Why choose wood as the best building material?
Introductio In the 20th century, n steel, concrete, and bricks
were the widely used materials in the construction industry. The strength and durability of these materials made them strong choices for building. But recently wood has gained back its popularity among builders. Although wood was used predominantly in architectural constructions thousands of years ago, it was discarded due to environmental concerns. Wood suppliers in the UAE supply the best quality materials to builders.
Let us browse through some of the reasons why wood outweighs the other construction materials available in the market:
Affordable Rates Wood is the cheapest building material available in the market. If wood is readily available then you can also expect construction to move at a faster rate
Safety In the event of a fire, timber forms a charcoal layer that protects the inner layer as it resists the heat from penetrating inside. Timber wood suppliers in Al Ain provide quality timber that has a natural form of self-defense against dangerous perils like fires.
Decreases the Carbon Footprint If wood is accessed from sustainable forests, then its advantages are enjoyed not just by the occupants but also by our planet. Compared to other building materials, wood is responsible for lower VOC (volatile organic compounds) and CO2 emissions.
Biodegradable When building materials like concrete, plastic or metal are disposed of, they present an impossible task of decomposition. On the other hand, wood is easy to decompose and aids in nourishing the soil through the process.
Customized Housing Option Selecting wood as the construction material offers a chance of customization. For builders this is a riskfree option as the houses will surely get sold and the occupants can live in a space that suits their unique requirements.
Conclusio n From the above it's
quite clear how using wood as a building material can help in creating long lasting, aesthetically pleasing and environment friendly structure. If you want a dream home, get in touch with the best wood suppliers in Abu Dhabi for your construction needs.