back wit h us and we are proud t o offering advert ising which t arget s t he ent ire St evenage area at a minimum cost t o all.

So if you are a group or a business who would like t o promot e yourselves t hrough #St evenage magazine you can do so by simply calling 07539782979 or by emailing hdmdigit alsales@gmail.com

Free editorial for all businesses and groups in #Stevenage


Lister staff mourn after coronavirus death of colleague GP Abdy Sedghi

Staff at Lister Hospital are mourning the death of a trained GP from coronavirus. Nick Carver, Chief Executive of East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, said: ?It is with deep sadness that I confirm the news that one of our colleagues, Dr Abdorreza Sedghi, has passed away. ?Abdy, as he was known, contracted coronavirus (COVID-19) in April and sadly passed away at the Royal Papworth Hospital last night ? 27 May. ?Abdy was an Iranian GP who came to the UK to pursue a career in general practice. Abdy joined the Central Herts GP Training Scheme in August 2019 and

was based at Lister Hospital in Stevenage. ?Abdy made a big impact with his charisma and personality. He was devoted to his patients, taking time to understand their problems and worries. ?As one team we offer our very sincere condolences to his family and friends and mourn the loss of a greatly valued colleague. ?We are providing support to our colleagues at this difficult time.? Abdy?s next of kin have been informed and the family have asked for their privacy to be respected.




Paul Fry on # St evenage

Only a DIY approach will save you from the coronavirus




Paul Fry on # St evenage Like millions, I have found the hardest part of lockdown being separated from loved ones for so long.

demeaned every MP who sought to defend him with the most risible of lines.

It has been worrying and more so in that my elderly mum, who lives in a secure living complex, can't use video calling. The idea of driving down from Leicester just to wave at her through a window would itself be a breach of lockdown rules, though I am due an eye test. The rules themselves right from the start have often been illogical and nonsensical, especially since the message to Stay Home was watered down. Looking back to when they were first imposed, and I ransacked my city office desk and shipped all the kit home to work from there, there has been, fudge, delay and confusion ? and way too many loopholes. For a start why announce on a Thursday that lockdown rules are coming, leaving people one inevitable last chance to crowd into pubs? Or allow 60,000 each day to cram into Cheltenham racecourse, or at football stadia? And then, at the end of May, signal a raft of freedoms ? and not all at the same media briefing, but dribble some out at 10pm on a Saturday night? The government's strategy has lost the trust of so many over one Prime Minister's advisor's well-publicised actions and

such as SARS and Mers, or indeed from the awful Spanish flu of 1918-19 that killed tens of millions. Yes, times were different then, and medicine enormously different. But just before the lockdown I was fortunate enough to get away for a week to Bruges and we visited some of the WWI war graves. And we found the scale of the slaughter truly chilling. To think an invisible enemy killed many, many more globally that the Great War really brings you up sharply.

From the outset, I told my family that it all showed not that we far from being all in it together; rather we are very much on our own and must look out for our own safety because the government has failed in its foremost duty to put the lives of the people paramount. This has always come down to a simple truism: how many deaths each day are we prepared to accept in order to get the economy going again? Are you happy to say goodbye to aunty Doris so that you can go shopping in Primark again? Because make no mistake this virus is not going away because we wish it to be gone. It never ceases to amaze me how blind we can be to history. We learned so little - or ignored firm lessons ? from recent pandemics

There have been new words and terms that we have learned in lockdown ? that the government doesn't know its Rs from its elbow, that flattening the curve will have to start with saying no to cakes, and that the Stevenage FC defence could have done with track and trace during a troubled season on the pitch. We have learned new ways of greeting people, with elbow and ankle bumps, and that shopping online brings the whole new joy of having to wipe everything with sanitiser before we put the stuff away. I have ventured out for the occasional country walk and largely found people wanting to stop and chat and keep distance socially, while runners, cyclists ? anyone with headphones ? has too often been the opposite. I have learned that Netflix and




Paul Fry on # St evenage Amazon Prime has some excellent films and series; last week I finally caught up with Hacksaw Ridge, a tale of heroism that puts even our sainted and beleaguered NHS in the shade. It is a tale of a man with strong beliefs who fights for his right to serve his country in WWII against the Japanese but without a gun and who single-handedly saves 75 wounded comrades, dragging them through craters, often under fire, and lowering them down a huge rockface to safety. There have been tales of heroism during this outbreak, too. Of people being neighbourly to the extreme, especially for those who are vulnerable and shielding. Indeed, the local daily paper I work

for has been producing some of its finest editions ? ironically, at a time when too few people can go out and buy one. Nobody knows what our world will look like when this is over ? and I don't believe that will be until we have a vaccine. However, we have been working 40 years for an Aids vaccine and still don't have one. I can see the death of cash, my car will continue to do two months to the gallon for some time, I will continue to do more shopping online ? but appreciate like never before that brief outing to a beauty spot or for a proper coffee (even if we have to drink it in the car). Life will be different, with good and bad. It will inevitably get very

bad for a lot more people. Austerity killed more people than Covid-19 thus far. Many will lose their jobs and struggle to find another. The fallout will be long and painful and many will never forget loved ones they could not say a proper goodbye to. Things are sure to change. But remember, it is down to you: don't expect the government to be there for you. If they are incapable of keeping you safe, you must take matters into your own hands.


Stevenage Helps appeal heading towards £50,000 The main response of Stevenage Community Trust to the coronavirus outbreak has been to establish a fund specifically to support local people adversely affected by the crisis. They are extremely grateful to each and every one of you who has donated to ?Stevenage Helps?appeal which has now attracted donations in excess of £46,000 towards the £50,000 target. They have been helped along the way with some additional support from local fundraisers, Jay and April Drackford from MSC Active who organised a

one-day fitness fundraiser and raised over £500, and Cllr Jim Brown who was due to run the London Marathon in April but instead ran a half marathon locally to raise money for the Trust. Thanks to your generosity, they've been able to distribute 65 grants totalling £20,958 to local charities, voluntary organisations and families in crisis. As well as supporting individuals and families directly, they have also allocated funds to a wide range of local organisations including those who are doing a

#Stayalertsavelives wonderful job providing essential food supplies to people in need across the town. A grant for ÂŁ1,000 has enabled the Food Shed to buy essential supplies to meet the significant increase in demand they are facing every day. they?ve also organised and funded a weekly delivery of fresh fruit and veg to complement the food parcels provided by the Stevenage Community Food Bank, and partnered with Stevenage Football Club to fund a bespoke shopping service for families suffering significant hardship with little or no spare money for food and essentials.

