• What is genetic testing? The Team

• Who should look for genetic testing?
• Evaluation of cancer risk using genetic testing
• Conclusion

Genetic testing uses specific methods to identify and locate certain mutations in a person’s genes. With the advancement of the medical sciences, more sophisticated genetic testing methods and technologies are coming up.
A test for genes can be used in many ways. One application for gene testing is the detection of cancer. As an example, Cardiology genetics testing in Dubai may be very useful in identifying cancerous cells inside a patient's heart.
Genes are acquired from the parents. That is why a person should seek genetic testing if the family has a history of genetic disorders, cancers of certain types, or cancerous patterns. Monitoring your family’s health history is thus important and necessary. If you notice any of these patterns you should opt for genetic testing.

• First-degree relatives with cancer. For example, mother, father, siblings, and offspring.

• More than one relative from one side of the family with a certain type of cancer pattern.
• Family members with cancers are known to be linked to a single type of genetic mutation. For example, breast cancer and pancreas cancer are known to occur due to the mutation of the BRCA gene. In such a case, you may look for breast cancer BRCA testing in Dubai to be sure.
• Rare cancer in your family.
• A known history or positive genetic mutation results of one of your family members.

Genetic testing is useful in many fields of medical studies. Autism genetic testing in Dubai can be used to identify if a person is autistic and needs special care. Similarly, predictive genetic testing is another type of test that identifies higher risks of cancer in individuals.

A person who is already diagnosed with cancer:
Oftentimes, different types of cancer are linked to one single type of mutation. A BRCA mutation can be responsible for both breast cancer as well as pancreas cancer. That is why to be careful and to eliminate the risks of developing another cancer, doctors might suggest genetic testing for a patient, already diagnosed with cancer.
• A family member of the person who has positive genetic test results for a certain mutation linked to cancers:
If someone from the patient’s family has tested for genetic mutations and the results are positive doctors can suggest the same for the patient. Prevention or lowering the risks as much as possible is the most effective way to battle cancer.
• Person with a family history of a particular class of cancer:
If a person’s family has a strong history of similar cancer, a doctor may suggest genetic testing. If the test results come out to be positive the person can take necessary steps to lower their risks. A test for cancer marker screening Dubai can also be done for future generations of the family to avoid health hazards.

To wrap up, cancer is a deadly disease. It can ruin a family, family finances, and a person’s mental health. A cure has not been developed yet. That is why the best way to fight this deadly disease is to prevent it from happening or maintain a healthy lifestyle to lower the risk. However, some cancers are linked to genes that come from your parents. In that case, being fully aware of your risks are the best way to be prepared. Genetic testing is one such way that helps doctors evaluate these risks.