Air-cooled chiller Vs Water-cooled chiller

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Air-cooled chiller Vs Water-cooled chiller

INTRODUCTION ❏ A chiller system is one of the main components of district cooling systems for commercial buildings and industrial buildings. ❏ Chiller systems are used as part of big industrial processes to help them monitor or regulate temperatures so that the excessive heat produced does not damage sensitive equipment.

Water-cooled chiller Water-cooled chillers are made of the following components: ● Make-up water tanks ● Chillers ● Cooling towers ● Condenser water pumps ● TES reservoirs

❏ The water-cooled chillers make use of the high heat capacity of water to facilitate refrigerant chilling.

❏ Water and chiller glycol are the two coolants used here. ❏ This is circulated in a sealed network of tubing. ❏ The heat exchanger helps in passing the chilled refigerant. ❏ The warmed coolant then returns to the cooling tower eliminating heat in the process.

Benefits ❏ They have a small size ❏ They have high efficiency and last longer(20-30 years) ❏ Chilled water services need minimal ventilation as their cooling towers can be placed on the exterior of the building ❏ They offer a high cooling capacity of 10-4000 tons ❏ Industrial areas with high thermal outputs can benefit from water-cooled chillers

Air-cooled chillers ❏ These chillers are equipped with condensers that reduce the refrigerant temperature by utilizing the ambient air.

The tube containing the refrigerant eliminates heat with the help of fans that force air over the tube.

❏ The cooled refrigerant is then circulated through the industrial process to achieve the cooling effect.

Benefits ●

They do not have a high maintenance cost

Locations with poor water supply will suffer if they use water-cooled chillers.

They can be used in outdoor locations

Regulations on effluent are an important factor to keep in mind while deciding which type of chiller to use.

Air-cooled chillers provide an advantage here as waste materials can be released into the environment without any concern.

Alternative Solution ❏ Hybrid chillers are the alternative option available for water and air-cooled chillers. ❏ Depending on the condition, they can operate as water-cooled chillers or air-cooled chillers. ❏ These chillers are suitable for areas with a dry climate or low water availability. ❏ Based on the above, you can decide which type of cooling solution you want to use as part of the DCS.

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