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Supports research

● The institution passionately promotes staff and student participation in scholarly endeavours and researchprojects.

● AURAK seeks to expand knowledge and address societal issues by encouraging a culture of inquiry anddiscovery.


● AURAK fosters intellectual development and encourages creativity among the academic community through research initiatives, conferences,andpublications.



1.Bachelor of Architecture: The three main areas of study are urban planning, building science, and architectural design. Graduates can contribute to the worldwide construction and development industries by working as architects, urban planners,orarchitecturalconsultants.

2. Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences: Graduates of this programme have healthcare administration, public health, and health promotion expertise. Graduates can address difficulties in global health by working in healthcare organisations, research institutions, governmental agencies, and non-profit organisations.

3. The Master of Business Administration (MBA): This degree offers leadershiptrainingandadvancedbusinessexpertise. Graduatescanseekexecutive positions in global organisations, consulting firms, financial institutions, and businessenterprisesworldwide.

4. Bachelor of Mass Communication: This degree offers training in a variety of mass communication-related fields, such as journalism, public relations, advertising, and digital media. Given the rapid growth of digital media platforms and the growing importance of effective communication in a globalised world graduates of the AURAK mass communication course are well-prepared to navigate the evolving media landscape and make significant contributions in variousmediasectorsaroundtheworld.


Soif you areplanning topursueyourhighereducation in theUAE, makesurethatyouenlist at AURAK University,top universities in the United Arab Emirates. For more informationaboutthecourseofyourchoicevisittheofficialwebsite.

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