Effective ways to control data leakage All types of businesses are under the scanner today since most of them run on cloud-based apps.Data leakage protection has always been the top priority of organizations.
Do an asset inventory If you are worried about data leaks, then your first task is to identify all the assets(hardware and software) within your organizational structure. These assets then need to be categorized and rated based on their vulnerabilities and the threats that they face.
Regularly monitor all network activity A hacker usually does a deep dive into an organization's network for at least 6 months before attacking them. Therefore an organization needs to closely monitor all the activity within an organization to raise an alarm when it sees any red flags
Use multiple layers of protection
A simple anti-virus will never do the trick, you need to install multiple layers of defence to protect your network. An effective data leakage protection solution will isolate assets using a firewall and restrict peer to peer traffic.
By far, encryption has proved to be one of the most reliable methods of protecting data. In cases where data is stolen, encryption ensures that it is unusable to the attacker. Data at rest and in transit should be encrypted as these can stop highly planned attacks.
Identifying vulnerabilities
Scheduled training sessions
A vulnerability and compliance management tool allows an organization to continuously identify and monitor all the weaknesses and vulnerabilities within its network
Using unique passwords and documenting system for departing employees and vendors. New techniques of phishing attacks must also be updated to keep up-to-date.
With the cyberattack landscape changing and improving every day, organizations need to be prepared for all kinds of data breaches. All of the above methods can translate into an effective data leakage detection solution for an organization. References https://www.ctm360.com/data-leakage-protection/