It has been very difficult for us over previous months and this really has helped so thank you very much.? ?I just wanted to say thank you so much, it?s been a very worrying time at the moment added by the fact me and my husband have both lost our jobs. It?s so nice to have received this gift card and helps relieve some of the stress of rationing our money for bills/food etc., so thank you very much.? ?This is amazing and will make such a difference. Thank you so much!?Charlotte Blizzard-Welch, CEO Stevenage Citizens Advice

Take a look at some of the other ways of helping by visiting the website at https://www.stevenagecommunitytrust.org/ stevenage-helps

?We are so pleased you have agreed to support our new initiative. We do believe this is going to make a huge difference to the lives of our most vulnerable members at such a difficult time.?

Here are some of the responses they have received from grateful beneficiaries.

Elaine Connolly, Irish Network Stevenage

"I?m am so grateful, it will make such a difference to us as a family, it will take pressure off and will definitely improve all our wellbeing as money can be such a worry. Thank you so much we are truly thankful." ?I can?t thank you enough for the help you have given me, I never thought I would manage to support my children but thanks to the Trust you have made me feel so much better knowing I can support my family during this crisis.? ?I wanted to write to say a big thank you for the gift card I received it really helped my daughters and me.


Support for business during Coronavirus #St evenage Magazine brings you updat ed informat ion for businesses in #St evenage in light of t he current COVID-19 pandemic from St evenage Borough Council.

Please find details of the latest support available to your business including: Discretionary Grant Scheme A wide array of Grant Funding Sources for all businesses Self-Employment Support Scheme extension CoronavirusJob Retention Scheme extension FREE Ask The Expert Sessions DIT Support to Sell servicesoverseas This update includes details of a number of grant funding opportunities to support innovation, business growth, manufacturing, Cyber Security reviews, as well as details of the Discretionary Grant fund supported by Stevenage Borough Council. Also included is the latest Herts LEP Stakeholder bulletin and support package from Wenta, including a wide array of FREE ?small business survival?webinars and support programmes. Discret ionary Grant Scheme 2020 The new discretionary grants fund is a government grant scheme aimed at small businesses with ongoing fixed property-related costs, which currently do not qualify for the existing business grant scheme. Stevenage Borough Council has been allocated £1.5 million from the government to provide grants to small businesses. Grants of up to £10,000 are currently available.

The Government has asked councils to prioritise the following types of businesses for grants: Small businesses in shared offices or other flexible workspaces Regular market traderswho do not have their own business rate assessment Bed and breakfasts (excluding Airbnb) which pay council tax instead of business rates Charity propertiesthat receive charitable business rates relief, which would otherwise have been eligible for small business ratesrelief or rural rate relief. Application is by completion of the Discretionary Grant online form by midnight on 11 June, applications will not be considered if they are submitted after this time. For further information and to apply for the funding please visit www.stevenage.gov.uk/ business-advice/228742/231119/ Ot her sources of grant funding Hertfordshire LEP is currently supporting a £3.28m package of measures to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 to support businesses across Herts. These include: Hert fordshire Business Expansion Grant Scheme: The Hertfordshire Business Expansion Grant Scheme provides grants of £10k - £100k to support SMEs with capital expenditure. Crowdfund Hert fordshire: Small Business Innovation Fund: grants of up to £5,000 for small/micro businesses in tourism, leisure, hospitality, retail, arts and culture now available. Crowdfund Hertfordshire: Community Innovation

#Stayathomesavelives Fund: crowd funding to support Herts community projects benefiting adults in Hertfordshire. The LEP has also secured ERDF Funding to support Low Carbon Innovation Fund 2 The Low Carbon Innovation Fund provides a new £22m+ investment initiative to support SMEs that are making a positive impact on greenhouse gas reduction through the development of innovative technologies, products or services. Investments will range from £25,000 up to £1 million for a variety of early and growth stage businesses from a range of different sectors. Recent approvals include a business developing paper based packaging, electric vehicle range efficiency software and fast-recharge technology. Cyber Securit y -Grant funding of £250 is currently available to support Hertfordshire Micro and Small SMEs (under 10 employees) to undertake a Cyber Essential review. Manufact uring Growt h Programme -Grants of up to £25,000 are currently available to support Hertfordshire (SMEs) Manufacturers to improve competitiveness and productivity. For further information contact Amanda Freeland by email amanda.freeland@egs.live Get Growing 2-Grants of up to £5,000 for revenue projects are currently available to support established Herts SME?s Respond, Adapt and Strengthen their business following the COVID-19 Pandemic. For further information please visit: https://www.hertsgrowthhub.com/ Businesses also have access to the live funding opportunities via the knowledge bank https://www.hertsgrowthhub.com/select-registration Government support Self-Employment Support Scheme extended The government?s Self-Employment Income Support Scheme was recently extended to support individuals whose livelihoods are adversely affected by coronavirus. Eligible individuals can claim a taxable grant worth 70 per cent of their average monthly trading profits, paid

out in a single instalment covering three months? worth of profit, and capped at £6,570 in total. An individual does not need to have claimed the first grant in order to be eligible for the second and final grant. Applications will open in August 2020. Further information on the second grant will be available on 12 June 2020. Coronavirus Job Ret ent ion Scheme ext ension From 1 July 2020, businesses will be given the flexibility to bring furloughed employees back part time. This is a month earlier than previously announced to help support people back to work. Individual firms will decide the hours and shift patterns their employees will work on their return, so that they can decide on the best approach for them and will be responsible for paying their wages while in work. The scheme updates mean that the following will apply for the period people are furloughed: June and July: The government will pay 80% of wages up to a cap of £2,500 as well as employer National Insurance (ER NICS) and pension contributions. Employers are not required to pay anything. August: The government will pay 80% of wages up to a cap of £2,500. Employers will pay ER NICs and pension contributions ? for the average claim, this represents 5% of the gross employment costs the employer would have incurred had the employee not been furloughed. September: The government will pay 70% of wages up to a cap of £2,187.50. Employers will pay ER NICs and pension contributions and 10% of wages to make up 80% total up to a cap of £2,500. For the average claim, this represents 14% of the gross employment costs the employer would have incurred had the employee not been furloughed. October: The government will pay 60% of wages up to a cap of £1,875. Employers will pay ER NICs and pension contributions and 20% of wages to make up 80% total up to a cap of £2,500. For the average claim, this represents 23% of the gross employment costs the employer would have incurred had the employee

#Stayathomesavelives not been furloughed.


