Barry Magazine June 2020

Page 48


Barry Magazine

Gardening for Wellbeing We've all been rediscovering old hobbies and gardening is a firm favourite. The glorious spring weather has got us all out in our gardens!


The health and wellbeing benefits of gardening have long been known, and with the current situation, it’s even more important. There are many benefits to be had from gardening including great all-round exercise, improving strength, endurance, flexibility and burning calories, also getting vital fresh air and vitamin D. Gardening is a great stress reliever, reducing depression and anxiety symptoms and generally making you feel happier. It’s a great way of including the whole family and community in an activity. So even if you have a small yard, a balcony or just a window box, getting your hands dirty in your urban garden will create a calm, green environment to enjoy all year round.

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