Effectiveness of Digital Signage Solutions

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Effectiveness of Digital Signage Solutions

INTRODUCTION ● Digital signage has established its roots in the industry. ● Its use both indoors and outdoors is increasing day by day. ● As its usage increases, the outdoor sign manufacturers are exploring new ways of using this technology to cater to more commercial needs. ● An effective digital sign can not only boost revenue but also create brand awareness and engage potential customers.

The innovative uses of outdoor digital signage solutions ● Bigger size equals better usage ● Display screens that are responsive ● Use of AI and facial recognition

Bigger size equals better usage ● Outdoor digital signage is getting bigger and better. ● And the technology powering these screens is also advancing While the screens are getting bigger, signage manufacturers are vying with each other to create thinner screens with slimmer bezels. ● These outdoor displays are not only more compact and lighter but also provide a far better viewing experience for the consumers.

● This compatibility feature allows for the mounting of digital signage in many places where it was deemed impossible. ● But bigger and thinner screen sizes do not ultimately mean higher prices. ● These large screens come at affordable prices.

Display screens that are responsive ● Outdoor digital screens today are not solely dependant on pre-recorded data. ● Responsive display allows the screens to project information according to real-time conditions. ● Such outdoor signages are perfect for countries like U.A.E. . ● For example, during rush hour traffic, a major route is heavily blocked, the outdoor digital signage in Dubai will automatically switch from advertisements to traffic updates.

● Such screens have more value as they display current and relevant information for the consumer. ● Therefore these outdoor displays can be used for both advertising and public information. ● Another great benefit offered is affordability. ● This is due to the fact that this technology depends on media players rather than screens.

Use of AI and facial recognition ● Gone are the days when the shopkeeper used to welcome each of his/her customers by their names and a warm greeting. ● The use of artificial intelligence or AI and facial recognition has taken over this process in a much more effective manner. ● By collecting data on each customer, these apps create a database.

● When a particular consumer enters the shop, it greets the customer and shows him/her a list of suggested products for their shopping. ● You can clearly see how this becomes a much more personalized and engaging experience for the customer especially in large shopping centers like Abu Dhabi. ● But that is not all, with the use of these apps, signage companies in Abu Dhabi can also analyze and create a demographic database for themselves.

CONCLUSION ● These innovations of outdoor digital signage solutions allow businesses to control and manage digital content from any smart device. ● Such a feature is one of the main reasons why digital signage has been adopted in almost all sectors in both public and private industries. ● If your business still hasn't adopted this cost-effective, future-ready technology, then it is high time you did so.

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