FREE Ask The Expert Sessions

Department of International Trade - Selling services overseas ? during and after COVID-19- Webinar

The Herts Growth Hub are running a number of free Ask The Expert Sessions designed to help businesses respond to the immediate impact of COVID-19 on their business. This includes support to adapt businesses to trade in the short-term, as well as take steps to strengthen their business and build resilience. All sessions are interactive, covering a variety of topics, and are delivered virtually via Zoom.

A growing number of UK service sector businesses are winning overseas clients and doing business in a wide range of international markets.

Preparing Your Business t o be COVID Secure - Ask t he Expert wit h Trading St andards

develop effective relationships to support overall success

Trading Standards and Environmental Health will provide you with expert advice on how to remain compliant while diversifying or reopening your business, and what you need to consider enabling your business to trade safely and be COVID secure. Date: 8th June at 16:00? 16:45 via Zoom Cashflow - Ask t he Expert wit h Moore Kingst on Smit h Moore Kingston Smith will deliver this interactive session to support businesses with: Advice on resilience through the current crisis Support and External Funding Understanding and Maintaining Company Credit Score Date: 10th June 2020 at 16:00 ? 16:45 via Zoom How t o Adapt - Ask t he Expert wit h New Convenience Ret ailing This interactive Hertfordshire Growth Hub "Ask the Expert" session will cover: The impact of the crisison convenience retailing and food service and likely implications for the future of these businesses Understanding your customersand their demands The importance of communicating with your customers and how to plan what to say. Date: 17th June at 16:00 ? 16:45 via Zoom To book on any of the above webinars please visit: https://www.hertsgrowthhub.com/events?

This webinar will support you to: formulate your international plan market your service internationally support you to focus

Date 10 June 2020 at 14:30 ? 15:30 via Zoom For further information email info@mobile.trade.gov.uk or visit https://www.hertsgrowthhub.com/events/ 37137-Selling-services-overseas-%E2%80%93 -during-and-after-COVID-19 Went a Wenta ?FREE Business Advice, Workshop Space and FREE ?small business survival?webinars Wenta and The Business & Technology Centre (btc) are running a series of FREE ?small business survival?webinars alongside their FREE business advice service. To view these webinars and to book your free place visit: https://bit.ly/35QxJn0 The btc also have a range of office and workshop space to support all your business needs on flexible and affordable monthly terms. Businesses located at the centre also benefit from free business advice and other services/facilities including virtual offices and on-site meeting room hire. For further information and to enquire about current availability at the btc, contact the btc?s Centre Manager, Jo Kiely, onbtc-reception@wenta.co.uk| 01438 310 000 To access FREE business advice, visit www.btcstevenage.co.uk (Mon-Fri, 9am ? 5pm) or email the btc?s resident business advisor, Alex Shoobert, on info@wenta.co.uk


SBC funeral changes Changes t o funeral services in St evenage

observed to ensure everyone is kept safe.

Due to the ongoing situation around Covid-19, the number of attendees to funerals in Stevenage must be limited.

Cemeteries remain open for those wishing to visit during their exercise period to visit the resting place of those they have lost.

In line with the government?s guidance to limit the spread of coronavirus, Stevenage Borough Council is limiting funeral to immediate family only.

However, congregating in large family groups at a graveside is not permitted under government guidelines.

This means spouses, parents, siblings, children and their partners.

Councillor John Gardner, Executive Member for Environment and Regeneration at Stevenage Borough Council, said: ?We know what a sensitive and upsetting time this is for all those sadly bereaved at the moment, so our aim will always be to try and ensure relatives are able to pay their respects to their loved ones and to keep everyone safe.

If the deceased does not have family members in attendance, then it?s possible for a modest number of friends to attend. At t endees should also observe t he following: ¡Family groups t hat live t oget her can st and t oget her ¡You must st ay 2m apart from anyone you do not live wit h ¡Family members are current ly not able t o t ake part in t he lowering of or placing soil on t he coffin The council?s cemeteries officer and the funeral director will be on hand to make sure that this is

?We?re sorry that we have to put restrictions in place on funerals in Stevenage, but the health of our community is a top priority for us and we are following the government?s guidance to help limit the spread of Covid-19.? For more information, visit: www.stevenage.gov.uk/about-stevenage/33782/

#Stayathomesavelives Stevenage Borough Council has chosen a 3D High precision printing company, Freeform Fabrication Ltd, as the winner of its ÂŁ2,500 Stevenage Business Grant.

Council awards Stevenage Business Grants

The company was started by Ms Efrat Sharon in 2003 and supplies high precision 3D scanners, 3D printers, laser welders, etching and engraving machines and services to jewellers, designers and manufacturers.

Freeform Fabrication has been based in Stevenage for the last two years has three employees. The funding will enable the purchase of a 3D scanner to support product development, quality control and restoration, saving time, as well as giving very accurate representation of scanned objects. Runner-up in the business grant awards was KroniKare Limited who specialise in AI-driven technology for chronic-wound care and management, KroniKare was awarded ÂŁ1,500 to support the future growth plans of the business. The company uses thermal imaging and

machine-learning algorithms running on an ordinary smartphone to reduce the time taken by trained nurses to assess chronic wounds, from 30 minutes to merely 30 seconds. Other finalists were Westend Wi-Fi, which supplies boutique business Wi-Fi and multi gigabit broadband, and Totem Sustainability Ltd, who provide sustainability and environmental

#Stayathomesavelives consulting services. Both were awarded grants of ÂŁ1,000. The Business Development Grants aim to support local small businesses with fewer than 10 employees. Funding can be used to introduce new products and services or support marketing & advertising. Businesses were encouraged to compete for the grants and successful applicants were invited to the council?s headquarters to produce a pitch to a panel on how the money would be spent. The grants were awarded remotely due to the coronavirus outbreak.

India and across Africa. AvaCare are locat ed at St evenage Biosciences Cat alyst , wit h likeminded pharmaceut ical companies in an open innovat ion environment AvaCare aims t o be part of t he ÂŁ961 million Nut rit ional supplement UK market , The market is ever increasing wit h a rise in healt h conscious consumers and recommendat ions provided by healt h professionals on supplement s t o be t aken t o avoid vit amin deficiencies.

