The Importance of Cyber Threat Intelligence What is Threat Intelligence Threat intelligence, also known as cyber threat intelligence, is information that an organization uses to understand the threats that have targeted, will target, or are currently targeting
why do you need it? Threat intelligence equips organizations with predictive capabilities that enable them to be proactive rather than reactive in the face of future cyber-attacks. It is impossible to combat cyber-attacks effectively unless you understand security vulnerabilities, threat indicators, and how threats are carried out.
OSINT (Surface) The open Source Intelligence leverages publicly available data across the surface web, which in most cases can be an overwhelmingly large amount of data
Deep & Dark Web Detect threats across the Deep and Dark web with effective filtering based on relevancy, priority, and severity.
Targeted Campaigns
Actionable Advisories
To Identify, analyze, monitor and neutralize any targeted attack campaigns against your organization to prevent any threats or potential losses
Get the latest advisories on upcoming policies, new threat actors, campaigns, threat types, and more based on regional or industry-specific trends
Cyber threat intelligence benefits everyone in security.It improves the organization's cyber defense capabilities, according to security analysts. It aids in the identification of threat actors and in making more accurate predictions in order to prevent the misuse or theft of information assets.