INTRODUCTION ● Newborn Screening is the practice of testing all babies in their first days of life for certain disorders and conditions that can hinder their normal development.
● This testing is required in every state and is typically performed before the baby leaves the hospital. ● Early detection and treatment can prevent intellectual and physical disabilities and life-threatening illnesses.
DO YOU KNOW? ● The newborn screening usually begins with a blood test 24 to 48 hours after a baby is born. ● This test is performed by pricking the baby’s heel to collect a few drops of blood.
● There are very few risks associated with this test and it involves minimal discomfort to the baby. ● The disorders included in newborn screening vary from place to place. ● Most of the conditions included in newborn screening can cause serious health problems if treatment is not started shortly after birth. ● Prompt identification and management of these conditions may be able to prevent life-threatening complications.
● In newborn screening dubai, the baby will be tested for the following family inherited and hormonal problems. ● It includes ○ Phenylketonuria ○ Congenital Hypothyroidism ○ Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia ○ Sickle cell disease, Thalassemia ○ Galactosemia ○ Biotinidase ○ Cystic Fibrosis ○ Hearing Loss.
RESULT INDICATES... ● If the test result was positive, this does not necessarily mean that your baby has any of these health problems. ● This test only finds babies that are at increased risk for these health problems. ● More testing and examination by specialists are then usually required to find out if the disorder is present. ● The extra testing is important because early diagnosis and treatment can prevent many health-related problems.
CONCLUSION ● The treatment for each condition is different. ● Treatment may include a special diet, hormones and or medications. ● If your baby has one of these conditions, it is very important to start the treatment as soon as possible.