?The 3D scanners, in addition to the part they play in product development, quality control, restoration, medical, creative arts, there are so many applications to it and it can support businesses in localising production, reducing costs, make replacement and essential parts instead of source. It saves hours and days of manual measurements and design, it gives a very accurate representation of the scanned object and the software is impressively powerful and does a lot for the user, making the job for the operator clean and easy with a quality output. We have the experience and the knowledge to discuss projects with business to understand their needs, demonstrate a working solution and help them improve and implement a faster process at a very competitive price. For some companies, the implementation of a process involving 3D scanning could potentially save money and speed up projects. And it?s also really cool and exciting for the team to use this technology which gives an almost instant result.? AvaCare is a Food Supplement company, current ly wit h 3 direct ors from Relt on Associat es Lt d (RA), a Digit al Market ing agency wit h New Product Development experience based at t he Business Technology Cent re. The Business direct ors have backgrounds in t he healt h and pharmaceut ical indust ry, including a pharmacist who also has vast buyer experience and a branding, market ing, new product development and digit al market ing expert . The business has been t rading on a part -t ime basis since April 2016 and full t ime since August 2019. AvaCare has been dist ribut ed in t he UK, globally in t he USA, Cyprus, Greece,

Pict ured above Relt on Herron of Avacare donat ing PPE t o Garden House Hospice Living Well Homecare Lt d is a domiciliary care provider, providing care in the home to support independent living and the management of chronic conditions to a diverse range of clients. This is a growing area, with private sector supporting the social care sector. To support the future growth of the business, the business is introducing telecare services to support users to support monitoring of conditions and prevention of falls and accidents in the home. This will enable the business to remain competitive and also support further growth.


Is your business eligible for a support grant?

Dear colleague In response t o t he Covid-19 pandemic, t he government recent ly set out a package of measures t o support businesses t hrough t his period of disrupt ion. Around 750 businesses in t he dist rict are eligible t o apply for a grant of up ÂŁ10,000 t o help t hem t hrough current financial difficult ies and a furt her 180 are eligible t o apply for a grant of up t o ÂŁ25,000. St evenage Borough Council has allocat ed over ÂŁ8m in grant s so far and would like t o administ er t he remainder of t he funding t o all t hose who are eligible under t he scheme. We st ill have around 160 businesses in St evenage who receive Small Business Rat e Relief and have not applied for t his funding. We are very keen for businesses in St evenage t o claim t his funding. If you operat e a business in St evenage and t hink you are eligible could you kindly complet e our online form ht t ps://services.st evenage.gov.uk/ brcovid-19grant The online applicat ion form is quick t o complet e and help is available. Please not e t his is a grant not a loan and money is wait ing t o be claimed right now. We look forward t o hearing from you. Best wishes Mena Caldbeck Business Relat ionship Manager


Golf ideas winner named In t he last edit ion of #St evenage we announced we were looking for t he next golf hole designer! The winner was Gene and Flynn Wells who will win a FREE FAMILY PASS and we may even build it ! We also held a #winagame t ag compet it ion and t he winner is David Pomfret .


A message from the team at 360 Play 360 Play COVID-19 Updat e 360 is closed for t he t ime being We are sorry t o announce t hat following t he government advice t o us all on reducing social int eract ion and t o avoid smaller public spaces, we have t aken t he difficult decision t o close all our 360 Play cent res

unt il furt her not ice. As a family business we are devast at ed t o announce t his decision but everyone?s healt h and safet y must come first . We?d like t o t hank you for your loyalt y and underst anding during t his uncert ain t ime. We look forward t o welcoming you

again, hopefully very soon. If you have a play pass or an exist ing booking wit h us please visit our websit e ht t ps:// 360play.co.uk W it h our very best wishes, Duncan Phillips & t he 360 Play Team

#Stayathomesavelives A message from t he organisers of Todd in t he Hole Fest ival. Thank you for bearing with us during recent weeks in this period of such uncertainty. Your messages of support and your love for Todd have been incredible. Since its inception in 2018, one of our main aims for the festival was to bring the wonderful people of Hertfordshire together to celebrate our incredible community spirit. With heavy hearts we have had to make the very difficult (but right) decision to play our part to protect that community. The safety of our audience, artists, and crew are paramount, and for that reason Todd 2020 will regrettably not be taking place in July this year. Everyone involved in Todd is truly heartbroken that we can?t go ahead. We?re sad for you, we?re sad for our artists, traders, charity? so many small businesses and sole traders that rely on events like ours to survive. As a small festival we face an uphill battle and will feel the strain over the coming year, as we?re sure many of you will. We?ve paid non-refundable deposits and bills, for an event which now won?t take place for over a year. But we will work through this, we will survive and we will make sure 2021 is the Todd of all Todds! When this pandemic comes to an end, we believe community events like ours will play an important part in our recovery. By coming together to share in a common experience we build stronger, more resilient communities and that is why we will do absolutely everything we can to make 2021 extra special for you. We?ve spoken to this years? headliners and bands and they all absolutely can?t wait to put on the performance of their lives at Todd 2021! So, we ask you now to do just one thing for us? ? ? Put 16 ? 18 JULY 2021 in your diaries! So, what next? Our ticket partner Ticketline will be in touch with all Todd 2020 ticket purchasers directly. If you can make our re-scheduled date,

Todd in the Hole to be back for 2021 event then we?d love you to keep hold of your tickets for Todd 2021. Firstly, that will guarantee you the best value tickets. Tickets will go back on sale soon for Todd 2021, but with our allocation of early bird tickets sold out and our tier 1 allocation 80% sold out. Plus, as a gesture of our heartfelt thanks for sticking with us, the drinks are on us ? well not all of them! We?ll give each adult ticketholder who has bought a 2020 ticket 2 x free drinks on entry to Todd 2021. If you would like a refund, Ticketline will be able to process this for you, on our behalf. We can?t wait to see you in July 2021. Until then watch this space as we bring you more live feeds from our incredible artists and keep the Todd love alive! St ay safe and st ay healt hy, W it h huge love, From David, Mark & all of Team Todd


Standon back for 2021 Standon Calling has announced that this year?s event has been postponed due to the coronavirus. In a statement, Standon Calling said: ?We are heartbroken to announce that due to the impact ofCovid-19, the 15th anniversary of Standon Calling will no longer be taking place in 2020. As communicated in April, we have been exploring multiple options, however it has become clear that hosting the festival this year will not be possible. ?We are incredibly sad that this will be the first year since we started out that the festival will not go ahead, but this is the right decision for all of us our audience, our staff, our local community, our artists and the emergency services. ?I can promise you that we are already relishing the challenge to deliver The Party of All Time [in 2021] and then some... after all of this is behind us

we are going to need it!? Ticket holders for 2020 won?t have to do anything in advance of 2021?s festival, with tickets due to be rolled over for next year?s event. Ticket holders will also be entered into a prize draw to win one of 20 Adult Weekend Festival tickets for life, or one of 50 ÂŁ50 bar tabs for the 2021 event. If ticket holders wish to have their ticket refunded, they must visit the official Standon Calling website. This year?s event was due to be headlined by Hot Chip and Primal Scream, while acts including Craig David, Sister Sledge, Ella Eyre, Everything Everything, Kojey Radical and Sophie Ellis-Bextor were also scheduled to appear. The bill for 2021 is unknown.


Refuse collectors have bin amazing say SBC residents Heart-warming thank you notes left for refuse collectors Residents across Stevenage have left heart-warming messages of support for refuse collectors. Thank you cards, notes and drawings have been left on bins and in windows thanking the hardworking crews for their efforts to keep things running during the Covid-19 pandemic. Messages include ?Thank you so much for all your hard work?, ?Thank you. We hope you and your families stay well?and a drawing of flowers and rainbows by Sadie, aged 9. Councillor John Gardner, Executive Member for Regeneration and Environment at Stevenage Borough Council, said: ?We are immensely proud of the commitment shown by our staff during this

extremely difficult time. It is fantastic that their efforts haven?t gone unnoticed, and I?d like everyone who has left one of the many kind notes to know that their positive words are having a great effect on morale. ?We know that more people are home at this time, so our crews will be carrying out collections on Good Friday where they would usually take place a day later to help stay on top of collections. ?We?ve had a number of residents ask if brown bin collections are still taking place, and at the moment we have enough members of staff to ensure they continue. This situation will continually be reviewed, and should we need to make any service changes we will let residents know as soon as we can.?

Get your virtual 10K entry in now The Virtual Stevenage 10K 2020 With the impact of Covid19 and the strong

4/9/2020 and then entrants have until 31/10/2020 to complete a 10K on a route of their choice.

possibility that public gatherings for running

All finishers receive a bespoke race medal and a

events won?t be allowed until much later in the

branded technical t shirt.

year (if at all) Stevenage Striders have decided to hold the Stevenage 10K as a virtual race in 2020. This enables the club to ensure that funds can still

Stevenage Magazine publisher Hashtag Digital Media is proud once again the sponsor the event. Entries are now open!

be raised for the race?s nominated local good causes - Stevenage Community Trust, Essex and

For full details head here.

Herts Air Ambulance, Stevenage Haven and staff

h t t ps:/ / w w w.r aceson lin e.u k / r ace-en t r y/

at the NHS Lister Hospital.

st even age10k / in dex.ph p?id=1

On line entries for the race will remain open until

Why it is crucial to keep full working time records Keeping records of working t ime ? why is t his import ant ? By Rebecca List Since the introduction of the Working Time Regulations in 1998, UK employers have been required to maintain records to enable them to show that working time limits are being complied with. More specific regulations govern working time for young workers, for those doing night shifts, and for work involving special hazards or heavy mental strain. On the advice of the Health & Safety Executive, there was no need for specific records to be kept of actual daily working time and instead, existing records that were maintained for other purposes (such as pay) may be relied upon to ensure that limits on working time were being adhered to. A recent case brought before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has called that advice into question. Is it possible that the UK?s Working Time Regulations do not comply with EU law after all? The ECJ were asked to determine whether employers were required to record actual hoursworked each day, in order to ascertain compliance with working time limits, and the answer was a definitive yes. It considered that the only way to guarantee workers? fundamental rights to maximum working hours and rest breaks was for employers to have an ?objective, reliable and accessible?system of keeping adequate records of the actual hours worked by those workers who had not opted out of the 48-hour weekly working time. It is also the responsibility of Member States to ensure that this is implemented, and employers cannot cite expense in sidestepping their obligations. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are yet to update their guidance, but what can employers do in the meantime to mitigate the risk of claims? Look at whether your system is capable to recording actual working hours, especially if you have staff who work regular and unpaid overtime or nightshift, or young workers, since they may

Rebecca List - Head of Empl oyment Law at Tol l ers

become subject to greater scrutiny by the tribunals and the HSE. Remind your workers to declare any second jobs, and where there is any doubt, ask them to opt out of the 48-hour limit. Keep adequate records of those who have opted out together and copies of their signed opt-out agreements. Remember also that those records must also be kept for two years. The Government has consistently maintained that ECJ decisions made before the UK?s departure from the EU will continue to bind domestic courts post-Brexit, although whether we will see a formal amendment to the Working Time Regulations to properly implement the EU?s Directive, remains to be seen.

To find out more regarding t his complex area ?Talk t o Tollers?Employment Team on 01438 901095.


Helping the bereaved Losing someone at any time is hard but, in our current situation, attending funerals and coping with grief have become even harder. Life in lockdown is presenting so many challenges, but whether we are recently bereaved and trying to cope in isolation or dealing with the death of a loved one at this time, there are things we can do to help ourselves and those close to us. Coronavirus has changed funerals beyond recognition. Where we would usually invite friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances to gather together to celebrate the life of a friend or family member, government guidelines now outline some very strict rules: Only a very limited number of mourners are able to attend ? close family only Mournersmust stay six feet apart at all times, if they are not from the same household No one showing Coronavirussymptoms can attend While these restrictions can cause anxiety for the recently bereaved, here at Austin?s all funeral arrangements are continuing to be made by telephone and we can assure you of our ongoing support and compassion. A personal farewell While we can?t make things completely ?normal?right now, we?re dedicated to giving your loved ones the funerals they deserve and you the level of support we would at any other time. One of our customers recently sent us this message:?It wasdifferent, special and intimate with just the Rev'd and myself. Nevertheless, it wasa special

service and I wasable to say a very personal farewell, which I am certain would not have been possible with a large congregation. I will treasure this always.? Support when you need it Cruse Bereavement Care, our charity of the year, says:?The current restrictionsduring the coronavirus pandemic mean many people are unable to attend funerals, cremationsand wakes. Thisis a very distressing reality for thousandsof people at thistime. Each month in the UK there are around 50,000 deaths, so many people, maybe like yourself, are unable to say goodbye in the way they expected.? Cruse have trained experts ready to help you; whether you need support coping with grief during isolation or need advice in another area. How t o make t hings easier It?s so hard seeing families not being able to give each other a hug in times of sadness, and for others having to stay away completely. But amongst all the uncertainty, there are things we can do to make life a little easier. You can: Livestream the ceremony? to allow more friendsand family to pay their respects. We offer thisservice and can help people feel part of the funeral if they cannot attend in person. Record a message to be played out at the funeral ?for those close to the deceased who are unable to attend. Just asyou would have a poem or something similar read during the service, thiscan be pre-recorded by a loved one for that extra personal touch. Create your own memorial at home?

both while the funeral isgoing on and for aslong asyou would like to in the days following the death. Light a candle next to a photograph of them to bring you closer together, or why not play their favourite music? ?Keep talking?? say Cruse Bereavement Care. Thisismore important than ever during isolation. Utilise technology and connect with friendsand family, multiple timesa day if you want to. If you have elderly relatives, you could have a rota with family and friendsto make sure someone isin contact with them every day. Focus on the life of your loved one? rather than your loss. These are very different timesand when we can?t physically be together, or have the funeral serviceswe might have imagined, what we can do isput our energy into focusing on the life of our loved one and the kind of person they were. Plan a memorial event for the future? where more people can join you to celebrate your loved one?s life, share storiesand reflect. Technology has been a lifeline to so many during this pandemic to maintain connections with loved ones, but it is also a crucial link to the numerous support networks for those experiencing loss or grief. Our phone lines are open as usual if you need any help around funeral planning. You may also find this great resource from Cruse of interest: https://www.cruse.org.uk/ get-help/coronavirus-dealing -bereavement-and-grief And don?t forget we all still have the beautiful world we are in. Our memorial gardens at Harwood Park Crematorium are still open.



Read, en joy an d sh ar e




Read, en joy an d sh ar e


Brilliant businesses in High Street need you After our amazingly successful piece in our last edition on Middle Row and the independent shops in that area, we have turned our focus on other shops in Stevenage High Street. The shares and likes we have gained by putting these businesses in the spotlight has been amazing, so don't forget make sure if you need a product or a service which they offer head down to them and keep them in business in #Stevenage


Read, en joy an d sh ar e



#Stevenage magazine spotlight on support

Survivors Against Domestic abuse offering support SADA cont inues t o offer advice and support t hroughout pandemic Stevenage Borough Council is reassuring any victims of domestic abuse that Survivors Against Domestic Abuse (SADA) will continue to offer advice and support throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the government advice is to stay home, anyone who is at risk of, or is experiencing, domestic abuse is still able to leave and seek refuge, and SADA will continue to provide support to victims. SADA is available to residents in Stevenage, North Herts, and East Herts, and expanded to include Welwyn Hatfield in January. Councillor Sharon Taylor, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council and Chair of SADA, said: ?Unfortunately increasing financial pressures, school closures and more people working from home all mean that there could be an increase in domestic abuse. ?We know that this is a worrying time for all of us, but this may be heightened for those who have suffered or are suffering any form of domestic abuse and are now isolated with their abuser. ?We want to reassure residents that we will continue to support anyone who needs our help. Please contact SADA and do not suffer in silence.? Cllr Gary Grindal, North Hertfordshire District Council?s (NHDC) Executive Member for Housing said: ?NHDC will continue to work closely with

SADA during the coronavirus pandemic to make sure that those who are victims of domestic abuse still get the help they need. If you need advice or help because you are in a difficult situation, please pick up the phone and talk to SADA, or access their services online?. Please call 01438 242666 to speak to a dedicated domestic abuse worker. For more information, visit: www.stevenage.gov.uk/ about-stevenage/so-safe/187555/


h t t ps:/ / w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ m em or iesof st even age/



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Ashr idge Est at e

# St evenage June 2020


The unique guide to property news in #Stevenage



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101 High St r eet , St even age


Tel 01438 231200 m ar k sim on est at es.co.u k

TLC est at es, 4 Bak er St r eet , St even age


Tel 01438 219282 let t in gs@t lcest at es.co.u k

61-63 High St r eet ,


St even age Tel 01438 316846 w w w.pu t t er ills.co.u k

86 High St r eet ,


St even age Tel 01438 728444 h om esan dm or t gages.co.u k

A-Top Pr oper t y Let t in gs, 1 Dr aper s Way, St even age


Tel 01438 369173 con t act @a-t oplet t in g.co.u k

# PROPERTY STEVENAGE 24 M ar k et Place St even age


Tel 01438 720100 geof f r eym at t h ew.co.u k

19 M ar k et Place,


St even age Tel 01438 312312 st even age@w r igh t sof .com

Ow n Hom es, 2 M iddle Row , St even age


Tel 01438 367753 sales@ow n -h om es.com


Call 0800 0248 914

8 M ar k et Place, St even age


Tel 01438 728444 st even age@con n ells.co.u k

74 High St r eet , St even age


Tel 01438 870673 en qu ir ies@agen t h ybr id .co.u k

The independent local estate agent Text

2 M iddle Row , St even age Tel 01438 367753

w w w.ow n -h om es.com

St ephen Harris and Michael Not schild est ablished Own Homes in 2008, operat ing as a successful, independent local St evenage est at e agent .

Here at Own Homes, we understand that each property and sale is individual and therefore tailor our service to suit your specific requirements.

We have prominent offices ideally situated in the heart of Stevenage Old Town. One in Middle Row covering lettings and mortgages and one on the High Street to deal with sales. Our recent expansion and our double fronted office allows us the scope and ability to serve Stevenage and the surrounding residential areas.

Passionate in all we do, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest level of service. Selling and letting a property can be a stressful time, which is why we go the extra mile to make your involvement with us as enjoyable and professional as possible.

Working in Hertfordshire for the past 10 years has enabled Own Homes to develop a comprehensive understanding of residential property in the local areas of Stevenage, Hitchin and surrounds. We have an established an experienced team, on hand to work with you throughout the selling and buying process, ensuring personal contact is maintained from start to finish.

We use a number of marketing styles to ensure your property, whether you are selling or letting, gains maximum exposure and a smooth efficient sale. This includes advertising in local newspapers and glossy magazines, as well as Internet marketing. Our double fronted office also allows people to see

our properties in both windows. To arrange a free valuation, or to find out more about Own Homes and the services we provide, simply call 01438 367753 or email sales@own-homes.com. You can also visit our office. Awards In recognition of our outstanding service, we've been awarded two gold winner awards by the British Property Awards, one for being the top Estate Agent in Stevenage and another for the top Estate Agent in the South East. We're very proud of these awards as the Own Homes team has worked tirelessly to provide industry leading property services in and around the area.

Placing the focus our customers Text

Hom e an d M or t gages St even age, 86 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 728444

em ail st even age@h om esan dm or t gages.co.u k

Homes and Mortgages Estate Agents are ready and waiting to help the Stevenage community with all its property needs, be it buying, selling or renting, Homes and Mortgages are committed to providing great value customer service for all our clients. Situated in the heart of the historic Old Town and set over three floors, each department provides a professional, welcoming and comfortable environment for all of our customers. We have a team of 9 full time, experienced Sales and Lettings staff on hand to deal with any property enquiry. W hat 's new? The rebranded branch and heavy investment in IT has set Homes and Mortgages up to stand out in 2017 and for the future. Our experienced and dedicated staff all share the same view in providing a fantastic customer experience and are heavily focused on the importance of transparency between ourselves and our customers. The IT software is excellent at allowing vendors and Landlords 24/7 access to information regarding their property. At the click of a button, vendors can see feedback, current interest from web portals and can track the progress of a sale online. Likewise, Landlords have the option to view property maintenance schedules and access statements. mailt o:st evenage@homesand mort gages.co.uk

Click on t h e im ages an d lin k dir ect ly t o t h eir det ails on lin e

Agent Hybrid falls bet ween t radit ional and online est at e agency. Our aim is t o deliver a personal, one-t o-one est at e agency experience, whilst delivering a service of excellence.

ht t ps://my.mat t erport .com/show/ ?m=GCbcjmCyYn

Click on t he image of our Monument Court propert y (above) and t ake a walk t hrough using t he lat est Agent Hybrid Technology

w w w.agen t h ybr id.co.u k


Putterills Stevenage - talk to the professionals Text

61-63 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 316846

Founded by Tony Putterill in 1992, with our first office in Welwyn Garden City, Putterills are now celebrating 26 years of serving the Hertfordshire community. We have grown from our original branch in Welwyn Garden City to having offices in Knebworth, Hitchin, Stevenage Old Town and St Albans, as well as a partner office in London?s Mayfair. Each of our sales offices are overseen by a Director who is actively involved in the day to day running; this helps to ensure that we are providing the highest possible levels of advice and service. All of these offices are prominently located to ensure all properties receive the best possible exposure. In addition to our network of sales offices, we have an award winning Land and New Homes department. Our specialists help landowners maximise the development opportunities for usually previously

w w w.pu t t er ills.co.u k

used land known as Brownfield, as the country struggles for space for new homes. We have always believed that our task is to provide our clients with the best, up to the minute, expert advice when dealing with what is usually their greatest asset. Our clients have a wide range of emotions and circumstances and we help guide less experienced first time buyers, provide yield information and advice to investment buyers, schooling information to families, hold the hands of those who have not moved for many years and deal sensitively and professionally with those. Over the last few years, we are proud to have won a number of national awards which we believe underline our philosophy of being Trusted Property Experts. 2017 saw Tony Putterill retire and hand the reins of the company over to Mark Shearing. Mark has been in agency in Hertfordshire since 1982

and joined Putterills in 1993. As the company moves into a new era with changing markets, advances in property marketing and the use of technology, our aim is simple - to keep at the absolute forefront of full service Estate Agency and to continue the exceptional levels of service and advice that our clients have been able to rely on over the last 26 years. Our primary purpose has always been to provide an outstanding customer experience and our core values continue to represent this: EXCEPTIONAL ? we are passionate about delivering excellence. RESPECT ? we respect and value those we work with, both our colleagues and our customers. EXPERTISE ? we deliver outstanding skills and knowledge in all we do. TRUST ? we act with honesty and integrity at all times.

For a top service Text

rely on A-TOP A-Top Pr oper t y Let t in gs, 1 Dr aper s Way, St even age Tel 01438 369173

em ail con t act @a-t oplet t in g.co.u k

If you are looking for a t eam t hat you can t rust t o deliver t ime aft er t ime t hen A-Top Propert y Let t ings in Drapers Way, St evenage is t he one for you. A-Top, which is owned by founder Mervyn Terret t , has gained an impressive reput at ion as t he go-t o agent for all your propert y needs whet her you are looking t o rent or are a landlord seeking t enant s. W it h a combined market experience of more t han 60 years, t he st aff at A-Top are t he most knowledgeable in t he business and along wit h advice on t he rent al market , t hey can also provide informat ion which allows cust omers t o make t he most informed choice possible. Over t he past 33 years t he t eam lead by Mervyn has seen t he local market undergo a wide number of changes, but t hrough t hem all A-Top and it s experienced st aff have always given t he very best and most informed service. There have been plent y of changes which have alt ered t he let t ings landscape in St evenage. Through t hem all however t he reliabilit y of A-Top Propert y Let t ings has remained a const ant and t heir port folio of excellent landlords has increased dramat ically. Comment ing on t he t eam Mervyn said: ?W hat once was a rarit y in t he UK i.e. rent ing, is now so common as a source of income/ invest ment for landlords and of mobilit y for professional working t enant s. We are delight ed t o be able t o use our expert ise t o help bot h t enant s and landlords.? For furt her det ails cont act 01438 369173 or email cont act @a-t oplet t ing.co.uk

Portfolio - for serviced apartments in #Herts Text

Tel 0800 0248 914

Booking a holiday is possibly one of the greatest feelings and counting down the days when you?re having an awful day at work or are just desperate to get away from home can seem like a joy, but there can be a downside. Hotels. While some people may see staying in a hotel like a dream, it can actually be a nightmare if you?ll be staying there for a long time, especially if on a business trip or secondment. With that said, here are the top reasons to stop staying in hotels for your business travel trips. Limit ed Wardrobe Space Packing for a holiday or for a business trip puts you on one of two teams, you?re either naturally gifted and find it a breeze or it?s the worst part of the trip for you, but one thing unites these two camps ? limited hotel space. If you love to pack an outfit for every possible occasion you will know how difficult it can be to cram your clothes into tiny hotel wardrobes, or even worse live out of a case. Staying in a serviced apartment fixes this and means you have a home away from home and all the storage you could need. You feel like you?re t rapped Walking into a hotel room can at first glance feel wonderful, everything is conveniently within arm?s reach and for the first day you love it. Then the second day comes and the third day and by the fourth you feel like you almost can?t breathe. Hotels just aren?t feasible for long periods of time or for anyone who likes a sense of space, after all, who wants to feel trapped by the same four walls for the entire of their trip? Privacy? W hat privacy?

w w w.por t f olio-apar t m en t s.co.u k

Hotels may seem like a good idea for a romantic night away, but if you?re travelling with family or small children or even colleagues, then all sense of privacy goes straight out of the window when you?re all sharing a room just feet away from each other. Forget staring dreamily into each other?s eyes when you wake up, you?ll probably be staring at a toddler who immediately wants to play or be woken by another family member?s snoring and that?s not even mentioning the housekeeper who always turns up at the most inconvenient times! Serviced apartments let you have time to yourself no matter how many you have brought along for the trip, so you can sleep well and feel like you have privacy if you are all loved up. Money money money! Straight to the point hotels aren?t cheap. Even for the savviest of spenders and the keenest bargin hunters, you may think booking your hotel means it?s all done, dusted and paid for but you will undoubtedly end up incurring extra fees. Whether you give in to the lure of room-service with its extortionate service charges, or buy a film to keep energetic youngsters occupied, your bill when you check out can hit you like a smack in the face and leave you wanting a more affordable option. Meals on wheels Speaking of room-service, while this may seem like a decadent treat on the first night, by the time you come back from a long day of exploring and are tired, it is so easy to have a burger brought straight to door along with its crazily hiked-up price and extra delivery charges. This can not only wreak havoc on your bank account,

but also on your waist-line and by the time you leave, the only thing that will be thinner is your wallet. Serviced apartments absolutely win here, as having a fully equipped kitchen at your fingertips means it?s easy to rustle up something quick and delicious that will probably be healthier for you and will also save you money! If you want some tips on how to eat well when working away from home check out next weeks blog post, or check out our apartments to find out why it?s time to say goodbye to hotel hell and wake up to apartment heaven! Though staying in a hotel may seem like the obvious option at first, there?s no denying that a serviced apartment brings with it a number of benefits that a hotel just can?t offer. At Portfolio Serviced Apartments we specialise in providing luxury serviced apartments and temporary homes for corporate and business travellers. We offer a secure spacious base which can become a home from home for longer staying guests. Portfolio Apartments are located throughout all of Hertfordshire including Stevenage, Welwyn Garden City, St. Albans and Hatfield, whilst through our partners we have access to over 90,000 luxury apartments across the globe. So whether it?s a placement in St Albans or a secondment in San Francisco, Portfolio is consistently the favoured choice for travelling professionals. For more information,get in touch. Our team at Portfolio looks forward to helping you soon. Give our friendly team a call on 0800 024 8914 (Mon ? Fri 9-6pm) or visit our website to view our modern serviced apartments.

101 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 231200 w w w.m ar k sim on est at es.co.u k pr oper t y@m ar k sim on est at es.co.u k

Partners with vast knowledge of the local area Text

Mark Simon Estates is an established Estate Agency situated at: 101 High Street, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 3HR. Here at MarkSimon Estates, we have over 40 years combined experience of Estate Agency within Stevenage and its surrounds. Our Partners Mark Sollis & Simon Jacob both grew up in Stevenage and therefore have a vast knowledge of the area and its surrounds. This in itself, is proving an invaluable asset to prospective Vendors and Purchasers seeking a property which meets both their needs and expectations in a home.

?To Mark, Many t hanks for all your hard work selling my house for us in Jessop Road. You went t he ext ra mile in so many ways. You always kept me well informed and I knew I could t rust you t o carry out everyt hing you promised.? From H.

?To MarkSimon Est at es & your t eam, Thank you for being t here t o help us. ? Mr K & Miss T

Click here for MarkSimon Twitter

?To Mike and everyone at MarkSimon Est at es, A Big t hank you for all your help selling our house, Best wishes.? The W ?s

Click here for MarkSimon Facebook

The agent with more than 18 years experience Text

TLC est at es, 4 Bak er St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 219282

em ail let t in gs@t lcest at es.co.u k

TLC est at es is sit uat ed in t he delight ful set t ing of St evenage Old Town. We pride ourselves on t he personal and professional services we offer t o all landlords and t enant s alike We offer very compet it ive rat es we are one of t he very few let t ing agent s only left in t he t own . W it h over 19 years of experience in t he St evenage market we are sure t o offer you t he best of services from under one roof.

Renowned for our open and honest approach ,TLC will give you t he full informat ion on t he market . Many of our landlords and t enant s have been wit h us since we opened in 2000 and we are known for our close work wit h bot h. Pop int o our Baker St reet off ice or give us a call and find out how TLC can help wit h your let t ings needs.

The Connells team that you can trust Text

8 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 318080

w w w.con n ells.co.u k

Connells Estate Agents in Stevenage are located in the Town Centre along Market Place, and within walking distance of the Train Station. We would love to help you sell or rent your home or find a property to rent or buy in and around the Stevenage area, as well as the villiages Walkern, Knebworth, Little & Great Wymondley, Gravely & Aston. Connells Estate Agents in Stevenage are managed by Gary Young. Gary has had a successful estate agency career over the last 20 years. Gary is supported by Callum Souter who is the Sales Executive with four years experience behind him, Oz Ansari who is the branch valuer, and Melanie Retberg the Branch Administrator. Our in-house Mortgage Consultant Juliet Twining, is fully trained and qualified to advise you on the right mortgage product to suit your needs. Connells Lettings would love to help you rent your property. Lettings Manager Patricia Bowden has 10 year's experience within the Lettings industry and is assisted by Trainee Lettings Negotiator Ben Brooks. With their combined experience and extensive knowledge of the area and rental market, are always happy to offer their assistance to new and experienced buy to let investors and first time landlords

alike. Whether you are looking to sell or rent your property, we offer FREE market appraisals. Please feel free to pop into the branch or call 01438 318080 (Sales) or 01438 318258 (Lettings). We offer a range of property related services all under one roof. In house Mortgage Consultant. Premium Marketing Packages available including Floorplans, Professional Photography, audio tours, and premium listings on Rightmove & Zoopla We have pioneered a dedicated service called The Property Finder

- You tell us what you are looking for and we will find it We know how the Stevenage market moves - our staff are local and extremely knowledgeable. Their in-depth and up to date local experience. Over 10 years?worth of experience and knowledge within the local market. A professional team providing services to suit all your needs including property management, accounts and high quality administration. We accompany all viewings, we believe it is really important, we?ve been trained to do it so you get really good feedback.

Geoffrey Matthew property innovators Text

24 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 720100

w w w.geof f r eym at t h ew.co.u k

Geoffrey Mat t hew Est at es are a propert y business wit h offices in Harlow, St evenage and Great Ashby t hat specialise in t he sales and let t ing of resident ial propert y. Over 25 years of experience in propert y and finance give us an unparalleled insight t o t he needs and desires of sellers, purchasers, landlords and t enant s alike. W it h a dedicat ed, hardworking, innovat ive forward-t hinking t eam t hat use modern met hods and good old-fashioned cust omer service, we offer a unique bespoke service t ailored t o you. Tel 01438 720100 w w w.geof f r eym at t h ew.co.u k

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